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    amino acids and more.Information for the Feed Industry Volume 08/Number 01 March 2007

    Special Issue

    Volume 08/Number 01/March 2007

    The Potential for Using Low CrudeProtein Diets for Broilers and Turkeys

    Part 1: A Literature Review

    byDr. Robert L. Payne

    Degussa Feed Additives

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    The Potential for Using Low CrudeProtein Diets for Broilers and Turkeys Part 1: A Literature Review


    Key information

    Low Crude Protein diets allow nutritionists

    to formulate diets that are less expensive

    and more environmental friendly.

    Low Crude Protein diets support broiler and

    turkey performance equal to that achieved

    with typical conventional diets.

    Degussa Feed Additives

    Crude Protein levels in broiler diets can be

    reduced by 3 4 percentage points provid-

    ed supplemental amino acids are used to

    maintain the levels found in conventional


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    Volume 08/Number 01 March 2007 amino acids and more.

    3 Degussa Feed Additives

    use of low CP diets. Since the time of his

    review, reports have been published that

    suggest what some of these limiting fac-

    tor(s) could be. Therefore, the purpose of

    this paper is to address the possibility of

    using low CP diets for broilers.

    Digestibility and availability of supplemental

    free amino acids

    Most often when we discuss digestibility

    and availability, we are making some ref-

    erence to the quality of a raw material.

    Many factors can influence the digestibil-

    ity and availability of amino acids in raw

    materials, including processing condi-

    tions, presence of anti-nutritional factors

    or fibers, or physical and chemical com-

    position of the protein (Lewis and Bay-

    ley, 1995; Parsons, 2002). Several au-

    thors have reported difficulties associated

    with predicting poultry performance

    when diets are formulated on a total

    amino acid basis when using raw materi-

    als containing low levels of digestible

    amino acids (Esteve-Garcia et al., 1993;

    Fernandez et al., 1995; Pertill et al.,

    2001a; Rostagno et al., 1995). Today,

    these problems are overcome by first de-termining the digestible amino acid con-

    tent of raw materials and then by formu-

    lating diets using these digestible rather

    than total amino acid levels. This allows

    raw materials to be ranked according to

    their usable amino acid content, which

    improves the precision of diet formula-

    tion and reduces N excretion. The con-

    cept of digestible amino acids, as well as

    the standardized ileal digestible amino

    acid contents of several commonly used

    raw materials has been recently dis-

    cussed and summarized by Lemme et al.,(2004b).

    Conversely, we seldomly think of supple-

    mental amino acids being any less than

    100 % digestible and available to the

    animal. Lewis and Bayley (1995) re-

    viewed the research data and concluded

    that supplemental free AA were 100 %

    digestible and available for poultry. How-

    ever, most of the research used in their

    review was based on total tract or excre-

    ta amino acid digestibility. Therefore, a

    Non essential amino acids play an important

    role in broiler nutrition.

    Understanding the interactions of amino

    acids in low Crude Protein diets has in-

    creased over recent years.


    More than ever before, supplemental

    amino acids (AA) are being incorporated

    into diets for swine and poultry to re-

    place a portion of the essential amino

    acids provided by protein-rich raw mate-

    rials. As a result, the levels of Crude Pro-

    tein (CP) in todays diets are generally

    decreasing. Because of these advances,

    nutritionists have the ability to more

    precisely formulate diets to meet the ani-

    mals amino acid needs, as well as giving

    them more flexibility in raw material se-

    lection. The result is more environmen-

    tally friendly diets via reduction in N ex-

    cretion and often decreased diet cost, es-

    pecially when those protein-rich raw

    materials become expensive.

    However, despite relative acceptance of

    using low CP diets for swine and turkeys,

    the utilization of low CP diets for broilersis still limited. As a result, minimum con-

    straints are often placed on the CP level

    or maximum constraints on the level of

    supplemental AA. One potential reason

    for limiting any further reduction in CP

    is the concern that commercially pro-

    duced amino acids are less than 100 %

    digestible and available to the animal.

