1 nlp technique all rearranged

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  • 8/2/2019 1 Nlp Technique All Rearranged


    1 Accelerated learning

    Accelerated Learning

    1. Find something you like about the person (I usually pick clothes, accessories,hair or make up)

    2. Pay a complement and personalize it (I like your shoes they really suits you)3. Then ask a question allowing them to open into a conversation (Where do

    you shop for shoes like that?)

    Accelerated Learning

    1. Using the submodalities, access something you learned easily and that you are good at, and


    2. With your curious anchor, access the submodalities.

    3. Of the self-belief anchor, get the submodalities

    4. Of the subject you wish to learn, obtain the submodalities of the subject. Now anchor.

    5. Use mapping across from the new subject to easy learning. All anchors should be collapsed.

    6. Test.

    2 Become An Excellent Learner

    4 Business Methodology

    Business methodology

    To build this into a very powerful process for a business, for example empowering

    a sales force or customer service unit we would tailor the questions and add a

    number of other stages.

    Desk research

    Questioning top performers

    Questioning key customers

    Observing in action

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    Building an effective model

    Implementing the model

    One of the key competencies of NLP is modelling excellent performers.


    NLP Techniques: Creating confidence

    Step 1: Stand Up. Close your eyes and think of a time when you experienced


    Step 2: Scale up the intensity of your feeling from 1 (not very intense) to 10 (very

    intense). Increase the intensity of the colors, brightness and size of the mental


    Step 3: Imagine yourself transferring the feeling into an empty spot in front of

    you, and notice this empty spot taking on the energy patterns of your confident


    Step 4: Break state.

    6 Changing Past Personal History

    7 Circle of excellence

    8 Compulsion Blow Out

    Compulsion Blow Out


    1. Think of a compulsion the person wants to eliminate.

    2. Continue increasing VAKOG until very intense.

    3. Increase VAKOG slowly until it pops or blows out

    4. In vain, try to locate the old compulsion.

    A Swish Pattern can be used for extra power.

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    11 Foolproof Planning

    Foolproof Planning

    1. Step into a full sensory representation of the way you will be behaving, talking,

    thinking, and feeling when you are completely on track with your new and

    preferred direction. To intensify the experience, imagine going through an entire

    "ideal" day with your new resources already in place, spinning and building on

    your good feelings.2. Ask yourself what needs to be done immediately before you could have your

    perfect day. Make a note of your answer.

    3. When you have identified that, ask yourself the same question: what needs to

    be done immediately before you achieve that step Write down the answer.

    4. Repeat until you have moved backward to your starting point. You should now

    have all the key steps needed to carry you from your present state to your desired


    5. Carefully give each step a start and finish date, making sure that they all

    complete within your overall timescale.Note : Complex tasks can be broken into separate components, each of which can

    be reverse-engineered as above, making sure that none of the start-finish dates


    16 Natural / Re Programming

    17 NBG(New Behaviour Generator )

    18 Nested Loop

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    Nested loops traces back to computer programming where there are loops of data or instructions

    contained inside another section (nested). This phenomenon inside a persons brain can loop things

    together. Its easy to do. Things are linked together (like states). For example, beginning in a state of

    confusion, which is linked to something else, and that to something else, etc., until a state of calmness is

    achieved. Link them between other states to accomplish this.

    Frequently, NLP trainers do this by starting a story and not finishing it, then starting another story, not

    finishing it, etc. To begin, the trainer may begin a story by acting confused. Halfway through, after

    eliciting the state of confusion, they switch to another state, like awareness. (Im more aware of whats

    going on in my body, it makes me more confused,) Eliciting to the state, they then stop and switch to

    another. (Im more curious, when Im aware.) Until you reach the final state, keep going and that

    story comes full circle. Complete the other stories and close the loops.

    Variations of this can be done but they all operate the same way. They could be parts of the overall

    story; the stories dont have to be related. Segues are simple and can be as easy as a, That reminds

    These can be used in conjunction with anchoring your stage to the sections of your nested loop. Often,three loops are enough, but up to five will work well. (Loops can be kept on track youre your five

    fingers.) Whether you use states to link together your beginning and ending, its totally arbitrary. What

    you might use to link two states together might not be the same ones someone else uses. You may need

    practice because starting a story and stopping in the middle of it is unnatural.

    For your reference, in this manual, the following information and exercises are included that are not

    fully or in part represented on the videos.

    22 Quick Tempered Partner


    How To Deal With A Quick Tempered Partner

    In this case, how can you deal with someone who is quick tempered? The simple

    way to find out is to know that person well. Identify the triggers to that behavior.

    Very often, quick temper is triggered off by a variety of factors. Your job, if usingNLP, is to look for resourceful emotions to completely counteract those (we call

    that collapsing anchors).

    Psychotherapist Tips: Minding Your Language?

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    Recently, I had a chance to witness what a person does in a therapeutic setting.

    He was working with a client who had a depressive episode and used Cognitive

    Behavior Therapy as the principle mode of therapy. This client had an issue that

    some of us might find familiar he had broken up with his partner of several

    years and the principle outcome was to stop having to feel the negativesensations of a breakup.

    23 Re Inventing Yourself

    28 Stealing A Skill Modeling

    31 Time Line Therapy

    32 Visual Squash one hand present state another resource stage

    Visual Squash (New)

    Visual Squash (New) - What's important

    You can do almost all your NLP skills to add depth to this technique.

    Visual Squash (New) - The technique

    Create a vivid representation of yourself the way you are now (your present state)

    - All that you consider good and bad.

    See yourself the way you would be if you got through your problems and well

    achieved your goals. Be very clear on how you will be behaving, what you will be

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    saying and feeling. Make the image as clear and as rich as possible. Use all your


    Place one image in each of your hands outstretched in front of you with a space

    separating them. This space represents the unexplored territory and unspecified

    steps that lie between the two states.

    Begin to make a series of images or movies of the logical steps from one state to

    the other. Adjust each picture or movie, frame by frame, changing what ever

    needs to be changed , until each is a fully representational, progressive stage of

    the process of change.

    When you have between ten and twelve stages in front of you, slowly begin to

    close your hands, collapsing all changes into a simple process.

    Bring your clasped hands towards your body and pull the new state into your

    body, making a new feeling that represents action and success.

