1 employer sponsored health insurance, part 1 econ 40565 fall 2007

1 Employer sponsored health insurance, Part 1 ECON 40565 Fall 2007

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Page 1: 1 Employer sponsored health insurance, Part 1 ECON 40565 Fall 2007


Employer sponsored health insurance, Part 1

ECON 40565

Fall 2007

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• Most health insurance in this country is provided by employers as a fringe benefit– Not all companies provide insurance– Function of the ‘tax-preferred’ nature of health


• Subsequently, insurance status is tied to employment

• However, the ‘group’ nature of the policy provides some benefits

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This section of class

• Outline some of the advantages and disadvantages of employer-sponsored health insurance

• How did we get this way?• How does tax preferred status change the

demand for insurance?• What problems does it solve?• What problems does it cause?

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• Will look at the implications of employer mandates – what will happen if we can try to require employers who currently do not provide health insurance to do so

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Tax Treatment of Employer-Provided Health Insurance

• Income from your employer is taxable• You take the income and spend it on goods

– Cars, house, food, etc.

• Under the tax laws, your employer cannot provide you these items directly to avoid taxes.– ‘Company cars’ used to be popular fringe benefit,

now they are severely restricted

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• However, the Federal government has established some ‘tax preferred’ methods of compensation.– When you receive certain items, they are not

taxed as income

• Two largest categories– Pension contributions– Health insurance

• Has been the case since 1954– If college employee, tuition remission for your


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• Taxes then reduce the cost of health insurance

• Because you do not have to purchase insurance in after tax dollars

• Ignores other important advantages of group coverage– Lower administrative costs– less adverse selection

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History of tax preferred status

• Modern health insurane began in the 1930– Blue Cross/Blue Shield – non-profit firms, began

offering pre-paid plans for hosp and MD visits– Offered to groups of employees– The blues were a success so commercial forms

began offering HI – 12.3 (9% of population) was covered by HI in 1940– Increased to 32 million by 1945

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• Why offered through employee groups?– Reduce adverse selection– Lower admin costs– Wage and price controls in effect

• Restricted wage hikes• To keep workers, started to offer fringes in lieu

of wages• 1942 stabilization act codified• 1943 administrative tax court decision that firm

payments for health insurance were not taxable as income

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• 1943 decision generated lots of uncertainty– Decision based on analysis from life insurane

provided to employees– Some question about applicability to health


• Certainty resolved in 1954 by IRS ruling stating explicitly that employer-sponsored HI was indeed tax preferred

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Fraction of Population Covered by Private Insurance

• Year Percent w/ Pvt Insurance

• 1950 6.7%• 1960 50.6%• 1970 68.3%• 1980 78.1%• 1990 73.1%• 2000 72.3%

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Example: Impact of Tax preferred status

• $1500 weekly earnings• Tax at 30% marginal rate

(state+federal+FICA+medicare)• Suppose you can get insurance for

$100/week• Implications of tax preferred status• Key assumption: firm does not care how

they compensate you. They only care about the total cost of employment

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• Firm is indifferent between paying you– $1500/week in wages or – $100/week in insurance, or $1400 in compensation

• Both of these are expenses for the firm and treated equally as costs

• What is the net after-tax income when health insurance is tax preferred and provided by the employer?

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• Without tax preferred status

• Receive $1500• Minus taxes $450• After tax $1050• Insurance $100• Net income $ 950

• With tax preferred status:

• firm gives you $100 worth of insurance and $1400 in income

• Receive $1400• Minus taxes $420• Net income $980

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• You make $30/week on the deal• If the firm gives you money to buy insurance,

the govt takes 30% away before you can spend it.

• To get you $100 cash to buy an insurance policy, a firm would have to pay you $142.85– Pay you $142.85– After tax, $142.85(.7) = $100– Notice that $42.85*.7 = $30

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Tax Benefit of EPHI

• A family w/ $70,000 in income

• 36.5% marginal tax rate– 25% federal– 3.5% state (Indiana)– ~8% Social Security and Medicare

• Want to purchase $12,000 policy in AFTER TAX DOLLARS

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Without tax advantage:

• Receive $18,897 in income

• Pay 36.5% or $6,897 in taxes

• $12,000 left over for health insurance

• Net benefit of tax deduction is $6,897

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Modeling the budgets

• Firm willing to pay workers I dollars in compensation

• Workers faces a marginal tax rate of t percent

• Worker can spend after tax dollars on– All other goods (X), with a price of $1– Health insurance (H), with a price of $1

• Budget constraint– X + H = I(1-t)

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• Most you can spend on H is I(1-t)• Most you can spend on X is I(1-t)• If a consumer wants another dollar in health

insurance, must give up $1 in other goods• Slope of budget constraint is therefore -1• Now consider a situation where health care

is tax preferred

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Slope = -px/py = -1

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• Firm will pay a total of I dollars in compensation– Can be any combination of salary (S) and health

insurance, so long as it sums to I– Salary is taxed at a rate of t, can be used to

purchase X

• How much X can you get?– I=H + S– X=S(1-t), and S=X/(1-t)– I=H+X/(1-t)

