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critical analysis of a system, policy formulation andappraisal, action planning, management and monitoring, review and evaluation.

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Buildingilding a Shared ared


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11stst workshop workshop

Building Unity and Integrity for Building Unity and Integrity for Leadership DevelopmentLeadership Development

1.1. The need for changeThe need for change2.2. Barriers for changeBarriers for change3.3. Why people don’t perform—the need to Why people don’t perform—the need to

build leadershipbuild leadership4.4. Unconscious organizational patterns-Unconscious organizational patterns-

changing habits changing habits 5.5. Where are you headed? System wide Where are you headed? System wide


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System wide System wide thinkingthinkingGreat minds discuss Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds ideas; Average minds discuss events; discuss events; Small minds discuss Small minds discuss people.people.

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Leaders are at their Leaders are at their best when they are best when they are creating a creating a leadership culture…leadership culture…Bill HybelsBill Hybels,,

p122 courageous leadershipp122 courageous leadership

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3 types of motivation at work

selfish motiveselfish motive Eccl.1:6 Eccl.1:6 Men pleasersMen pleasers

functional affiliationfunctional affiliation cross-functional cooperationcross-functional cooperation

System wide thinkingSystem wide thinking

Great minds discuss ideas; Average Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people.discuss people.

Serving the LordServing the Lord

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Ten Characteristics of Excellence in your Ten Characteristics of Excellence in your workwork

1.1. expert in his line of workexpert in his line of work2.2. “ “pulido” magtrabaho(meaning aims at “zero defect”)pulido” magtrabaho(meaning aims at “zero defect”)3.3. LoyaltyLoyalty4.4. IntegrityIntegrity5.5. Commitment(to promises)Commitment(to promises)6.6. Love for work (waking hours ar spent for their work—Love for work (waking hours ar spent for their work—

because they love doing it)because they love doing it)7.7. Customer “service-oriented”Customer “service-oriented”8.8. PunctualityPunctuality9.9. Pleasing personalityPleasing personality10.10. Executive image (packaging)Executive image (packaging)

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S Y S T E M - W I D ES Y S T E M - W I D E

W- winning, (awareness)W- winning, (awareness)

I - integrating (people development)I - integrating (people development)

D – developing (strategic planning) D – developing (strategic planning)

E – engaging (culturalizing)E – engaging (culturalizing)

thinking beyond thinking beyond

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7 Practices of effective 7 Practices of effective management of the TEAMmanagement of the TEAM

1.1. Clarify the winClarify the win2.2. Think Steps not programsThink Steps not programs3.3. Narrow the focus Narrow the focus 4.4. Teach less for moreTeach less for more

(coaching, supporting, delegating)(coaching, supporting, delegating)5.5. Listen to outsidersListen to outsiders6.6. Replace yourself Replace yourself

(mentoring)(mentoring)7. Work on it 7. Work on it

(evaluate progress)(evaluate progress)

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Lesson from the geese:

1.1. People who share a common People who share a common direction and sense of community direction and sense of community can get where they are going can get where they are going quicker and easier because they are quicker and easier because they are traveling on the trust of one traveling on the trust of one another. another.

2.2. There is strength and power and There is strength and power and safety in numbers when traveling safety in numbers when traveling in the same direction with whom we in the same direction with whom we share a common goalshare a common goal

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3. When the lead goose gets tired, he rotates, back in the wing and another goose flies point.

It pays to take turns doing hard jobs. It pays to take turns doing hard jobs.

4. 4. The geese honk from behind to The geese honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up encourage those up front to keep up their speed.their speed.

We all need to be remembered with active We all need to be remembered with active support and praise.support and praise.

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5. When a goose gets sick or is wounded and falls out, two geese fall out of formation and follow him down to help and protect him. They stay with him until the crisis resolves, and then they launch out on their own or with another formation to catch up with their group.

- We must stand by each other in times of need.

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Key result areas-what where we able to implement/accomplish?

