1 may 2015 e - rondebosch newsletter 2015... · altius et latius !! e 3 & ... the study was...

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Page 1: 1 MAY 2015 e - Rondebosch Newsletter 2015... · Altius et Latius !! e 3 & ... The study was inspired by the case of McArthur Wheeler, ... quite a lot of luck involved in golf?”


MAY 2015

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Altius et Latius


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From the Office of the Headmaster Pages 4 - 7 New BOG members/Around and about the School Page 8 Founders’ Day Speech Pages 9 - 12 USA Acceptance /Leadership News Page 13 Essay from visiting exchange student Pages 14 - 16 New Entrance gate: Tullyallen Road Pages 17 - 18 Staff News Page 19 IBSC Conference Page 20 Qolora Education Centre/Isolomzi High School Page 21 Music Department Page 22 Cultural Tours Pages 23 - 24 Outdoor Society Pages 25 - 27 Blazer Recipient Page 28 Bosch Shop / School Rebate Programmes Page 29 Recycling Pages 30 - 31 Weekly Prayer Meeting Page 32 First Term Sporting Colours Pages 33 - 34 Rondebosch Premier League Cricket Pages 35 - 37 Cricket Pages 38 - 39 RBHS boys participating in tours Pages 40 - 41 Cross Country Newsletter Page 42 Rugby / Auric Auto Bosch 10’s Pages 42 - 46 Football Pages 47 - 49 Hockey Page 50 Water Polo Page 50 Squash Page 51 SA Lifesaving /Rock Climbing Page 51 Swimming Page 52 Tiathlon Page 53 Upcoming Events Page 54 Grade Heads 2015 Page 55

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A headmaster gets faced with all manner of conundrums during his day; more often than not these are in response to the actions or words of a school boy, a staff member, a board member, a person from outside of the school, an official, a colleague or a parent. In trying to remain objective I often turn to three immutable laws:

The first is Occam’s Razor; a principle which tells us that “if two explanations for an occurrence exist, the simpler one is usually better” or that the more assumptions you have to make, the more unlikely an explanation is.

The second is Hanlon’s Razor: Hanlon’s Razor is an adage: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” When working with adolescents it is particularly useful to remember that where you may assume malice, it might be explained by stupidity. The word

‘stupidity’ here may be a bit harsh and perhaps misleading - instead of stupidity you could say

incompetence, misunderstanding or ignorance.

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In marketing and propaganda there is a strategy known as FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt). FUD is often used against opponents in sales, marketing, public relations and such, with the goal to spread disinformation. It is also helpful to say to yourself at such times, “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by FUD”.

The third principle is one that I came across during the Easter holiday. It is called the Dunning-Kruger effect: The Dunning-Kruger effect is a bias where incompetent individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability to be much higher than is accurate. The effect also has an opposing corollary: that is that people with true ability tend to underestimate their relative competence. People who find tasks to be easy erroneously assume, to some extent, that the tasks must also be easy for others.

The study was inspired by the case of McArthur Wheeler, a man who robbed two banks after covering his face with lemon juice in the mistaken belief that, because lemon juice is usable as invisible ink, it would prevent his face from being recorded on surveillance cameras.

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Dunning and Kruger set out to test their theory on Cornell undergraduates. In a series of tests, they examined the subjects’ self-assessment of logical reasoning skills, grammatical skills, and humour (everybody overrates their own ‘funny factor’, I think). After being shown their test scores, the subjects were again asked to estimate their own rank: the competent group accurately estimated their rank, while the incompetent group overestimated theirs. Dunning and Kruger noted that for a given skill, incompetent people will:

• fail to recognise their own lack of skill • fail to recognise genuine skill in others • fail to recognise the extremity of their inadequacy

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This is the bad news for incompetent people; it is clear that they do not know what they do not know.

The good news is that Dunning and Kruger noted that earlier studies suggested that ignorance of standards of performance lies behind a great deal of incorrect self-assessments of competence and that incompetent people are able to recognise and acknowledge their own previous lack of skill, if they are exposed to the standards that are expected and they receive training for that skill.

The point here is that once you know what you do not know, there is no excuse for suffering from a delusion and overrating yourself. When I mentioned this to the boys, I encouraged them to consider what they had learnt from the last term to become competent and to use what they have learned from their mistakes or the mistakes of others to align themselves with the values of the school and begin the term afresh.

The three points about incompetent people, bulleted above, have relevance as we enter the madness that is winter sport. There is nothing like the rush of testosterone and adrenaline which seems to transfer itself from the fields (where it belongs) to the spectators’ galleries at this time to bring out the very worst in otherwise sane people. Vague ideas and opinions billow in the hot air to become facts and the social media are lit up with self-congratulatory chest beating and wild rhetoric. I offer these three tools to our Rondebosch supporters in the hope that they will help you to maintain a balanced head when all those about you are losing theirs. Stand back and calmly enjoy the sport and the spectacle and let the coaches coach, let the referees ref but most of all, let the boys play.

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NEW BOG MEMBERS Congratulations and welcome to our new Board of Governors representatives elected at the end of last term.

