1 de setembro 2019 september 1 2019 - the pilot · on september 14/15, our second collection will...

1 de Setembro 2019 September 1 2019

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Page 1: 1 de Setembro 2019 September 1 2019 - The Pilot · On September 14/15, our second collection will support the retire-ment, medical and financial needs of priests of the Archdiocese

1 de Setembro 2019 September 1 2019

Page 2: 1 de Setembro 2019 September 1 2019 - The Pilot · On September 14/15, our second collection will support the retire-ment, medical and financial needs of priests of the Archdiocese


Paróquia Santo António Cambridge, MA

Paróquia Santo António ∙ Saint Anthony Parish

400 Cardinal Medeiros Avenue ∙ Cambridge, MA 02141

Telephone 617-547-5593 ∙ Fax 617-547-1505 Website: www.saintanthonyparish.com Email: [email protected]

Equipa Paróquial ∙ Parish Staff

Pároco ∙ Pastor: Reverend Walter A. Carreiro [email protected]

Parochial Vicar: Reverend Luiz F. Lopes

In residence: Reverend Cristiano B. Barbosa Reverend Éric A. Pereira

Religious Ed.: Mrs. Mariazinha Sousa [email protected]

RCIA: Mr. David Melo

IT / Bulletin: Mr. Higor Fontoura [email protected]

Directors of Music: Mrs. Dorothy Chaves Mr. Philip Chaves Mr. Luis Travassos [email protected]

Organistas ∙ Organists: Mr. Luis Travassos Mr. Jacob Chaves

Horas do Escritório ∙ Parish Office Hours

Domingo ∙ Sunday Fechado / Closed Segunda-feira ∙ Monday 10:00am— 5:00pm Terça-feira ∙ Tuesday 10:00am— 5:00pm Quarta-feira ∙ Wednesday 10:00am— 5:00pm Quinta-feira ∙ Thursday 10:00am— 5:00pm Sexta-feira ∙ Friday 10:00am— 5:00pm Sábado ∙ Saturday Fechado / Closed

As Nossas Ofertas Semanais ∙ Our Weekly Offerings

Renovation $ 91,359.00

Offertory $ 2,189.00

There is only one Collection this weekend.

If you are traveling during this summer

please don't forget to bring your envelope

when you come back from your vacation.

Se for viajar neste verão por favor não

esqueça de trazer seus envelopes quando

voltar das férias.

Natividade de Nossa Senhora

8 de Setembro/September 8

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On September 14/15, our second

collection will support the retire-

ment, medical and financial needs

of priests of the Archdiocese of

Boston. These priests have given

their lives to faithfully serve Christ,

the Church, and you. Please be gen-

erous to this important collection.

Page 3: 1 de Setembro 2019 September 1 2019 - The Pilot · On September 14/15, our second collection will support the retire-ment, medical and financial needs of priests of the Archdiocese


Saint Anthony Parish Cambridge, MA

MASS SCHEDULE Missas Dominicais ∙ Weekend Masses Sábado ∙ Saturday 4:00 p.m. (English) 5:30 p.m. (Português) 5:00 p.m. (Sacred Heart) Domingo ∙ Sunday 8:00 a.m. (Português) 9:30 a.m. (Saint Francis) 9:45 a.m. (English) 8:30 a.m. (Sacred Heart) 11:30 a.m. (Português) 11:00 a.m. (Sacred Heart) 7:00 p.m. (Comunidade Brasileira)

Dias de Semana ∙ Weekday Masses

2a-feira a 6a-feira ∙ Monday—Friday 6:30 p.m. (Português) 5a-feira ∙ Thursday 9:00 a.m. (Português) Monday · Wednesday · Friday 7:00 a.m. (Saint Francis) 3a-feira ∙ Tuesday 12:10 p.m. (Saint Francis) Tuesday · Thursday 6:00 p.m. (Sacred Heart) Wednesday · Friday 9:00 a.m. (Sacred Heart)

Dias Santos-Holy Days of Obligation

Vigil/Vigilia às 6:30 p.m. (menos Domingo) 9:00 a.m. (Port.), 12:00 Noon (English)

6:30 p.m. (Português) At Saint Francis Church) If on: Mon, Wed, Thurs, or Fri @ 7:00 a.m. If on Tues. @ 12:10 p.m.

