1 introduction to matlab matlab is all of the following: 1.computational environment 2.plotting...

1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1. Computational environment 2. Plotting software 3. Programming language Typical applications: 1. Calculations 2. Engineering/Scientific programs 3. Audio processing 4. Image processing

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Page 1: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations


Introduction to MATLAB

MATLAB is all of the following:

1. Computational environment2. Plotting software3. Programming language

Typical applications:

1. Calculations2. Engineering/Scientific programs3. Audio processing4. Image processing

Page 2: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations


% Scalars

x = 1.23;y = pi;disp(x)format longdisp(y)format shortdisp(y)




Page 3: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations


% Scalar arithmetic

x = 3;y = 2;disp(x+y) % addition: +disp(x-y) % subtraction: -disp(x*y) % multiplication: *disp(x/y) % division: /disp(x^y) % power: ^






Page 4: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations



1. Calculate 4 times 5.

2. Raise 2 to the power 10.

Hints: * (multiplication) ^ (raising to a power)

Page 5: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations


% vectors

x = [1,2,3]; % row vectorx = [1 2 3]; % commas can be replaced by spacesdisp(x)disp(length(x))disp(size(x))y = [1;2;3]; % column vectordisp(y)disp(size(y))

1 2 3


1 3

1 2 3

3 1

Page 6: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations


% Transpose

x = [1 2 3];y = x'; % transpose of real vector xdisp(y)z = y';disp(z)

1 2 3

1 2 3

Page 7: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations



1. Create a row vector consisting of the whole numbers (integers) from 0 to 5. Display it.

2. Have MATLAB identify the size of this “matrix.”

3. Convert your row vector into a column vector. Display it.

4. Have MATLAB identify the size of this new “matrix.”

Hints: size() ' (transpose)

Page 8: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations


% Concatenation of row vectors

x = [1 2 3];y = [4 5 6];z = [x y]; % concatenate row vectorsdisp(z)z = cat(2,x,y); % concatenate by adding columns % this accomplishes the same thing as abovedisp(z)

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 2 3 4 5 6

Page 9: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations


% Concatenation of column vectors

x = [1; 2];y = [3; 4];z = [x; y]; % concatenate column vectorsdisp(z)z = cat(1,x,y); % concatenate by adding rows % this accomplishes the same thing as abovedisp(z)

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

Page 10: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations



1. Create a row vector consisting of the whole numbers (integers) from 1 to 5 and a second row vector consisting of the whole numbers 6 to 8.

2. Concatenate these two row vectors into one long row vector using two different methods: square brackets the function cat

3. Create the transpose of each of the two component row vectors that you created in step 1.

4. Concatenate these two column vectors into one long column vector using two different methods: square brackets the function cat

Page 11: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations


sum Sum of array elements

Syntax B = sum(A) B = sum(A,dim)

My comments:

A is a matrix, and dim is either 1 or 2.If A is a vector, then a scalar (the sum of all elements) results.If A is a matrix (with at least 2 rows and at least 2 columns), then either a row (dim = 1) or a column (dim = 2) vector results.

MATLAB Documentation for sum

Page 12: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations


% sum function with vector argument

x = [1 2 3 4]; % row vectordisp(x)disp(sum(x))y = [1; 2; 3]; % column vectordisp(y)disp(sum(y))

1 2 3 4


1 2 3


Page 13: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations


% The functions maximum and minimum

x = [1 2 3];% The functions maximum and minimum work equally well for% row and column vectors.disp(max(x))disp(max(x'))disp(min(x))disp(min(x'))





Page 14: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations



Create a column vector consisting of the whole numbers 0 to 10. Have MATLAB find the length of this vector, the sum of its elements, the maximum and minimum elements.