Dr Wayne Alexander Samuel - Gr 10

Mrs Charleen Duncan Joshua - Gr10

Mr Gary Fisher Jason - Gr 11 & Troy Gr 8

Mr Peter Kantor Justin & Tyler - Gr12

Mr Iqbal Khan Mohamed Uwais - Gr 9

Mr David Pike Max - Gr 11

Mr Murray Stone Ross - Gr 9

We would like to thank those parents who put themselves forward for election and we wish the new Board well in its term of office.


A number of new table benches have been placed in various sections of the school which boys are enjoying using.

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Many years ago after working late in my classroom one afternoon, I walked past the front steps of the Memorial Hall on my way to Canigou where I was a Housemaster. I noticed a young Grade 8 boy sitting on the steps of the Memorial Hall, obviously waiting to be fetched after school.

I stopped and asked him whether he was waiting to be fetched. He stood up and said: “Yes Sir” I asked him what his name was and he replied: “Craig, Sir.” I asked him where he lived and he replied: “In Table View, Sir.” I jokingly asked him: “Why do you come all the way from Table View, with perfectly good schools such as Table View High and Milnerton High so much closer to your home?”

The young man pulled himself up to his full height, looked me straight in the eye and said with great emphasis: “Sir, I have come to Rondebosch to get a good education!” I said something to calm him down somewhat and walked away, smiling at his unexpected and serious response to my light-hearted question.

As I walked away I knew exactly what Craig meant. He had been drawn to a centre of excellence, to a place where he could be developed to reach his full potential, a place where he could be shown how to be the best that he could possibly be.

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I realised with a shock that those words uttered by young Craig were going to change my life as a teacher for ever. Life was never going to be the same again, not with the realisation that I owed it to Craig and to all the others that I was going to confront the next day, what they had come to Rondebosch for: To get a good education! This little story brings us to the word excellence. The word is another one that describes the ethos, the character, of this great school. There are others, such as tolerance and words such as loyalty, dedication, traditional and many others. The word excellent means: extremely good; outstanding; of the highest quality; of the highest standard; exceptional; first-rate; splendid; admirable; almost perfect.

Excellence is more than a word, more than all the synonyms we could rattle off. Excellence is the sum, the total of all the hard work, all the passion, all the love, all the sacrifices and the innumerable strivings of so many teachers, parents and boys over so many days and nights and years, right up to the present moment.

The pursuit of excellence has always been a hallmark of our great school and generations of boys and teachers have dedicated their time and energy towards being the best that they could possibly be. Ever since the day that I met young Craig, I tried to work towards excellence in doing what I had to do every day. Not only did I put in extra hours in preparing my lessons, I also tried to inspire the boys that I taught to aim higher and to strive for excellence in whatever they had to do.

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Dear Teachers and coaches and young men of Rondebosch and everyone sitting here listening to me now: young Craig has reminded each one of us of our enormous responsibility: to be the best that we could possibly be.

Martin Luther King Jr once said something that is worth remembering: “If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as a Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, 'Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.”

I remember Mr Tickey de Jager, our famous Mathematics master often telling the boys: “The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential...these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.”

The most amazing thing about striving towards excellence is the fact that one starts enjoying a task more and more and one finds great satisfaction in doing something to the best of one’s ability.

We would all do well to take some time and consider those things that we do every day and the way in which we do those things. We should feel inspired to do even the simplest things to the best of our ability.

It is not the striving for great things that is most important, it is the doing of the little things, the common things, the everyday duties, a little better and better each time.

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Dale Carnegie, the well-known motivational speaker and author said: “Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one, it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones tend to take care of themselves.”

Gary Player, the world-famous South African golfer, once stood on this very stage and after his speech to the school, he encouraged the boys to ask questions. After answering quite a number of questions, a boy asked him: “Mr Player, do you think that there is quite a lot of luck involved in golf?” He answered: “Sonny, I have found an amazing thing: the more I practise, the luckier I get!” I would like to leave you with a few words from the wise Greek philosopher Aristotle: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” I therefore challenge each and every one of you to act out the inspirational words contained in our school’s motto: Grow higher and wider towards excellence every day in everything you do and make it a habit for life.

Paul la Grange (LG) Founders’ Day Assembly

11 March 2015

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USA ACCEPTANCE Congratulations to Robbie Waddilove (E14) on being accepted at Harvard University in the USA. He will start his undergraduate degree at the beginning of their school year in September.

LEADERSHIP NEWS The Leadership Newsletter - Potentialem # 2 highlighting leadership developments and events that took place during the first term was billeted to parents at the beginning of April.

Dynamic Link http://www.rondebosch.com/high/flipsnap/Potent201415.html

PDF Link http://www.rondebosch.com/high/flipsnap/Potent201415.pdf

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I decided to spend my carnival holidays this year in Cape Town, South Africa, mainly to collect material for my matriculation essay on the socio-linguistic behaviour of the English language in

juvenile environments, but also to widen my cultural experience, as I have never visited South Africa before.