Dias Feriados ∙ Civic Holidays 7:00 a.m. (Saint Francis Church) 9:00 a.m. (Português)

Não há Missa à noite

Confissões - Confessions

Sábado ∙ Saturday 3:00pm - 3:45pm

Monday September 2

9:00 a.m. (Português)

LABOR DAY Georgiana Duarte, Andrea Simoneau

Tuesday September 3

6:30 p.m.(Português)

Adriano Ventura Melo, Health of Julie Nuss-baum

Wednesday September 4

6:30 p.m. (Português)

Missa Pro Populo

Thursday September 5

9:00 a.m. (Português)

6:30 p.m. (Português)

Missa Pro Populo

Friday September 6

6:30 p.m. (Português)

Intenções dos Paroquianos

Saturday September 7

4:00 pm (English)

Americo Francisco

5:30 pm (Português)

Ação de Graças 50 Anos Matrimônio de Carlos e Maria Costa, José B. Medeiros pais e sogros, José e Maria Pereira, Jaime e Elvira Costa, Liduina e João Tavares,

Sunday September 8

8:00 a.m. (Português)

Octavio Simas, Tiberio Carreiro pais e sogros, Antonio e Clotilde Martins, Liduina Santos, Joao F. Bartolomeu, João S. Bartolomeu, Laudalino Ferreira,

9:45 a.m. (English)

Manuel Carreiro dos Santos,

11:30 a.m.(Português)

António e Belmira Pacheco, Manuel de Paiva, Dulce Borges, Odete Sousa, Cristiano Rodrigues, Maria Mendonça, Susane ponte, Carlos Caetano,

7:00 p.m. (Português)

Intenções da Comunidade Brasileira

Intenção do Papa Francisco

A proteção dos oceanos

Para que os políticos, os cientistas e os econo-

mistas trabalhem juntos pela proteção dos

mares e dos oceanos.

Intention of Pope Francis

The Protection of the Oceans

That politicians, scientists and economists

work together to protect the world’s seas and


Saturday August 31

4:00 pm (English)

Americo Francisco

5:30 pm (Português)

Cristovão Duarte, José B. Medeiros pais e sogros, Jorge F. Silva, Carlos Caetano,

Sunday September 1

8:00 a.m. (Português)

Tiberio Carreiro pais e sogros, Antonio e Clotil-de Martins, Liduina Santos, Joao F. Bartolomeu, João S. Bartolomeu, Laudalino Ferreira, Gilda Pereira,

9:45 a.m. (English)

Manuel Carreiro dos Santos, John and Margaret Sousa, Maria Mendonça, Andrea Simoneau

11:30 a.m.(Português)

António e Belmira Pacheco, Manuel de Paiva, Dulce Borges, Odete Sousa, Cristiano Rodrigues, Maria Mendonça

7:00 p.m. (Português)

Intenções da Comunidade Brasileira

Page 4: 1 de Setembro 2019 September 1 2019 - The Pilot · On September 14/15, our second collection will support the retire-ment, medical and financial needs of priests of the Archdiocese


Paróquia Santo António Cambridge, MA

“E sede agradecidos” – Colossenses 3:15 Chegou a hora de partir. Por quase 11 anos pude partilhar da vida de fé de cada um de vós, irmãs e irmãos da Paróquia Santo António de Cambridge. E co-mo sou feliz por ter vivido aqui e pelo privilégio de ter podido exercer meu ministério como padre convosco. Como no caso de tantos imigrantes no passado, esta paróquia foi o lugar que me recebeu. Foi meu “porto-seguro” na nova e desafiadora jornada que se iniciava. Aqui pude ministrar os sacramentos e participar das vidas de muitos de vós: dos momentos alegres e dos momentos tristes, das angústias e das esperanças. En-contrei aqui uma família e os levarei sempre em meu coração. Chegou a hora de agradecer. Sem mesmo me conhecer, Padre Walter Carreiro me recebeu nesta paróquia. Sou imensamente grato a ele pela bondade, coragem gener-osidade em acolher-me quando eu era um simples foras-teiro desconhecido. Agradeço pela amizade, apoio e convívio ao longo de todo o tempo em que vivi nesta paróquia. Agradeço também aos outros padres com quem convivi nesta casa desde que aqui cheguei: Pe. Pedro, Pe. Jimmy Achadinha, Pe. Leonel, Pe. Juliano, Pe. Ray Kiley, Pe. Luiz e Pe. Eric. Aqui tive todo apoio necessário durante estes anos de estudos, trabalho e con-vívio. Nestas simples palavras de despedida, gostaria também de demonstrar minha gratidão a todos os paroquianos e amigos desta comunidade paroquial. Estaria sendo in-justo se citasse nomes. Agradeço a todas as lideranças desta paróquia, aos funcionários e aos voluntários que com seu esforço mantêm viva esta igreja. Essa é uma paróquia portuguesa, mas somos de muitos países: por-tugueses, americanos, brasileiros, cabo-verdianos, ango-lanos, e de tantas outras nacionalidades. Juntos, vocês me ensinaram que somos todos uma só família, a família de Deus, cidadãos dos Céus. Muito obrigado por me ensinaram a ser um padre melhor no amor, no re-speito, na tolerância, na acolhida e no serviço aos irmãos e irmãs. Muito obrigado por tudo. Chegou a hora de recomeçar. A partir da próxima sema-na, serei vigário paroquial das paróquias Santo António e Sagrada Família na cidade de Lowell. Peço hu-mildemente que rezem por mim, para que eu esteja aberto para fazer a vontade de Deus nessa nova missão que se iniciará naquelas comunidades. Por favor, saibam que as portas estarão sempre abertas. No meu coração, vocês sempre terão um lugar. Seguimos unidos na oração e na vida como discípulos e discípulas de Jesus ruma a casa do Pai. Muito obrigado por tudo e que Deus nos abençoe a todos. Padre Cristiano Barbosa