    Spin that feeling faster and faster, intensifying it and allowing it to spread

    throughout your body, so it permeates every muscle, every organ and everynerve, and every cell. As you do this, look at where you want to go and decide

    clearly what you need to do first. Then see yourself taking the second step, then

    the third, and keep spinning and intensifying the feeling until you fell compelled

    to get up and go for it.

    33 Walking State

    Walking State

    Walking state is a technique that enables your client to prepare and rehearse for

    a meeting that will have a far greater positive impact on the result than the

    majority of rehearsal approaches. It will also introduce the concept of the huge

    choice of useful states available to all of us.

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    Walking State - What's important

    Using your calibration skills ensure that your client does have a visual and

    auditory movie of the meeting.

    Brainstorm a large number of states, ensure you have at least one of the families

    of Fierce, Tender and playful.

    Do spend time asking questions when your client is 'walking the states.' You're

    teaching him or her to start to recognise how state and posture are related.

    Walking State - The technique

    Have your client identify a future meeting that he or she would like to go

    particularly well.

    You may suggest to your client that this exercise is an exploration to increase their

    behavioural options - which will lead to them being more successful at the


    Have them imagine seeing and hearing a 10-20 second movie of them interacting

    with this person at the meeting.

    Ask them to break state, for example by asking them the colour of the carpet.

    Brainstorm with them, preferably on a whiteboard a large whiteboard, states that

    might be useful in the context of the meeting.

    As practitioner it's important for the next stage you 'go first', when you're walking

    with your client asking then to walk 'as if' in a particular state - you get into that

    state first.

    Have then choose three of the states to explore in the context of this meeting,

    then have them walk 'as if' they were in the first state. As they walk ask them

    questions about their physiology and breathing while in that state. Is their walking

    fast or slow? Where are breathing from? Is their breathing fast or slow? How are

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    their shoulders? Where is there attention? etc etc.

    Repeat the about with the other two states. Then ask them to walk with a

    representation (whatever that means?) of all three states. Then ask them to stop

    and ask them 'through the lens' of those three states play the movie again andnotice what changes - however small or large the change may be.

    oooooooooooooo Creating Resource States.

    Resource states are states of mind that can be used to positively re-program your

    past, present and future.

    1. Think of a resource state you want more of in a future situation. (Joy, Ecstasy,

    Fun, Creativity, Confidence, Compassion etc.)

    2. Relax down into a trance.

    3. Remember a time you felt the chosen resource state strongly. Or imagine a

    situation in the future that would allow you to feel that resource state.

    4. Fully associate into the experience and see what you saw at the time, hear

    what you heard and feel those feelings. Make the colours brighter, turn up the

    sounds and amplify the feelings. Anchor this feeling by squeezing your finger

    and thumb together.

    5. Notice where those feelings are in your body. What colour would you give

    these feelings? Imagine spreading that colour/feeling up and down your body,

    amplifying the feelings. When the feelings are amplified, again squeezeyour finger and thumb together to capture that feeling.

    6. Break state. (Look around the room or remember your phone


    7. Test Anchor: Squeeze your finger and thumb together. If you've done the above

    steps correctly you should feel those feelings coming back. Congratulate yourself

    (This is very useful as it re-enforces the idea in your mind that you can do these

    exercises and they will become even easier to do!)

    8. Here's a great tip they don't often tell you in NLP books. Treat yourself and

    make a 'Super Resource State'? Go back to step one and stack another state ontop of the first one. Squeeze the same finger and thumb together! Cool or what?

    (Example: Confidence AND Creativity.)

    9. Now think of a specific situation where this supreme resource state would be


    10. Imagine what you will see/hear just before you want this state to kick in.

    Example: The boss's door, the eye's of a specific member of the opposite sex, a

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    blank painting canvas, a tennis ball etc.

    11. Now fire the resource anchor by squeezing your finger and thumb together

    whilst imagining being in the chosen situation, unfolding as you desire it too.

    Well done, you can now look forward to that future situation even more. Whereelse and how else can you use the above technique?

    Each time you practice the technique with another resource state/situation you

    will condition your mind to make the procedure even easier next time...


    Accelerated Learning

    4. Find something you like about the person (I usually pick clothes, accessories,hair or make up)

    5. Pay a complement and personalize it (I like your shoes they really suits you)6. Then ask a question allowing them to open into a conversation (Where do

    you shop for shoes like that?)


    NLP Techniques - Swish

    Swish can be used to change a simple behaviour or a future state, for examplefeeling good when going on stage to present. Its really a more formalised way of

    doing a sub modality change and linking it to a point in the future.

    Swish - What's important

    The first cue picture will become a trigger for the new behavior, so it needs to in a

    sequence that the client has to go through to achieve the old behaviour.

    Take time making the outcome picture really motivating.

    When doing Swish as a visual technique it needs to be done quickly, however thedetermining factor is the speed your client processes visual information - watch

    them to see how fast they go.

    Swish - The technique This can be used to change almost anything e.g. stopping

    smoking, changing state etc. There are different versions for different

    representational systems.

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    This is a valuable technique for managing your own thinking, states, and

    behaviours. Each time you use the Swish you are training yourself to instantly re-

    direct your thinking from unuseful topics to more resourceful ones.

    By using the Swish in your own life you develop your ability to maintainresourceful states, manage your responses to stressful situations, and engage in

    the behaviours you want.

    How to use the Swish

    1. Select a replacement image

    First select your Replacement Feeling - ask yourselfHow do I want to be instead.

    Having selected the Replacement Feeling see and hear a detached and associated

    version of yourself experiencing this feeling. It is quite important that this image is

    dissociated. Enhance the detail and the quality (submodalities) of this until the

    image is quite compelling.

    2. Find the trigger for the unwanted mood

    What is it that you respond to? How you know when to have the unwanted

    response or reaction?

    Ask yourselfWhat occurs just before this negative or un-wanted state begins?

    This time, you want an associated image of what is going on immediatelybefore

    you engage in the unwanted activity.

    3. Put the replacement in the corner of unwanted image

    Imagine a small postage-stamp sized version of your replacement picture in thebottom corner of the unwanted picture.

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    4. Swish the two images

    Now you want to make both images change simultaneously and with increasing

    speed. (Experienced NLPers will select two critical submodalities to use here.

