1 ijv in the united states ss at patent › lccn › sn95073194 › 1910-06-29 › ed-1 ›...

r EER FARMING IN THE United States u CBT D.e.LANTZ - BIOLOGICAL SURVEY - - 5 ' -- .'' J i rv TW the rising prices of beef and mutton in the United States can be partially over- come by raiting deer for venison, is maintained by Dr. C. Hart Merriam. chief of the Uni- ted Slates biological survey. According to Dr. Merriam elk meat can be produced cheaper than beef or mutton in many sections of the United States, and icith comparatively little effort it is possible to make raising deer for vnison as profitable as any other live-stoc- k indus- try. Everyone who has seen the large numbers of dcr brottwing on private estates in Eng- land as peacefully as cattle and sheep tcondcr-- i why Amcruan enterprise has not long since di'vHoped breeding deer for food in this country. ETERAI species of deer are suited for breeding In en- closures In the United States; the axis deer, the Japanese and I'ekln slkas. the red and the fallow deer of Europe, and especially the Rocky Mountain elk. or Wapiti, nnd the Virginia dvT. While experiments t. it!) the forolpn sp cies named offer every promise of surress to the owners of American preserves, the elk and Virginia deer are ree- - onimonded as best adapted for the production of veal-r.- n in the Unitc--d States. Tho flavor of venison Is distinctive, though It fit::;:; --i-s mutton rather than beef. In chemical composition It is very similar to beef. A lean roast before conkins has been found to corral!) on nn average Z per cent, of water. 20 l r cent, of protein or nitrogenous material and 2 per cent, of fat; a lean beef rump, some fi3 to 70 per cent, of water. 20 to 2?, per cent, of pro Mn and 5 to 14 per cent, of fat; and a lean leg of mutton. 07 per cent, of water. 19 per cent, of ein and 13 per cent, of fat. The general popularity of venison Is so great and the demand for It so widespread that over-productio- n Is Improbable. The other products of th- - df or skins and horns are of considerable Importance and in countries where doer are abun- dant and especially where large herds are kept in ml domestication, the commerce In both Is very extensive. The wapiti, known generally In America as the ellv. K next to the moose, the largest of our deer. It svas once abundant over the greater part of the United States, whence its range extended north- ward to about latitude CO degrees la the Peace river region of the Interior of Canada. In the I'nited States the limits of Its range eastward w'.-- e the Adirondack's, western New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania; southward It reached the flouthern AHeghenies. northern Texas, southern Now Mexico and Arizona; and westward the Pa-cifl- c ocean. At the present time the elk are found only In a few scattered localities outside of the Yel- lowstone National park and the mountainous country surrounding it. where large herds remain. Sn.allr herds still occur in Colorado, western Montana. Idaho, eastern Oregon. Manitoba. Al-Ivirt- a. British Columbia and the coast mountains of Washington. Oregon and northwestern Califo- rnia A band of the small California valley elk siIJ! Inhabits the southern part of the San Joa-jui- n valley. Th! herds that summer In th Yellowstone National park and In winter spread southward and eastward In Wyoming are said to number about ao.000 head and constitute the only larjje tionds of this noble game animal that are left. Although protected In their summer ranges and partially safeguarded from destruction In winter ly the state of Wyoming, there is yet great dan-gp- r that these herds may perish from lack of food In a succession of severe winters. Partial pro-visio- n for winter forage has been made within the national park, but the supply Is Inadequate for U:j large numbers of animals. Further safeguards are needed to place the Wyoming elk herds be- yond the reach of winter starvation. in addition to the wild herds there Is a con-fi- f rable number of elk In private game preserves and parks, as well as In nearly all the public zo- ological parks and gardens of this country. The herds In captivity form the nucleus from which, under wise management, some of the former ranges of this animal may restocked and from nfclch a profitable business of growing elk veni- son for market may be developed. At the pres- ent time this species affords a most promising -- field for ventures in breeding for profit. 'i The elk Is both a browsing and a grazing nnl--ma- ! While it eats grasses freely and lias been known to subsist entirely upon pasture, it seems to prefer a mixture of grass and browse. The elk is extremely polygamous. The adult bulls shed their antlers annually In March or April and new ones attain their full size In about 90 days. The "vehet" adheres until about Au- - ; gust. While the horns are growing the bulls usu- - . ally lead solitary lives; but early in September. j when the herns are fully matured, the mating , aeason begins. Fights for supremacy then take plare and the victor takes charge of as many cows aa hs can round up and control. Although the elk is less prolific than the com- mon deer and some other species that have been bred in parks. It increases fully as rapidly as the common red deer of Europe. Moreover, it makes up tor any lack of fecundity by its superior har- diness and ease of management. It has been ac- climatized in many parts of the world and shows the same vigor and hardiness wherever it has besii transplanted. In Europe It has been suc- cessfully crossed with the Altai wapiti and tho red deer and in both instances the offspring were superior in size and stamina to the native stock. The flesh of the elk. although somewhat coarse. In superior in flavor to most venison. That of the bulls is in its best condition about the time the velvet is shed. In October their flesh is in the i;ooret condition. As the open season for elk Is usually in October and XoTeinber and only tmlls are killed. It follows that hunters often ob- tain the veulsou when it !s poorest. The meat ScSZ325H5H5Z52SuZSH5H525Z5ES252S2SHS25H5cS325S525S5H52S2 Trees Their Right Place Ona Writer Who Asserts That Con- servation Can Be Carried to the Extreme. Among persons who use more senti- ment than reason, or lack knowledge of the facts, it has become a fad to say it is a crime to cut down a tree and that it is always, under any cir- cumstances, an act of great virtue to plant one. t&xm w VrMUrJ S1EJ? OF- - XOMFSTCATD V&GMA DFFQ. Is not best when freshly killed, but should be left hanging for four or five days before it is used. With few exceptions the early attempts to domesticate elk were made by men who were wealthy enough to disregard all thought of profit In raising them. They were usually placed under the care of servants and the bucks were left until they became old and unmanage- able. Soon the serious problem of controlling them outweighed the novelty of their josses.sion and one by one the attempts at domestication were abandoned. A desire to preserve this important game ani- mal has caused a renewal of attempts to breed it In confinement and at present there are small herd9 under private ownership in many places in the United States. The biological survey has re- cently obtained much information from owners of herds in regard to their experience in breeding nnd rearing the animals and also their opinions as to the possibility of making the business of raising them profitable. Of about a dozen suc- cessful breeders nearly all are of the opinion that raising elk for market can be made remu- nerative if present laws as to the a!e of the meat are modified. One especially Important fact has been devel- oped by the reports from breeders. It is that the elk readily adapts itself to