1. (2018/05/19): the range of technology available to

IZONE – IELTS TRAINING ACADEMY TỔNG HỢP BÀI MẪU WRITING TASK 2 - IZONE 1. (2018/05/19): The range of technology available to people is increasing the gap between the rich and the poor. Others think it has an opposite effect. Discuss both views and give your own opinion ............................................................................................................................... 5 2. (2018/05/24): The media should include more stories which report good news. To what extent do you agree or disagree? .............................................................................................. 7 3. (2018/06/02): International tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ................................................. 9 4. (2018/06/07): Traffic and housing problems could be solved by moving large companies, factories and their employees to the countryside. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 11 5. (2018/06/23): In many places, people’s lifestyle is changing rapidly and this affects family relationship. Do you think the advantage of this development outweigh the disadvantage? 13 6. (2018/07/07): Many people say that universities should only offer entry to young students with highest marks, others think they should accept people of all ages even if they did not do well. Discuss both views and give your own opinion ............................................ 15 7. (2018/07/19): Education for young people is important in many countries. However, many people believe the government should spend more money on education of adult population who cannot read and write. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ............. 17 8. (2018/07/28): Some people say that economic growth is the only way to end world poverty and hunger. Others say that economic growth is damaging the environment and should stop. Discuss both views and give your opinion.......................................................... 19 9. (2018/08/02): In some cities, there are few controls on the design and construction of homes and other buildings, and owners can decide on the styles of their houses. Do the advantages of this outweigh its drawbacks? .......................................................................... 21

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1. (2018/05/19): The range of technology available to people is increasing the gap between

the rich and the poor. Others think it has an opposite effect. Discuss both views and give your

own opinion ............................................................................................................................... 5

2. (2018/05/24): The media should include more stories which report good news. To what

extent do you agree or disagree? .............................................................................................. 7

3. (2018/06/02): International tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately,

international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from

different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ................................................. 9

4. (2018/06/07): Traffic and housing problems could be solved by moving large companies,

factories and their employees to the countryside. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


5. (2018/06/23): In many places, people’s lifestyle is changing rapidly and this affects family

relationship. Do you think the advantage of this development outweigh the disadvantage?


6. (2018/07/07): Many people say that universities should only offer entry to young

students with highest marks, others think they should accept people of all ages even if they

did not do well. Discuss both views and give your own opinion ............................................ 15

7. (2018/07/19): Education for young people is important in many countries. However,

many people believe the government should spend more money on education of adult

population who cannot read and write. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ............. 17

8. (2018/07/28): Some people say that economic growth is the only way to end world

poverty and hunger. Others say that economic growth is damaging the environment and

should stop. Discuss both views and give your opinion .......................................................... 19

9. (2018/08/02): In some cities, there are few controls on the design and construction of

homes and other buildings, and owners can decide on the styles of their houses. Do the

advantages of this outweigh its drawbacks? .......................................................................... 21


10. (2018/08/18): In the modern world it is possible to shop, work and communicate with

people via Internet and live without any face-to-face contact with others. Is it a positive or

negative development in your opinion? .................................................................................. 23

11. (2018/08/25): For school children, their teachers have more influence on their

intelligence and social development than their parents. To what extent do you agree or

disagree? .................................................................................................................................. 25

12. (2018/09/15): Most of the world’s urgent problems are caused by over-population. Do

you agree or disagree? ............................................................................................................ 27

13. (2018/09/19): In countries where there is a high unemployment rate, most pupils

should be offered only primary education. There is no point in providing secondary

education for those who will have no hope in finding a job. Do you agree or disagree? 29

14. (2018/09/29): Some teachers think that the programs of international student

exchange would be beneficial for all teenage school students. Do you think their advantages

will outweigh the disadvantages?............................................................................................ 31

15. (2018/10/13): Many museums or historical sites are mainly visited by tourists but not

local people. Why is this the case and what can be done to attract more local people to visit

these places? ............................................................................................................................ 33

16. (2018/10/20): In recent years, the family structure has changed, as well as family roles.

What are the changes occurring? Do you think these changes are positive or negative? 35

17. (2018/11/01): Cycling is more environmentally friendly than other forms of transport.

be done to make cycling more popular? ................................................................................. 36

18. (2018/11/10): Some people think governments should spend money on faster means of

public transport. However, others think money should be spent on other priorities (eg

environment). Discuss both views and give your opinion ...................................................... 38

19. (2018/11/17): Nowadays, there is a trend that reports of media focus on problems and

emergencies rather than positive development. Some people think it is harmful to individuals

and to society. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ...................................................... 40

Nevertheless, cycling is getting less popular. What are the reasons for this trend? What can


20. (2018/12/08): Most people try to balance between work and other parts of lives.

Unfortunately, not many achieve this balance. What are the problems and solutions for this?


21. (2018/12/13): Some say that sports play an important role in society. Others think it is

nothing more than a leisure activity. Discuss both views and give your own opinion .......... 44

22. (2019/01/05): In modern life, it is no longer necessary to use animals as food and other

products like clothing and medicines. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ................ 46

23. (2019/01/12): New parents should attend parenting courses to ensure the growth of

their children. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ..................................................... 48

24. (2019/02/02): More and more people want to buy famous brands of clothes, car and

other items. Why is it? Do you think it is a positive or negative development? .................... 50

25. (2019/02/09): : In most successful organisations, some people believe that

communication between managers and workers is important, other people say that other

factors are more important. Discuss both views and give your opinion................................ 52

26. (2019/02/14): Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be

.................................................................................. 54

27. (2019/02/17): Some people think that the best way to improve road safety is to increase

the minimum legal age for driving a car or motorbike. To what extent do you agree or

disagree? .................................................................................................................................. 56

28. (2019/03/02): The world of work is rapidly changing and the employees can not depend

on having the same work or the same work conditions for life. Discuss the possible causes

and suggest ways to prepare for people to work in the future............................................... 57

29. (2019/03/09): Should movies be for entertainment only or should they also have an

educational purpose? .............................................................................................................. 59

30. (2019/03/14): In some countries, small town-center shops are going out of business

because people tend to drive to large out-of-town stores. As a result, people without cars have

needed because people can see historical objects and works of art by using a computer. Do

you agree or disagree with this opinion?


limited access to out-of-town stores, and it may result in an increase in the use of cars. Do

you think the disadvantages of this change outweigh its advantages? .................................. 61

31. (2019/04/06): People have little understanding of the importance of the natural world,

what are the reasons and how can people learn more about the natural world? ................. 63

32. (2019/04/13): In many countries, people like to eat a wider variety of food than can be


33. (2019/05/04): Today many children spend a lot of time playing computer games and

little time on sports. Why is it? Is it a positive or negative development? ............................. 67


skills such as cooperative skill. What are the causes and suggest possible solutions? .......... 69

grown in their local area. As a result, much of the food people eat today has to come from

other regions. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh disadvantages?

(2019/5/11): Some businesses find that their new employees lack basic interpersonal


1. (2018/05/19): The range of technology available to people is increasing the gap between the rich and the poor. Others think it has an opposite effect. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

The past few decades has witnessed a vast array of technological advances

coming into existence. However, it is still questionable whether these

developments help bridge or further widen the gap between the wealthy and the

needy. This essay will weigh both sides of the argument prior to giving my take on

the matter.

On one side of the argument, there are people insisting that the proliferation of

technology exacerbate income inequality. It allegedly displaces thousands, if not

more, of low-skilled workers, particularly in the technology-related industries. As

a matter of fact, many practices are now performed by machines, and it follows

that less physical labor is in demand. The prevalence of robots in assembly lines,

for example, compromises the livelihood of thousands of blue-collar workers,

who can hardly sustain their life without a stable income.

There is no denying, however, that technology has been a catalyst for narrowing

the gap between people at both ends of the income spectrum. Granted, those

low-income tech workers are put at the risk of job redundancy owing to

automation, but these individuals could, in due course, secure a new job with the

proper assistance from government agencies. At the same time, it is argued that

they, as well as the underprivileged community in general, can now enjoy a decent

living standard, one which was exclusive to only the well-off. Ample evidence of

this can be seen with the ready availability and affordability of washing machines,

water heaters or microwave ovens, labour-saving devices which were not long

ago out of the poor’s budget. With these mod cons comes the better living

standards along with the increasing contentment among the lower income group.