In order to achieve my aim, Rondebosch Boys’ High School was so kind as to host me for two weeks and to integrate me into their daily school life. For that, it was very nice for Lorenzo Napoli and his parents to host me during the week, who live very close to the school. I did not know that Rondebosch is a school with (exclusively) English speaking students, but the information I obtained is still very interesting. I found out that during a conversation, be they “in real life” or virtual, the boys talk English, but use now and then words derived from Afrikaans to emphasise one’s opinion about a topic. An example for this is the word bloem, which literally means flower, but is used by the students as a term to relax, seen that the flower is still a symbol for peace and/or calmness. What one can see with the contrast English-Afrikaans in Cape Town, one can partially observe the same phenomenon here, but with Swiss-German and English.

Here in Switzerland, I am a part of a programme called the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, where in some of the lessons the language of teaching is English. That stimulates students who are not so well in German yet or who are in fact Swiss, but have lived some time abroad in an English-speaking country, to join this course. As many of us speak the English language pretty fluently, it is a frequently used way of communicating. But instead of using only single words, we start whole conversations in English, even though 80% of us are natively fluent in Swiss German. Besides the information I received for my essay, I also liked the experience to be part of the school like one hardly sees them here in Middle Europe. It was interesting to wear a uniform to school everyday, which makes all the students unique.

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I also enjoyed it to stay in a boys’ school, as here in Switzerland there is no segregation between boys and girls, even though at most of the high schools the girls are in terms of numbers so dominant that one could almost think he/she were in a girls’ high school. With only boys in a class, I have the feeling that one has the chance to develop much stronger friendships, as there is a “bigger choice” and one also does not always have all the lessons with the same students. Lorenzo also brought me to several inter-school sport events; I was able to watch several water polo matches, also a few where Lorenzo was playing. I also watched the away game in Stellenbosch where Lorenzo had his chance to play in the match. This also gave me the chance to visit the town and its surroundings; my father often told me how nice it was. One evening we went together to the swimming gala in Newlands, the quarter right next to Rondebosch where every school was cheering for their representatives as if it was a cheering instead of a swimming contest.

All those sport experiences were pretty interesting to me, as here in Switzerland this kind of sport competition is not that common. We just have two PE lessons a week, and if somebody is interested in doing a particular sport, he/she has to organise it individually. The only competitive event is the sports day in September, but this is then between classes (comparable to the competition between the houses in Rondebosch). I also always had loads of fun with Lorenzo after school; sometimes I was able to join him and his friends in the evenings.

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Of course it was also great to experience the curiosities of Cape Town and its region. During the weekends, I stayed with Karen Eksteen, a colleague of my father, who lives in the suburb of Blouberg north of the center of Cape Town. She showed me the most important things of Cape Town one can see in only two weeks. The most impressive sights for me were Cape Point and the Cape of Good Hope because of their topographical and historical importance, but also because it is full of endemic plants, so plants which only grow there but nowhere else. As one can see, I have a special interest in botanic, so Karen had the idea to visit the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden on my first full day in Cape Town, and the fact that the Cape region is a region full of endemic plants, extended my fascination. On the same weekend Karen made the suggestion to make a tour with one of the red “City Sightseeing” Buses, as it is one of the best and convenient ways to explore Cape Town and surroundings. On the next week, after my first week at Rondebosch, we visited, after having watched Lorenzo’s water polo match in Stellenbosch, a couple of farms. First we visited the crocodile farm with about 1000 specimen, of which one could see only about 200, though, as the rest was under water. Afterwards, we went to the lion and the monkey farm. Unfortunately, this was my last weekend in Cape Town, as the following week I had to catch the plane on Friday evening. On my last day, Karen took me one last time to the V&A Waterfront, one of the nicest harbour installations I have ever been. As a sign of deep gratitude, I allowed myself to invite Karen and the Napoli family to dinner, as they managed all to

make these two weeks in Cape Town one of the nicest of my life.

Leo Loprieno

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The new entrance into the school at the intersection of Oakhurst Avenue and Tullyallen Road is now open.

Please note:

• The new gate is strictly for entry only into the school grounds. • Cars entering via the Tullyallen Road gate will then proceed

between the pool and the paved parking; there is a stop and drop zone on the left hand side.

• Thereafter cars may exit either over the canal bridge (which will become a one-way for cars leaving the campus) via the Watermeyer Gate, or round the circle to exit either via Sunnybrae or Canigou gates.

• Should you wish to drive onto the parking area near the pool, you are requested to do so at the pole gym end.

• Cars leaving this parking area may not exit via the new gate; they must please leave the grounds via either the Sunnybrae or Canigou gates, depending on the time of the day.

• The new entrance will be open at the following times from Monday to Friday during term time: 07:00 - 08:30 & 14:30 - 16:00.

Headmaster Mr Shaun Simpson thanks Mr Colin Young (E84) for the E84 group contribution towards the construction costs of the new Tullyallen Road gate.

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• Congratulations to Mr Kuzungu, on his appointment as the new Security co-ordinator/liaison officer, in conjunction with Red Alert/Mr Garth Quaite and RBHS.

• Mr Thomas Dreyer and Ms Kelly Harding (both English) will leave at the end of this term.