    However, probably the greatest point of

    concern is that growth and carcass per-

    formance seems to be impaired when

    broilers are fed diets that are low in CP

    despite being formulated to meet allknown nutrient requirements. Consider-

    ing that Met, Lys, Thr, and Trp are com-

    mercially available today and other

    amino acids, such as Arg, Ile, or Gly,

    could become available in the future,

    the potential for using low CP diets for

    broilers could improve even further.

    Waldroup (2000) reviewed the effects of

    using low CP diets with broilers, and he

    suggested that there were some uniden-

    tified factor(s) that were still limiting the

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    Degussa Feed Additives

    Volume 08/Number 01 March 2007amino acids and more.


    trial was conducted to determine the

    ileal digestibility of free AA in broilers.

    After determining the apparent ileal di-

    gestibility of each free AA, the digestibili-

    ties were standardized by correcting for

    basal endogenous losses. Lemme et al.

    (2005) reported that the digestibility fig-

    ures for all free AA measured were very

    close to 100 % regardless of the stan-

    dardization method (protein-free or en-

    zymatically hydrolyzed casein diet),

    which suggests a complete absorption of

    the dietary AA before the terminal


    Supplemental free AA are 100 % di-

    gestible and available. However, this

    does not mean that they will be 100 %

    utilized by the animal in every situation.

    Both supplemented and protein bound

    amino acids can also have adverse effects

    on growth, which are widely recognized

    as dietary imbalances and antagonisms.

    An imbalance is defined as a change to

    the pattern of dietary amino acids that

    results in decreased feed intake and

    growth, while an antagonism is a nega-

    tive interaction between structurally

    similar amino acids (DMello, 2003). An

    imbalance is most often caused in prac-tice by either a small addition of an es-

    sential amino acid to a low CP diet or an

    unbalanced mixture of amino acids

    added to a diet. An example of this

    would be when a broiler diet calls for

    0.20 % DL-Met but the addition of DL-

    Methionione is overlooked when the

    feed is being mixed. Protein synthesis,

    thus, will be limited by the low dietary

    methionine content which means both

    reduced feed intake due to specific feed

    back mechanisms as well as desamina-

    tion and oxidation of the amino acidswhich are in relative excess to methion-

    ine. The latter process depending on

    the degree of imbalance can also be

    detrimental to the animals welfare. An

    antagonism, on the other hand, such as

    the Arg:Lys antagonism, can occur re-

    gardless of another amino acid being

    more limiting. For example, a typical

    broiler diet being adequate in arginine

    calls for 0.10 % L-LysineHCl to meet the

    Lys needs, but by a mixing error more

    L-LysineHCl than desired is supplement-

    ed. Then, the surplus Lys load will not

    only be degraded but might also activate

    the arginase activity resulting in an in-

    creased arginine degradation. This in

    turn might lead to a marginal arginine

    deficiency limiting performance. Both

    imbalances and antagonisms decrease

    the efficacy of utilization of amino acids;

    however, both of these adverse effects

    can be easily avoided by ensuring that

    diets are formulated according to the ide-

    al protein concept, which ensures that

    dietary essential amino acids are main-

    tained in the proper ratios to each other

    (Baker, 1994; NRC, 1994; Emmert and

    Baker, 1997; Mack et al., 1999; Lemme,


    Supplemental free AA are able to be

    used to their fullest potential by:

    1. ensuring that the animals are fed at or

    near ad libitum levels,

    2. formulating and mixing the diets on a

    digestible AA basis, and

    3. formulating and mixing the diets in

    accordance with the ideal protein con-


    In doing so, there should be no AA im-

    balance or antagonism.

    The effects of feeding low CP, amino acid

    supplemented diets

    The effects of feeding low CP diets to

    turkeys and broilers on body weight or

    feed conversion (gain:feed) are reviewed

    in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. The data

    reported in Tables 1 and 2 for the low CP

    treatments correspond to the low CP

    treatment indicated in bold, and these

    treatments were selected because theywere the most promising results out of

    all low CP treatments reported by each

    research group.

