1. introduction note - pat · bgm 1 mandatory beginning of message rff 5 mandatory header...

Singapore Network Services Pte Ltd 31 Science Park Road, SNS Hub, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 887 7888, Fax: (65) 778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page i 1. Introduction The purpose of this specification is to assist developers of Payroll vendors or In-house System on how to prepare the employees’ IR8A, IR8S, Appendix 8A (A8A) and Appendix 8B (A8B) to be uploaded into Provident And Tax (PAT) system. When these files have been uploaded successfully, the user could send it electronically to Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) Users of this File Specification will need to format the employees’ IR8A, IR8S, Appendix 8A and Appendix 8B data into 4 individual ASCII files. The ASCII file format is 255 + CRLF bytes per line. Each line begins with a Segment. Users will need to specify all the Segments starting from UNB onwards all the way to RES exclusively. This specification will provide you with the Overview Structure of each message (IR8A, IR8S, A8A, A8B) followed by the Detail Structure and sample of each message. Note: a. The messages uploaded into the PAT System will be validated. If an error occurs, it will reject that message. Please ensure that when you created the upload files, where validation is concerned, please put it in place. b. For NRIC’s check digit, it must be in alphabet. eg A to Z. c. Please ensure that the upload files created do not contain non-ASCII characters, extended ASCII characters, and the following ASCII characters: |^[]`{}!~<>?=;:" d. In general, negative values are not acceptable in Original batches. However, there are several fields in the Appendix 8B form that can accept negative values, even in Original batches. An example of such exceptions is Gross Amount Qualifying for Tax Exempt under EESOP field. Please refer to A8B section for details on these exceptions. e. Inapplicable Segments 1. RFF segments RFF segments can only accept pre-determined values specified in the file specification. Users are to choose one of the acceptable values, in general one of which corresponds to Not Applicable value. RFF segments can only be blank if they are specified to accept Blank as Not Applicable. e.g. IR8A, Employee income tax borne by employer indicator (RFF AWS) accepts the value N as Not Applicable IR8S, Approval obtained from CPFB to make full contribution (RFF AWE) can be blank if it is Not Applicable 2. MOA segments MOA segments can only accept numeric values and they cannot be blank. If any of MOA segments is Not Applicable, users can enter the value 0 (zero), unless otherwise stated. Please take note that there are some MOA segments that cannot accept 0 (zero). e.g. IR8A, If Bonus is not applicable, please enter MOA 3690 A8B, If Exercise Price of Stock Option in Section A is not applicable, please enter MOA 3000

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Page 1: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

Singapore Network Services Pte Ltd

31 Science Park Road, SNS Hub, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 887 7888, Fax: (65) 778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page i

1. Introduction The purpose of this specification is to assist developers of Payroll vendors or In-house System on how to prepare the employees’ IR8A, IR8S, Appendix 8A (A8A) and Appendix 8B (A8B) to be uploaded into Provident And Tax (PAT) system. When these files have been uploaded successfully, the user could send it electronically to Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) Users of this File Specification will need to format the employees’ IR8A, IR8S, Appendix 8A and Appendix 8B data into 4 individual ASCII files. The ASCII file format is 255 + CRLF bytes per line. Each line begins with a Segment. Users will need to specify all the Segments starting from UNB onwards all the way to RES exclusively. This specification will provide you with the Overview Structure of each message (IR8A, IR8S, A8A, A8B) followed by the Detail Structure and sample of each message.

Note: a. The messages uploaded into the PAT System will be validated. If an error occurs, it will reject that message. Please ensure that when you created the upload files, where

validation is concerned, please put it in place.

b. For NRIC’s check digit, it must be in alphabet. eg A to Z.

c. Please ensure that the upload files created do not contain non-ASCII characters, extended ASCII characters, and the following ASCII characters: |^[]`{}!~<>?=;:"

d. In general, negative values are not acceptable in Original batches. However, there are several fields in the Appendix 8B form that can accept negative values, even in Original batches. An example of such exceptions is Gross Amount Qualifying for Tax Exempt under EESOP field. Please refer to A8B section for details on these exceptions.

e. Inapplicable Segments

1. RFF segments RFF segments can only accept pre-determined values specified in the file specification. Users are to choose one of the acceptable values, in general one of which corresponds to Not Applicable value. RFF segments can only be blank if they are specified to accept Blank as Not Applicable. e.g. IR8A, Employee income tax borne by employer indicator (RFF AWS) accepts the value N as Not Applicable

IR8S, Approval obtained from CPFB to make full contribution (RFF AWE) can be blank if it is Not Applicable

2. MOA segments MOA segments can only accept numeric values and they cannot be blank. If any of MOA segments is Not Applicable, users can enter the value 0 (zero), unless otherwise stated. Please take note that there are some MOA segments that cannot accept 0 (zero). e.g. IR8A, If Bonus is not applicable, please enter MOA 3690

A8B, If Exercise Price of Stock Option in Section A is not applicable, please enter MOA 3000

Page 2: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

Singapore Network Services Pte Ltd

31 Science Park Road, SNS Hub, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 887 7888, Fax: (65) 778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page ii

A8B, Market Value at Time of Exercise of Stock Option in Section A, B, and C (MOA 301, 313, and 333, respectively) cannot accept 0 (zero) A8B, Market Value at Time of Stock Option Grant in Section B and C (MOA 312 and 332, respectively) cannot accept 0 (zero)

3. QTY segments

QTY segments can only accept numeric values and they cannot be blank. If any of QTY segments is Not Applicable, users can enter the value 0 (zero), unless otherwise stated. Please take note that there are some QTY segments that cannot accept 0 (zero). e.g. A8A, If No. of days is not applicable, please enter QTY 3000

A8A, If No. of Computer is not applicable, please enter QTY 3180 A8B, Number of Shares Acquired in Section A, B, and C (QTY 500, 510, and 520, respectively) cannot accept 0 (zero)

4. DTM segments

Generally, users can leave DTM segments blank if they are not applicable, unless otherwise stated. Please take note that there are some DTM segments that cannot be blank. e.g. IR8A, Date of declaration of bonus (DTM 161) can be blank if it is not applicable

A8A, Occupation from date (DTM 600) can be blank if it is not applicable IR8A, Basis year (DTM 441) is mandatory and cannot be blank A8B, Date of Exercise of Stock Option in Section B (DTM 411) is mandatory and cannot be blank

f. This file specification is valid for year of assessment 2007 onwards.

Page 3: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8A - 1

2a. Overview Structure of IR8A Basically, this file structure consists of the following segments :- NOTE : * : If it is not applicable, just specify the Segment and put the value as 0. Eg Insurance MOA 67 0 Director’s Fee MOA 3400 ** : If it is not applicable, just specify the Segment and leave the value as blank. Eg. Date of declaration of bonus DTM 161 Name of fund for retirement FTX AEV Levels Segment Max.

Repeat Status Description

Header UNB 1 Mandatory Message Title UNH 1 Mandatory Message Header UNH BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s Information COM 1 Mandatory Employer’s Contact No. Details (max. = 9999)

LIN 1 Mandatory Line No. denoting the occurrence of Employee

RFF 16 Mandatory Details Information – Indicators NAD 1 Mandatory Employee’s Information MOA 27 Mandatory * Monetary Amounts DTM 11 Mandatory ** Details Information – Dates FTX 2 Mandatory ** Details Information – Further

Details / Remarks Trailer RFF 2 Mandatory Trailer Information – Indicators MOA 12 Mandatory * Trailer Information – Total

Monetary Amounts Security Result

RES 1 Mandatory Security Results

Page 4: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8A - 2

2b. Detail Structure of IR8A This section will be used to generate the IR8A (message type is IREERN) interface structure. Note: The following sequence has to be coded accordingly. Unspecified position should be filled with spaces. All amount fields are left-aligned. Symbol Used: * represents user defined. occ refers to occurrence Eg. 1st occ means first occurrence 2nd occ means second occurrence

2b.1 Header 1. Segment Type – UNB

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 UNB Segment Type Cannot be blank 157 – 162 6 IR8A Application Reference Cannot be blank

2. Segment Type – UNH

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 UNH Segment Type Cannot be blank 20 – 25 6 IREERN Message Type Cannot be blank

26 – 28 3 011 Message Version Number Cannot be blank. 3. Segment Type – BGM

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 BGM Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 938 Document Code Cannot be blank

Page 5: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8A - 3

4. Segment Type – RFF

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 RFF Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: AWJ 1st occ: Record Type

Cannot be blank

2nd occ: AWK 2nd occ: Source

Cannot be blank

3rd occ: AWL 3rd occ: Type of Payment

Cannot be blank

4th occ: AWM 4th occ: Payer’s ID Type

Cannot be blank

5th occ: AWZ 5th occ: Record Indicator Cannot be blank 9 – 10 2 1st occ: 0

1st occ: Header Cannot be blank

2nd occ:* 2nd occ: 1=Mindef, 4=Govt Dept, 5=Statutory Boards, 6=Private Sector, 9=Others

Cannot be blank

3rd occ: 08

3rd occ: Salaried Data Cannot be blank

4th occ: * 4th occ: 7=ROB, 8=ROC, A=ASGD, I = ITR, C=CRN, M=MCST, G=GSTN

Cannot be blank

5th occ: O 5th occ: O=Original Cannot be blank

5. Segment Type – DTM

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 DTM Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: 441 1st occ: Basis Year Cannot be blank 2nd occ: 416 2nd occ: Batch Date Cannot be blank 9 – 16 1st occ: 4 1st occ: *

1st occ: Basis Year (CCYY e.g. 2006)

Basis Year: 4 years, inclusive of 1 current & 1 advance. For example, if the system date is 2007, then the possible basis year that you can enter is 2004, 2005, 2006 or 2007 Cannot be blank

2nd occ: 8 2nd occ: * 2nd occ: Date of Creation (CCYYMMDD eg. 20061231)

Date of Creation cannot be greater than the system date, i.e. it cannot be a future date.

Page 6: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8A - 4

Cannot be blank 17 – 19 3 1st occ: 602 Date Code Cannot be blank 2nd occ: 102 Cannot be blank

6. Segment Type – NAD

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 NAD Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 SE Employer Code Cannot be blank 9 – 20 12 * Payer’s ID No. Ensure that this no. is a valid no.

For example, if the Payer’s ID Type is ROB then this no. must be a valid ROB no. (refer to no. 4, segment type is RFF, qualifier is AWM, position 9-10) Cannot be blank

50 – 79 30 * Name of authorized person 225 – 254 30 * Designation of authorized person 260 – 294 35 * Name of Employer – line 1 Cannot be blank 295 – 329 35 * Name of Employer – line 2 330 – 389 60 * Email of authorized person 390 – 419 30 * Name of Division/Branch

7. Segment Type – COM

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 COM Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 25 20 * Telephone Number

2b.2 Details 8. Segment Type – LIN

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 LIN Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 9 4 * Occurrence of Employees

Numeric only 1 - 9999 Cannot be blank

Page 7: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8A - 5

9. Segment Type – RFF

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 RFF Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: AWJ

2nd occ: AWM 3rd occ: AWO 4th occ: AWP 5th occ: AWQ 6th occ: AWR 7th occ: AWS 8th occ: AWT 9th occ: AWU 10th occ: AWV 11th occ: AWW 12th occ: AWX 13th occ: AWB 14th occ: AWC 15th occ: AWD 16th occ: AWE

Rec type Payee's ID type Nationality Code Sex Benefits-in-kind indicator Section 45 applicable indicator Employee income tax borne by employer indicator Gratuity/payment in lieu of notice/ex-gratia indicator Compensation/Retrenchment benefits indicator Cessation Provisions indicator Form IR8S indicator Gross Commission indicator Address Type indicator Exempt/Remission Income Indicator Approval obtained from IRAS Name of bank

Cannot be blank

9 - 11 3 1st occ:1

1st occ: Detail Note:- 1st occ till 16th occ Cannot be blank. It can be blank only when applicable for e.g. the 12th occ, 15th occ and 16th occ.

2nd occ:* 2nd occ: 1=NRIC 2=FIN 3=Immigration File Ref No 4=Work Permit No 5=Malaysian I/C 6=Passport No

Note:- 2nd occ Cannot be blank If ID Type (RFF AWM)=5 (i.e. Malaysian I/C) or 6 (i.e. Passport No), Employee’s designation (refer to no. 10, segment type is NAD PE, position 50 -79) must be “DIRECTOR ” or its variations, i.e. it must contain the word “DIRECTOR ”.

3rd occ:*

3rd occ: Refer to validation on Nationality Code Note:- 3rd occ : Nationality Code Please see the complete list of nationality code in Annex A 300=Permanent Resident 301=Singapore Citizen 303=Indonesian

Page 8: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8A - 6

304=Malaysian 305=Filipino 306=Thai 331=Japanese 334=Taiwanese 336=Chinese (China) 110=British 503=American 701=Australian 705=New Zealander 999=Others

4th occ:* 4th occ: F=Female, M=Male

5th occ:* 5th occ: Y=Benefits-in-kind received N=No benefits-in-kind

Note:- 5th occ : If 5th occ is Y, it means that user will be sending the A8A form to IRAS. Ensure that the Value of benefits-in-kind amount (refer to no.11, segment type MOA, qualifier 351, position 9-21) is not equal to zero.

6th occ:*

6th occ: Y=S45 applicable, N=S45 not applicable

7th occ:*

7th occ: F = Tax fully borne by employer on employment income only P = Tax partially borne by employer on certain employment income items H = A fixed amount of income tax liability borne by employee N = Not applicable

Note: - 7th occ : If 7th occ is P, then you must ensure that: (a) Amount of employment Income for which the tax is

borne by employer (refer to no.11, segment type MOA, qualifier 371, position 9 -17) is not equal to zero.

If 7th occ is H, then you must ensure that: (b) Fixed Amount of Income tax liability for which tax

borne by employee (refer to no.11, segment type MOA, qualifier 372, position 9 -17) is not equal to zero.

8th occ:* 8th occ: Y=Gratuity/payment in lieu of notice/ex-gratia

paid, N=No Gratuity/payment in lieu of notice/ex-

gratia paid

Note:- 8th occ : If 8th occ is Y then you must ensure that: Gratuity/Notice-in-lieu/Ex-gratia (refer to no. 11, segment type MOA, qualifier 345, position 9-21) is not equal to zero.

Page 9: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8A - 7

9th occ:*

9th occ: Y=Compensation/Retrenchment benefits paid, N=No Compensation / Retrenchment benefits


Note:- 9th occ : If 9th occ is Y then you must ensure that : (a) Compensation/Retrenchment (refer to no. 11, segment

type MOA, qualifier 373, position 9-21) is not equal to zero.