almost any environ- ment. Even within the narrow confines of the paddocks of the ordinary zoological park the ani- mal does well and increases so that periodically the herds have to be reduced by sales. The fullest reports that have been received by the department of agriculture from breeders of elk are from George W. Russ of Eureka Springs. Aik. Mr. Russ has a herd of 34 elk. They have ample range In the Ozarks on rough land covered with hardwood forests and abundant underbrush. The animals improve the forest by clearing out part of the thicket. They feed on buds and leaves to a height of eight feet and any growth under this Is liable to be eliminated if the range is un- restricted. If not closely confined elk do not eat the bark from trees nor do they eat evergreens. In clearing out underbrush from thickets they are mere useful than goats, since they browse higher. Coats, however, eat closer to the ground, nnd as the two animals get along well together Mr. Russ recommends the use of both for clear- ing up brushy land ami fitting it for tame grasses. The Increase of elk under domestication Is equal to that of cattle. Fully 90 per cent, of the females produce healthy young. An adult male elk weighs from TOO to 1.000 pounds; a female from 000 to S00 pounds. The percentage of dressed meat is greater than with cattle, but. owinc to hostile game law, experience In mar- keting it is limited. An offer of JO cents a pound for dressed meat was received from St. but the law would not permit Its export. Mr. Russ says: "From the fact that as hich as 11.50 a pound has been paid for Mie meat In New York city and Canada and that the best hotels and restaurants pronounce it the finest of nil the meats of mam inals. we are of the opinion that if laws were such that domesticated elk meat could be fur- nished it would be many years before the supply would nsaxe the price reasonable compared with other meats. Elk meat can be produced in many sections of this country at less cost per itound than beef, mutton or pork." Mr. Russ thinks that large areas of rough lands in the United States not now utilized, espe- cially in localities like the Ozarks and the AHe- ghenies. could be economically used to produce venison for sale and he regards the elk aa espe- cially suited for this purpose. Another feature of Sir. Russ's reiort Is of more than passing interest. He says: "We find from long experience that cattle, sheep and goats can be grazed in the same lots with elk, providing, however, that the lots or inclosures are not small; the larger the area the better. We know of no more appropriate place to call attention, to the great benefit ol a few elk in To one who gives thought to the matter, these accepted principles may be reversed, and we can say with all seriousness and truth that there is no town in this country where the judicious use of the ax among trees in some neighborhood or other Is not demanded; and, on the other hand, thousands of trees are planted where no tree should be planted. 111 IMvftfl wra I w ." h ' . " Saw . v IfV S: o X-'- - U.- - l?c; ? I5i.i-- - i? 7A- - Ijv &V Lv &! i.'r-.j- ' r5 BSi? even a v K uu'Wi'tmflKSt .n l.V ' t5& :W3i S ciW3C2K s SS 'V; t - l& vvVi -- rCH. - fcvJl3. -- v' y ; Is "Airr" tt. vf-t- -i. SI ".- V-- - ! -- "VI .l vO1l t v -- .C t VN' IT y' "J ' 5 "- -" y . j i . ' - --. & - -- " X v :v ' - - - - , 1.-4- 1 tfyrmNLHj e- a- in the Fame pasture sheep and An elk Is the natural en- emy of dogs and wolves. We suffered great losses tu our flocks until wo learned this fact; since then we have had no from that cause. A few elk In a thousan.l-arr- e pasture will protect the flocks therein. Our own dogs are so well aware of the danger In pur park that they cannot In- duced to enter It." Elk thrive best In preserves having a va- riety of food plants grasses, b u s It e s trees. Rough lands, well watered with clear streams and having some forested are well adapted to their needs. About as many elk can be Kept on such a range cattle on an equal area of fair pasture. There should be thickets enough to furnish winter browse, but this should be supplemented by a supply of winter forage. Except when dicp snows cover the ground, elk will keep in good condition on ordinary pasture and browse, but a system of management that pro- vides other food regularly will be found more sat- isfactory. Hay and corn fodder are excellent win- ter forage, but alfalfa hay has proved to be the best dry food for both elk and deer. Elk are much less nervous than ordinary deer and less disposed to jump fences. When they escape from an enclosure they usually return of their own accord. If tame, they may be driven like cattle. Ordinarily a five-foo- t fence of any kind confine elk. The cost of stocking an elk preserve Is not great. Usually surplus stock from zoological parka or small private preferies may be obtained at low cost, arying with the immediate demand for the animals. The Virginia or whitetail deer Is the common deer of the United States. Including the half dozen geographic races that occur within our bor- ders, it is distributed over mosj of the country, except Nevada and the major portions of Utah. Arizona. Washington. Oregon nnd California. It is extinct in Delaware and practically so in a num- ber of states in the middle west. South of our borders a number of closely related species occur. In view of the wide natural range of the Vir- ginia deer, its adaptability to nearly all sections of the United States cannot he doubted. Testimony as to its hardiness In parks and preserves Is not so unanimous as that concerning the elk; but the general experience of breeders Is that with suitable range, plenty of good water and reasonable caro in winter, raising this deer for stocking preserves or for venison may he made as profitable as any other live-stoc- k Industry. Not only do deer thrive on land unsulted for rattle or horses, but. like elk. they may be raised to great advantage In brushy or timbered pastures fully stocked with cattle or horses, as the food of deer rarely Includes grass. Advocates of the Angora goat Industry state that within the United States there are 230.000.000 acres of land not sult;d to tillage to the pasture of horses, cattle or sheep, which are well adapted to goats. Much of this Is suited also to deer and elk and can be utilized for these animals with less Injury the forpst cover than would result from browsing by goats. Virginia deer have often been bred In parks for pleasure or In large preserves for sport, but the economic possibilities In raising them have re- ceived little attention. Recently breeders have recognized tho fact that they are profitable under proper management and would be much more so wore for marketing live animals and venison more favorable. The chief obstacle to profitable propagation of deer in the United States is the restrictive char- acter of state laws governing the killing, sale and transportation of game. Many of the states, fol- lowing precedent, lay down the broad rule that all the game animals in the state, whether resident or migratory, are the property of the state. A few states except game animals that are "under pri- vate ownership legally acquired." The laws concerning the season for killing and the sale of deer are often equally embarrass-tn- g to those who would produce venison for profit. The owner of domesticated deer cannot legally kill his animals except in open season. Instead of hampering breeders by restrictions, at present, state laws uhould be so modified as to encourage the raising of deer, elk and other animals as a source of profit to the individual and to the state. It is believed that with favorable legislation much otherwise waste land in the United States may be utilized for the production of venison so as to yield profitable returns and also that this excellent and nutritious meat. Instead of being denied to &9 per cent, of the population of the country may become common and as cheap la our markets as mutton. Each variety of fruit or ornamental tree when it reaches maturity under reasonably favorable conditions has Its established size or spread of branches. Among the better shade trees this reaches 40. 