“And be grateful” - Colossians 3:15 It is time to go. For almost 11 years I had the privilege of sharing in the life of faith of each of you, sisters and brothers of St. Anthony’s Parish in Cambridge. I cannot express how blessed I am for the opportunity to live and to work as a priest here. As it happened with so many immigrants in the past, this parish was the place that welcomed me in this country. It was like a “safe haven” in the new and challenging journey that was about to begin. Here I had the chance to celebrate the sacraments and to participate in the lives of many of you: in the joy-ful and sad moments, in the anxieties and the hopes. I found a family here and I will always have all of you in my heart. It is time to express thanks. Without even knowing me, Father Walter Carreiro invited me to come and live at Saint Anthony’s rectory. I will always be grateful to him for his kindness, courage, and generosity in welcoming me when I was a mere stranger. Thank you, Father Wal-ter for your friendship and support throughout the time I had the opportunity to live in this parish. I also would like to thank all the other priests who lived at the rectory and with whom I had the opportunity to live with in the past years: Father Pedro Damazio, Father Jimmy Acha-dinha, Father Leonel, Father Juliano Almeida, Father Ray Kiley, Father Luiz de Franca, and Father Eric Si-queira. At Saint Anthony´s rectory I had all the support I need-ed during these years of studies and ministry. In these simple farewell words, I also would like to ex-press my gratitude to all the parishioners and friends of this Church. It would be unfair if I name some in partic-ular. Each of you were important in different ways. Therefore, I would like to thank all the parishioners, staff and volunteers who in their selfless and graceful leadership and work keep this church alive. This is a Portuguese parish, but we are from many countries: Por-tuguese, Americans, Brazilians, Cape Verdeans, Ango-lans, and many other nationalities. Together you all taught me that we are one family, God's family and citi-zens of Heaven. Thank you so much for teaching me to be a better priest in the love, respect, tolerance, hospital-ity, and service towards our brothers and sisters. Thank you so much for everything. It's time for a new start. Beginning next week, I will be-come the parochial vicar at St. Anthony and Holy Fami-ly Parishes in Lowell. I would like to humbly ask you to pray for me so that I may be open to God’s will in this new mission that I will begin in those communities. Please know that the doors will always be open for you. In my heart you will always have a place. We are united in prayer and in life as Jesus’s disciples in this our jour-ney to the Father. Thank you so much for everything and may God bless us all. Fr. Crostiano Barbosa

Page 5: 1 de Setembro 2019 September 1 2019 - The Pilot · On September 14/15, our second collection will support the retire-ment, medical and financial needs of priests of the Archdiocese


Saint Anthony Parish Cambridge, MA

Thank you

Thank you for your generous support of the 2019 Catholic Appeal.

Thanks to your generosity, we can continue to advance programs for evangelization and pastoral out-

reach in our parish communities and schools, and in the lives of those who turn to us for assistance.

For those of you still interested in making a pledge to this life-changing work, please find a donation

form available in the back of the Church or visit our website at bostoncatholicappeal.org to view our

latest video about the Appeal. Thank you!


Obrigado por seu generoso apoio ao Apelo Católico de 2019.

Graças à sua generosidade, podemos continuar a promover programas de evangelização e trabalho

pastoral em nossas comunidades e escolas paroquiais e nas vidas daqueles que vêm a nós em busca de

assistência. Para aqueles que ainda estão interessados em fazer um donativo a este importante tra-

balho, por favor, utilize um formulário de doação disponível nas entradas da Igreja ou visite nosso

website em bostoncatholicappeal.org para ver nosso último vídeo sobre o Apelo. Obrigado!

Our 2019 Financial goal is $27,863.98 and our 2019 In-Pew Goal is 72.

Results to date:

Pledged = $ 19,847.00

Balance Due = $ 4,310.00

Balance to goal = $ 8,016.98 ( 60% of Goal )

# of Donors = 181

From the 2018 Catholic Appeal we have received to date a total of $ 2,590.69 in rebates. Because we sur-

passed our donor goal as well as the assessment we will receive an additional 5% in our final rebate check.

This was all due to your generosity and support! Thank You!

