1 on-site training for ohio’s new state tests: test administration

1 On-site Training for Ohio’s New State Tests: Test Administration

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On-site Training for Ohio’s New State Tests:

Test Administration

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High-level Agenda Topics


• Test Administration, Test Schedule, Testing Times• District and School Responsibilities• PearsonAccessnext

• Management of Materials• Administrative Tasks to Complete Before, During, and After Testing• Student Readiness• Accessibility Features and Accommodations• Resources

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PBA Test Administration Flowchart


Part 1 Part 2

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PBA Test Administration Flowchart


Note: This diagram illustrates grades 6–8.

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EOY Test Administration Flowchart


Note: This diagram illustrates grade 7 and high school.

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Test Schedule for Ohio


2015: Spring Testing Windows for English Language Arts and Math

Component Administration Dates

Part 1: Performance-Based Assessment (PBA)

Computer-based February 16th through March 20th

Paper-based February 16th through March 6th

Part 2: End-of-Year (EOY)

Computer-based April 13th through May 15th

Paper-based April 13th through May 1st

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Guidelines for Administration Time


Guidelines for Administration Time

TaskTime to be

Allotted for an Administration

Preparing for testing (includes reading instructions to students and answering questions) 10 minutes

Distributing test material 5 minutes

Unit testing time 60–90 minutes*

Completing end-of-unit activities, including closing units, collecting test materials, and administering a student survey (after EOY)

5–15 minutes

*Depending on unit and subject—refer to Unit Guidelines and Schedule table in the Test Coordinator Manual for each Unit Time. Decisions for dismissing students are made at the local level.

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Testing Times


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Guidelines for Administration Time


Guidelines for Administration Time (continued)

• Provide all students with the entire amount of Unit Testing Time.

• Once the Unit Testing Time has elapsed, the unit must end.• A student may be allowed an extended time

accommodation only if listed in his or her IEP, 504 Plan, or EL Plan.

• Refer to the TCM for state-specific procedures for students to follow after a student’s test has been submitted.


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Make-Up Testing


• Students who are absent, become ill, or who can no longer test because of classroom, school, or technical interruptions during original units, may utilize make-up testing.

• Test security and administration protocols apply.• School Test Coordinators will establish the make-up testing

schedules for their schools.• Units must be taken in order for make-up testing.• Students who were absent may return on the day Unit 2 is given, and

that student must take Unit 2.  Unit 1 will be given during make-up testing.  Only the student who misses all Units will take the Units in order if they return within the window.

• Must occur during the testing window.

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Guidelines for Breaks



• Between units, scheduled breaks should occur.

• During a unit, short “stand-and-stretch” breaks may be permitted at the discretion of the Test Administrator.

• Students with accommodations can receive breaks according to their IEP.

Example EOY (ELA/L Administration):8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Unit 1

10:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Scheduled Break

10:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Unit 2

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High-level Agenda Topics


• Test Administration, Test Schedule, Testing Times• District and School Responsibilities• PearsonAccessnext

• Management of Materials• Administrative Tasks to Complete Before, During, and After Testing• Student Readiness• Accessibility Features and Accommodations• Resources

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Steps Your State, District and School Test Coordinators Will Do to Prepare for PARCC Computer-based Tests*:1. The district will work with School Test Coordinators

to import the Student Registration File for both the PBA and EOY Administrations.

2. Import student’s Personal Needs Profile (PNP) information.

3. Create additional users accounts for district/school staff.


PearsonAccessnext: District and School Responsibilities

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PearsonAccessnext: District and School Responsibilities

* Check your state policy in the PARCC Test Coordinator Manual or Test Administrator Manual for the person responsible for completing the importing processes, including the Student Registration Import process.

Organization Participation


Organization File

Import 9/1–10/17

Student Registration

PNP FileImport Prior to

Proctor Caching

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Steps to Prepare for PARCC Computer-based Tests:

1. Create, manage, and edit test sessions.2. Train Test Administrators on how to manage and monitor

Test Sessions in PearsonAccessnext.3. Pre-cache test content (this refers to the Proctor Cache).

https://parcc.tms.pearson.com4. Avocet manuals

PearsonAccessnext: District and School Responsibilities


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High-level Agenda Topics


• Test Administration, Test Schedule, Testing Times• District and School Responsibilities• PearsonAccessnext

• Management of Materials• Administrative Tasks to Complete Before, During, and After Testing• Student Readiness• Accessibility Features and Accommodations• Resources

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PearsonAccessnext – Login

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PearsonAccessnext – Home

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PearsonAccessnext – Home

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PearsonAccessnext – Home

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Organization Participation File Import

State personnel will import Organization Participation File information into PearsonAccessnext:

• Use the Organization Participation Field Definitions document to create your file.

