1 chapter 10 sexual reproduction and genetics 10.1 meiosis

1 Chapter 10 Sexual Reproduction and Genetics 10.1 Meiosis

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Chapter 10Sexual Reproduction

and Genetics10.1 Meiosis


Chromosomes and Chromosome Number

Human body cells have 46 chromosomes DNA on the chromosomes are arranged in

sections that code for a trait; these sections are genes

Humans have approximately 23,000 genes


Chromosomes and Chromosome Number

Of the 46 human chromosomes each parent contributes 23 chromosomes

These chromosomes are paired

Homologous chromosomes—one of two paired chromosomes, one from each parent


Homologous Chromosomes Same centromere

position Same length Homologous

chromosomes contain the same genes; although they may contain different versions of the gene


Chromosomes and Chromosome Number

Haploid cells contain only one of the homologous pair of chromosomes (half the number of chromosomes)

Diploid cell contain the chromosomes in pairs (di=two)


Chromosomes and Chromosome Number

Gametes (sex cells) contain the haploid number of chromosomes (n)

Body cells contain the diploid number of chromosomes (2n)

Human gametes (sperm and egg) have 23 chromosomes and body cells have 46 chromosomes


Meiosis Gametes are formed

during the process of meiosis

Meiosis reduces diploid cells to haploid cells

Fertilization restores the diploid number


Meiosis Meiosis involves two consecutive sets of cell

divisions Meiosis only occurs in the reproductive structures

of organisms who reproduce sexually: Most animals Most plants Most fungi Most protists


Meiosis I and Meiosis II Meiosis I is the reduction division; cells start

out diploid and end up haploid In Meiosis II sister chromatids are

separated (much like mitosis)



Chromosomes replicate.

Chromatin condenses.Interphase

Meiosis I


Prophase I

Pairing of homologous chromosomes occurs.

Each chromosome consists of two chromatids.

The nuclear envelope breaks down.

Spindles form.

Prophase I

Meiosis I


Prophase I

Crossing over produces exchange of genetic information.

Crossing over—chromosomal segments are exchanged between a pair of homologous chromosomes.

Meiosis I

Tetrads are groups of four sister chromatids


Metaphase I

Chromosome’s centromere attach to spindle fibers.

Homologous chromosomes line up at the equator in tetrads

Metaphase I

Meiosis I


Anaphase I

Anaphase I

Homologous chromosomes separate and moveto opposite poles of the cell.

Meiosis I


Telophase I

The spindles break down.

Chromosomes uncoil and form two nuclei.

The cell divides.

Telophase I

Meiosis I


Prophase II

A second set of phases beginsas the spindle apparatus forms and the chromosomes condense.

Prophase II

Meiosis II


Metaphase II

A haploid number of chromosomesline up at the equator.

Metaphase II

Meiosis II


Anaphase II

Anaphase II

The sister chromatids arepulled apart at the centromere by spindle fibers and move toward the opposite poles of the cell.

Meiosis II


Telophase II

The chromosomes reach the poles, andthe nuclear membrane and nuclei reform.

Telophase II

Meiosis II


Cytokinesis results in four haploid cells, each with n number of chromosomes. Cytokinesis

Meiosis II


Meiosis consists of two sets of divisions

Produces four haploid daughter cells that are not identical

Results in genetic variation



Depending on how the chromosomes line up at the equator, four gametes with four different combinations of chromosomes can result.

Genetic variation also is produced during crossing over and during fertilization, when gametes randomly combine.



Meiosis and Variation Number of possible genetic variations in the

gametes equals:2n where n is the haploid number

In humans number of possible genetic combinations in gametes is 223

Add the genetic combinations that exist when crossing over exists (at 3 per meiosis) and get (223)3


The possibility that (223)3 variations exists for each gamete

When fertilization occurs this number must be doubled 2 x (223)3

You are unique; no one else exists or ever has existed that is just like you (unless you have an identical twin).

Meiosis and Variation, cont


Advantages of Asexual Reproduction

The organism inherits all of its chromosomes from a single parent.

The new individual is genetically identical to its parent.

Usually occurs more rapidly than sexual reproduction


Advantages of Sexual Reproduction

Beneficial genes multiply faster over time. The organisms inherits genes from two

parents and is not genetically identical to either parent.

