1 i l sang rousc jufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/07/58/92/00080/00250.pdf · tik1 u ¬ ¬ < >...

ORYSTAIrJUVER NEWSCRYSTAL IlIVBR FLORIDA s o- rt 71 kc iYl I r r 5 j u kp 6 a 4 w SENTIMENT FOR PLANT Early Adios On Fltrida Plat Act 1 islature EXPECT FAVORABLE REPORT C6nalderable Argument Over Prbvls lon Of The Sill Now Have Been Agreeably Settled Tallahassee The Florida plant act 0 1916 which Is the shdrt title of the tUPwhlch provides the necessary anu- Munition and generalship with which route the crop ipests of the state citJalhg citrus canker seems to be of passage now There has been considerable argue inent over ho provisions of the bill since its favorable report from its and there were those who openly talked opposition to it on the ground of its being class legislation These went so far as to declare also that should bo some revenue production section attached saying that If the game and the fish of the state arc made selfsupporting then the citrus also jhould at least furnish the money to fight Its common approach l hiwg Urged OR Ueleg 7 i v J red t I other 1 n ACT STRONG I y I k to I C1 a L committee i bus and- y Indus- try t enemy < > > Because of the fact Florida would not be Florida without clues fruit industry and because- of the inslduousncss of the disease tho legislature as a whole has taken to tho broad view of the matter that it Is the duty of the state to provide for tho protection of its Industries and it i protection and no revenue that the act protided This stand with the being taken by the members- of this on all other great ques tions affecting the state or any con of itand It e safe to far in advance of the ses- sion cltislrig that when adjournment does cpmethere will hays been enact- ed the fewest and the mo t constructive legislation that any legislature has ever sent out in a session nel of the that taking them as a whole they ate the most efficient SS- minonsejised and earnestly endeavoring set of the state has Rent to Tal Jahossee in over n dccadq Not only Is this spirit of safety first visible Itf the house of the legislature but oven In the committees of both sides where all that is to make for gallery applause and catch- ing of the vote of the dear people is Expected bohandled seridusly there the same spirit of earnestness that demands that bills patently bad or even seemingly injurious lv- unVBcrutlnjr and diflapprpval fraa tKa tygitiCO- MMISSION DOQMED 2 Repor That Commission Bill Has lit AV r For- t pasjage- flaiiahMsee TkcTampa commls slon charter bill faces doom Although hfe collcagjiOi Representative Wilder whp opDOses the treasure was not prefientbecauae of Illness Jlepreeentat- 4ve Martin endeavored to have Tampa government charter bill adopted by house sitting jn special Session consider local bills Qnly- JJcaptte the fact that Representative solemnly and fervidly assured the house that he had not received request frra any of his constituents riot to press passage of his com- mjaslbn form Representative Wild- er received a ten feet long froni citizens of Tnmpa requesting him to use every effort to kill the bill Representative Harrison pf Duval charged Mr Martin with toll Ing the house committee that Neither WHder nor Senator Himes would jQghtr the 111 also that Mr Martin- r hM given tho committee to understand he favoredtho referendum fcSto all such charter bills and e the bill now has 9 clause J WT yfeamIne Insurance Agents J Harrl eon has Introduced in ho house a measure which requires that Insurance in the atateof Florida shall ifi before the insurance commissioner Tides hat ovary foreIgn Uoin any dp orating iff the state will beTe to pay an annual ijconj of 2 each s 3r- fM i WlVTTH that appeared s d ra d rOgat so much fs t t r1te- CMIer it tZi- 4 111 It men pp ed 8ha tat L r t to p ttI i h I a J lll111asse K l net r e thg or u zed n i to h i led cr T t Its r he t minded cants was aesed this vv s t an truth thie consoryatifim ahi9 t1 1Ft tile capita tllati the eta q L purve y Ge body i p q s tie Chance r l r bill t y lc Mr