(b) Approval Obtained from IRAS(refer to no: 9, segment type RFF, qualifier AWD, position 9 -11) should not be blank

10th occ:*

10th occ: Y=Cessation Provisions applicable, N=Cessation Provisions not applicable

Note:- 10th occ : If 10th occ is Y, then ensure that: (a) Commencement Date (refer to no. 12, segment type

DTM, qualifier 157, position 9-16) is prior 1st Jan 1969 (b) Cessation Date (refer to no. 12, segment type DTM,

qualifier 158, position 9-16) is not blank.

11th occ:*

11th occ: Y=IR8S is Applicable, N=IR8S is not Applicable

Note:- 11th occ : If 11th occ is Y, it means that user will be sending the IR8S form to IRAS, and (a) Excess/voluntary contribution to CPF by employer

(refer to no. 11, segment type MOA, qualifier 349, position 9-21) can be greater than or equal to zero.

If 11th occ is N, please ensure that (b) Excess/voluntary contribution to CPF by employer

(refer to no. 11, segment type MOA, qualifier 349, position 9-21) is equal to zero.

12th occ:* 12th occ: M=Monthly,

O=Other than monthly, B=for both, Leave blank if neither M nor O.

Note:- 12th occ : If 12th is not blank, then you must ensure that (a) Gross commission (refer to no. 11, segment type MOA, qualifier 265, position 9-21) is not equal to zero. (b) Gross commission payment From and To Date (refer to

no. 12, segment type is DTM, qualifier is 159 and 160, position 9-16) are not blank.

Page 10: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8A - 8

13th occ:* 13th occ: L=Local residential address, F=Foreign address, C=C/O address, N=No address

Note:- 13th occ: (a) If 13th occ is L, formatted address fields (refer to no.

11, segment type NAD PE, position 403 – 547, 587 – 592, Block/House No, Street Name, and Postal code) cannot be blank. Level No and Unit No are optional. However, if Unit No is declared, then Level No must be declared, and vice-versa.

(b) If 13th occ is F, unformatted address (refer to no. 11,

segment type NAD PE, position 120 – 219) and country code (refer to no. 11, segment type NAD PE, position 593 – 595) cannot be blank.

(c) If 13th occ is C, unformatted address (refer to no. 11,

segment type NAD PE, position 120 – 219) and postal code (refer to no. 11, segment type NAD PE, position 587 – 592) cannot be blank

(d) If 13th occ is N, both formatted and unformatted

address (refer to no. 11, segment type NAD PE, position 120 – 219 and position 403-595) must be blank

14th occ:* 14th occ: 1=Tax Remission on Overseas Cost of Living

Allowance (OCLA) 2=Tax remission on Operation

Headquarters(OHQ) 3=Seaman 4=Exemption N=Not Applicable

Note: 14th occ If 14th occ is 1, 2, 3 or 4, then you must ensure that: The Exempt Income/Income subject to Tax Remission (refer to no.11, segment type MOA, qualifier 370, position 9 -17) is not equal to zero.

15th occ:* 15th occ: Y=Approval obtained from IRAS N=No approval obtained from IRAS Leave blank if neither of this

Note: 15th occ (a) If 15th occ is Y, then the Date of approval (refer to no.

12, segment type DTM, qualifier 163, position 9-16) cannot be blank.

(b) If 15th occ is not blank, then the Compensation/Retrenchment indicator (refer to no. 9, segment type RFF, qualifier AWU, position 9 -11) should be Y

Page 11: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8A - 9

16th occ:* 16th occ: 1=DBS/POSB, 2=UOB/OUB, 3=OCBC, 4=Others Leave blank if not applicable

10. Segment Type – NAD

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 NAD Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 PE Employee Code Cannot be blank 9 – 20 12 * Payee’s ID No. Must be a valid Payee’s ID No. (refer to no. 9, segment

type RFF, qualifier AWM, position 9-11) For example, if this Payee’s ID type is NRIC, then the no. must be a valid NRIC no. Cannot be blank

50 – 79 30 * Employee’s Designation Cannot be blank 120 – 149 30 * Unformatted Address – line 1 If Unformatted address is given, the Address Type

indicator (refer to no. 9, segment type RFF, qualifier AWB, position 9 -11) should be either F or C

155 – 184 30 * Unformatted Address – line 2 190 – 219 30 * Unformatted Address – line 3 225 – 259 35 * Payee’s Name – line 1 Cannot be blank 260 – 294 35 * Payee’s Name – line 2 295 – 304 10 * Payee’s Name – line 3 403 – 412 10 * Block – House No (blank if address is unformatted) If Formatted address is given, the Address Type

indicator (refer to no. 9, segment type RFF, qualifier AWB, position 9 -11) should be L

438 – 469 32 * Street – Name (blank if address is unformatted) If Formatted address is given, the Address Type indicator (refer to no. 9, segment type RFF, qualifier AWB, position 9 -11) should be L

508 – 510 3 * Level – No (blank if address is unformatted) (a) If Formatted address is given, the Address Type indicator (refer to no. 9, segment type RFF, qualifier AWB, position 9 -11) should be L

(b) If Level No is declared, then Unit No (refer to no. 10, segment type NAD PE, position 543-547) cannot be blank

Page 12: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8A - 10

543 – 547 5 * Unit – No (blank if address is unformatted) (a) If Formatted address is given, the Address Type indicator (refer to no. 9, segment type RFF, qualifier AWB, position 9 -11) should be L

(b) If Unit No is declared, then Level No (refer to no. 10, segment type NAD PE, position 508-510) cannot be blank

587 – 592 6 * Postal Code – numeric only If postal code is not blank, then the Address Type indicator (refer to no. 9, segment type RFF, qualifier AWB, position 9 -11) should be either L or C.

593 – 595 3 * Country code of address If country code is declared, the Address Type indicator (refer to no. 9, segment type RFF, qualifier AWB, position 9 -11) should be F The country code is meant for Foreign address only. Hence, Singapore (300 or 301) is not acceptable. Please find the complete list of country code in Annex A. The following are some of the common codes: 303=Indonesia 304=Malaysia 305=Philippines 306=Thailand 331=Japan 334=Taiwan 336=China 110=United Kingdom 503=United States of America 701=Australia 705=New Zealand 999=Others

Page 13: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8A - 11

11. Segment Type – MOA

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 MOA Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: 128

2nd occ: 367 3rd occ: 368 4th occ: 67 5th occ: 776 6th occ: 369 7th occ: 340 8th occ: 275 9th occ: 265 10th occ: 341 11th occ: 342 12th occ: 343 13th occ: 344 14th occ: 345 15th occ: 346 16th occ: 347 17th occ: 348 18th occ: 349 19th occ: 350 20th occ: 351 21st occ: 352 22nd occ: 366 23rd occ: 370 24th occ: 371 25th occ: 372 26th occ: 373 27th occ: 374

1st occ: Total amount 2nd occ: Donation 3rd occ: CPF/Designated pension/fund 4th occ: Insurance 5th occ: Salary 6th occ: Bonus 7th occ: Director’s fee 8th occ: Others 9th occ: Gross commission 10th occ: Pension 11th occ: Transport allowance 12th occ: Entertainment allowance 13th occ: Other allowance 14th occ: Gratuity/Notice-in-lieu/Ex-gratia 15th occ: Retirement benefit till 31/12/92 16th occ: Retirement benefit from 1993 17th occ: Contribution made by employer to pension/fund 18th occ: Excess/voluntary contribution to CPF by employer 19th occ: Gain/profit from share option for S10(1)(b) 20th occ: Value of benefits-in-kind 21st occ: Employee voluntary contribution (overseas posting) 22nd occ: Contributions for Mosque Building Fund 23rd occ: Exempt Income/Income subject to Tax

Remission 24th occ: Amount of employment Income for which the

tax is borne by employer 25th occ: Fixed amount of income tax liability for which

tax borne by employee 26th occ: Compensation/Retrenchment 27th occ: Gain/profit from share option for S10(1)(g)

Cannot be blank

9 – 21 13 1st occ: * 1st occ: Total amount Note:- 2nd occ, 4th occ, 22rd occ: Donation, Insurance, Contributions for Mosque Building Fund

Page 14: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8A - 12

The maximum length is 5 bytes. No decimal is allowed If you need to have negative figure, then the maximum length is 6 bytes. Format: S9(5) For example, you can input Donation as 12345 and not 123456. If a user sends an IR8A form with Donation as 12345 to IRAS, but then the user realize that the figure is meant for Bonus and not for Donation for that basis year, the user has to submit IR8A Amendment form to IRAS with the Donation as –12345 and Bonus as 12345. Note:- 9th occ,10th occ, 11th occ, 12th occ, 13th occ, 14th occ, 15th occ, 16th occ, 17th occ, 18th occ, 19th occ, 20th occ, 26th occ : Gross Commission, Pension, Transport Allowance, Entertainment Allowance, Other Allowances, Gratuity/Notice-in-lieu/ Ex-gratia, Retirement benefit till 31/12/92, Retirement benefit from 1993, Contribution made by employer to pension/fund, Excess/voluntary contribution to CPF by employer, Gain/profit from share option for S10(1)(b), Value of benefits-in-kind, Compensation/Retrenchment Benefits Allow input of 9 bytes and 2 decimals, excluding a separate byte for negative sign. No commas allowed. If you have negative figure then the maximum byte allowed before decimal point is 10. Format: S9(9)v99 For example, you can input Gross Commission as 123456789.12. If you have to send negative value, you have to input -123456789.12. Note:- 1st occ, 5th occ, 6th occ, 7th occ, 8th occ, 23rd occ, 24th occ, 25th occ, 27th occ: Total Amount, Salary, Bonus, Director’s fee, Others, Exempt Income/Income subject to Tax Remission, Amount of employment Income for which the tax is borne by employer, Fixed

Page 15: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8A - 13

amount of income tax liability for which tax borne by employee, Gain/profit from share option for S10(1)(g) The maximum length is 9 bytes. No decimal is allowed. If you need to have negative figure then the maximum length is 10 bytes. Format: S9(9) For example, you can input Bonus as 123456789 and not 1234567890. If a user sends an IR8A with Bonus as 123456789 to IRAS, but then realize that there should be no bonus for that basis year, the user needs to submit an IR8A Amendment form to IRAS with Bonus as –123456789. Note:- 3rd occ : CPF/Designated pension/fund The maximum length is 7 bytes. No decimal is allowed If you need to have negative figure then the maximum length is 8 bytes. Format: S9(7) For example, you can input CPF/Designated pension/fund as 1234567 and not 12345678. To send negative value, you can input -1234567. Note:- 21st occ Employee voluntary contribution(overseas posting) Allow input of 7 bytes, excluding a separate byte for negative sign. No commas allowed. No decimals allowed. Format: S9(7) For example, you can input Employee voluntary contribution (overseas posting) as 1234567. If you have to send negative value, you can input -1234567

Page 16: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8A - 14

Note:- 1st occ: Total amount = Salary + Bonus + Director’s fee + [Gross commission + Pension + Transport allowance + Entertainment allowance + Other allowance + Gratuity/Notice-in-lieu/Ex-gratia + Retirement benefit from 1993 + Contribution made by employer to pension/fund + Excess/voluntary contribution to CPF by employer + Gain/profit from share option for S10(1)(b) + Value of benefits-in-kind]. i.e., 1st occ = 5th occ + 6th occ + 7th occ + [9th occ + 10th occ + 11th occ + 12th occ + 13th occ + 14th occ + 16th occ + 17th occ + 18th occ + 19th occ + 20th occ] Take the sum and then drop off all decimals Important : The maximum Total amount that can be declared per employee per batch is $999,999,999. Any amount exceeding this value should be declared in the Amendment batches.

2nd occ: * 2nd occ: Donation

3rd occ: * 3rd occ: CPF/Designated pension/fund

Note:- 3rd occ: If 3rd occ is not equal to zero, then you must ensure that (a) Name of designated pension for which employee made contribution (refer to no. 13, segment type FTX, qualifier AEW, position 35-94) is not blank.

4th occ: * 4th occ: Insurance

5th occ: * 5th occ: Salary

6th occ: * 6th occ: Bonus

7th occ: * 7th occ: Director’s fee

Note:- 7th occ: If 7th occ is not equal to zero, then you must ensure that (a) the Date of approval of director’s fee (refer to no.

Page 17: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8A - 15

12, segment type DTM, qualifier 162, position 9-16) is not blank

8th occ: * 8th occ: Others

Note:- 8th occ: Take the sum and then drop off all decimals 8th occ = 9th occ + 10th occ + 11th occ + 12th occ + 13th occ + 14th occ + 16th occ + 17th occ + 18th occ + 19th occ + 20th occ Important : The maximum Others amount that can be declared per employee per batch is $999,999,999. Any amount exceeding this value should be declared in the Amendment batches.

9th occ: * 9th occ: Gross commission

Note:- 9th occ: If 9th occ is not equal to zero, then you must ensure that (a) the Gross Commission Indicator (refer to no. 9,

segment type RFF, qualifier AWX, position 9-11) is not blank.

(b) The Gross Commission From Date and To Date (refer to no. 12, segment type DTM, qualifier 159 and 160, position 9 -16) are not blank

10th occ: * 10th occ: Pension

11th occ: * 11th occ: Transport allowance

12th occ: * 12th occ: Entertainment allowance

13th occ: * 13th occ: Other allowance

14th occ: *

14th occ: Gratuity/Notice-in-lieu/Ex-gratia Note:- 14th occ: If 14th occ not equal to zero, then you must ensure that Gratuity/payment in lieu of notice/ex-gratia indicator (refer to no. 9, segment type RFF, qualifier AWT, position 9-11) is Y.

Page 18: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8A - 16

15th occ: *

15th occ: Retirement benefit till 31/12/92 Note:- 15th occ: If 15th occ is not equal to zero, then you must ensure that Name of fund for retirement (refer to no. 13, segment type FTX, qualifier AEV, position 35-94) is not blank

16th occ: *

16th occ Retirement benefit from 1993

Note:- 16th occ: If 16th occ is not equal to zero, then you must ensure that Name of fund for retirement (refer to no. 13, segment type FTX, qualifier AEV, position 35-94) is not blank

17th occ: *

17th occ: Contribution made by employer to pension/fund

18th occ: *

18th occ: Excess/voluntary contribution to CPF by employer

Note:- 18th occ: If 18th occ is not equal to zero, then you must ensure that The form IR8S indicator (refer to no. 9, segment type RFF, qualifier AWW, position is 9-11) is Y.

19th occ: *

19th occ: Gain/profit from share option for S10(1)(b)

20th occ: *

20th occ: Value of benefits-in-kind

Note:- 20th occ: If 20th occ is not equal to zero, then you must ensure that Benefits-in-kind indicator (refer to no. 9, segment type RFF, qualifier AWQ, position is 9-11) is Y.