• Import the file through Importing/Exporting Data in PearsonAccessnext.

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Organization Participation


Verify that your school is participating in PBA and EOY administrations in PearsonAccessnext:

1. Click the “Setup” Button and select “Organizations”.2. Under “Find Organizations” type in the name of your

organization and click the “Search” button.3. From the Results check the name of your organization.4. From the “Select Tasks” dropdown menu check "Manage

Participation" and click the “Start” button.5. Verify that the “Participating” box is checked. 6. Verify this is checked in both PBA and EOY administrations.

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• User Roles - PearsonAccessnext users must be assigned roles.

• Permissions - Each User Role contains a set of permissions that determine which tasks that specific User Role can perform in PearsonAccessnext. Permissions are bundled into User Roles.

• Conferrability defines the list of roles that one user can grant (confer) to another user account during user account management.

User Accounts


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Base Roles have been created with abilities that generally align to the organization level and title of the user. A user account needs at least one base role to be functional.• State Role – Assigned to state-level user accounts.

• District Test Coordinator Role – Assigned to District Test Coordinator user accounts.

• Non-School Institution Test Coordinator Role – Assigned to Non-School Institution Test Coordinator user accounts (Same abilities as District Test Coordinator).

• NOTE: Despite the “non-school” description in this role, it is the proper role for community schools based upon the software’s functionality. The language, however, does NOT reflet Ohio’s perspective on community school status.

• School Institution Test Coordinator Role – Assigned to School Test Coordinator user accounts.

• Test Administrator Role – Assigned to users who will administer computer-based tests.

• Technology Coordinator Role – Assigned to users who will support technology for computer-based tests.

User Accounts – Base Roles


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Add-on Roles have been created to enable states to continue with their current policies and abide by state-specific laws. Each state has the option to create user accounts with Add-on Role assignments.• Organization Role –Assigned to users who will create and modify organizations within

PearsonAccessnext. • Enrollment Role – Assigned to users who will set an organization as participating in a test

administration and enter enrollment counts.• Request Additional Order Role – Assigned to users who will place an additional order.• Approve Additional Order Role – Assigned to users who will approve an additional order.• Delete Student Role – Assigned to users who will be able to delete students from

PearsonAccessnext.• Sensitive Data Role – Assigned to users who will be able to view and edit Student Sensitive

Data. • Do Not Report Role – Assigned to users who will be able to mark students tests as Do Not

Report.• PNP Role – Assigned to users who will submit a personal needs profile through


User Accounts – Add-on Roles


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• User’s role will determine the functionality the user can access.• User Role Matrix can be found on the Support page of


User Role Matrix


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Authorized district and school personnel will be able to create individual staff user accounts within PearsonAccessnext manually or by importing a file.


User Interface for Creating User Accounts

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Create / Edit Users:Allows authorized personnel to view and update existing accounts, as well as create new accounts manually.

Editing User Accounts


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A user’s role and organization will determine the functionality they can access.

Manually Creating a New User Account


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Importing a User File:User accounts may also be created or maintained by importing a User File; this is especially helpful when working with accounts in bulk quantities.

Creating New User Accounts Through a File Import


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Creating New User Accounts – Templates


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Import a User File for processing at Setup > Import/Export Data > select Import/Export Data from the Task box > click Start.

Importing a User File


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• PARCC Customer Support agents can:– Reset passwords.– Unlock accounts for LEA/District Test Coordinator


• Agents cannot:– Create accounts.– Lock/unlock accounts other than LEA/District Test

Coordinator accounts.– Update email addresses. – Delete/undelete accounts.

Customer Support for User Accounts


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Check for Understanding


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Ten-Minute Break

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High-level Agenda Topics


• Test Administration, Test Schedule, Testing Times• District and School Responsibilities• PearsonAccessnext

• Management of Materials• Administrative Tasks to Complete Before, During, and After Testing• Student Readiness• Accessibility Features and Accommodations• Resources

Tigrett, Jennifer
agenda item "Management of Materials"
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Management of Paper-Based Test Materials


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Management of Paper-Based Test Materials

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Management of Paper-Based Test Materials

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High-level Agenda Topics


• Test Administration, Test Schedule, Testing Times• District and School Responsibilities• PearsonAccessnext

• Management of Materials• Administrative Tasks to Complete Before, During, and After Testing• Student Readiness• Accessibility Features and Accommodations• Resources