f k r clause s sprit j M w i K ion sto his qualifcatlons- i bdorebIhg Appointed ini ur- s will pow- s ko aMpqJgtmlat atty oa r Q ifrieo agentpile pro j v k P t pt r q4 r a t alwM a- Tik1 u ¬ ¬ < > > > < < < < ° < MARIANNA REPORT Governor Trammel Transmitted to Senate petalled Of In dustrlal School Taliahasseey The report of the board of Managers of the Florida n- duatrial school for boys at Mariana was transmitted to the senate by Gov with briefest pos sjblo letter of transmission The report Is comprehensive and shows fully what Is being accomplish ed at the Institution According to the report the numberof inmates on April 1 1915 was 225 whichIs the enrollment for the institution To maintain the institution the board of mangaers asks that the of 150 per annum for based upon the number the quarter previous be allowed or use a lump sum appropriation of 40000 for the first year and 50000 for the second year bo allowed so much of which as shall be necessary on the estimate of 150 for each in mate being paid out to the board Additional appropriation of 55000 Is asked this year for building Im- provement and betterments Including administration building and school building burned five threestory brick colleges accommodating forty boys each cold storage lighting sys- tem water supply and sewers small uptodata and stock cows Implements and general equipment R port J ernorTrammell sum each I n1ate quar- terly the rpported dur- ing ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ SEALED PACKAGE BILL Liquor Regulation Act Not Expected- To Get Much Active Support Tallahassee Tho Davis regulation- act seems to bo doomed to emascula- tion by before it will over bp Considered as possible by members of either or senate from common talk of many in both sides of tha capital The bill Is a peculiar one that is there is not another like it in any state that undertakes to control or regulate the sale of intoxicating liquors It is not temperance they because provides the 8ans hero a man mustbay more than hW and thus ln- dufgtf Intemperately to get rid of the- reat without wasting It It is apt binder certain if Is hot a Vllqupr blll lo It strikes at the business by crippling it lust Where to enter it in the cat logue of enactments should it pass will be Interesting to watch and likewise It will be interesting to see and hear Which of the triangular party Interests the shouts of approval- or the Jeers pt derision will emanate SUFFRAGE CONTENTION Believed Womans Franchise Measure Will Have Adherent In enat rf- t Benftte committee gaye tn of the of the people of the equal fran- chise constitutional amendment ono lone vote and the result Is there will be little chance for the success of the at this session Mrs It C Cooley president of the Florida Equal Franchise League has left for Jacksonville and Dr Mary A Safford of the State Equal Suffrage arrived after an absence of several days It has been understood that the leg of the two bodies which were together here several times decided to accept no partial measures such as allowing women to vote in school or bond elections un- der proper qualifications but to stand- or fall the one demand that suffrage on a plane with men be given them HISTORICAL COMMISSION South Historical Commission Bill Car- ries An Objectionable Appropriation Tallahassee To provide for the appointment of a Florida member and defray his expenses in an effort ttf hays the Southern states a member each of the Southern States Historical Commission a bill has been Introduced ij the bouse by Forest Lake of county It carries with it an appropriation of 3610 which Is Said tp bo only objection thus far raised to the bill The bill IB entitled an act provid- ing appointment of a comas stoner and present to the leg states at next fibaslons tic J of compiling a hIstOry Vnited States for we Itf the ubidl- scbpola of such fljatea S duties qf fcjiich maklnjfl- ateappropriaUon for the salary of such commissioner and providing for the pjiyment of same amendment It by pr btrs 4 mand8 P lt ti tJ tit strictl ns One