    The effects of low CP diets in turkeys

    For turkeys, there are 19 datasets sum-

    marizing recent low CP research in Table

    1. Of the 19 datasets, only 4 for body

    weight and 3 for gain:feed (21 and 16 %,

    respectively) suggest significantly differ-

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    Volume 08/Number 01 March 2007 amino acids and more.

    5 Degussa Feed Additives

    ent performance when turkeys were fed

    low CP than those fed the conventional

    diets. Most of these datasets suggest that

    low CP diets have a negative effect on

    body weight but, only 32 % of the data-

    sets indicate any negative impact on feed

    conversion. In most of the trials reported

    in Table 1, CP could be lowered by ap-

    proximately 4 percentage points com-

    pared with the conventional diet before

    a decrease in body weight was reported.

    Kidd et al., (1997) reported the most neg-

    ative impact on performance as body

    weight was reduced by over 2.5 kg when

    CP was reduced by 5 % or more from

    0 to 18 weeks of grow-out. It should be

    noted that Kidd et al., (1997) also report-

    ed that performance was not significant-

    ly affected (+/- 0.5 kg) over this same 18

    week period when CP was reduced by

    less than 5 %. Overall, the turkey data

    reported in Table 1 suggests that low CP

    diets can work well, and these data seem

    to agree with those summarized by Fir-

    man (1994). The reviews in Table 1, al-

    beit brief, generally suggest that low CP

    diets support growth performance of

    turkeys similar to a typical conventional


    Table1: Effects of low crude protein diets on performance of turkeys1

    Age, Conventional Low CP, Low CP Relative ReferenceBreed CP, treatment(s) Performance

    % % BW, kg Gain:Feed

    7 to 28 d, 28.4 24.8 As-is, +Thr, +Val, or +Ile +0.03 +0.04 Waibel et al., 2000bB.U.T. 6 20.9 As-is, +Thr, Val, Ile, Arg, Lys & Trp, -Arg, -Lys & Trp, +0.02 +0.03 Exp. 1

    -Ile,-Val,or -Thr

    18.2 As-is or +Thr, Val, Ile, Arg, Lys, & Trp -0.01 +0.02

    8 to 12 wks, 23.4 19.5 As-is, +Thr, +Val, or +Ile +0.01 -0.01 Waibel et al., 2000bB.U.T. 6 16.3 As-is, +Thr,Val,Ile, Arg,Lys & Trp, -Arg, -0.07 -0.01 Exp. 2

    -Lys & Trp, -Ile,-Val,or -Thr

    14.2 As-is or +Thr,Val,Ile, Arg,Lys,& Trp -0.25* -0.01

    16 to 20 wks, 16.8 14.4 As-is, +Thr, +Val,or +Ile -0.18 0 Waibel et al., 2000bB.U.T. 6 12.0 As-is, +Thr,Val, Ile, Arg, Lys & Trp, -Arg, -0.25 -0.01 Exp. 3

    -Lys & Trp, -Ile,-Val,or -Thr

    10.4 As-is or +Thr,Val, Ile, Arg, Lys & Trp -0.36 -0.01

    0 to 18 wks, 29.0/26.9/ 26.7/23.8/Nicholas 22.7/19.6/ 20.9/18.0/ +0, 0.1, or 0.2% Thr +0.03 +0.02 Kidd et al., 1997

    16.8/14.2 15.4/13.1

    24.4/22.6/(6 phases) 19.1/16.5/ +0, 0.1, or 0.2% Thr -0.41 +0.04


    22.0/20.4/17.3/14.9/ As-is -2.61* -0.0212.7/10.8

    3 to 20 wks, 26.5/24.0/ 23.9/21.6/ +EAA = Conventional AA levels or Lemme et al., 2004aB.U.T. 6 21.0/18.0/ 18.9/16.2/ + commercial avail. AA = PC -0.21 +0.01

    16.0 14.4

    21.2/19.3/(5 phases) 16.9/14.5/ + EAA = Conventional AA levels -0.68* +0.01*


    6 to 20 wks, 23.1/20.7/ 21.2/19.0/ As-is or +Thr -0.06 0 Waibel et al., 2000a,B.U.T. 6 18.0/15.7/ 16.5/14.5 Exp. 1