21st occ: * 21st occ: Employee voluntary contribution to CPF obligatory by contract of employment (Overseas posting)

22nd occ: * 22nd occ: Contributions for Mosque Building Fund

23rd occ:* 23rd occ: Exempt Income/Income subject to Tax Remission

Note:- 23rd occ: If 23rd occ not equal to zero then you must ensure that Exempt/Remission Income Indicator (refer to no. 9, segment type is RFF, qualifier is AWC, position 9-11) is taking values 1, 2 ,3 or 4

Page 19: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8A - 17

24th occ:* 24th occ: Amount of employment Income for which the tax is borne by employer

Note:- 24th occ: If 24th occ is not equal to zero, then you must ensure that Employee’s income tax borne by Employer indicator (refer to no. 9, segment type RFF, qualifier AWS, position 9-11) is P.

25th occ:* 25th occ: Fixed amount of income tax liability for which tax borne by employee

Note:- 25th occ: If 25th occ is not equal to zero, then you must ensure that Employee’s income tax borne by Employer indicator (refer to no. 9, segment type RFF, qualifier AWS, position 9-11) is H.

26th occ:* 26th occ: Compensation/Retrenchment Benefits

Note:- 26th occ: If 26th occ is not equal to zero, then you must ensure that Compensation/Retrenchment benefits indicator (refer to no. 9, segment type RFF, qualifier AWU, position 9-11) is Y.

27th occ: * 27th occ: Gain/profit from share option for S10(1)(g)

12. Segment Type – DTM

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 DTM Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: 329

2nd occ: 155 3rd occ: 156 4th occ: 157 5th occ: 158 6th occ: 159 7th occ: 160 8th occ: 161 9th occ: 162 10th occ:163 11th occ: 164

1st occ: DOB 2nd occ: Payment from date 3rd occ: Payment to date 4th occ: Date of commencement 5th occ: Date of cessation 6th occ: Gross commission payment from date 7th occ: Gross commission payment to date 8th occ: Date of declaration of bonus 9th occ: Date of approved of director’s fee 10th occ: Date of approval 11th occ: Date of payroll

Cannot be blank Note:- 1st occ to 11th occ Date format must be CCYYMMDD Must be a valid date. Note: - 2nd occ, 3rd occ 2nd occ and 3rd occ must NOT be blank. Please refer to note on 2nd occ, 3rd occ below.

Page 20: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8A - 18

9 – 16 8 1st occ: *

1st occ: DOB Note:- 1th occ: Make sure that DOB is not greater than your system date. DOB cannot be earlier than 01 Jan 1900.

2nd occ: * 2nd occ: Payment from date

Note:- 2nd occ, 3rd occ - The date must be within Basis Year. - From Date cannot be greater than To Date - Payment From Date and To Date cannot be blank - If Date of Commencement is empty, then Payment From Date will be defaulted to 01-Jan of the Basis Year

3rd occ: * 3rd occ: Payment to date

- If Date of Commencement is less than Basis Year, then the Payment From Date will be defaulted to 01-Jan of the Basis Year.

-If Date of Cessation is empty, then Payment To Date will be defaulted to 31-Dec of the Basis Year.

4th occ: * 4th occ: Date of commencement

Note:- 4th occ: - The year cannot be greater than Basis Year - If 4th occ is prior to 1st Jan 1969 and Date of cessation is not blank, then Cessation provision indicator (refer to no. 9, segment type RFF, qualifier AWV, position 9-11) must be Y.

- If 4th occ is not empty and the year is less than Basis Year, then the Payment From Date will be defaulted to 01-Jan of the Basis Year.

- If 4 th occ is not empty and the year is within Basis Year, then the Payment From Date will be same as 4th occ.

5th occ: * 5th occ: Date of cessation

Note:- 5th occ: - The date must be within Basis Year - The date must be later or equal to the Date of Commencement.

- If 5 th occ is not empty, then the Payment To Date will be the same as 5th occ.

Page 21: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8A - 19

6th occ: * 6th occ: Gross commission payment from date

Note:- 6th occ, 7th occ: - The date must be within Basis Year. - From Date cannot be greater than To date - If From Date is declared, then To date cannot be blank, and vice-versa

7th occ: *

7th occ: Gross commission payment to date

- If From and To Date are declared, then you must ensure that the Gross Commission (refer to no. 11, segment type MOA, qualifier 265, position 9-21) is not equal to zero.

- If From and To Date are declared, then you must ensure that Gross Commission Indicator (refer to no. 9, segment type RFF, qualifier AWX, position 9-11) is either M or O or B.

8th occ: * 8th occ: Date of declaration of bonus

Note:- 8th occ: - The date must be within Basis Year - If 8th occ is not blank, then you must ensure that the Bonus (refer to no. 11, segment type MOA, qualifier 369, position 9-18) is not equal to zero

9th occ: * 9th occ: Date of approval of director’s fee

Note:- 9th occ: - The date must be within Basis Year - If 9th occ is not blank, then you must ensure that the Director’s Fee (refer to no. 11, segment type MOA, qualifier 340, position 9-18) is not equal to zero.

10th occ: * 10th occ: Date of approval Note:- 10th occ:

If 10th occ is not blank, then you must ensure that the Approval obtained indicator (refer to no. 9, segment type RFF, qualifier AWD, position 9-11) is Y.

11th occ: * 11th occ: Date of payroll Note:- 11th occ: The date to be entered is the last payroll date E.g. Date of payroll = 12th of each month. Without date of cessation: To enter as YYYY1212 With date of cessation 31/08/YYYY: To enter as YYYY0812

17 – 19 3 102 Date Code

Page 22: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8A - 20

13. Segment Type – FTX

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 FTX Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: AEV

2nd occ: AEW

1st occ: Name of fund for retirement 2nd occ: Name of designated pension for which

employee made contribution

Cannot be blank

35 - 94 60 1st : * (Max length is 60)

1st occ: Name of fund for retirement Note:- 1st occ : If 1st occ is not blank, then you must ensure that (a) Retirement benefit from 1993 (refer to no. 11,

segment type MOA, qualifier 347, position 9-20) is not equal to zero OR

(b) Retirement benefit till 31/12/1992 (refer to no. 11, segment type MOA, qualifier 346, position 9-20) is not equal to zero.

2nd occ: *

(Max length is 60)

2nd occ: Name of designated pension for which employee made contribution

Note:- 2nd occ : If 2nd occ is not blank, then you must ensure that (a) CPF/Designated pension/fund (refer to no. 11,

segment type MOA, qualifier 368, position 9-18) is not equal to zero.

2b.3 Trailer

14. Segment Type – RFF

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 RFF Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: AWJ

2nd occ: AWY 1st occ: Record Type 2nd occ: No of records

Cannot be blank Cannot be blank

9 – 14 6 1st occ: 2 2nd occ: *

1st occ: 2 = Trailer 2nd occ: No. of records – numeric only

Cannot be blank Cannot be blank - Must be equal to the no. of employees that you are submitting. For example, if in

Page 23: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8A - 21

this IR8A form you are submitting for 5 employees, then the system will expect 5 Payee’s IDs with their respective information.

15. Segment Type – MOA

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 MOA Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: 353

2nd occ: 354 3rd occ: 355 4th occ: 356 5th occ: 357 6th occ: 358 7th occ: 359 8th occ: 360 9th occ: 361 10th occ:362 11th occ: 363 12th occ: 364

1st occ: Total amount of Payment 2nd occ: Total amount of salary 3rd occ: Total amount of bonus 4th occ: Total amount of director’s fee 5th occ: Total amount of others 6th occ: Total amount of donation 7th occ: Total amount of CPF 8th occ: Total amount of Insurance 9th occ: Total amount of Contribution for Mosque

Building Fund 10th occ: Total amount of exempt income 11th occ: Total amount of employment income for which

the tax is borne by employer 12th occ: Total amount of income tax liability for which

is tax is borne by employee

Cannot be blank Note:- 1st occ to 12th occ The maximum length is 12 bytes. No decimal is allowed If you need to have negative figure, then the maximum length is 13 bytes. Format: S9(12) Important : The maximum Total amount that can be declared per batch is $999,999,999, 999. Any amount exceeding this should be declared in the separate batches by reducing the number of employees in this batch.

9 - 21 13 1st occ: * 1st occ: Total amount of Payment Sum of total amount (refer to no. 11, segment type MOA, qualifier 128, position 9-18)

2nd occ: * 2nd occ: Total amount of salary Sum of salary (refer to no. 11, segment type MOA, qualifier 776, position 9-18)

3rd occ: * 3rd occ: Total amount of bonus Sum of bonus (refer to no. 11, segment type MOA, qualifier 369, position 9-18)

4th occ: * 4th occ: Total amount of director’s fee Sum of director’s fee (refer to no. 11, segment type MOA, qualifier 340, position 9-18)

5th occ: * 5th occ: Total amount of others Sum of others (refer to no. 11, segment type MOA, qualifier 275, position 9-18)

Page 24: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8A - 22

6th occ: * 6th occ: Total amount of donation Sum of donation (refer to no. 11, segment type MOA, qualifier 367, position 9-14)

7th occ: * 7th occ: Total amount of CPF Sum of CPF/Designated pension/fund (refer to no. 11, segment type MOA, qualifier 368, position 9-16)

8th occ: * 8th occ: Total amount of Insurance Sum of insurance (refer to no. 11, segment type MOA, qualifier 67, position 9-14)

9th occ: * 9th occ: Total amount of Contribution for Mosque Building Fund

Sum of contributions for Mosque Building Fund (refer to no.11, segment type MOA, qualifier 366, position 9 -14)

10th occ: * 10th occ: Total amount of exempt income Sum of Exempt Income/Income subject to tax remission (refer to no.11, segment type MOA, qualifier 370, position 9 -18)

11th occ: * 11th occ: Total amount of employment income for which is tax is borne by employer

Sum of Employment Income for which tax is borne by employer (refer to no.11, segment type MOA, qualifier 371, position 9 -18)

12th occ: * 12th occ: Total amount of income tax liability for which the tax is borne by employee

Sum of Fixed amount of income tax liability for which tax borne by employee (refer to no.11, segment type MOA, qualifier 372, position 9 -18)

2b.4 Security Result

16. Segment Type – RES

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 RES Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 7 2 ZZ Security Identifier Cannot be blank

Page 25: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8S - 1

3a. Overview Structure of IR8S Basically, this file structure consists of the following segments :- NOTE : * : If it is not applicable, just specify the Segment and put the value as 0. Eg Employer contribution MOA 4080 ** : If it is not applicable, just specify the Segment and leave the value as blank. Eg. Overseas posting from date DTM 500 Levels Segment Max.

Repeat Status Description

Header UNB 1 Mandatory Message Title UNH 1 Mandatory Message Header UNH BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 4 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s Information COM 1 Mandatory Employer’s Contact No. Details (max. = 9999)

LIN 1 Mandatory Line No. denoting the occurrence of Employee

RFF 6 Mandatory Details Information – Indicators NAD 1 Mandatory Employee’s Information Month details (max. = 13)

LIN 1 Mandatory Line No denoting the occurrence of the months

MOA 6 Mandatory * Month Details – Wages DTM 2 Mandatory ** Details Information – Overseas

Posting Dates MOA 2 Mandatory * Details Information –

Contributions RFF 1 Mandatory Segment Separator

Page 26: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8S - 2

Wage/Cont (max. =3)

MOA 5 Mandatory * Details Information – Wages and Contributions

DTM 5 Mandatory Details Information – Payment Dates

Security Result

RES 1 Mandatory Security Results

Page 27: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8S - 3

3b. Detail Structure of IR8S This section will be used to generate the IR8S (message type is IRCPPF) interface structure. Note: The following sequence has to be coded accordingly. Unspecified position should be filled with spaces. All amount fields are left-aligned. Symbol Used: * represents user defined. occ refers to occurrence Eg. 1st occ means first occurrence 2nd occ means second occurrence

3b.1 Header 1. Segment Type – UNB

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 UNB Segment Type Cannot be blank 157 – 162 6 IR8S Application Reference Cannot be blank

2. Segment Type – UNH

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 UNH Segment Type Cannot be blank 20 – 25 6 IRCPPF Message Type Cannot be blank 26 – 28 3 011 Message Version Number Cannot be blank

3. Segment Type – BGM

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 BGM Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 938 Document Code Cannot be blank

Page 28: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8S - 4

4. Segment Type – RFF

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 RFF Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: AWJ

1st occ: Record Type

Cannot be blank

2nd occ: AWK

2nd occ: Source

Cannot be blank

3th occ: AWM

3th occ: Payer’s ID Type Cannot be blank

4th occ: AWZ 4th occ: Record Indicator Cannot be blank 9 – 9 1 1st occ: 0

1st occ: Header Cannot be blank

2nd occ:* 2nd occ: 1=Mindef, 4=Govt Dept, 5=Statutory Boards, 6=Private Sector, 9=Others

Cannot be blank

3rd occ: * 3rd occ: 7=ROB, 8=ROC, A=ASGD, I = ITR, C=CRN, M=MCST, G=GSTN

Cannot be blank

4th occ: O 4th occ: O=Original Cannot be blank

5. Segment Type – DTM

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 DTM Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: 441

1st occ: Basis Year Cannot be blank

2nd occ:416

2nd occ: Batch Date

Cannot be blank

9 – 16 1st occ: 4 1st occ: *

1st occ: Basis Year (CCYY e.g. 2006)

Basis Year: 4 years, inclusive of 1 current & 1 advance. For example, if the system date is 2007, then possible basis year that you can enter is 2004, 2005, 2006 or 2007 Cannot be blank

2nd occ: 8 2nd occ: * 2nd occ: Date of Creation (CCYYMMDD e.g. 20061231)

Date of Creation cannot be greater than the system date, i.e. it cannot be a future date. Cannot be blank

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IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8S - 5

17 – 19 3 1st occ: 602 Date Code Cannot be blank 2nd occ: 102 Cannot be blank

6. Segment Type – NAD

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 NAD Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 SE Employer Code Cannot be blank 9 – 20 12 * Payer’s ID No. Ensure that this no. is a valid no.