The moment we knew was coming has arrived! It is good news for Fr. Cristiano, and while we are happy for him I believe we are all a bit saddened for this move to Lowell. We have received word from Clergy personnel and Cardinal Sean that beginning on Wednesday, September 4th, Father Cristiano will begin a new stage of his journey. It is almost 11 years that he entered our lives here at Saint Anthony Par-ish. During his years of studying for his License and then Doctor of Sacred Theology we have had the privilege of his presence as a student and, more importantly as a priest. His pastoral presence became evident from the beginning as he was so warm to all he encountered and who came seeking advice, confession, help, sacraments, etc., all while being occupied and preoccupied with studies. His willingness to serve and help out in so many ways, from celebrating Mass-es, visiting the sick, filling in for me in so many different ways, helping out at the feasts and other parish events, is incomparable and was a blessing for all. In the house he was an excellent companion to me and the other priests who passed through our midst. I will greatly miss his presence and I know the staff will also miss him and his helpfulness to them. It is not often that a priest, stu-dent, parochial vicar or otherwise stays in a parish for more than 10 years, not impossible but rare. We, and I in particu-lar, have had the pleasure of his presence for more than that. To me he was more than just a brother priest and more like a younger brother in the house. I know you join me in wish-ing him all the best and many Divine blessings as he contin-ues his ministry to the people of the 4 parishes where he will be serving in Lowell, primarily to the Portuguese and Brazilian communities at Saint Anthony and Holy Family parishes, and also Immaculate Conception and Holy Trinity. As this news came upon us rather suddenly, it was not pos-sible to provide an opportunity for a farewell gathering. In the very near future Fr. Cristiano will be returning, depend-ing on his schedule and availability for Mass and a recep-tion, where you will be able to give him your won good wishes. God bless you and guide you on this new path! We “wish you all the good...life can offer. Think of us kind-ly, and … rest assured that no one would rejoice more to hear of your happiness.” (Beethoven)

“The Lord bless you and keep you! The Lord let his face

shine upon you, and be gracious to you! The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace!”

Numbers 6: 24-26

O momento que sabiamos que em breve chegaria, Chegou!

Boas notícias para o Padre Cristiano, e mesmo estando fe-lizes por ele, eu acredito que estamos um pouco tristes pela sua saída e mudança para Lowell. Recebemos a notícia do

pessoal do Clergy Personal e do Cardeal Sean que na próxi-ma Quarta-feira dia 4 de Setembro o Padre Cristiano

começara a sua nova caminhada. Foram há quase 11 anos que ele entrou nas nossas vidas aqui na paróquia de Santo

António. Durante estes anos ele completou o seu doctorado em Teologia, tivemos o privilégio da sua presença como estudante mas mais importante como sacerdote. A sua

presença pastoral foi evidente desde o princípio com a sua amabilidade e carinho que todos nós encotramos e todos aqueles que o procuravam para confissão, sacramentos e

concelhos etc... mesmo estando ocupado e preocupado com todos os seus afazeres e estudos . A sua maneira de sempre

acolher e ajudar de tantas maneiras desde celebrar Missa como visitar doentes, apoiando-me em tudo o que eu pre-

cisava. Ajudando nas festa e em outros eventos da paróquia. É imcomparável.

Na casa era um excelente amigo e companheiro, para mim e os outros padres, que por aqui passaram. Eu sentirei muito a sua falta. e sei que os funcionários também sentirão o mes-

mo. Não é de costume que temhamos um padre aqui por mais de 10 anos, não é impossível mas é muito raro. Eu e

nós aqui em particular sentimos a sua presença com grande alegria. Para mim ele foi mais que um irmão padre, mas co-

mo o meu irmão mais moco. Eu sei que que se juntarão a mim desejando-lhe muito boa sorte e muitas bençãos na

continuação do seu ministério nas 4 paróquias que ele vai servir em Lowell, primeiramente a comunidade Brasileira em Santo António, e Sagrada Família como também nas

paróquias de Imaculada Conceição e Santíssima Trindade. Assim como esta novidade nos chegou repentinamente não

deixa de ser possível a oportunidade de um Adeus mais apropriado. Em breve o Padre Cristiano regressará, de-

pendendo do seu horário para a celebração de uma Missa e recepção aqui no nosso salão para darmos-lhe um Adeus mais merecedor. Que Deus o abencoe e guie na sua nova

jornada!Desejamos-lhe uma boa vida e que ele nunca se es-queca de nós, tenho a certeza que dele nunca nós iremos

esquecer e sempre nos lembraremos dele com amor e muita alegria.

"Que o senhor o abençoe e guarde!

Que o Senhor brilhe com a sua luz sobre a sua face e lhe encha de gracas!

Que o senhor olhe por ele com caridade e paz!

Page 6: 1 de Setembro 2019 September 1 2019 - The Pilot · On September 14/15, our second collection will support the retire-ment, medical and financial needs of priests of the Archdiocese