    (4 phases) 19.8/17.8/ As-is, +Thr, or +Ile,Val,Arg, & Trp +0.15 +0.01*15.5/13.6

    6 to 21 wks, 25.3/22.2/ 23.7/20.7 As-is, +Thr, or +Trp, Lys, Met, Cys, Val, & Thr -0.16 0 Waibel et al., 2000aB.U.T. 6 20.0/17.8/ 18.7/16.6/ Exp. 2

    16.0 14.9

    22.1/19.3/ As-is, +Thr, or +Trp,Lys,Met, Cys,Val,& Thr -0.77* 0(5 phases) 17.3/15.4/


    20.4/17.8/ As-is, +Thr, +Lys & Trp, +Lys & Trp & Ile, -0.10 +0.01*16.0/14.1/ Val,& Arg, or +All & Glu


    1 Relative performance of low CP diets correlates to the low CP treatment in bold under the low CP diet section, and this performance level was the most promising result of all low CP treatments withineach dataset. All trials were conducted with males, and unless otherwise indicated,each trial was conducted over a single growth phase. Within each dataset,every attempt was made to include alltreatments pertinent to the discussion of low CP diets.

    *Low CP treatment means are significantly different from the Conventional CP diet, P < 0.10.

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    Volume 08/Number 01 March 2007amino acids and more.

    6Degussa Feed Additives

    The effects of low CP diets in broilers

    A total of 59 datasets are reported in

    Table 2, which spans over 15 years worth

    of research. The datasets are strongly

    dedicated to the first 21 days of age with

    39 of the 59 datasets dedicated to this

    age group. Conversely, there are 15 and

    5 datasets for 21 to 42 and 42+ days of

    age, respectively. A majority of the

    datasets (66 and 71 % for gain and

    gain:feed, respectively) suggest that

    growth performance is reduced when

    broilers are fed low CP diets. However,

    only 19 for average daily gain and 24 for

    gain:feed (32 and 41 %, respectively) in-

    dicate statistically significantly different

    performance (both positive and nega-

    tive) when broilers are fed low CP com-

    pared with those fed conventional diets.

    Of the significantly different datasets, 15

    and 17 (79 and 71 %, respectively)

    data-sets for daily gain and gain:feed, re-

    spectively, report negative impact on

    performance. Similar to the data for

    turkeys, the previous statement is made

    with caution, because this negative trend

    of low CP diets on performance is often

    in the magnitude of 2 g or less per daily

    gain and approximately 0.03 or lesschange in gain:feed.

    As shown in Table 2, there have been

    several hypotheses and research dedicat-

    ed to understanding low CP diets. These

    efforts include: effects of potassium or di-

    etary electrolyte balance (Fancher and

    Jansen, 1989a,b; Waldroup, 2000); alter-

    ations in the Trp:LNAA ratio or effects of

    excessive Met (Si et al., 2004a,b); addi-

    tion of a non-specific N source (Fancher

    and Jensen, 1989a; Pinchasov et al.,

    1990; Parr and Summers, 1991; Han etal., 1992; Kerr and Kidd, 1999a); effects

    of the concentration of essential AA

    (Fancher and Jansen, 1989a,b; Pin-

    chasov et al., 1990; Cabel et al., 1991;

    Parr and Summers, 1991; Han et al.,

    1992; Kerr and Kidd, 1999a,b; Kidd and

    Kerr, 2000; Bregendahl et al., 2002;

    Dean, 2005); effects of the concentration

    of nonessential AA (Fancher and Jansen,

    1989b; Pinchasov et al., 1990; Parr and

    Summers, 1991; Bregendahl et al., 2002;

    Fritts et al., 2004; Dean, 2005); and ef-

    fects of meeting all known nutrient re-

    quirements, providing nutrients in an

    ideal protein pattern or at the same or

    similar level as conventional diet (Fanch-

    er and Jansen, 1989a,b; Pinchasov et al.,

    1990; Ferguson et al., 1998a,b; Aletor et

    al., 2000; Payne, 2000; Brooks et al.,

    2003; Fritts et al., 2004; Dean, 2005).

