1. approval 2. pm august approval of -...

City of Quinte West Accessibility Advisory Committee Agenda Wednesday September 9, 2015 4:30 PM Multi-Purpose Room 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Agenda - September 9, 2015 3. Approval of Minutes - August 5, 2015 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary lnterest 5. Delegations a) Anne-Marie Cunningham, Committee of Adjustment & Accessibility Coordinator - lnternational Day of Persons with Disabilities 6. Public lnput 7. Printed and Non-Printed lnformation a) Accessibility Report - Accessibility Compliance Report b) Quinte Conservation - Native Plants for Pollinators c) Quinte Conservation - Grand Opening of Parrott Trail at Potter's Creek 8. Requests for lnformation 9. Adjournment Next Regular Meeting: November 11,2015 Quinte West Municipal Office - Multi-Purpose Room 7 Creswell Drive, Trenton

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City of Quinte WestAccessibility Advisory Committee Agenda

Wednesday September 9, 2015 4:30 PM Multi-Purpose Room

1. Call to Order

2. Approval of Agenda - September 9, 2015

3. Approval of Minutes - August 5, 2015

4. Disclosures of Pecuniary lnterest

5. Delegations

a) Anne-Marie Cunningham, Committee of Adjustment & AccessibilityCoordinator - lnternational Day of Persons with Disabilities

6. Public lnput

7. Printed and Non-Printed lnformation

a) Accessibility Report - Accessibility Compliance Report

b) Quinte Conservation - Native Plants for Pollinators

c) Quinte Conservation - Grand Opening of Parrott Trail at Potter's Creek

8. Requests for lnformation

9. Adjournment

Next Regular Meeting: November 11,2015Quinte West Municipal Office - Multi-Purpose Room

7 Creswell Drive, Trenton

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City of Quinte WestSpecial Meeting - Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes

Wednesday August 5, 2015 Multi-Purpose Room

Call to Order

Darlene Dale, Chair called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m

Members Present:

Duncan Armstrong, Councillor (regrets)Darlene Dale, ChairDoug Jackson, Vice-Chair (regrets)Chelsey Brookslrene Robbins (regrets)Johanna TeskeJune Kennedy

Staff Present:

Andria Anakons, Recording SecretaryAnne-Marie Cunningham, Committee of Adjustment & Accessibility CoordinatorBob Forder, Manager of Building & FacilitiesJennifer Current, Manager or Planning Services

1. Approval ofAgenda

Moved by Johanna TeskeSeconded by Chelsey Brooks

That the Agenda for the Accessibility Advisory Committee Special Meeting of August 5,

2Aß be approved. Carried

2. Approval of Minutes

Moved by June KennedySeconded by Johanna Teske

That the Minutes of the Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting held on July 8,2015be approved. Carried

3. Disclosure of Pecuniary lnterestThere were no disclosures of pecuniary interest at this meeting'

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4. Delegations

Bob Forder, Manager of Building & Facilities took the Committee on a tour of the newTrent Port Marina.

Moved by Johanna TeskeSeconded by June Kennedy

The Committee recommended that the dropped curb at the marina be indicated by highcontrast tactile indicators. Carried

The Committee recommended that travel distances be indicated on the path signs oncethey are installed. Carried

The Committee reviewed a site plan for 84 Dixon Drive - Queen Elizabeth schoolreplacement. The Committee had no comments or concerns.

5. Printed and Non-Printed lnformation

Moved by June KennedySeconded by Johanna Teske

The Committee recommended that the printed information be received. Garried

6. Public lnput

7. Requests for lnformation

8. Adjournment

Moved by Chelsey BrooksSeconded by June Kennedy

That the Accessibility Advisory Committee now adjourns at 6:15 p m. to meet onWednesday, September 9,2015 at 4:30 p.m.

Andria AnakonsRecording Secretary

Darlene DaleChair

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Ærffiî,.EEltrg Searcrr q

rcm€ Ao'cut, Un.teó ¡*€ns

United Natbnsin !?OZ. th: 6ener¿t Â-.;ernô11 prtx*¡¡øred ] Dece¡nber as the laltÈrn¿î|(:,rl¿t Ðty oí Drs¿bled Oers'rns

lrìdðr., cttrlr¡es Jl ¡tæ¡nd çt* *ççþ çr*brate tle day

Eacà ¡ear tte .JF àntrovr¡ce5 å ìÞern€ The themÊ lo¡ ZßLle: hrl¡sirr ¡fterÍ ;¡.ret6 ¡nd e*rPorerærÉ for pe$ d { ffües

Th€{e ¡re tt5c. three s¡rb-tl¡eres **s vear:


. iuål(ltÈ a*æs intluÉtve ¡d accessd¡le f,x ¡å

r rmFrovhg *s*.ty dåt¡ ¡*d **5t(er tncludiç Éer3onr rith inrçsÔSe disatnktres rn Sorielv ¿úld d€fe'oFrnent

The ¡¡¡n$* therse provid€r a tarne fur -.ons¡der{ìg ¡os per¡ple *¡tþ d¡i¿bdrtl ¡re e th¡decl frcm toc¡e$ ÞV premot¡lg tfre rernr¡v¿l .t' åla tñPes Ùf brner;.

