1 a provably secure secret handshake with dynamic controlled matching alessandro sorniotti, refik...

1 A provably secure secret handshake with dynamic controlled matching Alessandro Sorniotti, Refik Molv a Computers and Security, Volume 2 9, Issue 5, July 2010 , pp 619-6 27

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Page 1: 1 A provably secure secret handshake with dynamic controlled matching Alessandro Sorniotti, Refik Molva Computers and Security, Volume 29, Issue 5, July


A provably secure secret handshake with dynamic controlled matching

Alessandro Sorniotti, Refik Molva

Computers and Security, Volume 29, Issue 5, July 2010 , pp 619-627

Page 2: 1 A provably secure secret handshake with dynamic controlled matching Alessandro Sorniotti, Refik Molva Computers and Security, Volume 29, Issue 5, July



Introduction Preliminaries The scheme – SecureMatching The scheme – Secret Handshake Security analysis Conclusion

Page 3: 1 A provably secure secret handshake with dynamic controlled matching Alessandro Sorniotti, Refik Molva Computers and Security, Volume 29, Issue 5, July



Secret Handshake 2003, proposed by Balfang et al. 2個使用者同時確認彼此是否為同單位的成員 Certification authority

有能力證明與驗證使用者身份。 發行 property credential與 matching reference,讓使用者能夠證明自己與驗證對方。

環境: untraceable and anonymous

Page 4: 1 A provably secure secret handshake with dynamic controlled matching Alessandro Sorniotti, Refik Molva Computers and Security, Volume 29, Issue 5, July



Matchmaking 1985, presented by Baldwin and Gramlich. 解決 HS的問題,但不同的地方是

使用者可以與其他單位的人進行通訊 與 HS主要的不同點

Matchmaking user可以設定自己的 credential與 matching reference

Page 5: 1 A provably secure secret handshake with dynamic controlled matching Alessandro Sorniotti, Refik Molva Computers and Security, Volume 29, Issue 5, July



本文提出 Secret handshake scheme with dynamic controlled

matching 使用者向 CA要求發行 credential與 reference,而有能力證明與驗證。

Page 6: 1 A provably secure secret handshake with dynamic controlled matching Alessandro Sorniotti, Refik Molva Computers and Security, Volume 29, Issue 5, July



Introduction Preliminaries The scheme – SecureMatching The scheme – Secret Handshake Security analysis Conclusion

Page 7: 1 A provably secure secret handshake with dynamic controlled matching Alessandro Sorniotti, Refik Molva Computers and Security, Volume 29, Issue 5, July


Preliminaries U: a set of users P: a set of properties (G1, +) and (G2, *): two groups of order q for some larg

e prime q. e: G1 × G1 → G2 is a bilinear map

Bilinear: P, Q∈G1 and a, b∈Zq*, e(aP, bQ) = e(P, Q)ab

Non-degenerate: e(P, P)≠1 is a generator of G2. Computable: an efficient algorithm exists to compute e(P, Q)

for all P, Q∈G1. H: P → G1 is a one-way hash function.

Page 8: 1 A provably secure secret handshake with dynamic controlled matching Alessandro Sorniotti, Refik Molva Computers and Security, Volume 29, Issue 5, July



Introduction Preliminaries The scheme – SecureMatching The scheme – Secret Handshake Security analysis Conclusion

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Prover-verifier protocol 證明者必須說服驗證者我是該單位的成員。 Prover: 利用 credential來說服 verifier Verifier: 利用 reference來驗證 prover

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Setup: P ∈R G1: a random generator of G1.

r, s, t, v ∈R Zq*: random values.

R = rP, S = sP, T = tP, V = vrP System public parameters = {q, P, R, S, T, V, e, G1,

G2, H} System secret parameters = {r, s, t, v}

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Join User u∈U Secret value xu∈R Zq


Xu = xus-1rP

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Certify 當 CA接收到使用者 u的要求才開始執行 使用者 u隸屬於單位 p∈P CA先確認 (u, p)是否合法,確認無誤,發行 cre

dential credp = vH(p)給使用者 u

使用者 u驗證 : e(credp, R) = e(H(p), V) 驗證式成立,接受憑證;否則,放棄憑證。

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Grant 當 CA接收到使用者 u的要求才開始執行 使用者 u想與單位 p∈P進行通訊 CA先確認 p是否為 u的允許通訊單位 確認無誤,發行 matching reference

matchu,p = t-1r(credp + xuP)給使用者 u

使用者 u驗證 : e(matchu,p, T) = e(H(p), V)e(Xu, S) 驗證式成立,接受 reference;否則,放棄 refere


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Matching A: prover, A有 credpA來證明隸屬於單位 pA

