1 ocala e i-ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/07/59/08/00881/0581.pdf · second floor holder block...

d Z ta jr- r i 1 I 1 jicf 0 1f 4 I 0 OCALA E I- k 1 > Jf C- II I t I 1 ctai iI i 7 II- rj << r Volume 14 No23 OCALA FLORIDA it JUNE26 i08 + f > Y t i J 0 v r 1 4j I L ARE Y- OUHUNGRY t We will Satisfy your wants If Service excellent The lest II ever- ytkl9iatings 4 cafe- R Iir r y D FULLER DENTAL SURGEON Office over Munroe Chambliss ST Bank N OCALA FLORIDA i f TERMS CA- SHJECHACE i DENTAL SURGEON 2 Rooms 9 10 and II Second Floor Holder Block OCALA FLORIDA J TERJfS CASH L F BLALOCK t + b L Dental Surgeon Office OverCllI1merCllllllUk Phone 211 Office Hours8 to 12 a m 1 to 5 p m TERMS CASH J FM G B f 1 Jr WEIHET- IE JEWELER AND OPTICIAN W Hay One of the Largest Mot New and Complete Stocks of JEW ERY OF ALL KINDS WATCHES RINGS PINS EMBLEM PINS CHAINS FOeS HAIR ORNAMENTS ETC ETC That has Ever Been Shown in this City- n Cut Glass Fine China Sterling and Plated Silverwre Souvenir Postal Cards Clocks Etc we do Not Ack- nowledge ¬ a Better Clock in this Sec tien AILKINDSO- FREPA1NG DUNE SOUTH SIDF OF SQUARE 1cIB- st1 tI- I 1 Qatity Prompt Service- Lowest PriceB- uy from the BLU E WAGONS OCALA ICE AND PACKING CO MEFFERT TAYLOR Fbfue 34 C J PHILLIPS Contractor and Builder- Plan and Specification Furnished Upon Request J 29 South TWfd Sleet Ocala Elau Phone 301 IT OOD Afl4gLoaclfori C SII B H SEYMOUR V I Phone ICS S I 1 L fr e STEAMER STRUCK ON THE COAST OF SPAIN- Another Terrible Marine Tragedy Loss of the Larache and Fourscore t > t r i of Her Passengers and Crew- s Corunna Spain June 26Another terrible catastrophe was added to the tales ot shipwreck last night when the steamer Larache bound for European ports from the Argentine Republic went on the rocks near Murosa and sank within a few minutes The weather along the coast has been very thick for some days and- it is presumed that for this reason the vessel was laying out of her course though at the present time it is al ¬ most Impossible to arrive at any ac ¬ curate conclusion as to the cause of the accident as all of her officers are reported drowned the captain being known to have gone down with his ship No sooner had the vessel struck I than a terrible panic ensued which added to the roughness of the sea made the launching of lifeboats a very difficult task the majority of them being either smashed or capsized- As soon as the fishermen along the I coast got word of the disaster rescu- ing ¬ parties were formed and in spite of the bad weather they succeeded in picking up sixtyone passengers out n a total number of one hundred and I fifty persons who comprised the pas- sengers ¬ and crew of the Illfated ves- sel ¬ leaving eightyfive who have been probably drowned It was at first re ¬ ported that one hundred and fiftyone persons were missing but it is prob- able ¬ that the lower figures are cor I roct I It Is reported In shipping circles that the Larache was little more than- an old tub and that she proved a veri table death trap when she struck the I j rocks going to pieces in about eight minutes after striking I I STEAMER CHIPPEWA STRUCK On the Long Island Coast and May I Prove a Total Loss r I I New York June 25 Having lost her bearings in a thick fog the Clyde Line steamer Chippewa en route from Jacksonville Fla1 and Charleston S Cs to Boston ran on a submerged reck on the Long Island cpast just west of Montauk Point yesterday She is a freighter and carried no passen ¬ gers The sea rushed Into the hole in the steamers hull extinguishing tho fires and rendering her helpless- She I has a cargo tof naval stores and lumber Without the steim the alarm whis- tle ¬ could not he sounded and It was I not until the fog lifted that the ve- sts ¬ I officers could signal their pre- dicament ¬ A wrecking tug was sent I to her but the steamer Is still aground I today leaking badly and with the chances of saving her small Captain and crew are still on board but in no danger I NO HUMBUG- No humbug claims have to be made for Foleys Honey and Tar the well I known remedy for coughs colds and I lung troubles The fact that more bot ties of Foleys Honey and Tar are used I than of any other cough remedy is the best testimonial of Its great merit Why then risk taking some unknown preparation when Foleys Honey and Tar coats you no more and Is safe and sure Sold by all druggists GRASS WIDOWERS ARE GAY I Festival Held by a Score of Old Boys- at Fort Worth Ark Fort Smth Ark June 26Twenty of the merriest of merry grass I widows were hostesses at a ball giv- en ¬ last evening at Stigler the county seat of Haskell county Okla Twenty four hours previously they had been freed from their martial ties by the decree of Judge Bosser of the district court The erstwhile spouses of several of them attended the ball and were live- ly ¬ participants in the festivities Three matronly widows acted as chaperons- Two of them had grown sons who were escorts to the young widows from the east who had spent the re- quired ¬ residence In the new state The widows attorneys and several strang- ers ¬ and a select ew of the society folk of the town were also present Judge Bosser was toasted several times during the evening and was made the subject of a rousing song by a chorus of widows with a refrain- to the effect that Hes a jolly good fellow THE BIG HEAD- Is of two kinds conceit and the big had that comes from i sick headache Does your head ever reel like a gourd and your brain feel loose and sore You can cure It in no time by acting on your liver with Ballards Herblne Isnt It worth trying for the absolute- and certain relief youll get Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore PAID A FOOL BET Philadelphia Pa June 26 Deter- mined ¬ to brave todays heat in order- to pay a bet he had lost nearly cost Michael Jordan of Port Royal avenue his life Last January Jordan who is an old man and weighs 270 pounds backed his opinion that Roosevelt would be nominated for a second elec- tive ¬ term If the convention failed to so honor Teddy Jordan agreed to wear on the Sunday following the nomina- tion ¬ the same clothing he had on when the wager was made Yester ¬ day he attired himself In flannels