Goal: Ten Characteristics of Excellence in your workTen Characteristics of Excellence in your work





Gaps (Not


Problems Encountere



Desired Output:1. Quality mind-setting programs

Person/Unit Responsible:

To redirect mind set of people to be more effective in delivering

quality service

Training and Seminars


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Goal: 7 Practices of effective management of the 7 Practices of effective management of the TEAMTEAMStrateg





(Not Done)

Problems Encountere



Desired Output:

Person/Unit Responsible:

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(Not Done)

Problems Encountere



Desired Output:

Person/Unit Responsible:

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Goal: Lesson from the geese





Gaps (Not


Problems Encountere



Desired Output:

Person/Unit Responsible:

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Value of assessment


Transformational Development

Transactional motivation

Situational transformation

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Situational Situational MasteryMastery


Know thy enemy and Know thy enemy and know thyself and in a know thyself and in a hundred battles you hundred battles you will never be defeated!-will never be defeated!-SunTzuSunTzu

PersonalPersonal (self)(self)MasteryMastery


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Ambrose Sanchez (Management consultant)

Organizational problems Organizational problems are more complex than are more complex than they appear on the surfacethey appear on the surface

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System Wide System Wide ThinkingThinking

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Larger Larger systemsystem

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Note: Incomplete change

Law of process

“It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones who are most responsive to change” - Charles Darwin

“To cope with a changing world, an entity must develop the capacity of shifting and changing - of developing new skills and attitudes; in short, the capability of learning”

- A De Gues, The Living Company

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four factors for failure that lead to the “treadmill effect:

1. No time for reflection, planning and learning

2. No improvement in design and implementation

3. Increasing need to do something

4. Increasing failure and unplanned consequences

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The following employee excuses demonstrate that change is incomplete and that workforce are increasingly de-motivated:

“it’s not my job” “I haven’t got time” “I’m keeping my head down this time” “if it’s such a good idea, why didn’t we do this

the last time management changed its mind?” “it will all change again next month” “when the MD makes his mind up, I might do

something” “nobody told me about it…..”

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Film: Scar-attitude

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Kinds of Change

Incremental Tweaking the system

or process

Transitional Restructuring,


Transformational New vision, new

mission, new values

John Kotter

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Planned vs. Unplanned ChangePlanned change – deliberate endeavor to

impact an organization to make a difference; goal oriented

Routine Expected Maintenance of organization

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Planned vs. Unplanned ChangeUnplanned change – unexpected result of

some large-scale force beyond local control

Reactionary Unanticipated Response to outside influence

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Ex. of incomplete change

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Next: Planned Change

Increasing organizational health is not a one shot-effort, but is continuous and on-going!

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Sigmound Curve

Handy, C. (Spring 2002).

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In this figure, the long curve indicates a normal life cycle-a biological concept. Time is initially spent acquiring the basic knowledge needed to be successful. Imagine a child learning to ride a bicycle. This is a time of inefficiency, ambivalence, new beginnings, and experimentation. It is time for adaptation. The steep upward slope is the growth phase, and this is when productivity begins to increase. The Maturity Phase realizes diminished energy. It is not uncommon for more rules to be implemented, and apathy and boredom tend to set in. The organization becomes comfortablecomfortable. The way to extend the viability of the organization is to start a second curve before the first one peaks. This illustrates the need for constant reinvention. The secret of constant growth is to start a new Sigmound Curve before the first one runs out of energy. Once an organization begins to decline, change becomes more problematic. Energy is low, leaders have diminished credibility, and resources are low. The change process is a continuous evolution,The change process is a continuous evolution, and other innovations may be spawned as a continuing response.

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Managing Change-System Wide

Change Management can be defined as the process, tools and techniques used to manage the human dimension of change processes.

This implies managing changes within the individual change agent, the inner team, and the wider system with a view to realizing a clearly defined outcome.

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Situational Situational MasteryMastery



Eventually we realize Eventually we realize the futility of not the futility of not approaching the approaching the conditions to include conditions to include the entire network-the entire network-SELF enhancementSELF enhancement

PersonalPersonal (self)(self)MasteryMastery

Often times what is developed is only the Business Enterprise—

Considerations are Pricing, Product, Competion-Promotion,

Others begin to see the need of proper organization when chaos, hamper growth, and maximized potential

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Sigmound Curve

Handy, C. (Spring 2002).

