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1 of unity that makes them truly global citizens. The event was a gala show of cultural pageantry showcasing the diversity and internationality of the Institute. A photo feature is available at this link: http:// www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150754 352314709.426847.102952369708&type=3 Asian Institute of Technology MAY 2012 INSIDE ISSUE.. . Recent News / Happenings at AIT ................................................. 2-5 Backpage....................................................................................... 6 T he auditorium of the Asian Institute of Technology’s Conference Center, which was deluged in last October, became an arena where togetherness and internationality was on display at the AIT Cultural Show 2012 held on 21 April 2012. The event showcased the inherent artistic talent of the students and their fierce competitiveness, coupled with the spirit Spirit of togetherness marks AIT Cultural Show 2012 The prize winning shadow theatre performance by the team from Nepal at the AIT Cultural Show.

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of unity that makes them truly global citizens. The event was a gala show of cultural pageantry showcasing the diversity and internationality of the Institute.

A photo feature is available at this link: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150754352314709.426847.102952369708&type=3

Asian Institute of Technology MAY 2012


Recent News / Happenings at AIT................................................. 2-5Backpage....................................................................................... 6

T he auditorium of the Asian Institute of Technology’s Conference Center, which

was deluged in last October, became an arena where togetherness and internationality was on display at the AIT Cultural Show 2012 held on 21 April 2012. The event showcased the inherent artistic talent of the students and their fierce competitiveness, coupled with the spirit

Spirit of togetherness marks AIT Cultural Show 2012

The prize winning shadow theatre performance by the team from Nepal at the AIT Cultural Show.

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Prof. Said Irandoust (left) and H.E. Mr. João Freistas de Câmara

visit to AIT on 25 April 2012, H.E. Mr. Câmara remarked that Timor Leste had made a substantial budget allocation for hu-man resource development.

At AIT to discuss the program on capacity building, the Am-bassador remarked that the embassy would do everything to facilitate the partnership between AIT and the Ministry of Education in Timor Leste.

Welcoming the Ambassador, AIT President Prof. Said Iran-doust stated that AIT will soon finalize the collaboration with the Ministry of Education. AIT has already proceeded on preparations to receive students from Timor Leste, he added.


Pak Ambassador launches WB aided program

Former PM speaks at GIZ, AIT Extension Conference

Former Prime Minis-ter of Thailand, Hon. Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva delivered a speech during the plenary session at the con-ference “Changing Asia- Changing Gov-ernance: Governance Academy” held on

Hon. Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva

25 April 2012 in Bangkok. The event was organized by GIZ’s (German Society for In-ternational Cooperation) Sector Network Governance Asia General Meeting 2012, in partnership with Asian Institute of Technol-ogy Extension.

The former prime minister, who is also the lead-er of opposition and the head of the Democrat Party, shared his experience about ASEAN and the significance of connectivity, governance and government, increasing demands of infra-structure, management of urban growth, envi-ronmental protection, along with the need to harmonize rules and regulation to foster trade.

Timor Leste Ambassador assures all help to AIT

Ambassador of Timor Leste to Thailand, H.E. Mr. João Freistas de Câmara, assured the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) of all help to facilitate the program initi-ated by AIT towards capacity building in his country. During a

AIT, as a part of a $ (US) 15 million World Bank-funded project, will train more than 400 managers, technicians and staff from Pakistan’s privatized electric power distribution sector through a two-month intensive professional development program orga-nized in Thailand. The Energy Distribution Services Manage-ment and Technology (EDSMAT) Program launched in Bang-kok on 21 April 2012 is a tripartite program spearheaded by AIT Extension in cooperation with AIT’s Energy field of study, and its School of Management.

Officially launching the EDSMAT, Pakistan’s Ambassador to Thailand, H.E. Mr. Sohail Mahmood, underscored the impor-tance of professionalizing the delivery of energy distribution ser-

vices in his home country, saying: “The energy sector is at the top of the agenda in Pakistan, and the pivotal role played by power distribution companies is crucial.”

