1 meeting of nfsmec 12-09-2012 department of agriculture, haryana


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Rainfall DistrictActualNormal% Departure Kurukshetra Karnal Panipat Kaithal Jind Fatehabad Rewari Mewat Faridabad Palwal Average (1 st July to 10 th September, 2012) (in mm)


1 MEETING OF NFSMEC DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, HARYANA Rainfall DistrictActualNormal% Departure Ambala Yamunanagar Bhiwani Mahendergarh Gurgaon Rohtak Jhajjar Hisar Sirsa Sonepat Panchkula (in mm) (1 st July to 10 th September, 2012) Rainfall DistrictActualNormal% Departure Kurukshetra Karnal Panipat Kaithal Jind Fatehabad Rewari Mewat Faridabad Palwal Average (1 st July to 10 th September, 2012) (in mm) Area Coverage Kharif 2012 CropTargetAchievementIncrease/ Decrease Kharif 2011 Paddy Cotton Bajra Guar Jowar Pulses Maize Oilseeds Sugarcane Total (in Lakh ha) Area, Production and Productivity CropTargetAchievement AreaProd.YieldAreaProd.Yield Wheat Kharif Pulses Gram Rabi Pulses Summer Moong Total Pulses (Area 000 Ha., Prod. 000 Tonnes, Yield Kg/Ha.) Area, production and yield of Wheat to YearNFSMState AreaProdYieldAreaProdYield (Area 000 Ha., Prod. 000 Tonnes, Yield Kg/Ha.) District-wise area, Production and Productivity of Wheat in NFSM districts during District0AreaProductionYield Ambala Yamunanagar Bhiwani Mahendergarh Gurgaon Rohtak Jhajjar Total Non-NFSM District State (Area 000 Ha., Prod. 000 Tonnes, Yield Kg/Ha.) Area, Production and Productivity of Gram from to Year NFSMState AreaProdYieldAreaProdYield (Area 000 Ha., Prod. 000 Tonnes, Yield Kg/Ha.) District-wise area, production and productivity of Gram during DistrictAreaProductionYield Bhiwani Hisar Mahendergarh88974 Sirsa77975 Rohtak Mewat Fatehabad Total (Area 000 Ha., Prod. 000 Tonnes, Yield Kg/Ha.) Targets for Rabi CropAreaProductionYield Wheat NFSM districts State Gram Summer Moong (Area 000 Ha., Prod. 000 Tonnes, Yield Kg/Ha.) 11 Input Planning & Strategies for Rabi RABI Qty. in Qtls. Adequate availability of Certified Seed. Availability of lakh qtl. against the last year sale of lakh qtl. certified seed of wheat Newly released varieties like DBW-17, HD-2851, HD-2968, DPW , HD- 2733, HD-2932 to be promoted CropReq.Availability Last Rabi Sale HSDC Kribhco/ IFFCO NSCHAFEDSFCIHAUPvt.Total Wheat Barley Gram Lentil Mustard Toria Total a) Certified Seed Contd. b) Seed Treatment 100 % treatment of certified seed of wheat Entire cost of fungicide to be borne by the Govt. (50 % RKVY + 50 % State Plan) 75 % subsidy for the treatment of farm saved seeds Provision of Rs crore made for seed treatment c) Micro-nutrients on 75 % subsidy ( 50 % NFSM + 25 % State Plan) Provision of Rs crore made for the purpose during d) Supply of Gypsum on 60 % subsidy (50 % NFSM + 10 % State) e) 1495 no. of zero-till-seed-drill, 245 ridge furrow planter & 245 seed drills will be provided on 50 % subsidy under NFSM -Wheat & Pulses. FINANCIAL DETAILS NFSMAllo.Unspent balance Funds released TotalExp.Unspent balance* % Use Wheat2, , , , Pulses A3P Total3, , , , ` in lakh * Including interest FINANCIAL DETAILS NFSMAllocationUnspent balance Funds released TotalExp.Unspent balance Wheat * Pulses A3P Total ` in lakh * Including Rs lakh for SC category farmers CLUSTER DEMONSTRATIONS ON DSR UNDER NFSM-WHEAT DistrictTarget (ha.) Demonstrations Organized (ha.) Exp. Incurred (Rs. In lakh) Ambala Yamunanagar Rohtak Jhajjar Total CLUSTER DEMONSTRATIONS ON ARHAR UNDER NFSM-PULSES DistrictTarget (ha.) Demonstrations Organized (ha.) Exp. Incurred (Rs. In lakh) Sonepat Rohtak Bhiwani Jhajjar200-- Total ACCELERATED PULSES PRODUCTION (A3P) upto August, 2012 SeasonCropUnitsDistrictAllo.Exp. KharifArhar2Rohtak Jhajjar RabiGram SummerMoong Total ` in lakh GOI has not released any funds under A3P during Online submission of Progress Report Progress reports are being submitted online at district as well as State level. Districts are being advised regularly about the shortcomings. ISSUES 19 State may be allowed to utilize funds for SC category farmers in proportion to their share in the farming community i.e. about 2.5%. Limit of subsidy on gypsum under NFSM- Wheat should be Rs. 750/- per ha as it is under NFSM-Pulses, ISOPOM & RKVY. Funds may be released for other components under NFSM-Wheat, Pulses and A3P. Thank You website: agriharyana.nic.in20