• Mr Shaukat Ebrahim (HOD Physical Science) has taken on the role of Assessment Co-ordinator for the Academic portfolio.

• Condolences to intern Mr Stefano Scribani on the sudden death of his father.

Mr Rudrich Claassen (Head of Gr 8) and his wife Rebecca welcomed their first child, a daughter, Elizabeth on 30 April.  

Mr Marc de Kock (Music) and his wife Jessy had a son and brother for Joshua - Travis born on 25 March.  

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The 5 boys’ schools in the southern suburbs; Rondebosch, Wynberg, SACS, Bishops and WPPS, are collaborating closely to convene the International Boys’ School Coalition (IBSC) international conference on the Bishops campus. The conference is a huge undertaking with 500 delegates both local and international already booked to attend.

The IBSC is the only organisation world-wide which seeks to address issues particularly relevant to educating boys and all 5 schools convening the conference are keen and active members of the coalition. Should you wish to read more about the work of the IBSC please go to their website for a comprehensive review: http://www.theibsc.org/page.cfm?p=1773

The theme of the conference is “Lessons from Madiba” and organizational plans are well underway. We have been successful in securing Archbishop Desmond Tutu as the opening speaker and Rory Steyn, bodyguard to Nelson Mandela, will close the conference. The intervening days of the conference will be filled with stimulating speakers on a range of topics relevant to educating boys in the best possible way.

We are currently sourcing sponsorships with various marketing and advertising opportunities as well as exhibitors. If you wish to involve your business on a smaller scale by providing a service or using the conference for marketing opportunities - possibilities include, inter alia, products and/or inserts for the conference bag, selling of sim cards, hiring supplies, pre or post conference activities etc. or advertising in the programme please contact: [email protected]

Your favourable response to our request for your individual and business support would be very much appreciated.

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The next trip to the Isolomzi Senior Secondary in the Butterworth District will be in July 2015 - boys interested in going on this trip must contact Mr Rowan Harmuth [email protected]

Sponsorship is always keenly sought after for these trips in addition to the generous sponsors we already have on board - if you are able to assist in this regard please contact:

Rowan Harmuth 083 228 5698 [email protected] or Marion Wasdell 082 773 9451 [email protected]

Thanks to our committed sponsors

151 Lansdowne Road, Claremont 021 672 1700 www.mekorfordmazda.co.za

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Congratulations to the Concert and Gig Band who won their respective divisions at FACETS.

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Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch 7700, Cape Town | T: +27(21) 686 3987 | F: +27(21) 689 9726

Amsterdam Week 1: Explore Amsterdam with its rich history and unique system of canals and visit world renowned museums such as the Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh Museum, Anne Frank Museum and Rembrandt House.

Saas-Fee Week 2: Spend a day in the historic old town of Bern en route to the Swiss Alps. Experience snow and glaciers in the well-known ski resort of Saas-Fee. Learn to ski or snowboard with professional instructors.

The tour is run by the Art Department. Similar successful tours were held in 2008/09 and 2012/13. The estimated cost for this tour is R50 000 plus pocket money. All boys from Grades 8 to 11 are welcome to join the tour, although space is limited to 12 boys. If you are interested, please email or talk to Mrs Newham ([email protected])

or Mr Jenkins ([email protected]).

There is ONE space left for any boy from Grade 8 – 11 who wants to join the tour.

Join us on a cultural experience of Europe in winter! 27 December 2015 - 11 January 2016

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The RBHS Outdoor Society organised two weekend camps for Grade 8 boys on Vaatjie camp near Melkbosstrand during the first term as well as a four-day long fishing camp on the Berg River near Velddrif in the holidays.

The boys really enjoyed the opportunity to break away from the stresses and strains of everyday life in the city in order to relax and enjoy the natural world and its slow pace where time is not determined by consulting a watch but rather by the rising and setting of the sun.

The plaintive call of the African Fish Eagle and the challenge of trying to catch a couple of carp or barbel was enough to get the boys out of their tents well before daybreak in the mornings. The excitement of a first catch, the satisfaction of knowing that you are qualifying as ‘Mr Big Fish’ or simply the tranquil hours spent in the shade of the trees lining the river contributed to a very pleasant experience and it was with great reluctance that we had to return again to a world of load shedding, cluttered roads and far too many people and cars.

We would like to thank Mr La Grange (LG) for making all these camps possible as well as the Stoffberg and Kotze families for allowing us the use of their farms.

Outdoor Society Committee VAATJIE CAMP

Richard and Gustaf at the fireside It beats mom’s food!      

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Taking a break  

Time to cool off

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Lorenzo Napoli and his carp

Stuart van Wyk and his barbel

Jordan Hazell and his barbel

David Kotzee and his huge barbel

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The re-introduction of awarding this blazer by the prefects aims to highlight the many areas where our boys succeed or assist and is a way of acknowledging what it means to be a “Bosch” boy.

Recent awards

James Hablutzel and Dylan Watt (both Gr 10) - they were selected for the SA U16 water polo that will tour Malta in September.

Nic Mortley (Gr11) - he participated in the Freedom Swim and raised over R18 000 for charity.