h 1 ll tfon au measure Un- qualified f e nJn lo to n4 alle or italiowp gtorybody bud tri from only y Association Islatlvo committees other ap- point for the visit lelatutes roar the several Southern mat- ter of expensed r s f k 14 e ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ << < ° Discovery Dodsons Liver Tone Acts Like Calomel But Doesnt Gripe Salivate or Make You Lose a I Days Work Harmless Liver Medicine Read Guarantee TAKES THE New I ont t for Men f 7 f Women il en I PLACE OE SANG RO Y USC AL0 MEL j 4 r cick = > Ughl Calomel makes you sick Its horrible I the tonight and tomorrow you may a days work Calomel ls mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosifl of the bones Calomel when it cornea Into sour bile crashes into It breaking it up is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping- If you arq sluggish and all knocked put if your liver is torpid and bowels constipated or you have headache dizziness coated tongue if breath is bad or stomach sour just try a spoonful of harmless DodsonVLlver Tone tonight Heros my guarantee Go to any store and get a 60 cent bottle of Dodsons Liver Tone Take a spoonful with flake dose laic contact This < A stranded but ing lady was obliged to put up At a dilapidated country hotel Sheglanced about tho office ly the register and took the brass from the proprietress water in my she demanded replied the pro jrietress There was but I had the The jUauit Hoer do tho Belgians quartering of pigs on thorn V should Imagine with Booted dis- gust Examine every bottle of OASTORIA a safe and sure rmedy for tafanttC dad children and that it Dears the What the matter with that so- ciety glrtyoure attending doctor She vary much ptthat sinking feeling Why isnt she right in the sUIt lead frow rclu taJ1l ts there m 1 tjfbed T io 1ttt Lt- 1 OT K hLiLiPi Ii 1- DlfAJltlttleri Remedied haughty was a n t you suppose see Stgaatnreot 3iaNrp r swlmt ¬ ¬ > ¬ OUCH LUMBAGO Tty Quickly It Relieves Sid h la delicious is a clean Instead of rauftard Will not blister Doctors and rimes MUSTEROLE and recPmmeaditto their patients will gladly tell Throat Bronchitis Stiff Neck Asthma Lum Aches of Back or Sprains Sore Muscles Bruises Feet Colds of the Chest it pf Pneumonia druggists in 25c and and a size for Be tb genuine MUS Refuse what auk for The Company Cleveland Ohio OurJJTIIETOttir DiIiirt Up weloM with 0d to Co 9849 ShsfflaM Aw D i A CWcato your Dima and vUttn- d uiy recttr hi return trial p di oeetatalwr IW How and Tat or cough sold and croat Fills f pala In rhaunMtfOn fcadt d S4rlliA ol r CtOf- I1 K dwa aiv MnMatelvoaTtnltotC- IMH eta M atcr s ll comes take It place W ment made It use They Congestion th d veats 50 tIU t t 5 C E r S ache sad and artIo a 7i- JAVE ttbezotftt ter fokU till pet- I49rII T S i IJ- Ws r i kill wlIISot tN j I4- i 9 3 t r 4 1 k r i Jtc r q How MUS1L iWtEInbri kl seething to tard Use plaster lt Rheumatism Jots At your SOc Jars sure r Cntolethi N a top skin kidney and thoroughly lag aaWartlcta6plo 1ooeaf1 uwtyso s YOUiI MONEY alck beiSsAOr aeepa l d- 5MtoaeaiH 4 a K11d 104 an J I all Inoatd0Ma- lfeetaatatpst vtf tale aartklasi- aaraatad teUn wrw pall for X- IAI9t919ltei Si xatl Ln acsastra R de > > = < < < and If It doesnt straighten you right up andmake yon feel tine and vigorous want you to go back to the store and get your money Dodsons Liver Tone Jroylng the sale bf calomel because it la real liver medicine entirely vegetable therefore it can not sali- vate or make you sick I guarantee that ono spoonful of Dodsons will put sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipated waste which clogging your system and making yoU feel miserable I guarantee that a bottle of Dodsona Liver keep your entire family feeling fine for months Qlv it to your children It is harmless doesnt gripe and they like its pleasant taste 1 t r LIver Tons Tone e I I I f your l will ¬ ° Something Lacking Mr the architect pad been Invited down to the Clarks to display the plans of Clarks new house to some guests Here is the front elevation the architect