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Plans must be put into practice, and the best and easiest way is through the united effort of an informed people

My Vision is__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I will share the vision with my people by_____________________________________________________________________________________

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Common valuesCommon values are becoming are becoming increasingly important as a central increasingly important as a central part of a company's or an part of a company's or an organizations identity. organizations identity. Shared valuesShared values become one element in creating become one element in creating general guidelines of behavior in stead general guidelines of behavior in stead of of detailed instructionsdetailed instructions for every for every possible incident. Generally one can possible incident. Generally one can say that shared values can serve as say that shared values can serve as guidelines for behaviorguidelines for behavior in three in three different situations:different situations: InternallyInternally - how do we behave among - how do we behave among

ourselves? ourselves? In In relation to our clientsrelation to our clients - what shall our - what shall our

clients expect from us? clients expect from us? In relation to the In relation to the general publicgeneral public. How do . How do

we expect to be seen by the community. we expect to be seen by the community.

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Personal characteristicsRead the list of adjectives given below. Which six adjectives seem to you to be the most accurate when describing the people you work with in your organization (your clients)? You may add adjectives to the list if you wish.

DominatingCompetentLazyReliableMatureUncooperativeEnthusiasticMoney mindedReliableIgnorantAnalyticalGenerous




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If people in the communities with which you work, and who know, were asked to choose six adjectives form the same list to describe you, which would you thing they would choose?







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From the same list, which six adjectives do you thing would describe qualities most desirable in your organization?







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Personal valuesIdentifying some personal values.Below is a list of personal goals or life values relating to work in development. Add to the list if you wish.For each item in the list, assess how important it is to you in your life and in your work. Do this by using the scale opposite each item. The scale runs from 1 to 5.

1 Represents "Not at all important to me. Unimportant to me. Not a value or goal or principle for me".5 Represents "Very important to me. A guiding value, goal or principle in my life and work."2, 3, and 4 represents intermediate positions on the scale.

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Identify your valuesRead through all the statements. Circle one option on each scale depending on how you assess the unimportance or importance of the item in your own life and work.

Remember that goals and values have meaning only if they are acted upon; so rate high only those values which have actually influenced your decisions or actions in the past.

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# Statement Scale

1 Spiritual growth 1 2 3 4 5

2 Wealth, prosperity, earning a lot of money. 1 2 3 4 5

3 Power and influence over people and their lives. 1 2 3 4 5

4Freedom and independence to make choices for

myself.1 2 3 4 5

5Guiding, teaching, advising other people who are not

as knowledgeable or skilled as I am.1 2 3 4 5

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6 Making the most or my own talents and potentials. 1 2 3 4 5

7 Being recognized and respected for my work. 1 2 3 4 5

8 Bringing about grater justice and equality. 1 2 3 4 5

9 Working with people who are utterly dependent on me. 1 2 3 4 5

10 Having an interesting and challenging life. 1 2 3 4 5

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11 Participating in a meaningful cause or movement. 1 2 3 4 5

12 Meeting the expectations of those in authority over me. 1 2 3 4 5

13 Having an important and challenging job. 1 2 3 4 5

14 Doing what I think God wants me to do. 1 2 3 4 5

15 Being promoted or moving to jobs with higher status. 1 2 3 4 5

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16 Peace of mind, freedom from anxiety. 1 2 3 4 5

17 Obligations and commitments to my family. 1 2 3 4 5

18 Avoiding any kind of conflict with other people. 1 2 3 4 5

19 Getting my work done quickly and efficiently. 1 2 3 4 5

20 Having control over money and other resources. 1 2 3 4 5

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21 Sacrifice of my own needs. 1 2 3 4 5

22 Being liked by other people. 1 2 3 4 5

23 Getting a secure job and stable income. 1 2 3 4 5

24 Achievement a sense of accomplishment. 1 2 3 4 5

25 Seeing other people taking control of their own lives. 1 2 3 4 5

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26 Working for the prosperity for my own country. 1 2 3 4 5

27 Honesty 1 2 3 4 5

28 Obey public authorities. 1 2 3 4 5

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Reflect on your valuesAfter rating all the items, look at the ratings and reflect on them. Are you generally satisfied or dissatisfied with what you see? Are there any contradictions? Do any of the ratings surprise you? Do you see any patterns? Do you want to bring about any changes in your goals or values which are listed?