Ben Cloete (Gr 12) - on behalf of the RBHS Concert Band he accepted the award as Band Leader as the band won their category in the FACETS competition.

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The Bosch Shop is located under the main stairs at the entrance to the High School.

Bosch Shop contact details:

Tel: 021 681 7996 or email: [email protected]


RBHS is linked to four rebate programmes: MySchool, Makro, Kalahari.com and Entertainer. All programmes on our website: www.rondebosch.com/high The MySchool Card www.myschool.co.za and Makro Card www.makro.co.za applications may also be done online. Purchases that are generated by parents through these various programmes automatically earn the school a percentage of profits.

A list of all the Merchants can be found on The Entertainer website. For every app/book purchased through

RBHS, 30% is given back to RBHS. Kindly support this incentive by ordering through

Mrs Pam Ogilvie - [email protected] or Tel: 021 685 1923.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

AM 07:30 -10:30 07:30 -10:30 07:30 -10:30 07:30 -10:30 07:30 -10:30

PM 14:00 -16:30 14:00 -16:30 14:00 -16:30 15:30 -17:30 12:45 -14:45

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Thank you to all fellow recyclers using our self-sort recycling centre. Tins and aluminium cans deposit clean tins and cans into the

green metal drums in the shed Glass bottles and jars deposit glass into blue igloos, remove lids

Plastics (clear plastic beverage bottles/food containers)

All milk type bottles into collecting sack Detergent, shampoo, condiments, plastic packets into

mixed collecting sack

Yoghurt, cream, dip, cheese & ice cream containers into mixed collecting sack


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Plastic bread tag fasteners - collecting for a charity please deposit into plastic bottle in the garage Paper Corrugated cardboard - flatten and place into sacks inside garage Mixed Paper/Magazines - green igloos alongside the garage Mixed light weight cardboard (toilet roll inners, egg, shoe, cereal boxes )- inside garage Woolworths collects mixed recycling to provide job creation. Posting container or open door to deposit straight into the wheel bin.

PLASTIC PAPER GLASS TIN BE OF SERVICE - JUST DO IT! Delene van der Schyff: [email protected] 074 447 4381 or 021 671 7198 a/h

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We are Christian parents who meet together to pray every Thursday morning, from 07:45 to 08:15, in the rugby chalet.

Please join us in supporting our school community through prayer.

Contact Wendy Gillett (082 668 8759), Sandy Cragg (082 534 5043) or Candice Whitton (082 956 9181) for more info.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School

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The following Term 1 2015 Summer Sport Colours awards have been approved by the Colours Committee.


New award 1. Mike Mavovana

Full colours Re-award

1. Russell Eaby New award

2. Joshua Riley 3. Matthew Roman

Half Colours: Re-award

1. Ferhad Ahmed 2. Kyle Fredericks 3. Ryan Klein

New Award 4. Stuart Krone


Re-award 1. William Wu

Half Colours: Re-award

1. Nicholas Gilowey 2. Charles Ling 3. Nishen Pather 4. Oliver Steel 5. Aidan Walker

New awards 6. Ciall Cloete 7. Liam Landsberg 8. Mkhuseli Matunzi 9. Joshua Weiss

CRICKET COLOURS AWARDS: Distinction Re-awards

1. Murray Commins 2. Dayyaan Galiem

New awards 3. Junaid Dawood 4. Gavin Kaplan 5. Ryan Klein

Full Colours: Re-awards

1. Muzammil Sheik New awards

2. Daniel Moriarty

Half Colours: Re-awards

1. Edward Bester 2. Mike Mavovana 3. Max Pike 4. Hamza Saloojee

New-awards 5. Jesse Christensen 6. Daniel da Costa 7. Aaqil Ebrahim 8. Mikaeel Haffejee 9. Matthew Roman


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Distinction New award

1. Luc Daffarn

Full Colours: New awards

1. Brian Brümmer 2. Tristan Louw 3. Byron Muhlberg 4. Felix Reinhold 5. Robbie Schreiber 6. Paskal Wolski

Half Colours: New awards

1. Alex Priscu 2. Morgan Woolfson

WATER POLO COLOURS AWARDS: Full Colours: New award

1. Sebastian Bidoli 2. Byron Bowes 3. Jason Fisher 4. Matthew Johnston 5. Dylan LeRoex 6. Jonathan Weideman

Half Colours: Re-award

1. Hugh Dyason 2. Ivan van der Merwe 3. Ross van Schoor

New awards 4. James Hablutzel 5. Luke Mansvelt 6. Daniel Sims 7. Dylan Watt

TENNIS COLOURS AWARDS: Distinction New award

1. Matthew Johnson 2. Sipho Zwayi

Full colours New award

1. Dylan du Plooy Half Colours:

New award 1. Tim Dun 2. Greg Eastwood 3. Thando Longwe-Smith 4. Edge Nicholson 5. Mitchel Theron


Distinction Re-awards

1. Dennis Buckland 2. Marcus Gunton 3. Jarrod van Blerk 4. Gerhard von Aspern 5. Reece Whitaker 6. Ryan Whitaker

Full colours Re-awards

1. J unaid Gamieldien 2. Louw Jacobs 3. Matthew Johnston 4. Nicholas Mortley 5. Brady Samuels

New awards 6. Alex de Kock 7. James Freeman 8. James Hablutzel 9. Blake Kelly 10. Andrew Ritchie 11. Joshua Templeton

Half Colours: Re-award

1. Matteo Greyling  

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The Alexo Bosch RPL finished off the cricket season in fine style! It was great to have a title sponsor of the event this year and many thanks to the team at Alexo Property www.alexo.co.za and Evergreen for their involvement in the event.