50. and a greater number of feet in diameter. In dense forests we see the trees stretching up after air and sunshine, losing their side branches and becom- ing collection of giant telegraph poles with pitiful bunches of green at the top, nothing beautiful about them. tg& r.-z.- T MS tsssg&m with goats. loss abso- lutely elk be and area, as will or l:nd to conditions as as Every tree to be beautiful must have room to expand and develop to Its proper proportions, and to retain the side branches with which nature al- ways furnishes them, unless she is thwarted by the bungling hand of the hired roan with ax or saw. Milwau- kee Evening Wisconsin. When They Married. "Her husband makes a fool of her!" "I don't make a fool of you, do L dear?" "You did once, but not since." 4aBBaaQQaMaaaBa7aaaaBBaaBaaBaaaBaaflaaaaBaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaW Strange Inventions at Patent Office "Labor-savin- g de- vices are always in demand; the thousand inventors of this country are all devoting 90 per cent, of their time to producing such things, each in the hope of winning for himself fame and fortune, cash and credit." said a pat- ent attorney the other day In Wash- ington. "One of the strangest of these schemes to lighten the world's work Is a patent recently obtained by an Ingenious person in Des Moines. la. It is called the self-tippin- g hat. and Is designed to save the popular per- son from the fatiguing labor of re- moving his hat every time he meets one of the fair sex with whom he Is acquainted. "'Much valuable energy Is uMIized In. tipping the hat repeatedly says the Inventor, "and my device will re- lieve one of It and at once cause the hat to be lifted from the head in a natural manner." It Is a novel de- vice. In other words, 'for effecting po lite salutations by the elevation and rotation of the hat on the head of the saluting party, when said person bows to the person saluted, the actuation of the hat being produced by mech- anism within it. and without tho use of the hands In any manner. "No truly rural person ever could have been responsible for the inven- tion of eyeglasses for chickens, which was protected by United States patents iscently. The glasses are modeled much after the fashion of grandpa's 'specs.' the nose rest being enlarged to go over thj chicken's bead, while the ear hooks are joined In the back. "No claim Is made that the chick- en's eyesight Is poor, or that magni- fiers ever are needed that It may tho better discover the reluctant worm or the elusive bug. but the inventor does say that tle glasses 'are designed to How One Senator Viewed the Comet "I HAD no particular interest in Hal-le- y or his comet." says Senator Simmons of North Carolina, "but Mrs. Simmons had. Every morning while the papers were full of the phenome- non, we would get up at two or three o'clock. Then Mrs. Simmons would lead me to a window and point out a dark line in the sky. It didn't look much of a comet to me, but she in- sisted that it was. and 1 took her word for It. One morning we went through our regular performance. The more 1 looked then the less I was convinced that we had seen the comet at all. At length, after an Investigation. I dis- covered that our 'comet' was the dim outline of a church steeple against the sky. Nice performance for a dignified senator to rise every morning to look at a steeple." Ail of the members of the house are not acquainted with eacli other, and this often leads to funny mistakes. Though Adam Monroe Brrd has been in four congresses, he made one of Oklahoma Kids Sights of Capital unususl privilege of the floor THE the house of representatives was granted to Louis and Temple y. Eons of United States Mar- shal "Jack" Abernathy of Frederick. Okla.. a few days ago. The boys, who are nine and six respectively, rode their ponies from their home in Okla- homa to New York, where they were to meet their friend. Colonel Roose-ven-L On their way they stopped in Washington for a few days. "Uncle Joe" Cannon was responsi- ble for the appearance of Louis and Temple on the floor. They wore their sombreros and long cowboy pants tucked into boots, and the six-year-o- ld had upon the front of his top piece a deputy United States marshal's badge They were the breeziest things in the juvenile line to have struck Capitol hill recently. The congressmen gasped are fussed up out at Fort THEY where the cavalry has its headquarters. Recently a Washing- ton youth, who got tired of bis ways and the ways of the world In general, and who had sufficient money to go those ways swiftly, decided to enlist. He did fo in the ordinary manner. Then one day when he had leave an automobile was drawn up outside of the fort and the recruit sauntered out and got Into It- - The officers saw him driven away, and their amazement was considerable. The lines are definitely drawn at the fort. There are several streets with square bouses prevent chickens pecking out each other's eyes.' The inventor's attempt to enforce all chickens to wear the device by legislative action In Kansas did not succeed. I may say. "Members of secret societies, who sometimes may be put to much trouble to secure a sufficiently iraclble goat for the purpose of Initiating new members to their respective lodges, will be glad to learn that the invent- ive genius of America has come to their assistance. The device is a me chanical goat, which can be put In the closet when not needed: that requires no feeding and practically no care. Also. It may be handled by Its keeper without fear of consequences. "The candidate, blindfolded. Is led to the side of the animal, and on It he takes his seat, placing bis feet In stirrups on cither side. As the goat is pushed about the lodgeroom a series of wheels and rods, geared to the wheels on which It runs, causes the animal to buck and rear In a fear ful manner, keeping the candidate In continual danger of being shaken off "Residents of Kansas and other states in the cyclone belt, who are forced to retire frequently to cyclone cellars, as ag for purI. to find home when the - beautifylng complexion, storm has passed, be j namj8 Cutlcura and invention of j ln. Is shape of nf wh. a submarine, or a dirigible balloon. From one end there is vane, or tail which Is designed to keep the other pointing in the direction of the house on a pivot at its center, and turns freely on a circular track. 