1 max foundation (stichting max). 2 max foundation prevents child mortality in bangladesh in a...

1 Max Foundation (Stichting Max)

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Page 1: 1 Max Foundation (Stichting Max). 2 Max Foundation prevents child mortality in Bangladesh in a transparent and efficient fashion Prevents child mortality


Max Foundation (Stichting Max)

Page 2: 1 Max Foundation (Stichting Max). 2 Max Foundation prevents child mortality in Bangladesh in a transparent and efficient fashion Prevents child mortality


Max Foundation prevents child mortality in Bangladesh in a transparent and efficient fashion

• Prevents child mortality through the combination of1. Wells2. Latrines3. Information

• In a transparent fashion1. Invests scarce resources where the result is largest2. No overhead charges: all operational costs are reimbursed by

board3. Feedback on donation through fotographs


Page 3: 1 Max Foundation (Stichting Max). 2 Max Foundation prevents child mortality in Bangladesh in a transparent and efficient fashion Prevents child mortality


Child mortality in Bangladesh is 9%, almost 20 times more than in the Netherlands

Health comparison Bangladesh and Netherlands

Netherlands Bangladesh

Child mortality (< 5years)

0,54% 9,5%

Maternal mortality per

100.000 births10 850


300 12.500

Income/ capita (€)

29.600 370

More than half driven by diarrea and water related infection

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The foundation is named after Max and stands also for other children who passed away

But also:RomyMeike

Kasper Victor Sophia

Page 5: 1 Max Foundation (Stichting Max). 2 Max Foundation prevents child mortality in Bangladesh in a transparent and efficient fashion Prevents child mortality


The Max foundation chose Bangladesh because there it can achieve most with the least

• High impact because of relatively high preventable child mortality

• Low cost because of soft ground and extreme poverty

• Many users per well because of high population density

• Robustness of result because of social stability

Why sanitation in Bangladesh?

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Max Foundation operates in the relatively poor south with three partner organisations

Activities in Bangladesh




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People wash themselves in extremely dirty rivers …

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…and live near shallow, polluted ponds from which they often drink

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The digging of the wells is completely done by hand

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The result is a clean water well without arsenic contamination

Village provides:-200 signatures-Maintenance committee-Village responsible-Local contribution (€100)

€450 Total cost€100 Local contribution€350 Max Foundation

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The improvement in water quality is enormous

15 randomly visited villages claimed:

“Since we have the wells and

latrines are children

have virtually no

more diarrea”

In some villages not a single child had died since the sanitation was provided

“no more scabies

since we wash

ourselves in clean water”

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The possibility to ‘sponsor’ a well proved very popular

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So far more than 500 villages received sanitation

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Also air-sealed latrines are less glamorous but just as important

Because of the air-seal, flies can not

access the faeces and transfer diseases

The foot rests minimize the

amount of faeces carried back into the households

Handwash water: the first sept to


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Besides the hardware (wells and latrines), the software is crucial

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Publicity has been very valuable fo the foundation

Publicity Max Foundation

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Especially the newspapers and television

Publicity Max Foundation

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The foundation receives support from many foundations, service clubs and companies

• Stichtingen– Cordaid– Simavi– Stichting Porticus– Oxfam Novib– Bradshaw foundation– NCDO– Aqua for all– Stichting Janssenfonds– Stichting van Kampen– Rabobank Foundation– Stichting Imelda– Willem van Nus– Stichting Havenzicht– Stichting Teja

• Verenigingen– Club Escape Voorthuizen – Barneveld– Harvard Business School– Ronde Tafel Santpoort– Ronde Tafel Kennemerland– Ladies Circle Utrechtse Heuvelrug– Vereeniging Oud Leeden Oranje Plantage– Groep Golfers ‘’De Nok”

• Bedrijven – Achmea Zorg– Bowls & Dishes– Snoozebaby– H20+– Metaglas– Hevo den Bosch, afdeling P&O– ING Private Banking– Rabobank Tilburg– Stal Jaspers– Johnson & Johnson– The Lion King– NCRV: Praatjesmakers & Willeke Alberti– Het PR-bureau– Kinderchreche UK de Zon– Green Park Hotel keten– Heineken– Henst & Lunsen Assurantie Adviseurs BV– Becurious– Lostgirl– Publicworks– Vagro Pecuniae Societae – Bongers Media, Kelpen– Europesche Verzekeringen,– Hevo– VNU-Intermediair– Obvion Hypotheken– Tias Opleidingen– Van den Hoven Assurantiën– Potosi BV– Console

Publicity Max Foundation

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So far the foundation made progress but the need still is huge

• The foundation proved the micro-sanitation approach…– Simple – Scalable – Robust

• …And showed results– 500 deep tube wells– 100.000 people provided with sanitation

• But the number of people without access to clean water still is huge– 40+ million in Bangladesh alone– 200+ million in India– 1+ Billion in the world

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Max Foundation won the best ‘do-er’ award at the KPA-Wildeganzendag

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You can help in various ways

1. Sponsor a well for €350 (the local population provides remaining €100)

2. For special events such as weddings, jubilee’s, births, ask for donations to the foundation instead of gifts

3. Make a direct donation

4. Promote the Max Foundation

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Contact details

Actually, www.stichtingmax.


[email protected] Stationsweg 5

NL-2061 HC, Bloemendaal


Account:, Bloemendaal, NL

Donations are tax deductibleFrom abroad Paypal is easiest (via

site)IBAN: NL36ABNA0505107333