win ¬ ter clothing and overcoat He sat out In his yard and was prostrated by the heat A physician had hard work to save him r HEGOC WHAT HE NEEDED Nine years ago It looked as If my time had come says Mr C Farthin- go Mill Creek Ind Ter fll was so run town that life hung on a very slender thread It was then my druggist rec- ommended ¬ Electric Bitters I bought- a bottle and I got what I needed trength I had one foot In the grave but Electric Bitters put it back on the turf again and Ive been well ever since Sold under guarantee at all drugstores Fifty cents 7 01 JOHNSON NO CANDIDATE- FOR THE NOMINATION- But Says His Name Will Be Present- ed ¬ to the Convention Ottawa Kan June 25Gov John ¬ son of Minnesota in an interview here yesterday declared himself not a can- didate ¬ foj the presidential nomination but said his name would be presented- to the national convention for the presidential nomination DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED Ey local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear I There is only one way to cure deaf ¬ ness and that Is by constitutional I remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lin- ing ¬ of the Eustachian tube When this tube is inflamed you have a rum- bling ¬ sound or imperfect hearing and when it Is entirely closed deafness is I thp result nml nnjeas the inflammation can be taken out and this tube re ¬ stored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever Nine cases i cut of ten are caused by catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed con- dition ¬ of the mucous surfaces- We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls j Catarrh Cure Send for circulars free F J Cheney Co v I R Toledo Ohio 6p l by all druggists 75c Take Halls Family Pills for constipation SHERMAN OUT OF DANGER Cleveland 0 June 26Congress- man ¬ Sherman is considered to be out I of danger He slept well last night ana will probably be able to leave the hospital in a week for his home An operation is not considered necessary Mrs Sherman has recovered from the I fatigue of her journey here 1 HEALTH IS YOUTH Disease and Sickness Bring Old Age I Herbine taken every morning be ¬ fore breakfast will keep you in ro- bust ¬ health fit you to ward off dis j case It cures constipation bilious- ness dyspepsia fever skin liver and 1 kidney complaints It purifies the blood and clears the complexion Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore- IT WAS THE I CONVICTS OWN FAULT I J T Lewis supervisor of state piisons is in the city a guest of the I DtSoto Mr Lewis is making his I round of inspection of the state con- vict ¬ camps near here In speaking of tin killing of Floyd Dillon by a guard rear St Petersburg Mr Lewis says I he made a complete investigation of the case and all the evidence indi- cated ¬ that Dillon deliberately brought- it on himself and that before dying he exonerated the guard Dillon was ore of the three firebugs recently convicted in Key WestTampa- News LAUNCHES BUILT TO ORDER The public Is cordially invited to In- spect ¬ the Merry Widow the bejiutl- ful launch at Silver Springs that I built entirely from keel to awning I- 2m prepared to build launches of any style and any reasonable size and completely finish and equip them ready for the water at moderate charges and in the very best work I inanship The work is fully guaran- teed ¬ If you want a beautiful model- a strong safe and well built and speedy boat place your order with me Frank Mathews Ocala May 18 STATE EPWORTH LEAGUE OFFICERS 190703 O 0 McCullum President Live OakRev Frederick Pasco Vice Presi- dent Tampa Rev John E Mickler Secretary Chaires Miss Bessie Turnbull Treasurer Monticello Department FAItor Rev C F I Blackburn Madison Junior League Superintendent Miss Lois Pedrick Sutherland Superintendent Boys League Rev I J Lawton Moon Jacksonville District Secretaries j Miss Lila Smith Tallahassee Dis ¬ I trictH 0 Black Jacksonville District W P McKinstry Gainesville Dis ¬ trictMrs A L Chandler East Coast Eistrict Dr D G Barnett Orlando District Miss Florida Dewey Tampa Dis- trict M E DISTRICT CONFERENCE- The District Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church South will convene in this city today and will be in session until Sunday even ¬ ing Bishop H C Morrison of Birming ¬ ham Ala one of the most widely known and eloquent ministers in the South will preside and altogether- this session is anticipated as being- one of great benefit to the church The opening sermon which was in the nature of a preulde was delivered- at the First Methodist church last night by Rev T H Sistrunk The preacher was greeted by a large con ¬ gregation and his discourse was of a most interesting nature This district comprises twentyone charges and a good crowd is expected Among those who have already arriv- ed ¬ are Bishop Morrison and Revs F T Griffis Alachua B K Thrower Tampa R H Barnett Ocala G T Turner Umatilla J N Weatherford Lady Lake Henry Hice Leesburg- A H Cole Inverness T H Sistrunk Mlcanopy J S Collier Bronson M M Lord Anthony J B Ley Jack- sonville ¬ Presiding Elder F R Brdges Ocala and a number of lay delegates- The conference will open at S30 this morning for business session There will be preaching at 1045 a in and 745 p m each day during the session Gainesville Sun 25th YOU CAN NEVER TELL Just exactly the cause of your rheu- matism ¬ but you know have it Do you know that Ballards Snow Liniment will cure itrelieves the pain reduces the swelling and lim rers the joints and muscles so that you will be as active and well as you ever were Price 25c 50c and 100 Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore FIVE LIVES T- lflfc a gl mIREExpl- osion J c f in the Pabst Chemical Co Causes Great Loss of Life an- dPjrty Chicago Ill flune 26Five per ¬ sons are known to be dead and more than a score injured as the result of an explosion followed by a fire in a fivestory building at 178 Huron street yesterday The eiplosionl ccurree in the plant the Pabst Chemical Com- pany ¬ on the ground floor All the floors above are used as a boarding house The dead include h mother and four children Several of thein jured are in a very serious condition and it is thought that