Paróquia Santo António Cambridge, MA

By Dr. Scott Hahn

Easter Sunday (Cycle B) The tomb was empty. In the early morning darkness of that first Easter, there was only confusion for Mary Magdalene and the other disciples. But as the daylight spread, they saw the dawning of a new crea-tion. At first they didn't understand the Scripture, to-day's Gospel tells us. We don't know which precise Scripture texts they were supposed to understand. Perhaps it was the sign of Jonah, who rose from the belly of the great fish after three days (see Jonah 1:17). Or maybe Hosea's prophecy of Israel's restora-tion from exile (see Hosea 6:2). Perhaps it was the psalmist who rejoiced that God had not abandoned him to the nether world (see Psalm 16:9-10). Whichever Scripture it was, as the disciples bent down into the tomb, they saw and they believed. What did they see? Burial shrouds in an empty tomb. The stone removed from the tomb. Seven times in nine verses we hear that word - "tomb." What did they believe? That God had done what Jesus said He would do - raised Him up on the third day (see Mark 9:31; 10:34). What they saw and believed, they bore witness to, as today's First Reading tells us. Peter's speech is a summary of the gospels - from Jesus' baptism in the Jordan to His hanging on a tree (see Deuteronomy 21:22-23), to His rising from the dead. We are children of the apostles, born into the new world of their witness. Our lives are now "hidden with Christ in God," as today's Epistle says. Like them, we gather in the morning on the first day of the week - to celebrate the Eucharist, the feast of the empty tomb. We rejoice that the stones have been rolled away from our tombs, too. Each of us can shout, as we do in today's Psalm: "I shall not die, but live." They saw and believed. And we await the day they promised would come - when we, too, "will ap-pear with Him in glory."

Santíssima Trindade A Solenidade que hoje celebrámos não é um convite a decifrar a mistério que se esconde por detrás de “um Deus em três pessoas”; mas é um convite a con-templar o Deus que é amor, que é família, que é co-munidade e que criou os homens para os fazer co-mungar nesse mistério de amor. A primeira leitura sugere-nos a contemplação do De-us criador. A sua bondade e o seu amor estão inscri-tos e manifestam-se aos homens na beleza e na har-monia das obras criadas (Jesus Cristo é “sabedoria” de Deus e o grande revelador do amor do Pai). A segunda leitura convida-nos a contemplar o Deus que nos ama e que, por isso, nos “justifica”, de forma gratuita e incondicional. É através do Filho que os dons de Deus/Pai se derramam sobre nós e nos oferecem a vida em plenitude. O Evangelho convoca-nos, outra vez, para contem-plar o amor do Pai, que se manifesta na doação e na entrega do Filho e que continua a acompanhar a nos-sa caminhada histórica através do Espírito. A meta final desta “história de amor” é a nossa inserção ple-na na comunhão com o Deus/amor, com o Deus/família, com o Deus/comunidade.


By Dr. Scott Hahn

Most Holy Trinity In today's Liturgy we're swept through time in glori-ous procession - from before earth and sky were set in place to the coming of the Spirit upon the new cre-ation, the Church. We begin in the heart of the Trini-ty, as we listen to the testimony of Wisdom in to-day's First Reading. Eternally begotten, the first-born of God, He is poured forth from of old in the loving delight of the Father. Through Him, the heavens were established, the foundations of the earth fixed. From before the be-ginning, He was with the Father as His "Craftsman," the artisan by which all things were made. And He took special delight, He tells us, in the crowning glo-ry of God's handiwork - the human race, the "sons of men." In today's Psalm, He comes down from heaven, is made a little lower than the angels, comes among us as "the Son of Man" (see Hebrews 2:6-10). All things are put under His feet so that He can restore to humanity the glory for which we were made from the beginning, the glory lost by sin. He tasted death that we might be raised to life in the Trinity, that His name might be made glorious over all the earth. Through the Son, we have gained grace and access in the Spirit to the Father, as Paul boasts in today's Epistle (see Ephesians 2:18).The Spirit, the Love of God, has been poured out into our hearts - a Spirit of adoption, making us children of the Father once more (see Romans 8:14-16). This is the Spirit that Jesus promises in today's Gospel. His Spirit comes as divine gift and anointing (see 1 John 2:27), to guide us to all truth, to show us "the things that are coming," the things that were meant to be from before all ages - that we will find peace and union in God, will share the life of the Trinity, dwell in God as He dwells in us (see John 14:23; 17:21). Drinking of the one Spirit in the Eucharist (see 1 Co-rinthians 10:4), we are the first fruits of a new hu-manity - fashioned from out of every nation under heaven, with no distinctions of wealth or language or race, a people born of the Spirit.

Para registar a vossa criança /crianças para o próximo ano de Educação Religiosa, por favor

preencha e envie de volta este formulário com o pagamento feito em cheque à Igreja de Santo

António, o mais rápido possível para o endereço aqui indicado.

(To register your child/children for next fall’s Religious Education classes, please complete and return this

form with payment (payable to Saint Anthony Parish) as soon as possible to the following address:)

Nome da Criança(s) (Student’s: Name) Grau (Grade) Data de Nascimento (D.O.B)

_________________________________ _______________ _______________________

_________________________________ _______________ _______________________

_________________________________ _______________ _______________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian: ______________________ Phone: _______________________ E-mail:_____________________

Baptismal date: ___________________________________ Place of Baptism: ______________________________

Emergency Contact: _______________________________ Phone: _______________________________________



Domingo (Sundays) - Graus (Grades) K-8

8:15am - 9:30am

Terças-feiras (Tuesdays) - Graus (Grades) 9 & 10

6:30pm - 8:30pm

Duas vezes por mês - Twice a month

Matrícula da Educação Religiosa 2019-2020

Religious Education Registration 2019 - 2020

(Graus - Grades: K - 10)