    However simply making the images change size and distance from you will workmost of the time.)

    Have the 'negative' image become smaller and shoot off into the distance. At the

    same time have the 'positive' replacement image become larger and closer until it

    replaces the negative image completely. Imagine a "swish" sound as you do this -

    hence the name. That's one Swish sound.

    (Do this fairly slowly at first taking, say, 5-10 seconds to do it. Then continue,doing it a little faster each time, until you are swishing almost instantaneously - in

    less than a second!)

    5 Clear your mind

    After each Swish round blank your mind, fully! Think of something else or

    visualize your favorite colour. Breathing easily as you do this since some people

    tend to hold their breath while concentrating on doing the Swish. It is crucial to

    the success of the Swish to clear your mind or turn your attention outside before

    you do each next round.

    6 Practice 5-7 times

    Repeat steps 3 to 5 up to about seven times until you have difficulty in

    maintaining the unwanted image.

    I dont visualise

    This is a common belief. You can do an Auditory or a Kinaesthetic Swish, too. So if

    you (or the other person if you are assisting someone else) believe that you have

    difficulty in visualising you could accept this belief and use a kinaesthetic or

    auditory swish. Alternately, and often more effectively, you can act 'as if' you are

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    visualising - i.e. you pretend that you visualising and simply follow the steps listed

    above. Curiously, this will often work just as effectively!

    Skill with the Swish

    Like all NLP techniques the Swish is best learned "live" in a workshop where you

    are able to interact with the facilitator and with other participants -- and where

    you learn the background steps before you get to actually do the Swish. However

    you can still get good results if you carefully follow the above tips.

    Incidentally, the six steps listed above represents the "standard" Swish

    traditionally used in NLP. It works very well for many people, especially if it is

    used alongside lots of other NLP skills such as the use of language patterns,anchoring, and a keen of awareness of non-verbal responses.


    NLP in Selling

    Values, positioning & selling

    When you apply NLP in selling you will increase your customer satisfaction rating

    and your repeat business. The approach enables you to ensure that you match

    your products or services to your customer's precise needs...

    ...andensure that your customer is aware of how carefully you are attending to

    their needs!

    By doing this you arepositioning yourself differently in the mind of your

    customer. You're no longer just another 'rep' or even a salesperson. In their mind

    you become 'someone-to-be-consulted and a valuable resource rather than a


    The NLP in selling methods work equally well for retail sales as for international

    salespeople selling high-ticket products and services. Because customers don't

    like to be sold - they like to buy.

    And the key difference is in how you treat them...

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    First they must buy you!

    Experienced sales people know that customers are unlikely to buy your product or

    service or idea if they don't like you. (Unless, of course, you are fortunate in being

    in a sellers' market.)

    First your customer must 'buy' you - only then will they consider 'buying' your

    product or service or idea. NLP in selling is so powerful that, even where you are

    at a price or a technical specifications disadvantage, you can often get the order

    if your relationship with your customer is right!

    So sales people have begun looking for ways of becoming more skilful at being

    'customer friendly'! Instead of simply becoming more friendly with their


    Yet so many sales people hate selling. They actually fear their customers. Because

    they see it as a numbers' game instead of a people game!

    When we model good sales people we find they actually like people. And people

    pick this up and, if the product and terms are right, they become customers!


    Natural Programming

    Anchoring Mental Rehearsal Perception Making Meaning Mindstore

    Every day of your life you go through some natural programming of your brain -

    just in the process of living your life. Think about this for a moment: you can

    hardly get away from the messages constantly transmitted by the media. These

    messages are on television, on the radio, in newspapers, in films, in plays and so

    on - pretty-much everywhere. This is like NLP acting in the environment. You can

    hardly ever find a quiet place amidst the hustle and bustle of modern living.

    The first thing this constant barrage of invasive sound does to your mind is:

    prevent you from engaging in the process of thinking productively. In some cases,

    absorbing these messages works out to be even worse that just displacing

    programming time: the messages themselves become part of your Natural

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    Programming. You begin to absorb these messages and they actually become a

    part of your thinking - it is just as if you had used NLP to put them there yourself;

    the result is exactly the same! Such subliminal messages are negative and

    destructive to our thinking.

    Re-Programming Your Mind

    Anchoring Mental Rehearsal Perception Making Meaning Mindstore

    There are three specific things you can do to get the right sort of thinking into

    your mind; the sort of thinking that will enable you to excel at whatever you do

    and help to ensure you do achieve your goals. Firstly, you can use affirmations.Secondly, you can use what I always think-of as the original NLP technique -

    hypnosis. Thirdly, you can displace some of your Natural Programming with

    healthy alternatives. Let's look at each of these in turn.

    Affirmations - The Linguistic Technique

    Making use of Affirmations means taking some particular message, such as "I am

    Confident!" and saying it over and over again, day after day, several times per day

    - at least three times per day - repeating the phrase endlessly to yourself.

    What eventually happens is that it eventually sinks down into your sub-conscious

    mind and finally your inner self accepts that you are confident. When that

    happens your life will begin to change because confident people are simply

    people who believe they are confident. You will begin to act confidently and you

    will acquire the confidence you seek.

    Hypnosis - The Original NLP Technique

    Using hypnosis effectively bypasses the conscious mind with your message. Youget yourself into a nice relaxed state and the message you want to internalize is

    spoken directly to your sub-conscious mind. The idea is basically the same as with

    affirmations but it can be a quicker method of accomplishing what you want.

    Natural Programming - NLP the Easy Way

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    By carefully vetting and selecting the movies you watch it is possible to engage in

    some Natural Programming of your own; it's a kind-of NLP but by taking the easy

    route! You can ensure you pass positive, healthy messages to your subconscious

    mind if you choose to watch the right movies.


    NLP Technique - Belief Change Pattern

    Become an excellent learner

    1. Find the belief that stands in your way of learning new thing easily. See, hear,

    and feel yourself trying

    2. Find a strong and useful belief about something in which you already excel. Or

    find something that you know you do really well. Examine its qualities, the sameway as above.

    3. Compare the two, noting the differences. Pay particular attention to the size of

    each image, their positions in your mental space, and whether or not either

    involves movement.