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• Suppose you spend all your money on X, – I = H + X/(1-t)– X = I(1-t)

• Suppose you spend all your money on H– I=H

• Notice that the budget constraint has now rotated about point b

• What is the slope of the budget constraint?– -1/(1-t)

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Slope = -py//px = -1/(1-t)

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• Recall what the slope of the budget constraint equals, -Px/Py or, what you need to give up in Y to get 1 more unit in X– In this case, how much H you have to give up to get one

more $1 in X

• Before, tradeoff was one for one• Now, to get $1 in X, it costs you 1/(1-t) in H

– Suppose t=0.33– 1/(1-t) = $1.5. To get $1 in X, need to give up $1.5 in H– To get $1 in X, receive $1.5 in income, pay $0.50 in taxes,

receive $1 in X– Price of X has risen relative to H, or, the price of health care

has fallen relative to other goods.

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Income and sub effects(Moving from taxable to tax preferred)

• w/ tax preferred status, price of insurance falls relative to other goods– Income effects encourages more use– Substitution effect encourages more use– Unambiguous increase in demand for health


• What about other goods– Sub. Effect, should decline– Income effect, should increase– Net effect, uncertain

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• On graph – draw line parallel to new budget constrain, tangent to old indifference curve

• Movement along old indifference curve is substitution effect– H1 to H3 (+)– X1 to X3 (-)

• Movement between two parallel budgets is income effect– H3 to H2 (+)– X3 to X2 (+)

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H1 to H3: Sub Effect

H3 to H2: Income effect

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New Scenario

• Suppose that EPHI is already tax-preferred

• Now, the tax rate increases from t1 to t2

• What is the likely response on the part of consumers?

• What has happened to the price of H?• What has happened to take-home income?

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• 1/(1-t) is the cost of obtaining $1 in X– If taxes increase from 25% to 50% – price of X has increased from $1.33 to $2– Therefore, price of H has fallen– Substitution effect says – consume less

• With rising tax rates, take home pay declines– Have less income to spend on all goods– Health insurance is a normal good– Income effects says H should decline

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H1 to H3 (Sub effect)

H3 to H2 (Income effect)

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What is going on with X

• Price of X relative to H has increased, so demand for X should fall (Sub effect)

• Taxes take a bigger bite out of income, purchasing power has declined, X is normal good, demand for X should fall (income effect)

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X1 to X3 (Sub effect)

X3 to X2 (Income effect)

X2 X3 X1

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Costs/Benefits of Employer-Sponsored Insurance

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Group insurance may increase coverage

• Group insurance solves adverse selection problem– Pricing at the ‘group’ level rather than individual– Low costs purchases subsidize higher care users

• Group insurance lowers price– Favorable tax treatment reduces costs

(subsidized by government)– Economics of group plans

• Group plans efficient• Economies of scale

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Economies of scale

• Definition– Average price declines as # insured increases

• Why economies of scale?– Do not have to gather info about insured (health

habits, etc.) to price accordingly– Cost of developing plan similar regardless of size– Administrative costs not linear in members, some

economies of scale– Loading fee much higher in non-group plans– Loading fee declines with group size

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Loading fees in group plans

• Next table – load fees as a function of size of employer health insurance

• Given cost advantage of large groups, great predictor of coverage is the size of the group.

• Larger group (e.g. employer), lower cost of providing health insurance

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Loading Fees

Group Insurance Non-group Insurance

Year Prem. Bene. Ratio Prem. Bene. Ratio

1990 94 79 1.18 8.9 5.8 1.53

1995 117 102 1.15 12.9 8.4 1.50

2000 125 105 1.19 20 13.3 1.50

In Billons of dollars

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Loading Fee by Group Size

# of employees Load fee (as % of benefits)

Individual policies 60-80%

Small group (1-10) 30-40%

Moderate (11-100) 20-30%

Medium (100-200) 15-20%

Large (201-1000) 8-15%

Very large (>1000) 5-8%

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• Group insurance requires subsidy from low to high risks– Policy is priced for the group– Suppose you have 2 groups, high and low risk

• High risk (25%) will spend $10,000 per year• Low risk (75%) will spend $1000/year• Expected costs are (.75)($1000) + (.25)($10000)• =$3250

– Firm will ‘charge’ workers the same ‘cost’ of insurance per worker

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• Group health insurance is therefore a subsidy from low to high spenders– Both charged the same amount for health care– One group will use it more than others

• Possible implications– Maybe people ‘sort’ to particular jobs with

particular health insurance– Low risk workers may opt out of insurance

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Interactions: Tax Code and Group Plans

• Group plans use low risk workers to subsidize high risk

• This lowers the cost to higher risk enrollees• The tax subsidy reduces the burden of the

transfer to the low risk workers• Some estimates:

– Without the tax subsidy, 20 million would lose health insurance

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Some problems

• Insurance status is tied to your job• Those without jobs or those in low-paying

jobs may not be offered health insurance• Subsequently, the uninsured in this country

is– A large group– Has predictable characteristics– The uninsured are more likely to be: young, low

earning, lower educated, minorities, those in poor families, working part time, not working, working in smaller firms

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• Uninsurance is a persistent problem in US

• Dimensions of the problem– 47 million people– 16% of population– 9 million children

• Uninsurance rates have increased steadily over time

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Who are the uninsured?