the death list wit be increased- A C ROLLICKING SUMMER SONG Lp at Proctors Fifth Avenue Theater Rosie Lloyd the popular ycung English conyrieidehne is re- ceiving ¬ rounds of applause She is singing When Its Moonlight on the I Prairie It Always Comes wiil the Summer etc The New York SlSnj day World has arranged to gIve the words and music of It Always Comes with the Summer in the issue of June 28 Everybody will want Jt Tile demand will probably exceed the sij t ply so order from newsdealer in ad ¬ vance This song is reproduced by arangement with J W Stern Co he well known music publishers EXCURSION TO SAVANNAH- The Seaboard railway will operate nn excursion to from Ocala to Colum- bia ¬ S C and Savannah Ga on July 2nd and 3rd limit to July 17th on re- turn ¬ tickets at rate of 6 to Savan- nah ¬ and 8 to Columbia for the round trip For further particulars apply to E C Rawls City Passenger and Ticket Agent FLORIDA POSTCARDS I W H Myers of Lady Lake Fla an invalid with no other means of sup ¬ port will send you pretty Florida postcards six for lie twelve for 22c and 18 for 32c Send him your orders and help a wdrthy bedridden man to make a living- BICYCLES p > BICYCLES- JNO S PEDRICK SON Never too late to mend If your bl C 3 cle needs mending no matter what- is the nature of the trouble call to see us Bicycles for sale or rent Ap- ply ¬ to Jno S Pedrick Son Next Door South of Station 6 KEEP COOL Have electric fans placed In your ctfice or home and keep cool through the hot months It is Inexpensive and n great comfort See Walter Tucker- he electrician about them NEW LINE OF BICYCLES I have a complete line of standard high grade bicyclesTind will sell them or easy payments Come In and get particulars B v ondon The Globe is selling Kings shoes the 4 and 5 kind at only 298 Hurry up and get your years supply of Kings shoes while thf supply lasts THE COMMERCIAL BARBERSHOP Opens into the lobby of the Ocala House Offers the very best service of skill- ed ¬ workmen with modern appliances Strictly sanitary Electric fans elec ¬ tric massages BARBER JOE Mana- gerVeterinary SurgeonOf- fice opposite I Tompkins Livery Stab- leEPGUERMNTJS McIYER MACKAY FUNERAL DIRECTORS I I Undertakers and Embalmers U E MciVER ALFRED E OWEN Undertakers Fine Caskets and Burial Robes- All Work Done by Licensed Em- balmers and Fully Guarante- edEXCELSIOR BUCK SMITH SHOP VAUGHN LANE I Blacksmithing Wheelwrighting and Horse Shoeing- We do all kinds of repairing on Wagons and Buggies Wood Work and Painting at Low Prices Horse ¬ shoeing a specialty All work guar- anteed ¬ North Magnolia Street Opposite Car I michaels Bar Ocala Fla tt 5 e f c r a- I Ii to EXPRESIDENTFUNERAt- Will c r Be Observed With Entire 5jtp- licity Princeton NJ Jti6Arrangem- ents ¬ for Giigyer Clevelands funeral are not yet completed the final de ¬ tails probably being left until the ar- rival ¬ of President Roosevelt at noon today Esther and Marion are the only Cleveland children who will at- tend the funeral The funeral will be marked by simplicity the y not to Jje in state death m sKwilL be taken today ThWcbf is of simple deslgn of quartersawed oak and will bear a silver plate with jthe w6rds Grover Cleveland and the date of his birth and death- LAFONTISEE v TURNED LOOSE Prosecution Against Him has Fallen- to the Ground Jacksonville Metropolis 24th V At 10 oclock this morning when criminal court was opened John O LaFontisee the late manager of Gov ¬ ernorelect Gilchrists headquarters in Jacksonville appeared with his ati z i neys to defend himself in the case of criminal libel which had been brought- by County Solicitor Gray The case wa heard on a motion of defendant to quash the information on nineteen grounds Motion to Quash Granted Without argument Judge Maxwell granted the motion to quash and then- a motion to discharge defendant was made and granted and LaFontisee and his attorneys left the court room It wa all done within 15 minutes What the Charge Was The information filed set forth that- on June ll 1908 J O LaFontisee did willful sbte deliver and transmit to Willis Mi3a1l editor of the Times Union newspaper a certain false and libelous statement concerning one D P Browder Jr a young attorney of this city The letter published pur- ported ¬ to be from Mr Browder to some party in Fernandina5 asking if two or three gallons of whisky could be used- to advantage for the election of J N C Stockton candidate for governor The letter was signed Stockton Campaign Committee by D P Brow ¬ der Jr Mr Browder pronounced the same as false in toto as he never wrote or saw the letter Mr Browder not only caused the action in criminal court be also insti ¬ tuted two suits for damages aggregat ¬ inK 150000 against the TimesUnion- fo publishing the letter and statement- for LaFontisee County Solicitor Gray was asked If ho intended to file a new information- and he replied I dont know It is however generally considered that the matter is at an end so far as LaFonti see is concerned This case grew out of the late democratic primary elec- tIon IF YOU KNEW The merits of the Texas Wonder you would never suffer from kidney blad ier or rheumatic trouble 1 bottle two months treatment Sold by druggist- sr by mail Send for testimonials Dr E W Hall 2926 Olive street St Louis Missouri LOSS OF A LAUNCH- And Probable Loss of All Her Pas- sengers ¬ x St Louis Mo June 26It is be- lieved ¬ that John Krauser and six of hi friends were drowned after the explosion of his gasolene launch the Midget at Carondolet Persons there heard an explosion at midnight and were unable to ascertain the cause They found the wrecked boat today with no5 trace of the occupants PLENTY OFTROUBLE Is caused by stagnation of the liver end bowels To get rid of it and headache and biliousness and the pois- on ¬ that brings jaundice take Dr Kings New Life Pills the reliable purifiers that do the work without grinding or griping Twentyfive cents at all drugstores- A SINGULAR ACCIDENT- A Citizen of Georgia Killed by Falling- Into a Well Waycross Ga June 26Dr J B Smith one of Ware countys most prominent citizens while cleaning a well at his home at Sunnyside yester- day ¬ lost his balance and fell head- foremost into the well and was in- stantly ¬ killed The body was recover- ed ¬ in about fifteen minutes and efforts were made to revive life but it was scon seen that Dr Smiths neck had been broken in two places YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS Foleys Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney or bladder troubl that is not beyond the reach of medi- cine ¬ No medicine can do more Sold by all druggists STATISTICS OF SUMMERS FIRST HOT SUNDAY Number of persons at Coney Island 350000 B thers at Coney Island 50000 Maximum temperature Man- hattan ¬ S7 deg Number of persons drowned around New York 20 Number of persons who left town 500000 New York World- A TWENTY YEAR SENTENCE I have just completed a twenty year 1ealth sentence impose by Bucklens Arnica SJKe which cured me of bleed- ing ¬ piles just twenty years ago writes O S Woolever of LeRaysville N Y Bucklens Arnica Salve heals the worst sores boils burns wounds and cuts in the shortest time Twentyfive cent at all drugstores BALLOON ASCENSION- The Fourth of July Committe has secured the services of Mile La Pap ¬ ier who will give several balloon as ceiiions from the public square dur- ing ¬ the Fourth with a prize for each I ascension W H MORRIS Electrician and telephone line con ¬ structor All work guaranteed Ou of town orders a specialty Address- W H Morris Ocala Fla I 4 = < R 9Sbii Why i E f Wi relodme small depositociiaiad small bor- rowers Sat t cppi of fefo test accounts a i Qhwe Jidw have igan little and grew big Wp vao to lp othifers to do so- OCACA j The Iuiiri WJBMnbliss Bank It T 4 SS TED y a FLORIDA Wi > ic r- i I lNSlN FresitoL SI BuTCH Manger J IZEIAisL IafG- EOJ h f IUTCL- T1erCOMMERtIAL 1 BAMlf 1- ocMLA 9 > d FLA THE DEPOSITORS IN TIIS BAHK Arc the merchants the professional and successful men and women of the city the farmers of the surrounding territory We accommodate all lasses Our customers represent the men and women who have built and are still building successful ehteW prises t e We solicit a share of your business k DAYTONA BEACH IIOIU DAYTONA BEAd FLOR1IJL q e = Thos H Keating Owner and Manager4 3 Open the year round New house Diiectly on the ocean open March 1st- U90S Electric lights Bells in every room Running water Baths with rooms Most desirable location on the beach Rates in conformity withvfirstcJass uptodate serv- iceSpeciaIRates During the Summer EXECUTING HIS ENEMIES I Shah of Persia Seems to be an Ex ¬ treme Reactionary Teheran June 26 Following two days of street fighting between sol ¬ diers and revolutionists the Shah in steadOt endeavoring to quiet the peo ¬ ple has ordered the execution of a number political prisoners No for ¬ mal trials were held and the word of the soldiers was all that was needed- for a conviction It is feared this action will increase the strength of the popular uprising A definite effort will be made to overthrow the Shah EVERYMAN HIS OWN DOCTOR The average man cannot atford to employ a physician for every slight ailment or injury that may occur In his family nor can he afford to neglect them as so slight an injury as the scratch of a pin has been known to cause the loss of a limb Hence every- man must from necessity be his own doctor for this class of ailments Suc- cess ¬ often depends upon prompt treat- ment ¬ which can only be had when suitable medicines are kept at hand Chamberlains remedies have been In the market for many years and enjoy- a good renutation Chaberlains Colic Cholera and Di ¬ arrhoea Remedy for bowel complaints Chamberlains Cough Remedy for cough Chamberlains Pain Balm an anti- septic ¬ liniment for cuts bruises burns sprains swellings lame back and rheumatic pains Chamberlains Stomach and Liver ablets for constipation biliousness ond stomach troubles- Chamberlains Salve for diseases of the skin One bottle of each of these five prep- arations ¬ costs but 125 For sale by all druggists ANNA AND HELIE MUST WAIL London June 26The Archbishop- of Canterbury has refused to issue a special license to Anna Gould and Sagan The couple will probably be creed to await the expiration of three weeks residence in England before he ceremony can be performed The archbishops refusal is said to be bas- ed ¬ on the ground that Anna has been divorced The couple are at the Savoy and motor together every day also usually dine together- DEATH j WAS ON HIS HEELS Jesse P Morris of Skippers Va pad a close call in the spring of 1906 He says An attack of pneumonia rft me so weak and with such a fear ¬ ful cough that my friends declared consumption had me and death was on my heels Then I was persuaded to try Dr Kings New Discovery It helped me immediately and after tak ¬ ing two and a half bottles I was a well man again I found out that New DIs ccvery Is the best remedy for coughs and lung disease in all the world Sold under guarantee at all drugstores Fifty cents and 100 Trial bottle free I C BLARORAUr CONTRACTOR BIHlKf- rJ Plans furnished 4 on application- P 0 Btx 4C Icalrni- FIke > k I Ice I lfeVi QUALITY RIBatD- ELIVERY RIBttT PRICE RIGHT r FLOHIDA PACKING I ICt t fc E P THAGARD Manager t kieNL5O- BAUPRESSIa CLUt J J FORT Proprietor Rates reasonable All goods pressed and Cleaned on Shqrt No- tice and Delivered Promptly All transient work not called fas within thirty days will be soldfor charges 1 THAT TERRIBLE KID- S Has that Terrible Kid next door punched holes in your walls Done fuss at him Drop me a card and 1 will patch and tint them with Alabaa tine J A Morris rT 38 South Magnolia street Decorating thats my business DO NOT NEGLECT THE CHILDREN At this season of the year the first unnatural looseness of a childs bow- els should have immediate atentlon Ihe best thing that can be given Is Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diar ¬ rhoea Remedy followed by castor oil as directed with each bottle of the remedy For sale by all druggists BICYCLE REPAIR WORK- I have the only completely equipped shop in the city for the repairing of bicycles typewriters and musical In- struments ¬ Prompt attention and work guaranteed B F Condon Spaldings baseball goods at the Ocala News Co THAT YOU GETMO Herey Th VALUE IN I ot A BOSTONIAN AND HANAN SHOE T f4 than any intake J iri THE MARION SHOE COHNOT v Phone 222 f w 5 f t