as bet laid the plans on the library table in- spection of the visitors with the outside gal- lery this Is the cast elevation the tower After various comments been made by the Arthur aged who was enormously interested new where lire the two mortgages father aid ho was going on Because Free From Dandruff ltchlnff Irritation arid Drynf May be brought about b with JHllctini cleati Try these BUjj rcre Biy it flu have any hair tfriealp 4nmble each By mail UrttK BopkY Address postcard CUticura Xi Boaton Bold everywhere Adv WJllte50n clr had to TJ1iCK tOVELYHAiI t t fJ 1 i litol1l l1tt ex- plained the window and the show- ing guests little seven do the bouee cried pot ant p y bl good ltafr y alp t free Dept < ¬ ¬ ¬ > < ° = The Way Out twp the razorback variety morning when he to feed thorn they ere not the matter Under asked a ndlighbor noticing the deep dejection which the old darky was looking down into the empty penMy hawge Js done Stolen NoJ Buhl I don no signs daj anybody stolfem Dld they climb the top No sub Day couldnt do dat How do yoil think they got away Well sub my pinion is dat dem hawgs kind o raised thelrselvea aidge an crppe through a crack the Lecture An amazing Incident happened re- cently in a school in the north of Eng land The master his class of boys on smoking and the evils attending It Suddeniy fee BOW a grin overspread- ing the faces of his scholars and on Inquiring the Innocentlook lug Cherub yelled outs Please sir yer pipes sticking out of yer The smoking lecture abruptly brought to a close The Inquisition u Fathen said the boy do rabbits lay Exeter PggstiL No a rabbit at alibis It r Is there anything th ta rabbit is on the level about An Adequate n Mr The moon was flickering over a ot as they sat side by side in after park Ho glanced out across and saw the Statue of Liberty ia he ehaflpwy- glopm j I wouder why have its light soBJnaU JtfdntbetJIssfuli- ilbnce Y a pen or w W a s th up- on 6poJl cause all 0 1i my son bciaWelsh No Father Went Jf cntln I t I tul 1e to hIs the it tJ IJ1f 1 i i t m r 1 Ijnjio tlnce eke lad confined In pigs there gone seed over wag rabbit son y shadows be broke anspered eke jsasquh tope hti tried illn from tits sit 1Iet irBYt rkr hari a r n w ¬ ¬ < < > = SHOWERS COM ON CONVICTS Millionaire Celebrates His Release From Federal Prison at Atlanta- In Novel Way Frederick A Hyde millionaire of Oakland Cal celebrated his release from the United States penitentiary here by scattering nearly among the convicts Hyde who was a busi- ness leader in California was convict- ed of and Sentenced to three years From the moment lered prison he began planning to cal obrato his release Ho celebration fund and it to nearly 300 time his term With Zerbeats mission Hyde addressed the and began scattering The convicts de and as lie left f s- lydj was employed rVr York dramatic critic 3anx n released patch to Los Angeles Crimea r 300 band frauds he a established a gr i w 1 Tf H br t I dfJeifslijgh 7- trJ w Jt 1 i 1 81 1to if I J wJU I j 1J Edw J ITQ Il ttly l r r social and a en w ex- pired Warden per vY convicts then moved cheered AWMnst a RIrer T- s kl t r7tr nnfed ra is lie department e i t- phIB willbe Ga pica ¬ ¬ > > < > Prohibited Post Clerk You those coins In a letter Tou know that X rV what am tgolagto Youve got algn putside that says Post No Bills If you can keep a good afloat for only one y you at least twentytfour hours r of good v if It would be tough on It they were to got what they deserve r Theres no forqrol than the highest class cigarette While iti It h yet M r satisfying that three out el woat h v r ay other 15a eiteettc P Ask your dealer feFyitM i WARRAHTt- nmtaiot M ont ocionrt r teL Strange WoU a J t re I I 7 j p f tI- s t- t r it 7 eas h smoken J- 4N a J f llellaro W ItI e ll1fauo 1f t i lWt1 fir h I 1tf II Y HI 1 i r 2 t5- Ii A t r J J r Office cant fait ought dot t Yr Y baa done t ort soma urea p V Tobacco moi c N i gild v e k q r- IBw a S r 4 LAND EOME Aban colony r w etatea4 r a ea of tea rraa iibr tK aelrti v- i4I I r > < > < < < > = < < < = +

