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1 Cotton In Our World Today: Why Choose Organic? Copyright © 2008 - Maxim Hygiene Products Prepared by: 39 Maple Street, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 USA Website: www.maximhy.com Tel 516-621-3323 Fax 516-621-3312 Toll Free: 1-800-95MAXIM

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Page 1: 1 Cotton In Our World Today: Why Choose Organic? Copyright © 2008 - Maxim Hygiene Products Prepared by: 39 Maple Street, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 USA Website:


Cotton In Our World Today:

Why Choose Organic?

Copyright © 2008 - Maxim Hygiene Products

Prepared by:

39 Maple Street, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 USAWebsite: www.maximhy.comTel 516-621-3323 Fax 516-621-3312Toll Free: 1-800-95MAXIM

Page 2: 1 Cotton In Our World Today: Why Choose Organic? Copyright © 2008 - Maxim Hygiene Products Prepared by: 39 Maple Street, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 USA Website:


Conventional Cotton Facts

• Cotton, a natural fiber, has been grown for millennia around the world and accounts for half the world’s fiber consumption.

• But modern methods of cotton farming can hardly be called natural.

• The amount of land used to grow cotton hasn’t changed since the 1930s, but yields have been increased 300 percent through hybridization, intensive land management and the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers.

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Organic Cotton Facts

• Organic Cotton is the purest form of cotton. It is grown without the use of Pesticides, Fungicides, Herbicides, Sewage Sludge, Irradiation or Genetic Engineering.

• Instead of these toxic chemicals, Organic Farmers use natural alternative methods and tools to enhance soil quality and biodiversity and protect the air and water on which we depend.

• To ensure its high quality standards, Organic cotton has to be certified by an accredited independent organization, which verifies organic methods are used to cultivate the cotton.

Page 4: 1 Cotton In Our World Today: Why Choose Organic? Copyright © 2008 - Maxim Hygiene Products Prepared by: 39 Maple Street, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 USA Website:


Organic vs. Natural Cotton Cultivation

Organic Fertilizer

Pest Hunting Insects

Hand Weeding

Grown in Mixed Crop Fields(This increases Weed Resistance Naturally)

Plants Are Naturally Allowed to Wither

Single Crop Fields


Chemical Herbicide

Chemical Pesticide

Chemical Fertilizer

Organic Cotton FarmsChemicals have not been used for more than three years

Regular Cotton FarmsChemicals are currently in use

Mild Hydrogen-Peroxide used as Natural Whitening & Disinfectant Agent

Final Result: Natural CottonFinal Result: Organic Cotton

Page 5: 1 Cotton In Our World Today: Why Choose Organic? Copyright © 2008 - Maxim Hygiene Products Prepared by: 39 Maple Street, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 USA Website:


Organic vs. Conventional Cotton Farming Methods

Organic Farming Methods

• Seed Preparation– Use of untreated seeds.– Never use Genetically Modified Organism seeds .

• Soil & Water– Soil stays strong and nutrient rich through Crop

Rotation– Retains water more efficiently, because of

increased Organic matters in the soil• Weed Control

– Use of natural methods such as Cultivation, Hand Hoeing, and Physical Removal rather than Chemical Destruction

• Pest Control– Monitor a balance between pests and their natural

predators by maintaining healthy soil– Use of Beneficial Insects, biological and cultural

practices to control pests and trap crops to lure insects away from the cotton.

• Harvesting– Relies mostly on the seasonal freeze or stimulation

through water management for defoliation

Conventional Farming Methods

• Seed Preparation– Seeds are treated with Fungicides or Insecticides.– Use Genetically Modified Organism seeds.

• Soil & Water– Apply Synthetic fertilizers.– Monocropping - Depletes soil of nutrients, increasing

the need for pesticides and fertilizers– Requires Intensive Irrigation.

• Weed Control– Chemical destruction, leaving harmful residues

behind in the soil– Over application and Excessive use of herbicides

• Pest Control– Heavy use of Insecticides.– Heavy use of Pesticides (the nine most common

highly toxic chemicals).– Frequently use Aerial Spraying, with potential drift

onto neighboring communities.• Harvesting

– Defoliates with Toxic Chemicals.

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Organic Cotton Benefits By Choosing Organically grown Cotton for your Fem

Hy products, you can reap all the benefits of Cotton’s beauty, comfort and strength, while minimizing harm to humans and our planet.

Overview of Organic Cotton benefits are as follows:– 100% Eco-Friendly – The natural, chemical-free process drastically reduces soil and water

pollution.– A natural soft feel quality– Far more absorbent than Fluff pulp used in Sanitary Hygiene

Products.– Hypoallergenic. It does not cause any Allergy or irritation when it

touches human skin.– Provides all the quality and texture expected from cotton products.– Feels good on your skin and good on your conscience.

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Organic Cotton Benefits (1)

Protects the health of humans.Protects the health of humans.

Babies and children are most vulnerable to the health risks related to pesticides. Using Organic Cotton products reduces their exposure to toxic pesticides during the most sensitive developmental stages of life. For adults with sensitive skin, Organic Cotton is free of allergens contained in chemically grown and synthetic products. Also, supporting organic agriculture is essential to creating improved working conditions for farm workers.

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Organic Cotton Benefits (2)

Protects the PlanetProtects the Planet..

Protects water quality by not using pesticides and fertilizers that are linked to groundwater contamination, the primary source of drinking water for half of the US population. Encourages biodiversity by controlling pests with friendly insects rather than multiple applications of toxic chemicals. It has been estimated that pesticides unintentionally kill at least 67 million birds in the US each year and it’s likely they kill many more.

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Organic Cotton Benefits (3)

Supports a True EconomySupports a True Economy.

Conventional cotton prices do not reflect the hidden costs we pay including billions of dollars in subsidies, pesticide regulation, hazardous waste disposal and overall environmental damage.

Organic Cotton is often farmed by small independently owned and operated family farms.

Page 10: 1 Cotton In Our World Today: Why Choose Organic? Copyright © 2008 - Maxim Hygiene Products Prepared by: 39 Maple Street, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 USA Website:


Why Choose Organic Cotton?Why Choose Organic Cotton? The Facts: The Facts:

• Conventional Cotton Farming uses approximately 25% of the world’s Insecticides and more than 10% of the Pesticides (including Herbicides, Insecticides and Defoliants).

• In 2003, 55 million pounds of Pesticides were sprayed on the 12.8 million acres of conventional cotton grown in the United States (4.30 pounds per acre), making Cotton the third most heavily treated US crop behind corn and soybeans (Reported by USDA).

• The US Environmental Protection Agency categorizes seven of the 15 most common pesticides used on cotton in the year 2000 in the US as “possible,” “likely,” “Probable,” or “known” human carcinogens (Acephate, 1,3-Dichloropropene, Diuron, Fluometuron, Pendimethalin, Tribufos,and Trifluralin).

• In 2000, more than 2 billion pounds of Synthetic fertilizers were applied to cotton crops worldwide. That’s nearly 150 pounds of chemicals per acre.

• According to the World Health Organization, 20,000 individuals die of cancer and miscarriages each year in developing countries as a result of the chemicals sprayed on conventional cotton. Farm workers around the world are suffering from serious health problems relating to an over exposure to hazardous pesticides, including Asthma, Neurological damage and Cancer.

• It takes roughly a third of a pound of chemicals (pesticides and fertilizers) to grow enough cotton for just one T-shirt.

• The average “100% cotton” product actually contains only 73% cotton. The remaining 27% consists of Chemicals, Resins, and Binders used in Farming and Manufacturing.