$ilrlcfng thnse ¡er;¡ãûà te the ph¡src¿t eâvrFo(*ent. rrfcrm¿tn* 5d ccftrrnanrcãt'gtú tettl¡lrù{ogç {lCrL a #,ti]dtnåå bàrr€rt.

Obcerving the Ull'¡ tt)fiflD

,*rth ôs¿ùdr8æ: - t{l fecr}J ¡ß t5s!¡ej reråtÊd to th€ rçrlus¡on ,f persc*s ..,rtlþ ,lis¿b*ttes re deveropmert both ¡s ùen€á{r¡f|es ¡nd ¿8e.ts'

bÊ irrthÊr,nlegrated rntÉ lbeir Silcte{tes :nd devebp'æent p*ôrìç

. Êldnånd.lråio,tÊpe.6orrnar.:e: .:vertwheret.rihrt¡rcâse-An{:-.leb.lt+-l.técontrlbullcltsm3debypef-rgni¡lçth,]tsãbrkt'e9¡5âgefit-iof;ha*gem':

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¡n At¡:t¡3ir¿

Page 5: 1. Approval 2. PM August Approval of - …calendar.quintewest.ca/Meetings/Detail/2015-09-09-Accessibility... · Approval of Minutes - August 5, 2015 4. ... Disclosure of Pecuniary

Uttl Tlæma¡ for previow yær3. ¿{-!4, it¡St¡tnJbie develúfm€f'.î: È€ aÉorût5€-ûÎ ¡sclìßtlogr

. ¿ûi:¡. trê¿k à¿rr!ét5 jr¡¡ spen 'fuori to rg¡ii€ ¿n lrìirur¡ve tc.cnÞ åsd ¡;¡

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. l{¡Cg. ¡þþFs th€ tylû65 Frcl¡.5.ìjer ¡rFp$îêrtrleflt ct lnrrdlì5 *.¡þ lri¿h*tre5 Jrrt lter csÐ*¡.¡¡*tree af ¿}tJS the- larlp! ¿{é!& iün€fi¡eri nfl tll€ ¡bgmi.}f *erioGs a/rt¡. Drs¡òr[tiês. Ê]gnifr ¡rxllrót{å - t all sf 4i

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¡ ?tÞ1. l{oti¡rE ¿bor^å r¡¡ r*¡prd i¡¡¡ åÛ83  rtJ.c¿ ¡f a¡Í ¡s¡¡ lû@. *d¡æsrhr* r¡úg ¡r¡d 5ÈrdãåSe.;¡'¡ditì€{àg

. fü¡l. Flrllå¿rt c¡púon anl êõ¡¡lrtï: t¡a :3¡l for ner rÊerûàctle:-tt ¡s-.e55 S¡o5€$ *d $ñlit¡â¡Ê oütgü!0e

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International Day of Persons with Disabilities

t'tlv ol'¡. -¡ .-t -r'â

lnternational Day of Persons with DisabilitÍes

tJn!ted !\jation3' (iJtti) !ûteînattonai Day cf Persons wtiþ !)tsabtlittes 's annt¡aily 4etcl cn Decemoe¡ 3 lo Jccu-c cn issues ihaf

aifeci peopie uih disabtlities vorlciwde

What do people do??-ooole arofl.narìy countì-res uoricl'¡rde Jaillcloaie ln vaflcLs

^/ays lo 3rornoie ifìe

iniernaÌjcnai Day 'lí Ðerscns .ff,tn DrsaÙl¡iles ivents :nay rcluoe a11 :)(nlþr'llclls

pror.rottng âri.,roík cy ceoole./{rin ltsabtlrires Crþô. 3ve.Is :ai(e :l"e 'orr 1i pr?iesis ,c

nrghilgr'(:ne Jìficulires l¡saoled people laYe F playlng a iLil -cie n sccr-'t'/

Public lifethe inierna¡ronal Day lí peisons ,vriil }sacriltles 3 a Elooai 3oseÍ-iaj.ce ând ^c'3 'Lrcrrc


BackgroundÍIe !nrieo ùlairons Decacle cf Drsaoled Persons r'úas îercl jrcrn '983 io 1992 ic 34aore

go\/ernrne.is and frganrzâtjons lc rr.clemeni measures :c rrorcve :he rlfe ci ilsacled

?ersors ail 3ver ihe ^/orid

Cn Oclooer i¿ 1992 as ihls Jecade:r-ârù io 3 Jlose :ne !i\1

Page I of2

ihe nternatnìa )ay )t ),oßOnS ,vtth )lsaothltes'?¿if,rns aad 1âv/s

edertnn 1 'he .gn6 ti ceaple ivno [/e rvtth Ctsaoiltt]es

a) )aac/:"a,c )a '/a4tiraz:9"|;



Senerai ,{ssemoly ¡rcclarrned Decemoer 3 âs :þe ìnterÍatlonai Day li llsaiiled 'ersonsl-rrs lay .¡/as ii.sr sosen/ed ln tecemoer 3 1392 Cn Decenoei lE 2CAa ine 3ssencly

:haîgecl :he 3ose¡rance s .arne ¡íor¡ :ne 'internaitonal ta,/ Ji lrsaoiec 2eTtons' ic Ine 'rnreralloe ar )ay :i :?rsons ¡/ìtþ Dlsaor¡ltles' ih¿ r6'ry ¡¿¡g,¡ias iirs¡ .rsed n 2008