The event, in its second year, once again proved to be a success on so many levels. It was great to see an event which really pulls all areas of the cricket fraternity together and showcases some exceptional talent at the same time. The interaction between the different teams and age groups cannot have a price put upon it.

The competition on the field was indeed keen and there were a number of extremely close matches that kept the spectators on the edges of their seats. Superb batting in the final saw the team led by Jesse Christensen take the honours as team winners.

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Individual awards went to Aidan Rooke (best fielder), Junaid Dawood (top wicket taker) and Gabriel Gad (top run scorer). Special thanks must go to Kim Commins and Robert Gad for an enormous amount of work put into making sure that the RPL was a high quality event and to our individual team sponsors for their commitment to this tournament.

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CRICKET 2015 has once again shown how strong cricket at Rondebosch is. A summary of the school’s results against vs Boys schools this term:

Cricket - 2015 Played Won Drew Tied Lost Bishops 14 13 0 1 0 SACS 15 12 2 0 1 Wynberg 14 10 0 0 4 Boishaai 10 8 0 0 2 53 43 2 1 7

81% 4% 2% 13%

As can be seen Rondebosch has come out tops - a number of teams achieved “Triple Crowns” and also a number of teams were unbeaten throughout the season. The 1st XI also finished with a ranking of the top cricket team in the country.



1 RONDEBOSCH 23 7.7174 2 ST STITHIANS 20 7.4800 3 WATERKLOOF 19 7.1526 4 HUDSON PARK 16 7.0500



6 KINGSWOOD 14 6.9429 7 GLENWOOD 13 6.8846



9 KES 23 6.6000 10 PAARL GIM 16 6.5875 11 WYNBERG 19 6.5263 12 ST BENEDICTS 21 6.4143



14 BOLAND LANDBOU 15 6.1933 15 MENLOPARK 21 6.0857 16 HILTON COLLEGE 21 6.0667 17 GREY COLLEGE 18 5.9056 18 EG JANSEN 7 5.8429

19 GREY HIGH SCHOOL 18 5.8111

20 PEARSON 10 5.7000

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The achievements are a result of a combination of factors, not least being the outstanding talent and depth of ability of the boys at Bosch. It would however to be amiss not to give some credit to the coaches that have played a tremendous role in the success of the teams - their hard work and commitment to making the boys better cricketers is wonderful to see and is much appreciated. We are very lucky to have so many quality coaches at the school. To all the parents who assist with the smooth running of the sport at the school, I cannot thank you enough. The catering, organising of events and functions, the photographs and the general positivity displayed is all greatly appreciated. So,with our rugger boys doing well so far in the season and our hockey players having just returned from a tour of Europe, we look forward to what promises to be a great winter sports season. I take this opportunity to wish them and all our cricketers playing winter sports the very best of luck for the season. I hope that you enjoy the break from cricket and come back in the 4th term refreshed and ready to replicate the remarkable achievements of term 1. A final good luck to all the boys participating in the trials for the provincial sides - we will be eagerly awaiting the announcements of the sides.

Rob Dalrymple MiC Cricket

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Ethan Nates and Lehan Botha (both Gr 8) were selected to join a Western Cape Invitation School Team to tour Sri Lanka which took place from the 2 -10 April. The majority of games were played in Kandy, Sri Lanka against regional and school teams and were a mixture of T20’s and 50 over games.

Unfortunately, the weather impacted on a few of the games, and overall the team won 5 out of the 7 games it played. It was an amazing opportunity for the boys who were able to experience the culture of Sri Lanka in a country where games are very much more spin based.


Gabriel Gad (c) Justin Broad and Josh Pistorius (all Gr 9) were invited to join a team of Cape Town based schoolboys, to play in the U15 International cricket challenge in KL, Malaysia.

The tournament took place at three stadia in KL, against national teams from India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Singapore and the host country. The team got off to a slow start after the long flight, having only a day to try and acclimatize to the heat and humidity, but ended strongly beating Singapore, India and Malaysia in thrilling matches, to end up third overall, an excellent achievement for a regional team. As in prior years, Sri Lanka dominated the event. The matches were intensely competitive and typically featured 30 overs of spin bowling in a 40 over match. The whole experience was highly educational from a cricket perspective, and the boys had enough free time to see the city, from mega Malls to Chinatown.The tour was organized by Messers Teladia - team managers, and coach Nazeem White, and Cricket Malaysia whose support subsidizes the tour.

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On tour in Malaysia

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A newsletter “The Stotan” is being published to keep Cross Country boys and parents up to date with information. This can be accessed on the school website www.ronedebosch.com/high or on the School Communicator.