'Tails are common enough on wind weather vanes, but here Is the first J Book the skin and opens a wheeled ten-- ' lest they onte olu-nv- u Iiova tr ' scend. The inventor says his idea particularly applicable to that by It It can be arranged permit sunlight-- " these mistakes the other Byrd was making a tariff speech. He boat's touched be-- he the present tariff Is about the worst could framed. He woolen and he up and down the aisle, directly addressing one member and another. At length he paused desk occupied by small Van Dyke beard. Byrd allowed this small man that the woolen schedule was vicious. The small man nodded sympathetically. Byrd pounded the small man's desk vehemently. "Knowing ail the things 1 have said be true, did vote for this Byrd of the small man. I did not vote for It." mean tell this house you did not for the tariff bill?" said small man. "Well." said admire you for your convictions." By time the house wa3 split- ting its sides. The small man was Representative Edward W. Saunders of Vireinia. who is. of course, a Democrat, who, equally, of course, did not for the bill. He merely Re- publican side so that he could the better hear his political brother to say. See flocked them. "How do you like the speaker asked the joungsters. ' ' ' belongs to peo pie. as of It aa Andrew or feller" nc marsnai j """ speaker. or fifty miles a an the wolf-catcher- 's "You week." said the speaker. bored. together the in inclosure. see a private coming to headquarters machine. of the the young sol to was IUC1U of officers' row but been It is gilt-brai- d nothing about It. WORLD OWES MUCH TO WOMAN Flrene Nightingale Worthy of All th That Be 1 Paid Her. honors paid to Florence Night-Ingal- e on her ninety-firs- t birthday to recall how brief been the period during sick the benefit of competent nursing on their recovery so largely It Is Impossible to conceive of mod- ern medical practise without the aid of trained nurses. Their efficiency has undoubtedly been important In increased of disease. Yet little more than half a century elapsed Miss Nightingale set out for the Crimea on ber mission which was to revolution- ize hospital and it was not until the first class of trained nurses was graduated from the Belle-vu- e School. From these small beginnings grown a generation the great humanitarian profession for women for which have a special apti- tude which they attracted In annually Increasing numbers. The Influence of woman England as the civilized world honors beyond perhaps extended room. gave afflicted a new lease of life and to her noblest SKIN BEAUTY PROMOTED In the treatment of affections of skin and scalp disfig- ure, hum. srnlo nml rtcxtrnv hn and then organize searching we prcscrvInR parties their d the will pleased and Soan with the a tornado-pro- o olntmcnt we.nlgn house. This built in the .,, Mnna vnmnn th a wind the being mounted mills and world on pure, sweet gentle emollients pur- poses of toilet, bath nursery, sanative, antiseptic cleans- - I InCT nf lltpemtrl cttru. faces. Potter Drug Chcm. Corp., Boston. Mass., sole of Cutlcura Remedies, mail on PiitfrMirA probably time that Idea, on hair, has been adapted residences. wind-breakin- g to house, in Conditional Piety. ventor says, is reenforced and win-- 1 Two fishermen. James dowless. and door on Sandy, belated and befogged on a flight of at bottom. rough water, were ln trepidation which follow a circular path should never ashore triii !&. Is hospit- als, anchoring to continuous day. Mississippi, course. thinks reached the schedule, a a man a Lto you schedule?" demanded to that "I the Byrd. this and vote Payne had moved to had and around Washington? 10,000,000 Carnegie Rocke- - deputy swered Abernathys looked couldn't a Myer. thing Honors which which factor curability work, Training within shown to whom. others to which torture, out the for all and for the tnflnmml mtriia proprietors the thl!- - lnt-Gf- r the to The the the Scotch and the steps, the get n1ifa bill vote over the the the has the tho sgain. Jamie "Sandy. I'm steering, I think you'd better put up a bit prayer." know how." said Sandy. "If ye don't chuck overboard." aid Jamie. Sandy began: I never asked anything ye for fifteen years, if get us safe back. I'll trouble ye again, "Whist. Sandy." said Jamie. comes of , shore; don't be that have been went first then at with to why "You do." "1 what "tills city of just John D. iookpg kiJs! in main move. Fort able serve have an 1872 that rely free, roniiiu:) said: of don't ye "Oh. of ye'll only never "The from and. holden to anybody." Short Stories. Wrong Diagnosis. A drummer was taken HI suddenly. He went to a physician of consid- erable standing, the following conversation ensued: "I very sick," declared the drummer. "What's the trouble?" asked the physician. "Severe In my side." the doctor slowly. "I think you have appendicitis." "You have a mistake, doctor." replied the sales- man. "I'm not a millionaire, just a plain drummer." I guess you fust have the cramps, then." replied the indignant personage. "Five dol- lars, please." Right Name at Last. "Let me show you latest novel- ty." the clerk in the haberdash- ery. "Here is the pole button. Named in honor of Cook Peary." "By Jove!" laughed the humorous customer. "They couldn't a bettwr name for a collar button." "Why "Because it Is so hard to locate." Similarity. Then you are not fond ot press-e- d flowers? Jnck No. they always remind me of a kiss through a telephone. Gracious! In what way? Jack have their Baroer-ou- s Humor. "Bully." said the boys, who used tc Barber How would you your know President Roosevelt, had hair cut. some White House slang. Stude Fine. Do you think I came "Well, my lads." said the speaker in here to discuss the tariff? You own much i oany these made Adversity is a searching of friendship, dividing the sheep from the with unerring accuracy; ' is a good service. Watson. very important. lie ga.td longingly Grief is agony of an fnstant. out of the window as much as to say j indulgence of grier is the blunder that if ho could have his sharo he of a Dunegan. would take the Washington tuonu , unjeut My thoughts my own posses-- "How do you askea mr aci " "J J the "Oh. forty day." son. You mean a The ing has had the but has and the has She ifph. and and will end some and last nnd and and and feel said Eva like and sir? the The life. country's laws. Q. Forster. A DETERMINED WOMAN Finally Found a Food That Her. "When first read of the remark able effects of Grape-Nut- s de- - "Naw." they said, "a day. We make termined to secure some." a worn 50 easy." an in Salisbury. Mo. "At that time "But the army said Uncle ( there wa3 jpt ln thfs town but Joe. "that's 10 miles in three I m7 husband ordered some a Chl-thoug- ht that was pretty severe test ' caga traveler. In horseback riding, for grown men. ! had been greatly afflicted with to-- " ' sudden attacks of cramps, nausea. end vomiting. Tried all 6orts of Millionaire Soldier Causes Big Stir Ztf2r i?JZ and neat lawns in front. In thesr began to use the new food the cramps houses the officers live. The privates disappeared and have never returned. mess big build the The officers quite and from in which Lord. 'north collar They lost test goats ride?" Cured food. test." days. "My old attacks of stomach were little slower yield, by continuing the food, trouble ha.i disappeared entirely. today per- - But they couldn't help themselves, fectly well, eat anything and because he wa.s entitled to certain everything wih. without paying the leaves, and when he got them he was penalty used to. We would not at liberty to ride in balloon If he so ' keeD house without Grape-Nut- s. chose "My husband was so delighted with Then, to cap the climax, one nlgbt the benefits I received that he has there was a ball at a swagger down been recommending Grape-Nut- s to his hotel. It wa3 given by members , customers and has built up a very "set" In dier had been wont He Invited and he went. The officers cast ,anv W hU let "u r , ).. a i,.t ! RiJ. v. M w.. talk in at has no saddening to a heart to see a like this be do Can The since they are also all to every sick the sex its are & that At "I I'll " see pain "Humph." "Well. our said and find not?" Eva aad this are much 1 I says miles a day none from a JW there sick a to but that I am can I that I a town large trade on the food. He sells them by the case to many of the leading physicians of the county, who recom- - ctareH wav. hut he "-I'.'- uw Buucrmij. .v o hro There is some satisfaction in using action. man's and to to a really scientifically prepared food." Read the Utfle book, "The Road to Wellvllle."in pkgs. "There's aReason." Ker re4 Ik abarr totterf A bot e npemrn from lime to tlm. Tfeey are Krawr. time, ua fail af kuua latere t.

