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Post on 30-Apr-2018




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Page 1: 1 . I - '0 - - • .. ·, -~· it.~ .. .archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/THE...tloket_cornpoeed of IUch Dlflil .. . . · f a number · &u:t M.~tteial ~-:

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Page 2: 1 . I - '0 - - • .. ·, -~· it.~ .. .archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/THE...tloket_cornpoeed of IUch Dlflil .. . . · f a number · &u:t M.~tteial ~-:



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tJ. 60 A YEt.:AR, • - • ' .,

Enlered J uoo 7th., 1002 aa aeoonu r.lua mHt~r. J.>010t OtDrP at No~:! I, ·-N-ew Alu• • leo, Act of C•ugre111 of 1\larob 8rd., 1879. ,

• Anr•ounooment.. in lk>uthern Nuw M~xio •· we lflanll

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. ' polh!Qilio's, Jmve been dlsmia&ed

• • hy tbe DctJartmeot ofJo~Jtice upon tba gro.unde thut tboy \V~re uutiue.

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• AnJ Pla.oe·ahd Any fUse .Bo:re

' . . ·" . '

Juhn M11ler, tt miner of this plnoo lnul business ut ~North Cup.

_.3 ~WBAT& c~.K~· . ullt _at_t~rn.l·.l~•!clu.!l~~~n~l·'o lh•ll __ t_ l-tro:;7-r::c:o·-· .. -Jc._.:..· . .:.·. --~~~~4.~1UlJ.;r

Prompt w.orJc. Oaaiug and Tallk furui.eh11d at .right .JlfiCIIt. .Ad· drt~11~. J, JJ. t>ERRY or

~ ...

We are autborlzed to announc~ tbe to "Kpottk out! JU rneotln1'' n~ul ' '· · .NooA.T!, N,' ~r;· •. r L L AN ALLA ror re·nnmlna• • • . btu! bt-cn in the pl11ce three buUrll 0"me" · · f cull th1ngat h~· tht'Jt' uurrect oame11, · 1.. · · ·· •


• •



, •

' • •

Unu ,0 the uftloe or J.>robate Olerk o " · . bti Willi vr<Jt.>re<l Ot\t of (be c~wp by • U T. . Llncnln County,subjoo\ t& lhe ohulce of . . J. 11. LIOUTFO'Yl', Ertlrur. , .•• ,,... .... ,.,,tative" . uf the Ctlpillln ROBT. H R I .. ru·ggt'st .. •· ·. the &pubiiOIUJ Q~Juuty Convention. ~ • · • · 1'1 l"t. 1· '0 · .. - AI M

. Polltica tiru wnrmil1$! up .nulll ••·. •· •mpauy. .'e ..,.,a come:,ny . ap1tan '" _· .. . FOR Tli&AIIcHn ANn ooLLJtCTOa. there are . quit•• 1,, uuwtr r ·~h .. ~'!'"''""d that M11ler bud gone to . .

I boruby aonnuoce lll711llr u a cand~ have pollticul' rtl" hnz.~ln•· ,1ronnd Cnpilun t? tiecure htborers for. the .., date before tbo- Republlcau Oouaty Oou l th • bo mlnl!& bcre tberllfOre be was gtv~,>n Yeotlou oflhl.e c1111Dt7 Cor upmlnatioD to n Nr ntwt •• . 1 . . . . . . . the otnce or Treuurer ..t EI·OtDolo t>~ bt• . fifteen minutes to get out of . the Phyaicians• PrucriptioUA CArl\fullv

H T!l.e ~pu ICJIII t•uuut\' ~CIDVt:rl-.. Th' • b f · ·t · • • Collootor. --~-E_ .. _w_._vLBERT. -;..t. · . · cnu1p. JIUS ul one f!tlttmce o cotnpountled d•y or Uijlht. · tldn W b\,mioate Ct~~llhlulc8 for lbc. this kind in nutny · lhl\t' . w~ ·COUI;l . •

P'oa A»-"'R. vatlo118 counly ••fiiccK. will meet mcnlicm 'W'c Ilk Ia tb~ Cttl)llllD • I berebJIDDOUDCe myael! Ill a caodl,. t!Omelime about Sept ltit • • • .• ~ • . . . . - . .