H.E. Mr. Sohail Mahmood

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AIT students give to Thai orphanage

AIT’s Student Union recently opened up its heart and wallet by donating 16,000 THB to a rural orphanage in Thailand run by the organization “Baan Unrak” or House of Joy. The financial gift was

AIT launches first dual doctoral program with Sokendai, Japan

AIT has launched a dual doctoral degree program with the Gradu-ate University for Japan Studies (Sokendai). The dual doctoral degree program, which is the first for both AIT and Sokendai, is slated to admit students in the August semester.

Led by Prof. Ken Satoh, Head of the Department of Informat-ics and Professor of Principles of Informatics Research Division, Sokendai, the delegation informed AIT students about the op-portunities offered by the program. The program was finalized following a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) signed by the Sokendai President, Naoyuki Takahata, and AIT President, Prof. Said Irandoust in January 2012.

AIT students handing over donation to Baan Unrak.

Prof. Ken Satoh

handed over to House of Joy’s Italian founder and director Ms. Dolci Donata at a small ceremony at the AIT Student Union (AITSU) Office in Korea House, AIT. The money was raised by the AITSU from selling commemorative T-shirts for Interna-tional Women’s Day 2012.

SU Campus and Environment Chairperson, Mr. Afzal Jamil, 29, explained that it was the first time such a donation had been made by the union. Mr. Arjun Kumar, an MBA student from In-dore, India, who was instrumental in bringing House of Joy and AITSU together, said: “As students and as human beings it’s im-portant for all of us to be socially conscious of others in need.” Children from Baan Unrak also gave a dance and yoga perfor-mance on campus at the AIT Cultural Show on 21 April 2012.

Rebuilding a safe, secure and sustainable Thailand: Op-Ed by AIT President An opinion article titled “Rebuilding a safe, secure and sustainable Thailand” written by Prof. Said Irandoust, Presi-dent, AIT was published in the Bang-kok Post newspaper on 4 April 2012 in the Opinions and Analysis section.

Prof. Irandoust wrote that the suffering experienced during the floods had forced planners to rethink development strategies. The entire article can be read in the Bangkok Post at this link:


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Louis Berger seeks to partner with AITLouis Berger has expressed its interest to partner with the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), especially

École Polythechnique de Montréal explores collaborationA maiden visit to AIT by two senior representatives of École Polythechnique de Montréal may spawn joint-research and collaboration possibilities, as well as overseas internship opportunities for AIT students at the Canadian university.

Visiting the campus on 3 April 2012, Dr. Pierre G. Lafleur, Chief Academic and International Officer, and Ms. Line Dubé, Director, International Relations Office, indicated keen interest in engaging AIT in “win-win” opportunities for both institutes. Dr. Laf-leur elaborated on all aspects of École Polythechnique de Montréal, a science, technology and engineering-

in Myanmar. In his visit to AIT on 19 April 2012, Dr. Charles E. Feibel,Vice President, Project Manage-ment, Louis Berger, stated that both AIT and Louis Berger have a strong connection with Myanmar, and they could benefit from a partnership.

Meeting with AIT officials, he stated that Louis Berg-er’s first international project was the construction of a road from Yangon to Mandalay. The company has also been associated with ADB’s projects in Myanmar. Dr. Feibel inquired about the scholarships being offered to Myanmar students to study at AIT. He was keen to know about AIT’s partners in Myanmar, particularly those involved in education and training.

Ms. Line Dubé and Dr. Pierre G. Lafleur.

Dr. Charles Feibel (left) and Mr. Olivier Drean of AIT.

focused institution ranked number one for the number of Canada Research Chairs in Engineering. Ms. Dubé outlined details of its research internships for interna-tional visiting students.

AIT alumnus appointed Police Chief in NepalMr. Kosh Raj Onta, an AIT alumnus, has been ap-pointed as the new Chief of Armed Police Force (APF) in Nepal. Mr. Onta graduated in 1996 with a Master’s in Science (M.Sc.) in Urban Development Planning and Environment Management from the School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD).