In conclusion, I believe both sides of the argument have merit. On balance,

however, I am inclined to believe that technological achievements have helped

diminish the disparity between the rich and the poor more than it has widened it,

in light of the greater comfort and convenience enjoyed by a wide section of the



2. (2018/05/24): The media should include more stories which report good news. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In this age of massive media coverage, the media is believed to exert a profound

impact on people’s perception of current affairs. Given this pivotal role, I am

convinced that it should feature more accounts of positive news.

One of the primary reasons, in my view, is the disproportionate reporting of

disheartening news on various media platforms that can arouse negative emotions in

viewers. The majority of these are naturally drawn to the most shocking and sensational

news, which explains why these news stories tend to be over-reportedby broadcasters for

self-serving purposes. Surrounded by these traumatic events, it is only natural for the

viewership to take a gloomy view of the world around them. Over time, this could

translate into self-doubt, mistrust or anxiety, morbid feelings that can take a heavy toll on

people’s well-being.

More heartening stories, therefore, deserve wider coverage. The main justification is, as

opposed to bad news, good news can evoke positive emotions, and these sentiments,

however subtle, can bring positive changes to people’s lives. It can be as simple as the

story about a firefighter putting his life at stake to rescue a senior citizen trapped in a

blazing building that can trigger a sense of compassion in people. Or it could be

something as inspiring as the story about a Vietnamese athletic shooter, an underdog who

had, against all odds, become an Olympic gold medalist.Since the news took the whole

country by storm, it has inspired thousands of people from various backgrounds to

persevere with their goals. Were more accounts as such to make headlines, they would

prompt more people to create positive changes.


In conclusion, more encouraging news should be incorporated in news broadcast to keep

viewers at bay from negative feelings inherent in bad news. At the same time, this should

also encourage more commendable changes.


3. (2018/06/02): International tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is indisputable that international tourism is now one of the leading businesses in the

world. Some people, however, put forward the view that this development

would heighten the existing friction between people from different cultural

backgrounds. I disagree with this view for the following reasons.

The first one is that even though there are culture clashes when people from

different countries come into contact, these clashes can be resolved with ease, and are

therefore likely to have no detrimental impact. Most, if not all, of these incidents result

from cross-cultural misunderstandings, which can be attributed more to a lack of pre-

departure research about the host country than to deliberate disregard. Even with some

research done, it would still be challenging for tourists to grasp every intrinsic element of

a well-established culture. Their failure to conform to these sorts of cultural norms, as a

result, can be empathized with. It is also sometimes suggested that since tourists come

and go, their stay at the home country is just temporary, which means any offence made

by tourists would then be forgotten and would not be taken too seriously.

Another significant reason is that cross-border tourism is more likely to foster

harmony between people from different cultural roots. First-hand experience with a

culture would render a more holistic and unbiased view towards its people, which may be

far from what are often led to believe by the mass media. For example, upon making a

visit to Vietnam, many American tourists are astonished by the warm hospitality of the

locals, who, to some individuals’ misconception, should be bearing a grudge over their

war enemies in the past. Another illustration is a visit to a mosque would enlighten

foreign tourists about the good cause of Islam, which is sometimes mistaken as



To conclude, although conflicts as a result of inter-country tourism do exist, they can be

successfully managed, and more often than not, international tourism is a

contributing factor to an enhanced understanding of people from different cultures.


4. (2018/06/07): Traffic and housing problems could be solved by moving large companies, factories and their employees to the countryside. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Since traffic gridlock and housing shortage in big cities are becoming more pressing

issues than ever, it has been suggested that large firms should be relocated to the rural

areas. I believe this measure would help mitigate the problems to a large extent.

One merit of such a measure is that it would help ease the strain on the traffic

infrastructure in many megacities. An existing issue common among these cities is

the failure to accommodate an every-increasing volume of traffic to and from the

workplace. In response, the geographical redistribution of large companies would

mean a lower need for daily commute to the downtown area and a corresponding

reduction in the usage of not just privately owned vehicles but also public transports. Not

only would traffic congestion along with its associated issues, namely road rage and road

accidents, be relieved, but the currently overloaded public transport system, which is

subject to frequent delays and breakdowns, would be more adequate and reliable.

The problems accompanied by housing can also be addressed. It can be argued that the

incessant flow of migrants to metropolises has made the demand far exceed the supply,

leading to a severe shortage of accommodation and a resulting surge in property prices. If

enterprises move their headquarters and factories to satellite towns, there is a fair

possibility that their staff will choose to settle down in the neighborhood for the

convenience of proximity to their workplace. This will ease the enormous demand for

shelters in urban areas, and in turn the ongoing housing affordability crisis will no longer

be a matter of concern.


In conclusion, my view is that given the expected benefits of relocating large firms to the

countryside, it is highly recommended that the authorities in charge deliberate on this

course of action.


5. (2018/06/23): In many places, people’s lifestyle is changing rapidly and this affects family relationship. Do you think the advantage of this development outweigh the disadvantage?

It is true that the speedy change in people’s lifestyle exerts certain impacts on family life.

Most of these impacts, in my view, are negative, prevailing over the positive ones.

On the downside, the bond between family members is being compromised as a result of

the hectic life that many people are leading. With both parents working and children

spending a large part of their day at school, many would settle for a quick meal rather

than a family meal which often involves the time-consuming process of cooking, setting

the table and cleaning. It follows that the chance for these individuals to bond with their

family members is harder to come by. Even when they do have time together, some are

still occupied with checking emails and keeping up with work progress, tasks that are no

longer confined to the conventional office hours. Interaction among family members

diminishes accordingly, which leads to a weakened family bond in many instances.

However, a positive side to this development is that two-income families can usually

generate more wealth than the traditional breadwinner model. The higher income yielded

would in turn go to covering the basic costs of necessities and even some luxuries,

thereby alleviating problems associated with an insufficient income stream, those that

mostly confront lower or middle class families. Since financial difficulty is the cause of

family quarrels in many cases, the absence of it is likely to facilitate a more harmonious

relationship among family members. However, this is not meant to say all the domestic

upheaval would be kept at bay, for if the parents were not able to strike a balance

between work and family, the problem detailed in the first paragraph would overshadow

the aforementioned benefit of a higher flow of income.


In conclusion, the changes in modern lifestyles can be seen to do more harms than goods

to domestic lives.


6. (2018/07/07): Many people say that universities should only offer entry to young students with highest marks, others think they should accept people of all ages even if they did not do well. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Many people believe that college admission should be reserved for high-school graduates

with good academic records, whereas others put forward the opinion that every person,

regardless of age and intellectual level, should be eligible for higher education. Although

there are justifications for both sides, I personally think the former is more viable.

On the one hand, there are certain merits of rendering tertiary education available to

everyone. Among these is a more educated and productive workforce that the country can

benefit from. With all the necessary skill sets and expertise acquired at universities,

graduates stand a good chance of enhancing their productivity at work. Another benefit

can be a reduced unemployment rate. This is particularly true in the face of the ongoing

automation that has displaced thousands of workers. These workers would enjoy a better

chance at securing a sustainable job were they to be given access to higher education.

Promising as it may sound, such a proposal, in my opinion, is far from feasible, for it

would entail customizing all the current curriculums and training programs to suit a broad

spectrum of levels, a task that would undoubtedly come at tremendous effort and


On the other hand, I gravitate towards the view that the privilege of higher education

should be exclusive to young individuals with outstanding academic records. Age is an

important factor since young students would be less burdened with the everyday concerns

that a typical mature student is subject to. It follows that these young individuals can give

their undivided attention to schoolwork, which is likely to yield better results. Another

reason is that since the highly intensive coursework offered by most universities could be

intellectually demanding, only those that have what it takes, proven through a spotless

academic record in high school, should be qualified.


In conclusion, although both arguments have their merits, I am more inclined to believe

that universities should be selective in its recruitment process due to the impracticality of

granting the admission to everyone.


7. (2018/07/19): Education for young people is important in many countries. However, many people believe the government should spend more money on education of adult population who cannot read and write. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

With regards to the issue of education funding, it is generally held that the top priority

goes to education for young generation. Some, however, claim that the government

should allocate a larger part of its budget to literacy education. Since this is a wide-

ranging topic that would involve a thorough deliberation on both sides, this essay would

limit its scope to the economic standpoint, from which both issues should be equally

attended to.