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Page 1: 1 I l SANG ROUSC jufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/92/00080/00250.pdf · Tik1 u ¬ ¬ < > > > < < < < ° < MARIANNA REPORT Governor Trammel Transmitted



rt 71

kc iYl

I r r

5 ju


6 a4




Early Adios On Fltrida Plat Act 1



C6nalderable Argument Over Prbvlslon Of The Sill Now Have Been

Agreeably Settled

Tallahassee The Florida plant act0 1916 which Is the shdrt title of thetUPwhlch provides the necessary anu-

Munition and generalship with whichroute the crop ipests of the state

citJalhg citrus canker seems to beof passage now

There has been considerable argue

inent over ho provisions of the billsince its favorable report from its

and there were those whoopenly talked opposition to it on theground of its being class legislationThese went so far as to declare alsothat should bo some revenueproduction section attached sayingthat If the game and the fish

of the state arc madeselfsupporting then the citrus

also jhould at least furnish themoney to fight Its common approach

l hiwg Urged OR Ueleg7






















t enemy




Because of the factFlorida would not be Florida without

clues fruit industry and because-of the inslduousncss of the disease

tho legislature asa whole has taken to tho broad viewof the matter that it Is the duty ofthe state to provide for tho protectionof its Industries and it i protectionand no revenue that the act protided

This stand with thebeing taken by the members-

of this on all other great questions affecting the state or any con

of itand It e safe tofar in advance of the ses-

sion cltislrig that when adjournmentdoes cpmethere will hays been enact-ed the fewest and themo t constructive legislation that anylegislature has ever sent out in asession

nel of the that taking them as awhole they ate the most efficient SS-minonsejised and earnestly endeavoringset of the state has Rent to TalJahossee in over n dccadq

Not only Is this spirit of safety firstvisible Itf the house of the legislaturebut oven In the committees of bothsides where all that is tomake for gallery applause and catch-ing of the vote of the dear people isExpected bohandled seridusly there

the same spirit of earnestness thatdemands that bills patently bad oreven seemingly injurious lv-

unVBcrutlnjr and diflapprpval fraa tKa



Repor That Commission Bill Has litAV r

For-t pasjage-

flaiiahMsee TkcTampa commlsslon charter bill faces doom Although

hfe collcagjiOi Representative Wilderwhp opDOses the treasure was notprefientbecauae of Illness Jlepreeentat-

4ve Martin endeavored to have Tampagovernment charter bill

adopted by house sitting jn specialSession consider local bills Qnly-

JJcaptte the fact that Representativesolemnly and fervidly assured

the house that he had not receivedrequest frra any of his constituentsriot to press passage of his com-mjaslbn form Representative Wild-er received a ten feet longfroni citizens of Tnmpa requestinghim to use every effort to kill thebill

Representative Harrison pf Duvalcharged Mr Martin with toll

Ing the house committee that NeitherWHder nor Senator Himes would

jQghtr the 111 also that Mr Martin-r hM given tho committee to understand

he favoredtho referendumfcSto all such charter bills and e thebill now has 9 clause