Mr. Kosh Raj Onta

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MAY 2012

NIRD seeks partnership with AIT

Prof. Said Irandoust (left) and Dr. M.V.Rao.

Clausthal University delegation visits AITA delegation from Clausthal Uni-versity of Technology (TU Claust-hal), Germany visited AIT and expressed interest in organizing student exchange programs. Led by Prof. Volker Wesling, Vice President for Research and Tech-nology Transfer, the delegation also included Ms. Susanne Ro-manowski, Director, and Ms. As-

National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD), India is keen to partner with AIT, particularly in offering joint programs in the field of ru-ral development. This senti-ment was expressed by Dr. M.V. Rao, Director General, NIRD, during a visit to AIT.

Supported by the Minis-try of Rural Development, Government of India, NIRD is running 40 international training programs. Dr. Rao expressed his appreciation of AIT, stating that since the mission and vision of the two institutes are simi-lar, both can work together to impart training to profes-sionals. He described natu-ral resource management, rural infrastructure, sustain-able agriculture, local gover-nance and livelihood issues as the focus areas of NIRD.

AIT’s “top talent” draws top-level interest at Career Fair 2012

Thirty-one companies participated in the Career Fair 2012 organized at AIT on 25 April 2012, including a who’s who of leading regional engineering companies, along with well-known companies from sectors such as communications, information technology, energy, hospitality, education, manufac-turing and construction, biotech-

AIT Career Fair 2012.

Calusthal University delegation at AIT.

trid Abel, Deputy Director, International Center (IZC).

Visiting AIT on 3 April 2012, Prof.Wesling remarked that AIT and TU Clausthal had a partnership eight years ago, and they are keen to capital-ize on the previous agreement. “We have a keen interest in the field of geo sciences and we would like AIT to associate with us,” he remarked. TU Clausthal has three faculties, with each faculty hosting one specialized center in the field of energy, simulation and material science respectively, he revealed.

nology, consulting services, agriculture, mining, and travel.

The range of participants provided real opportunities for job-seekers from all three AIT Schools. By mid-day, the once flooded library venue was inundated with a sea of soon-to-be graduates interested in internships and job opportunities on offer. All guests and participants were warmly welcomed by AIT President Prof. Said Irandoust, who noted that it was the first job fair held since the institute became an international intergov-ernmental organization.

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Editor: Bajinder Pal Singh

[email protected]:

Nadhika MendhakaPhotos:

Paitoon Tinnapong

For feedback, contact Media and Communications

Unit at AIT [email protected]



Conversation cannot replace a mere connection

Dr Dailey wins AIT Marathon

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MAY 2012

An MIT Professor and psychologist, Sherry Turkle and author of “Alone Together: Why We Expect More From Technology and Less From Each Other,” recently wrote an article in the New York Times Sunday Review titled “The Flight from Conversation.”

The article reads: “We live in a technological universe in which we are always com-municating. And yet we have sacrificed conversation for mere connection. At home, families sit together, texting and reading e-mail....We’ve become accustomed to a new way of being “alone together.”

The article concludes by saying:

“So I say, look up, look at one another, and let’s start the conversation.”


The article provoked a reaction in the Huffington Post with Michael Roth, President, Wesleyan University, responding in “Education Unplugged: Learning Through Con-versation.”


A spirited Dr. Matthew Dailey, Associate Professor in AIT’s School of Engineering and Technology (SET), emerged victorious in the AIT Mini Marathon orga-nized by the AIT Student Union on 10 April 2012. Crossing the finishing line much earlier than his younger students, Dr. Dailey was the declared overall winner of the marathon.

Inaugurating the event, Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukul-chai, Vice President for Resource Development, AIT, complimented the students for their enthusiasm. “It is your campus, and it is good that you are organiz-ing events that involve all students,” he remarked. Mr. Bhawat Traipattanakul, President, AIT Students

Dr. Matthew Dailey

Union (AITSU) thanked Prof.Worsak and everyone else for participating in the event.

Prof.Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai (wearing a necktie) along with participants and volunteers.


8th May