For example, if the Payer’s ID Type is ROB then this no. must be a valid ROB no. (refer to no. 4, segment type RFF, qualifier AWM, position 9-10) Cannot be blank

50 – 79 30 * Name of authorized person 225 – 254 30 * Designation of authorized person 260 – 294 35 * Name of Employer – line 1 Cannot be blank 295 – 329 35 * Name of Employer – line 2 330 – 389 60 * Email of authorized person 390 – 419 30 * Name of Division/Branch

7. Segment Type – COM

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 COM Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 25 20 * Telephone Number

3b.2 Details 8. Segment Type – LIN

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 LIN Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 9 4 * Occurrence of Employees

numeric only 1 - 9999 Cannot be blank

Page 30: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8S - 6

9. Segment Type – RFF

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 RFF Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: AWJ

2nd occ: AWM 3rd occ: AYA 4th occ: AYB 5th occ: AYD 6th occ: AYE

Rec type Payee's ID type CPF contributions in respect of overseas posting are obligatory by contract of employment indicator CPF capping applied indicator Singapore Permanent Resident status is approved on or after 01.01.YYYY Approval has been obtained from CPF Board to make full contribution

Cannot be blank

9 – 11 3 1st occ:1

1st occ: Detail Note: 1st occ till 6th occ Cannot be blank It can be blank only when applicable, e.g. the 3rd occ, 5th occ and 6th occ.

2nd occ:* 2nd occ: 1=NRIC, 2=FIN, 3=Immigration File Ref No, 4=Work Permit No, 5=Malaysian I/C, 6=Passport No

Cannot be blank

3rd occ:*

3rd occ: Y=Obligatory, N=Not obligatory Blank=Not applicable

Note:- 3rd occ If 3rd occ is not blank, then you must ensure that (a) Overseas posting from and to date (refer to no. 13,

segment type DTM, qualifier 500 and 501, position 9-16) are not blank.

4th occ:* 4th occ: Y=Capping has been applied

N=Capping has not been applied

Cannot be blank

5th occ: * 5th occ: Y=Singapore Permanent Resident Status is approved on or after 01.01.YYYY

N=Singapore Permanent Resident Status is NOT approved on or after 01.01.YYYY

Blank=Not applicable

Note: 5th occ and 6th occ (a) If SPR status (5th occ) is Y, then Approval indicator (6th

occ) must be either Y or N (b) If SPR status (5th occ) is N, then Approval indicator (6th

occ) must be either N or blank (c) If SPR status (5th occ) is blank, then Approval

Page 31: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

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CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8S - 7

indicator (6th occ) must also be blank

6th occ: * 6th occ: Y=Approval has been obtained from CPFB to make full contribution

N=Approval has not been obtained from CPFB to make full contribution

Blank = Not applicable

(d) If Payee’s ID type (2nd occ) is not 1 (i.e. NRIC), then both SPR status (5th occ) and Approval indicator (6th occ) must be blank.

10. Segment Type – NAD

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 NAD Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 PE Employee Code Cannot be blank 9 – 20 12 * Payee’s ID No. Must be a valid Payee’s ID No. (refer to no. 9, segment

type RFF, qualifier AWM, position 9-11) For example, if this Payee’s ID type is NRIC, then the no. must be a valid NRIC no. Cannot be blank

225 – 259 35 * Payee’s Name – line 1 Cannot be blank 260 – 294 35 * Payee’s Name – line 2 295 – 304 10 * Payee’s Name – line 3

4b.2 Details 11. Segment Type – LIN

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 LIN Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 JAN, FEB,


January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December or Total.

Cannot be blank

Page 32: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8S - 8

12. Segment Type – MOA

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 MOA Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: 400

2nd occ: 401 3rd occ: 402 4th occ: 404 5th occ: 405 6th occ: 406

1st occ: Ordinary wages 2nd occ: Employer CPF contribution for ordinary wages 3rd occ: Employee CPF contribution for ordinary wages 4th occ: Additional wages 5th occ: Employer CPF contribution for additional wages 6th occ: Employee CPF contribution for additional


Cannot be blank

9 – 19 11 1st occ: * 1st occ: Ordinary wages Note:- 1st occ till 6th occ: Cannot be blank Allow input of 7 bytes and 2 decimals, excluding a separate byte for negative. No commas allowed. Format: S9(7)v99 e.g. 1234567.12, if positive and -1234567.12, if negative. For qualifier TTL , the maximum length is 7 bytes. No decimal is allowed. If you need to have negative figure then the maximum length is 8 bytes. Format: S9(7) e.g. 1234567, if positive and -1234567, if negative. Note: TTL 1 st occ: With reference to no. 11, segment type LIN, if the qualifier is TTL , then 1st occ is the sum of Jan’s till Dec’s Ordinary wages. Take the sum and then drop off all the decimals

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IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8S - 9

Important : The maximum TTL that can be declared per employee per batch is $9,999,999. Any amount exceeding this value should be declared in the Amendment batches.

2nd occ: * 2nd occ: Employer CPF contribution for ordinary wages Note: TTL 2 nd occ: With reference to no. 11, segment type LIN, if the qualifier is TTL , then 2nd occ is the sum of Jan’s till Dec’s Employer CPF contribution for ordinary wages. Take the sum and then drop off all the decimals

3rd occ: * 3rd occ: Employee CPF contribution for ordinary wages Note: TTL 3 rd occ: With reference to no. 11, segment type LIN, if the qualifier is TTL , then 3rd occ is the sum of Jan’s till Dec’s Employee CPF contribution for ordinary wages. Take the sum and then round up the decimals of the sum

4th occ: * 4th occ: Additional wages Note: TTL 4 th occ: With reference to no. 11, segment type LIN, if the qualifier is TTL , then 4th occ is the sum of Jan’s till Dec’s Additional wages. Take the sum and then drop off all the decimals

5th occ: * 5th occ: Employer CPF contribution for additional wages

Note: TTL 5 th occ: With reference to no. 11, segment type LIN, if the qualifier is TTL , then 5th occ is the sum of Jan’s till Dec’s Employer CPF contribution for additional wages. Take the sum and then drop off all the decimals

6th occ: * 6th occ: Employee CPF contribution for additional wages

Note: TTL 6 th occ: With reference to no. 11, segment type LIN, if the qualifier is TTL , then 6th occ is the sum of Jan’s till Dec’s Employee CPF contribution for additional wages. Take the sum and then round up the decimals of the sum

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IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8S - 10

13. Segment Type – DTM

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 DTM Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: 500

2nd occ: 501 1st occ: Overseas posting from date 2nd occ: Overseas posting to date

Cannot be blank

9 – 16 8 1st occ: * 1st occ: Overseas posting from date Note:- Date format must be in CCYYMMDD Must be a valid date. Note:- 1st occ, 2nd occ: - The date must be within Basis Year. - To Date must be strictly later than From Date - If From Date is declared, then To Date cannot be blank, and vice-versa.

2nd occ: * 2nd occ: Overseas posting to date - If both From and To Date are declared, then you must ensure that: CPF contributions in respect of overseas posting are obligatory by contract of employment indicator (refer to no. 9, segment type RFF, qualifier AYA, position 9-11) is not blank.

17 – 19 3 102 Date code

14. Segment Type – MOA

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 MOA Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: 408

2nd occ: 409 1st occ: Employer contribution 2nd occ: Employee contribution

Cannot be blank

9 – 16 8 1st occ: * 1st occ: Employer contribution Note:- 1st occ, 2ndocc: Cannot be blank The maximum length is 7 bytes. No decimal is allowed. If you need to have negative figure then the maximum length is 8 bytes. Format: S9(7)

2nd occ: * 2nd occ: Employee contribution

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IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8S - 11

15. Segment Type – RFF

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 RFF Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 AWJ Record Type Cannot be blank 9 – 9 1 3 Segment separator Cannot be blank

16. Segment Type – MOA

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 MOA Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: 410

2nd occ: 411 3rd occ: 412 4th occ: 413 5th occ: 414

1st occ: Additional wages 2nd occ: Amount of refund applicable to employer

contribution 3rd occ: Amount of refund applicable to interest on

employer contribution 4th occ: Amount of refund applicable to employee

contribution 5th occ: Amount of refund applicable to interest on

employee contribution

Cannot be blank

9 – 16 8 1st occ: * 1st occ: Additional wages Note:- 1st occ till 5th occ: - Cannot be blank - The maximum length is 7 bytes.

No decimal is allowed. If you need to have negative figure then the maximum length is 8 bytes. Format: S9(7)

- If any of the followings are not equal to zero, then Additional wages (refer to no. 16, segment type MOA, qualifier 410, position 9-16) cannot equal to zero. (a) Amt of refund applicable to employer contribution

(refer to no. 16, segment type MOA, qualifier 411, position 9-16)

(b) Amt of refund applicable to interest on employer contribution (refer to no. 16, segment type MOA,

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CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8S - 12

qualifier 412, position 9-16) (c) Amt of refund applicable to employee contribution

(refer to no. 16, segment type MOA, qualifier 413, position 9-16)

(d) Amt of refund applicable to interest on employee contribution (refer to no. 16, segment type MOA, qualifier 414, position 9-16)

Note:- 1st occ If any of the followings are declared (not blank and not equal to zero), then you must ensure that all of them are declared (not blank and not equal to zero). (a) Additional wages (refer to no. 16, segment type MOA,

qualifier 410, position 9-16) (b) Payment for additional wages from date (refer to no.

17, segment type DTM, qualifier 502, position 9-16) (c) Payment for additional wages to date (refer to no. 17,

segment type DTM, qualifier 503, position 9-16) (d) Payment for additional wages date (refer to no. 17,

segment type DTM, qualifier 504, position 9-16)

2nd occ: * 2nd occ: Amt of refund applicable to employer contribution

Note: 2nd occ If 2nd occ is not equal to zero, then (a) Refund given to employer date (refer to no. 17,

segment type DTM, qualifier 505, position 9-16) cannot be blank

3rd occ: * 3rd occ: Amt of refund applicable to interest on

employer contribution Note: 3rd occ If 3rd occ is not equal to zero, then (a) Refund given to employer date (refer to no. 17,

segment type DTM, qualifier 505, position 9-16) cannot be blank

4th occ: * 4th occ: Amt of refund applicable to employee

contribution Note: 4th occ If 4th occ is not equal to zero, then (a) Refund given to employee date (refer to no. 17,

segment type DTM, qualifier 506, position 9-16) cannot be blank

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IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8S - 13

5th occ: * 5th occ: Amt of refund applicable to interest on employee contribution

Note: 5th occ If 5th occ is not equal to zero, then (a) Refund given to employee date (refer to no. 17,

segment type DTM, qualifier 506, position 9-16) cannot be blank

17. Segment Type – DTM

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 DTM Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: 502

2nd occ: 503 3rd occ: 504 4th occ: 505 5th occ: 506

1st occ: Payment for additional wages from date 2nd occ: Payment for additional wages to date 3rd occ: Payment for additional wages date 4th occ: Refund given to employer date 5th occ: Refund given to employee date

Cannot be blank

9 – 16 8 1st occ: * 1st occ: Payment for additional wages from date Note:- Date format must be in CCYYMMDD Must be a valid date. Note:- 1st occ till 5th occ: - The date must be within Basis Year. - To Date must be strictly later than From Date - If From Date is declared, then To Date cannot be blank, and vice-versa.

- 3rd occ must be greater than or equal to 2nd occ. - 4th and 5th occ must be greater than or equal to 3rd occ. If any of the followings are declared (not blank and not equal to zero), then you must ensure that all of them are declared (not blank and not equal to zero). (a) Additional wages (refer to no. 16, segment type MOA,

qualifier 410, position 9-16) (b) Payment for additional wages from date (refer to no.

17, segment type DTM, qualifier 502, position 9-16) (c) Payment for additional wages to date (refer to no. 17,

segment type DTM, qualifier 503, position 9-16) (d) Payment for additional wages date (refer to no. 17,

segment type DTM, qualifier 504, position 9-16)

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IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page IR8S - 14

2nd occ: * 2nd occ: Payment for additional wages to date

3rd occ: * 3rd occ: Payment for additional wages date

4th occ: * 4th occ: Refund given to employer date Note:- 4thocc If 4th occ is not blank, then you must ensure that at least one of the followings is not equal to zero (a) Amt of refund applicable to employer contribution

(refer to no. 16, segment type MOA, qualifier 411, position 9-16)

(b) Amt of refund applicable to interest on employer contribution (refer to no. 16, segment type MOA, qualifier 412, position 9-16)

5th occ: * 5th occ: Refund given to employee date

Note:- 5thocc If 5th is not blank, then you must ensure that at least one of the followings is not equal to zero (a) Amt of refund applicable to employee contribution

(refer to no. 16, segment type MOA, qualifier 413, position 9-16)

(b) Amt of refund applicable to interest on employee contribution (refer to no. 16, segment type is MOA, qualifier is 414, position 9-16)

17 – 19 3 102 Date code

3b.3 Security Result

18. Segment Type – RES

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 RES Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 7 2 ZZ Security Identifier Cannot be blank

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IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8A - 1

4a. Overview Structure of A8A Basically, this file structure consists of the following segments :-

NOTE : * : If it is not applicable, just specify the Segment and put the value as 0. E.g. Rent paid by Employee MOA 5020

Home leave for self QTY 3010 ** : If it is not applicable, just specify the Segment and leave the value as blank. E.g. Occupation from date DTM 600

Levels Segment Max. Repeat

Status Description

Header UNB 1 Mandatory Message Title UNH 1 Mandatory Message Header UNH BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 4 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s Information COM 1 Mandatory Employer’s Contact No. Details (max. = 9999)

LIN 1 Mandatory Line No. denoting the occurrence of Employee

RFF 4 Mandatory Details Information – Indicators NAD 1 Mandatory Employee’s Information MOA 18 Mandatory * Details Information – Value QTY 5 Mandatory * Details Information – Home

leave DTM 2 Mandatory ** Details Information –

Occupation Dates MOA 22 Mandatory * Details Information – Amount QTY 25 Mandatory * Details Information – Units Security Result

RES 1 Mandatory Security Results

Page 40: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8A - 2

4b. Detail Structure of A8A This section will be used to generate the A8A (message type is IRVBIK) interface structure. Note: The following sequence has to be coded accordingly. Unspecified position should be filled with spaces. All amount fields are left-aligned. Symbol Used: * represents user defined. occ refers to occurrence E.g. 1st occ means first occurrence 2nd occ means second occurrence

4b.1 Header 1. Segment Type – UNB

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 UNB Segment Type Cannot be blank 157 – 162 6 IRA8A Application Reference Cannot be blank

2. Segment Type – UNH

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 UNH Segment Type Cannot be blank 20 – 25 6 IRVBIK Message Type Cannot be blank 26 – 28 3 011 Message Version Number Cannot be blank

3. Segment Type – BGM

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 BGM Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 938 Document Code Cannot be blank

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IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8A - 3

4. Segment Type – RFF

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 RFF Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: AWJ

1st occ: Record Type

Cannot be blank

2nd occ: AWK

2nd occ: Source

Cannot be blank

3th occ: AWM

3th occ: Payer’s ID Type Cannot be blank

4th occ: AWZ 4th occ: Record Indicator

Cannot be blank

9 – 9 1 1st occ: 0

1st occ: Header Cannot be blank

2nd occ: * 2nd occ: 1=Mindef, 4=Govt Dept, 5=Statutory Boards, 6=Private Sector, 9=Others

Cannot be blank

3rd occ: * 3rd occ: 7=ROB, 8=ROC, A=ASGD, I = ITR, C=CRN, M=MCST, G=GSTN

Cannot be blank

4th occ: O 4th occ: O=Original Cannot be blank

5. Segment Type – DTM

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 DTM Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: 441

1st occ: Basis Year Cannot be blank

2nd occ:416

2nd occ: Batch Date Cannot be blank

9 – 16 1st occ: 4 1st occ: *

1st occ: Basis Year (CCYY e.g. 2006)

Basis Year: 4 years, inclusive of 1 current & 1 advance. For example, if the system date is 2007, then possible basis year that you can enter is 2004, 2005, 2006 or 2007 Cannot be blank

2nd occ: 8 2nd occ: * 2nd occ: Date of Creation (CCYYMMDD e.g. 20061231)

Date of Creation cannot be greater than the system date, i.e. it cannot be a future date. Cannot be blank

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IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8A - 4

17 – 19 3 1st occ: 602 Date Code Cannot be blank 2nd occ: 102 Cannot be blank

6. Segment Type – NAD

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 NAD Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 SE Employer Code Cannot be blank 9 – 20 12 * Payer’s ID No. Ensure that this no. is a valid no.