J WT yfeamIne Insurance AgentsJ

Harrleon has Introduced in ho house ameasure which requires that Insurance

in the atateof Florida shallifi before the insurance commissioner

Tides hat ovary foreIgn Uoin any dporating iff the state will beTeto pay an annual ijconj of 2 each





s d ra

d rOgat

so much fs

t t r1te-CMIer it tZi-4 111

It men

pp e d







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J lll111asse



r e thg oru zed ni to h i








cants was

aesed this



an truth thieconsoryatifim ahi9 t1 1Ft tile capitatllati the eta q

Lpurve y Ge





s tie Chance






lc Mrf k

r clause

s sprit




ion sto his qualifcatlons-i bdorebIhg Appointed ini ur-

s will pow-s

ko aMpqJgtmlat attyo a

rQ ifrieo agentpile pro




P t pt r q4 r

atalwM a-

Tik1 u













Governor Trammel Transmitted toSenate petalled Of In

dustrlal School

Taliahasseey The report of theboard of Managers of the Florida n-

duatrial school for boys at Marianawas transmitted to the senate by Gov

with briefest pos

sjblo letter of transmissionThe report Is comprehensive and

shows fully what Is being accomplished at the Institution According tothe report the numberof inmates onApril 1 1915 was 225 whichIs the

enrollment for the institutionTo maintain the institution the

board of mangaers asks that theof 150 per annum forbased upon the number

the quarter previous be allowedor use a lump sum appropriation of

40000 for the first year and 50000for the second year bo allowed somuch of which as shall be necessaryon the estimate of 150 for each inmate being paid out to the board

Additional appropriation of 55000Is asked this year for building Im-

provement and betterments Includingadministration building and schoolbuilding burned five threestory brickcolleges accommodating forty boyseach cold storage lighting sys-

tem water supply and sewers smalluptodata and stock cowsImplements and general equipment

R port



sumeach I n1ate



rpported dur-ing






Liquor Regulation Act Not Expected-To Get Much Active


Tallahassee Tho Davis regulation-act seems to bo doomed to emascula-tion by before it will overbp Considered as possible by membersof either or senate fromcommon talk of many in both sidesof tha capital

The bill Is a peculiar one that isthere is not another like it in any statethat undertakes to control or regulatethe sale of intoxicating liquors

It is not temperance theybecause provides the 8ans hero

a man mustbay more than hW

and thus ln-

dufgtf Intemperately to get rid of the-

reat without wasting It It is apt

binder certainif Is hot a Vllqupr blll lo

It strikes at the business by cripplingit

lust Where to enter it in the catlogue of enactments should it passwill be Interesting to watch andlikewise It will be interesting to seeand hear Which of the triangularparty Interests the shouts of approval-or the Jeers pt derision will emanate


Believed Womans Franchise MeasureWill Have Adherent

In enat rf-

tBenftte committee

gaye tn of theof the people of the equal fran-

chise constitutional amendment onolone vote and the result Is there willbe little chance for the success of the

at this sessionMrs It C Cooley president of the

Florida Equal Franchise League hasleft for Jacksonville and Dr MaryA Safford of the StateEqual Suffrage arrivedafter an absence of several days

It has been understood that the legof the two bodies

which were together here severaltimes decided to accept no partialmeasures such as allowing women tovote in school or bond elections un-

der proper qualifications but to stand-or fall the one demand that

suffrage on a plane withmen be given them


South Historical Commission Bill Car-

ries An ObjectionableAppropriation

Tallahassee To provide for theappointment of a Florida member anddefray his expenses in an effort ttfhays the Southern states

a member each of the SouthernStates Historical Commission a billhas been Introduced ij the bouse byForest Lake of county Itcarries with it an appropriation of