Stotans are long distance runners who believe in hard work,

tough living and the quest for perfection. The term was coined by Australian coach, Percy Cerutty  

RUGBY First XV captain 2015: Liam Greenhalgh The XV Rugby tour to KES and Namibia created a good context for the season ahead. Bosch Blitz link that highlights the tour: http://www.rondebosch.com/high/flipsnap/Bosch_Blitz_17.html

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As always, the boys look forward to stretching their legs on Rugby A and competing in the Auric Auto Rondebosch Tens for the Tienkie Heyns Shield. With 60 of our boys playing on the day it gave everyone a nice opportunity to show off some of the preseason gains. The boys played some fantastic rugby throughout the day and displayed some wonderful skills for this early in the season. For the third time in as many years the final was contested between Rondebosch and Bishops who finished top of their respective pools. The match

lived up to the mouth-watering build up with both teams contributing to a good game. Rondebosch took the early lead, after two magical runs from Mike Mavovana down the Carleton Lloyd Stand touchline that had the Bosch supporters jumping for joy. It was, however, the Bishops boys who had the last say in the first half as they clawed their way back to 17-7.

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The Bishops team, who are always dangerous in this format of the game, struck back with another two breakaway tries immediately after the break. This knocked the wind out of us and to the hope of wresting the shield back from our neighbours. The boys never gave up and scored a consolation at the death to end the contest with Bishops deserving winners at 29-22.

A big thank you must go to Eric Scoble and his team at Auric Auto for their contribution to the day and for all that they do for Bosch rugby. It was also great to have the Bosch Rugby Supporters Club on board in a big way this year. We look forward to growing this festival into the premier, schoolboy rugby, preseason outing in the Western Cape.

215 Main Road, Claremont Tel: 021 670 1100 www.bmw-auricauto.co.za

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BOSCH FOOTBALL A historical first this past weekend was the football fixture as part of the Wynberg derby day. This will be replicated at the home leg and against PRG. Currently the response to football has been extremely positive with many boys who have not previously been involved in winter sport now playing for this code which is very encouraging. RBHS vs WBHS: 18 April It was a good day of Football at Wynberg Boys’ High School. The players enjoyed the experience. Once again, thank you to all involved for creating this opportunity.

U15: RBHS WON 5 - 3

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U19: NIL ALL DRAW Very tightly contested match, especially in the second half, but RBHS dominated the first half with no goals to show. Came close to scoring in two opportunities.

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18 April WBHS 0 - 0 D WBHS 5 - 3 W

22 April Alexander Sinton HS 1 - 4 L 23 April Alexander Sinton HS 0 - 0 D 1 May Rylands High 5 -0 W Rylands High 0 - 0 D 7 May Star College 18 - 0 W Weserford HS 2 - 1 W 23 April Alexander Sinton HS 0 - 0 D


U15 St Joseph’s tbc U19 Fish Hoek tbc

Week of 18 May

U15 Livingstone tbc U19 Pinelands HS tbc

Week of 25 May

U15 BYE - U19 BYE -

Week of 1 June

U15 BYE - U19 BYE -

Week of 8 June

U15 BYE - U19 BYE -

Week of 15 June

U15 BYE - U19 BYE -

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HOCKEY First team captain 2015: Matthew Williams

Hockey Herald #1 highlights the overseas tour & U16 Festival: http://www.rondebosch.com/high/flipsnap/HH05062015.html

RONDEBOSCH U16 HOCKEY FESTIVAL A very successful U16 Hockey tournament was held in the holiday period at WPCC. Due to the overseas tour, we had a mixed U15 and U16 team, which performed well against top U16 sides from across the country, losing only one match.

HOCKEY OVERSEAS TOUR The Hockey tour to the Netherlands, Belgium and France was by all accounts a very successful preparation for the season ahead.

1st team and Colts with SA Hockey captain, Austin Smith


Schools Water Polo South Africa

Congratulations to Dylan Watt and James Hablutzel (both Gr10) on being selected for the SA U16 boys water polo team to tour Malta in July.

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SQUASH Murray Commins (Gr 12) and Joffvre Duminy (Gr11) have been selected for the SA U19 and 16 squash sides that will be touring to Malaysia during May.

WESTERN PROVINCE OPEN Joffvre Duminy (Gr11) took the championship title in the U16 category and Murray Commins (Gr 12) took the U19 championship. Gavin Kaplan (Gr11), still U17, finished 3rd in the U19 category. Congratulations to these players. SA LIFESAVING NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS

Cheyne Robertson and Blake Kelly (both Gr11) participated in the 2015 Lifesaving South Africa National Surf Championships from 23 April to 26 April 2015 at Battery Beach, Durban. The overall event was won by Marine Durban Surf Lifesaving Club. Cheyne came 1st in Junior Beach Relay (19 years and younger) and 3rd in the Senior Beach Relay (he is part of the Junior relay team). He also placed 5th in the Beach Sprints and 9th in the 2km Beach Run. His water results were not as convincing, but he still has another 2 years in juniors.