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Page 1: 1 Ijv IN THE United States SS at Patent › lccn › sn95073194 › 1910-06-29 › ed-1 › seq-6.pdfr EER FARMING IN THE United States u CBT D.e.LANTZ-BIOLOGICAL SURVEY-- 5--J.''i



United StatesuCBT D.e.LANTZ


- - 5 '-- .''J i


TW the rising prices of beef and mutton in the United States can be partially over-

come by raiting deer for venison, is maintained by Dr. C. Hart Merriam. chief of the Uni-

ted Slates biological survey. According to Dr. Merriam elk meat can be produced cheaperthan beef or mutton in many sections of the United States, and icith comparatively littleeffort it is possible to make raising deer for vnison as profitable as any other live-stoc- k indus-try. Everyone who has seen the large numbers of dcr brottwing on private estates in Eng-

land as peacefully as cattle and sheep tcondcr-- i why Amcruan enterprise has not long sincedi'vHoped breeding deer for food in this country.

ETERAI species of deer aresuited for breeding In en-

closures In the UnitedStates; the axis deer, theJapanese and I'ekln slkas.the red and the fallow deerof Europe, and especiallythe Rocky Mountain elk. orWapiti, nnd the VirginiadvT. While experimentst. it!) the forolpn sp ciesnamed offer every promiseof surress to the owners ofAmerican preserves, the elkand Virginia deer are ree- -

onimonded as best adapted for the production ofveal-r.- n in the Unitc--d States.

Tho flavor of venison Is distinctive, though Itfit::;:; --i-s mutton rather than beef. In chemicalcomposition It is very similar to beef. A lean

roast before conkins has been found tocorral!) on nn average Z per cent, of water. 20l r cent, of protein or nitrogenous material and2 per cent, of fat; a lean beef rump, some fi3 to70 per cent, of water. 20 to 2?, per cent, of pro

Mn and 5 to 14 per cent, of fat; and a lean legof mutton. 07 per cent, of water. 19 per cent, of

ein and 13 per cent, of fat.The general popularity of venison Is so great

and the demand for It so widespread that over-productio- n

Is Improbable. The other products ofth- - df or skins and horns are of considerableImportance and in countries where doer are abun-dant and especially where large herds are keptin ml domestication, the commerce In both Isvery extensive.

The wapiti, known generally In America as theellv. K next to the moose, the largest of our deer.It svas once abundant over the greater part of theUnited States, whence its range extended north-ward to about latitude CO degrees la the Peaceriver region of the Interior of Canada. In theI'nited States the limits of Its range eastwardw'.--e the Adirondack's, western New Jersey andeastern Pennsylvania; southward It reached theflouthern AHeghenies. northern Texas, southernNow Mexico and Arizona; and westward the Pa-cifl- c

ocean.At the present time the elk are found only

In a few scattered localities outside of the Yel-

lowstone National park and the mountainouscountry surrounding it. where large herds remain.Sn.allr herds still occur in Colorado, westernMontana. Idaho, eastern Oregon. Manitoba. Al-Ivirt- a.

British Columbia and the coast mountainsof Washington. Oregon and northwestern Califo-rnia A band of the small California valley elksiIJ! Inhabits the southern part of the San Joa-jui- n

valley.Th! herds that summer In th Yellowstone

National park and In winter spread southwardand eastward In Wyoming are said to numberabout ao.000 head and constitute the only larjjetionds of this noble game animal that are left.Although protected In their summer ranges andpartially safeguarded from destruction In winterly the state of Wyoming, there is yet great dan-gp- r

that these herds may perish from lack of foodIn a succession of severe winters. Partial pro-visio- n

for winter forage has been made withinthe national park, but the supply Is Inadequate forU:j large numbers of animals. Further safeguardsare needed to place the Wyoming elk herds be-yond the reach of winter starvation.

in addition to the wild herds there Is a con-fi- f

rable number of elk In private game preservesand parks, as well as In nearly all the public zo-ological parks and gardens of this country. Theherds In captivity form the nucleus from which,under wise management, some of the formerranges of this animal may restocked and fromnfclch a profitable business of growing elk veni-son for market may be developed. At the pres-ent time this species affords a most promising

--field for ventures in breeding for profit.'i The elk Is both a browsing and a grazing nnl--ma- !

While it eats grasses freely and lias beenknown to subsist entirely upon pasture, it seemsto prefer a mixture of grass and browse.

The elk is extremely polygamous. The adultbulls shed their antlers annually In March orApril and new ones attain their full size In about90 days. The "vehet" adheres until about Au- -

; gust. While the horns are growing the bulls usu- -

. ally lead solitary lives; but early in September.j when the herns are fully matured, the mating, aeason begins. Fights for supremacy then take

plare and the victor takes charge of as many cowsaa hs can round up and control.

Although the elk is less prolific than the com-mon deer and some other species that have beenbred in parks. It increases fully as rapidly as thecommon red deer of Europe. Moreover, it makesup tor any lack of fecundity by its superior har-diness and ease of management. It has been ac-

climatized in many parts of the world and showsthe same vigor and hardiness wherever it hasbesii transplanted. In Europe It has been suc-cessfully crossed with the Altai wapiti and thored deer and in both instances the offspring weresuperior in size and stamina to the native stock.

The flesh of the elk. although somewhat coarse.In superior in flavor to most venison. That of thebulls is in its best condition about the time thevelvet is shed. In October their flesh is in thei;ooret condition. As the open season for elkIs usually in October and XoTeinber and onlytmlls are killed. It follows that hunters often ob-

tain the veulsou when it !s poorest. The meat


Trees Their Right PlaceOna Writer Who Asserts That Con-

servation Can Be Carried tothe Extreme.

Among persons who use more senti-ment than reason, or lack knowledgeof the facts, it has become a fad tosay it is a crime to cut down a treeand that it is always, under any cir-cumstances, an act of great virtue toplant one.




S1EJ? OF-- XOMFSTCATD V&GMA DFFQ.Is not best when freshly killed, but should beleft hanging for four or five days before it isused.

With few exceptions the early attempts todomesticate elk were made by men who werewealthy enough to disregard all thought of profitIn raising them. They were usually placed underthe care of servants and the bucks were left

until they became old and unmanage-able. Soon the serious problem of controllingthem outweighed the novelty of their josses.sionand one by one the attempts at domesticationwere abandoned.

A desire to preserve this important game ani-

mal has caused a renewal of attempts to breedit In confinement and at present there are smallherd9 under private ownership in many places inthe United States. The biological survey has re-cently obtained much information from ownersof herds in regard to their experience in breedingnnd rearing the animals and also their opinionsas to the possibility of making the business ofraising them profitable. Of about a dozen suc-cessful breeders nearly all are of the opinionthat raising elk for market can be made remu-nerative if present laws as to the a!e of the meatare modified.