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Page 1: 1 OCALA E I-ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00881/0581.pdf · Second Floor Holder Block OCALA FLORIDA J TERJfS CASH L F BLALOCK t + b L Dental Surgeon Office OverCllI1merCllllllUk


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Jf C-


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iI i 7 II-


<< r

Volume 14 No23 OCALA FLORIDA it JUNE26 i08 + f > Yti J 0v r 1 4jI


We will Satisfyyour wants


Service excellent The lest IIever-






Office over Munroe ChamblissST BankN OCALA FLORIDA i



DENTAL SURGEON2 Rooms 9 10 and II

Second Floor Holder Block




bL Dental Surgeon

Office OverCllI1merCllllllUkPhone 211

Office Hours8 to 12 a m 1 to 5 p m





W Hay One of the Largest MotNew and Complete Stocks of




That has Ever Been Shown inthis City-

n Cut Glass Fine China Sterling andPlated Silverwre Souvenir PostalCards Clocks Etc we do Not Ack-nowledge


a Better Clock in this Sectien










QatityPrompt Service-

Lowest PriceB-

uy from the



Fbfue 34

C J PHILLIPSContractor and Builder-

Plan and Specification FurnishedUpon Request

J 29 South TWfd SleetOcala Elau Phone 301

IT OODAfl4gLoaclfori



Phone ICS



1 L

fr e



Another Terrible Marine TragedyLoss of the Larache and Fourscore

t > t r i

of Her Passengers and Crew-s

Corunna Spain June 26Anotherterrible catastrophe was added to thetales ot shipwreck last night when thesteamer Larache bound for Europeanports from the Argentine Republicwent on the rocks near Murosa andsank within a few minutes

The weather along the coast hasbeen very thick for some days and-it is presumed that for this reasonthe vessel was laying out of her coursethough at the present time it is al ¬

most Impossible to arrive at any ac ¬

curate conclusion as to the cause ofthe accident as all of her officers arereported drowned the captain beingknown to have gone down with hisship

No sooner had the vessel struckI than a terrible panic ensued whichadded to the roughness of the seamade the launching of lifeboats a verydifficult task the majority of thembeing either smashed or capsized-

As soon as the fishermen along theI coast got word of the disaster rescu-ing


parties were formed and in spiteof the bad weather they succeeded inpicking up sixtyone passengers outn a total number of one hundred and


fifty persons who comprised the pas-sengers


and crew of the Illfated ves-sel


leaving eightyfive who have beenprobably drowned It was at first re ¬

ported that one hundred and fiftyonepersons were missing but it is prob-able


that the lower figures are corI


It Is reported In shipping circlesthat the Larache was little more than-an old tub and that she proved a veritable death trap when she struck the


j rocks going to pieces in about eightminutes after striking I



On the Long Island Coast and May I

Prove a Total Lossr


New York June 25 Having losther bearings in a thick fog the ClydeLine steamer Chippewa en route fromJacksonville Fla1 and Charleston SCs to Boston ran on a submergedreck on the Long Island cpast justwest of Montauk Point yesterday Sheis a freighter and carried no passen ¬

gers The sea rushed Into the holein the steamers hull extinguishingtho fires and rendering her helpless-She


has a cargo tof naval stores andlumber

Without the steim the alarm whis-tle


could not he sounded and It wasI

not until the fog lifted that the ve-sts


I officers could signal their pre-


A wrecking tug was sentI

to her but the steamer Is still aground I

today leaking badly and with thechances of saving her small Captainand crew are still on board but in nodanger



No humbug claims have to be madefor Foleys Honey and Tar the well I

known remedy for coughs colds and I

lung troubles The fact that more botties of Foleys Honey and Tar are used

I than of any other cough remedy is thebest testimonial of Its great merit

Why then risk taking some unknownpreparation when Foleys Honey andTar coats you no more and Is safe andsure Sold by all druggists


Festival Held by a Score of Old Boys-at Fort Worth Ark

Fort Smth Ark June 26Twentyof the merriest of merry grass I

widows were hostesses at a ball giv-en


last evening at Stigler the countyseat of Haskell county Okla Twentyfour hours previously they had beenfreed from their martial ties by thedecree of Judge Bosser of the districtcourt

The erstwhile spouses of several ofthem attended the ball and were live-ly


participants in the festivities Threematronly widows acted as chaperons-Two of them had grown sons whowere escorts to the young widowsfrom the east who had spent the re-quired


residence In the new state Thewidows attorneys and several strang-ers


and a select ew of the society folkof the town were also present

Judge Bosser was toasted severaltimes during the evening and wasmade the subject of a rousing songby a chorus of widows with a refrain-to the effect that Hes a jolly goodfellow