    4. Push the image of the limiting belief off into the distance until it is little more

    than a pinprick, shift it across to line it up with your positive belief, and then snap

    it back toward you into you in its new position, shifting all the originalsubmodalities to match those of supreme confidence and proficiency. See

    yourself dropping into a profoundly relaxed state in which you absorb information

    easily and are prepared to explore and practice your new skills with deep


    5. Deepen the state by manipulating the submodalities, the step into that state of

    deep trance and pay particular attention to the feelings associated with being an

    excellent learner. When you have identified a particularly strong feeling, anchor it

    by firmly pressing a particular spot on your body, such as an earlobe or a knuckle,so that you can easily access the state at a later date by pressing or 'firing' you

    anchor and remembering as fully as possible the experience you created in Step 4.

    6. Slowly come back into the room, bringing all the learning you've made with

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    you, and in the knowledge that you can repeat this.

    From TRANCE-formation p101


    NLP techniques - Visual Squash (New)

    Visual Squash (New) - What's important

    You can do almost all your NLP skills to add depth to this technique.

    Visual Squash (New) - The technique

    Create a vivid representation of yourself the way you are now (your present state)- All that you consider good and bad.

    See yourself the way you would be if you got through your problems and well

    achieved your goals. Be very clear on how you will be behaving, what you will be

    saying and feeling. Make the image as clear and as rich as possible. Use all your


    Place one image in each of your hands outstretched in front of you with a space

    separating them. This space represents the unexplored territory and unspecifiedsteps that lie between the two states.

    Begin to make a series of images or movies of the logical steps from one state to

    the other. Adjust each picture or movie, frame by frame, changing what ever

    needs to be changed , until each is a fully representational, progressive stage of

    the process of change.

    When you have between ten and twelve stages in front of you, slowly begin to

    close your hands, collapsing all changes into a simple process.

    Bring your clasped hands towards your body and pull the new state into your

    body, making a new feeling that represents action and success.

    Spin that feeling faster and faster, intensifying it and allowing it to spread

    throughout your body, so it permeates every muscle, every organ and every

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    nerve, and every cell. As you do this, look at where you want to go and decide

    clearly what you need to do first. Then see yourself taking the second step, then

    the third, and keep spinning and intensifying the feeling until you fell compelled

    to get up and go for it.


    NLP Technique - Submodality Change

    Understanding your experience and how to change it!

    1. Choose a pleasant experience from the past and pay special attention to how

    you remember it. Focus less on what happened than on whether you're making a

    picture, what the sub modalities of that picture are making sure you also pay

    attention to the sounds and feelings that make up the entire memory. Notice how

    you feel when you intensely re-experience pleasant memory.

    2. Begin to push the image away from you towards the horizon, making it smaller

    and less distinct, and draining any colours out of it as you go. When it is just a dot

    in the distance, notice how your feelings have changed. Most people find that the

    intensity of their pleasure diminishes significantly.

    3. Bring the memory back into it's previous position , restoring all it's original

    submodalities until you feel the same about the memory as you did when you


    4. Bring the picture toward you. Increase the size; make it bigger, brighter, and

    more detailed. Step right into the picture and experience everything through all

    your sense. The experience should feel more real, more intense.

    5. Return the memory to its original place, once again restoring all its original sub



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    NLP Techniques - State Elicitation and Anchor

    State elicitation and anchor enables your client to access a useful state and then

    re access it at a time of their choosing in the future.

    An important additional benefit of the technique is your client is getting

    experience in exploring their own memories and experience. This is the starting

    point for many other techniques, and a significant life skill.

    State Elicitation and Anchor - What's important

    As practitioner go first. To help your client access a particular state 'Act as if'

    you're already in that state.

    For clients that 'live in their heads' this technique can be really challenging. On the

    other hand it can be the first stage in them reconnecting with their senses (and in

    a way their life) and can have tremendous long term benefits.

    The basis of NLP anchoring is that human memories are built from our five senses.

    Triggering one will bring back the others.

    State Elicitation and Anchor - The technique

    Ask your partner where they would be happy having an anchor applied to theirarm, hand, shoulder?

    Ask your partner what state he/she would like to elicit. Image being in that state

    first yourself to help lead your partner into that state.

    Being able to help your clients elicit strong and powerful states and / or amplify

    weak ones is one of the most useful skills in NLP.

    Ask your partner to remember a time when he/she was in such a state, or askthem to make up a time when he/she was in such a state.

    Ask your partner:

    What can they see:

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    How big is the image? How far away? Motion or still? Colour or black and white?

    Bright or dim? Focused or unfocused? Associated or dissociated? One image or


    What can they hear:

    One point or all around? Loud or soft? Fast or slow? High or low pitch? Clear or


    What can they feel:

    Location in body? Breathing rate? Temperature? Weight? Intensity? Movement?

    And you can explore taste and smell

    Ask your partner to just double what he/she sees, hears and feels and when they

    go strongly into state, apply the anchor.

    Break state, then have your partner imagine experiencing they state strongly as

    you apply the anchor once more.

    Break state, then test the anchor.


    NLP Technique - Changing Feelings by Dissociation

    1. Recall an experience still that causes you sadness and distress. As you

    remember it, make sure you are re-experiencing it as if it were happening right

    now. See everything through your own eyes, all the feelings - including the

    associated emotions - through your own body. Pay particular attention to any

    sounds; these might include anything that was said by you or any other significant

    participants in the original scenario. It may also include your own self-talk. Make a

    mental note of the degree to which this memory still causes you pain.

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    2. now pretend or imagine you can step back out of the experience so you can see

    yourself here, as if on a screen. Push the entire away from you, further and

    further, noticing, as it moves into the distance, how the colours begin to leach

    away and the detail diminishes. Push it as far away as you need to notice a

    distinct difference in the way that you feel about the events.

    Note : Unless you particularly wish to have the discomfort back, you can leave the

    experience where it is - or even spin it away into space and have it explode into

    the sun.


    NLP Technique - Fast Phobia Cure

    The Fast Phobia cure can be used for any real big fear, if the fear can be testedthere an then - i.e. purely imagining the situation brings observable

    manifestations of the fear - so much the better.

    The technique contains a number of steps, for example, dissociation, playing an

    experience backwards, which can be useful in many contexts.