One especially Important fact has been devel-oped by the reports from breeders. It is that theelk readily adapts itself to almost any environ-ment. Even within the narrow confines of thepaddocks of the ordinary zoological park the ani-mal does well and increases so that periodicallythe herds have to be reduced by sales.

The fullest reports that have been receivedby the department of agriculture from breedersof elk are from George W. Russ of EurekaSprings. Aik.

Mr. Russ has a herd of 34 elk. They haveample range In the Ozarks on rough land coveredwith hardwood forests and abundant underbrush.The animals improve the forest by clearing outpart of the thicket. They feed on buds and leavesto a height of eight feet and any growth underthis Is liable to be eliminated if the range is un-

restricted. If not closely confined elk do not eatthe bark from trees nor do they eat evergreens.In clearing out underbrush from thickets theyare mere useful than goats, since they browsehigher. Coats, however, eat closer to the ground,nnd as the two animals get along well togetherMr. Russ recommends the use of both for clear-ing up brushy land ami fitting it for tame grasses.

The Increase of elk under domestication Isequal to that of cattle. Fully 90 per cent, of thefemales produce healthy young. An adult maleelk weighs from TOO to 1.000 pounds; a femalefrom 000 to S00 pounds. The percentage ofdressed meat is greater than with cattle, but.owinc to hostile game law, experience In mar-keting it is limited. An offer of JO cents apound for dressed meat was received from St.

but the law would not permit Its export.Mr. Russ says:

"From the fact that as hich as 11.50 a poundhas been paid for Mie meat In New York city andCanada and that the best hotels and restaurantspronounce it the finest of nil the meats of maminals. we are of the opinion that if laws weresuch that domesticated elk meat could be fur-nished it would be many years before the supplywould nsaxe the price reasonable compared withother meats. Elk meat can be produced in manysections of this country at less cost per itoundthan beef, mutton or pork."

Mr. Russ thinks that large areas of roughlands in the United States not now utilized, espe-cially in localities like the Ozarks and the AHe-

ghenies. could be economically used to producevenison for sale and he regards the elk aa espe-cially suited for this purpose.

Another feature of Sir. Russ's reiort Is ofmore than passing interest. He says:

"We find from long experience that cattle,sheep and goats can be grazed in the same lotswith elk, providing, however, that the lots orinclosures are not small; the larger the area thebetter. We know of no more appropriate place tocall attention, to the great benefit ol a few elk

inTo one who gives thought to the

matter, these accepted principlesmay be reversed, and we can say withall seriousness and truth that thereis no town in this country where thejudicious use of the ax among treesin some neighborhood or other Is notdemanded; and, on the other hand,thousands of trees are planted whereno tree should be planted.

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in the Fame pasturesheep and

An elk Is the natural en-

emy of dogs and wolves.We suffered great lossestu our flocks until wolearned this fact; sincethen we have had no

from that cause. A

few elk In a thousan.l-arr- e

pasture willprotect the flocks

therein. Our own dogsare so well aware of thedanger In pur parkthat they cannot In-

duced to enter It."Elk thrive best In

preserves having a va-

riety of food plantsgrasses, b u s It e strees. Rough lands,well watered with clearstreams and havingsome forested are

well adapted to their needs. About as many elkcan be Kept on such a range cattle on an equalarea of fair pasture. There should be thicketsenough to furnish winter browse, but this shouldbe supplemented by a supply of winter forage.

Except when dicp snows cover the ground, elkwill keep in good condition on ordinary pastureand browse, but a system of management that pro-vides other food regularly will be found more sat-isfactory. Hay and corn fodder are excellent win-

ter forage, but alfalfa hay has proved to be thebest dry food for both elk and deer.

Elk are much less nervous than ordinary deerand less disposed to jump fences. When theyescape from an enclosure they usually return oftheir own accord. If tame, they may be drivenlike cattle. Ordinarily a five-foo- t fence of any kind

confine elk.The cost of stocking an elk preserve Is not

great. Usually surplus stock from zoological parkaor small private preferies may be obtained at lowcost, arying with the immediate demand for theanimals.

The Virginia or whitetail deer Is the commondeer of the United States. Including the halfdozen geographic races that occur within our bor-ders, it is distributed over mosj of the country,except Nevada and the major portions of Utah.Arizona. Washington. Oregon nnd California. Itis extinct in Delaware and practically so in a num-ber of states in the middle west. South of ourborders a number of closely related species occur.

In view of the wide natural range of the Vir-

ginia deer, its adaptability to nearly all sections ofthe United States cannot he doubted. Testimonyas to its hardiness In parks and preserves Is notso unanimous as that concerning the elk; but thegeneral experience of breeders Is that with suitablerange, plenty of good water and reasonable caroin winter, raising this deer for stocking preservesor for venison may he made as profitable as anyother live-stoc- k Industry. Not only do deer thriveon land unsulted for rattle or horses, but. like elk.they may be raised to great advantage In brushyor timbered pastures fully stocked with cattle orhorses, as the food of deer rarely Includes grass.

Advocates of the Angora goat Industry statethat within the United States there are 230.000.000acres of land not sult;d to tillage to the pastureof horses, cattle or sheep, which are well adaptedto goats. Much of this Is suited also to deerand elk and can be utilized for these animals withless Injury the forpst cover than would resultfrom browsing by goats.

Virginia deer have often been bred In parks forpleasure or In large preserves for sport, but theeconomic possibilities In raising them have re-

ceived little attention. Recently breeders haverecognized tho fact that they are profitable underproper management and would be much more sowore for marketing live animals andvenison more favorable.

The chief obstacle to profitable propagation ofdeer in the United States is the restrictive char-acter of state laws governing the killing, sale andtransportation of game. Many of the states, fol-

lowing precedent, lay down the broad rule that allthe game animals in the state, whether resident ormigratory, are the property of the state. A fewstates except game animals that are "under pri-vate ownership legally acquired."

The laws concerning the season for killingand the sale of deer are often equally embarrass-tn- g

to those who would produce venison for profit.The owner of domesticated deer cannot legally killhis animals except in open season.

Instead of hampering breeders by restrictions,at present, state laws uhould be so modified as

to encourage the raising of deer, elk and otheranimals as a source of profit to the individual andto the state.

It is believed that with favorable legislationmuch otherwise waste land in the United Statesmay be utilized for the production of venison soas to yield profitable returns and also that thisexcellent and nutritious meat. Instead of beingdenied to &9 per cent, of the population of thecountry may become common and as cheap laour markets as mutton.