There is no denying that proper investments in the education of the youth can ensure a

more qualified workforce for the future. This helps generate more wealth for society,

which in turn justifies the substantial financial resources dedicated to improving the

quality of formal education. This is evidenced by the fact that the countries with an

advanced education system, those in North America and Western Europe for example,

are often the hubs for productivity and innovation. Given this pivotal role that education

for the young plays, it would make little sense for authorities in charge to overlook such

an area in financial terms.

Of equal importance is the national funding to increasing the literacy rate. A clear benefit

to this investment is the increased employability for the illiterate adults who are currently

living under the poverty line. With the exception of low-paying menial jobs, no employer

would willingly hire an individual without literacy, the very basic indicator of an average

intellectual level. It follows that these illiterates will encounter immense difficulty should

they aspire to secure a job with a livable paycheck, let alone a generous one, and hence

continuing to get trapped in the vicious circle of poverty. Scaling up the investment in the

eradication of illiteracy, on the other hand, readies these individuals for more challenging


and well-paying jobs, which in due course contributes to the economic prosperity of the

country in question.

In conclusion, after weighing up the merits of a more highly educated labor force and a

more literate one, it is safe to say that the two bear equal significance, and thus deserving

equal financial resource allocation.


8. (2018/07/28): Some people say that economic growth is the only way to end world poverty and hunger. Others say that economic growth is damaging the environment and should stop. Discuss both views and give your opinion

In many parts of the world, economic development has been of great importance in

solving famine and raising living standards. While some people believe that the economic

progress itself could eventually put an end to poverty and hunger, others are more wary

of the associated threats posed to the environment. This essay will discuss both sides of

the argument before a conclusion is drawn.

On the one hand, it is true that economic development has a crucial part to play in

eliminating famine and poverty. A strong economy, at its simplest, means a high

employment rate for the people, which provides them with a good income to feed

themselves and their families. In the long run, as the economy thrives, living conditions

can be improved, and people will no longer suffer from the lack of basic necessities. This

can be seen in the case of Viet Nam, an under-developed country in Asia in the early

2000s. After joining the WTO in 2007, the country’s economy was given a strong boost

from trading goods and services with many more developed countries, which lead to the

people’s living standards being greatly raised and millions of people escaping poverty

and hunger successfully. Nevertheless, economic progress is probably not the solely way

to fight poverty as there remain other alternatives such as investing in the education

system or encouraging poor people to fight poverty themselves.

On the other hand, the side effects that an economy developing too rapidly has on the

environment can be tremendous. As more industries and factories are needed to produce

goods, the discharge of industrial wastes of various kinds would soar accordingly. This

could result in the degradation of natural habitats such as rivers, the seas and air. Another

major threat is over-exploitation of natural resources for industrial purposes, which could

lead to irreversible damage on the ecosystem since some species may never recover and


develop. Therefore, it is extremely necessary for the authority to impose stricter laws

regarding industrial activities in order to protect the environment. Economic growth is

undeniably important, but it should not come at the expense of the environment.

My opinion is that there must be harmony between the environment and the proliferation

of the economic activities. Despite the obvious benefits that a strong economy could

bring about in terms of solving the issue of poverty and raising people’s living

conditions, I do not believe that it can make up for the environmental consequences

mentioned above.


9. (2018/08/02): In some cities, there are few controls on the design and construction of homes and other buildings, and owners can decide on the styles of their houses. Do the advantages of this outweigh its drawbacks?

In some cities and provinces all over the world, house owners are given a lot of freedom

to design their own houses. I believe that the benefits associated with this trend could far

make up for its drawbacks, as now will be explained.

The most significant disadvantage of letting people choose the style of their own homes

and buildings, according to some people, is probably it can potentially lead to some

dangerous situations in the future. Many owners could lack the knowledge and expertise

necessary to design and execute the erection of their houses, which could result in such

buildings finding it difficult to withstand inclement weathers or failing to function

properly in the long run. This might cause some dangers for people who lives in these

houses and simultaneously threaten the lives of people residing in the same

neighborhood. It would be fatal, for example, if a poorly designed house suddenly

collapse while its owners are inside, or some people are being near the place. Therefore,

it will be better if the local council has some say in this designing and building process,

which will help guarantee the safety and well-being of not only the owners, but also their


However, the potential benefits that this act could bring about are tremendous, which is

why it should be implemented more widely. From an individual perspective, the house

owners could enjoy a greater sense of satisfaction in having some contribution in the

making of their own homes. Many people invest a substantial amount of money in their

buildings, and they will surely feel more satisfied if the design of the house is their idea.

From an economic standpoint, this may result in a boost for the local economy. A city or

province with a lot of uniquely and creatively constructed buildings may attract a huge

number of tourists coming to admire their beauty, and with it come more income for the


locals. A prime example is Rotterdam, the city of Netherlands with some of the most

unique and curious cubic houses, welcoming thousands of tourists on a regular basis.

In conclusion, despite the fact that it would be more safe to consult the authority before

designing a house, letting people choose their own styles could be far more beneficial,

therefore should be implemented in more cities and provinces.


10.(2018/08/18): In the modern world it is possible to shop, work and communicate with people via Internet and live without any face-to-face contact with others. Is it a positive or negative development in your opinion?

The vigorous growth of the Internet in the early 21st century has paved the way for the

prevalence of online shopping, distant working and online communication, all of which

seem to have rendered interpersonal interaction superfluous in many instances. Contrary

to popular belief, this trend has done more harm than good, as will be proven in this


On the one hand, the rise of the Internet, together with its broad range/array of associated

activities, has done wonders for mankind. Those with an access to the Internet could save

a great deal of time that would be otherwise dedicated to commuting back and forth to

physical stores or their workplace, which in turns brings about an unprecedented level of

comfort and convenience. This lower demand for transportation subsequently helps with

easing traffic congestion (on the road). Better still, being in the comfort of their own

home affords people the time it takes to make an informed purchasing decision. These

shoppers, equipped with a massive pool of information readily available online, could

stack up attributes of each alternative (against one another), before arriving at a sound

decision of what to buy. This is unlikely the case with in-store shopping, where shoppers

are often pressured into buying certain products against their will.

Albeit the good intentions of the Internet, its wide coverage comes with a variety of

pitfalls in reality, presumably overshadowing the said benefits. One of such

shortcomings is the impairment of crucial social skills, which could be attributed to a

severe lack of social interactions. The time many chronic Internet users once spent on

daily exchanges is taken away in favour of online activities, which, if sustained, could

lead to a reluctance to communicate with others. Though it could be said that this

shortage in communication could be made up for with the abundance of online


communication tools and platform, this is a questionable statement per se/in itself.

Research has indicated that eye contact and body gestures, factors inherent in a physical

encounter, have a critical part to play in forging a close bond, without which we humans

are more prone to feel a sense of isolation, and by association, depression.

In conclusion, after a thorough examination of both sides of the issue, it is safe to say that

the benefits the Internet has to offer would be outweighed by the potential dangers it

poses to the netizens.


11.(2018/08/25): For school children, their teachers have more influence on their intelligence and social development than their parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Children education has traditionally been a difficult topic. A question that often leave

many stumped is which group, parents or teachers, exerts more of an influence on

children’s intellectual and social development. My view is that although teachers have a

large part to play, the role of parents carries just as much weight.

The role teachers assume on children’s cognitive development should not be taken

lightly. They are professional at conducting their class in a stimulating and insightful

manner, which could be attributed to years of rigorous training and hands-on experience

that afford them the right set of skills, pedagogical skills and the like. Without the same

skill set, parents could find it hard, if not impossible, to perform the job of comparable

quality, and this shortcoming may present a challenge to children’s intellectual

development in the long run. An equally important factor is students’ social awareness,

which is fostered through multiple class activities and interactions. These activities go a

long way in teaching a kid how to forge a bond with his fellow classmates or how to

disagree without being disagreeable, skills that are often absent in homeschooled


The role parents play by no means pales in comparison with that of teachers however.

Research has shown that children’s intelligence could be partly attributed to the genetic

makeup that they inherit from their parents. This is particularly the case with prodigies,

whose talents have attracted a greal deal of interest at various mind sports and

competitions, holding all other factors like schooling and financial background constant.