SymbolsThe ,nîerlaÛcnal Day 1í Perscns ,vlth Dtsabrlttles s lccrltiareÕ ly inireci :\raùons :.aole

^/¡rci Ùorì(s :o supDctr lnc Jrcmore 'þe -lgnls ano f'gnt¡/-Jf

cerscns ùrth f,tsabtltÙes fhe syrnool lì'anable s ihe 3lL,e Jf.r syr¡ccl ai'o iþe tcll '3naole Tìe -Nl iy:¡ool :onsisis li ân a¿:nrLii'lâl :quldislanl

gtojectJon tf ihe glcoe :enrer?C ln the \clif rcte süT-oLnteo f-v llrve orancnes -he ,vcrC '-'nailre' s w4ttôn :¡ lTâly n c\/úei xase re¡iers -ie re{er '-'

,s "ed ând ihe ttheleiters a13 olue

lnternational Day of Persons with Disabilities Observances

^Jee< Jav tate veaf ¡iam3 rrolidaY iyr3e '¡/her? :i s f,oseF'eci

:hu Dec 3 1992 ,Frenatronal Day lf Drsabied trersons Un{ied \lallons trbseniance

=.1 Dec 3 1993 niernaitonal ta)/ lf Drsaþted p--rsons Ünfieo Nlallons Josen/ancg

sai Dec 3 i99¿ ìnter¡arronal ia)/ )f Drsaoted fersons united \lallons losen/ance

Sun Dec 3 1995 n.erlational Da)/ cf ìrsaoied .?rsons lnlledi\JAiíOnS lôsen/alce

îue lec 3 ;996 nternailonâl Day Jí ¡tsaÞrecl r?rsons iJnlled \ìallons 3þser\rance

yved Dec 3 1997 rnterna¡ronal Day lÍ Dtsaþted Persons ,Jnlled \lAI¡OnS COSen/AnCe

thu Dec 3 t998 lnteTnaltonat Day li Dlsabted r-^rsons rJniieci ¡lallons Jôsen/ance

¡¡t oec 3 ¡999 inletaalonat Day îi Drsaoted lsr3ons Jnlted '\la0ons cosen/anc3

Sun Dec 3 2OC0 niernattonat Day ti Drsabled rSrsons rJnllgd ¡latloos sosen/ance

¡/lon Dec 3 20Or nre¡naironal :a'l lf irsâoled -ersons iniied \lallons 3osen/ânce

ire Dec 3 2CA2 ,nrernational Day lÍ Drsaored Persoîs ,Jnrted \lailons losen/ance

t\leo lec 3 2cA3 nternellonai Jay li'DisaDlecl ?"l3ors 'rnlled'\lallons losen/ance

-.t aec I )-AAI nrer.arional aay aí Drsao{ed rSrsons inned \lalloes lcsen/anc3

lat )ec 3 2CC5 ^i?rzrcral aay ai )'sa}led )2ßc13 -.ìr3( \r¿ric.s rosec/arc3

Sur lec 3 2Co6 ñler.ar-tc.al lay lf I'saoled rgr3ois Jnlîed '\rallcns losen/ancg

\/lor lec I 2CA7 Faî?ai.tQret lay lf;rsacled r?r3ons jF{130 \lallots loser/ance

t\led lec 3 2tAA a,-?(aticîãt la'/ li 2?rsors illth llsaoiil(les rnll3õ \latlons foseî/alce

Ρu fec I 2AOg nieraa-tiaral )a'¡ :l )=rsons,v[n ]jsaollliles ':n¡têc llâllcns roser/ance

1-'L--./t------.¿;--^^^.^ÅÅ^,^ ^^,^^n^-1:Å^-.-t-,'^/'.-+---^+l^*^l ,l^'. ^^--^-- -li^^Lilitì^- o t1 l1f\1 <

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lntemationalDay of Persons with Disabilities

Holiday type

Linrted Natrons oþservance

Unned Natlons cþservance

Unrted Nations cbseruance

Unúed Nalrons cbseruance

unúed Natrons oõservance

United Nalrons cbsen/ance

Unrted i\¡atrons obseß/ance

unûed Natrons cbservaÊce

Unlted \atrons Jbsenrance

!nrted Natrons rbservance

Unrtsd Natrons cþsenrance

Where it ¡s observEd

Page2 of 2














Oec 3

Dec 3

Dec 3

Dec 3

Oec 3

Dec 3

Dec 3

ilec 3

Ðec 3



201 1



201 4

201 5


201 8

201 9



interrat¡onal Ðay cf Persons wth Ðtsabtlihes

lnternatronal Day cf Pgrsons wth Ðtsabtlitles

lntemalronal Dây oi Ðe.sons wúh Drsabrl¡ttes

lnternatronal Cay of Persons wtþ Drsaotlittes

in¡erîalronal Ðay cí Persons wrth Drsabrl¡ties

ìniorratronal Day 3f persons wrth Ðrsabllities

¡nternatronal Day cf Psrsons wtth Drsaþrl¡lies

rnternatronal Oay cf Persons wtth Dtsabrl¡tles

inlernatronal Ðay cf 2ersons wrth Ðrsáþrlßles

Internatronal Ðay sf ?ersons ilth i}sabrl¡ttes

Inler.atronal Ðay oi persons wrth Drsabrl¡tles

Copyrgnt ø l.ne 3nd Dale AS 1995-2015 Ail ng¡ts rese¡/od

ot1 n^t <

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Anne-Marie Cunningham



Falardeau, Serge <[email protected]>

Tuesday, September 08, 2015 tZ:45 Pt¡Anne-Marie Cunningham; 'Harrison, Pat'; Adeney, Kim; Allen, Heather; Allen, Kimberley;