Is of two kinds conceit and the bighad that comes from i sick headacheDoes your head ever reel like a gourdand your brain feel loose and soreYou can cure It in no time by actingon your liver with Ballards HerblneIsnt It worth trying for the absolute-and certain relief youll get Sold byAntiMonopoly Drugstore


Philadelphia Pa June 26 Deter-mined


to brave todays heat in order-to pay a bet he had lost nearly costMichael Jordan of Port Royal avenuehis life Last January Jordan who isan old man and weighs 270 poundsbacked his opinion that Rooseveltwould be nominated for a second elec-tive


term If the convention failed toso honor Teddy Jordan agreed to wearon the Sunday following the nomina-tion


the same clothing he had onwhen the wager was made Yester ¬

day he attired himself In flannels win ¬

ter clothing and overcoat He sat outIn his yard and was prostrated by theheat A physician had hard work tosave him r


Nine years ago It looked as If mytime had come says Mr C Farthin-go Mill Creek Ind Ter fll was so runtown that life hung on a very slenderthread It was then my druggist rec-ommended


Electric Bitters I bought-a bottle and I got what I neededtrength I had one foot In the gravebut Electric Bitters put it back on theturf again and Ive been well eversince Sold under guarantee at alldrugstores Fifty cents 7




But Says His Name Will Be Present-ed


to the ConventionOttawa Kan June 25Gov John ¬

son of Minnesota in an interview hereyesterday declared himself not a can-didate


foj the presidential nominationbut said his name would be presented-to the national convention for thepresidential nomination

DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CUREDEy local applications as they cannotreach the diseased portion of the ear I

There is only one way to cure deaf¬

ness and that Is by constitutionalI remedies Deafness is caused by aninflamed condition of the mucous lin-ing


of the Eustachian tube Whenthis tube is inflamed you have a rum-bling


sound or imperfect hearing andwhen it Is entirely closed deafness is I

thp result nml nnjeas the inflammationcan be taken out and this tube re ¬

stored to its normal condition hearingwill be destroyed forever Nine cases icut of ten are caused by catarrhwhich is nothing but an inflamed con-dition


of the mucous surfaces-We will give One Hundred Dollars

for any case of deafness caused bycatarrh that cannot be cured by Halls j

Catarrh Cure Send for circularsfree F J Cheney Co

v I

R Toledo Ohio6p l by all druggists 75c Take

Halls Family Pills for constipation


Cleveland 0 June 26Congress-man


Sherman is considered to be out I

of danger He slept well last nightana will probably be able to leave thehospital in a week for his home Anoperation is not considered necessaryMrs Sherman has recovered from the I

fatigue of her journey here1


Disease and Sickness Bring Old Age I

Herbine taken every morning be ¬

fore breakfast will keep you in ro-


health fit you to ward off dis j

case It cures constipation bilious-ness dyspepsia fever skin liver and 1

kidney complaints It purifies theblood and clears the complexion Soldby AntiMonopoly Drugstore-



J T Lewis supervisor of statepiisons is in the city a guest of the I

DtSoto Mr Lewis is making his I

round of inspection of the state con-vict


camps near here In speaking oftin killing of Floyd Dillon by a guardrear St Petersburg Mr Lewis says I

he made a complete investigation ofthe case and all the evidence indi-cated


that Dillon deliberately brought-it on himself and that before dyinghe exonerated the guard Dillon wasore of the three firebugs recentlyconvicted in Key WestTampa-News


The public Is cordially invited to In-spect


the Merry Widow the bejiutl-ful launch at Silver Springs that Ibuilt entirely from keel to awning I-

2m prepared to build launches of anystyle and any reasonable size andcompletely finish and equip themready for the water at moderatecharges and in the very best work I

inanship The work is fully guaran-teed


If you want a beautiful model-a strong safe and well built andspeedy boat place your order withme Frank Mathews

Ocala May 18


O 0 McCullum President LiveOakRev Frederick Pasco Vice Presi-dent Tampa

Rev John E Mickler SecretaryChaires

Miss Bessie Turnbull TreasurerMonticello

Department FAItor Rev C F I

Blackburn MadisonJunior League Superintendent Miss

Lois Pedrick SutherlandSuperintendent Boys League Rev I

J Lawton Moon JacksonvilleDistrict Secretaries j

Miss Lila Smith Tallahassee Dis ¬I

trictH 0 Black Jacksonville DistrictW P McKinstry Gainesville Dis ¬

trictMrsA L Chandler East Coast

EistrictDr D G Barnett Orlando DistrictMiss Florida Dewey Tampa Dis-



The District Conference of theMethodist Episcopal Church Southwill convene in this city today andwill be in session until Sunday even ¬

ingBishop H C Morrison of Birming ¬

ham Ala one of the most widelyknown and eloquent ministers in theSouth will preside and altogether-this session is anticipated as being-one of great benefit to the church

The opening sermon which was inthe nature of a preulde was delivered-at the First Methodist church lastnight by Rev T H Sistrunk Thepreacher was greeted by a large con ¬

gregation and his discourse was of amost interesting nature

This district comprises twentyonecharges and a good crowd is expectedAmong those who have already arriv-ed


are Bishop Morrison and Revs FT Griffis Alachua B K ThrowerTampa R H Barnett Ocala G TTurner Umatilla J N WeatherfordLady Lake Henry Hice Leesburg-A H Cole Inverness T H SistrunkMlcanopy J S Collier Bronson MM Lord Anthony J B Ley Jack-sonville


Presiding Elder F RBrdges Ocala and a number of laydelegates-

The conference will open at S30this morning for business sessionThere will be preaching at 1045 a inand 745 p m each day during thesession Gainesville Sun 25th