It is also parents who make the decision of which educational institutions to send their

kids to so as to reap all the benefits of schooling as detailed above. These parents

understand their kids better than anyone else, and would endeavour to promote not just


their children’s intellectual growth but also their emotional well-being. This is largely the

reason why parents of introverts, for example, may give them guidance on how to

socialize with others better and keep them from rowdy activities, which in turn helps

them to be socially adept and balanced.

After a brief deliberation of parental and teacher roles, it is my belief that the company

and guidance of both parties is essential for well-rounded children, and neither side

prevails in terms of importance.


12.(2018/09/15): Most of the world’s urgent problems are caused by over- population. Do you agree or disagree?

Over-population has been one of the most alarming issues in the last several decades,

especially in developing countries. Although not all social issues could be traced back to

a highly populous world, it does lead to with some of the most imperative problems, such

as a deteriorating environment, high poverty and crime rates.

Environmental degradation, one of the most pressing global issues, go hand in hand with

overpopulation. More people means higher demand for food and other resources. To keep

up with this every-growing demand, unsustainable farming practices and overexploitation

of land are often resorted to. Over a sustained period, this could be detrimental to the

environment with its finite supplies of natural resources, which could take as much as

millions of years to recover. It is, therefore, more advisable to curb the growth of the

population, rather than exploiting the environment to the point of irreversible destruction.

Another issue that is posing a threat to the modern world is widespread poverty, which

can also be closely linked to an overly high population. Granted, countries with a high

figure for population, as in the case of the U.S., does not necessarily encounter poverty

problems, but such countries are most often superpowers with high income per capita.

When economic development does not match the correponding massive population

figure, as in the case of China and India, the inevitable result is a considerable rate of

people would live below the poverty line. In oder to get by, many of them would engage

in criminal activities to feed themselves and provide for their families. Though it is true

that not all of the said povertystricken segment would be reduced to committing crimes,

poverty does serve as an incentive for criminal proclivities in extreme cases.

In conclusion, there is no doubt overpopulation has been threatening the livelihood of

people in all over the world. While its most significant impact is on the environment,


other consequences such as widespread poverty, and hence, more crime are also



13.(2018/09/19): In countries where there is a high unemployment rate, most pupils should be offered only primary education. There is no point in providing secondary education for those who will have no hope in finding a job. Do you agree or disagree?

In some parts of the world where unemployment is a pervasive problem, it is suggested

that these countries would be better off restricting education to primary level. In my

opinion, this will impose a severe constraint on the general intellectual level that

eventually translates into more serious repercussions, as will be articulated in detail.

At first glance, the proposition to impose restrictions on education has some grounds.

From an economic standpoint, it would make little sense for the jobless to attend

secondary education or above, for the knowledge attained at these levels would not be put

to use to generate additional value for the society in general. This, however, could be the

perfect recipe for a negative feedback loop. If the said proposition is enforced on a

national scale, the general intellectual level of the respective country would suffer. The

ensuing lack of qualifications would undermine employability, since the minimum

requirement for a decent-paying job is commonly set at a high school diploma. Without

these necessary qualifications, most of these individuals would either have to settle for

menial low-paying jobs or stay jobless for life.

The value of secondary and tertiary education is not limited to better job prospects, but

extends to cover social spheres of life. Lessons learned at these steps of education raise

the social awareness of learners, enabling them to conduct themselves in proper ways in

social situations. By contrast, people with a mere primary education often shy away from

public discussions that are intellectually demanding, and this avoidance could deprive

them of the chance to expand theỉr social circles, potentially leading to a sense of

insecurity. In the absence of confidence, it is likely for many parents to be reluctant to

teach their children out of fear that getting it wrong could ruin their children’s

foundational knowledge. All these possible disadvantages contribute to set the stage for a


perpetual downward spiral, for which the only actionable resolution is access to further


In summary, setting an upper limit for education is not the answer for a high

unemployment rate. Countries which implement this are likely to experience a further

climb in the number of people who are out of job, and the damage would extend beyond

economic indexes to shadow many other areas of life as well.


14.(2018/09/29): Some teachers think that the programs of international student exchange would be beneficial for all teenage school students. Do you think their advantages will outweigh the disadvantages?

It is a generally held view among teachers that exchange programs offer multiple benefits

for teenage students worldwide. These ranges of benefits, in my opinion, outweigh the

associated drawbacks, as will be detailed.

On the one hand, opting in to a student exchange program comes with by a number of

hindrances, the most prominent of which is the financial implications for those who come

from a lower-middle class family. Students pertaining to this stratum, or their family

more likely, find it hard to afford the expenditure typically incurred in an exchange

program, particularly if the exchange involves moving from a developing country to a

first-world one. Even when this cost can be covered at a stretch, the value proposition of

the program could be questionable, in light of its limited duration of 6 months to a year

(the standard length of overseas exchanges). In such a constrained time frame, few

students would be adaptable enough to fit into a new environment and actually gain any

concrete benefits from their journey.

On the other hand, it is my belief that the merits more than make up for the demerits to

make exchange programs a worthwhile experience. Although their typical duration might

be a little too brief for one to fully adjust to an exotic setting, it should be sufficient to

provide them with abundant first-hand exposure to the language of the host country,

thereby serving a catalyst for the mastery of a second language. Better still, this does not

necessarily occur at a significant cost, for many travel grants are rewarded for students

with credentials. Even if the remaining expenses are expected to come out of students’

own pocket, this is an investment with high return considering the range of downstream

effects an exchange program would have on the employability of students upon



In conclusion, after a thorough examination of both sides of the issue, it is safe to say that

the demerits international exchange programs have to offer would be outweighed by the

merits they bring to the students.


15.(2018/10/13): Many museums or historical sites are mainly visited by tourists but not local people. Why is this the case and what can be done to attract more local people to visit these places?

It is true that museums and historical attractions mostly appeal to travelers, much more so

than the locals. Reasons for this vary, but some actions can be taken to change the status


There could be several underlying causes for the subpar attendance at historical sites.

These venues are meant to showcase items of historical interest with a view to educating

international as well as local visitors. The latter group may find it an all too familiar a

topic, one that has been integrated into the curriculum of their school years and that they

have to endure the grind to scrape through. The lack of interest is further compounded by

the unoriginal layout of most history museums, which often displays their items in a run-

of-the-mill fashion with hardly any accompanying visual aids or other forms of

recreation. This could be attributed to the nature of historical sites as a means to preserve

traditional values, catering for those who want to relive a stage of history in their


However, the issues detailed above are not without actionable solutions/measures. To

start with, history should be treated less as a test-oriented unit with students’ recitation of

historical events at its core, and more as an intriguing exploration of the past. To go about

this, it would be worthwhile for school and teachers to endeavour to liven up the learning

experience in each and every history session, possibly by introducing a range of

stimulating yet relevant activities. These could include hosting trips to museums in the

locale, which, for all intents and purposes, should be turned into local places of interest.

Movie-showing or folk games, for example, are activities that can attract a great deal of

interest, but still museums have to make sure to constantly renew their variety of

attractions as an incentive for revisits.


In conclusion, historical locations and museums can appear unexciting for local people

because they can have negative impression with history lessons during school time. To

improve the situation, interest with discovering the past should be instilled in students by

organizing more interactive activities and field trips, and also museums need to refresh

and diversify their attractions to encourage more returns.


16.(2018/10/20): In recent years, the family structure has changed, as well as family roles. What are the changes occurring? Do you think these changes are positive or negative?

The demographics of families have shifted greatly over the past several decades. The

number of families is decreasing and a typical household is now much smaller, coupled

with the growing tendency to divorce. I believe these changes will exert a negative

impact on our society as will be articulated below.

The need to get married is no longer a necessity for many young women. More and more

women are taking an active role financially by participating in the labor force instead of

relying on a husband. This would likely discourage the idea of getting married or, in

extreme cases, dismiss it altogether. In addition, this independence would give rise to a

higher rate of divorce as women do not feel the need to turn to their partners for the

money and would be willing to live separately in the time of domestic conflict.