Angione,Bob; Bacon, Liana; Baldazzi,Gabrielle; Berlinguette-Saumure, Lucille; Bodìam,

Lorene; Bradnam, Beverley; Brislin,Sarah; Brissette, Marie-Josee; Brookes, Rebecca;

Brown, Kirsty; Bruno, Silvan; Bryant, Maggie; Buffone, Mark;'Carbone, Christine';'Carter,

Dion'; 'Catania, Chris';Cawlishaw, Robin; Chappell-Arsenault,Rita; Chittick, Angela;

Christensen,Keri;Coffey, Karen;Collins, Amanda;Condie, Barbara; Cooper, Darren;

Cormier,Nícole; Cotton, Michele; Cowan, Jennifer;Crowley, Thomas; Darlington, Shelley;

Davidson, Jeanette; Davies, Lois; Desroches, Karen; Dillon, Cheryl; Doiron,candice;

Downie,Iracy; Forth,Julie; Frey, sandra; Garner, scott; Gonsalves, Lisa; Goss, wendy;

Grenon, Lynne; Guest, Ian; Hall, Laura; Hallam, Vick; 'Hammer,Antonia'; Hastings, Jason;

Hatten,Robert; Heinrich, Dana; Henrikson,Ivy; Hickman, Gina; Hitchen, Cheryl; Holland-

Reilly, Jill; Ivanyshyn,Christel;Jones, Gayle; Kaplan,Barry; Lane, Joanne; Lang, Shari;

Lauzon,Alicia; Lawson, Lynda; Lecinski, Diana; Levesque, Manon; Lopak, Vanessa; Ludwig,

Lori; Lyons, Lisa; Lytle, Judi; Lytle,Christopher; MacDonald, Tammy; Mafe, Miranda;

Malone, christine; Marlowe, Dave; Martín, Elizabeth; Mccartney, Jenna; McCormack,

Hillary; McDill, Leisl; McKenzie,frac:ey; Melanson, Mary Anne; Millions, Barbara;

Moniz,Marcelino; Montgomery, Julia; Moore, Anne; Moore, Sarah; Moratto, Diane;

Moroz-Cornell, Natalíe; Mon¡,¡ald, Richard; Mosley, Dale; Mullen, Anne; [email protected];

Murphy, Steve; Murphy, Steve; Neagoe, Mihaela; Nicholls, Dianne; Opie, Julia; Paroski,

Lolíta; Penning, Heidi; Power,Krista; Poynton, Ben; Probst, caroline; Prophet-Healy,

Michelle; Purdy,Dianne; Raabe, Penny; Reynaert, Jennifer; Riley, Andrea; Riley, Kathy;

Robertson, Angela; Rose-Donahoe, Phillip; Rupnarain, Warren; Sadler, Daniel; Salter-

Keane, Julie; Sanderson, Margaret; Sawicki, Jenny; Scott, Heather; Scott, Nancie; 5579

@yrp.ca; Short, Jeffrey; Sikand, Meenu; Simpson, Diana;Sippel, Julia; Snider, Paul;

Spence. Joanne; Stark, Joanne; Steiss, Kelly; Thiru, Piragal; Thompson, Pavlína;

Thompson, Sandra; Thomson, Joan; Traer, Janet;Tuch, Cara; Vandentillaart, Michele;

Verkindt, Shelby; Walton, Sue; Warren, Leanne; Weber, Kristen; Wellsbury, Nicole;

Whynot,Jea n nette; Wintermute, Bria n; Withers, Kel ly; Yarek,Sheena

RE: December 3, 2015

Bonjour Anne-Marie!

As Chair for this event, I am happy to give you ¡nformation about The OttawaGelebration of people. Our Sieéringbommittee will be hosting its 15th annual gala

event on December 3'd. I say 'gala' as in the feel of 'the Oscars' night.

ln a nutshell:r There are 12 awards given to people with disabilities who are mentors or

advocates, employers or organizations giving pa¡d / volunteer opportunities to

people with disabilities and more.o Over 400 people come to this event.r Live entertainment. Sit down dinner at the Ottawa Conference and Event Centrer For more details, visit http:/lcelebrationofpeople.com/about-us/


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Anne-Marie and anyone else interested,possibly get some ideas for December 3

you are certainly welcome to attend and'd 2016.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Have a fantastic day!

Serge M, Falardeau Bsw/Bss

Coordínator and Trainer, Accessibility Awareness and Planning ProgramCoordonnateur et formateur, Programme de planification et sensibilisation àl'accessibilitéThe Ottawa Hospital/L'Hôpital d'OttawaHuman Resources/Ressources humaines

(613) 798-5555 ext./poste 75535Email/cou rriel : [email protected]


Caring for patients by serving you better I Nous sommes là pour vous aider à améliorer lessoins aux patients.