NATIONAL BOULDERING CHAMPIONSHIPS Congratulations to Jake Amaler (Gr10) who competed in the National Bouldering Championships, winning the Gold medal in the U17 category. He is eligible for selection to the SA team that will attend the World Championships in Italy in August/Sept 2015.

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Level 3 medals Level 3 is the premier gala for all the top invited swimmers in all ages from South Africa and neighbouring countries. RBHS had 5 swimmers represented, with 3 boys achieving medals; thus placing them in the top 3 in South Africa. A total of 9 medals was obtained!

James Freeman Gold - 400m freestyle Silver - 200m freestyle 100m freestyle Bronze - 50m butterfly 100m butterfly

Marcus Gunton: Silver - 4x50m Freestyle Relay Bronze - 50m freestyle

Andrew Ritchie: Silver - 4x50m Freestyle Relay Bronze - 1500m freestyle

FREEDOM SWIM The Freedom Swim took place on Saturday 11 April. The swim is over 7.5km from Robben Island to Big Bay.This year’s event had a delayed start due to thick mist and icy water (as low as 11 degrees) Nic Mortley (Gr11) finished 2nd in the wetsuit category and 10th overall according to the provisional results. His fundraising for the NSRI Waterwise programme (a programme that teaches young children how to swim) has brought in R18 000 in donations so far. Congratulations to Nic on his outstanding achievement in and out of the water!

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TRIBETRI BANHOEK TRIATHLON Congratulations to Samuel Courts (Gr10) who came 2nd in this event.


• 13 teams from Rondebosch took part. • Congratulations to Tim Klein (Gr 11) and Shaun Gird (Gr 11) for

placing 3rd in the schools category in the Olympic distance relay.

• In the sprint event, Jarod van Blerk (Gr12) had the fastest cycle by a Rondebosch athlete.

• The fastest Rondebosch runner was Gary Allen (Gr 8).

RBHS RESULTS (SCHOOLS 14 -19 CATEGORY) Olympic distance (25 April 2015)

Pos Cyclist Runner Cycle Run Total

3 TIM KLEIN SHAUN GIRD 1:06:33 39:14 1:48:18

Sprint distance (26 April 2015)

Pos Cyclist Runner Cycle Run Total

MR FRAZER MR JULIE 0:30:48 20:20 0:55:44

21 IMRAAN MAJIET BENJAMIN GAZEAU 0:34:58 21:00 0:59:18

25 JOSHUA HORSBURGH DAVID DERMAN 0:38:25 18:39 1:00:07

28 MATTHEW BOOTH SAMUEL COURTS 0:38:10 20:27 1:01:27

29 IAN GRANT ZUBAIR MOHAMED-FAKIER 0:39:48 18:59 1:02:32

31 JOCHEN MOSIG GARY ALLEN 0:40:36 18:32 1:02:52

37 DOUGLAS KRONE PAUL ROSSOUW 0:46:13 19:40 1:09:01

39 GREG ROBERTS MATT GINGSBERG 0:44:18 22:40 1:10:37

42 RYAN PIPER GEORGE DU PLOOY 0:48:42 27:40 1:20:59 Individuals


Time Swim Cycle Run

19 JAROD VAN BLERK 1:00:49 0:05:58 0:29:48 0:21:08

30 DAN SIMS 1:03:58

0:32:14 0:20:08

45 SAMUEL COURTS 1:05:48 0:07:52 0:32:41 0:20:16

46 NIC MORTLEY 1:05:56

0:31:37 0:23:37  

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MAY 8 Hockey vs Paarl Boishaai (H) 9 Rugby and Hockey vs Paarl Boishaai (H) Saturday Night Live - Memorial Hall 19:00 10 Music Pupils’ Concert - Reeler Theatre 17:00 15 Gala Concert - Memorial Hall 19:30 Hockey vs SACS (H) 16 Rugby and Hockey vs SACS (H) 21 UCT Maths Prize Giving 23 Rugby vs Tygerberg (A) 26 Old Boys’ Union - Joint Staff Function 29 Hockey vs Paul Roos (H) 30 Rugby and Hockey vs Paul Roos (H)

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DESIGNATION CONTACT EMAIL Headmaster Mr Shaun Simpson [email protected] Senior Deputy & Head of Academics

Mr James Frazer [email protected]

Deputy & Head of Sport

Mr Gustaf Pienaar [email protected]

Deputy & Head of Pastoral Care

Dr Neil Teubes [email protected]

Head of Culture and Art

Mr Kevin Jenkins [email protected]

Grade 8 Heads Mr Rudrich Claassen and Mr Trevor Edwards

[email protected] [email protected]

Grade 9 Head Mr Lloyd Nel [email protected] Assistant Grade 9 Head

Mr Emile Bam [email protected]

Grade 10 Head Mrs Margie Kershaw

[email protected]

Assistant Grade 10 Head

Mr Darius Geldenhuys

[email protected]

Grade 11 Head Mr Sean Harris [email protected] Assistant Grade 11 Head

Mr Rob Bowley [email protected]

Grade 12 Head Mr Rob Dalrymple [email protected]

Assistant Grade 12 Head

Mr Garth Quaite [email protected]

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