    Fast Phobia Cure - What's important

    Remember if it's a really big fear you can continue to dissociate further, forexample float above yourself from the gallery and watch yourself from an air vent

    in the cinema, watching yourself, watching yourself watching the movie.

    Sometimes in order to get the logistics right I'll layout the room so a screen or

    monitor is the cinema screen, a chair represents the front row and another chair

    represents a chair in the balcony.

    Also remember to test thoroughly and to continue as many times as it needs to

    get an appropriate outcome. You're teaching your client some very useful mentalprocesses.

    Fast Phobia Cure - The Technique

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    1. Have the subject find their greatest fear in life.

    2. Have them walk into an imaginary movie theatre of their mind and sit down in

    the center of the front row.

    3. Have them float up out of their body and gently settle in a comfortable seat in

    the balcony, so they can watch themselves watching the screen.

    4. Have them put the very beginning of their greatest fear on the screen in the

    form of a colored slide. Have them run the movie of their greatest fear all the way

    to end, as they remain in the balcony watching sitting in the front row watching

    themselves on the screen.

    5. At the end of the movie, freeze the frame into a slide. Change the picture toblack and white and then re-associate fully into the picture on the screen (walk

    into the movie). Run the associated movie backwards at triple speed or faster,

    with circus or cartoon music playing, and have them freeze - frame the image

    when they get to the beginning of the movie.

    6. Have them walk out of the still picture and sit back down in the center of the

    front row of the theater, then have them white out the entire screen.

    7. Repeat steps 3-6 as necessary. Test for the phobic response after each timethrough. All throughout the process use plenty of presuppositions and Milton

    model language patterns to reinforce your change work.


    NLP Technique - Foolproof Planning

    1. Step into a full sensory representation of the way you will be behaving, talking,thinking, and feeling when you are completely on track with your new and

    preferred direction. To intensify the experience, imagine going through an entire

    "ideal" day with your new resources already in place, spinning and building on

    your good feelings.

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    2. Ask yourself what needs to be done immediately before you could have your

    perfect day. Make a note of your answer.

    3. When you have identified that, ask yourself the same question: what needs to

    be done immediately before you achieve that step Write down the answer.

    4. Repeat until you have moved backward to your starting point. You should now

    have all the key steps needed to carry you from your present state to your desired


    5. Carefully give each step a start and finish date, making sure that they all

    complete within your overall timescale.

    Note : Complex tasks can be broken into separate components, each of which can

    be reverse-engineered as above, making sure that none of the start-finish dates



    NLP Techniques - Logical Levels

    Logical Levels can be used as an approach to explore any outcome. This may in

    itself produce a congruent way forward for your client or it will give information

    of where to go next.

    Logical levels can also be used a 'top level' approach to modelling someone's

    attitude and skills in a particular context - again either giving you some

    distinctions to improve performance or suggesting what you investigate next

    Logical Levels - What's important

    When using logical levels to explore an outcome it's normally worth asking the

    client if they want to start at 'environment' or 'identity'.

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    Where ever they start take them through the steps and then take them back to

    the starting point, on the return stage 'what, however small, has changed.

    Logical Levels - The technique

    Remember to check you have a reasonable level of rapport before you start you

    may find it useful to frame the meeting with a statement like when Ive modeled

    successful people in the past, Ive found the questions Im about to ask really useful

    - if they dont make sense, thats fine just use them as a trigger to say what comes

    into your mind. And I may ask similar sounding questions, its to give you a chance

    to build on what you have said already


    Logical Levels Modelling

    Firstly decide who you would like to model or what skills or capabilities you would

    like to develop. Remember NLP is about modelling the best - so set your sights

    high, you'll be surprised who'll see you if you come over as genuinely interested.

    And there are lots of others to see if they don't.

    Use a tape/mini disc recorder and preferably arrange to see people in their offices- I have some very interesting recordings in bars and clubs - but the background

    noise blanks out the content!! And remember to listen - sometimes questions

    that don't make any sense to you get the best answers.

    Mix and match the following question sets:


    You've chosen someone because they're good - so let them know, and keep any

    confidences that are important to them.

    You have a reputation at being good at 'people networking' (adapt to your topic)

    are you happy that I ask you some questions about it?


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    Where and when do you do it?


    What specifically do you do?

    If you were going to teach me to do it, what would you ask me to do?


    What skills do you have that enable you to do this?

    How did you learn how to do this?


    What do you believe about yourself when you do this?

    What do you believe about the person you're doing this to?


    Do you have a personal mission or vision when you're doing this?

    Other questions

    How do you know that you're good at this?

    What emotional and physical state are you in when you do this?

    What happened for you to be good at this?

    What are you trying to achieve when you do this?

    Who else do you recommend I talk to about this?


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    When you have a certain experience in doing this - and the questions become

    automatic - you could choose to get into deep rapport with your subject and

    imagine what it would be like to actually 'be' your subject as they are describing

    what they do. - This is a step towards 'true' NLP modelling


    NLP Technique - Getting Things Done

    1. Choose a situation where you feel out of control - not because you don't have

    the knowledge or the skills, but because your emotions get the better of you. One

    example of this might be fear of success or fear of failure.

    2. Understand at this point that this is simply an attitude that is stopping you from

    doing something that you know you should do, so decide as richly as possible

    what you will be doing when you are back in control. Choose a specific example of

    this behaviour, preferably one that is immediately testable.

    3. Sit comfortably, then float out, imagining yourself sitting a little behind and up

    from your physical body. In your mind's eye, see the back of your head, the width

    of your shoulders. See what your clothes look like from this point of view. Makethis picture as fully dimensional as possible.

    4. Now, imagine that you see yourself starting to stand up, and, as that happens,

    actually stand, so you are in precisely the same position as your imagine image.

    5. Repeat this thought and action several times, making it faster each time, until

    you feel yourself being pulled to your feet by the vividness of your image.

    6. Imagine you are standing a little behind and up from an image of yourself about

    to start the activity you identified in Step 2. Ensure that it is in the same position

    and has the same quantities as the standing exercise.

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    7. Run the activity from start to finish several times. Do this faster and faster,

    stepping into the image each time, until you feel the same 'pull' as before.

    8. Test by starting the activity and following it all the way through at least three

    times. Then sit down quietly for a few moments and imagine how your life will be

    different and better as this new skill generalizes out into other, equally useful and

    appropriate areas of your life.


