1. 8 ways of being smart understanding the multiple intelligences highly effective teaching ~ sue...


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Page 2: 1. 8 WAYS OF BEING SMART Understanding the Multiple Intelligences Highly Effective Teaching ~ Sue Pearson 8 2


Understanding the Multiple Intelligences

Highly Effective Teaching ~ Sue Pearson



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Intelligence: Historically

• France• 1904• Psychologist Alfred Binet• Differentiate between school children who were intellectually normal and those who were inferior

• Scale was designed to serve as a GUIDE for identifying students who could use extra help in school (Binet)


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• 1967• Harvard Graduate School of Education• Study and Improve education in the arts

• 1972• Howard Gardner/David Perkins• Co-directors

• 1983• Frames of Mind-Gardner

Project Zero


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Gardner views intelligence as “the capacity to solve problems or to fashion products

that are valued in one or more cultural settings.”


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Clarification #1

Gardner chooses not use the terms “strength” or “weakness” when discussing intelligences.

Instead he prefers “developed ” and “less developed” as descriptors.Paper presented at the American Educational Research

Association, Chicago, Illinois, April 21, 2003, p.9.http://pzweb.harvard.edu/PIs/HG_MI_after_20_years.pdf 7

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Clarification #2

•Multiple intelligences involves our preferences for “giving back information ” as compared to learning styles which involves our preferences for “taking in information”.

Paper presented at the American Educational ResearchAssociation, Chicago, Illinois, April 21, 2003, p.9.http://pzweb.harvard.edu/PIs/HG_MI_after_20_years.pdf


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In other words, the various intelligences are sets of know-how; procedures for

doing things.

Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences Howard Gardner,

1983, p. 69.

http://www.infed.org/thinkers/gardner.htm 9

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Eight Criteria

1. Potential isolation by brain damage.

2. The existence of savants and prodigies/ other exceptional individuals.

3. An identifiable core operation or set of operations.

4. Susceptibility to encoding in a symbol system.

5. A distinctive development history, along with a definable set of 'end-state' performances.

6. Support from experimental psychological tasks.

7. Support from psychometric findings.

8. An evolutionary history and evolutionary plausibility.


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Logical-mathematical(logic/number smart)

Linguistic(word smart)

Spatial(picture smart)

Bodily-kinesthetic(body smart)

Musical(music smart)

Intrapersonal(self smart)

Interpersonal(people smart)

Naturalist(nature smart)

EE Ch. 3

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“Intelligences are not skills; they are biological potentials

which are realizedto a greater or lesser extent

depending upon opportunities and motivation.”

http://tinyurl.com/ylc6xvs 12

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Multiple Intelligences

• All human beings possess all intelligences in varying amounts

• Each person has a different intellectual composition • We can improve education by addressing the multiple

intelligences of our students • These intelligences are located in different areas of the

brain and can either work independently or together • These intelligences may define the human species• Multiple intelligences can be nurtured and strengthened,

or ignored and weakened • Each individual has eight intelligences (and maybe more

to be discovered) Paper presented at the American Educational Research

Association, Chicago, Illinois, April 21, 2003, p.9.http://pzweb.harvard.edu/PIs/HG_MI_after_20_years.pdf


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Spatial (Picture Smart)

reading, maps, charts, drawing, mazes, puzzles, making images, visualization

design, draw, build, create, daydream, think in pictures

working with pictures and colors, visualizing, using the minds eye, drawing

Leonardo DaVinci, Frank Lloyd Wright, Walt Disney, Georgia O’Keefe, Claude Clark

Is Strong In:

Likes To:

Learns Best Through:

Famous Examples:


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Akiane Kramarik

“I teach and they run away.

I listen and they come.