Grades K - 8 $60.00 per child

Family Tuition

Three or more children $120.00**

**For grades K - 8 only

Confirmation Preparation

Grades 9 & 10 $120.00 per child*

*Includes retreat fees and is a fixed price

Late fee of $10.00 per child

after September 1st

Saint Anthony Parish - Attn: Directora da Educação Religiosa

400 Cardinal Medeiros Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02141

Page 7: 1 de Setembro 2019 September 1 2019 - The Pilot · On September 14/15, our second collection will support the retire-ment, medical and financial needs of priests of the Archdiocese


Saint Anthony Parish Cambridge, MA

By Dr. Scott Hahn

Easter Sunday (Cycle B) The tomb was empty. In the early morning darkness of that first Easter, there was only confusion for Mary Magdalene and the other disciples. But as the daylight spread, they saw the dawning of a new crea-tion. At first they didn't understand the Scripture, to-day's Gospel tells us. We don't know which precise Scripture texts they were supposed to understand. Perhaps it was the sign of Jonah, who rose from the belly of the great fish after three days (see Jonah 1:17). Or maybe Hosea's prophecy of Israel's restora-tion from exile (see Hosea 6:2). Perhaps it was the psalmist who rejoiced that God had not abandoned him to the nether world (see Psalm 16:9-10). Whichever Scripture it was, as the disciples bent down into the tomb, they saw and they believed. What did they see? Burial shrouds in an empty tomb. The stone removed from the tomb. Seven times in nine verses we hear that word - "tomb." What did they believe? That God had done what Jesus said He would do - raised Him up on the third day (see Mark 9:31; 10:34). What they saw and believed, they bore witness to, as today's First Reading tells us. Peter's speech is a summary of the gospels - from Jesus' baptism in the Jordan to His hanging on a tree (see Deuteronomy 21:22-23), to His rising from the dead. We are children of the apostles, born into the new world of their witness. Our lives are now "hidden with Christ in God," as today's Epistle says. Like them, we gather in the morning on the first day of the week - to celebrate the Eucharist, the feast of the empty tomb. We rejoice that the stones have been rolled away from our tombs, too. Each of us can shout, as we do in today's Psalm: "I shall not die, but live." They saw and believed. And we await the day they promised would come - when we, too, "will ap-pear with Him in glory."

22º Domingo do Tempo Comum A liturgia deste domingo propõe-nos uma reflexão sobre alguns valores que acompanham o desafio do “Reino”: a humildade, a gratuidade, o amor desinter-essado.O Evangelho coloca-nos no ambiente de um banquete em casa de um fariseu. O enquadramento é o pretexto para Jesus falar do “banquete do Reino”. A todos os que quiserem participar desse “banquete”, Ele recomenda a humildade; ao mesmo tempo, de-nuncia a atitude daqueles que conduzem as suas vidas numa lógica de ambição, de luta pelo poder e pelo reconhecimento, de superioridade em relação aos outros… Jesus sugere, também, que para o “banquete do Reino” todos os homens são convidados; e que a gratuidade e o amor desinteressado devem caracter-izar as relações estabelecidas entre todos os partici-pantes do “banquete”. Na primeira leitura, um sábio dos inícios do séc. II a.C. aconselha a humildade como caminho para ser agradável a Deus e aos homens, para ter êxito e ser feliz. É a reiteração da mensagem fundamental que a Palavra de Deus hoje nos apresenta. A segunda leitura convida os crentes instalados numa fé cómoda e sem grandes exigências, a redescobrir a novidade e a exigência do cristianismo; insiste em que o encontro com Deus é uma experiência de co-munhão, de proximidade, de amor, de intimidade, que dá sentido à caminhada do cristão. Aparentemente, esta questão não tem muito a ver com o tema principal da liturgia deste domingo; no entanto, podemos ligar a reflexão desta leitura com o tema central da liturgia de hoje – a humildade, a gratuidade, o amor desinteressado – através do tema da exigência: a vida cristã – essa vida que brota do encontro com o amor de Deus – é uma vida que ex-ige de nós determinados valores e atitudes, entre os quais avultam a humildade, a simplicidade, o amor que se faz dom. .


By Dr. Scott Hahn


Sunday in Ordinary Time We come to the wedding banquet of heaven by way of humility and charity. This is the fatherly instruc-tion we hear in today's First Reading, and the mes-sage of today's Gospel. Jesus is not talking simply about good table manners. He is revealing the way of the kingdom, in which the one who would be greatest would be the servant of all (see Luke 22:24-27). This is the way He showed us, humbling Himself to come among us as a man (see Philippians 2:5-8), as one who serves, as the bearer of glad tidings to the poor (see Luke 4:18). This is the way, too, that the Father has shown us down through the ages - filling the hungry, sending the rich away empty, lifting up the lowly, pulling down the proud (see Luke 1:52-53). We again call to mind the Exodus in today's Psalm - how in His goodness the Lord led the Israelites from imprisonment to prosperity, rained down bread from heaven, made them His inheritance, becoming a "Father of orphans." We now too have gained a share of His inheritance. We are to live humbly, knowing we are are not wor-thy to receive from His table (see Luke 6:7; 15:21). We are to give alms, remembering we were ran-somed from sin by the price of His blood (see 1 Co-rinthians 6:19-20). The Lord promises that if we are humble we will be exalted and find favor with God; that if we are kind to those who can never repay us, we will atone for sins, and find blessing in the resurrection of the righteous. We anticipate the fulfillment of those promises in every Eucharist, today's Epistle tells us. In the Mass, we enter the festal gathering of the angels and the firstborn children of God, the liturgy of the heavenly Jerusalem in which Jesus is the high priest, the King who calls us to come up higher (see Proverbs 25:6-7).