B: verifier, B拿 matchB,pB來驗證 Protocol

1. B→A: B產生 n∈R Zq

*, 送 N1 = nP, N2 = nR給 A

2. A→B: A檢查 e(N1, P) = e(N2, R)

確認正確, A產生 r1, r2∈R Zq*,

送 disguisedCredpA = <r1credpA, r2N2, r1r2S, r1r2T>給 B



pA A

B pB pB B

cred vH p

match t r cred x P

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Matching Protocol

3. B檢查

如果 K = 1,代表 B確定 A是單位 pA的人(i.e. pA跟 pB是相同單位 )


1 2 2 1 2

1 2 ,

, ,



pA B

B pB

e rcred r N e r r S XK

e r r T match



pA A

B pB pB B

cred vH p

match t r cred x P

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Introduction Preliminaries The scheme – SecureMatching The scheme – Secret Handshake Security analysis Conclusion

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Secret Handshake

如何從 SM到 SHS Session key的交換 在 SM協定中,雙方成立後, key才有效

Page 18: 1 A provably secure secret handshake with dynamic controlled matching Alessandro Sorniotti, Refik Molva Computers and Security, Volume 29, Issue 5, July


Secret Handshake

Secret Handshake

Alice Bob


XA credp2credp2 matchB,p1

matchB,p1 XBXB





r3Ar2Ar2A r1B

r1B nBnBr3B




1 2 2 1 2 1 2


, , ,


u p p u

p p

u u

cred vH p

match t r cred x P

disguisedCred rcred r N rr S rr T

X x s rP

nAP, nAR

nBP, nBRr1B(credp2 + r3BP)r2B(nAR), r1Br2BS, r1Br2BT

r1A(credp1 + r3AP)r2A(nBR), r1Ar2AS, r1Ar2AT

Page 19: 1 A provably secure secret handshake with dynamic controlled matching Alessandro Sorniotti, Refik Molva Computers and Security, Volume 29, Issue 5, July


Secret Handshake

Secret Handshake Alice與 Bob檢查方程式 K

Alice算出 KA = e(P, P)r1B r2B r3B r

Bob 算出 KB = e(P, P)r1A r2A r3A r

K’ = (KA)r1A r2A r3A K’’ = (KB)r1B r2B r3B

如果 K’ = K’’,則雙方成功交換 session key


1 2 2 1 2

1 2 ,

, ,



pA B

B pB

e rcred r N e r r S XK

e r r T match

Page 20: 1 A provably secure secret handshake with dynamic controlled matching Alessandro Sorniotti, Refik Molva Computers and Security, Volume 29, Issue 5, July



Introduction Preliminaries The scheme – SecureMatching The scheme – Secret Handshake Security analysis Conclusion

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Security analysis

Attack types Linking

攻擊者有能力得知相同兩人進行不同次的協定 Untraceability

Knowing 惡意 verifier不用正確的 reference,即可驗證 prover的單位

Detector resistance Forging

惡意 prover不用正確的 credential,即可說服 verifier Impersonation resistance

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Security analysis

Security of SecureMatching and secret handshake Untraceability Detector resistance Impersonation resistance

BDDH assumption 給定 (P, aP, bP, cP, xP),決定 x = abc

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Security analysis

Untraceability 給攻擊者 2份 disguised credential,攻擊者有能力證明這 2份是相同單位的 credential

Detector resistance 攻擊者不用正確的 reference,成功的與合法 pro

ver進行協定 Impersonation resistance

攻擊者偽造出一份假的 credential,有能力說服合法 verifier

Page 24: 1 A provably secure secret handshake with dynamic controlled matching Alessandro Sorniotti, Refik Molva Computers and Security, Volume 29, Issue 5, July



Introduction Preliminaries The scheme – SecureMatching The scheme – Secret Handshake Security analysis Conclusion

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利用 SecureMatching來達成 secret handshake User的 loading