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Around the World with Julius Caesar

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Post on 28-Dec-2015




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Page 1: 1) Do not shout out answers! 2) This is your study guide, so you should write down questions and answers. You will receive 10% extra credit on your test

Around the World with Julius Caesar

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General Rules:1) Do not shout out answers!2) This is your study guide, so you should write down

questions and answers. You will receive 10% extra credit on your test for turning this in.

3) You must number your questions to receive full credit!4) You do not have to write down the options for the multiple

choice questions, just the correct response. 5) I won’t read a question until everyone is quiet.6) If we don’t finish the game in class, it is your

responsibility to log onto my website and open the game and finish writing the questions and answers on your study guide to get the extra credit.

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Players’ Rules:1) Two players will go head to head for each question.2) I will ask a question, and the first person to raise their

hand AFTER I’M DONE READING THE QUESTION will get to answer the question. NO SHOUTING OUT!

3) Each right answer will earn you 1 bonus point on the test.4) If you answer a true/false question and get the answer

incorrect, your partner continues in the competition.5) If you both incorrectly answer a multiple choice, fill in the

blank or free response question, the next two students will continue on in the game.

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Sorry, but there will be no stealing points today!

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1st question:True or False:

A soliloquy is a speech in which one character dominates the conversation.


A soliloquy is a speech revealing the thoughts and feelings of one character while he or she is alone on


A monologue is a speech in which one character dominates the conversation.

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2nd question:Multiple Choice:

Diction is the…

a) choice of words c) arrangement of wordsb) style of wordsd) sound of words

a) choice of words

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3rd question:Fill in the Blank:

_______________was Caesar’s tragic flaw.


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4th question:Free Response:

Name one time we saw Caesar's tragic flaw in the play.

• Caesar predicting Cassius is dangerous, but doing nothing about it• Caesar ignoring the soothsayer’s warning• Ignoring Calphurnia’s warning in her dream• Ignoring the warning that the sacrificed animal has no heart• Ignoring Artimendorous when he tries to give him the letter of warning •Not listening to Metellus’s plea for his brother’s return

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5th question:Fill in the blank:

_______________ is giving human characteristics to nonhuman things.


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6th question:Free Response:

How is Cassius able to get Brutus to join his plan to kill Caesar?

By throwing letters into Brutus’s window from “the people of Rome” saying they don’t want

Caesar to be ruler.

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7th question:Multiple Choice:

Which of the following best describes the tone of the BEGINNING of Marc Antony’s funeral speech?

a) sad c) angryb) sarcastic d) arrogant

b) SarcasticHe gives examples of how Caesar is a good ruler and

says that must be ambition because Brutus says so and Brutus is an honorable man.

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8th question:Multiple Choice:

Which of the archetypal meanings for the color blue does Brutus most fulfill when he wears it at the beginning of

the play?

a) water c) peaceb) sadness d) security

d) SecurityThe people as well as Caesar feel secure with and trust

Brutus, that’s why the conspirators want him on their side.

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9th question:True/False:

The tone of the conference before battle between Antony, Octavius, Brutus, and Cassius can best

be described as respectful.


The tone of the conference before battle between Antony, Octavius, Brutus, and Cassius can best be

described as angry/resentful.

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10th question:Free Response:

The 1st scene of the movie on the battlefield is what type of archetypal setting? And, how

do you know?

It’s a wasteland. There is no color or life.

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11th question:Free Response:

In Brutus’s soliloquy, what metaphor does he use to show how he feels about Caesar

being a threat.

He’s harmless now like an unhatched snake egg, but with more power he may become


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12th question:Multiple Choice:

The color purple most commonly represents what in the play Julius Caesar?

a) luck c) happinessb) royalty d) pureness

b) royalty

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13th question:Free Response:

How does Cassius use a metaphor as well as pathos in his speech to Brutus when

trying to convince him Caesar needs to be taken out?

The Roman people are sheep and Caesar is a wolf; creates the image of him brutally killing them and them being innocent and blindsided.

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14th question:Free Response:

Brutus is most concerned about who or what?

The people of Rome

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15th question:True/False:

When speaking publicly, establishing authority is called ethos.


Your authority can be established in the speech by giving credentials or they can be implied if

you’re famous or well known in among that group of people.

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16th question:Free Response:

How does Antony use the will to persuade the people Caesar’s death was unjustified?

It shows Caesar left everything to the people and he cared about them; unlike the argument the conspirators were trying to make that he was

out to harm the citizens.

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17th question:True/False:

A problem one is having with themselves can also be called internal conflict.


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18th question:True/False:

Cassius has an internal conflict when deciding to kill Caesar.


Brutus has an internal conflict when deciding to kill Caesar.

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19th question:Free Response:

When Antony says, “my heart is in the coffin there with Caesar” what kind of persuasive

technique is being used?

Hyperbole because it’s exaggerating about how upset he is

It is also a metaphor and pathos

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20th question:Multiple Choice:

What is the following an example of?“He was my friend, faithful, and just to me.”

a) consonance c) alliterationb) assonance d) conliteration

c) AlliterationThis line repeats the f sound.

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21st question:Free Response:

What warning does Caesar’s ghost give Brutus?

I will see you at Philippi

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22nd question:Fill in the Blank:

__________ is a rhetorical device that evokes an emotional response in an audience.


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23rd question:True/False:

Octavius mostly wants justice for the Roman people.


Octavius mostly wants revenge for Caesar’s death.

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24th question:Multiple Choice:

Why do both Cassius and Brutus reference Caesar before they die?

a) They are happy they get to meet him in heaven.b) They feel guilty.

c) They feel as though Caesar got his revenge.d) To honor him.

c) They feel as though Caesar got his revenge.

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25th question:True or False:

The storm at night should have no connection to the mood.


The audience should have an indication bad things are going to happen, therefore setting

the mood.

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26th question:True/False:

Cassius dies more honorably than Brutus.


Brutus dies more honorably than Cassius because

Brutus runs on his own sword; while Cassius covers his face and has his servant stab him.

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27th question:Multiple Choice:

What kind of irony is when the audience knows something characters do not?

a) dramatic c) personalb) verbal d) situational

a) dramatic

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28th question:Free Response:

How does Cassius try to use the fact Caesar has epilepsy against him when talking with


Tries to make it seem like Caesar is weak and is an unfit ruler.

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29th question:Fill in the Blank:

_______________ is when something happens or is said contrary to what is expected.


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30th question:Fill in the Blank:

_____________ is when a character says something under his or her breathe or to the

side and it’s a comment not meant to be heard by all characters on stage.

An aside