Each variety of fruit or ornamentaltree when it reaches maturity underreasonably favorable conditions hasIts established size or spread ofbranches. Among the better shadetrees this reaches 40. 50. and agreater number of feet in diameter.In dense forests we see the treesstretching up after air and sunshine,losing their side branches and becom-ing collection of giant telegraphpoles with pitiful bunches of green atthe top, nothing beautiful about them.


r.-z.- T



with goats.















Every tree to be beautiful must haveroom to expand and develop to Itsproper proportions, and to retain theside branches with which nature al-ways furnishes them, unless she isthwarted by the bungling hand of thehired roan with ax or saw. Milwau-kee Evening Wisconsin.

When They Married."Her husband makes a fool of her!""I don't make a fool of you, do L

dear?""You did once, but not since."


Strange Inventions at Patent Office

"Labor-savin- g de-vices are always in demand; the

thousand inventors of this country areall devoting 90 per cent, of their timeto producing such things, each in thehope of winning for himself fame andfortune, cash and credit." said a pat-ent attorney the other day In Wash-ington.

"One of the strangest of theseschemes to lighten the world's workIs a patent recently obtained by anIngenious person in Des Moines. la.It is called the self-tippin- g hat. andIs designed to save the popular per-son from the fatiguing labor of re-moving his hat every time he meetsone of the fair sex with whom he Isacquainted.

"'Much valuable energy Is uMIizedIn. tipping the hat repeatedly saysthe Inventor, "and my device will re-lieve one of It and at once cause thehat to be lifted from the head in anatural manner." It Is a novel de-vice. In other words, 'for effecting polite salutations by the elevation androtation of the hat on the head of thesaluting party, when said person bowsto the person saluted, the actuationof the hat being produced by mech-anism within it. and without tho useof the hands In any manner.

"No truly rural person ever couldhave been responsible for the inven-tion of eyeglasses for chickens,which was protected by United Statespatents iscently. The glasses aremodeled much after the fashion ofgrandpa's 'specs.' the nose rest beingenlarged to go over thj chicken'sbead, while the ear hooks are joinedIn the back.

"No claim Is made that the chick-en's eyesight Is poor, or that magni-fiers ever are needed that It may thobetter discover the reluctant worm orthe elusive bug. but the inventor doessay that tle glasses 'are designed to

How One Senator Viewed the Comet

"I HAD no particular interest in Hal-le- y

or his comet." says SenatorSimmons of North Carolina, "but Mrs.Simmons had. Every morning whilethe papers were full of the phenome-non, we would get up at two or threeo'clock. Then Mrs. Simmons wouldlead me to a window and point out adark line in the sky. It didn't lookmuch of a comet to me, but she in-

sisted that it was. and 1 took herword for It.

One morning we went through ourregular performance. The more 1

looked then the less I was convincedthat we had seen the comet at all. Atlength, after an Investigation. I dis-

covered that our 'comet' was the dimoutline of a church steeple against thesky. Nice performance for a dignifiedsenator to rise every morning to lookat a steeple."

Ail of the members of the house arenot acquainted with eacli other, andthis often leads to funny mistakes.Though Adam Monroe Brrd has beenin four congresses, he made one of

Oklahoma Kids Sights of Capital

unususl privilege of the floorTHE the house of representativeswas granted to Louis and Temple y.

Eons of United States Mar-

shal "Jack" Abernathy of Frederick.Okla.. a few days ago. The boys, whoare nine and six respectively, rodetheir ponies from their home in Okla-

homa to New York, where they wereto meet their friend. Colonel Roose-ven-L

On their way they stopped inWashington for a few days.

"Uncle Joe" Cannon was responsi-

ble for the appearance of Louis andTemple on the floor. They wore theirsombreros and long cowboy pantstucked into boots, and the six-year-o- ld

had upon the front of his top piece adeputy United States marshal's badgeThey were the breeziest things in thejuvenile line to have struck Capitolhill recently. The congressmen gasped

are fussed up out at FortTHEY where the cavalry has itsheadquarters. Recently a Washing-ton youth, who got tired of bis waysand the ways of the world In general,and who had sufficient money to go

those ways swiftly, decided to enlist.He did fo in the ordinary manner.Then one day when he had leave anautomobile was drawn up outside ofthe fort and the recruit sauntered outand got Into It-- The officers saw himdriven away, and their amazementwas considerable. The lines aredefinitely drawn at the fort. Thereare several streets with square bouses

prevent chickens pecking out eachother's eyes.' The inventor's attemptto enforce all chickens to wear thedevice by legislative action In Kansasdid not succeed. I may say.

"Members of secret societies, whosometimes may be put to muchtrouble to secure a sufficiently iraclblegoat for the purpose of Initiating newmembers to their respective lodges,will be glad to learn that the invent-ive genius of America has come totheir assistance. The device is a mechanical goat, which can be put In thecloset when not needed: that requiresno feeding and practically no care.Also. It may be handled by Its keeperwithout fear of consequences.

"The candidate, blindfolded. Is ledto the side of the animal, and on It hetakes his seat, placing bis feet Instirrups on cither side. As the goatis pushed about the lodgeroom aseries of wheels and rods, geared tothe wheels on which It runs, causesthe animal to buck and rear In a fearful manner, keeping the candidate Incontinual danger of being shaken off

"Residents of Kansas and otherstates in the cyclone belt, who areforced to retire frequently to cyclonecellars, as ag for purI.

to find home when the -

beautifylng complexion,storm has passed, be j namj8 Cutlcura andinvention of j ln.Is shape of nf wh.a submarine, or a dirigible balloon.From one end there is vane, or tailwhich Is designed to keep the otherpointing in the direction of the

house on a pivotat its center, and turns freely on acircular track.

'Tails are common enough on windweather vanes, but here Is

the firstJ Book the skin and

opens awheeled

ten-- ' lest theyonte olu-nv- u Iiova tr '

scend. The inventor says his ideaparticularly applicable to

that by It It canbe arranged permitsunlight-- "

these mistakes the other Byrdwas making a tariff speech. He

boat's touched be--

he the present tariff Isabout the worst could

framed. He woolenand he up and down

the aisle, directly addressing onemember and another. At lengthhe paused desk occupied bysmall Van Dyke beard.Byrd allowed this small man thatthe woolen schedule was vicious. Thesmall man nodded sympathetically.Byrd pounded the small man's deskvehemently.

"Knowing ail the things 1 have saidbe true, did vote for this

Byrd of thesmall man.

I did not vote for It."mean tell this house

you did not for the tariff bill?"said small man.

"Well." said admire youfor your convictions."

By time the house wa3 split-ting its sides. The small man wasRepresentative Edward W. Saundersof Vireinia. who is. of course, aDemocrat, who, equally, ofcourse, did not for the bill.He merely Re-

publican side so that he could thebetter hear his political brother

to say.

Seeflocked them.