My strength is my silence.” 15

Age 8

Age 8

Age 9

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Spatial (Picture Smart)

• Animated Movie• Board Game• Brochures• Bulletin Board Design

• Collage• Diorama• Display• Flipbook

• Immersions• Mosaic• Mural• Photo Essay• Political Cartoon

• Power point Presentation

• Story Cube16

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Bodily-Kinesthetic (Body Smart)

touching, moving, processing knowledge through bodily sensations

move around, touch and talk, use body language, learn through movement

athletics, dancing, acting, crafts, using tools

Sandra Bullock, Sean White, Charlie Chaplin, Gregory Hines, Roberto Clemente

Is Strong In:

Likes To:

Learns Best Through:

Famous Examples:


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Bodily-Kinesthetic (Body Smart)

• Being There (study trip)

• Body-mapping• Charades• Crafts• Dance• Demonstration• Diorama

• Experiments• Models• Mural• Martial Arts• Pantomime• Paper Mache• Puppet show • Role Play


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Musical (Music Smart)

• Ballads• Chants• Composing Songs• Choral Reading• Creating New Lyrics

• Discographies• Identifying Environmental Sounds

• Instruments• Musical Performance

• Percussion• Poems• Raps• Rhythms• Scores• Tonal Patterns


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Interpersonal (People Smart)

understanding people, leading, organizing, communicating, resolving conflicts, selling

have friends, talk to people, join groups

sharing, comparing, relating, interviewing, cooperating

Mohandas Gandhi, Oprah Winfrey, Jimmy Carter, Mother Theresa,

Is Strong In:

Likes To:

Learns Best Through:

Famous Examples:


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Interpersonal (People Smart)

• Assigning group roles

• Choral Reading• Creating group procedures

• Debate• Demonstration• Editorial Essay

• Interviews• Museum Exhibit• Pamphlet• Petition• Plays and simulations

• Press conference

• Write new law 22

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Intrapersonal (Self Smart)

understanding self, recognizing strengths and weaknesses, setting goals

work alone, reflect, pursue interests

working alone, doing self-paced projects, having space, reflection,

Thomas Merton, Sigmund Freud, Bill Gates, Eleanor Roosevelt,

Is Strong In:

Likes To:

Learns Best Through:

Famous Examples:


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Intrapersonal (Self Smart)

• Australia• Autobiography• Diary• Essay• Family Tree• Feeling masks• Goal Setting

• Independent Study (yearlong research project)

• Journaling/Logs• Learning Center• Monologue • Reflection• Self-assessments


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Naturalist (Nature Smart)

understanding nature, making distinctions, identifying flora and fauna

be involved with nature, make distinctions

working in nature, exploring living things, learning about plants and natural events

Jane Goodall, John Muir, Rachel Carson, Theodore Roosevelt, George Washington Carver

Is Strong In:

Likes To:

Learns Best Through:

Famous Examples:


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Naturalist (Nature Smart)

• Being Theres • Collections• Classifying Objects

• Designing Nature Trails

• Diorama• Environment Issues• Gardens• Nature Calendars

• Photo essay• Tracking Natural Events

• Recording Nature Sounds

• Science tools• Scientific Drawing

• Star Gazing• Weather reports


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Verbal-Linguistic (Word Smart)

reading, writing, telling stories, memorizing dates, thinking words

read, write, tell stories, talk, memorize, word puzzles, journal

reading, hearing and seeing words, speaking, writing, discussing and debating

T.S. Eliot, Shakespeare, Rabindranath Tagore, Abraham Lincoln, Maya Angelou

Is Strong In:

Likes To:

Learns Best Through:

Famous Examples:


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Verbal-Linguistic (Word Smart)

• Advertisements• Comic Strips• Codes• Debates• Diaries• Editorials• Interviews• Jingles• Letters to Editor

• Newspapers• Oral Reports• Pamphlets• Poems• Press Conferences

• Radio Programs• Skits• Slogans• Story Telling


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math, reasoning, logic, problem-solving, patterns

solve problems, question, work with numbers, experiment

working with patterns and relationships, classifying, categorizing, working with the abstract

Albert Einstein, John Dewey, Susanne Langer, Ada Lovelace, Benjamin Banneker

Is Strong In:

Likes To:

Learns Best Through:

Famous Examples:

Logical-Mathematical (Number Smart)


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Logical-Mathematical Strategies

• Advertisement• Annotated Bibliography

• Chart• Collection• Computer Program• Detailed Illustration

• Experiment• Family Tree

• Graph• Maps/legend• Maze• Petition• Prototype• Recipe• Survey• Time Line• Venn Diagram


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PHILOSOPHICAL LEARNER Learns in the context of where humankind “stands” in the big picture of existence

Sensitive to BIG questions like “Why are we here?” and “What is our role in the world?”

Tackles deep questions about human existence

All education should start with this (HG)

MI: http://facultyweb.cortland.edu/andersmd/learning/MI%20Theory.htm


9th intelligence



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Your Turn

Do you know which of your intelligences are most/least developed?

Why is it important for you to understand your preferences?

As the teacher, you need to provide CHOICE for your

students ~ choices that honor their preferences! 33

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MI Survey Websites

• TheCenter4Learning.com > Resources > Weblinks > Multiple Intelligences

• Multiple Intelligences - Pie chart http://tinyurl.com/3elu79 • Multiple Intelligenceshttp://surfaquarium.com/MI/inventory.htm

• MI survey: for teacher/parent and childhttp://tinyurl.com/yf3b9vf

• Multiple Intelligence: Students (online) http://www.mitest.com/omitest.htm


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In the HET model, assessment is based on two questions:

• What do you want students to understand?

• What do you want them to do with what they understand?


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Real World TESTS of Mastery

• The ability to use the language of the discipline or subject in complex situations and social interactions

• The ability to perform appropriately in unanticipated situations

• The ability to solve real problems using the skills and concepts

• The ability to show, explain or teach the idea or skill to another person who has a real need to know


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Sample Inquiry: Gr. K-1

• Research an animal that lives in our area. Illustrate the growth of your animal in its different lifecycle stages. Cut out each stage of your animal lifecycle. Exchange your animal lifecycle with a partner, sequence the lifecycle, discuss similarities and differences between your animal lifecycle and their animals lifecycle. Cut out and place your animal on the immersion wall. (V, S, BK, LM)

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Sample Inquiries: Gr. 2-3

• Bring 1 item from home that will fit in a lunch bag that has labels showing where it was made. Mill to music to find a partner. Share item with your partner, discuss where it was made. Record the information in your passport. As a learning club, take turns marking the location your items were made on your desk world map. Discuss the results with the class. (BK, VL, S)

Lonnie B. Nelson, Columbia, SC 39

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Sample Inquiry: Gr. 4-5

• With a partner research and identify which level (local, state, federal) of government you would contact to get help with the following dilemmas:

– Pothole in the road in front of your house– Speed limit on TN interstate should be reduced/increased– More money should be spent on cancer research

• Record your findings on the chart in your “First Steps: A Responsible Citizens Guide” journal labeled “Where Do I Go?” Share answers with your Learning Club. (L, S, LM)

Loxy Bell, Blount County, TN40

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ASSIGNMENT ASSESSMENTWhat intelligences did this assignment address?

Which students seemed most interested and intrigued?

Which students seemed disinterested?

Were there any behavior problems during the Assignment? Were these problems possibly related to an intelligence?

What other assignments could I have provided to address multiple intelligences preferences? 41

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“I can say that I do not have any interest in a test that

claims it assesses one intelligence

or another. I am interested in those abilities which

we need to be good workers and good citizens.”

~Professor Howard Gardner, November 22, 1999~ http://disney.go.com/disneylearning/teachercenter/community/gardnerarchive.html


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MI Resources

• Exceeding Expectations: A User’s Guide to Implementing Brain Research in the Classroom, Susan J. Kovalik & Karen D. Olsen

• Kagan’s Multiple Intelligences Smart Card

Order from: http://www.books4educ.com/

• Email: [email protected]

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