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Before, During, and After Testing


Before During After

• 3 months• 2 months• 1 month• 2 weeks• 1 week• Day of

• Expected tasks• Contaminated

and damaged materials

• Security breaches

• Safety threats and severe weather

• Day of• 1 week after• Within final


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Before, During, and After Testing: Administration Checklist


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Before, During, and After Testing: Administration Checklist


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Check for Understanding


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High-level Agenda Topics


• Test Administration, Test Schedule, Testing Times• District and School Responsibilities• PearsonAccessnext

• Management Materials• Administrative Tasks to Complete Before, During, and After Testing• Student Readiness• Accessibility Features and Accommodations• Resources

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• TestNav 8 Tutorial• Student Tutorials• Sample Items• Practice Tests

Paper Online Duration Scored

TestNav 8 Tutorial No Yes 30 Minutes No

Student Tutorials Yes Yes 30 Minutes No

Sample Items No Yes N/A No

Practice Tests Yes Yes 60 Minutes In November

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Tutorial Options


Tutorials Available to Review:

• TestNav 8 Tutorial• Equation Editor• Text to Speech – available for both ELA/L* and Math• Graphing Calculator• Printable Paper-Based Student Tutorials • Online Student Tutorials

* ELA/L text-to-speech test edition is only available for students with disabilities meeting the requirements for this accommodation.

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TestNav 8 Tutorial


This tutorial will familiarize students with navigating TestNav 8, the computer-based environment for PARCC assessments. It is recommended to view the TestNav 8 Tutorial before the Sample Items, Student Tutorials, and Practice Tests.

The tutorial overview describes features available while taking a test, including the following topics:

• Moving Through the Test and Understanding the Toolbar • Use of the Tools• Item Types

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Student Tutorials


These tutorials will provide a sample of test items contained in the PARCC assessment and are intended to familiarize students with each item type in the paper assessment and/or within the online testing environment. They will be available in certain grade bands and no scoring rubrics will be available.

Item types include:• drag-and-drop• multiple select• text highlighting• open response• equation editor

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Student Tutorials




















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Sample Items


These provide an additional sample of test items contained in the PARCC assessments. These will be provided in computer-based format; grade bands 3–5, 6–8, and High School; and in both ELA/L and Math. Scoring rubrics are provided with each sample set to review the scoring expectations.

Purpose of Sample Items:• Provide students, teachers, and parents the opportunity to

interact with some of the functionality of the tools in TestNav 8.• Allow students to work with the different types of item

responses that will be on the PARCC assessments.

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Practice Tests


Purpose of the Practice Tests:

• Provide a critical step for students, educators, and schools to transition to new assessment content.

• Developed so students can have a hands-on experience. • Available in paper-based and computer-based format.• Provide teachers and administrators a tool to generate student

performance data to inform instructional improvements and professional development.

• Create an understanding of the full length assessment.


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Practice Tests


Timeline for Practice Tests:

1. PearsonAccessnext available now.2. Web-based and paper-based schedule:



3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 Available Now January January Available Now

HS Available Now January January Available Now


3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 Available Now January January Available Now

HS Available Now January January Available Now

Paper3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 November/December January January November/December

HS November/December January January November/December


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Practice Tests


Scoring availability for computer-based practice tests:

• Electronic scoring capability for ELA/L PBA and Math EOY will be available in November. Electronic scoring capabilities will be available for all other forms on their posted date.

• The PARCC ELA/L summative assessments include one prose constructed response item for each of the tasks that appears on the PBA component. Teachers can score the three prose constructed responses by referring to scoring rubrics: Learn more about rubrics.


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An Hour for Lunchtime!

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High-level Agenda Topics


• Test Administration, Test Schedule, Testing Times• District and School Responsibilities• PearsonAccessnext

• Management of Materials• Administrative Tasks to Complete Before, During, and After Testing• Student Readiness• Accessibility Features and Accommodations• Resources

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School based teams (including IEP, 504, or EL teams as appropriate) may determine if any student requires any of the following test administration considerations:

– Small group testing – Frequent breaks – Time of day – Separate or alternate location – Specified area or seating – Adaptive and specialized equipment or furniture

Administrative Considerations


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Types of Accessibility Features and Accommodations for Students

• Accessibility Features for All Students• Accessibility Features Identified in Advance• Accommodations:

– Students with Disabilities (SWD)– English Learners (EL)– English Learners with Disabilities

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Types of Accessibility Features and Accommodations




Please contact Andrew Hinkle at [email protected] or by phone at 614-644-7304 with questions about Ohio’s specific guidelines.