Ensures genetic variation


Chapter 10Sexual Reproduction

and Genetics10.2 Mendelian Genetics


Gregor Mendel Lived in Europe in

what is now Czech Republic near the Austrian border.

Father of Genetics Monk, entered

monastery 1843


Gregor Mendel Failed teacher’s exam When to U of Vienna

Studied with physicist Doppler- science through experiment, applied math to science

Studied with botanist Unger- interest in causes of variation in plants

Passed teacher’s exam and taught at monastery’s school; also responsible for school’s garden

Published 1866, mathematics and plant breeding


Mendel Studied Peas Available in many varieties Self pollinating (can manipulate pollination) “either-or” inherited traits Had “true breeder” for parental generation

(P) due to flower structure


Mendel Studied Peas The petals enclose the

stamen (with pollen) so that cross pollination does not occur

Cross pollination is easily accomplished by peeling back the petals and moving pollen with a paint brush


Inheritance of Traits


The second filial (F2) generation is the offspring from the F1 cross.

The offspring of this P cross are called the first filial (F1) generation.

Inheritance of Traits


Pea Traits Studied by Mendel


Mendel studied thousand of pea plants for the seven traits.

He concluded that: Genes are in pairs Different versions of genes (alleles) account for

variation in inherited characteristics Alleles can be dominant or recessive

Inheritance of Traits


Dominant and Recessive Alleles can be dominant or recessive. An allele is dominant if it appears in the F1

generation when true breeder parents are crossed.

An allele is recessive if it is masked in the F1 generation.



Symbols To help make genetics easier symbols are used Capital letters are used for dominant alleles Lower case letters are used for recessive alleles The letter to use is based on the dominant trait Example: purple is dominant to white, P would be

the dominant allele and p the recessive allele


Homozygous and Heterozygous Dominant traits can be homozygous or

heterozygous Homo= same; the alleles would be the

same, PP Hetero=different; the alleles would be

different, Pp For the recessive trait to be expressed both

alleles would be recessive, pp


Genotype and Phenotype Genotype is the organism's gene pairs: PP,

Pp or pp Phenotype is the outward physical

appearance or expression of the genotype: purple or white


Genotype and Phenotype If the phenotype

displays the recessive trait (white) then you know the genotype; pp

If the phenotype displays the dominant trait (purple) then the genotype could be homozygous dominant (PP) or heterozygous (Pp)

Genotype is ppGenotype is PP or Pp


Punnett Squares Mathematical device for

predicting the results of genetic cross

Male gametes are written across the top

Female gametes are written along the side

Genetic possibilities of the offspring are in the boxes

Expect 3:1 phenotypic ratio


Monohybrid Cross Mono= one One trait is studied at

a time This one is seed color Monohybrid crosses

provided evidence for the Law of Segregation


Mendel’s Law of Segregation

Two alleles for each trait separate during meiosis


Dihybrid Cross Di= two Two traits are studied

at a time This one is seed color

(yellow or green) and seed shape (wrinkled or round)


Dihybrid Cross Four types of alleles from

the male gametes and four types of alleles from the female gametes can be produced.

The resulting phenotypic ratio is 9:3:3:1 which gave evidence for the Law of Independent Assortment


Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment

Random distribution of alleles occurs during gamete formation

Genes on separate chromosomes sort independently during meiosis.

Each allele combination is equally likely to occur.


Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment


Probability Genetic crosses predict what to expect in

the phenotypes and genotypes of the offspring.

Observed results are what you actually see with the organisms.

The larger the number of offspring the closer the expected and observed results usually are.


Chapter 10Sexual Reproduction

and Genetics10.3 Gene Linkage and Polyploidy


Gene Linkage The linkage of genes on a chromosome results in

an exception to Mendel’s law of independent assortment because linked genes usually do not segregate independently.


Polyploidy Polyploidy is the

occurrence of one or more extra sets of all chromosomes in an organism.

Approximately 30% of flowers are polyploidy

Strawberries are octoploidy (8n)


Polyploidy Horticultural important

plants are forced to polyploidy to increase the size and flavor of flowers and fruits and overall vigor of the plants.

Polyploidy is uncommon in animals.