From : An ne-Marie Cunníngham fmailto :[email protected]]Sent: September 8, 2015 11:24 AMTo: 'Harrison, Pat'; Adeney, Kim; Allen, Heather; Allen, Kimberley; Angíone,Bob; Bacon, Liana; Baldazzi,Gabrielle;Berlínguette-Saumure, Lucille; Bodiam, Lorene; Bradnam, Beverley; Brislin,Sarah; Bríssette, Marie-Josee; Brookes,Rebecca; Brown, Kirsty; Bruno, Silvan; Bryant, Maggie; Buffone, Mark; 'Carbone, Christine'; 'Carter, Dion'; 'Catanía,Chris'; Cawlishaw, Robin; Chappell-Arsenault,Rita; Chittick, Angela; Chrístensen,Keri; Coffey, Karen; Collins, Amanda;Condie, Barbara; Cooper, Darren; Cormier,Nicole; Cotton, Michele; Cowan, Jennifer; Crowley, Thomas; Darlington,Shelley; Davídson, Jeanette; Davies, Lois; Desroches, Karen; Dillon, Cheryl; Doiron,Candíce; Downie,Tracy; Falardeau,Serge; Forth,Julie; Frey, Sandra; Garner, Scott; Gonsalves, Lisa; Goss, Wendy; Grenon, Lynne; Guest, Ian; Hall, Laura;Hallam, Vick; 'Hammer,Antonia'; Hastings, Jason; Hatten,Robert; Heinrích, Dana; Henrikson, Ivy; Hickman, Gina; Hitchen,Cheryl; Holland-Reilly, Jill; Ivanyshyn,Christel; Jones, Gayle; Kaplan,Barry; Lane, Joanne; Lang, Shari; Lauzon,Alícia;Lawson, Lynda; Lecínski, Diana; Levesque, Manon; Lopak, Vanessa; Ludwig, Lorí; Lyons, Lisa; Lytle, Judí;Lytle,Christopher; MacDonald, Tammy; Mafe, Miranda; Malone, Chrístíne; Marlowe, Dave; Martin, Elizabeth; McCartney,Jenna; McCormack, Hillary; McDill, Leisl; McKenzie,Tracey; Melanson, Mary Anne; Millíons, Barbara; Moniz,Marcelino;Montgomery, Julia; Moore, Anne; Moore, Sarah; Moratto, Díane; Moroz-Cornell, Natalie; Morwald, Richard; Mosley, Dale;Mullen, Anne;[email protected]; Murphy, Steve; Murphy, Steve; Neagoe, Mihaela; Nicholls, Dianne; Opie, Julia; Paroski,Lolita; Penning, Heidi; Power,Krista; Poynton, Ben; Probst, Caroline; Prophet-Healy, Michelle; Purdy,Dianne; Raabe,Penny; Reynaert, Jennifer; Riley, Andrea; Ríley, Kathy; Robertson, Angela; Rose-Donahoe, Phillip; Rupnaraín, Warren;Sadler, Daniel; Salter-Keane, Julie; Sanderson, Margaret; Sawicki, Jenny; Scott, Heather; Scott, Nancie; [email protected];Short, Jeffrey; Sikand, Meenu; Simpson, Díana; Sippel, Julia; Snider,Paul; Spence, Joanne; Stark, Joanne; Steiss, Kelly;Thíru, Piragal; Thompson, Pavlína; Thompson, Sandra; Thomson, Joan; Traer, Janet; Tuch, Cara; Vandentillaart, Michele;


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About Us -- Celebration of People

About Us

Ce¡ebrat¡on of People is an annua¡ awards program and dinner event

first held in Otiawa ìn 2001 Presentation of lhe Celebration of

People awards takes place each year in conJunction wlth December

3-designated by the United Nations as the lnternational Day of

Persons with Disabilities.

M¡ssion and Visron


Steenng Comm'ttee

Honourary Chau

The awarcls recogn¡ze lhe åchtevements and contributions of

rnd¡vrduals, bus¡nesses and organtzations promot¡ng accesstbtllty.

inclusron and full commun¡ty parttcipation cy cltizens wlth disabilities

Award recrprents ¡nclude indivtduals wtth disabll¡ties who are

advocates for others with disabtiities and/or vvhose personal exâmple

of excellence demonstrates ihe poteniial of all rnembers of the

community They aiso rnciude compan¡es, agencies. government and

other organrzations which have created opportun¡ties for people wrth

d¡sabilities to participate more fully ¡n their workp¡aces. schools and

volunteer organrzat¡ons-for example. lhrough prolects to enhance

physicai accessrbrlity or inclus¡ve hrnng pr3ctices and policies.