The effects will be indeed detrimental to our society. Shrinking number of families would

likely lead to fewer babies born per year and consequently, less of youth have to support

more pensioners, ultimately destabilizing the society at large. At the same time, higher

incidents of divorce set the stage for instability in children’s upbringing. Evidently,

children are more likely to develop in a comprehensive manner with the presence of both

parents, without either of which these children are more inclined to be emotionally or

materially inadequate, potentially leading to less than ideal future prospects. For example,

in the USA, the number of adolescents of divorced families is closely correlated with the

number of colleges dropouts as well as the heightened crime rate in recent years.

In short, there are many changes in the composition as well as the size of families and

they would have severe impacts on our society as a whole.


17.(2018/11/01): Cycling is more environmentally friendly than other forms of transport. Nevertheless, cycling is getting less popular. What are the reasons for this trend? What can be done to make cycling more popular?

Bicycles have gained quite a reputation for the tremendous range of benefits it offers to

the environment. However, several changes have contributed to the waning popularity of

this form of transportation, a worrisome trend which can be rectified with several

appropriate measures.

Among the factors that are responsible for the dwindling interest in cyclying, the

dominance of motorized vehicles and changes in road infrastructure stand out. In relation

to the motorized forms of transport of the 21st century, bicycles are designed to be a slow

and relaxing rather than time-efficient. And time efficiency, or cost effectiveness by

extension, matters since every minute spent on the road has an opportunity cost in the

modern hectic world. For this reason, few people nowadays sustain the use of bicycles to

go from point A to point B in their daily transport, and even fewer commute to work by

bike. Worse still, those who do are faced with heightened risks of road accidents. In fact,

not every city reserves a seperate cycle lane cyclists, and some cities are dispensing with

cycle lane altogether in favour of expanding motorized vehicle access to their main roads.

In such cases, it can be substantially less safe for bikers to bike, which demotivates many

from using this environmentally-friendly means of transport.

There could be various measures to promote the use of bicycles. It might be tempting for

authorities to jack up petrol prices and impose higher private vehicle taxes, but such a

proposition would likely cause undesirable consequences since it is tantamount to a form

of coercion. In fact, it would be more worthwhile to introduce schemes to incentivize

people to pick up the bike voluntarily. For example, some bike-sharing schemes

introduced in Finland or England, where bikers can rent a bike at any dock on the roads

and drop it at another dock, have proven successful in facilitating intra-city transport.


Also, the municipal infrastructure should be made bike-friendlier by allocating a specially

designated lane for bikers. This would guarantee their safety, and in turn, makes the

journey more enjoyable.

In conclusion, the rise of motorized vehicles and changes in city infrastructure have made

travelling by bike less popular, which could be improved by some proposed solutions.


18.(2018/11/10): Some people think governments should spend money on faster means of public transport. However, others think money should be spent on other priorities (eg environment). Discuss both views and give your opinion.

People hold different points of view regarding how the state budget should be allocated.

Some believe that priority should be given to public transport, while others claim that

there exists more important matters which deserve to receive financial support from the

government. This essay will look at both sides before a conclusion is drawn.

On the one hand, it is understandable why some advocate spending public money on

enhancing the efficiency of public tranportation. Their primary rationale is more people

would be encouraged to eschew their own vehicles in favour of public transport, which in

due course would mitigate the issues of traffic congestion and air pollution as public

modes of transport become more time-efficient. This could be done by building exclusive

lanes for buses, or more modern railways for trains and trams, just to name a few. Since

traffic jam and air contamination are amongst the biggest issues in metropolises, it is

reasonable to spend taxpayers’ money on a more time-saving public transport system.

Even though the same issues are not as serious in less populous areas like provincial

towns or the countryside, faster means would save the residents a great amount of time in

their daily commute.

Despite the irrefutable significance of public transport upgrades, there are even more

investment-worthy social disciplines, among which are a comprehensive education

system and better healthcare. Specifically, when students are better-educated, they are

likely to become more competent upon entering the labor market. At the same time, a

better healthcare system could ensure the well-being of the citizens, which has always

been a great concern in society. Those in favor of putting more state money in these areas

may also argue that people could live with a not-too-heavily-polluted environment and


constant traffic jam, but unlikely to stand their kids being poorly educated, or their health

not being taken care of well.

In conclusion, people have their own reasons to support investing public money in faster

public transportation, and the same goes for those who do not. I am of the opinion that a

decent education and healthcare system are more crucial to the well-being of a country

in general, and therefore should be prioritized.


19.(2018/11/17): Nowadays, there is a trend that reports of media focus on problems and emergencies rather than positive development. Some people think it is harmful to individuals and to society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

A view shared by a significant part of the population is that the overwhlming coverage of

bad news on the media does more harm than good on both an individual and societal

level. I completely disagree with this viewpoint.

Admittedly, bulletins filled with good news can have an uplifting effect on people and

cultivate in them a optimistic view of the society as a result. However, over-exposure to

good news could lead to people living in bubbles with all the bad news filtered out, which

results in ignorance of all the lurking dangers around them. This lack of preparation could

be fatal in the event of a a contingency, for which there is a lot at stakes and failture to

take appropriate actions could sometimes mean the difference between life and death.

The emphasis on bad news serves to warn people about all these possible threats,

enabling them to be better prepared in case of emergencies. It is is therefore arguably

more important than the alternative, which, despite its good intentions, does little more

than painting a rosy picture of the surrounding world.

All the aforementioned drawbacks can be overcome by broadcasters laying a great

emphasis on reporting imperative issues. This would,on an individual level, warn people

of the possible threats in the local area so that they can take proper precautionto

counteract the associated adversities. For instance, the coverage of a rise of vehicle thefts

in a certain area could raise the alarm about the situation, thereby urging car owners in

that area to lock their car or install anti-theft alarm. To tackle large-scale pressing issues

such as global warming, it is necessary to call for joint initiatives between the

government and their citizens, and timely actions on the individuals’ part. This is

conditioned upon the widespread unfiltered coverage of current affairs regardless of

howgrim a prospect they may seem.


In conclusion, our lives could be better protected with assigning more weight to bad news

than good news (in media reports), for the former keeps us informed about all the

possible treacherous dangers as well as socially alarming issues.


20.(2018/12/08): Most people try to balance between work and other parts of lives. Unfortunately, not many achieve this balance. What are the problems and solutions for this?

The typical modern lifestyle is often associated with having a full plate at work, which

spares/leaves people little time left for their social life. This trend undoubtedly goes hand

in hand with several adverse impacts on their happiness index, but actions can be taken to

mitigate these issues

The imbalance between career development and private life can exert a negative impact

on people’s well-being and their relationships. When work constitutes a overwhelming

part of ones’ life, hardly can they have time and energy to take care of themselves

physically and mentally. This lack of physical exercise and time for personal interests, if

sustained, could burn them out eventually, putting such modern employees at risk of

morbidity under enormous stress and, in some instances, even depression. The quality

time for family and friends would also be diminished in favour of career progress (in all

probability), making these relationships suffer. An immediate consequence of this

negligence could be the lack of support from such important people. Friends, for instance,

would no longer be willing to lend a sympathetic ear/extend their hands when one

encounters difficulties at work, for they are neither well-informed of the situation nor feel

any obligations to offer help. .

I believe various steps can be taken to strike a work-life balance on an individual level.

To avoid modern-day diseases, especially ones that stem from a sedentary lifestyle, it is

highly advisable for people to set aside a certain time the day for doing exercises or

playing a sport. Walking or cycling to work, for example, would be an ideal practice for

busy officer workers as these time-efficient activities have proven to boost their physical

and in turn their mental health. In addition, the time for family should be preserved with


no interference from work. This can be as simple as opting out of work-related phone

calls or emails when one is at home. The weekends should also be devoted to enjoy

oneself or hang out with family and friends to strengthen the bond with them. This would

ensure that people can recharge their battery and come back to work more productively.

In conclusion, a work-centered lifestyle could the formula for numerous problems in

terms of health and relationships, which could be dealt with by drawing a clear line

between these areas.


21.(2018/12/13): Some say that sports play an important role in society. Others think it is nothing more than a leisure activity. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

People hold different views about the social significance of sports. While it is

understandable why naysayers may consider this simply as a form of entertainment, I

would argue that sports have an indispensable role to play in our society.

There are several possible explanations why sports are little more than a form of

recreational activity to a segment of the population/certain demographic groups. Firstly,

the vast majority of the population take up sports as a sideline activity to unleash their

stress, while those whose life revolves around sports number a few, most of whom are

sportsmen. As such, sports hardly make economic sense to most people, with the

exception of professional athletes who make a living from their sports participation.