    While much of the research cited above

    has resulted in performance that is close

    to but often lower than broilers fed a

    conventional diet, some has been very


    Aletor et al., (2000) reduced the dietary

    CP content fed to 21 to 42-d old broilers

    from 22.5 % to 21, 19, 17.2, or 15.3 %.

    They reported that weight gain was simi-

    lar but gain:feed and nitrogen excretion

    were reduced among the broilers fed the

    low CP or conventional diets. Brooks et

    al., (2003) reported similar findings as CP

    was reduced in 7 to 21-d old broilers

    from 23 to 15 % without affecting

    growth performance provided that the

    low CP diets were formulated to contain

    the same AA content as the conventional

    diet. However, Brooks et al. (2003) also

    reported that performance began to de-

    crease when CP was below 15 %. Dean(2005) evaluated the effects of CP in 1 to

    17-d old broilers by titrating CP from

    22.2 to 16.2 % while providing the same

    AA content as the conventional diet.

    Dean indicated that CP could be reduced

    by 3 % from 22.2 to 19.2 % before per-

    formance was negatively affected. Next,

    Dean (2005) supplemented a 16.2 %

    low CP diet with all essential AA to

    equal the levels in the conventional diet,

    and again reported that performance

    comparable to broilers fed a convention-

    al diet could not be maintained by sup-plementing essential AA only.

    The differences in broiler performance

    between the low CP and conventional

    treatments for each research trial are

    illustrated in Figure 1. Surprisingly, the

    differences in performance are not as

    great in magnitude as perhaps has been

    suggested over time. As stated above, the

    magnitude of difference is roughly 2 g of

    gain or 0.03 points of gain:feed per day.

    Certainly this reduced performance can

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    Volume 08/Number 01 March 2007 amino acids and more.

    7 Degussa Feed Additives

    Table2: Effects of low crude protein diets on performance of broilers 1

    Age (Sex) Conventional Low CP Conventional Low CP ReferenceDiet Diet(s)

    CP, % CP, % ADG, g G:F ADG, g G:F1 to 17 d 22.2 20.7, 19.2, 17.7, & 16.2 29.97 0.817 28.04 0.759 Dean, 2005, Exp. 1(F)

    1 to 17 d 22.2 16.2 + NEAA = Conventional 29.27 0.797 28.32 0.807 Dean, 2005, Exp. 2(F) + EAA = Conventional + EAA & NEAA

    1 to 17 d 22.2 16.2 + Gly, + Glu, + Ala, + Asp, 28.70 0.766 + Gly + Gly Dean, 2005, Exp. 3(F) + Pro, or + All 28.50 0.801*

    + All + All27.79 0.806*

    1 to 17 d 22.2 16.2 (1.23% Gly+Ser) + Gly = 1.35, 1.47, 26.50 0.808 25.91 0.791 Dean, 2005, Exp. 4(F) 1.59, 1.71, 1.83, 1.95, or 2.07% Gly+Ser + Glu

    1 to 17 d 22.2 16.2 (1.60% Gly+Ser) + Gly = 1.72, 1.84, 28.98 0.800 29.60 0.797 Dean, 2005, Exp. 5(F) 1.96, 2.08, 2.20, or 2.32% Gly+Ser

    1 to 14 d 22.8 20.9 (1.76% Gly+Ser) +EAA + EAA & Gly = 33.86 0.873 34.50 0.876 Schutte et al., 1997,(M + F) 1.85, 1.94, 2.03, or 2.12% Gly+Ser + Glu Exp. 2

    1 to 21 d 22.3 18.6 (1.56% Gly+Ser) +EAA +EAA + Gly = 41.5 0.764 40.76 0.756 Schutte et al., 1997,(M + F) 1.65, 1.74, 1.83, 1.92, or 2.01% Gly+Ser + Glu Exp. 1

    1 to 21 d 22.0 20.0 37.6 0.709 36.2* 0.694 Ferguson et al., 1998a(M)