    NLP modelling of excellent performers

    Do you want to learn useful attitudes and skills Quickly?

    As part of our practitioner accreditation training we ask students to identify

    someone who has skills or achievements that they admire - and present back with

    three or four ideas that will help both themselves and other members of the

    group improve their performance in whatever field is chosen.

    The following is our 'starter brief' that can be used by almost anybody. Try it a

    couple of times and you may find that you have some very valuable skills in this


    We suggest that there are at least three approaches to modelling.

    Identifying peoples strategies or the sequence they go through to do something -

    normally using Meta model questions

    Getting ideas about how someone does something by asking questions based on

    Robert Dilts 'Logical Levels'.

    Using deep trance identification to take on a complete skill set'. This is sometimes

    called 'True' NLP modelling.

    For information, elicitation a strategy requires systemic questioning and

    observation. Begin by asking someone how they do something you would like to

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    do. Identify each step by asking either 'what happens before that?' or what

    happens after that?'. Remember many people will not be aware of their strategies

    so use your observation to notice changes in eye accessing, posture and breathing

    to help identify internal processing.

    We ask are delegates to complete a project based on 'Logical Levels' and then

    'Steal a Skill' based on a Richard Bandler approach.


    Stealing a Skill Modelling

    1 Decide on a role model - someone whose physical performance you would like

    to replicate. Spend as much time as possible studying your role model in the flesh,

    on video tape, or on DVD recordings. Simply relax while watching them, softening

    your vision and hearing and seeing the flow of the performance.

    2 When you feel as familiar as possible with your role model's performance, close

    your eyes, relax and recreate your role models performing a sequence of actions

    at the highest level of excellence. See and hear everything there is to build a

    model of that competence.

    3 When you have watched this performance for some time, move around the

    mental image of your role model and step inside. Imagine that you are able to see

    through the eyes of excellence, hear through the ears of excellence and feel the

    feelings of excellence.

    4 Run through the same sequence of actions but from within, noticing this time

    what your body feels as you do this. Repeat several times as you have a sense of


    5 Step out of your role model's body, with the intention of retaining as much of

    the sill as possible as you return to normal working consciousness.

    6 As soon as possible (and as much as possible) practice the borrowed skill,

    noticing how this exercise improves your performance.

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    7 Repeat the entire exercise, combining it with what-ever real time practice you

    do, at least once a day for the first 21 days, then at least once a week as


    Business methodology

    To build this into a very powerful process for a business, for example empowering

    a sales force or customer service unit we would tailor the questions and add a

    number of other stages.

    Desk research

    Questioning top performers

    Questioning key customers

    Observing in action

    Building an effective model

    Implementing the model

    One of the key competencies of NLP is modelling excellent performers.


    NLP Techniques - Outcomes

    Well formed outcomes enable you to think about what you want in such a way

    that it will be easier and more fun to achieve - or it will help you realise that it's

    not something you really wanted, before you waste time in trying to achieve it.

    The key aspect of an outcome is that it's motivating and sets a direction.

    Outcomes - What's important

    Sometimes just asking the question "and what do you want?" starts to move the

    interaction in a useful direction.

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    Although there are many different versions of well formed outcomes there are

    five key criteria:

    Stated in the positive

    It's something you want, for example, to be successful, as opposed to something

    you want to avoid, for example, to feel less insecure.

    Under your control

    The outcome is under your your control, while there maybe some debate on what

    actually is under our control I'd consider 'getting a new job' outside my control,

    but 'getting the skills and taking action to get a new job' under my control.

    Identify and focus on what is directly under your control!

    Sensory tested

    Our senses connect us to the outside world. If we want to achieve something in

    the 'real' world. It's important that we can see, hear, feel and preferably taste and

    smell the result. And the brighter, the more colourful we make the pictures (and

    sounds and feelings) the more we will be drawn to take action to achieve what we



    Good to us and those closest to us in the short, medium and longer term

    We've explored anything conscious or unconscious that may be holding us back.

    Future pace

    We include this final step, 'can you imagine yourself enjoyably taking the smallest

    first step that will move you towards your goal?'

    To me what's important about an outcomes exercise is that it motivates us to

    take enjoyable and real action, NOT that we must achieve our goal - because our

    goal may change on route.

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    Outcomes - The technique

    Help your client to come with a goal. It might be something short term or

    something long term and inspirational. You may want to write the goal down, if

    you do so make sure you write it down precisely as they say it - dont be temptedto paraphrase or restate it. Always use other peoples words, especially when their

    dreams are involved!

    It's important that you and your client are in appropriate states before completing

    an outcomes exercise.

    Ask your partner the following questions and notice hoe they respond. Notice also

    any changes in processing or physiology that take place. You don't need to think

    too much about the content of the answers that they come up with, pay moreattention to the process and how they react.


    Tell me something you want to achieve?

    Is that something you want, as opposed to want to avoid?


    When, where, with whom do you want it?

    Evidence sensory based:

    How do you know when you've got it?

    What will you see, hear, feel, taste and smell?

    What will do you see yourself doing differently as a result of achieving this?

    Preserve the position intention:

    (Don't throw the baby out with the bath water)

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    What will happen if you get this result?

    What wont happen if you get it?

    What will happen if you don't get this result?

    What wont happen if you don't get it?

    Initiated and maintained by the individual:

    What is the first step that you will take?

    What resources do you have?

    Ecology check:

    Offer your hand, palm up, to your partner and offer them their goal, right now, in

    the palm of your hand.

    If you were offered this right now, would you take it?

    Future Pace

    Can you imagine yourself enjoyably taking the smallest first step that will move

    you towards your goal?'


    NLP Techniques: Perceptual Positions

    Want to understand someone better? By 'being them' for a short period of time

    you can learn about them.

    The exercise can be done standing or sitting, whatever helps your partner to recall

    it most easily. A could arrange chairs or other furniture accordingly, just as in the

    original scenario.

    Ask your partner to recall that memory and run through it, recalling every detail

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    as if it were happening right now. Help your partner to fully associate and run the

    whole sequence through from start to finish. This is 1st position.

    Now ask your partner to walk over to where the other person was, and step into

    their position. In this 2nd position, your partner watches the whole sequenceagain, watching and hearing themselves as if they are the other person .Ask your

    partner for any new information or insight they have in this position. Ask your

    partner how they feel watching and listening to themselves.