For example, if the Payer’s ID Type is ROB, then this no. must be a valid ROB no. (refer to no. 4, segment type RFF, qualifier AWM, position 9-10) Cannot be blank

50 – 79 30 * Name of authorized person 225 – 254 30 * Designation of authorized person 260 – 294 35 * Name of Employer – line 1 Cannot be blank 295 – 329 35 * Name of Employer – line 2 330 – 389 60 * Email of authorized person 390 – 419 30 * Name of Division/Branch

7. Segment Type – COM

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 COM Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 25 20 * Telephone Number

4b.2 Details 8. Segment Type – LIN

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 LIN Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 9 4 * Occurrence of Employees –

numeric only 1 - 9999 Cannot be blank

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IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8A - 5

9. Segment Type – RFF

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 RFF Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: AWJ

2nd occ: AWM 3rd occ: AYA

1st occ: Rec type 2nd occ: Payee's ID type 3rd occ: OHQ Status

Cannot be blank

9 – 11 3 1st occ: 1

1st occ: Detail Note: 1st occ till 3rd occ Cannot be blank It can be blank only when applicable, e.g. the 3rd occ.

2nd occ: * 2nd occ: 1=NRIC, 2=FIN, 3=Immigration File Ref No, 4=Work Permit No, 5=Malaysian I/C, 6=Passport No

Cannot be blank.

3rd occ: *

3rd occ: Y=Company who is enjoying OHQ status, N=Company who is not enjoying OHQ status Blank=Not applicable

Note:- 3rd occ: If 3rd occ is not blank, then you must ensure that (a) Home leave passage (refer to no. 11, segment type

MOA, qualifier 505, position 9-19) is not equal to zero. AND At least one of the followings is not equal to 0 (refer to no. 12, segment type QTY, qualifier 301, 302 and 303, respectively for (a), (b) and (c), position 9-11) (a) Home leave for self (b) Home leave for wife (c) Home leave for children

10. Segment Type – NAD

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 NAD Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 PE Employee Code Cannot be blank 9 – 20 12 * Payee’s ID No. Must be a valid Payee’s ID No. (refer to no. 9, segment

type RFF, qualifier AWM, position 9-11) For example, if this Payee’s ID type is NRIC, then the

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CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8A - 6

no. must be a valid NRIC no. Cannot be blank

50 – 79 30 * Address for Place of Residence – line 1 Note:- Address If address is not blank, then you must ensure that (a) Occupation from date (refer to no. 13, segment type

DTM, qualifier 600, position 9-16) is not blank. (b) Occupation to date (refer to no. 13, segment type

DTM, qualifier 601, position 9-16) is not blank. (c) Annual rent/rent paid by employer (refer to no. 11,

segment type MOA, qualifier 501, position 9-19) is not equal to zero.

(d) Value of place of residence (refer to no. 11, segment type MOA, qualifier 500, position 9-19) is not equal to zero.

Note : No. of days (refer to no. 12, segment type QTY, qualifier 300, position 9-11) is not linked to Address for Place of Residence, i.e. No. of days can be zero if Address for Place of Residence is not blank.

85 – 114 30 * Address for Place of Residence – line 2 120 – 149 30 * Address for Place of Residence – line 3 225 – 259 35 * Payee’s Name – line 1 Cannot be blank 260 – 294 35 * Payee’s Name – line 2 295 – 304 10 * Payee’s Name – line 3

11. Segment Type – MOA

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 MOA Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: 500

2nd occ: 501 3rd occ: 502 4th occ: 503 5th occ: 504 6th occ: 505 7th occ: 506 8th occ: 507

1st occ: Value of place of residence 2nd occ: Annual rent/rent paid by employer 3rd occ: Rent paid by employee 4th occ: Total value of furniture, etc 5th occ: Total value of hotel accommodation 6th occ: Home leave passage 7th occ: Interest payment made by employer 8th occ: Life insurance premium paid by employer

Cannot be blank

Page 45: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8A - 7

9th occ: 508 10th occ: 509 11th occ: 510 12th occ: 511 13th occ: 512 14th occ: 513 15th occ: 514 16th occ: 515 17th occ: 516 18th occ: 539

9th occ Fee/subsidized holiday 10th occ Education expenses including tutor 11th occ: Reward for long service 12th occ: Entrance/transfer fee for club 13th occ: Gain from asset 14th occ: Full cost of vehicle 15th occ: Car benefit 16th occ: Total value of benefits-in-kind 17th occ: Other benefits 18th occ: 2% Basic salary

9 – 19 11 1st occ: * 1st occ: Value of place of residence Note:- 1stocc till 18th occ: Allow input of 7 bytes and 2 decimals, with a separate byte for negative sign. No commas allowed. Format: S9(7)v99 e.g. 1234567.12, for positive and -1234567.12 for negative. Note:-1st occ: If 1st occ is not equal to zero, then you must ensure that (a) Address for Place of Residence (refer to no. 10,

segment type NAD, position 50-79) is not blank.

2nd occ: * 2nd occ: Annual rent/rent paid by employer

Note:- 2nd occ: If 2nd occ is not equal to zero, then you must ensure that (a) Address for Place of Residence (refer to no. 10,

segment type NAD, position 50-79) is not blank. 3th occ: * 3rd occ: Rent paid by employee

4th occ: * 4th occ: Total value of furniture, etc

Note:- 4th occ: MOA 503=Sum of MOA 517 to 534

5th occ: * 5th occ: Total value of hotel accomodation

Note:- 5th occ: MOA 504 = Sum of MOA 535 to MOA 539

6th occ: * 6th occ: Home leave passage

Note:- 6th occ: If 6th occ is not equal to zero, then you must ensure that (a) OHQ Status (refer to no. 9, segment type RFF,

qualifier AYA, position 9-11) is not blank.

Page 46: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8A - 8

7th occ: * 7th occ: Interest payment made by employer

8th occ: * 8th occ: Life insurance premium paid by employer

9th occ: * 9th occ: Fee/subsidised holiday

10th occ: * 10th occ: Education expenses including tutor

11th occ: * 11th occ: Reward for long service

12th occ: * 12th occ: Entrance/transfer fee for club

13th occ: * 13th occ: Gain from asset

14th occ: *

14th occ: Full cost of vehicle

15th occ: *

15th occ: Car benefit

16th occ: *

16th occ Total value of benefits-in-kind

Note:- 16th occ: MOA 515 = MOA 500 + MOA 503 + MOA 504 + MOA 505 + MOA 506 + MOA 507 + MOA 508 + MOA 509 + MOA 510 + MOA 511 + MOA 512 + MOA 513 + MOA 514 + MOA 516

17th occ: *

17th occ: Other benefits

18th occ: *

18th occ: 2% of Basic salary

Note:- 18th occ: If 2% of the Basic Salary is not equal to zero, then Value of Hotel Accommodation for either self, wife or children (refer to no. 14, segment type MOA, qualifiers 535 – 538, position 9 -17 and no. 15, segment QTY, qualifiers 321-328, position 9-11) cannot be equal to zero.

Page 47: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8A - 9

12. Segment Type – QTY

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 QTY Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: 300

2nd occ: 301 3rd occ: 302 4th occ: 303 5th occ: 329

1st occ: No of days 2nd occ: Home leave for self 3rd occ: Home leave for wife 4th occ: Home leave for children 5th occ: No of employees sharing the Quarter

Cannot be blank

9 – 11 3 1st occ: * 1st occ: No of days – numeric only

Note:- 1st occ - The maximum length is 3 bytes. - No negative is allowed - 1st occ cannot exceed 366 Note : No. of days is not linked to Address for Place of Residence (refer to no. 10, segment type NAD, position 50-79).

2nd occ: * 2nd occ: Home leave for self – numeric only Note:- 2nd occ, 3rd occ, 4th occ, 5th occ: - The maximum length is 2 bytes. - No negative is allowed. If 2nd occ, 3rd occ, or 4th occ is not equal to zero, then you must ensure that (a) OHQ Status (refer to no. 9, segment type RFF,

qualifier AYA, position 9-11) is not blank.

3rd occ: * 3rd occ: Home leave for wife – numeric only

4th occ: * 4th occ: Home leave for children – numeric only

5th occ: * 5th occ: No of employees sharing the Quarter Note:- 5th occ: If 5th occ is not equal to zero, then ensure that: (a) The Value of Place of Residence (refer to no. 11,

segment type MOA, qualifier 500, position 9-19) is divided by the number of employees sharing

(b) Total value of furniture (refer to no. 11, segment type MOA, qualifier 503, position 9-19) is divided by the number of employees sharing

Page 48: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8A - 10

13. Segment Type – DTM

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 DTM Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: 600

2nd occ: 601 1st occ: Occupation from date 2nd occ: Occupation to date

Cannot be blank

9 – 16 8 1st occ: * 1st occ: Occupation from date Note:- Date format must be in CCYYMMDD Must be a valid date. Note:- 1st occ, 2nd occ: - The date must be within Basis Year. - To Date must be strictly later than From Date - If From Date is declared, then To Date cannot be blank, and vice-versa.

2nd occ: * 2nd occ: Occupation to date - If both From Date and To Date are declared, then you must ensure that (a) Address for Place of Residence (refer to no. 10,

segment type NAD, position 50-79) is not blank.

17-19 3 102 Date code

14. Segment Type – MOA

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 MOA Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: 517

2nd occ: 518 3rd occ: 519 4th occ: 520 5th occ: 521 6th occ: 522 7th occ: 523 8th occ: 524 9th occ: 525

1st occ: Value of hard/ soft furniture 2nd occ: Value of refrigerator 3rd occ: Value of video recorder 4th occ: Value of washing machine/ dryer/ dish washer 5th occ: Value of air conditioner 6th occ: Value of TV, radio, amplifier, hi-fi, electric guitar 7th occ: Value of computer and organ 8th occ: Value of swimming pool 9th occ: Actual amount paid for public utilities

Cannot be blank

Page 49: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8A - 11

10th occ: 526 11th occ: 527 12th occ: 528 13th occ: 529 14th occ: 530 15th occ: 531 16th occ: 532 17th occ: 533 18th occ: 534 19th occ: 535 20th occ: 536 21st occ: 537 22ndocc: 538

10th occ Actual amount paid for telephone 11th occ: Actual amount paid for pager 12th occ: Full cost of suitcase 13th occ: Full cost of golf bag & accessories 14th occ: Full cost of camera 15th occ: Actual amount paid for servant 16th occ: Driver wages 17th occ: Gardener wages 18th occ: Value for other benefits-in-kind 19th occ: Value for self/ wife/ child > 20 20th occ: Value for child 8-20 21st occ: Value for child 3-7 22nd occ: Value for child < 3

9 – 17 9 1st occ: * 1st occ: Value of hard/ soft furniture

Note:- 1st occ till 22th occ: Allow input of 5 bytes and 2 decimals, excluding a separate byte for negative sign. No commas allowed. Format: S9(5)v99 e.g.: 12345.12, if positive -12345.12, if negative.

2nd occ: Value of refrigerator

3rd occ: Value of video recorder

4th occ: Value of washing machine/ dryer/ dish washer

5th occ: Value of air conditioner

6th occ: Value of TV, radio, amplifier, hi-fi, electric guitar

7th occ: Value of computer and organ

8th occ: Value of swimming pool

9th occ: Actual amount paid for public utilities

10th occ Actual amount paid for telephone

Page 50: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8A - 12

11th occ: Actual amount paid for pager

12th occ: Full cost of suitcase

13th occ: Full cost of golf bag & accessories

14th occ: Full cost of camera

15th occ: Actual amount paid for servant

16th occ: Driver wages

17th occ: Gardener wages

18th occ: Value for other benefits-in-kind

19th occ: Value for self/ wife/ child > 20

Note: 19th occ: If 19th occ is not equal to zero, then you must ensure that (a) No of person self/wife/child > 20 (refer to no. 15,

segment type QTY, qualifier 321, position 9-11) is not equal to zero.

(b) No of day self/wife/child > 20 (refer to no. 15, segment type QTY, qualifier 322, position 9-11) is not equal to zero.

20th occ: Value for child 8-20

Note: 20th occ: If 20th occ is not equal to zero, then you must ensure that (a) No of person child 8-20 (refer to no. 15, segment

type QTY, qualifier 323, position 9-11) is not equal to zero.

(b) No of day child 8-20 (refer to no. 15, segment type QTY, qualifier 324, position 9-11) is not equal to zero.

21st occ: Value for child 3-7

Note: 21st occ: If 21st occ is not equal to zero, then you must ensure that (a) No of person child 3-7 (refer to no. 15, segment type

QTY, qualifier 325, position 9-11) is not equal to zero.

Page 51: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8A - 13

(b) No of day child 3-7 (refer to no. 15, segment type QTY, qualifier 326, position 9-11) is not equal to zero.

22nd occ: Value for child < 3

Note: 22nd occ: If 22nd occ is not equal to zero then you must ensure that (a) No of person child < 3 (refer to no. 15, segment type

QTY, qualifier 327, position 9-11) is not equal to zero.

(b) No of day child < 3 (refer to no. 15, segment type QTY, qualifier 328, position 9-11) is not equal to zero.

If Value of Hotel Accommodation (MOA 535-538, QTY 321-328) for either self, wife or children is not equal to zero, then 2% of Basic Salary (MOA 539) cannot be equal to zero.