    1 to 21 d 26.4 21.9 37.7 0.758 36.5 0.714* Ferguson et al., 1998b(M)

    1 to 21 d 23.0 22, 20, 18, & 16 1) No difference in performance between Si et al., 2004a(M) +Trp = 5 & 6 Trp: LNAA conventional and 22% CP, but BW gain

    and FCR decrease as CP level decrease2) No effect of AA levels @ 100 or 110% NRC3) No effect of Trp:LNAA ratio

    1 to 21 d 23.0 22, 20, 18, & 16 1) No difference in performance between Si et al., 2004b(M) +DL-Met or to meet Met and/or TSAA conventional and 22% CP, but BW gain

    and FCR decrease as CP level decrease+DL-Met & L-Cys to meet Met and TSAA 2) No effect of AA levels @ 100 or 110% NRC

    or of DL-Met or L-Cys

    1 to 21 d 23.0 21, 19, 17, & 15 28.6 0.694 26.5* 0.640 Cabel and Waldroup,(M + F) 1991

    5 to 21 d 22.0 18.0 1) No significant difference in BW gain or FCR Fritts et al., 2004(M) +Gly, +Leu, +Asp, +Glu, +Ala, +Pro, or +All between traditional and low CP + all treatments (abstract)

    2) +Gly,+Asp, or +Leu treatments performedbest of single AA, but always lower thanconventional

    7 to 21 d 24.0 17.0 +K intermediate +K = Conventional 33.3 0.691 29.6* 0.613* Fancher and Jensen,(M) 1989b, Exp. 3

    7 to 21 d 23.0 20.0 @ 93.5 or 100% NRC 36.5 0.712 33.8 0.680* Pinchasov et al., 1990,(M) Exp. 1

    17.0 @ 87.5, 93.5,or 100% NRC 31.8* 0.630*

    7 to 21 d 23.0 17.0 37.0 0.703 35.1 0.690 Pinchasov et al., 1990,(M) 21,19,& 16 +Glu = Conventional CP Exp. 2

    7 to 21 d 23.0 21.0 32.3 0.630 32.3 0.617 Parr and Summers,(M + F) +10% NRC Lys 1991, Exp. 1

    7 to 21 d 23.0 20.3 25.3 0.559 27.8* 0.595* Parr and Summers,(M + F) +10% NRC Arg +Gly to equal 23.0 CP 1991, Exp. 2

    +Gly & 10% NRC Arg

    7 to 21 d 23.0 20.1 28.9 0.541 31.3* 0.585* Parr and Summers,(M + F) +10% NRC Thr +Gly & 10% NRC Thr 1991,Exp.3

    19.7 31.0* 0.571*+10% NRC Trp +Gly & 10% NRC Trp

    7 to 21 d 23.0 17.8 +10% NRC Ile 36.7 0.654 38.0* 0.617* Parr and Summers,(M + F) +10% NRC Phe + NEAA 1991, Exp. 4

    7 to 21 d 23.0 17.4 +10% NRC Leu 33.0 0.654 34.6 0.617 Parr and Summers,(M + F) + NEAA 1991, Exp. 5

    7 to 21 d 23.0 16.5 +10% NRC His 33.9 0.637 36.6 0.625 Parr and Summers,(M + F) + NEAA 1991, Exp. 6

    7 to 21 d 23.2 18.6 +1% triammonium citrate 46.7 0.739 44.3* 0.679* Bregendahl et al.,(M) + 1% Gln + 1% Asn 2002, Exp. 1

    7 to 21 d 24.0 18.5 52.2 0.762 46.9* 0.710* Bregendahl et al.,(M) +15, 30, or 45% more CAA 2002,Exp.2

    7 to 21 d 23.4 17.6 +1, 2, or 3% NEAA (Glu-Asp) 43.9 0.753 42.6 0.723* Bregendahl et al.,(M) + 45% more CAA 2002, Exp. 3

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    Volume 08/Number 01 March 2007amino acids and more.