"How do you likethe speaker asked the joungsters.



belongs to peopie. as of It aaAndrew orfeller"

nc marsnai j


or fifty miles a anthe wolf-catcher- 's

"You week." saidthe speaker.bored.

together thein inclosure.

see a private coming toheadquarters machine.

of the the young solto was


of officers' rowbut been It is

gilt-brai- d

nothing about It.


Flrene Nightingale Worthy of Allth That Be

1 Paid Her.

honors paid to Florence Night-Ingal- e

on her ninety-firs- t birthdayto recall how brief been the

period during sickthe benefit of competent nursingon their recovery so largely

It Is Impossible to conceive of mod-ern medical practise without the aidof trained nurses. Their efficiencyhas undoubtedly been important

In increased ofdisease. Yet little more than halfa century elapsed MissNightingale set out for the Crimea onber mission which was to revolution-ize hospital and it was not until

the first class of trainednurses was graduated from the Belle-vu- e

School.From these small beginnings

grown a generation the greathumanitarian profession for women forwhich have a special apti-tude which they attractedIn annually Increasing numbers.

The Influence of womanEngland as the civilized worldhonors beyond perhapsextended room.gave afflicted a new lease oflife and to her noblest


In the treatment of affections ofskin and scalp disfig-ure, hum. srnlo nml rtcxtrnv hn

and then organize searching we prcscrvInRparties their d thewill pleased and Soanwith the a tornado-pro-o

olntmcnt we.nlgnhouse. This built in the .,, Mnna vnmnn th


windthe being mounted

mills and

world on pure, sweetgentle emollients pur-

poses of toilet, bath nursery,sanative, antiseptic cleans--

I InCT nf lltpemtrl cttru.

faces. Potter Drug Chcm. Corp.,Boston. Mass., sole ofCutlcura Remedies, mail on

PiitfrMirAprobably time that Idea, on hair,has been adapted residences.wind-breakin- g to house, in Conditional Piety.ventor says, is reenforced and win-- 1 Two fishermen. Jamesdowless. and door on Sandy, belated and befogged on aflight of at bottom. rough water, were ln trepidationwhich follow a circular path should never ashore

triii !&.

Is hospit-als, anchoring

to continuous


Mississippi,course. thinks

reached theschedule,

a aman a

Lto youschedule?" demanded

to that

"I theByrd.


andvote Payne

had moved to


and aroundWashington?


Carnegie Rocke--



Abernathys looked







factor curability








which torture,

out thefor alland

for thetnflnmml mtriia

proprietors the

thl!-- lnt-Gf- r

theto The

the theScotch and

thesteps, the




over the





sgain. Jamie"Sandy. I'm steering, I think

you'd better put up a bit prayer."know how." said Sandy.

"If ye don't chuck overboard."aid Jamie.Sandy began: I never

asked anything ye for fifteen years,if get us safe back. I'll

trouble ye again,"Whist. Sandy." said Jamie.

comes of , shore; don't be

that havebeen








"tills city ofjust

John D.



in main






1872 that







ye'll onlynever

"Thefrom and.

holden to anybody." Short Stories.

Wrong Diagnosis.A drummer was taken HI suddenly.

He went to a physician of consid-erable standing, the followingconversation ensued: "I verysick," declared the drummer. "What'sthe trouble?" asked the physician."Severe In my side."

the doctor slowly. "I think youhave appendicitis." "You havea mistake, doctor." replied the sales-man. "I'm not a millionaire, just aplain drummer." I guess youfust have the cramps, then." repliedthe indignant personage. "Five dol-

lars, please."

Right Name at Last."Let me show you latest novel-

ty." the clerk in the haberdash-ery. "Here is the polebutton. Named in honor of CookPeary."

"By Jove!" laughed the humorouscustomer. "They couldn't a bettwrname for a collar button."

"Why"Because it Is so hard to locate."

Similarity.Then you are not fond ot

press-e-d flowers?Jnck No. they always remind me

of a kiss through a telephone.Gracious! In what way?

Jack have their

Baroer-ou- s Humor."Bully." said the boys, who used tc Barber How would you your

know President Roosevelt, had hair cut.some White House slang. Stude Fine. Do you think I came

"Well, my lads." said the speaker in here to discuss the tariff?

You own much

i oany



Adversity is a searching offriendship, dividing the sheep fromthe with unerring accuracy;

' is a good service. Watson.

very important. lie ga.td longingly Grief is agony of an fnstant.out of the window as much as to say

j indulgence of grier is the blunderthat if ho could have his sharo he of a Dunegan.would take the Washington tuonu ,

unjeut My thoughts my own posses--

"How do you askea mr aci " "J Jthe

"Oh. forty day."son.

You mean aThe




















likeand sir?



country's laws. Q. Forster.

A DETERMINED WOMANFinally Found a Food That Her.

"When first read of the remarkable effects of Grape-Nut-s de- -

"Naw." they said, "a day. We make termined to secure some." a worn50 easy." an in Salisbury. Mo. "At that time

"But the army said Uncle( there wa3 jpt ln thfs town but

Joe. "that's 10 miles in three I m7 husband ordered some a Chl-thoug- ht

that was pretty severe test ' caga traveler.In horseback riding, for grown men. ! had been greatly afflicted withto-- "

' sudden attacks of cramps, nausea.end vomiting. Tried all 6orts of

Millionaire Soldier Causes Big Stir Ztf2ri?JZand neat lawns in front. In thesr began to use the new food the crampshouses the officers live. The privates disappeared and have never returned.mess big build

the The officersquite

and from in



'north collar

They lost







"My old attacks of stomachwere little slower yield, bycontinuing the food, trouble ha.idisappeared entirely. today per- -

But they couldn't help themselves, fectly well, eat anything andbecause he wa.s entitled to certain everything wih. without paying theleaves, and when he got them he was penalty used to. We would notat liberty to ride in balloon If he so

'keeD house without Grape-Nut- s.

chose "My husband was so delighted withThen, to cap the climax, one nlgbt the benefits I received that he has

there was a ball at a swagger down been recommending Grape-Nut- s to hishotel. It wa3 given by members , customers and has built up a very

"set" In

dier had been wont HeInvited and he went. The officers cast,anv W hU let "u

r , ).. a i,.t !

RiJ. v. M w..talk in at

has nosaddening to a heartto see a like this be







to every sickthe

sex its







pain "Humph."











miles a daynone




sicka to but

thatI am


that Ia

townlarge trade on the food. He sells themby the case to many of the leadingphysicians of the county, who recom--

ctareH wav. hut he "-I'.'- uw Buucrmij..v o hro There is some satisfaction in using


and toto

a really scientifically prepared food."Read the Utfle book, "The Road to

Wellvllle."in pkgs. "There's aReason."Ker re4 Ik abarr totterf A bote npemrn from lime to tlm. Tfeey

are Krawr. time, ua fail af kuualatere t.