These individuals, to make matters worse, are often subject to a short career span and

often have to seek an alternative career option upon retirement. Owing to these

limitations, sports are, at best, a form of entertainment to a significant part of the

population, who often put the activity on the sideline in favour of their work or their


On the other hand, I hold a firm belief that there is more social meaning to sports than

what sports naysayers come to believe, from the standpoint of both players and the

audience. As for players, regardless of whether they engage in sports casually or on a

professional level, participation in sports indisputably offer tremendous physical and

mental merits, which is critical to the addition of the value chain. A society that is full of

well-being citizens is a prerequisite for a well-developed nation. At the same time, sports

games play a social role in educating young generations. Engagement in team sports, be it

participation or viewing, can instill in the young the true value of teamwork and a sense

of patriotism. For instance, nothing could stir up the national pride of the Vietnamese


people than the recent victory of the country’s national football team, when millions of

supporters join rallies on the streets in celebration.

In conclusion, my view is that the role sports assume is not limited to a recreational

sense, but also cover other values such as the well-being of players, team spirit and

patriotism among the young, all of which can set the stage for the prosperity of nations.


22.(2019/01/05): In modern life, it is no longer necessary to use animals as food and other products like clothing and medicines. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In today’s world, it is commonly believed that humans should abandon products that

way society functions these days.

Animal right activists also proclaim that the animals rights in place should keep animals

from the ruthless practice in many industries. Take battery chickens for example; it is

quite common for them to be bred and slaughtered in a gruesome manner before being

shipped off to fast food chains like KFC and McDonalds for consumption. Since

subjecting animals to such a type of trauma is arguably rather inhumane, it is argued that

efforts should be made to find alternative solutions to satisfy human’s needs. While this

originate from animals in their everyday consumption, be it food, medicine or fashion

industry. However, such a proposition would prove neither crucial nor practical in the

Firstly, opponents of animal use in the manufacturing of goods are convinced there are

alternative choices that produce a comparable level of utility. There are merits to this

argument as, in fact, a growing number of people are adopting a meat-free lifestyle (or

vegans in other words), for vegetables and herbs have proven to provide enough nutrients

to the body. At the same time, it is argued that clothes made from animals’ fur or leather

should be out of the picture now that clothes made from natural fabric are being sold

worldwide. Also, animal testing in medicine is gradually being replaced by alternative

testing methods attributable to recent breakthroughs in science. While there is some

weight to all of these arguments, it should not mean that the use of animal products be

halted altogether. In other words, these substitutes should serve to extend people’s range

of choice, and thereby maximizing their level of utility, rather than to limit their choices

to non-aminals products solely. What is more, a complete shift to non-animal products

could threaten the livelihood of those dependent on animals for a living.


argument appears to make sense on the surface, it is arbitrary how much suffering

animals go through since they are unable to communicate. Some oppose this idea,

claiming that intelligent creatures are capable of feeling a wide range of emotions,

to a wide rage of problems detailed in the first paragraph.

thereby keeping animal suffering to a minimum.

including fear or trauma, from their slaughters. However, be that as it may, there already exist laws in developed countries that prohibit animal torturing, and thus limit animal

suffering to a minimum. Therefore, efforts should be targeted at popularzing these laws,

rather than putting a halt to the consumption of animal-based products, which would lead

In conclusion, a shift to non-animal products is not particularly practical, and would

entail a range of problems. An alternative is to enforce and stricten laws against torturing,


23.(2019/01/12): New parents should attend parenting courses to ensure the growth of their children. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Whether it is necessary for first-time parents to join courses in parenting skills has been

argued for some time. Although this practice benefits such parents to some extent, I still

believe it is not sufficient for their children’s development.

On the one hand, official parenting courses present certain advantages in equipping new

parents with knowledge of child-rearing. Such parents are commonly subject to

inexperience in child-rearing, which explains why many of them struggle with taking

care of the newborns. Most of these struggles come from seemingly simple everyday

tasks, such as bathing a baby, or understanding what foods are most nutritious for their

physical as well as cognitive growth. To compensate for this lack of skill, it is argued that

the best approach is to attend a pareting course, where guidance is provided by well-

trained experts. However, owing to an emphasis on commercial purpose, many of such

courses offer a one-size-fits-all approaches, and therefore are useful yet insufficient to

new parents.

The deficiancies of parenting courses, I believe, could be compensated by combining

them with other measures. As every child is different in their eating habits and

behaviours, new parents may still find it confusing if they adopt by-the-book instructions

from experts. To be more well-repared should such cases arise, first-time parents should

consult other parents who have hands-on experience on the matter. Still, when all is said

and done, it is critical that parents spend a lot of time with their children to gain an in-

depth understanding of them, for knowledge acquired from parenting courses and advice

from other parents by themselves not likely to work if parents lack an understanding of

their own children.


In conclusion, while classes of parenting skills are beneficial in some ways, I strongly

believe that they are not enough to guarantee healthy development of children. First-time

parents, hence, should integrate these courses with other alternatives including

exchanging experience with other parents and spending more time to understand their



24.(2019/02/02): More and more people want to buy famous brands of clothes, car and other items. Why is it? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

Purchasing high-end products has become a more and more popular phenomenon in

various societies across the world. It is understandable that this trend of consumerism

might be attributed to higher standards of living and the desire for social status. However,

from my perspective, it probably does more harm than good for individuals in particular

and communities as a whole.

As the income average has risen in recent years in numerous nations, an increasing

number of people are disposed to buy luxurious items ranging from fancy cosmetics,

clothes to flashy cars and palatial houses. The more wealthy people become, the more

willing they are to pay for superior merchandise which is believed to guarantee better

quality rather than short-lived inexpensive counterparts. Top-of-the-line brands these

days, furthermore, commonly earn owners respect and a semblance of social status,

whether at school, work or social circles. As an example, millions of average-income

Vietnamese people have dug deep into their pockets to possess the latest model of

iPhone, which, to them, stands for more a symbol of high social status than advanced


Consumerism goes hand in hand with several repercussions, among which are potential

financial burden on the spender’s part and progress towards a materialistic society.

People with affluence are entitled to be free to buy whatever they deem fit; nevertheless,

their acceleration in spending possibly, somehow, triggers a need for them to be on a par

with people around in terms of properties and financial wealth. This puts pressure on

those already hard-up to get into debt to “keep up with the Joneses”; and worse still, it

also undermines their ability to pay for more worthwhile areas, such as the education of


their children. Subsequently, when a materialistic society is generated, people come to

judge one another solely by how they look. For instance, a number of adolescents in

metropolises are likely to make friends with those who wear well-known brands

including Nike, Adidas, Chanel, to name a few, without understanding their personality.

In conclusion, the rising income and the craving for social status could be regarded as

explanations for the prevalence of consuming first-class brands. In my view, excessive

purchasing of expensive superfluous products would pose consequences for the

community in the long run.


its overarching business strategy, may still be subject to risks of failure.

On the other hand, there exists other factors that are as vital and should be seriously

considered. A clear vision for the future and an effective business strategy are of

paramount importance to a big corporation’s success. They are help companies move in

25.(2019/02/09): : In most successful organisations, some people believe that communication between managers and workers is important, other people say that other factors are more important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

The key factors in dertermining the success of corporations have long been argued over.

While some believe they lie in the effective communication between managers and

employees, other elements such as a clear vision for the company’s future and good

benefits for employees should also be taken into consideration. This essay will deliberate

both sides of the issue before arriving at a conclusion.

On the one hand, the effectiveness in communication between employees and their

supervisors plays a vital part in ensuring their satisfaction, and by extension, their

productivity. In companies where efficient communication is implemented on a large

scale, employees are given more chances to be mentored by their superiors, who are often

more technically adept and experienced. This allows more room for their personal

growth, and thus a higher level of job satisfaction could be the result. Effective

communication also means a fast and unobstructed flow of information, which could

lead to a more time-saving decision-making process for managers. This proves

particularly important in big organizations, where the number of procedures is staggering

and can be a hindrance to internal communication. However, when all is said and done, it

is unlikely that efficient communication by itself would be enough to guarantee the

success of a business, for one with efficient communication, yet at the same time fails in

the right direction, and thereby increasing the chances of successfully raising fund from

investors. Another factor that sets successful corporations apart is a big benefit package


offered, which helps ensure the well-being and satisfaction of their employees. This

package often include well-funded training programs to stimulate long-term career

development, childcare for employees with children, and corporate discounts for those

often one that prioritizes its human resources.