YOU CAN NEVER TELLJust exactly the cause of your rheu-matism


but you know have itDo you know that Ballards SnowLiniment will cure itrelieves thepain reduces the swelling and limrers the joints and muscles so thatyou will be as active and well as youever were Price 25c 50c and 100Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore







fin the Pabst Chemical Co

Causes Great Loss of Life an-dPjrty

Chicago Ill flune 26Five per¬

sons are known to be dead and morethan a score injured as the result ofan explosion followed by a fire in afivestory building at 178 Huron streetyesterday The eiplosionl ccurree inthe plant the Pabst Chemical Com-pany


on the ground floor All thefloors above are used as a boardinghouse The dead include h motherand four children Several of theinjured are in a very serious conditionand it is thought that the death listwit be increased-



ROLLICKING SUMMER SONGLp at Proctors Fifth Avenue

Theater Rosie Lloyd the popularycung English conyrieidehne is re-ceiving


rounds of applause She issinging When Its Moonlight on the I

Prairie It Always Comes wiil theSummer etc The New York SlSnjday World has arranged to gIve thewords and music of It Always Comeswith the Summer in the issue ofJune 28 Everybody will want Jt Tiledemand will probably exceed the sij tply so order from newsdealer in ad ¬

vance This song is reproduced byarangement with J W Stern Cohe well known music publishers


The Seaboard railway will operatenn excursion to from Ocala to Colum-bia


S C and Savannah Ga on July2nd and 3rd limit to July 17th on re-turn


tickets at rate of 6 to Savan-nah


and 8 to Columbia for the roundtrip For further particulars apply toE C Rawls City Passenger andTicket Agent


W H Myers of Lady Lake Fla aninvalid with no other means of sup ¬

port will send you pretty Floridapostcards six for lie twelve for 22cand 18 for 32c Send him your ordersand help a wdrthy bedridden manto make a living-



Never too late to mend If your blC 3 cle needs mending no matter what-is the nature of the trouble call tosee us Bicycles for sale or rent Ap-ply


to Jno S Pedrick Son NextDoor South of Station


Have electric fans placed In yourctfice or home and keep cool throughthe hot months It is Inexpensive andn great comfort See Walter Tucker-he electrician about them


I have a complete line of standardhigh grade bicyclesTind will sell themor easy payments Come In and getparticulars B v ondon

The Globe is selling Kings shoesthe 4 and 5 kind at only 298 Hurryup and get your years supply ofKings shoes while thf supply lasts



Opens into the lobby of theOcala House

Offers the very best service of skill-ed


workmen with modern appliancesStrictly sanitary Electric fans elec ¬

tric massages



fice opposite I

Tompkins Livery Stab-





Undertakers and EmbalmersU E MciVER ALFRED E OWEN


Fine Caskets and Burial Robes-

All Work Done by Licensed Em-

balmers and Fully Guarante-



I Blacksmithing Wheelwrighting andHorse Shoeing-

We do all kinds of repairing onWagons and Buggies Wood Workand Painting at Low Prices Horse ¬

shoeing a specialty All work guar-anteed


North Magnolia Street Opposite CarI michaels Bar Ocala Fla

tt5 e f

c r a-

I Iito



r Be Observed With Entire 5jtp-licity

Princeton NJ Jti6Arrangem-ents


for Giigyer Clevelands funeralare not yet completed the final de ¬

tails probably being left until the ar-rival


of President Roosevelt at noontoday Esther and Marion are theonly Cleveland children who will at-tend the funeral The funeral will bemarked by simplicity the y not toJje in state death m sKwilL betaken today ThWcbf is of simpledeslgn of quartersawed oak and willbear a silver plate with jthe w6rdsGrover Cleveland and the date of

his birth and death-




Prosecution Against Him has Fallen-to the Ground

Jacksonville Metropolis 24thV

At 10 oclock this morning whencriminal court was opened John OLaFontisee the late manager of Gov ¬

ernorelect Gilchrists headquarters inJacksonville appeared with his ati z ineys to defend himself in the case ofcriminal libel which had been brought-by County Solicitor Gray The casewa heard on a motion of defendantto quash the information on nineteengrounds

Motion to Quash GrantedWithout argument Judge Maxwell

granted the motion to quash and then-a motion to discharge defendant wasmade and granted and LaFontisee andhis attorneys left the court room Itwa all done within 15 minutes

What the Charge WasThe information filed set forth that-

on June ll 1908 J O LaFontisee didwillful sbte deliver and transmit toWillis Mi3a1l editor of the TimesUnion newspaper a certain false andlibelous statement concerning one DP Browder Jr a young attorney ofthis city The letter published pur-ported


to be from Mr Browder to someparty in Fernandina5 asking if two orthree gallons of whisky could be used-to advantage for the election of J NC Stockton candidate for governorThe letter was signed StocktonCampaign Committee by D P Brow ¬

der Jr Mr Browder pronounced thesame as false in toto as he never wroteor saw the letter

Mr Browder not only caused theaction in criminal court be also insti ¬

tuted two suits for damages aggregat ¬

inK 150000 against the TimesUnion-fo publishing the letter and statement-for LaFontisee

County Solicitor Gray was asked Ifho intended to file a new information-and he replied I dont know It ishowever generally considered that thematter is at an end so far as LaFontisee is concerned This case grew outof the late democratic primary elec-tIon

IF YOU KNEWThe merits of the Texas Wonder youwould never suffer from kidney bladier or rheumatic trouble 1 bottle twomonths treatment Sold by druggist-sr by mail Send for testimonials DrE W Hall 2926 Olive street StLouis Missouri