date rort.boft!cl' or A•••~•or of Llacolo • • • \ oolll ~mcun Free Amea:~t PATENT ~ l Xl'Cl·J IS. oount7, •ubJect to the amlou of U.te The Democratlocounty conven... · = --..!......-- f'• ·-.. ··- • .:~'-·· .. -~--:i=r- ... =·~~ · Rop~bliC1lll oountr rr::::~lo~ .. lfuaT. don to. UOWibltte candtd~fcB for th6 . 'Tbt!tifWii8 Jl MUDDY ind "JHif,. - CO.:fTEsT !fOTlCE: ..

variqua oquoty offices, will meet at rot ti~o in tb~ ~"Jl!OCI'Iltitl· caucus ne~artment ur the. ln~nnr._ I am • candidate for tbe omce or Llocuto August 16. There it1 " over on the Bonito Jut S.turday. · llnlttUI Htatea Land Otflce-.

AIHMOr or Lincoln o,Q,IID\1 anbject to • . · b - ·· . · . N. li. JUilfl tth. JOOt.=A be will of tbe Republican oouat) ooa .Javel~ conte11t. for the em ply opor lt llfl~R.ra thut the Ow?n men bid ClOIItefi llll'lda•h l&nlas b:t'tu Yentlon. UAYIDif tslled tbls oftlce before of oo10g nommftlt'd for , eberitr.. a UliiJIInty upou orgnmzaticn, but Died ill tbl4 om011 II)' o. H. Speed, t()ft• I uk • carerulluapectlon of m1 boob, • • . · the Whit~tde men W6Ut outaidfl &.&tant. aii,Ml&Hit flomeettd •atry ~olllf .. to m7 ablllt7. The~ 1~ a batt~r fight ~·o in the and but~tled u ·a few-ne· tiblicttba made SfJlt.eml~rtab,tatS tMThe &ulh

Joa. A. OV)U(; DemocratiC J>llrlY of . thas (.'01\Dty ~:· ' ~ t • r to . W.r• Qull~fet, bfdiOD Sl'; TQ.,aalalp $,H. -~-K-.u-.. -,,.-.-. - ~r tbe nomination for sheriff. The auu nllnors 110 wen 10 cap- n: 18 E by Jam.-s S Qae;a OCHtttft.t.to, ta

b If 11 a~n • tibet . J. b 'Ur·0 · · ture tbe delegation, wbicb they itlullf«tdtlaaualclui!Ctttflalld • J here 1 auaouaee m:rM • con.ea 8 . ween o n ". · WCill' .Jd d . . 1 h 1 1 ~.a llbtlbt[,•Af'd bt tH a~~ld j'11m,.• dldale f()r tbe oi'!Sce of alleri!r of Lin· of ·White Oaks and J. W. Whitt• d -·~m oJDg a 1 t ~ rtogu llt y .· In· \ha< be. 'b• ,..kl,.TalltH s. ootneouat:r eubftot to the.,lll oftbei i·• ~ea it Wb''- t ·f organJ~dcaucullhad don~. A . • uotnt'c:upit'401'ttilfdeduJ11"' RepubllGaO eouot:r COft\'liDtion. • .&Ott~' p an. .. ' lav tn:Qe ~ call bn~~ been i86UOO !or~ new eaU• ,·. . fttr 1101'6 tlaltl'l .(IQ6 yrar- J•t. n. D. ABJIUTJIO!'O. the dellgKtcS hllYe been cbo:&eD If. . • • . . p~r. a.ad th~ •• IICb •btetK• .... !'UK Oll

. cu& to meet -t l~mtp'". &tturd~y of lf'l'YJ.Oe to ctut 4m:tr. Hny f>f' tam acll:ldldate torlh• RepubJIMD Je lfO' close that a cban~t•f • few t .· 1 t . tb · t t del_. t • lJ:t aay war l!l wllkh tlte

oomiuatlc>u for· the oUice of aberrlr or votM in the conv"ntion tnay turn ° f*C ~c a no.· er ~ • 0 . . ~1!111 ~, t.tae& ::: ::f '!:: LtDOOJa 00u~~,t1 and aile the auppott ot tb tid it is. ~Jgned by a large number of Jaet Pllt't th~r rar.uy 1111. Bbould the Bepubllraaa or 'Llo- " e. • the best Domocrahl of the precinct or ~t~~ld J'arua~ mem• colo countJ..teclme .. &belr caudldllk A womatl sayuo old batchelor ·who ire unwilling to have their b&rthl!reof: . . ue. 111011" for Uala c4ce, and l llll'l ele,cted 111J'()ID• . • ' . . · • . . . .· . , · !Sed to llJ)J)f'lft re&powd _lliiU, oCfer. eTl· 1.., to dlecb•...,. ·Ute duU.. or the otft4e wouldent be nbstted without an pobtiCAl rip;btll tbnstampered wath d&noe touohiD.K aalcl all&~tiOti at . 10