3610 which Is Said tp bo onlyobjection thus far raised to the bill

The bill IB entitled an act provid-ing appointment of a comasstoner and present to the leg

states at next fibaslons tic J

of compiling a hIstOryVnited States for we Itf the ubidl-scbpola of such fljatea S

duties qf fcjiich maklnjfl-ateappropriaUon for the salary

of such commissioner andproviding for the pjiyment of same


Itbypr btrs 4 mand8

P lt ti

tJ titstrictl ns


1 lltfon au




e nJn lo




or italiowp gtorybodybud tri





other ap-


for thevisit

lelatutes roar the several Southernmat-

ter of


rs f k 14










Discovery Dodsons Liver Tone Acts Like Calomel But

Doesnt Gripe Salivate or Make You Lose a IDays Work Harmless Liver Medicine

Read Guarantee


New I

ont t

for Men f 7f Women il en









Ughl Calomel makes you sick Its horrible I

the tonight and tomorrow youmay a days work

Calomel ls mercury or quicksilver which causesnecrosifl of the bones Calomel when it cornea Into

sour bile crashes into It breaking it upis when you feel that awful nausea and cramping-

If you arq sluggish and all knocked put if your liveris torpid and bowels constipated or you have headachedizziness coated tongue if breath is bad or stomachsour just try a spoonful of harmless DodsonVLlverTone tonight

Heros my guarantee Go to any store and get a 60cent bottle of Dodsons Liver Tone Take a spoonful






A stranded buting lady was obliged to put up At adilapidated country hotel Sheglanced

about tho officely the register and took thebrass from the proprietress

water in my shedemanded

replied the projrietress There was but I had the

The jUauitHoer do tho Belgians

quartering ofpigs on thorn V

should Imagine with Booted dis-


Examine every bottle ofOASTORIA a safe and sure rmedy fortafanttC dad children and that it

Dears the

What the matter with that so-

ciety glrtyoure attending doctorShe vary much ptthat

sinking feelingWhy isnt she right in the

sUIt lead

frow rclu taJ1l

ts there m 1






1 OTKhLiLiPi





a n

tyou suppose


Stgaatnreot3iaNrp r







Tty QuicklyIt Relieves

Sid h la delicious

is a clean

Instead of rauftard Will notblister

Doctors and rimes MUSTEROLEand recPmmeaditto their patients

will gladly tellThroat Bronchitis

Stiff Neck AsthmaLum

Aches of Back orSprains Sore Muscles Bruises

Feet Colds of theChest it pf Pneumonia

druggists in 25c andand a size for

Be tb genuine MUSRefuse what

auk for The CompanyCleveland Ohio

OurJJTIIETOttir DiIiirt

Up weloM with 0d to Co

9849 ShsfflaM Aw D i A CWcatoyour Dima and vUttn-

d uiy recttr hi returntrial p di oeetatalwr IW Howand Tat or cough soldand croat Fills f palaIn rhaunMtfOn fcadt

d S4rlliA ol r CtOf-

I1 K dwa aivMnMatelvoaTtnltotC-IMH eta

M atcr

s llcomes take It place

Wment made It





50tIU t





ache sad andartIo a

7i-JAVEttbezotfttter fokU till

pet-I49rIIT Si IJ-Ws




I4-i9 3

t r4 1

k ri Jtc r q

HowMUS1L iWtEInbri kl

seething to

tard Useplaster




At your SOc Jars






top skin

kidneyand thoroughly

lag aaWartlcta6plo 1ooeaf1 uwtyso s


alck beiSsAOr aeepa l d-


4a K11d 104 anJ

I allInoatd0Ma-


vtftale aartklasi-aaraatad teUnwrw pall for X-

IAI9t919ltei Si xatl Ln acsastra R







and If It doesnt straighten you right up andmake yonfeel tine and vigorous want you to go back to thestore and get your money Dodsons Liver ToneJroylng the sale bf calomel because it la real livermedicine entirely vegetable therefore it can not sali-vate or make you sick

I guarantee that ono spoonful of Dodsonswill put sluggish liver to work and clean yourbowels of that sour bile and constipated waste whichclogging your system and making yoU feel miserableI guarantee that a bottle of Dodsona Liverkeep your entire family feeling fine for months Qlvit to your children It is harmless doesnt gripe andthey like its pleasant taste



rLIver Tons

Tonee I








Something LackingMr the architect pad

been Invited down to the Clarks todisplay the plans of Clarks new houseto some guests