Hints: length() sum() max() min()

Page 15: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations


% Create vectors with the functions zeros and ones

x = zeros(1,5);disp(x)y = zeros(2,1);disp(y)y = ones(1,4);disp(y)

0 0 0 0 0

0 0

1 1 1 1

Page 16: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations


% Create row vectors with the colon operator

a = 0:2:10; % start at 0, increment by 2, end at 10disp(a)b = 0:5; % by default, increment by 1disp(b)c = 0:-1:-5;disp(c)

0 2 4 6 8 10

0 1 2 3 4 5

0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5

Page 17: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations


% Create row vectors with linspace and logspace

x = linspace(0,1,5); % 5 values: 0 through 1disp(x)y = logspace(0,4,5); % 5 values: 10^0 through 10^4disp(y)

0 0.2500 0.5000 0.7500 1.0000

1 10 100 1000 10000

Page 18: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations



1. Create a column vector of length 6, with each element a 0.

2. Create a row vector consisting of the odd integers 1 through 11, using the colon operator.

3. Create a row vector of 21 equally-spaced values between 0 and 10.

4. Create a row vector of 7 logarithmically-spaced values between 1 and 1,000,000.

Hints: zeros() linspace() logspace()

Page 19: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations


% Vector input to built-in mathematical function

x = linspace(0,pi,5);disp(x)y = sin(x); % because x is a vector, sin produces a vectordisp(y)

0 0.7854 1.5708 2.3562 3.1416

0 0.7071 1.0000 0.7071 0.0000

Page 20: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations

% Basic plot

x = linspace(0,4,41);y = sqrt(x);figure(1)plot(x,y,'-b')axis([0 4 0 2])saveas(1,'basic','png')

Page 21: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations

% Bigger font size and thicker lines

x = linspace(0,4,41);y = sqrt(x);figure(2);plot(x,y,'-b')axis([0 4 0 2])set(gca,'FontSize',24)set(findobj(2,'LineWidth',0.5),'LineWidth',2) % thick linessaveas(2,'better','png')

Page 22: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations



Create a plot of the squaring function ().

Experiment with different ranges for the axes. For example, you could start with:

axis([0 2 0 4])

For this exercise, you needn’t worry about appearance. In other words, you don’t have to set font size or line thickness.

Hint. Recall that we plotted square-root like this:

x = linspace(0,4,41);y = sqrt(x);figure(2);plot(x,y,'-b')axis([0 4 0 2])

Page 23: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations


r red

g green

b blue

c cyan

m magenta

y yellow

k black

w ‘white’

Color Specifiers

Page 24: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations


‘-’ solid line

‘--’ dashed line

‘:’ dotted line

‘-.’ dash-dot line

Line Style Specifiers

Page 25: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations



Create a plot of the common logarithm (base 10 logarithm), . In MATLAB the common logarithm function is log10.

Experiment with using different line style specifiers and different colors.

Hint. Recall that we plotted square-root like this:

x = linspace(0,4,41);y = sqrt(x);figure(2);plot(x,y,'-b')axis([0 4 0 2])

Page 26: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations

% Two curves

x = linspace(0,4,41);y = sqrt(x);z = x./2;figure(5);plot(x,y,'-k',x,z,'--b') % 2 curves on same axesaxis([0 4 0 2])set(gca,'FontSize',24)set(findobj(5,'LineWidth',0.5),'LineWidth',2)saveas(5,'curves','png')

Page 27: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations


Using an Index to Address Elements of an Array

In the C/C++ programming language, an index starts at 0 and elements of an array are addressed with square brackets [∙]:

8 2 -3 7 -1

x[0] x[1] x[2] x[3] x[4]

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑

In MATLAB, an index starts at 1 and elements of an array are addressed with parentheses (∙):

8 2 -3 7 -1

x(1) x(2) x(3) x(4) x(5)↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑

Page 28: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations


Square Brackets in MATLAB

In MATLAB, square brackets [∙] are used for building arrays, such as vectors, matrices, and three-dimensional arrays.

For example,

x = [1 2 3];y = [4 5 6];z = [x y]; % concatenate row vectorsdisp(z)

1 2 3 4 5 6

Page 29: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations


% Indices (spelling lesson: 1 index, 2 or more indices)

x = zeros(1,5);x(1) = 8; % change element with index 1 (first element)disp(x)x(2:5) = 7; % change elements having indices 2 through 5disp(x)y = 1:4;x(2:5) = y;disp(x)

8 0 0 0 0

8 7 7 7 7

8 1 2 3 4

Page 30: 1 Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB is all of the following: 1.Computational environment 2.Plotting software 3.Programming language Typical applications: 1.Calculations



1. Create a row vector of length 8, with each element a 0.

2. Create a row vector consisting of the whole numbers 1 to 4.

3. In the row vector of step 1, replace the last 4 elements with the vector of step 2.