• Race– White 10.8%– Black 20.5%– Hispanic 34.1%

• Age– <18 11.7%– 18-24 29.3%– 25-34 26.9%– 35-64 16.0%– 65+ 1.5%

• Family Income– <$25K 24.9%– $25-$50K 21.1%– $50-$75K 14.4%– >$75K 8.5%

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Time Series

• Number uninsured– 31 million in 1987– 47 million in 2006

• Percent uninsured– 12.6 in 1987– 15.8 in 2006

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Health insurance and the tax code

• Employer-provided health insurance is tax-preferred

• Taxable income may also be reduced through flexible spending accounts

• Families who itemize deduct health care spending is in excess of 7.5% of adjust gross income

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Equity of the tax preferred health insurance

• Vertical equity– Is it equitable across income classes

• Horizontal equity– Is it equitable within income classes

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Vertical Inequity

• Economic model: Employer premium are assumed to come out of earnings

• Tax-preferred status leads to tax expenditures that are smaller for higher income households: vertically inequitable.

• Higher income households benefit more because they have – higher tax rates, – are more likely to have insurance– they buy more generous and costly

insurance– live in high-priced areas.

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Federal Marginal Income Tax Rates(Married filing jointly)

• If income is between Marginal tax rate

• 0 and $14,599 10%• $14,601 and $59,399 15%• $59,400 and $119,949 25%• $199,950 and $182,799 28%• $182,800 and $326,449 33%• $326,450 and above 35%

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Value of Federal Tax Exclusion, 2004 (Sheils/Haught)

• Total value: $188.5 billion (about 29% of private insurance spending).– Income tax exclusion: $100 Billion; – OASDI (Social Security) tax, $50 Billion.

• Exclusion of employment based premiums is 80% of subsidy; income tax deduction is 7%; smaller percentages for flex accounts, self employed, HSA/CHP (very small now)

* John Shiels and Randall Haught. “The Cost of Tax-Exempt Health Benefits in 2004.” Health Affairs Web Exclusives, February 25, 2004.

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Cost to Government of subsidies to health insurance via the tax system = tax expenditures

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Value of tax exclusion as % of poverty line

% of Poverty Line

Average Value of Exclusion*

% of Total Exclusion

% with Private Insurance


% of Total Uninsureds

>400 $2,500 61 91 17

300-400 1800 16 86 10

200-300 1300 15 76 19

100-200 500 8 59 29

<100 175 1 26 25

* Value of exclusion = additional tax on excluded income.

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Average Tax Benefit -- EPHI










>$10K $10-$20K







Family Income

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Who Benefits from the Tax Subsidy

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Summary: Effects by Income

• The half of the population above the median income gets 75% of the subsidy

• The lower half of the population receives 25% of the subsidy

• The half of the population above the median income makes up 25% of uninsured; half below makes up 75%

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Horizontal Inequity

• Within a “full” income class, those who work for a firm offering insurance pay less taxes.

• Those who chose higher priced insurance pay lower taxes.

• Those who use flex accounts, especially those who “clean out” the account, pay less taxes.

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Tax Benefits Lead to Uneven Distribution of Risk Protection and

Medical Care Use

• Higher income people are induced to buy more generous coverage with high administrative costs, may also be more likely to obtain coverage.

• This more generous coverage causes higher spending for them.

• The tax treatment thus worsens disparities in insurance coverage, use of care, and perhaps health outcomes.

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Proposed reform?

• President’s advisory panel on tax reform• Considering options for tax reform• Started January 2005• Three goals

– Simplify tax laws– Share the burden (equity)– Promote growth

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• Preliminary proposals

– Reduce mortgage deduction– Reduce # of tax brackets– Eliminate marriage penalty– Cap tax-preferred status of health insurance per

family at $11,500

– The cap on the mortgage deduction killed this reform

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• What does and average premium cost• Data for 2004

– Family coverage $9,950 annually– Single coverage $3,695 annually

• Premiums have been increasing at a double digit pace for a few years

• Worker contributions– $2,661 for Family plan (firm pays 73%)– $558 for a single plan (firm pays 85%)

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Average Annual PremiumsCovered Workers, 2006 (KFF)

• Individual plan– $4,242 total

• Family plan– $11,480

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Change in Prices, 2000-2006

18% 20%








All goods Earnings Healthinsurancepremiums

% C