    Now have your partner walk over to a 3rd position on the other side of the room.

    If they have difficulty dissociating from the emotional content of the memory, you

    can ask them to imagine stepping outside of the room and watching through a

    window, as a casual onlooker. Ask them to watch the whole sequence again,

    paying attention to the interaction between position 1 and 2. Ask them for anynew information or insight they have in this position. Ask how they feel watching

    and listening to the interaction between the two people in the room, and to note

    how the other person seems to be responding.

    Now have your partner move back to the 1st position, in their own shoes, and run

    through the whole scene again, integrating everything that they learned in the

    other two positions.

    Ask your partner how they feel differently about the situation or the people, andwhat they have learned.


    NLP Technique - Progressive Dissociation

    Headache and other pain. Do you want to cure a headache or similar?Bizarre, but often works!

    Assume for this example that your partner has a headache

    Ask your partner where the discomfort or pain is. Ask your partner to hold your

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    wrist, then ask a sequence of questions:

    What does your head feel about the pain in your head?

    What does your neck feel about the pain in your head?

    What does your shoulder feel about the pain in your head?

    What does your elbow feel about the pain in your head?

    What does your hand feel about the pain in your head?

    What do your fingers feel about the pain in your head?

    What do my fingers feel about the pain in your head?

    What does my hand feel about the pain in your head?

    What does my elbow feel about the pain in your head?

    What does my shoulder feel about the pain in your pain?

    What does my head feel about the pain in your pain?

    And then reverse through, all the way back to your head.

    Asking 'What does your head think of your headache?'


    NLP Techniques - Six Step Reframing

    Six step reframing is gentle and respectful technique which can be used for any

    behaviour change. It is gentle and respectful in that any answer or solution

    doesn't come from the practitioner or the client's conscious mind - it comes from

    the clients unconscious mind.

    Done correctly it can begin a series of beneficial integrations within the client

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    outside of the issue being discussed.

    There are many elements within this technique than can be used in many


    Six step reframing - What's important?

    This is one of the most 'hypnotic' of all NLP techniques and as such the

    congruence, beliefs and state of the practitioner is key. You need to have the

    mindset that your client absolutely does have the answer!

    Remember to genuinely thank the 'parts' involved' and remember to integrate

    fully ay the end - We want our client to leave 'fully integrated.'

    Six Step Reframing - The technique

    1. Identify the pattern of behaviour to be changed (X)

    2. Establish communication with the part that generates the behaviour

    Go inside and ask the following question of yourself and remain alert and detect

    any changes in body sensations, visual images or sounds which occur as a

    response to your question. The question is, Will the part of me that generates

    behaviour X be willing to communicate with me in consciousness?

    Be attentive to any internal VAK

    Now ask that part, well call it part X, to vary that signal for yes and to do the

    opposite for no.

    Calibrate to external indicators to yes or no.

    3. Separate the intention from behaviour.

    Thank the part for responding. Now ask if it would be willing to let you know what

    its been trying to do for you by generating behaviour X. As you ask that question,

    once again be alert to detect yes or no response.

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    If yes-ask that part to reveal the positive intention. Then go to step #4.

    If no - go to #3.

    4. Create alternative behaviour to satisfy the positive intension

    Now go inside and contact your creative part and ask it to generate alternative

    behaviours that are just as good or better than behaviour X to satisfy the

    intention of the part we've been communicating with. Have the part responsible

    for X signal you with a yes signal when it has at least three new behaviours.

    5. Ask if part X would accept the new choices and the responsibility for generating

    them when needed.

    Now ask part X if its willing to accept responsibility for generating new behaviours

    in appropriate contexts when its intention needs to be fulfilled, for the next 4


    6. Ecological check. Ask that part that has been responding to be unresponsive

    (still, silent, etc.) then:

    Now go inside and ask if there are any parts that object to the negotiations that

    have just taken place and be alert to any internal response (VAK) that occurs.

    7. Now Go And Do It! - Test! Then Future Pace! Ensure full integration.


    NLP techniques - Sleight of Mouth

    Sleight of Mouth - Conversational Belief Change

    Reframing is an excellent way to handle questions and objections (and belief

    change). A reframe is an intervention that changes the meaning someone has

    associated with a particular piece of information. For example, the price of a

    product or service is in itself meaningless it is the audiences perception of it being

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    cheap, expensive or good value that is important. Reframing allows you to change

    that subjective meaning in order to create the right outcome for your


    Sleight of Mouth patterns are reframing patterns identified by Robert Dilts fromsome of Richard Bandlers language patterns. However they are applicable to

    many famous communicators.

    They are best used in combination rather than individual patterns; they can be

    used to strengthen beliefs as well as change them. They are based on plausibility

    rather proof. While there are 18 patterns they can sub divided into four basic


    Change meaning

    Change cause


    Change logical level

    Example of Sleigh of Mouth Patterns

    Take an example belief: Business NLP is not appropriate for our company

    These responses are an example of the various patterns rather than the truth

    about NLP.

    Hierarchy of Criteria

    To be effective the response must relate to the real values of the person youre

    talking to!

    Dont you think its more important to concentrate on what your objectives are

    now, and how NLP could help you achieve them; rather than rely on past


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    A consequence of that view is that some of your people wont get the best

    development opportunity thats available to them.

    Another outcome

    The issue here is not whether its appropriate for your whole company; which it

    isnt; the issue is whether its very appropriate for some people in your company.

    Metaphor / Analogy

    Would a football coach that studied how the best footballers scored goals not be

    appropriate for a football club? Business NLP is about how the best businesspeople achieve results.

    Redefine 1

    Its not inappropriate for your company; it just needs to be implemented properly

    to get the best results

    Redefine 2

    Business NLP is about producing best business results; are you really saying

    producing better business results is not appropriate for your company?

    Chunk Down

    (Most of the Meta model can be used)

    What particular parts of NLP are not appropriate for your company? How

    specifically are they inappropriate?

    Chunk up / exaggerate

    So you mean that learning and improving performance will never be appropriate

    for your company?

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    Counter example

    Isn't it possible that one aspect of Business NLP will be appropriate for your

    company? There is at least one area of your company that could benefit isn'tthere?