Through the Celebration of Peopie. we wtll creaie a cor¡munlty that

erilbodres ihe orincrples cf ,nclLs¡veness ?nd acceotance rn eil aspects

oí,rie ;or peopre ,vrih drsaorf tites


Tc 3staolish a world class evenl lhat .eccgnlzes ihe cutstanding

ach¡evements cf members of our ccmmuntiy

Home Aboui .Js Awards Ðinner Call icr i\¡ominatioûs Sponsors 20r 4 tinaiists



Ëng r rsh

Fra nçè rS


Page 1 of3


otr¡¡b i¡ul¡ ¡+qct¡ot*¡l uxÇc;rsr-;kcr








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http : I I c elebratio nofpeo p le. c om/about- us/

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About Us -- Celebration of PeoPle

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The Partners

Celebration of People is a collaborative partnership of a group of

commun¡ty organ¡zations providing services and programs for people

w¡th disab¡lities

. Cit¡zen Advocacy of Ottawa (lead partne0

. University of Ottâwa

. Vista Centre Bra¡n ln¡ury Services

. CNIB, East Region, Ontario


. The Ottawa Hospitjal

. Carleton Un¡versity

' Algonquin College

Back to top

2015 Celebration of People Steering


The Celebration of People Steering Committee oversees, d¡rects and

rmplements the awards program and dinner event

Lead Partner Representative:

Br¡an J Tardif, Citizen Advocacy of Ottawa

Steering Committee Chair:

Serge Fa¡ardeau. The Ottawa ì-ìospital

Steering Committee Vice-Chair:

Chrìst¡ne Kelly. Un¡versrty of Ottawa

Celebration ot People Steering Committee Members:

Mike Nicholson, CNIB

Karen Shipman, CMHA

David F \^/alls, Vista Centre Bratn lnjury Seryices

Dale Stevenson, Carleton Un¡versity

Davrd Berman, Davtd Berman Communlcations

Ian Dufton, TD Bank

lvl¡haela Gaburict. Canadian Cancer Society

tulartha ùlarr. Algonquin College

Celebration of People Honourary Chair

Page 2 of3


IMI¡at ¡ùlçtrl3c l¡Dll.t¡t lÀ,



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About Us -- Celebration of People

The Honourable Jim Munson, Senator

J¡m ivlunson rs best known to Canadians as a trusted journalist and

public affairs spectalist. As a lournalist he reported news for more than

thirty years. most recently as a tele'/ision corresponded for the CTV

network. During those years he appl¡ed h¡s knowledge, his skills and

his wit as an acute observer of people and polit¡cs to write and deliver

compelling televrsion stories and reports from all parts of Canada and

around the world for Canadian viewers

Jim fulunson was called to the Senate of Canada on December 10,

2003. to represent the province of Ontario He is cur"renily lhe Senate

Oppos¡tion Whip and has prev¡ously serued as Chair of Senate Liberal


Senator fvlLrnson, rn addition to his duties in ihe Senate. is actively

rnvolved with Special Olympics Canada. S O S Ch¡ldren's Villages

Canada and many groups promot¡ng autlsm awareness

Born in Woodstock. New Brunswick, Jrm Munson and his w¡fe Ginette

reside rn Ottawa. They have t\¿vo sons

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Page 3 of3

acoylqi'l O 20'5 att¡z"n Àdlocacv Pr¡vacy

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Accessibility Report Confirmation


Accessib ility Gompliance Reporting

Page 1 of I

Sldp to contcnt ontarlq.@ i rrançals I ErtEnd Seslon Tlñeout



Report ID: SCR857167 Report Creðted: August f2' 2OtS Status; Subm¡tted

Confirmation: accessibility compliance report ceÉification *;

Thank you for subm¡tt¡ng your organ¡zation's accesslb¡llty compliance report.

Your certifical¡on number is: SCR8S716 7'

you will receive conflrmation of your accessibil¡ty compllance report certification by emâll.

New access¡bility laws come lnto effecÈ January 1st of each year, Get lnformatlon about your approaching accessibìlity requirements as well ¿s free

lools and resources to helP you meet your orqanlzatlon's next compllance deadllne.

Visit ww.ontario,ca/AccessoN

Thank you for helping Èo make Ontar¡o accessible'

û Ruturn Homa Viw/Prirrt Email


https://www .appacats.fncss.gov.on .calacatsheports/submitCertifiReport.action 8t1212015

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City of Quinte West

AODA Se lf-Certified Accessibi tity Report


Does your organizatìon provide and keep a record of accessibility training for emptoyees and volunteers on the use of: 1 ) accessibitity

feâtures and equipment, 2) acceptable modifications to deal with temporary barriers or equipment failures, and 3) emergency response

procedures for persons with disabilities? (IASR s.36)

2 Does your organízation ensure that a support person ãccompanying a person with a disability is not charged a fare where a person with a

disabit¡ty has demonstrated a need for a support person? (IASR s. 3E)

4 ; Does your organization's etigibility apptication and appeals process for speciatized transportat¡on services meet the requirements as

; described in the IASR s.5a (1-8)?

5 i Does your organizâtion h¿ve a procedure for address¡ng temporary specialized ransportation services based on emergency or

i compassionate C.oylgsl (IASR s.65)

I Ooes your organization meet the speciâtized transportation booking requirements as descfibed in the IASR s. 71?

! Do", yor. ,p..iatized transportation service ensure that the avaitabitity of services to persons with disabitities it not timited by either


;lryourorganizationprovidingongoingtrå¡ningasrequiredundertheCustomerServiceStandardandareyoucontínuingtomeetthe, Customer Service Standard ,na tnt.grrt.d Accessibitity Standards Regulations that have come into effect prior to the report?

i Does your organization provide the required training on the IASR and the Human Rights Code as ¡t pertains to persons with a disabilíty?

