1 casip-smes project this project is funded by the european union provided by the european union a...

1 CASIP-SMEs project This project is funded by the European Union Provided by the European Union A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of Venice Mr Roberto Sandrini – Project Manager Activity 5: PILOT ACTION General Overview

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CASIP-SMEs project

This project is funded by the European Union

Provided by the European Union

A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of Venice

Mr Roberto Sandrini – Project Manager

Activity 5: PILOT ACTION

General Overview


CASIP-SMEs Project

A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of Venice

This project is funded by the European Union


1 – Definitions and general overview from Application Form

2 – Services to be implemented

3 – Methodology for the implementation of local Pilot Actions

4 – Resources for the development of Pilot Actions


CASIP-SMEs Project

A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of Venice

This project is funded by the European Union

1 – Definitions and general overview from Application Form


To test Innovative Services and check their usefulness for the target users (entrepreneurs or enterprises; local operators, etc).

Pilot actions will consist of actions directly addressed to the target users of the services selected.

They action will be developed according to the methodology of the services selected.


CASIP-SMEs Project

A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of Venice

This project is funded by the European Union

2 – Services to be implemented

1. Trademarks and IPR

2. Franchising

3. Coaching and support for the best commercially exploitable invention

4. Open IP consultation days

5. IP and Innovation Emergency Response

Pilot Actions will be implemented by testing at least 2 innovative services in the local territory

All tools to support the provision of the services will be available and downloadable from the CASIP-SMEs project website and they will be mainly available in Russian language


CASIP-SMEs Project

A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of Venice

This project is funded by the European Union

2 – Services to be implemented


According to the Baseline Study analysis produced under action 3 of the project, the 5 services hereunder listed are to be intended as

“short term services”, which can be implemented with the resources given by the project.

Long Term services will be considered when developing the local sustainability plans together with the Associates.


CASIP-SMEs Project

A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of Venice

This project is funded by the European Union

2 – Services to be implemented PRELIMINARY TOOL


How to evaluate your level of knowledge and practice on IP RightsSelf assessment questionnaire, designed for enterprises, to auto-evaluate their level on Intellectual Property practices (patents, copyrights, trademarks, designs, know-how, trade secrets) on the AIDA scale.


Online questionnaire with 36 questions, (it will be available in English and Russian)The AIDA light online questionnaire is used :1. To evaluate and visualize the level of IP-awareness of an SME in a simple way. 2. To enable a possibility of direct contact with the AIDA light provider (National IP Office, intermediary…).The tool material is composed of:• Tool description, dedicated to IT specialists, explaining how to install the questionnaire (Guide_implement_AIDA_light_v1.0.pdf)

•Technical documents to install the AIDA light questionnaire (“aida_questionnaire_setup “). Materials are available upon request after signing a free license agreement with CRP Henri Tudorwww.tudor.lu


CASIP-SMEs Project

A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of Venice

This project is funded by the European Union

2 – Services to be implemented

N°1: TRADEMARKS AND IPR:How to improve marketing and uniqueness of

your company


How to improve your advertising and out-reach to customers via IPR


The aim of this service is to introduce the value of IPR for marketing purposes to SMEs and demonstrating uniqueness to customers. Foremost, this service addresses the use of trademarks for branding purposes, but later on should introduce also copyrights, patents and designs for marketing usage

There are three options

a)Integrate this service during a marketing introductory course

b)Plan a training course (2-3 half days, class-room style)

c)Provide material for downloading from web-site

d)Introduction of a training course session in a seminar


N°1: TRADEMARKS AND IPR:How to improve marketing and uniqueness of your company


How to improve your advertising and out-reach to customers via IPR


METHODOLOGY:•Guidelines for the organization of Seminars for Service 1 on Trademark (provided by TUDOR and available in English and in Russian)•Guideline to support the provision of the services and for consulting (available in Russian)

GUIDELINES, BOOKLETS AND PRESENTATIONS•Material on Trademark (from the dedicated webinar session organized by TUDOR)•Existing material on the issue edited/translated by the CA countries •Dedicated information on “Geographical Origin and Trademarks” (to be elaborated starting from WIPO materials and translated into Russian)•“Making a Mark” – booklet on Trademark for SMEs (available in English and Russian)•“Branding and IP” – how to develop a business strategy starting from trademark (WIPO – to be translated into Russian)•IP-PANORAMA – dedicated Chapters •Trade Marks for branding of goods and services (UKPO – ask for permission)CASE STUDIES:• WIPO IP Advantage Database •Case studies and examples from the regions and partners involved in the CASIP-SMEs project