    What would be appropriate for your company?

    Who would Business NLP be appropriate for?


    My intention is not to sell you something inappropriate; its to save you moneyand increase your effectiveness. Business NLP may be able to help you with both


    Model of the world

    That may be 100% true from the experience youve had so far; however would you

    be interested in the experience of people from similar companies that have found

    it appropriate?

    Reality strategy

    What would you know if Business NLP was appropriate to your company?

    Apply to self

    Thats an inappropriate thing to say; knowing how many other companies have


    Change Frame size

    It may seem that now; however when you look at the potential benefit of how

    Business NLP can help you with changes over the next five years; youll see how

    necessary it is.

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    Meta Frame

    Youre only saying that because you dont know if you can handle the impact

    Business NLP will have. I can guide you through that to achieve the results youwant.


    NLP Techniques - Stalking

    Stalking is a fascinating NLP technique to calibrate your client to notice when they

    are just getting into non-useful' state, like over tired or exhausted - when it's still

    early enough to do something about it.

    It also teaches them to be open to signals when their 'subconscious' is telling

    them to change their behaviour.

    Stalking - What's important

    Have your client build a really strong sanctuary state and work to improve it.

    Remember it's their's to take with them!

    Have your client move with energy back to the sanctuary state - nothing wimpish.

    Stalking - The technique

    Have your partner find a behaviour that they want to change, something that

    they tend to get engrossed in or something that involves a response that happens

    very quickly. They key to finding the right behaviour for this exercise is that it

    happens either too quickly or too slowly for them to notice that its happening

    until its too late.

    Have your partner imagine a sanctuary state that they can retreat to at any time

    during this exercise. This will be a state or memory that is very resourceful,

    relaxing or protective for them. Have them create a bubble around this state and

    notice the location of this state in the room so that you can help your partner

    return to it at any time.

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    Have your partner imagine seeing themselves across the other side of the room,

    engaged in this activity. Have them place the image at a distance they're

    comfortable with. Now, help your partner to slowly approach the behaviour,

    walking slowly forward until they start to feel an uncomfortable or undesirable

    response. As soon as they start to feel any response, have them step immediatelyinto the sanctuary state.

    When they're ready have them step out of the sanctuary step and move closer to

    the problem behaviour. Continue moving forward, using the sanctuary state when

    necessary, until they can approach the problem behaviour and stand very close to


    Now, have your partner describe the problem behaviour and anything they can

    do to change it.


    NLP Technique - Submodality Change

    Understanding your experience and how to change it!

    1. Choose a pleasant experience from the past and pay special attention to howyou remember it. Focus less on what happened than on whether you're making a

    picture, what the sub modalities of that picture are making sure you also pay

    attention to the sounds and feelings that make up the entire memory. Notice how

    you feel when you intensely re-experience pleasant memory.

    2. Begin to push the image away from you towards the horizon, making it smaller

    and less distinct, and draining any colours out of it as you go. When it is just a dot

    in the distance, notice how your feelings have changed. Most people find that theintensity of their pleasure diminishes significantly.

    3. Bring the memory back into it's previous position , restoring all it's original

    submodalities until you feel the same about the memory as you did when you

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    4. Bring the picture toward you. Increase the size; make it bigger, brighter, and

    more detailed. Step right into the picture and experience everything through allyour sense. The experience should feel more real, more intense.

    5. Return the memory to its original place, once again restoring all its original sub



    NLP Technique - Walking State

    Walking state is a technique that enables your client to prepare and rehearse for

    a meeting that will have a far greater positive impact on the result than the

    majority of rehearsal approaches. It will also introduce the concept of the huge

    choice of useful states available to all of us.

    Walking State - What's important

    Using your calibration skills ensure that your client does have a visual and

    auditory movie of the meeting.

    Brainstorm a large number of states, ensure you have at least one of the families

    of Fierce, Tender and playful.

    Do spend time asking questions when your client is 'walking the states.' You're

    teaching him or her to start to recognise how state and posture are related.

    Walking State - The technique

    Have your client identify a future meeting that he or she would like to go

    particularly well.

    You may suggest to your client that this exercise is an exploration to increase their

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    behavioural options - which will lead to them being more successful at the


    Have them imagine seeing and hearing a 10-20 second movie of them interacting

    with this person at the meeting.

    Ask them to break state, for example by asking them the colour of the carpet.

    Brainstorm with them, preferably on a whiteboard a large whiteboard, states that

    might be useful in the context of the meeting.

    As practitioner it's important for the next stage you 'go first', when you're walking

    with your client asking then to walk 'as if' in a particular state - you get into that

    state first.

    Have then choose three of the states to explore in the context of this meeting,

    then have them walk 'as if' they were in the first state. As they walk ask them

    questions about their physiology and breathing while in that state. Is their walking

    fast or slow? Where are breathing from? Is their breathing fast or slow? How are

    their shoulders? Where is there attention? etc etc.

    Repeat the about with the other two states. Then ask them to walk with a

    representation (whatever that means?) of all three states. Then ask them to stopand ask them 'through the lens' of those three states play the movie again and

    notice what changes - however small or large the change may be.


    How To Deal With A Quick Tempered Partner

    In this case, how can you deal with someone who is quick tempered? The simple

    way to find out is to know that person well. Identify the triggers to that behavior.

    Very often, quick temper is triggered off by a variety of factors. Your job, if using

    NLP, is to look for resourceful emotions to completely counteract those (we call

    that collapsing anchors).

    Psychotherapist Tips: Minding Your Language?

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    Recently, I had a chance to witness what a person does in a therapeutic setting.

    He was working with a client who had a depressive episode and used Cognitive

    Behavior Therapy as the principle mode of therapy. This client had an issue that

    some of us might find familiar he had broken up with his partner of several

    years and the principle outcome was to stop having to feel the negativesensations of a breakup.

    NLP Techniques: Creating confidence

    Step 1: Stand Up. Close your eyes and think of a time when you experienced


    Step 2: Scale up the intensity of your feeling from 1 (not very intense) to 10 (very

    intense). Increase the intensity of the colors, brightness and size of the mental


    Step 3: Imagine yourself transferring the feeling into an empty spot in front of

    you, and notice this empty spot taking on the energy patterns of your confident


    Step 4: Break state.