Page 8: 1 de Setembro 2019 September 1 2019 - The Pilot · On September 14/15, our second collection will support the retire-ment, medical and financial needs of priests of the Archdiocese


Paróquia Santo António Cambridge, MA

A comunidade multicultural da Paróquia pessoal Portuguesa, Católica e Romana de Santo António, aspira em criar uma atmosfera activa de participação de todos os paroquianos através da celebração dos Sacramentos e a proclamação da Palavra de Deus, nas linguas Portuguesa e Inglesa. Convidamos todas as pessoas a crescer no seu conhecimento e amor por Deus para O servimos melhor através do com-promisso e da formação Católica das nossas promes-sas Baptismais e dos grupos espirituais, de oração honrando a nossa cultura e tradição paroquial e dan-do a oportunidade de espalhar a Boa-Nova de Jesus Cristo e o Reino dos Céus.

The multicultural community of Saint Anthony, a Roman Catholic and personal Portuguese Parish, strives to create an atmosphere of active participa-tion by all parishioners, through the celebration of the sacraments and the proclamation of the Word of God, in Portuguese and English. We invite all people to grow in their knowledge and love of God, to serve Him through stewardship, commit-ment to catholic formation, fulfilling our Baptis-mal promises in community-based ministries, honoring our traditions and to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God.

Declaração de Missão Paroquial ∙ Parish Mission Statement

Papa Francisco Pope Francis Oração

Senhor Jesus, nasceste no seio da Sagrada Família, um lugar cheio de Deus, na escuta da

sua vontade e na disponibilidade para a realizar. Nós Te pedimos, em união com o Papa Francis-co, por todas as famílias, para que sintam sempre a tua presença, aprendam os teus gestos de amor

e compaixão e sejam no mundo sinal do teu Reino. Pedimos-Te pelas famílias que vivem

dificuldades, para que encontrem quem as possa ajudar e vivam com serenidade as suas prov-

ações. Pai-Nosso...

Calendário 2019 Calendar

20 de Setembro - 09/20: Catholic TV Mass 9:30 am

5 de Outubro - 10/5: Império de São João

11 de Outubro - 10/11: Catholic TV Mass 9:30 am

12 de Outubro - 10/12: Fully Alive Retreat

19 de Outubro - 10/19: Império das Crianças

2 de Novembro - 11/02: Bazaar

9 de Novembro - 11/09: São Martinho

15 de Novembro - 11/15:Catholic TV Mass 9:30am

16 de Novembro - 11/16: Jantar Beneficente - Festa

do Caldo

13 de Dezembro - 12/13: Catholic TV Mass at 9:30



No Domingo, dia 20 de Outubro, haverá um Mini-curso oferecido na nossa Paróquia de Santo Antonio

das 2 pm às 5 pm.

Todos nós precisamos de saber lidar com a dor e saber superar a ansiedade que o sofrimento traz. Venha e veja como será bom para si. Todos poderemos benefi-ciar deste encontro.


2:00 pm - 2:45 pm: Adoracao ao Santíssimo na Igreja 2:45 pm - 3:00 pm: Refrescos 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm: Curso/palestra (Ricardo Lima: Especialista em Resiliência Humana) 4:30 pm - 5:00 pm: Agradecimento e Despedida

Todos são bem-vindos! Curso Gratuito!

Page 9: 1 de Setembro 2019 September 1 2019 - The Pilot · On September 14/15, our second collection will support the retire-ment, medical and financial needs of priests of the Archdiocese


Saint Anthony Parish Cambridge, MA

Imagem de Nossa Senhora de Fátima

Durante esta semana, de 1 de Setembro de 2019, a Imagem de Nossa Senhora irá visitar a casa de:

Agostinoh e Maria Pacheco 80 Princeton St Medford MA

Se alguém quiser a visita da imagem da Nos-sa Senhora chamar a Maria de Lourdes Cou-to (617-864-0899) durante o dia ou depois das 8:00 p.m.

Adoração do Santíssimo Sacramento

Todos estão convidados para vir meditar na presença do Santíssimo Sacramento todas as Terças das 9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. na Igreja de S. Francisco e todas as Quintas-feiras das 9:30 às 6:30 p.m.