-·- Jl l 1 b .. h ·. . . b .~ b . . lt . •tt•·- t t~.J o'~lock •· I'll. oa Aa~~ot 9th, 110!1 Ill-fore fallbfull1 &ad lmJIIrlla 1· unoa urs ump on er 150mew ere .enu 1 e reiJU wa uo a con ea ou 111 A J"ewett, lroU.ry ·Pahllc at OCTAYAtu·o PaaaA. For a time the bu11tle aufftced.J delegH.tlon from precinct 1g ln tbe 't.hti)('lht onu.tt Nw Muioo. ·---·-- • • h 1 • . . • lllial l~HrlDif will blr laeklat & tlltaqe-. . . 'l'be!>iga.lee_l'O~l_Lag __ 'tl~ll~~U!'* _i_D~..mogOO!~..®un_ty_~llYeJ.lljon. •· ... ..,.-Avplt _l~Ut .1m

b b b t..t .. · · x· • · · the~*'~ 1UK1 ~ver at Ut-e Witb this iasue there is • ump on er 8 ou "'e. Olllle.. ne .. ~ . . · • Ktatd Lead Ollce ta Roawell bl d · · but did not Jaat loog. Tb6- bump- ThedelegatMfrom :Nogal to the .·

chaoge in th• owoen P an muo- then mj)ved ftot11 aooulder tO cnlf. Democratic county coa1Ve:odon ito agment of the RuullLtOJ.N. ~r. Jus& now it i~tthe f•4- to w.kr a instruct~ for w. A. ltciven ·. feeta ~~-:!~~ C. H. Bro'fu bavlog _sold bl& 1~- sbirtwairst that looks ae if. at pee~ repreeentatin and w: E. Duuler _ ·. n 11 . . ~reilaad dmcttd terttt ltl tbe ptli!lttooU!erpratlea .. of .@p}llM btd {>eea_gum~ totq It ~utfndnt; . rm.~\~l!!t-m'ftl1fn4Ma.ad-

Tbe uod-e~iguetd wlll .m.a- ·front. · · · reeiden~ ·of •Nogal at~d are ltowuo L!tr..Ali'XJ." . '-- ' . . . . . Recletet.

age tbt .,-per In ~~fUture for tua Squaring him.Mll witb. the De-. ai;riong our belt. citizene. It :l& DATto L. Gieiu. · pneont owae:r- who wllllncorpot.. plrllilent of Justice if not th.e end tou'Qty De~o-cracy tuake up a . . . .. ~,..,. ate tho plant tato • iti}Ok: cotl1- ot Ju<Jge ltoWlljn'• trouble. . tloket_cornpoeed of IUch Dlflil ..

. . · f a number · &u:t M.~tteial ~-: . . . • .. tbeeo there will be bard work pt.DYt oompoH<l

0 · · W~uld tb-e ne. uonttnu.' to .,er- fQftbt :.JlepttWoana w witt. ·

·' '

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oouuty. · , . trau<iulentcbarg.e •• .thoe. · Carta- known mbnng. wen 1uN~w Moxtoo Tbt policy of Ui~J.:pa~l will re- ·bf.d reeoluUulia'. That t&140 r~· .ll• ia a moat ll"t.ric.iia and- public

main tb•-ume; oOtlt\liU!Dg- · . ·. lutiiHI~t *.~ b~ "Upon Ia~ tepl'f.. · . .. $ontlergaar and hilS _·. · the "me tdllott.l ~i.ali_gtmO'nt. . . tent&U.,nart pi'Ci)veu b)t tbt · .. · fiiends wbo would ·l>t 1tlid· to

Ottr·tAotto·.wlll b4t.to11 .. d In· tb•· th.•~ -~-,~Qh"tt~nt.w•r.mld•{Jmuot~~mwttb tJN,ir •o~·- t-rot .

