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What Are Viral Facebook Fanpages And Why Should You Create Them?

Don't know what facebook fanpages are?

Facebook, a social networking site with over 500 million users, has set up a system where you can add a page to their site. This page could be a site for your business, for you as a person, for a charity or cause or anything else you would like.

For us internet marketers, we use it to target a niche or product group that we can market to.

By having a fanpage like this, you can invite people to “like” or join your fanpage. These people can then invite all their facebook friends to also join your facebook fanpage. This means that the more people that like your page, the more people would see that their friends “liked” your page. This can cause your page to go viral, meaning it will keep on getting massive amounts of fans without you having to invite anyone.

So what do you do after you have a fanpage with thousands of fans?

You monetize it, meaning you create a way that you can profit from it.

This is so easy, because you can post an update on the fanpage, which your fans will see on their facebook news feed. This means that every time you make an update, thousands of people would see your update or advertisement and potentially hundreds of them could click on them, of which many will buy your product or complete your offer, which in turn would make you money.

And this is where the beauty of facebook fanpages lie. If you can create a huge fanpage with lots of fans, the sky is the limit on how many ways you can profit with this fanpage.

HOT Niches/Markets/ideas to go after for your Fanpages

Many internet marketers already know how powerful Facebook Fanpages could be for driving traffic and boosting your online profits. There are hundreds if not thousands of internet marketers and businesses who are making full time incomes just by marketing through Facebook fanpages.

Imagine how endless the possibilities would be if you had a fanpage with a 124,560 fans. You will have true push button traffic at your fingertips.

For example, take a look at the following Fanpages and notice the topics and the number of people who have joined.

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You can use these for ideas on how you can also create a viral fanpage. Remember – people want something that will them smile, shock them, interest them or that will amaze them. Find out what people WANT. Catchy, slang, or “hot” street talk is also effective sometimes.

Fanpage example 1:

Title of Fanpage - I like your makeup...LOL JK, it looks like you got gangbanged by Crayola!

Now this fanpage has over 1 million members and it is a prime example of a fanpage that has gone viral. Notice the topic – it is funny and at the same time people on Facebook like “funny” Fanpages.

You can make money from viral Fanpages by selling Gigs on Fiverr or renting out “Status Update space” to potential advertisers or people.

People are already offering this guy money for this fanpage!

Take a look at the “reviews” section.

Now this person does not need to worry about making money from CPA or Clickbank with this fanpage because he/she has already created a fanpage that is potentially worth thousands of dollars.

Fanpage example 2:

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Title of Fanpage - I Hate Getting Texts That Only Say "k"

Here is another fanpage that has gone “viral” and has over 4 million fans.

Now this Fanpage is pretty funny but its something that people can relate to.

How many times have you had your friends SMS you and reply to you with the word “k”. I know I hate this!

You will notice that this Fanpage has generated a lot of interest and the owner is cashing in by promoting affiliates. However, you should notice that this owner is not using a landing page or a welcome page. By using a landing page he can double the amount of visitors to his fanpage.

Fanpage example 3:

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Title - Sleeping with the aircon/fan and the doona on at the same time

As you can see this fanpage has attracted just over 710,000 people.

This is another example of a “viral” type of topic that can attract a lot of interest in a short space of time.

Here is a list of different Fanpages you might want to create for them to go “viral”.

I hate it when a person blows smoke in my face!

I love rubbing my feet against my quilt at night and stay warm!

I LOVE it when it rains at night and I can hold my pillow tight and fall asleep!

I love the taste of chocolate when its melted!

I hate it when my glasses get steamed up cos of the RAIN!!

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I hate it when you kiss someone and then there’s an awkward silence

I hate people who miss call you because they don’t have airtime!

I hate it when my boyfriend looks at other girls when he’s out with me

I hate it when people stare at you when you are eating!

I hate people who talk loud on buses!

I hate sitting next to strangers on buses!

I hate people who wind you up then apologise!

I LOVE waking up to the sound of birds singing outside.

I love holding my partner in bed when it is raining outside.

I hate it when your boyfriend calls you FAT!

I LOVE it when I catch people back chatting about me when they are totally unaware !

I love kissing my partner with my tongue!