And Probable Loss of All Her Pas-sengers



St Louis Mo June 26It is be-lieved


that John Krauser and six ofhi friends were drowned after theexplosion of his gasolene launch theMidget at Carondolet Persons thereheard an explosion at midnight andwere unable to ascertain the causeThey found the wrecked boat todaywith no5 trace of the occupants

PLENTY OFTROUBLEIs caused by stagnation of the liverend bowels To get rid of it andheadache and biliousness and the pois-on


that brings jaundice take DrKings New Life Pills the reliablepurifiers that do the work withoutgrinding or griping Twentyfivecents at all drugstores-


A Citizen of Georgia Killed by Falling-Into a Well

Waycross Ga June 26Dr J BSmith one of Ware countys mostprominent citizens while cleaning awell at his home at Sunnyside yester-day


lost his balance and fell head-foremost into the well and was in-


killed The body was recover-ed


in about fifteen minutes and effortswere made to revive life but it wasscon seen that Dr Smiths neck hadbeen broken in two places


Foleys Kidney Remedy will cureany case of kidney or bladder troublthat is not beyond the reach of medi-


No medicine can do more Soldby all druggists


Number of persons at ConeyIsland 350000

B thers at Coney Island 50000Maximum temperature Man-


S7 degNumber of persons drowned

around New York 20

Number of persons who lefttown 500000

New York World-


I have just completed a twenty year1ealth sentence impose by BucklensArnica SJKe which cured me of bleed-ing


piles just twenty years ago writesO S Woolever of LeRaysville N YBucklens Arnica Salve heals the worstsores boils burns wounds and cuts inthe shortest time Twentyfive centat all drugstores

BALLOON ASCENSION-The Fourth of July Committe has

secured the services of Mile La Pap ¬

ier who will give several balloon asceiiions from the public square dur-ing


the Fourth with a prize for each



W H MORRISElectrician and telephone line con ¬

structor All work guaranteed Ouof town orders a specialty Address-W H Morris Ocala Fla

I 4


< R9Sbii Whyi

Ef Wi relodme small depositociiaiad small bor-

rowers Satt cppi of fefo test accountsa i Qhwe Jidw have igan little and grew

big Wp vao to lp othifers to do so-



The Iuiiri WJBMnbliss BankIt





i IlNSlN FresitoL





BAMlf 1-





Arc the merchants the professional and successful men and womenof the city the farmers of the surrounding territory

We accommodate all lasses Our customers represent the menand women who have built and are still building successful ehteWprises t

eWe solicit a share of your business





Thos H Keating Owner and Manager43

Open the year round New house Diiectly on the ocean open March 1st-

U90S Electric lights Bells in every room Running water Bathswith rooms Most desirable location on the beach Rates

in conformity withvfirstcJass uptodate serv-

iceSpeciaIRates During the Summer


Shah of Persia Seems to be an Ex ¬

treme ReactionaryTeheran June 26 Following two

days of street fighting between sol ¬

diers and revolutionists the Shah insteadOt endeavoring to quiet the peo ¬

ple has ordered the execution of anumber political prisoners No for¬

mal trials were held and the word ofthe soldiers was all that was needed-for a conviction It is feared thisaction will increase the strength ofthe popular uprising A definite effortwill be made to overthrow the Shah


The average man cannot atford toemploy a physician for every slightailment or injury that may occur Inhis family nor can he afford to neglectthem as so slight an injury as thescratch of a pin has been known tocause the loss of a limb Hence every-man must from necessity be his owndoctor for this class of ailments Suc-cess


often depends upon prompt treat-ment


which can only be had whensuitable medicines are kept at handChamberlains remedies have been Inthe market for many years and enjoy-a good renutation

Chaberlains Colic Cholera and Di ¬

arrhoea Remedy for bowel complaintsChamberlains Cough Remedy for

coughChamberlains Pain Balm an anti-


liniment for cuts bruisesburns sprains swellings lame backand rheumatic pains

Chamberlains Stomach and Liverablets for constipation biliousnessond stomach troubles-

Chamberlains Salve for diseases ofthe skin

One bottle of each of these five prep-arations


costs but 125 For sale byall druggists


London June 26The Archbishop-of Canterbury has refused to issue aspecial license to Anna Gould andSagan The couple will probably becreed to await the expiration of threeweeks residence in England beforehe ceremony can be performed Thearchbishops refusal is said to be bas-ed


on the ground that Anna has beendivorced The couple are at the Savoyand motor together every day alsousually dine together-



Jesse P Morris of Skippers Vapad a close call in the spring of 1906

He says An attack of pneumoniarft me so weak and with such a fear ¬

ful cough that my friends declaredconsumption had me and death wason my heels Then I was persuadedto try Dr Kings New Discovery Ithelped me immediately and after tak ¬

ing two and a half bottles I was a wellman again I found out that New DIsccvery Is the best remedy for coughsand lung disease in all the worldSold under guarantee at all drugstoresFifty cents and 100 Trial bottle free



rJ Plans furnished4 on application-

P 0 Btx 4C Icalrni-




I Ice IlfeVi





E P THAGARD Managert



Rates reasonable All goodspressed and Cleaned on Shqrt No-tice and Delivered Promptly

All transient work not called faswithin thirty days will be soldforcharges



Has that Terrible Kid next doorpunched holes in your walls Donefuss at him Drop me a card and 1will patch and tint them with Alabaatine J A Morris rT

38 South Magnolia streetDecorating thats my business


At this season of the year the firstunnatural looseness of a childs bow-els should have immediate atentlonIhe best thing that can be given IsChamberlains Colic Cholera and Diar ¬

rhoea Remedy followed by castor oilas directed with each bottle of theremedy For sale by all druggists


I have the only completely equippedshop in the city for the repairing ofbicycles typewriters and musical In-


Prompt attention andwork guaranteed B F Condon

Spaldings baseball goods at theOcala News Co



T f4 than any intake J


Phone 222f