• upbuttdtor.r·of Llaool~: Q()Unt"t· lld ... ~ mQI!~\ 0! ~· . pirtl~~· W~)n._~ttd,ley itJlhe Pt.tQ~(>Rl · ·.. • .. · . .; . ·" · .a.ue 'fO!i(ht1bOtW IIOW "atagq ttpoa tb N 1~18 ilti4~u "'&D

YinlalllJlb.~i)\ aiit Tati~·- . . . . . . . •tate-u~niofbut Wtt-~n6D,$y u~to:&t. ·-110~ ~~~Ued in New ural~~·· ·t.at~~t-~il.l~• · · .. A<.ll*'t -whtt th·• lit.Sllier ·M,xtoo, · ·--~ .J.. popular1. · ·

· !~1.0 il to.akl ia tt.~t pft>~~toa Ulty and Htr:ttww~ wJIQ if JW~{IJpfrited w:m ~r•r.r w•y q~Mliled . cOl. 1f«<t.Imtt!' MfetptlM . . · "~ artottt •t • TU~rri ,tor · to.Alt u.. olio., attd tllec . polt4y tnlt ~ • (lot\liJ"Yttlit obtatnta,, tiiOD11 uildt~ fat• p~ ;ceruinl't : ;r®ld· b. · font~~• · --poU~.v atKl _othftwllt. .M •• to•• Ud.it ftllttd box. .tor .a~ .. ~layt~s: ~oh 1i eom"Pttw-t e<· I·Q o.to.:J: ut bowJi \(J *tl.r •••r.t. C)ft.iftb tae t~toBlce ~on._. .. _ . · . . attlit ~d bf o~r ~... ·

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·Repub'Uoan., · • . - .. , . .. ~ . . I . . . . . ., .I : .. ·-·---.~·-~· .• ..... - ... -~-... - . . ,. . -....... -· ·.::; - ·.~ . " 'l . ' ' • 1'.. . "


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NeW goods cotlStantJY arriVing ! . .A clean~ ~- ~.---- _ . ~.and·~· Compl:ete .. up-to~date~---5t-ock~~······ ·


~· •

. ' • ' ! • • • ' •

• • .. ' I • • • • . . .. ... ... ' .

Just ~eceived-·Another shipment of 'the· celebrated Hantilton.-Brown Shoes.

• •

• •

. . •


~ .. • • <l ~

. ~New,ne~kwear.: new.collars,··~~W--hats,~i .. i ·

Latest ·styles ..... Lowest Prices ..... Best ...

• • •

~QuJiity .. · · · · . . · . · . • • •

• •

• • • •


,:A car or first ·ciass Eastern'Corn now at ·Walnut station. Oet our .Prices· -on Quantities. · . ·· . · ~.

• •

• •

• ••

Distributers of High Class rlerchandise. W;.A~ XoiVF!BS. " .

A~ £·. Williams.

Mining Broker.

) . .

. '

. . ·'·

. ' . '

'' . . . . .

Surveyor and : Civil l_ngineer.

. . '" .

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• • • '. • • NQgal Republl~an .. .,

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C._Y!III Are IJ!IIIDa" JJaUt trader 8o-oel J. , IJI(UIU'I• . .

W.c have fire dr(lla !n 9Ur public . II IK'hOQIIJ 1n tl1e eAat. vcey. effective •. •• . cnr.o of t!ltii'Tf:lllll'Y. In ICnna:u1 they i.:~ ,. :•fo 11H• drills, or, it ~hey lluw, we tl.ln,,.t 11 111 hrur d .U.. (tut>tlicre tor­nu. " nn• n.orll to lw 1 t:dcil~ tidm

•t·r now • liYb \l.o

Will Sell. You a Fine Suit of

. '

• at or . • • •' i J,,. <' ' uoh·hildo •

IJ,.,.,.,,oi.n·,i in toriiadotl.,. .. ~ ' ~,:~ .. ''l, • 9

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. lJI'.,;Gullmtntce a .Fiettn.thrll yn.!t Clfot!wr 'J'hui Wear.


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"l\"a& JO~r om.-twukh!f ttl~ to Wdla· Young Lad.Y (tD al'IM'ant)-Anna, nntl·l lllgtona&Utt~u~ ,~

lbo muale on FMo; I'm goinJ10 .. Yu; In a 'W:ty." · ,. '~ -1o·1~nde lllaettu. "You cot a P'ilce'l'" .