In conclusion, while effective communication between employees and managers are key

in boosting the company’s performance and the workers’ satisfaction, a clear vision and

a big package of benefits are no less important. It is advisable that a large company

should attempt to acquire all these factors for long-term success.

wishing to purchase the company’s products. As a matter of fact, a successful company is


26.(2019/02/14): Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works of art by using a computer. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

With the advancement of technology, computer users can now enjoy the privilege of

viewing a massive pool of historical items and artworks online, with as little as an

Internet access. It is, hence, argued that there would be no need for the existence of

public museums and art galleries. Personally, I am totally against this point of view.

Admittedly, the computers, with their capacity to access/retrieve massive archives of

information, could deliver to its users numerous vibrant images and videos taken from the

display sites of antic or aesthetic works. Such armchair tourism, in due course, would

diminish or altogether eliminate the need to visit these artistic places for some. However,

the online pictures would pale in comparison to the real experiences ones may have at the

museums. That is to say, visitors would have the privilege to see the objects up close,

listen to the audio guides, or even touch the items showcased themselves. All of these

make for a comprehensive and worthwhile experience for many visitors, which also plays

a part in cultivating their mind.

In addition, there are reasons why technological devices may fail to replace places

exhibiting items of historical phases and arts. These physical places offer a public space

for residents to hang out with their family and friends. The resulting collective memories

can cement their relationships, a benefit which digital platforms fails to deliver.

Furthermore, the information presented at a museum or art gallery tends to come from a

more reliable/credible source than that of online information. This is because information

presented at historical or art sites are often rigorously verified before being popularized to

their respective viewers, while there can exist dozens, if not more, of conflicting

information sources online on every topic possible.


In conclusion, it is crucial to maintain the operation of museums and art galleries owing

to their predominant benefits regardless of how available and convenient watching

historical objects and works of art on a computer might be.


27.(2019/02/17): Some people think that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving a car or motorbike. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

People have differing views about whether raising the minimum legal driving age would

be the most effective measure against road accidents. While I think there are some

grounds to this claim, it is not the best way to keep the roads safe.

Some supporters of the proposition insist on the correlation between maturity and the

ability to drive safely. In most countries, the minimum legal age for driving is sixteen, at

which point many teenagers are allowed to apply for a driving license. Due to the lack of

maturity, these youngsters are often deemed more susceptible to impulsive behaviors. For

example, drunk driving, and consequently, alcohol-related crashes are much more

pronounced for teenagers.Their physical immaturity is also of great concern, as their

hand-eye coordination skill, which is essential for driving, is not yet fully developed.

However, to say that youngsters are unprepared is too broad a generalization. We mature

and learn at different rates, and therefore, while our age is a relevant factor, it is by no

means a determining one in the assessment of one’s driving skills. In fact, there already

exists a system in place, such as the driving test, to make sure that every future driver

gets an equal amount of pressure and preparation. This will properly prepare them for

unfavorable scenarios on the road, regardless of their age. In that sense, it should be more

sensible to make the tests more rigorous as opposed to add more numbers to the age

requirement. At the same time, stricter punishments can be introduced for those who

drive under the influence, and hopefully, this will act as an effective deterrent.

In conclusion, setting a higher bar towards qualified drivers, but not age requirement, is

the most efficient way to prevent accidents on the road. Also, imposing heavy penalties

could also disincentivize would-be offenders from driving recklessly.


28.(2019/03/02): The world of work is rapidly changing and the employees can not depend on having the same work or the same work conditions for life. Discuss the possible causes and suggest ways to prepare for people to work in the future.

Recent changes in the economic landscape have had dramatic impacts on job security and

career prospects of today’s employees. The causes for this vary, and there are some

possible ways for employees to adapt to these changes.

Recent technological advancements mean that the majority of jobs are now performed

with the assistance of technology. This leads to a higher demand for employees with

good command of technological knowledge. In other words, employees who lack

necessary technological skills are more likely to be made redundant, especially in

company’s downsizing or restructuring. Some may argue that this may not apply to

employees whose jobs are not technologically driven; but technology is so integrated in

every corner of modern labour that it is pratically impossible to find a job completely not

technology-related. Another reason for lower job security might be today’s increasingly

competitive job market. Such a labour market makes it more likely that unqualified

employees be displaced in favour of more qualified ones.

In order to better prepare themselves, there are some measures that employees could take.

First, for those lacking basic technological skills, acquiring necessary knowledge is

crucial to reduce the risk of job hopping. This can be done, for example, by participating

computer skills workshops or seminars, which are widely available these days. Another

solution is for employees to brush up on other essential skills, such as teamwork, problem

solving or communication, to name just a few. A high level of proficiency in these skills

can help a worker stand out, thus enhancing his employability even after he is made



In conclusion, an increased importance placed on technological skills and fiercer

competition in the job marker could be the reasons for employees’ lower dependence on

one job. Acquiring sufficient technological knowledge and other soft skills, therefore, are

key in preparing themselves for the worst case scenarios, such as a dismissal.


cognitive skills. Well-made documentary movies, for instance, have proved more

effective in consolidating learners’ memory of history lessons than the traditional

textbook approach. Better still, good movies with an educational theme do not have to

come at the cost of their entertainment values, provided that the lessons are delivered in a

subtle way. This can be evidenced by a massive number of Hollywood blockbusters such

29.(2019/03/09): Should movies be for entertainment only or should they also have an educational purpose?

Movies have become an increasingly popular means of entertainment for people of all

ages. It is argued, however, over whether this form of media should adhere to this

original aim of entertainment, or if it should expand in its aim to cover educational


On the one hand, it is necessary for movies to maintain their role as a means of

relaxation. Watching movies, to many people, offers a means of escapism in that it frees

their mind of all the stress and burden of everyday life. Fans of science-ficiton movies,

for instance, would be capviated by top-rated sci-fi movies, where they are transported

into an imaginary world to see their wildest dreams of seeing aliens or floating in the

outer space brought to life by state-of-the-art visual effects. These precious moments of

getaway play a significant part in recharging the audience’s battery before many of them

get of with their busy life life. An attempt to integrate an educational themes in these

movies could risk taking away all these fun moments, as the details of the plotline have to

carrry a mission of delivering a moral lesson, and thus possibily stripping the movies of

their recreational values.

as the Avenger franchise which have been played to full houses (in theaters) all around

the world. These movies not only meet the audience’s needs for recreation, but also

On the other hand, movies also prove too powerful an educational tool to be overlooked.

To start with, the audiovisual effects from a movie can have lasting effects on people’s


manage to delicately carrry meaningful messages in terms of friendship, loyalty and

courage .

In conclusion, it is my firm belief that movies have all the potentials of becoming an

combination which benefits the viewers in many ways.

effective and powerful tool to concurrently entertain and educate people. These two

functions should not be seen as one being eclipsed by the other, but rather a good


30. (2019/03/14): In some countries, small town-center shops are going out of business because people tend to drive to large out-of-town stores. As a result, people without cars have limited access to out-of-town stores, and it may result in an increase in the use of cars. Do you think the disadvantages of this change outweigh its advantages?

Small-scale shops in certain countries are disappearing due to the rise of out-of-town

megamalls, consequently leading to a surge in car use. While there are undoubtedly

advantages tied to shopping in mega-centers, I would argue that the benefits are

overshadowed by the overall effect on the economy and the environment.

Sizeable shopping centers could offer a more competitive price by the effect of

economies of scale, which occurs when the buying volume is substantial. When the

production cost is spread over a larger amount of commodities, the cost of goods sold is

subsequently lowered, rendering products from small businesses less attractive by

comparison. That is why Walmart, one of the largest retail chains in America, has been

able to sell their products at a bargain price to their customers.