I hate it when people snore at night and then end up waking you up.

I hate the sound of screaming kids outside when you are trying relax

I love walking in the rain on cold winters day.

I hate it when people get excited and scream just because they have won something!

I hate seeing other people win the Lottery – it pisses me off!

You look like Joker from BATMAN with your make up!

I love getting paid from work and seeing my bank balance going up!

I love it when its FRIDAY and you can just relax all day in front of the TV

I love sleeping on Sundays and not doing anything!

I love relaxing in front of the gas fire, when it is cold and windy outside

I hate it when you talk to someone and in the middle of the convo theres a weird silence!

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I hate it when you’re the only one talking on the bus when someone calls you

Love holding onto my partner in the morning and cuddling!

I love it when an ice cream is half melted and you eat it.

I love it when chocolate is half melted and it tastes nice.

If we have 500k people my friend MAX will quit smoking!

I hate it when you are driving in a crappy car and the car in front of you is much better

I hate it when tall people tower above you and you feel like crap!

These are just some of the viral types of Fanpages you can create.

Remember people will join your fanpage if they can relate to something. Some of the Fanpages are so simple but powerful because people can relate to them. These events are occurring in our everyday lives.

Always try to create a fanpage that is unique and has never been done before.

Once your Fanpage goes viral you will find it will end up having a “snow ball” effect and you will not need to do any promotion.

To create a fanpage that is incredibly easy to make money from, keep the following in mind:

1. Every Fan Page you create should have a tightly focused Theme and, ifyou develop several Facebook Fan Pages, do not promote one page on another page. Keep them totally separate.

2. Make sure you pick a niche that is active and has a lot of peoplesearching for whatever you want to promote on your Fan Page. Look for the hot trends in Click Bank, Yahoo, Amazon.com, for starters. Search out magazines at your favorite news stand. Go through the magazines in the niche you are exploring and look for what's selling. You can believe that if you find a magazine for your niche, that it is a popular niche with your potential customers. You can use your interests or hobbies, dislikes, favorite bands, films . . . as long as you have researched your niche and know there are people searching for it.

3. Do explicit market research with your favorite market research tool (I likeMarket Samurai and the keyword research portion is FREE.) This is a very

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important step. If you don't get it right, you won't get the traffic from the search engines. Take your time; give it a lot of thought.

4. Go to Google Keyword Tool and enter your main theme keyword andlook for additional keywords you can use that have a lot of searches each month. In Google (or Yahoo), you can put in a keyword in quotes (phrase match), to see how much competition there is for pages that use that keyword. Compare the Global Searches Per Month number from the Google Keyword Tool with the number returned by Google (actually, Yahoo's numbers tend to be more accurate), and look for keywords for a high number of monthly searches and a low number of competing websites. This will make it easy for you to rank for that particular keyword.

5. Once you have determined your main theme keyword and additionalkeywords you would like to target, use the main theme keyword in your Fan Page Title and in your Profile.

6. Talk about your Fan Page on the Social Networking sites. The mostpopular ones, aside from Facebook, are hi5, Ning, Bebo, Orkut, Linkedin, Friendster, and MySpace. Use Twitter and Foursquare for microblogging. Do some quality content publishing on various web2.0 sites, such as HubPages, Squidoo, tumblr, Scribd, and ezinearticles. Always, link back to your Facebook Fan Page.

7. In the profiles you create for the different social networking sites, send alink back to your Facebook Fan Page URL.

8. If you want to boost the traafic to your fanpage, from outsidefacebook, you can write articles. Everybody knows that article marketing is the best way to get your blogs and pages indexed by the search engines quickly. They are great authority sites and the search engines love them. Write several articles, making sure you use the keyword you want to target both in the article title, description, and the content of the article. In the resource box at the end of the article, send the viewers back to your Fan Page or, if you have an opt in page on your Fan Page that offers something free that is relevant to the article, send your readers there. Not only will you get indexed quickly, your will begin to build back links to your Fan Page.

9. Visit blogs and forums that are relevant to your Fan Page niche, post auseful, helpful comment, and a link back to your Facebook Fan Page.

Those are just some of the ways you can optimize your Facebook Fan Page. Just remember - use your keywords as much as possible and update often to keep your Fan Page "new and interesting", and the search engines will love you!