! onsn s. zlI

iOo"ryorrorganizationensurethatitsfeedbackprocessesareaccessibletopersonswithdisabititiesbyprovidingorarrangingaccessibteì formats or communication suPPorts upon request? (IASR s. 11):

i Doa, yow orgrnization have â process to provide accessibte formats and communicat¡on supports for persons with disabit¡ties in a timely

i runn., and at no more than the cost for other persons who ask for the same information? (IASR s. 12)



Do your conventionaI trensportation services' new or modified vehicles meet the technical requirements as described in IASR s. 53-62? fE>

i YEs





l ll











i YEs


i YEsI



ì YEsI:..i.-.i YEs


' I 2 j Do", your. organization provide its emergency procedures, ptans or

: , accessibte format upon request? 045¡ tf 13) "- ... -. ..


public safety information that it makes avaìlabte to the pubtic, in an


exptãnation il doins.:o : lgt Pl1:ticlbt:? (!AsR. s.


Does your organization notify its employees and the public about the avaitability of accommodetions in its recruitment processes? (IASR

Ðoes your orgânization provide individualized ernergency response information for employees that requ¡re it and does it review the

information in accordänce with the Employment 5t¿ndards? (IASR 5. 27)

Does your orgånization incorporate accessibility features into its procurement or acquisitíon of goods, services or facilities or provide an


Doer your organl..tion ptUa. it, u*ptoy.u, *ith updateJ information about its poticies to support its employees with disabitities?

!t:1' '?51When requested, does your organization provide emptoyees with dìsabiÌities information in an accessible format or with communication

supports? (IASR t. 25)

Does your organization develop and have in place a written proces5 for the development of documented indívidual accommodation

ptans for employees with disabilities? (tASR s.28)

Doel your orgrnir.t¡on rtriu u documented return to work process for emptoyees who were absent due to ã disability or require

disabitity-related accommodations in order to return to work? (IASR s. 29)

This is a copy of the report filed with the Government of Ontario on August 12,2015 l:40:34 PM

Certification lD: 5CR8571 67


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City of Quinte West

Rapport sur I'accessibitité autocertifié pour ta LAPHO

Votresur 1)

ou de


organisation tienþette un registre des formations en matiè¡e d'accessibilité prodiguées aux employés et aux bénévotes portant

leioptions d'accessibitité et l'équipement, 2) tes modifications acceptables aux marches à sulvre en cas d'obstacles temporaires

défailtance de l'équipement, et 3) les procédures d'intervention en cas d'urgence pour les personnes handicapées? (Normes





d'accessibilité intégrées, art 36)

Votre organ¡sation veifle-t-ette à ne pas faire payer de tarif à la personne de soutien accompagnant une personñe handicapée qui a

besoin d'etle? (Normes d'accessibilité intégrées, art' 38)

Vos véhicutes de transport classique, nouveaux ou modifiés, sont-ils conformes aux exigences techniques décr¡tes aux articles 53 à 62 : OUI

du règt-ement sur les norm-es d'¿ccessibitité intégrées?

Le processus de votre organ¡sat¡on concernant les demandes d'admissibilité à des services de transport adapté et le mécanisme d'appet

de ta décision respectent-ils les exigences énoncées à t'¿rticle 64 (paragrâphes 1 à 8) du règtement sur les normes d'accessibitité

¡ intégrées?

S Ì Votre organisation dispose-t-elte d'une procédure lui permettant d'offrir des services de tr¿nsport adapté de façon temporaire à cause

j q."nu .1tr11.. ou Þour des raiso"t:o.T.ilïig.nl-"tt'*ilI::t::.1'ac,cessibilité.intésrées, art'-65)

6 i votre organisat¡on satisfait-elle aux exigences retatives à la réservation de services de transport adapté décrites à l'article 71 du

i règternent sur tes normes d'accessibilité intégrées?i-

U i Votr" sewice de transport adapté veitle-t-il à ce que ta disponibitité des services pour les personnes handicapées ne soit Pas restreinte

i pr. *" firitation du nornbre de déptacements offerts ou pâr une autre politique ou pratique opérationnetle? (Normes d'accessibilité

i intégrées. art. 72)i. "-..--., ...

g ì votr. organisat¡on offre-t-etle de [a formation continue conformément à la Norme d'accessibitité pour les services à [a ctientèle' et

ì respecte-t-ette [â Norme d'accessibitité pour les services à (a ctientèle et te règlement sur les normes d'accessibilité intégrées qui sont

i en,le¡ e¡ vieueur aïltll pré::nlalion gu îpj:n?g i Votr" organisation fournit-elle [a formation requise sur tes Normes d'accessibitité intégrées et les dispositions du Code des droits de [a

i personnsqui fapp(iquent aux personnes hãnd¡capées? (Normes d'accessibilité intégrées, art' 7)






: ouli

i:--: oul




I 0 I Votre organisation veitle-t-ette à ce que res processus de rétroaction soient accessibles aux personnes handicapées en fournissant ou

' '-

l .n faisani fournir sur demande des formats accessibles ou des ¿ides à la communication? (Normes d'accessibi{ité intégrées' ârt' 1 l)i..,..-

, t t i Votre organisation dispose-t-elle d'un processus permettant d'offrir des formats accessibtes et des aides à ta communication aux

i p.rronnÀ, handicapées en temps opportun et à un coût qui n'est pas supérieur au coût ordinaire demandé âux autres personnes?