CASIP-SMEs Project

A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of Venice

This project is funded by the European Union

2 – Services to be implemented


Making money by applying and licensing a well standardized business concept


The aim of the service is to introduce and popularise the concept of franchising in CA countries (most specifically, in the restaurant and food sectors and/or the textile sector)

There are three options

a)Integrate this service during a franchise business course with the participation of investors. The course should cover selected fields (food-textile-etc)

b)Plan a training course (6-8 half days, class-room style)

c)Provide material for downloading from web-site

d)Introduction of a training course session in a seminar



Making money by applying and licensing a well standardized business concept

PROPOSED TOOLSMETHODOLOGY:• Guidelines for the organization of Seminars for Service 2 on Franchising (provided by TUDOR

and available in English and in Russian)• Guideline to support the provision of the services and for consulting (available in Russian)

GUIDELINES, BOOKLETS, PRESENTATIONS• Materials developed for the dedicated CASIP-SMEs webinar (Russian and English available)• Franchising, Technology Transfer, Licensign (WIPO presentation – English) – Licensing Booklet

(UK NPO publication – English)• Agreeing a Price for Intellectual Property Rights (UK NPO – English)• Successful Technology Licensing (WIPO publication – English)• IP-PANORAMA – Dedicated Chapter• How to franchise guide 1 and 2 (from http://www.franchising.com/howtofranchiseguide/)• Guideline on franchising produced by the Chamber of Commerce of Uzbekistan

CASE STUDIESSelection from WIPO IP Advantage Database


CASIP-SMEs Project

A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of Venice

This project is funded by the European Union

2 – Services to be implemented


For the best commercially exploitable invention


The aim of this service is to provide SMEs and possible future entrepreneurs with a commercially promising invention with the best possible tailored support and coaching for the commercialisation of the invention. The service could use existing inventor competitions as one means of identifying select SMEs/future entrepreneurs for support activities

Several Options:

a. Start from an existing National/Local Inventors Competition and support the commercialisation of the most promising inventions

b. Organize a brand new competition and provide assistance to the winner/winners

c. Support existing competitions with dedicated tutorial assistance to promote business and IP commercialisation




PROPOSED TOOLSMethodology•Guidelines for the organization of an Award Event (provided by TUDOR and available in English and in Russian)• Guideline to support the provision of the services and for consulting (available in Russian)• Guideline and materials on how to develop an interview with SME (IP interview)• AIDA online questionnaireGuidelines, Booklets, Presentations•Toolkit from CTI Start-Up programme•Turning Invention into money: http://inventors.about.com/od/businessplans/a/business_plan.htm•(select some tools and information from there – ask for permission)•Turn your idea into a success story: http://www.bl.uk/bipc/workevents/pppinven.html•Inventing – Essential Guide for Inventors (British Library and St. Pancras IP Centre) Lambert toolkit (contract framework to exploit ideas): http://www.ipo.gov.uk/lambert•UZBEK guideline about IP Valuation Standard (ask Uzbek Partners)•MIT Inventors support guideline: http://web.mit.edu/invent/h-main.html

Case studies•CZECH case (see the baseline study)


CASIP-SMEs Project

A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of Venice

This project is funded by the European Union

2 – Services to be implemented


The aim of Open IP consultation days is that SMEs can obtain a first for-free advice from IP professionals on IP-related problems (and/or opportunities that can arise from IP).