15. Segment Type – QTY

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 QTY Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: 304

2nd occ: 305 3rd occ: 306 4th occ: 307 5th occ: 308 6th occ: 309 7th occ: 310 8th occ: 311 9th occ: 312 10th occ: 313 11th occ: 314 12th occ: 315 13th occ: 316 14th occ: 317 15th occ: 318 16th occ: 319

1st occ: Refrigerator 2nd occ: Video recorder 3rd occ: Washing machine 4th occ: Dryer 5th occ: Dish washer 6th occ: Air conditioner-unit 7th occ: Air conditioner-dining room 8th occ: Air conditioner-sitting room 9th occ: Air conditioner-additional room 10th occ TV 11th occ: Radio 12th occ: Amplifier 13th occ: Hi-fi 14th occ: Electric guitar 15th occ: Computer 16th occ: Organ

Cannot be blank

Page 52: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8A - 14

17th occ: 320 18th occ: 321 19th occ: 322 20th occ: 323 21st occ: 324 22ndocc: 325 23rdocc: 326 24thocc: 327 25thocc: 328

17th occ: Swimming pool 18th occ: No. of person (self/ wife/ child > 20) 19th occ: No. of day (self/ wife/ child > 20) 20th occ: No. of person (child 8-20) 21st occ: No. of day (child 8-20) 22nd occ: No. of person (child 3-7) 23rd occ: No. of day (child 3-7) 24th occ: No. of person (child < 3) 25th occ: No. of day (child < 3)

9 – 11 3 1st occ: * 1st occ: Refrigerator

Note : 1st occ till 18th occ, 20th occ, 22nd occ and 24th occ - To be declared in terms of No. of units. - The maximum length is 1 byte. - No decimal and negative is allowed. Note : 19th occ, 21st occ, 23rd occ and 25th occ

- To be declared in terms of No. of days - Value declared cannot exceed 366. - The maximum length is 3 bytes. - If you need to have negative figure, then the maximum length is 4 bytes.

e.g. 365, if positive or –366, if negative Note : 1st occ to 17th occ - 1st to 17th occ must be equal to zero if No. of Days

(refer to no. 12, segment type QTY, qualifier 300, position 9-11) is equal to zero.

2nd occ: Video recorder

3rd occ: Washing machine

4th occ: Dryer

5th occ: Dish washer

6th occ: Air conditioner-central

7th occ: Air conditioner-dining room

Page 53: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8A - 15

8th occ: Air conditioner-sitting room

9th occ: Air conditioner-additional room

10th occ: TV

11th occ: Radio

12th occ: Amplifier

13th occ: Hi-fi

14th occ: Electric guitar

15th occ: Computer

16th occ: Organ

17th occ: Swimming pool

18th occ: No. of person (self/ wife/ child > 20)

Note:- 18th occ and 19th occ: If 18th occ is not equal to zero, then you must ensure that 19th is not equal to zero, and vice-versa. Consequently, if both of them are not equal to zero, Value for self/ wife/ child > 20 (refer to no.14, segment type MOA, qualifier 535, position 9-17) cannot be equal to zero.

19th occ: No. of day (self/ wife/ child > 20)

20th occ: No. of person (child 8-20)

Note:- 20th occ and 21st occ: If 20th occ is not equal to zero, then you must ensure that 21st is not equal to zero, and vice-versa. Consequently, if both of them are not equal to zero, Value for child 8-20 (refer to no.14, segment type MOA, qualifier 536, position 9-17) cannot be equal to zero.

Page 54: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8A - 16

21st occ: No. of day (child 8-20)

22nd occ: No. of person (child 3-7)

Note:- 22nd occ and 23rd occ: If 22nd occ is not equal to zero, then you must ensure that 23rd is not equal to zero, and vice-versa. Consequently, if both of them are not equal to zero, Value for child 3-7 (refer to no.14, segment type MOA, qualifier 537, position 9-17) cannot be equal to zero.

23rd occ: No. of day (child 3-7)

24th occ: No. of person (child < 3)

Note:- 24th occ and 25th occ: If 24th occ is not equal to zero, then you must ensure that 25th is not equal to zero, and vice-versa. Consequently, if both of them are not equal to zero, Value for child < 3 (refer to no.14, segment type MOA, qualifier 538, position 9-17) cannot be equal to zero.

25th occ: No. of day (child < 3)

4b.3 Security Result

16. Segment Type – RES

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 RES Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 7 2 ZZ Security Identifier Cannot be blank

Page 55: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 1

5a. Overview Structure of A8B Basically the file structure consists of the following segments :- NOTE : * : If it is not applicable, just specify the Segment and put the value as 0. E.g. Gross Amt Not Qualify for Tax Exempt MOA 3020 ** : If it is not applicable, just specify the Segment and leave the value as blank. E.g. Date of Birth DTM 329 ID Type of Company giving the stock RFF AWR Levels Segment Max.

Repeat Status Description

Header UNB 1 Mandatory Message Title UNH 1 Mandatory Message Header UNH BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s Information COM 1 Mandatory Employer’s Contact No. Details (max. = 9999)

LIN 1 Mandatory Line No. denoting the occurrence of Employee

RFF 4 Mandatory Details Information – Indicators NAD 1 Mandatory Employee’s Information DTM 1 Optional ** Details Information – Date Of Birth GIS 1 Mandatory 1st Sub Detail General Indicator LIN 1 Mandatory Line No. denoting the

Occurrence of the Stock Details in Section A (ESOP) Section A (min = 0,

RFF 3 Mandatory ** Details Information – Indicators

max = 6) NAD 1 Mandatory Employee’s Information MOA 5 Mandatory * Monetary Amounts DTM 2 Mandatory Details Information – Dates QTY 1 Mandatory Details Information - Quantity MOA 4 Mandatory * Monetary Amounts GIS 1 Mandatory 2nd Sub Detail General Indicator

Page 56: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 2

LIN 1 Mandatory Line No. denoting the Occurrence of the Stock Details in Section B (EESOP)

Section B RFF 3 Mandatory ** Details Information – Indicators (min = 0, NAD 1 Mandatory Employee’s Information max = 6) MOA 6 Mandatory * Monetary Amounts DTM 2 Mandatory Details Information – Dates QTY 1 Mandatory Details Information – Quantity MOA 6 Mandatory * Monetary Amounts GIS 1 Mandatory 3rd Sub Detail General Indicator LIN 1 Mandatory Line No. denoting the

Occurrence of the Stock Details in Section C (CSOP) Section C RFF 3 Mandatory ** Details Information – Indicators (min = 0, NAD 1 Mandatory Employee’s Information max = 6) MOA 6 Mandatory * Monetary Amounts DTM 2 Mandatory Details Information – Dates QTY 1 Mandatory Details Information – Quantity MOA 10 Mandatory * Monetary Amounts Trailer RFF 2 Mandatory Trailer Information – Indicators MOA 20 Mandatory * Trailer Information – Total Monetary Amounts Security Result

RES 1 Mandatory Security Results

Page 57: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 3

5b. Detail Structure of A8B This section will be used to generate the A8B (message type is IRESOP) interface structure. Note: The following sequence has to be coded accordingly. Unspecified position should be filled with spaces. All amount fields are left-aligned. Symbol Used: * represents user defined. occ refers to occurrence E.g. 1st occ means first occurrence 2nd occ means second occurrence

5b.1 Header 1. Segment Type – UNB

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 UNB Segment Type Cannot be blank 157 – 162 6 IRA8B Application Reference Cannot be blank

2. Segment Type – UNH

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 UNH Segment Type Cannot be blank 20 – 25 6 IRESOP Message Type Cannot be blank 26 – 28 3 011 Message Version Number Cannot be blank

3. Segment Type – BGM

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 BGM Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 938 Document Code Cannot be blank

Page 58: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 4

4. Segment Type – RFF

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 RFF Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: AWH 1st occ: Record Type Cannot be blank 2nd occ: AWI 2nd occ: Source Cannot be blank 3th occ: AWJ 3th occ: Type of Payment Cannot be blank

4th occ: AWK 4th occ: Payer’s ID Type Cannot be blank 5th occ: AWL 5th occ: Record Indicator Cannot be blank 9 – 11 2 1st occ: 0

1st occ: Header Cannot be blank

2nd occ: * 2nd occ: 6=Private Sector, 9=Others

Cannot be blank

3rd occ: * 3rd occ: 13=Stock Option Gains Cannot be blank

4th occ: * 4th occ: 7=ROB, 8=ROC, A=ASGD, I = ITR, C=CRN, M=MCST, G=GSTN

Cannot be blank

5th occ: O 5th occ: O=Original Cannot be blank

5. Segment Type – DTM

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 DTM Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: 441 1st occ: Basis Year Cannot be blank 2nd occ: 416 2nd occ: Batch Date Cannot be blank 9 – 16 4 1st occ: *

1st occ: Basis Year (CCYY e.g. 2006)

Basis Year: 4 years, inclusive of 1 current & 1 advance. For example, if the system date is 2007, then possible basis year that you can enter is 2004, 2005, 2006 or 2007 Cannot be blank

8 2nd occ: * 2nd occ: Date of Creation (CCYYMMDD e.g. 20061231)

Date of Creation cannot be greater than the system date, i.e. it cannot be a future date. Cannot be blank

Page 59: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 5

17 – 19 3 1st occ: 602 Date Code = CCYY Cannot be blank 2nd occ: 102 Date Code = CCYYMMDD Cannot be blank

6. Segment Type – NAD

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 NAD Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 SE Employer Code Cannot be blank 9 – 20 12 * Payer’s ID No. Ensure that this no. is a valid no.

For example, if the Payer’s ID Type is ROB then this no. must be a valid ROB no. (refer to no. 4, segment type RFF, qualifier AWK, position 9-10) Cannot be blank

50 – 79 30 * Name of Authorized Person 225 – 254 30 * Designation of Authorized Person 260 – 294 35 * Name of Employer – line 1 Cannot be blank 295 – 319 25 * Name of Employer – line 2 330 – 389 60 * Email of authorized person 390 – 419 30 * Name of Division/Branch

7. Segment Type – COM

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 COM Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 25 20 * Telephone Number

5b.2 Details 8. Segment Type – LIN

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 LIN Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 9 4 * Occurrence of Employees

numeric only 1 - 9999 Cannot be blank

12 – 14 3 LN1 Detail Group 1 Identifier Cannot be blank

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IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 6

9. Segment Type – RFF

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 RFF Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: AWM

2nd occ: AWN 3rd occ: AWO 4th occ: AWP

Rec type Payee's ID type Nationality Code Sex

Cannot be blank

9 – 11 3 1st occ: 1

1st occ: Detail Cannot be blank

2nd occ: * 2nd occ: 1=NRIC, 2=FIN, 3=Immigration File Ref No, 4=Work Permit No, 5=Malaysian I/C, 6=Passport No

Cannot be blank

3rd occ: * 3rd occ: Refer to the validation on nationality code

Note:- 3rd occ : Nationality Code Please see the complete list of nationality code in Annex A 300=Permanent Resident 301=Singapore Citizen 303=Indonesian 304=Malaysian 305=Filipino 306=Thai 331=Japanese 334=Taiwanese 336=Chinese (China) 110=British 503=American 701=Australian 705=New Zealander 999=Others Cannot be blank

4th occ: * 4th occ: F=Female, M=Male Cannot be blank

Page 61: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 7

10. Segment Type – NAD

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 NAD Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 PE Employee Code Cannot be blank 9 – 20 12 * Payee’s ID No. Must be a valid Payee’s ID No. (refer to no. 9, segment

type RFF, qualifier AWN, position 9-11) For example, if this Payee’s ID Type is NRIC, then the no. must be a valid NRIC no. Cannot be blank

225 – 259 35 * Payee’s Name – line 1 Cannot be blank 260 – 294 35 * Payee’s Name – line 2 295 – 304 10 * Payee’s Name – line 3

11. Segment Type – DTM (Optional)

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 DTM Segment Type 6 – 8 3 329 Document Code 9 – 16 8 * Date of Birth (DOB) (CCYYMMDD e.g. 19971231) Date of Birth cannot be greater than the system date, i.e.

it cannot be a future date. Date of Birth cannot be earlier than 01 Jan 1900.

44 – 46 3 102 Date Code 12. Segment Type – GIS

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 GIS Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 10 5 ESOP Stock Type Identifier (ie. Section A Stocks) Cannot be blank

Page 62: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 8

5b.3 Details 13. Segment Type – LIN

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 LIN Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 * Occurrence of Section A - Stock Option Details

Numeric only 1 – 6 Cannot be blank

12 – 14 3 LN2 Detail Group 2 Identifier Cannot be blank 14. Segment Type – RFF

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 RFF Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: AWQ

2nd occ: AWR 3rd occ: AWA

Stock Option Type ID Type of Company giving the Stock Type of plan granted

Cannot be blank

9 – 13 5 1st occ: *

ESOP Cannot be blank

2nd occ: * ID Type – alphanumeric only

The maximum length is 1 byte.

3rd occ: * ESOP = For ESOP ESOW = For ESOW

Cannot be blank

15. Segment Type – NAD

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 NAD Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 R1 Stock Option Code Cannot be blank 9 – 20 12 * ID Number of Company which granted the

ESOP/ESOW Plans The maximum length is 12 bytes. Cannot be blank.

50 – 69 20 * Name of the Company giving the Stock Option – Line 1 Cannot be blank 85 – 104 20 * Name of the Company giving the Stock Option – Line 2

Page 63: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 9

16. Segment Type – MOA

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 MOA Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: 300

2nd occ: 301 3rd occ: 302 4th occ: 303 5th occ: 350

1st occ: Exercise Price of Stock Option 2nd occ: Market Value at Time of Ex. of Stock Option 3rd occ: Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax Exempt 4th occ: Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains 5th occ: Open Market Value Per Share at the Date of

Grant of ESOP/ESOW Plan

Cannot be blank

9 – 19 11 1st occ: * Exercise Price of Stock Option Note : 1st occ, 2nd occ and 5th occ Allow input of 3 bytes and 5 decimals. No commas allowed. No negative amount allowed. Format : 9(3)v99999 e.g. 123.12345 Note: 3rd occ and 4th occ Allow input of 7 bytes and 2 decimals, excluding a separate byte for negative sign. No commas are allowed. If negative value is required, the number of bytes allowed before decimal point is 8. Format : S9(7)v99 e.g. 1234567.12, if positive -1234567.12, if negative

2nd occ: * Market Value at Time of Ex. of Stock Option Note : 2nd occ 2nd occ cannot be equal to zero

3rd occ: * Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax Exempt Note : 3rd occ MOA 302 = (MOA 301 - MOA 300) x QTY 500 i.e. 3rd occ = (2nd occ - 1st occ) x QTY 500 [QTY 500 is No. of Shares Acquired] Drop all the decimals that come after the 2nd decimal.

