1 gestural and bimanual input doantam phan cs 376 discussion

1 Gestural and Bimanual Input Doantam Phan CS 376 Discussion

Post on 22-Dec-2015




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Gestural and Bimanual Input

Doantam PhanCS 376 Discussion


Marking Menus Pen-based radial

menu that allows users to select options based on direction of movement

Easy for novices and beginners

Faster to perform


Long Term Study Two users: one expert, one novice

annotated conversation data over a month

How else might the study have been done? How do marking menus compare to

context menus with keyboard shortcuts? Was there a non-marking menu way to

accomplish the tasks (hotkeys)?


Menus in the real world Many things are

still linear menus – barriers to adoption?

Pie Menus (in Denim, the Sims)

Alias | Wavefront Others?


T3 Prototype (Old) Tablets, Two-

Hands, Toolglass Allow independent

movement of toolglass and cursor

How would you make these features self-revealing? They say training

covers all


StudioPaint Dropped Rotation-

aware widgets Is this an issue?

Better Sweeping Have mix of GUI and

new input styles Would users be

interested in adopting T3 as it was or as it is in StudioPaint?


T3 Today

Tablet PCs are now in (not Wacom) Is two handed input that important for

drawing apps? Is there bimanual interaction with

a Tablet PC? Maybe give it a sensor that measures

orientation and attitude?


Real-World Interface Props Use passive props to

allow expert users (neurosurgeons) to manipulate a familiar object which controls a computer representation

As opposed to abstract gestures on virtual objects


Extending Props Props clutter the real world? Can you be precise with props? What are props good for? Only for

interacting with a 3D model? Can you make generic props (one

sphere, one cube, one plane, one line) and remap per application?

What about props versus haptics? Is it the difference between passive and active?


Future Gestures Minority Report -

Video manipulation John Underkoffler

(Media Lab) A consistent

language for gestures seems to exist in the clip (copy, zoom, frame)

Johnny Mnemonic – Navigation on the internet


Gestures versus Props

When are gestures used? When speaking … “I once caught a

fish…” Hard to specify precise quantities Most of the time our gestures aren’t

under our exact control. So when would it be useful?

Gesture versus direct manipulation?



Choose gestures, props, bimanual input (or all of them!)

What is a good use for them that isn’t one of the papers we read?