Identify and Research Your Audience

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Very Important: Before you create your page you want to make sure your audience is represented on Facebook. You want to make sure you’re planning and creating a page that will generate the profits you desire.

Often the best way to see if your audience is well represented on Facebook is to log on and start browsing. Search for friends by interest. Look at other pages that are relevant to your industry.

Take a few minutes to jot down who your audience is for your fan page. Then spend some time on Facebook making sure that they’re present and that your efforts will be profitable.

Use Clickbank to research affiliate products for your fanpage.

Clickbank is an excellent marketplace that has lots of different niches with “passionate” people. Here are some examples of niches you can create a Facebook fanpages on.

Weight Loss Breakdancing (street dancing) Repairing Xbox 360 Cooking And Recipes Games Niche Music Game Guides Movies (Watch FREE Movie Online Fanpages are popular – link

them withClickbank movie products)

Before you create your fanpage for a specific Clickbank offer make sure that the Clickbank offer you target has a good landing page and it provides you with good promotion tools.

I like to experiment with different types of niches. Remember the more you test the more likely you will come across a profitable niche.

As you’re planning your Facebook fan page, consider what content you can offer that will provide the most value to your prospects and visitors.

Provide content that:

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Is relevant to your fan subject Is insightful or entertaining Motivates people to interact, comment and take action.

Add tabs that offer value to your prospects and customers.

For example, if you’re a professional coach you might have a tab that offers assessments and quizzes.

If you’re an information marketer, perhaps one tab will be dedicated to “reviews.” Contests and sweepstakes are also a great way to motivate people to participate on your page and become part of your community.

Create an outline for your Facebook page. Include all of the tabs you’re going to have on your page. Note that you don’t have to create all of them before you launch. Part of creating an engaging page is adding content and that includes adding new tabs as your page grows and evolves.

Start with a plan for what you want to launch your page with. Make sure your page and subsequent tabs support your goals. For example, if your goal is to build your list you’ll likely want:

1. Welcome page with an opt-in form2. Info/About page

Finding fans for your fan page

TOP TIP: Invite other peoples friends with the same interests.

If you know of another POPULAR marketer who is in the same niche as you, or others with the same interests, you can search their profile and "friend" their friends. Most people will"friend" you back. When they do, send them a message thanking them and inviting them to visit your Fan Page.

If your Fan Page is getting a decent amount of traffic, you could also do a feature on that POPULAR Marketer, let the marketer know you featured them on your Fan Page, and they will usually talk about it on their blog and/or Fan Page, sending their fans and friends to your Fan Page. Just remember to be sincere.

TOP TIP: You can buy “status updates” on fiverr.com

This is so cheap it's wonderful. You don't have to do this but for the small cost, it can turbo charge your fanpage.

Head over to fiverr.com and click on the “Social Marketing” category to see what kind of services people are offering in relation to Facebook Fanpages.

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We can immediately see that there are several services that you can use where people are offering Facebook “invites”. So for example, here is an example of a service that will generate you lots of fans in a short space of time.

Here's another one and there are lots more of them.

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Maintain Your Facebook Page – A Long Term Plan

Network and Connect

You’re going to want to let people know you have a Facebook fan page. Share links from your fan page on your profile. Invite friends, prospects and connections to become fans. Consider hosting contests and promotions to drive traffic to your Facebook page.

Promote your Facebook page on your email signature, on your homepage, and in other social networks that you’re a part of. Integrate your fan page into your existing marketing tactics and strategy.

Consistently Add Value and Content

The best way to generate and maintain interest in your page is to consistently add fresh and valuable content. Post links, create discussions, publish pictures and content. Post surveys and have fun with applications.

Don’t forget to also publish promotions and special offers. Get creative and generate excitement for your page and your business.

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Facebook fan pages are an exceptional tool to achieve a number of business building goals. Whether you’re driving traffic to your website, building your lead list or actually selling products or services on your page, the end result is a boost in profits.

Create your goals, research your audience, plan and create your page to support your goals. Once your page has been published, create a long-term plan to maintain it by consistently adding valuable content, networking with users and fans and tracking results. Profits will naturally result from your dedicated efforts.