Page 64: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 10

4th occ: * Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains Note : 4th occ MOA 303 = MOA 302 i.e. 4th occ = 3rd occ Drop all the decimals that comes after the 2nd decimal.

5th occ:* Market Value at Time of Stock Option Grant

17. Segment Type – DTM

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 DTM Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: 400

2nd occ: 401 1st occ: Date of Exercise of Stock Option 2nd occ: Date of Grant of ESOP/ESOW Plan

Cannot be blank

9 – 16 8 1st occ: * Date of Exercise of Stock Option

Note: 1st occ, 2nd occ: - Date format must be in CCYYMMDD . - Date of Exercise of Stock Option (1st occ) must be later than or equal to the Date of Grant of ESOP/ESOW Plan (2nd occ). - Cannot be blank Note: 1st occ: The date must be within Basis Year. Must not be a future date, i.e. cannot be later than the system date.

2nd occ: * Date of Grant of ESOP/ESOW Plan Note: 2nd occ: The year of 2nd occ (i.e. CCYY) must be less than or equal to the Basis Year. Must not be a future date, i.e. cannot be later than the system date.

44 – 46 3 1st occ: 102 2nd occ: 102

Date code Date code

Page 65: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 11

18. Segment Type – QTY

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 QTY Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 500 Document Code Cannot be blank 9 – 16 8 * No. of Shares Acquired The maximum length is 7 bytes (i.e. max = 9,999,999),

excluding a separate byte for negative sign. If you need to have negative figure, then the maximum length is 8 bytes. No commas allowed. Format: S9(7) No. of Shares Acquired cannot be equal to zero.

19. Segment Type – MOA

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 MOA Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: 304

2nd occ: 305 3rd occ: 351 4th occ: 352

1st occ: Total Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax Exempt for ESOP granted before 2003 – S(10)(1)(g)

2nd occ: Total Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains

from ESOP/ESOW Plans for ESOP granted before 2003 - S 10(1)(g)

3rd occ: Total Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax

Exempt for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

4th occ: Total Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains

from ESOP/ESOW Plans for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

Cannot be blank Note : 1st occ to 4th occ Allow input of 8 bytes and 2 decimals, excluding a separate byte for negative sign. No commas allowed. Format : S9(8)v99 e.g. 12345678.12, for positive and -12345678.12, for negative. Important : The maximum Gross amount that can be declared per employee per batch is $99,999,999.99 Any amount exceeding this value should be declared in the Amendment batches.

Page 66: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 12

9 – 20 12 1st occ: * Total Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax Exempt For ESOP granted before 2003 – S(10)(1)(g)

Note : 1st occ MOA 304 = Sum of all MOA 302 [i.e. Sum of Gross Amt Not Qualifying for Tax Exempt] that satisfies the following: Type of Plan Granted (refer to no. 14, segment type RFF, qualifier AWA, position 9-13) is equal to ESOP and the Date of Grant of ESOP/ESOW (refer to no. 17, segment type DTM, qualifier 401, position 9-16) is before 01/01/2003

2nd occ: * Total Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains from ESOP/ESOW Plans for ESOP granted before 2003 - S 10(1)(g)

Note : 2nd occ MOA 305 = MOA 304 i.e. 2nd occ = 1st occ

3rd occ: * Total Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax Exempt for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

Note: 3rd occ MOA 351 = Sum of all MOA 302 [i.e. Sum of Gross Amt Not Qualifying for Tax Exempt] that satisfies the following: (a) Type of Plan Granted (refer to no. 14, segment type

RFF, qualifier AWA, position 9-13) is equal to ESOP and the Date of Grant of ESOP/ESOW (refer to no. 17, segment type DTM, qualifier 401, position 9-16) is on or after 01/01/2003

OR (b) Type of Plan Granted (refer to no. 14, segment type

RFF, qualifier AWA, position 9-13) is equal to ESOW, regardless of the Date of Grant of ESOP/ESOW

4th occ: * Total Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains

from ESOP / ESOW Plans for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

Note: 4th occ MOA 352 = MOA 351 i.e. 4th occ = 3rd occ

20. Segment Type – GIS

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 GIS Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 10 5 EESOP Stock Type Identifier (i.e. Section B Stocks) Cannot be blank

Page 67: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 13

5b.4 Details 21. Segment Type – LIN

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 LIN Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 * Occurrence of Section B - Stock Option Details

Numeric only 1 – 6 Cannot be blank

12 – 14 3 LN3 Detail Group 3 Identifier Cannot be blank 22. Segment Type – RFF

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 RFF Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: AWS

2nd occ: AWT 3rd occ: AWF

Stock Option Type ID Type of Company giving the Stock Type of plan granted

Cannot be blank

9 – 13 5 1st occ: *

EESOP Cannot be blank

2nd occ: * ID Type – alphanumeric only The maximum length is 1 byte.

3rd occ: * ESOP = For ESOP ESOW = For ESOW

Cannot be blank

23. Segment Type – NAD

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 NAD Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 R2 Stock Option Code Cannot be blank 9 – 20 12 * ID Number of Company which granted the

ESOP/ESOW Plans The maximum length is 12 bytes. Cannot be blank.

50 – 69 20 * Name of the Company giving the Stock Option – Line 1 Cannot be blank 85 – 104 20 * Name of the Company giving the Stock Option – Line 2

Page 68: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 14

24. Segment Type – MOA

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 MOA Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: 311

2nd occ: 312 3rd occ: 313 4th occ: 314 5th occ: 315 6th occ: 316

1st occ: Exercise Price of Stock Option 2nd occ: Market Value at Time of Stock Option Grant 3rd occ: Market Value at Time of Ex. Of Stock Option 4th occ: Gross Amount Qualifying for Income Tax

Exempt under EESOP 5th occ: Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax Exempt 6th occ: Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains

Cannot be blank

9 – 19 11 1st occ: * Exercise Price of Stock Option Note : 1st occ to 3rd occ Allow input of 3 bytes and 5 decimals. No commas allowed. No negative amount allowed. Format : 9(3)v99999 e.g. 123.12345 Note : 4th occ to 6th occ Allow input of 7 bytes and 2 decimals, excluding a separate byte for negative sign. No commas are allowed. If negative value is required, the number of bytes allowed before decimal point is 8. Format : S9(7)v99 e.g. 1234567.12, if positive and -1234567.12, if negative.

2nd occ: * Market Value at Time of Stock Option Grant Note : 2nd occ 2nd occ cannot be equal to zero

3rd occ: * Market Value at Time of Ex. Of Stock Option Note : 3rd occ 3rd occ cannot be equal to zero

4th occ: * Gross Amount Qualifying for Tax Exempt under EESOP

Note : 4th occ MOA 314 = (MOA 313 - MOA 312) x QTY 510 i.e. 4th occ = (3rd occ - 2nd occ) x QTY 510

Page 69: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 15

[QTY 510 is No. of Shares Acquired] Drop all the decimals that comes after the 2nd decimal. 4th occ can accept negative amount in Original batches.

5th occ: * Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax Exempt Note : 5th occ MOA 315 = (MOA 312 - MOA 311) x QTY 510 i.e. 5th occ = (2nd occ - 1st occ) x QTY 510 [QTY 510 is No. of Shares Acquired] Drop all the decimals that comes after the 2nd decimal. 5th occ can accept negative amount in Original batches.

6th occ: * Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains Note : 6th occ MOA 316 = MOA 314 + MOA 315 i.e. 6th occ = 4th occ = 5th occ Drop all the decimals that comes after the 2nd decimal.

25. Segment Type – DTM

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 DTM Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: 410

2nd occ: 411 1st occ: Date of Stock Option Granted 2nd occ: Date of Exercise of Stock Option

Cannot be blank

9 – 16 8 1st occ: *

Date of Stock Option Granted

Note : 1st occ to 2nd occ - Date format must be in CCYYMMDD . - Date of Exercise of Stock Option (2nd occ) must be later than or equal to the Date of Stock Option Granted (1st occ).

- Cannot be blank Note : 1st occ The date must be on or after 01-June-2000.

Page 70: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 16

2nd occ: * Date of Exercise of Stock Option Note : 2nd occ The date must be within Basis Year.

44 – 46 3 1st occ: 102 2nd occ: 102

Date code Date code

26. Segment Type – QTY

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 QTY Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 510 Document Code Cannot be blank 9 – 16 8 * No. of Shares Acquired The maximum length is 7 bytes (i.e. max = 9,999,999),

excluding a separate byte for negative sign. If you need to have negative figure, then the maximum length is 8 bytes. No commas allowed. Format: S9(7) No. of Shares Acquired cannot be equal to zero.

27. Segment Type – MOA

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 MOA Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: 317

2nd occ: 318 3rd occ: 319

1st occ: Total Gross Amount Qualifying for Tax Exempt under EESOP for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

2nd occ: Total Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax

Exempt for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

3rd occ: Total Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains

from ESOP/ESOW Plans for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

Cannot be blank Note : 1st occ to 6th occ Allow input of 8 bytes and 2 decimals, excluding a separate byte for negative sign. No commas allowed. Format : S9(8)v99 e.g. 12345678.12, for positive and -12345678.12, for negative.

Page 71: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 17

4th occ: 353 5th occ: 354 6th occ: 355

4th occ: Total Gross Amount Qualifying for Tax Exempt for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

5th occ: Total Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax

Exempt for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

6th occ: Total Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains

from ESOP/ESOW Plans for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

Important : The maximum Gross amount that can be declared per employee per batch is $99,999,999.99 Any amount exceeding this value should be declared in the Amendment batches.

9 – 20 12 1st occ: * Total Gross Amount Qualifying for Tax Exempt under EESOP for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

Note : 1st occ MOA 317 = Sum of all MOA 314 [i.e. Sum of Gross Amt Qualifying for Tax Exempt] that satisfies the following: Type of Plan Granted (refer to no. 22, segment type RFF, qualifier AWF, position 9-13) is equal to ESOP and the Date of Grant of ESOP/ESOW (refer to no. 25, segment type DTM, qualifier 410, position 9-16) is before 01/01/2003 1st occ can accept negative amount in Original batches.

2nd occ: * Total Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax Exempt for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

Note : 2nd occ MOA 318 = Sum of all MOA 315 [i.e. Sum of Gross Amt NOT Qualifying for Tax Exempt] that satisfies the following: Type of Plan Granted (refer to no. 22, segment type RFF, qualifier AWF, position 9-13) is equal to ESOP and the Date of Grant of ESOP/ESOW (refer to no. 25, segment type DTM, qualifier 410, position 9-16) is before 01/01/2003 2nd occ can accept negative amount in Original batches.

3rd occ: * Total Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains from ESOP/ESOW Plans for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

Note : 3rd occ MOA 319 = MOA 317 + MOA 318 i.e. 3rd occ = 1st occ + 2nd occ

Page 72: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 18

4th occ: * Total Gross Amount Qualifying for Tax Exempt for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

Note: 4th occ MOA 353 = Sum of all MOA 314 [i.e. Sum of Gross Amt Qualifying for Tax Exempt] that satisfies the following: (a) Type of Plan Granted (refer to no. 22, segment type

RFF, qualifier AWF, position 9-13) is equal to ESOP and the Date of Grant of ESOP/ESOW (refer to no. 25, segment type DTM, qualifier 410, position 9-16) is on or after 01/01/2003

OR (b) Type of Plan Granted (refer to no. 22, segment type

RFF, qualifier AWF, position 9-13) is equal to ESOW, regardless of the Date of Grant of ESOP/ESOW

4th occ can accept negative amount in Original batches.

5th occ: * Total Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax Exempt for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

Note : 5th occ MOA 354 = Sum of all MOA 315 [i.e. Sum of Gross Amt NOT Qualifying for Tax Exempt] that satisfies the following: (a) Type of Plan Granted (refer to no. 22, segment type

RFF, qualifier AWF, position 9-13) is equal to ESOP and the Date of Grant of ESOP/ESOW (refer to no. 25, segment type DTM, qualifier 410, position 9-16) is on or after 01/01/2003

OR (b) Type of Plan Granted (refer to no. 22, segment type

RFF, qualifier AWF, position 9-13) is equal to ESOW, regardless of the Date of Grant of ESOP/ESOW

5th occ can accept negative amount in Original batches.

6th occ: * Total Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains from ESOP/ESOW Plans for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

Note : 6th occ MOA 355 = MOA 353 + MOA 354 i.e. 6th occ = 4th occ + 5th occ

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IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 19

28. Segment Type – GIS

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 GIS Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 10 5 CSOP Stock Type Identifier (i.e. Section C Stocks) Cannot be blank

5b.5 Details 29. Segment Type – LIN

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 LIN Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 * Occurrence of Section C - Stock Option Details

Numeric only 1 – 6 Cannot be blank

12 – 14 3 LN4 Detail Group 4 Identifier Cannot be blank 30. Segment Type – RFF

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 RFF Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: AWU

2nd occ: AWV 3rd occ: AWG

Stock Option Type ID Type of Company giving the Stock Type of plan granted

Cannot be blank

9 – 13 5 1st occ:* CSOP Cannot be blank

2nd occ:* ID Type – alphanumeric only The maximum length is 1 byte.

3rd occ: * ESOP = For ESOP ESOW = For ESOW

Cannot be blank

31. Segment Type – NAD

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 NAD Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 R3 Stock Option Code Cannot be blank

Page 74: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 20

9 – 20 12 * ID Number of Company which granted the ESOP/ESOW Plans

The maximum length is 12 bytes. Cannot be blank.

50 – 69 20 * Name of the Company giving the Stock Option – Line 1 Cannot be blank. 85 – 104 20 * Name of the Company giving the Stock Option – Line 2

32. Segment Type – MOA

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 MOA Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: 331

2nd occ: 332 3rd occ: 333 4th occ: 334 5th occ: 335 6th occ: 336

1st occ: Exercise Price of Stock Option 2nd occ: Market Value at Time of Stock Option Grant 3rd occ: Market Value at Time of Ex. Of Stock Option 4th occ: Gross Amount Qualifying for Income Tax

Exempt under CSOP 5th occ: Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax Exempt 6th occ: Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains

Cannot be blank

9 –19 11 1st occ: * Exercise Price of Stock Option Note : 1st occ to 3rd occ Allow input of 3 bytes and 5 decimals. No commas allowed. No negative amount allowed. Format : 9(3)v99999 e.g. 123.12345 Note : 4th occ to 6th occ Allow input of 7 bytes and 2 decimals, excluding a separate byte for negative sign. No commas are allowed. If negative value is required, the number of bytes allowed before decimal point is 8. Format : S9(7)v99 e.g. 1234567.12, if positive and -1234567.12, if negative.