. . . t J! ........... ..;: ~.!.> ' ~!~,..,. __ . ,... 4 .'; *b

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CAitlUZOZO ... •• .uwno T.EOOLOTE <~OltON A TOIUtANOf; · lfATUNO


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on t ~rwet 0 ~

•. WMIT JU•~"~IJ 't ~ F~i'llf',~'-- ~~~

El. Paso .. Rock Island Route. • •

'l'we ~rrllll• .uat•llla. . tt_No. Dyl,.y pW~entemplo,rmulkla't We &:2 u bllt'<S to lte>fP tho-u doc!k tne loi' the time lt. took to _.ke .

...... , ttom .our trot~t door. • U.t~ttru~.-Wublnxtn Star. ,~1s 11IE-

• Dut .omettmu "'• h.&tdar atUI

To lees> a Wll)' Ua• llcitt. ----------~M~.~-Wod&

.Xat ta •• CUat.1&h·_.. "No." .-ld Mt', nublltett, "I dott't

ftr:d the atrMipher~ otrrftnf1ftllt bare tlult •e ha1'e In Doltonl' .

Mill Wutlakt!-Otl;tt,o•'re I!)Oidtll tmr lnn1tmo11(''b~ l.lf nelnement • ..,. ~•n Nmlah tlaat. too. We )ta;e • branclt ol tb &ta.&ard olt worb Mtt. -<lillleqo Mew-.

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M}lafatd .. . "She. h:\d tb& 1:leWe \o him ~

hot bl~t 'Wet& ·

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Line to Kansas City, C{ticago, Denver·~ st. LOuis, Memp·· his

. .. ' and the way to Cloudcroft.

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The 1\Jogal ' -

S. T. G111y of Capitan was- ~ere . 1111 Sang.er hM moved . ·n buslnose Monday. froru ·

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•nd Lincoln · teh•pbnn£' line iiJ CQmple~ · · · •• · ·· 't •

f·lentJful on our streets. · to Pnrsons 'but .tho fnsta;umeots · ' .'·.A, .1', BOBEif,~s;, : Prop~ . . \V. M. Murray 1s doing tbo Pre not wt in working ord~f·. . ·· . . . , .


. .

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... rpontor work on • Mrs. Ander- Mrs .. u. L. A,ndtl1'80llllnd dnugb· B~ard and R~ms. Rates. Reasonable. ••

"'ID!J DOW resfdeO'C8 . .4 fer arrjypij .J1oro lrHnl ' · . ' . · ~· -~ ' .. . - .. . . ., .. · .J9bo ·w. Owens and Judge Ill., thilc m!>rnhl~-t: • ··. ' . ' . . . • . . • . , • " acJJypy of Wbito 0Aki w.cr.e 1n Tiw _cdJtot--huK . -~stable-·J'n ·Connectton~"~ h

. 1 own .Monday. (rom upclo Geo. ~UI!t1 • whn i$ how · ' .. .. .. . . ~ . · . • • . · ' , • Uoolo George Dillartl has pur- ut Heut'J~, Idatho, whcru be 14 tO• Hors.~s C~r~~ lor~ :Hay, a!!d Gram;,for Sale~

r;b~ the Jerry Hocradlo ranch Joying hun11elf. · · · ' :'-'7·. · · ·.··--· ... -' •-:i·-·r-*'·-.. ~14: := io .Nogal canon. Unclo tJcrry Hoct·•Aillt• Jill,. enlit . ~'h,.~ ::l::'r<?g~ · .· Saloo~!.

Silns May business manager ~f bi.s ranch In Nogrtl .canoo and tt .. • . . tbc Wb!to O~ks J.<.iuglo, \YM ~oQtompldin.f! a . .J ~rip rh .agb . • · Saturday on ·business connected 'Iouth ern Utub and N \'atltt: • W. . T • .. : . HEN L'E Y' , .n • ..

with his paper. · FA Coo ot the Glt!u('oo fruit · .. •n • • · . ·• • 1 . . d . b · · . • ·..vEALER· IN • William McKinley Lodge No. arm pms11e lb.roug town Tuesday . . • . . • .