Here is the front elevationthe architect as bet laid the

plans on the library table in-

spection of the visitors with theoutside gal-

lery this Is the cast elevationthe tower

After various comments beenmade by the Arthur aged

who was enormously interestednew

where lire the two mortgagesfather aid ho was going on

Because Free From Dandruff ltchlnffIrritation arid Drynf

May be brought about bwith JHllctini

cleatiTry these BUjj rcre Biy it

flu have any hair tfriealp 4nmbleeach By mail UrttK BopkY

Address postcard CUticura XiBoaton Bold everywhere Adv






tt fJ1


litol1l l1tt



window and theshow-


guests littlesevendo the bouee cried


antp y

bl good ltafry alp t










The Way Out

twp the razorback varietymorning when he to

feed thorn they ere notthe matter Under

asked a ndlighbor noticing the deepdejection which the old darkywas looking down into the empty

penMy hawge Js doneStolenNoJ Buhl I don no signs daj

anybody stolfemDld they climb the topNo sub Day couldnt do datHow do yoil think they got awayWell sub my pinion is dat dem

hawgs kind o raised thelrselveaaidge an crppe through a crack

the LectureAn amazing Incident happened re-

cently in a school in the north of England The master hisclass of boys on smoking and theevils attending It

Suddeniy fee BOW a grin overspread-ing the faces of his scholars and onInquiring the Innocentlooklug Cherub yelled outs

Please sir yer pipes sticking outof yer

The smoking lecture abruptlybrought to a close

The Inquisition uFathen said the boy do

rabbits lay Exeter PggstiLNo

a rabbitat alibis It r

Is there anything th ta rabbit ison the level about

An Adequate n MrThe moon was flickering

over a ot as theysat side by side in after park Hoglanced out across and sawthe Statue of Liberty ia he ehaflpwy-

glopm j

I wouder why have its lightsoBJnaU JtfdntbetJIssfuli-ilbnce


a pen


W a s




cause all



my sonbciaWelsh

NoFatherWent Jf



tul 1e tohIs the

it tJ IJ1f

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tlnce eke lad confined Inpigs









be broke

anspered eke jsasquhtope hti tried

illn from tits sit 1Iet

irBYt rkr hari

a r










Millionaire Celebrates His ReleaseFrom Federal Prison at Atlanta-

In Novel Way

Frederick A Hyde millionaire ofOakland Cal celebrated his releasefrom the United States penitentiaryhere by scattering nearly amongthe convicts

Hyde who was a busi-ness leader in California was convict-ed of and Sentenced tothree years From the momentlered prison he began planning to calobrato his release Hocelebration fund and it to

nearly 300 time his termWith Zerbeats

mission Hyde addressed theand began scatteringThe convicts de and

as lie left



lydj was employed rVr

York dramatic critic 3anx nreleasedpatch to Los Angeles Crimea



band fraudshe

aestablished a


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Tf H br tI dfJeifslijgh 7-trJ w Jt1

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Il ttly

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pired Warden per vY



AWMnst a RIrer T-

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is liedepartment e i t-


willbeGa pica







ProhibitedPost Clerk You

those coins In a letter Touknow that X rV

what am tgolagtoYouve got algn putside that

says Post No Bills

If you can keep a goodafloat for only one y

you at least twentytfour hoursr

of good vif

It would be tough on Itthey were to got what they deserve

r Theres no forqrolthan the highest classcigaretteWhile iti It h yet M rsatisfying that three out el

woat h v r ayother 15a eiteettc

P Ask your dealer feFyitM i


nmtaiot Mont ocionrt



Strange WoUa

J tre I






s t-

t r it








llellaro W

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lWt1 fir h I1tf


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Office cant faitought


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baa done t


soma urea



Tobacco moi cN i






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LAND EOMEAban colony r w etatea4 ra ea

of tearraaiibr tK aelrti


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