Programação para Exposição nas Quintas-feiras:

9:30am—Exposição do Santíssimo Sacramento Meio-dia—Terço do Santíssimo Sacramento 3:00pm—Terço da Misericórdia 6:00pm—Terço do dia 6:30—Benção e Missa

E na primeira Sexta-feira de cada mês tambem temos a adoração das 5:00 horas da tarde até as 6:30 na Igreja S. António. Por favor, venham passar alguns momentos com o Senhor Jesus Cristo no Santíssimo Sacramento.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

All are invited & encouraged to stop by the chapel at St. Francis Church each Tuesday from 9:00am—Noon and the chapel at St. Anthony Church each Thursday from 9:30am—6:30pm for Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. In addition, there will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacra-ment every First Friday of the month from 5:00pm until 6:30pm at St. Anthony Church.

Grupos de Oração & Serviço

Grupo Carismático

Antonieta Marques: Segundas-feiras após a Missa das

6:30 p.m.

Legião de Maria

Ibéria Frias: Sextas-feiras às 6:30 p.m.

S. Vicente de Paulo

Amélia Silva: Primeiras Segundas às 7:00 p.m.

Irmandade do Santo

Rosário - Mariazinha

(617) 797-3899

Reunião no primeiro Sábado de

cada mês, às 3 p.m. no mini-hall

seguida pela missa das 4:00 p.m.

Curso de Cristandade

Joanna Maciel:


Sextas-feiras Missa das 6:30 p.m.

Ultreia logo a seguir.

Grupo de Oração

Shalom - Hilda

(857) 829-7623

Quartas-feiras 8 p.m. e Sábados 5

p.m. na Igreja São Francisco

Batismo Infantil

O Sacramento do Baptismo é celebrado a 1:00 PM em Inglês no terceiro Domingo do mês e em Português no quarto Domingo do mês. Registo para receber o Sacramento deve ser feito durante o mês anterior.

Infant Baptism

The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated at 1:00 PM each month in English on the 3rd Sunday & in Portuguese on the 4th Sunday. Please contact a priest to register for the Sacra-ment of Baptism a month before the date of Baptism.

Unção dos Doentes A Igreja encoraja todos os doentes, especialmen-te os que se encontram em condições de saúde precárias em suas casas, nos hospitais ou lares de terceira idade, de receberem a Santa Unção. Poderá acontecer na Igreja depois da missa ou em outro lugar onde o doente fisicamente se

encontra. Encorajamos as pessoas responsáveis pelos doentes a não esperar até ao último momento para con-tactar o Sacerdote. O ultimo sacramento deve ser o Viati-cum, ou Comunhão pelos moribundos.

Anointing of the Sick The church encourages & invites all who are ill, who are to undergo surgery, or who are confined to their home due to illness to be prayed over & anointed with sacred oil. This can take place after Mass, at home or at the hospital. Please

do not wait for the last moment for yourself or a loved one to be anointed. The last sacrament is Viaticum or com-munion for the dying. Please speak to a priest for anointing.

Sacramento do Matrimónio

Preparação para casamento deve ser feita pelo menos de 6 meses de antecedência. É favor telefonar para a Reitoria para marcar um encontro com um dos Sacerdotes.

Sacrament of Marriage

To schedule your wedding, please contact the Parish Office to set up an appointment with one of the priests. Arrangements must be made at least 6 months in advance.

C E L E B R A Ç õ e s L i t ú r g i c a s ∙ L i t u r g i c a l C e l e b r a t i o n s

Page 10: 1 de Setembro 2019 September 1 2019 - The Pilot · On September 14/15, our second collection will support the retire-ment, medical and financial needs of priests of the Archdiocese


Paróquia Santo António Cambridge, MA

Page 11: 1 de Setembro 2019 September 1 2019 - The Pilot · On September 14/15, our second collection will support the retire-ment, medical and financial needs of priests of the Archdiocese

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Clergy Health and Retirement Trustclergytrust.org

Healthier Priests. Stronger Communities.

Funds from this special collection are managed by the Clergy Health and Retirement Trust – an independently managed trust with a majority lay board of trustees. The funds are used for the sole benefit of active and senior priests in good standing.

The strength and vibrancy of our communities depend largely on the welfare of our priests who tirelessly serve others from all walks of life.

Powerful examples of strength in community are visible across 144 cities and towns of the Archdiocese of Boston. The roots of these communities can be traced back to the work of our priests.

Pine Street Inn: A Boston priest was one of the original founders of Pine Street Inn, which provides shelter and emergency services for nearly 2,000 homeless men and women in the Boston area every day.

Cor Unum: Started by a Lawrence pastor, Cor Unum (“One Heart”) food pantry serves more than 250,000 meals annually to poverty-stricken families in Lawrence.

Addiction Support for Families: A Boston priest’s expertise in addiction and recovery has been instrumental for organizations helping families and individuals in the grips of addiction.

Rostro de Cristo: Efforts to help the poor on the margins of Ecuador’s largest city is hard work, except for those who have been inspired by a Boston priest who started Rostro de Cristo, an organization based in Boston that lives the Gospel and serves the poor.

It’s simple: healthier priests mean stronger communities. Please support clergytrust.org



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