• Identification of the experts/attorneys/from NPO to be involved (for free?) (IP professionals could be considered)

• Organization of periodical consultation session for SMEs (on selected IP topic)

• Promotion of the Periodical Consultation through media means

• Time for Q&A session

• Evaluation of results/Customer satisfaction



PROPOSED TOOLSMethodology•Guidelines for the organization of an Open Consultation Day (provided by TUDOR and available in English and in Russian)•Guideline to support the provision of the services and for consulting (available in Russian)•Guideline and materials on how to develop an interview with SME (IP interview)• AIDA online questionnaireGuidelines, Booklets, PresentationsDuring the consultation days, materials developed with others services on selected topic can be used and circulated by the IP experts among SMEs

Case studies-Open Consultation Days in Austria-Open Consultation Days in Germany -Open Consultation Days in Chamber of Commerce of Verona


CASIP-SMEs Project

A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of Venice

This project is funded by the European Union

2 – Services to be implemented

N°5: IP and Innovation Emergency Response

Training for service provider / multipliers


The goal of the service is to enable a multiplier effect: Staff from business intermediary operators, private consultants etc. should have sufficient IP knowledge to offer first advice on IP issues and opportunities and refer more complicated problems to IP professionals.

a. To define the target of reference (operators from Chamber)

b. To assess level of knowledge among potential operators to be involved

c. To define training courses (topics, timing, etc)

d. To define the group of experts to train the trainers

e. To define evaluation criteria and possible traceability of trainees


CASIP-SMEs Project

A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of Venice

This project is funded by the European Union

2 – Services to be implemented

N°5: IP and Innovation Emergency ResponseTraining for service provider / multipliers

PROPOSED TOOLSMethodology• Guideline for the implementation of service n° 5 • Guideline and materials on how to develop an interview with SME (IP interview)• AIDA online questionnaire

Guidelines, Booklets, Presentations•Adaptation of IP4INNO programme and tools to the Central Asia environment.www.ip4inno.eu•Training courses from IPRforSEE Project•Training courses from IP-SMEs Project•Others training courses available •Materials coming from National Existing IP Training Courses (to be identified – Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan mainly)


CASIP-SMEs Project

A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of Venice

This project is funded by the European Union

2 – Services to be implemented

SERVICERepublic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Uzbekistan

Kyrgyz Republic

Republic of Tajikistan

Trademarks and IPR X X

Franchising X

Coaching and tailored support for invention


Open IP consultation day


IP and Innovation Emergency Response Training



CASIP-SMEs Project

A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of Venice

This project is funded by the European Union

3 – Methodology for the implementation of local pilot action

According to the services chosen and to the needs of the local enterprises, each Partner will elaborate its own pilot action plan


1. Drafting of a plan which describes the steps for the implementation of pilot actions

2. Use of materials and knowledge developed in activity 4 (see table with link between services to be tested and training courses implemented with ACTION4)

3. Involve the target addressed directly (SMEs or operators) with testing the services selected


CASIP-SMEs Project

A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of Venice

This project is funded by the European Union

3 – Methodology for the implementation of local pilot action


Team of technicians/operators in charge for implementation and its local coordination;

Industrial sectors and foreseen number of SMEs to be involved Methodology to provide the service (adapted considering the

national needs) Communication means and strategy for the promotion of services Timetable for the implementation, including realistic deadlines Deliverables


CASIP-SMEs Project

A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of Venice

This project is funded by the European Union

3 – Methodology for the implementation of local pilot action



Number of SMEs selected to join the pilot action Minimum 20

Workshop foreseen during pilot action implementation Minimum 2 for each service

Communication means used for the promotion of pilot actions

2 press conferences

2 article on newspaper

Leaflet n.2

News on the CASIP-SMEs website


CASIP-SMEs Project

A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of Venice

This project is funded by the European Union

3 – Methodology for the implementation of local pilot action



Drafting of Operative plan for the implementation of pilot Action

31st August 2012

Starting date of Pilot Action implementation 15th September 2012

Pilot Action Mid Term Report 30th November 2012

Pilot Action Final Report 1st March 2013

End of Pilot Action Implementation 28th February 2013

Those deadlines should be revised as dates mentioned are already in the past


CASIP-SMEs Project

A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of Venice

This project is funded by the European Union

4 – Resources for the development of Pilot Actions

Every Central Asian PPs will have the possibility to use the following resources for Pilot Actions development:

Supply for Meeting Organization € 1.500,00

Per Diem in your country (linked to meeting organization) € 1.500,00

Brochure Printing in CA Countries € 600,00

Print and Diffusion of Pilot Actions Promotional Materials and Tools € 2.500,00

Dedicated internal staff (different amount between CA Project Partners) Variable 

TOTAL: € 6.100,00


CASIP-SMEs Project

A project implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of Venice

This project is funded by the European Union

Thanks for your kind attention!