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Accessibility Features for All Students

Computer-Based Testing Paper-Based TestingAudio Amplification Auditory Aids

Blank Paper Blank PaperEliminate Answer Choices Visual Aids/Organizers

External spell-check External spell-check DeviceFlag Items for Review Visual Aids/Organizers

General Administration Directions Clarified General Administration Directions ClarifiedGeneral Administration Directions Read Aloud

and Repeated as NeededGeneral Administration Directions Read Aloud

and RepeatedHeadphones or Noise Buffers Headphones or Noise Buffers

Highlight Tool HighlighterLine Reader Tool Line Reader (Straight Edge)

Magnification/Enlargement Device Magnifying Glass or Enlargement Device

NotePad Scratch PaperPop-Up Glossary Glossary in Footnotes

Redirect Student to Test Redirect Student to Test

Writing Tools Bold, Italicize, Underline, Bullet with Writing Implement


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Accessibility Features Identified in Advance (for all Grades/Courses)

Answer Masking

Color Contrast

Text-to-Speech for the Mathematics Assessments (CBT only)*

Human Reader or Human Signerfor the Mathematics Assessments*


* Information on the selection of this accommodation and the notation is available in the Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual.

Note: These accessibility features must be identified in advance and enabled in PearsonAccess next for the computer-based administration, and prepared in advance for paper-based testing.

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Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (SWD)

• Presentation Accommodations• Response Accommodations• Timing and Scheduling Accommodations

Note: Page 40 of the Ohio Assessment Rules book begins the section on Assessment of Students with Disabilities.

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Transcription Guidelines


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Personal Needs Profile (PNP)


What is a Personal Needs Profile?

The Personal Needs Profile (PNP) is used to gather information regarding a student’s testing condition, materials, or accessibility features and accommodations that are needed to take a PARCC assessment.

Base roles:1. State,2. LEA/District Test Coordinator,3. Non-School Institution,4. Test Coordinator, or5. School Institution Test Coordinator.

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Personal Needs Profile (PNP)


What student information is collected and where?

1. Embedded Accessibility features, identified in advance, that need to be enabled (via PNP File Layout/User Interface).

2. Embedded Accommodations that need to be enabled (via PNP File Layout/User Interface).

3. Externally-provided accessibility features, identified in advance, and accommodations (via PNP File Layout/User Interface).

4. Hard copy accommodated editions that required advance shipping (via Student Registration File).

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• Frequent Breaks• Separate/Alternate Location• Small Testing Group• Specialized Equipment of Furniture• Specified Area or Setting• Time of Day• Answer Masking• Color Contrast• Text-to-Speech for Mathematics • Human Reader or Human Signer for Mathematics• ASL Video• Assistive Technology (AT) Screen Reader Application• Closed Captioning for ELA/L • Human Reader or Human Signer for ELA/L • Refreshable Braille Display for ELA/L• Tactile Graphics • Text-to-Speech for ELA/L • Answers Recorded in Test Book

Personal Needs Profile (PNP)


• Braille Response• Calculation Device and Mathematics Tools• ELA/L Constructed Response• ELA/L Selected Response or Technology Enhanced

Items• Mathematics Response• Monitor Test Response• Word Prediction• General Administration Directions Clarified in the

student’s Native Language (by test administrator)• General Administration Directions Read Aloud and

Repeated as Needed in the student’s Native Language (by test administrator)

• Mathematics Response – EL• Translation of the Mathematics Assessment in Text-to-

Speech• Translation of the Mathematics Assessment Online• Word to Word Dictionary (English/Native Language)• Extended Time

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Personal Needs Profile (PNP) – Training


Personal Needs Profile Training Module https://parcc.tms.pearson.com

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Which fields in the Student Registration indicate Accessibility Features and Accommodations?


Student Registration

Column Field Name PARCC Definitions and Notes Expected Values

AQ Assessment Accommodation:English learner (EL)

English learner accommodations needed for a given assessment.

Y = YesBlank

AR Assessment Accommodation: 504 504 accommodations needed for a given assessment.

Y = YesBlank

AS Assessment Accommodation:Individualized Educational Plan(IEP)

Individualized Educational Planaccommodations needed for a given assessment.

Y = YesBlank

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Student RegistrationColumn Field Name PARCC Definitions and Notes Expected Values

AT Alternate Representation – Paper Test

Student requires paper and pencil test format as an approved accommodation.