> Identify the five goals or values which are the most important to you and which have most influenced decision or actions in your life and work.

Consider these five goals or values. Do they show a pattern, or have a common basis? Are they consistent with each other?

Ask yourself why they act as guides in your life and work.

What are the main influences or sources that have contributed to my values?

How deeply do I hold my values? Do I act on them consistently? Do I take risks for them? Do I confront others for them? Are any of my values changing? What is causing them to change?

How are my own values different from those prevailing in the society around me?

How do I work with people whose values are very different from my own?

Do I see any contradiction between the kind of future I want for myself and the kind of "good life" I envisage for other people and for society in general.

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Group work

Work in small groups and share these five goals or values and your reflection on them.

Propose a list of values that you consider to be of high importance to your organization.Rank the list of values according to your priorities.

Reinvent values that you want to work on in your life

The Change Management © Holger Nauheimer, 2006

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Notes: Reflecting on your value system

Luk 6:45 A good person produces good deeds from a good heart, and an evil person produces evil deeds from an evil heart. Whatever is in your heart Whatever is in your heart determines what you say.determines what you say.

Illust: video clip- “one” D:\Pastor Fred1\Current files\Signet\safecon\2nd workshop Nov 06

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Rhythm of the HeartRhythm of the Heart

Unlimited Edition!

Unlimited Edition!

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Mat 6:19-2419"Don't store up treasures here on earth, where they can be eaten by moths and get rusty, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 Store your treasures in heaven, where they will never become moth-eaten or rusty and where they will be safe from thieves. 21 Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will also be. 22 "Your eye is a lamp for your body. A pure eye lets sunshine into your soul. 23 But an evil eye shuts out the light and plunges you into darkness. If the light you think you have is really darkness, how deep that darkness will be! 24 "No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

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Rhythm of the HeartRhythm of the Heart

Unlimited Edition!

Unlimited Edition!

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VisionVisionThe image of what the company The image of what the company

wants to become in the futurewants to become in the future

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MissionMissionWhat you want to do to the What you want to do to the

customers now?customers now?

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Some classic examples of vision statements:Some classic examples of vision statements:

John F. Kennedy (1961)John F. Kennedy (1961)““We will send a manned expedition to the moon and bring We will send a manned expedition to the moon and bring them back safely.”them back safely.”

Sony (1950)Sony (1950)““We will change the poor quality image of Japanese We will change the poor quality image of Japanese products.”products.”

Honda (1970)Honda (1970)““We will beat Yamaha.”We will beat Yamaha.”

Bill GatesBill Gates““A PC on every desk and in every home.”A PC on every desk and in every home.”

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Some classic examples of vision statements:Some classic examples of vision statements:

Wal-MartWal-Mart““Give ordinary folk the chance to buy the same Give ordinary folk the chance to buy the same things as the rich.”things as the rich.”

3M3M““Provide innovative solutions to people’s Provide innovative solutions to people’s unsolvable problems.”unsolvable problems.”

Walt Disney““Make people happy and appreciate life.”Make people happy and appreciate life.”

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The best concrete provider Best service provider Establish a trademark Highest concrete products for all construction


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Mission-what you want to do to the customers now

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Maintaining complete line of latest world-class equipment

Continuously search for enhancement on technical aspects,

Train and equip highly qualified personnel

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The Value of The Value of Change and the Change and the role of leaders as role of leaders as environmental environmental change agentschange agents

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Leaders in any organization must be environmental CHANGE AGENTS

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W. Wiersbe (p132, Walking with the giants)

God prepares his man for his work. He first builds the man, then the man builds the work

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“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit” - Aristotle

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Acts 17:26 Acts 17:26

From one man he made every nation From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and the whole earth; and he he determined the times set for themdetermined the times set for them and the and the exact places where they exact places where they should live.should live.

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D:\illustrations from the net

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Acts 17:26 Acts 17:26

From one man he made every nation From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and the whole earth; and he he determined the times set for themdetermined the times set for them and the and the exact places where they exact places where they should live.should live.

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Plans must be put into practice, and the best and easiest way is through the united effort of an informed people

My Vision is__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I will share the vision with my people by_____________________________________________________________________________________