2nd occ: * Market Value at Time of Stock Option Grant Note : 2nd occ 2nd occ cannot be equal to zero

Page 75: 1. Introduction Note - PAT · BGM 1 Mandatory Beginning of Message RFF 5 Mandatory Header Information – Indicators DTM 2 Mandatory Header Information - Dates NAD 1 Mandatory Employer’s

IRAS Interface File Spec Release 4.7 Oct 2007

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 21

3rd occ: * Market Value at Time of Ex. Of Stock Option Note : 3rd occ 3rd occ cannot be equal to zero

4th occ: * Gross Amount Qualifying for Tax Exempt under CSOP Note : 4th occ MOA 334 = (MOA 333 - MOA 332) x QTY 520 i.e. 4th occ = (3rd occ - 2nd occ) x QTY 520 [QTY 520 is No. of Shares Acquired] Drop all the decimals that comes after the 2nd decimal. 4th occ can accept negative amount in Original batches.

5th occ: * Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax Exempt Note : 5th occ MOA 335 = (MOA 332 - MOA 331) x QTY 520 i.e. 5th occ = (2nd occ - 1st occ) x QTY 520 [QTY 520 No. of Shares Acquired] Drop all the decimals that comes after the 2nd decimal. 5th occ can accept negative amount in Original batches.

6th occ: * Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains Note : 6th occ MOA 336 = MOA 334 + MOA 335 i.e. 6th occ = 4th occ + 5th occ Drop all the decimals that comes after the 2nd decimal.

33. Segment Type – DTM

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 DTM Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: 420

2nd occ: 421 1st occ: Date of Stock Option Granted 2nd occ: Date of Exercise of Stock Option

Cannot be blank

9 – 16 8 1st occ: *

Date of Stock Option Granted

Note : 1st occ to 2nd occ - Date format must be in CCYYMMDD . - Date of Exercise of Stock Option (2nd occ) must be later than or equal to the Date of Stock Option Granted (1st occ).

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31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 22

- Cannot be blank Note : 1st occ The date must be on or after 01-April-2001.

2nd occ: * Date of Exercise of Stock Option

Note : 2nd occ The date must be within Basis Year.

44 – 46 3 1st occ: 102 2nd occ: 102

Date code Date code

34. Segment Type – QTY

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 QTY Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 520 Document Code Cannot be blank 9 – 16 8 * No. of Shares Acquired The maximum length is 7 bytes (i.e. max = 9,999,999),

excluding a separate byte for negative sign. If you need to have negative figure, then the maximum length is 8 bytes. No commas allowed. Format: S9(7) No. of Shares Acquired cannot be equal to zero.

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31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 23

35. Segment Type – MOA

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 MOA Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: 337

2nd occ: 338 3rd occ: 339 4th occ: 601 5th occ: 356 6th occ: 357 7th occ: 358 8th occ: 602 9th occ: 603

1st occ: Total Gross Amount Qualifying for Tax Exempt under CSOP for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

2nd occ: Total Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax

Exempt under CSOP for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

3rd occ: Total Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains for

ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g) 4th occ: Grand Total Gross Amount of Stock Option

Gains under ESOP, EESOP, CSOP for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

5th occ: Total Gross Amount Qualifying for Tax

Exempt under CSOP for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

6th occ: Total Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax

Exempt under CSOP for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

7th occ: Total Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains for

ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

8th occ: Grand Total Gross Amount of Stock Option

Gains under ESOP, EESOP, CSOP for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

9th occ: Grand Total Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for

Tax Exemption under ESOP, EESOP, CSOP for ESOP before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

Cannot be blank Note : 1st occ, 2nd occ, 3rd occ, 5th occ, 6th occ, 7th occ Allow input of 8 bytes and 2 decimals, excluding a separate byte for negative sign. No commas allowed. If negative value is required, the number of bytes allowed before decimal point is 9. Format : S9(8)v99 e.g. 12345678.12, for positive and -12345678.12, for negative. Note : 4th occ, 8th occ, 9th occ, 10th occ Allow input of 9 bytes and 2 decimals, excluding a separate byte for negative sign. No commas allowed. If negative value is required, the number of bytes allowed before decimal point is 10. Format : S9(9)v99 e.g. 123456789.12, for positive and -123456789.12, for negative. Important : The maximum Gross amount that can be declared per employee per batch is $99,999,999.99 Any amount exceeding this should be declared in the Amendment batches.

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31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 24

10th occ: 604

10th occ: Grand Total Gross Amount NOT Qualifying

for Tax Exemption under ESOP, EESOP, CSOP for ESOP on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

9 – 21 13 1st occ: * Total Gross Amount Qualifying for Tax Exempt under

CSOP for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g) Note : 1st occ MOA 337 = Sum of all MOA 334 [i.e. Sum of Gross Amt Qualifying for Tax Exempt] that satisfies the following: Type of Plan Granted (refer to no. 30, segment type RFF, qualifier AWG, position 9-13) is equal to ESOP and the Date of Grant of ESOP/ESOW (refer to no. 33, segment type DTM, qualifier is 420, position 9-16) is before 01/01/2003 1st occ can accept negative amount in Original batches.

2nd occ: * Total Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax Exempt under CSOP for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

Note : 2nd occ MOA 338 = Sum of all MOA 335 [i.e. Sum of Gross Amt NOT Qualifying for Tax Exempt] that satisfies the following: Type of Plan Granted (refer to no. 30, segment type RFF, qualifier AWG, position 9-13) is equal to ESOP and the Date of Grant of ESOP/ESOW (refer to no. 33, segment type DTM, qualifier is 420, position 9-16) is before 01/01/2003 2nd occ can accept negative amount in Original batches.

3rd occ: * Total Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

Note : 3rd occ MOA 339 = MOA 337 + MOA 338 i.e. 3rd occ = 1st occ + 2nd occ

4th occ: * Grand Total Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains under ESOP, EESOP, CSOP for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

Note : 4th occ MOA 601 = MOA 305 + MOA 319 + MOA 339

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31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 25

5th occ: * Total Gross Amount Qualifying for Tax Exempt under CSOP for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

Note: 5th occ: MOA 356 = Sum of all MOA 334 [i.e. Sum of Gross Amt Qualifying for Tax Exempt] that satisfies the following: (a) Type of Plan Granted (refer to no. 30, segment type

RFF, qualifier AWG, position 9-13) is equal to ESOP and the Date of Grant of ESOP/ESOW (refer to no. 33, segment type DTM, qualifier 420, position 9-16) is on or after 01/01/2003

OR (b) Type of Plan Granted (refer to no. 30, segment type

RFF, qualifier AWG, position 9-13) is equal to ESOW, regardless of the Date of Grant of ESOP/ESOW

5th occ can accept negative amount in Original batches.

6th occ: * Total Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax Exempt under CSOP for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

Note: 6th occ MOA 357 = Sum of all MOA 335 [i.e. Sum of Gross Amt NOT Qualifying for Tax Exempt] that satisfies the following: (a) Type of Plan Granted (refer to no. 30, segment type

RFF, qualifier AWG, position 9-13) is equal to ESOP and the Date of Grant of ESOP/ESOW (refer to no. 33, segment type DTM, qualifier 420, position 9-16) is on or after 01/01/2003

OR (b) Type of Plan Granted (refer to no. 30, segment type

RFF, qualifier AWG, position 9-13) is equal to ESOW, regardless of the Date of Grant of ESOP/ESOW

6th occ can accept negative amount in Original batches.

7th occ: * Total Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

Note : 7th occ MOA 358 = MOA 356 + MOA 357 i.e. 7th occ = 5th occ + 6th occ

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31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 26

8th occ: * Grand Total Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains under ESOP, EESOP, CSOP for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

Note : 8th occ MOA 602 = MOA 352 + MOA 355 + MOA 358

9th occ: * Grand Total Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax Exemption under ESOP, EESOP, CSOP for ESOP before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

Note : 9th occ MOA 603 = MOA 304 + MOA 318 + MOA 338 9th occ can accept negative amount in Original batches.

10th occ: * Grand Total Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax Exemption under ESOP, EESOP, CSOP for ESOP on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

Note : 10th occ MOA 604 = MOA 351 + MOA 354 + MOA 357 10th occ can accept negative amount in Original batches.

36 Segment Type – RFF

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 RFF Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: AWW

2nd occ: AWX 1st occ: Rec Type 2nd occ: No. of Records

Cannot be blank

9 – 14 6 1st occ: 2 Trailer Cannot be blank 2nd occ: * No. of Records Cannot be blank

37 Segment Type – MOA

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 MOA Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 8 3 1st occ: 710

2nd occ: 711

1st occ: Total Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax Exempt under ESOP for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

2nd occ: Total Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains

under ESOP for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

Cannot be blank Note : 1st occ to 20th occ Allow input of 12 bytes and 2 decimals, excluding a separate byte for negative sign. No commas allowed. If negative value is required, then the number of bytes allowed before decimal is 13. Format : S9(12)v99

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31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 27

3rd occ: 712 4th occ: 713 5th occ: 714 6th occ: 715 7th occ: 716 8th occ: 717 9thocc: 718 10th occ: 719 11th occ: 720 12th occ: 721

3rd occ: Total Gross Amount Qualifying for Tax Exempt under EESOP for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

4th occ: Total Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax

Exempt under EESOP for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

5th occ: Total Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains

under EESOP for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

6th occ: Total Gross Amount Qualifying for Tax

Exempt under CSOP for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

7th occ: Total Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax

Exempt under CSOP for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

8th occ: Total Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains

under CSOP for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

9th occ: Grand Total Gross Amt of Stock Option Gains

for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g) 10th occ: Total Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax

Exempt under ESOP for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

11th occ: Total Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains

under ESOP for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

12th occ: Total Gross Amount Qualifying for Tax

Exempt under EESOP for ESOP on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

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CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 28

13th occ: 722 14th occ: 723 15th occ: 724 16th occ: 725 17th occ: 726 18th occ: 727 19th occ: 728 20th occ: 729

13th occ: Total Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax Exempt under EESOP for ESOP on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

14th occ: Total Gross Amt of Stock Option Gains under

EESOP for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

15th occ: Total Gross Amount Qualifying for Tax

Exempt under CSOP for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

16th occ: Total Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax

Exempt under CSOP for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

17th occ: Total Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains

under CSOP for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

18th occ: Grand Total Gross Amt of Stock Option Gains

for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

19th occ: Grand Total Gross NOT Qualifying for Tax

Exempt for ESOP before 2003 – S 10(1)(g) 20th occ: Grand Total Gross NOT Qualifying for Tax

Exempt for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

9 – 24 16 1st occ: * Total Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax Exempt

under ESOP for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g) MOA 710 = Sum of all MOA 304

2nd occ: * Total Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains under ESOP for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

MOA 711 = Sum of all MOA 305

3rd occ: * Total Gross Amount Qualifying for Tax Exempt under EESOP for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

MOA 712 = Sum of all MOA 317 3rd occ can accept negative amount in Original batches.

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CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 29

4th occ: * Total Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax Exempt

under EESOP for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

MOA 713 = Sum of all MOA 318 4th occ can accept negative amount in Original batches.

5th occ: * Total Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains under EESOP for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

MOA 714 = Sum of all MOA 319

6th occ: * Total Gross Amount Qualifying for Tax Exempt under CSOP for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

MOA 715 = Sum of all MOA 337 6th occ can accept negative amount in Original batches.

7th occ: * Total Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax Exempt under CSOP for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

MOA 716 = Sum of all MOA 338 7th occ can accept negative amount in Original batches.

8th occ: * Total Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains under CSOP for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

MOA 717 = Sum of all MOA 339

9th occ: * Grand Total Gross Amt of Stock Option Gains for ESOP granted before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

MOA 718 = Sum of all MOA 601

10th occ: * Total Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax Exempt under ESOP for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

MOA 719 = Sum of all MOA 351

11th occ: * Total Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains under ESOP for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

MOA 720 = Sum of all MOA 352

12th occ: * Total Gross Amount Qualifying for Tax Exempt under EESOP for ESOP on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

MOA 721 = Sum of all MOA 353 12th occ can accept negative amount in Original batches.

13th occ: * Total Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax Exempt under EESOP for ESOP on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

MOA 722 = Sum of all MOA 354 13th occ can accept negative amount in Original batches.

14th occ: * Total Gross Amt of Stock Option Gains under EESOP for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

MOA 723 = Sum of all MOA 355

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CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N)

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page A8B - 30

15th occ: * Total Gross Amount Qualifying for Tax Exempt under

CSOP for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

MOA 724 = Sum of all MOA 356 15th occ can accept negative amount in Original batches.

16th occ: * Total Gross Amount NOT Qualifying for Tax Exempt under CSOP for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

MOA 725 = Sum of all MOA 357 16th occ can accept negative amount in Original batches.

17th occ: * Total Gross Amount of Stock Option Gains under CSOP for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

MOA 726 = Sum of all MOA 358

18th occ: * Grand Total Gross Amt of Stock Option Gains for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

MOA 727 = Sum of all MOA 602

19th occ: * Grand Total Gross NOT Qualifying for Tax Exempt for ESOP before 2003 – S 10(1)(g)

MOA 728 = Sum of all MOA 603

20th occ: * Grand Total Gross NOT Qualifying for Tax Exempt for ESOP granted on or after 2003 and ESOW – S 10(1)(b)

MOA 729 = Sum of all MOA 604

5b.6 Security Result

38 Segment Type – RES

Position Field Length Entered Remarks Validation 1 – 5 5 RES Segment Type Cannot be blank 6 – 7 2 ZZ Security Identifier Cannot be blank

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31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611, Main: (65) 6887 7888, Fax: (65) 6778 5277, www.crimsonlogic.com.sg Page Annex - 1

Annex A

List of Country and Nationality Codes

Country/Nationality Code

Nationality description Country Name



















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Annex B The validation for the various ID Numbers will follow the below checking:

Payer Id No Valid ROB as NNNNNNNNC Valid ROC as YYYYNNNNNC or FNNNNNNNNC Valid ASGD as ANNNNNNNC Valid ITR as 4NNNNNNNNC Valid CRN as NNNNNNNNNNNC Valid MCST as MCSTNNNN Valid GSTN as MCNNNNNNNC C is a check digit, N is numeric and YYYY is a year. ID No cannot be blank and must not have preceding space(s)

Payee’s ID No Valid NRIC with prefix ‘S’/ ‘T’ Valid FIN with prefix ‘F’/ ‘G’ Valid IMS as NNNNNNNC Valid WP as N∆∆∆∆NNNNNNNC where ∆∆∆∆ is a space. Valid MIC must consists of 7or 8 alpha-numeric or consists of 12 numeric C is a check digit and N is numeric ID No. for type = MIC or PP, must not have preceding space(s)