Y = YesBlank

AU Translation of the Mathematics Assessment in Paper (Spanish)

Used to assign the form administered for paper testing based on another language other than English.

SPA = SpanishBlank

AV Human Reader or Human Signer

The paper test is read aloud or signed to the student by the test administrator (Human Reader).


AW Large Print PARCC to provide Large Print Booklet for student to read. Answer Document will be the standard edition so that a Proctor can transcribe the student’s responses.

Y = YesBlank

AX Braille with Tactile Graphics A hard copy Braille test booklet is provided with embedded tactile graphics.

Y = YesBlank

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* Check your state policy in the PARCC Test Coordinator or Test Administrator Manual for the person responsible to complete the Student Registration Import process.

Student Registration


• To receive an initial order of materials you must meet the deadline to submit Student Registration* for the Spring Administrations:

• If you missed the deadline dates for the initial order and need materials, follow these steps:

1. Student Registration must be imported for the student’s test administration (PBA and EOY) for reporting purposes.

2. Test Coordinators must order additional test materials for each participating school via PearsonAccessnext. Additional Orders.

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• For the PARCC Assessment, unique accommodation requests must be submitted to the state at least six weeks prior to testing.

• For the PARCC Assessment, unique accommodation requests will be approved by your State.

• Refer to Appendix F of the PARCC Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual, online: Unique Accommodation Request Form

Unique Accommodations


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• A case where a student needs a new accommodation immediately due to unforeseen circumstances. – Cases could include students who have a recently-fractured limb (e.g., arm,

wrist, or shoulder); whose only pair of eyeglasses have broken; or a student returning from a serious or prolonged illness or injury.

• Emergency accommodation form must be completed.• See your state policy on approval of emergency

accommodations. • Refer to Appendix G of the PARCC Accessibility Features and

Accommodations Manual, online: Use of an Emergency Accommodation on a PARCC Assessment.

Emergency Accommodation


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• If a student refuses an accommodation, the school should document in writing that the student refused the accommodation.

• Refer to Appendix H of the PARCC Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual, online: Student Accommodation Refusal Form.

• The accommodation must be offered and remain available to the student during testing.

• School Test Coordinators should work with Test Administrators to determine if anyone else should be informed when a student refuses an accommodation documented in an IEP, 504 Plan, or EL Plan (if required by the PARCC member state).

Student Accommodation Refusal Form


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High-level Agenda Topics


• Test Administration, Test Schedule, Testing Times• District and School Responsibilities• PearsonAccessnext

• Management of Materials• Administrative Tasks to Complete Before, During, and After Testing• Student Readiness• Accessibility Features and Accommodations• Resources

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Resources – Support Page


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Resources – Training Center


The Training Center is found at: http://parcc.pearson.com/pearsonaccess/

• Select the green PearsonAccessnext dropdown menu and select Training.

• Enter your user ID and password, and then click Sign In to go to the Training Center.

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Resources – Test Preparation


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Resources – TAM and TCM


Test Coordinator Manual (TCM) Paper-based and Computer-based Testing http://parcc.pearson.com(Under “Manuals and Documents”)• Appendix C: State Policy


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Resources – Accessibility Features and Accommodations


Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual http://www.parcconline.org/parcc-accessibility-features-and-accommodations-manual

Accessibility Features and Accommodations Training Module:https://parcc.tms.pearson.com

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• PARCC Accessibility Policy Manual and Implementation Guidance– PARCC Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual– Overview website page, including implementation appendices A-K– Translation Policy Memo– All located at www.parccconline.org

• Training Modules– Located at https://parcc.tms.pearson.com

• Test Coordinator and Test Administrator Manuals for Paper-based and Computer-based Testing– Found at https://PARCC.pearson.com on the Support page

• PARCC Test Tutorials and Sample Items – Located under Sample Sets and Tutorials of http://PARCC.pearson.com



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Contact PARCC Support for assistance with:

PARCC Support


Accessing resources

Setting up proctor caching

Submitting additional orders

Inquiring about shipments

Navigating PearsonAccessnext

Navigating the Training Center

Managing Student Registration Data

Setting up test units

Managing user IDs and passwords

Online Support and Resources: http://PARCC.Pearson.com/Support

Call Toll Free: 1-888-493-9888 (5:00 am – 7:00 pm CT, Mon. –Fri.)

Email: [email protected]

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State or District Support


Testing schedule

Testing accommodations

Unusual circumstances on test days

Violations of test security

School emergencies that affect testing

Questions about general testing policies

Questions about state communications

Contact your State or District Test Coordinator for assistance with:

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Check for Understanding


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Thank you!