While moving out of town to shop seems to work in the interests of buyers at first, it

could be harmful at times. In fact, by using pricing strategy, some large supermarkets

have proceeded to monopolize their regional market after successfully bankrupting many

local shops. At that point, customers will have far fewer buying options to choose from,

and therefore are more inclined to buy from those giant retail stores. For instance,

Walmart has been accused of manipulating prices of commodities and driving small

retailers out of business for years. At the same time, those large shops would indirectly

harm the environment by promoting the use of cars. With megamalls often located far off

the cities, cars are slowly becoming the most plausible way to get there, which means

more toxic exhaust fumes being discharged into the atmosphere. This would badly

damage public health in the long run.


In conclusion, the rapid emergence of big out-of-town shops might seem beneficial at

first, its long-term effect on the economy and public wellness is unjustifiable.


31.(2019/04/06): People have little understanding of the importance of the natural world, what are the reasons and how can people learn more about the natural world?

The significance of the natural world has not always been fully appreciated by humans.

There are several possible explanations for this lack of understanding, which will be

dived into in the following essay, before measures are proposed to change the status quo.

People’s little understanding of the natural world’s importance could be attributed to a

hectic life they are leading. Specifically, many of them are easily weighed down by day-

to-day issues such as their career, family finance or children’s education, to name a few,

while the natural world, or the protection thereof, though important, does not take a toll

on human life until years into the future. To make matters worse, changes in the natural

world are usually inconspicuous to the human senses, owing to the excruciatingly long

period it takes for these changes to manifest themselves. Such issues as global warming

or greenhouse effect, for instance, could take up to hundreds of years to cause visible

consequences. When these consequences reach a catastrophic or even irreversible level,

unfortunately, it may have already been too late for the humankind.

It seems that the most commonly suggested measure to improve people’s knowledge of

the natural world is awareness-raising campaigns. This measure, however, may have

limited impacts, for it is not a compulsory one, and thus can only rectify the

awarenessness a small fraction of the population. Therefore, it would be necessary to

complement it by incorporating nature-related subjects into compulsory education, so that

children could develop an understanding of the world they live in. As for adults, it is

suggested that a proper incentive in the form of new laws and regulations be put in place.

These governmental interventions could include heavier fines for environmentally

hazardous actions, such as illegal dumping of waste to rivers or public water sources. All


of the aforemetioned measures, when combined, would go a long way in changing the

public perception on the natural world.

In conclusion, the main reasons behind people’s limited understanding of the natural

education and the establishment of new laws could be key.

world could be the fact that they are too occupied with day-to-day tasks and the slow

pace in changes of the natural world itself. To deal with this, awareness-raising

campaigns, together with the incorporation of nature-related subjects into mandatory


32.(2019/04/13): In many countries, people like to eat a wider variety of food than can be grown in their local area. As a result, much of the food people eat today has to come from other regions. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh disadvantages?

development, however, seem to eclipse its associated benefits.

To commence with, it is advantageous for both society and individuals to enjoy eating

more foreign food. The boom in foreign food popularity can prompt some countries to

place an emphasis on their own specialties for export. This undoubtedly provides a boost

to the national economy of these countries through means of export, which also means

more profits and earnings for the locals. As for individuals, the introduction of foreign

food would add to their variety of available food choices. This would be of substantial

utility since it meets the need of a growing segment of the population, whose rising

standards of living have led to a rising appetite for foreign exotic food. Take sushi, a dish

originating from Japan, for instance. The dish has enjoyed widespead popularity

worldwide, and suhi restaurants can now be found in most countries around the world,

allowing people to enjoy the dish regardless of where they stay.

On the other hand, the aforementioned advantages are likely to be overshadowed by a

number of disadvantages, which necessitates a scrutiny of the issues tied to growing

foreign food consumption. Firstly, to maintain freshness of the food or ingredients in

overseas transport, additives and preservatives are commonly called for. These

substances, if used over a long period, would do serious damage to consumers’ health, as

has been (well) established from numerous studies. Furthermore, food products from an

area, with their distinctive natural and geographical conditions, are often most suitable

with local inhabitants of that area. Those products, if introduced to other areas, may not

be compatible with the physiology of the people in the imported country. Hamburgers or

As international trade progresses, people’s diet in many places is now much more

diversified with the preference inclined towards imported food. The downsides of this


pizzas, for instance,are popular in the Western diet, for the high amount of energy they

provide would help with withstanding the cold of wintry weather. However, regular

consumption of such food could result in a range of diseases such as obesity, as

evidenced by the positive correlation between the rate of obesity in some Eastern

countries and the augmented popularity of the fast food in these areas.

As good health would share a strong correlation with the overall happiness index, I am

inclined to put forward the view that the health risks detailed would be of substance, so

much so that they would outweigh the financial and food range benefits gained. That

being the case, however, if successful measures can be found to contain these risks, there

would be few reasons to curtail the consumption of foreign food.


33.(2019/05/04): Today many children spend a lot of time playing computer games and little time on sports. Why is it? Is it a positive or negative development?

believe it is a negative one.

indulgence in games is often coupled with a lack of physical exercise, consequently

It is true that increasingly more leisure time of children is being spent on computer games

rather than sports activities. There could be a number of justifications for this trend, and I

Apparently, parents have a large part to play in the shaping of children’s habits, which is

particularly true when it comes to sports participation. It follows that they should set

aside the time it takes to cultivate the good habit in children, but unfortunately, a great

many of them, most commonly those in the lower-middle class, are too caught up in a

quest for financial well-being to assume this role. When children are left without adult

supervision, they show the proclivity to engage in computer games, an understandable

development given computer games’ growing appeal. That is to say, games these days

are designed to cater to children’s every single need, be it stimulating action games for

young boys, or household simulation games for girls. This attention-grabbing nature of

games means that they could eat into the valuable time that could be otherwise spent on

such dynamic outdoor activities as

From my perspective, the preference for computer games generally found in children is

arguably an undersirable tendency. Supporters and developers of games often make the

case that games help with the enhancement of certain skills such as problem-solving and

time management. Examples of this, they argue, include adventure games, where, in

order to win, players often have to figure out a challenging puzzle in a short window of

time. And while the evidence to benefits of game playing, though convincing, remains

inconlusive, overindulgence in games is believed to be a contributing factor to the

udermined interpersonal skills among the young. To make matter worse, the said self-


leading to obesity or impaired eyesight, among other sedentary-lifestyle-induced


In conclusion, the busy lifestyle of parents and the allure of game mostly account for

considering, persuading me to incline towards opposing this trend.

longer hours of children’s free time spent on computer games than playing sports.

Regardless of some helpful skills children may learn from playing games on the

computer, the degradation of interpersonal skills and the threat to their health are worth


34.(2019/5/11): Some businesses find that their new employees lack basic interpersonal skills such as cooperative skill. What are the causes and suggest possible solutions?

improved by some solutions.

interpersonal skills. Recruiters, at the same time, should make it compulsory for

In recent years, fundamental interpersonal skills such as collaborative skill have been rare

among new recruits. There are certain reasons behind this phenomena, and it could be

Schools and the conventional job scanning protocol are to blame for the increasing

shortage of interpersonal skills among fresh employees. It is a traditional belief among

many parents, particularly in the eastern world, that the primary focus of their children

should be to achieve academic excellence, as opposed to interpersonal skills, among other

soft skills. This emphasis on academic result often leads to an asymmetrical development

among these children, which is inclined more towards core subjects such as maths,

literature or foreign language, and less towards the dynamics of human relationship. Such

an emphasis, worse still, can also come from recruiters, who, in order to efficiently single

out qualified candidates among thousands of resumes, often have to base largely on

academic performance in school.

The solutions to the lack of basic interpersonal skills could come from parents, schools

and also recruiters. Encouraging students to maintain good academic results, and

simultaneously acquiring necessary interpersonal skills would seem like an ideal solution.

This, nevertheless, is quite a challenging task to most students, as most of them are

merely capable of either the former or the latter. Therefore, it is necessary that parents

take the initiative by lowering their expectations to their children, and thus less pressuring

them to achieve good scores at all costs. Schools could also have a role to play in this, by

rewarding students that show progress rather than only top scorers. This could potentially

reduce peer pressure among students, and thus give them more time to polish their


candidates to possess interpersonal skills, in addition to excellent academic results.

Before the interview, for example, group discussions can be used so that candidates’

collaborative skills can be tested.

schools also.

In conclusion, the overemphasis on academic excellence from both parents and

recruiters.are the culprits behind the lack of interpersonal skills among new employees.

The solutions to this, therefore, should come from both parties, who are to be assisted by