; lNormes d'accessibil¡té intégrées, arL 12)'i.-

12 5urdemande.votreorgenisãtionfournit-eltedansunformataccesríblelesrenseignementssurlesmesuresettesptansd'urgenceainsi

, i que sur ta sécurité pubtique qui sont destinés au pubtic? (Normes d'accessibitité intégrées. art. 13)

Votre organisation offre-t-etle des renseignements individualisés retatifs aux intewentions d'urgence pour les employés qui en ont

besoin? Examine-t-ette cette information conformé ment aux normes d'emptoi? (Normes d'accessibilité intégrées, art- 27)

14 Votre organisation tient-elte compte des options d'accessibitité lors de t'obtention ou de t'acquisition de biens, de seruices ou

d'instaltations? Fournit-etle une exptication lorsque cela n'est pes matériettement possibte? (Normes d'aCcessibilité intégrées, arl 5)

Votre organisation avise-t-etle ses emptoyés et le pubtic de la disponibilité de mesures d'adaptation durant son processus de

recrutement? (Normes d'accessibilité intégrées, arl. 22 à 24)

16 Votre organisation foumit-elte à son personnel des renseignements å jour sur ses potitiques v¡sant à aider les emptoyés handicapés?

(Normes d'accessibilité intégrées, art' 25)

5ur demande, votre organisation fournit-ette aux emptoyés handicapés de t'information dans un format accessible ou avec des aides å

la commun¡cation? (Normes d'accessibitité intégrées' art' 26)

votre organ¡sation étabore-t-el[e et dispose-þette d'un processus écrìt régissant l'élaboration de plans d'adaptation individuatisés et

documentés pour tes emp{oyés handicapés? (Normes d'accessibitité intégrées, art. 28)

19 ! votre organisation e-t-elle un processus écrit de retour au travail pour tes emptoyás qui se sont absentés en ra¡son d'un handicap et qui

' ont besoin de mesures d'adãptation tiées à teur handicap pour reprendre le travail? (Normes d'accessibitité intégrées, art' 29)

Ce document est une copie du rapport déposé à t'intention du gouvernement de l'Ontario [e August 12,2015 1:40:34 PM

Numéro de confirmation ; 5CR857167










i outi

i oul





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City of Quinte West

AODA Setf-Certified Accessibitity Report


Generat CommenVCommentaires généraux:¡

'No comment was entered. Aucun commentaire n'a été saisi'

This is a copy of the report filed with the Government of ontario on August 12'2A15 1:40:34 PM

Certification lD: 5CR8571 67

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Native Plants -__-Quinte--_CONSERVATIONfor Fcilinators


This nalive shrubattracts butterflies,butterflY larvae, other

showy insects and

Bircls.lt can be Planteclin normal, moist or wet

areas that Providesunny or Partial shadecl

lig ht"


This native wildflower

attracts hu mmi ngbirds,

butterflies, bumble

bees, and honeY bees,

It can be Planted in

dry, normal or moist

areas that Provide sun

or partial shade'


Jt-lst like SPirea Alba

and Anise HYssoP, this

wildflower makes for a

versatile flower to Plan'

It can be Planted in

normal or wet areas

r¡rhich provide sun or

partial shade

. St. John's Wort can

make for a good

erosion control Plant


. Spirea Alba's seecls

persist throughwinter

. Boiling leaves of thìs

plant makes a tea

like Chtna tea

' Anise HyssoP has a

licorice smell and taste

. lls leaves can be eaten

in salads. The smell of the Plant

may deter some leaf

eating insects

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Why Choose NativePlants. They are aelaptive ts or-¡r climater Çnee establisheel they requu'e no

care. They Brûvicle faoei anel ha"bita.t i,.rr

ioeal aninrals

' They sLtpport local pollina-tors

' They er:tencl wilcllife cti"ruclors

thr'or-iç¡h orir LrrL:a.n arees

Native Plant Suppliers:'ì¿-:-l: ii L3rrl,,-j^: È:i"i,:i : C'1,;¡-railr-ìi Reùì,-;,1

1r;;nrLlt ln ¿\ -j r.LOry: ¡rl.r. , F:iiir Þ,:;a,'t Ð*l B,: ( l:'ì,ì

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AGENDAGREËTING5-Te rty M u tp h y, (.,, ['4 (üì) (,-l(

-Todd Smifh, \'1Pf'

-Jirn Horrison, Irerilo, l"1c-,y'o,

-M¡+ch Ponciuk, [J,.,,1ic.,¡ilr' (. c,,,,,, ,11c'

-Gornef Thompson, Fl,lil', r,rllc A',, q--L'1',r b,rlrlv

( o rr rn ¡"lf c'r:

-Terry M urphy

R|BBON CUîTING-June Kenn"dy, tiuinle '\,\,'

Acce. :;si h¡Iliv ( . o rn rrl rfl,...",

-Todd Smith, i"1f'F)

REFRESHMENTS-C up.ok"u & Lemo'.sd*

TOUR OF îHT TRIAL-Bnttony & Kirsten

0 +)

$. $i

r, I'