25, Knights of Pytbins, of this GO route to w ~ile OJ&kiJ with • FINE: wINES.· ::IJIQUORS . . AND . o· IG A. no, plaoo now bats a memberahip of load ~~ 6n9 frmt., ,• · · , . . · . . . .• .1. 9 · • . . • ~ 11bout 40. J. M. Rice, general munager of • We .Cat~t to. th•., ·"=~nts of th~ pu!Jli~, '· ~ g~ Smith ha.t been abacnt h1 tbe ~gtc lllld American Mining · N· -'1... • .• • ·-· :.:_ lr. : . • .. . •



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1\ anctul.f'Jity tbo pt18t' week wbm compt~nlesill' nbSCllt lti-Cliica£_9-on ,· ' I ~~~.-:. I' --:'.··.·· .• ··~·= _,. • ~. New Xextoo. ' u

ht' went wtlb stock lor the mar· mining buaineas. · , . · u · c ·' m- ·-.· · ·, ··=·i•·'m"' • = ~ • l,l•t. El8Cwhere in tblll Jhlper muy •

• Myrllo Lod~j) No. 19 K. of P. be found 11 call fol! tbe)tcrublicao ·-., . ,;t Capitan' wilflfavo a pnt.Jio in- ootlnty convention to be,~~ ht!ld at • ,

• • • l'llLiatloo and grand ball toni~bt, Lincoln on Apgust 18~ See call , , 0Al!'.IT4l.f, lf. X (TburAday.) on Brat p1ge. · · ; · '

Abo May h18 purcbaaed the PBug .. ten brotbol'IJ, tho bu.stung · ' ~ !•'rank. Allison ranch near Capitan. fretgbteril1 aro dt'!liVerlng .twenty an 'J'bia gives l!tlr. .May ::~ne of tbo th.ouaand pounds of machinery • ·· · . · ··

• •

• • , IIL'bt deeded stock ranch.a Ia Ltn. tolbe New ~lex. · · . . .

. '··' ". ' culn county. . ico on •?d. Dtlveropment. Co~- . :. . ·. V"nde:.rta,ke::r.,s ;~ .. . . Len Br~ham and famnr wer.e pany at liJ"t Top Afounta.ul tbtiJ Shelf" See.iv~. :Et~ijw·axe

in from their ranch Monci!LY IUld "oek. . .. . • 'l'uesdtay vialtlng relativelf bora. Prot. W. E. Dudley h1111 lini!lb· •

Thcrt'l is no usG to tllsgulsc· the t'!d rt successtul terni ot school uu,

furt that there is " gloomy out· tbe Me!i ind hu •~pted a

' lnuk for rango stock in this sec- eitlon M saf~ruao with the Nogal ~· :------::::--::~--:::-~~"""':"'-:-::-- ~.~· :::"·--...-. ...... __..--..;. tion for the coming whnor. Merc4_ntile Company. · .. E. W. HULBERT;'"Prop.

. . Orus 1a th&,pootf.Bt. u .8;-S.-Doek, ·i!nperin~dont ~,.. ..... ~t. .. J.:ic.c:::::c)J.::J::J..., • . ..,..,""!"' e-· '??/P'---* ..,...


at this aeuonw1be year. the Iowa and .New M~xiqo Mining - .... ....., vv t~o~~...._Q...._._ H. L. AQtler~u, the eftlcieut co.mpany; ~ tbrou&h. towu

nnd gentlemanly book keeper at tb·e ~~ne&day on ~18 w.ay to White "

---..· Parton age of tlle Ttatto~ing Public SQllt!i&ed .. --..

American mtne exptoclt hfa wife · . . . . ~.~. ~. =====-=========:=. ===========================;== and daughter to aniv• here David L~_ Qelde..r~"'"• ..

. .

tbc·7th from Hereeher, Ill. . . jt;Wcler of Cbicctgo aildl will make! Nogal thdduturo home. a heavy etockholder Ja the EAgle

. .~· atf ~YT~i!ooe-tliit .--au1.r·e. 11· ;(8::. f~thl~~· -~· ~Roc~~•'k~~Ia;.~ ~la,nd·~· .~:th~~!i~;: ~~=~;~~ad lng d~s pay, tbt B. L. ~rk•r wilt te-maia tor •few d11.ya. ·. M•chlnM<y C<$~nyJ ot El P~. . ; · . . . . .. . . .. . . .· . whOS& •dnttiaemtn.t. appeara fli Bllll Of SaTe, Quit Oral~ J.Jet~l

. .

• • •

• . •

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