    8Degussa Feed Additives

    Table2: Effects of low crude protein diets on performance of broilers 1 (continued)

    Age (Sex) Conventional Low CP Conventional Low CP ReferenceDiet Diet(s)

    CP, % CP, % ADG, g G:F ADG, g G:F7 to 21 d 23.0 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, & 13 No difference in BW gain between Brooks et al., 2003(M + F) traditional and CP diets (20 trough 15%), (abstract)

    but performance began to decrease at 14,and was significantly lower at 13%.

    8 to 22 d 23.0 19.0 +Met,Lys,Arg,Val, & Thr +K 20.7 0.675 20.8 0.660 Han et al., 1992,(M) +AA & 3.36 or 4.62% Glu, +AA, Glu, & K Exp. 1

    19.0 +EAA +K +EAA & 3.36 or 4.62% Glu 20.6 0.672+EAA,GLU & K

    8 to 22 d 23.0 19.0 +4.62% Glu, +Glu & DLM, 20.5 0.671 21.1 0.687 Han et al., 1992,(M) +Glu, DLM & Lys, +Glu, DLM & Arg, Exp. 2

    +Glu,DLM,Lys, & Arg,+ All & Thr+All,Thr, & Val

    8 to 22 d 23.0 19.0 +4.62% Glu, +Glu & DLM, 19.7 0.682 19.9 0.680 Han et al., 1992,(M) +Glu, DLM & Lys, +Glu, DLM & Arg, Exp. 3

    +Glu,DLM,Lys, & Arg,+ All & Thr,+All,Thr, & Val

    8 to 22 d 23.0 19.0 +4.62% Glu, & 100,75,or 50% DLM, 19.3 0.675 19.4 0.696 Han et al., 1992,(M) Lys,& Arg +/-100 or 50% Val & Thr Exp.4

    8 to 22 d 23.0 19.0 +EAA, +EAA & 1.16, 2.31, 3.47, 19.1 0.675 18.9 0.661 Han et al., 1992,(M) or 4.62% Glu Exp. 5

    8 to 22 d 23.0 19.0 19.1 0.697 19.3 0.694 Han et al., 1992,(M) +EAA & 2.31% Glu Exp.6

    8 to 22 d 23.0 19.0 45.4 0.776 44.9 0.771 Han et al., 1992,(M) +EAA Exp.7

    9 to 21 d 20.9 17.1 41.18 0.790 37.49* 0.690* Payne, 2000(M) + soy isoflavones = Conventional

    21 to 42 d 18.3 15.9 42.3 0.487 38.9* 0.463* Fancher and Jensen,(F) +7.5% EAA, +15% EAA 1989a, Exp. 1

    21 to 42 d 19.0 16.6 +7.5% Met & Lys +7.5% Arg, Thr, 50.1 0.494 47.6* 0.469* Fancher and Jensen,(F) Ile, & Trp, +7.5% All 1989a, Exp. 2

    16.6 +15% Met & Lys +15% Arg,Thr, 47.0* 0.474*Ile,& Trp,+15% All

    21 to 42 d 19.4 16.4 44.0 0.458 43.9 0.437* Fancher and Jensen,(F) +7.5% EAA +7.5% EAA +pH-buffer 1989a, Exp. 3

    16.4 +Glu = Conventional CP 44.7 0.466+7.5% EAA, +7.5%EAA +pH-buffer

    21 to 42 d 22.0 19.0 61.0 0.487 60.6 0.478 Fancher and Jensen,(M) 1989b, Exp. 1

    16.0 +Glu = 59.8 0.466Conventional CP +Arg, Thr,Ile, & Trp +K

    21 to 42 d 22.0 19.0 +K 62.0 0.538 60.6 0.511 Fancher and Jensen,(M) 1989b, Exp. 2

    16.0 +K 57.0* 0.488*+Arg,Thr, Ile,&Trp +Arg,Thr,I le, & Trp +K

    21 to 42 d 22.5 21.0, 19.0, 17.2, or 15.3% Similar weight gain among all treatments, Aletor et al., 2000,(M) but gain:feed and nitrogen excretion reduced Exp. 1

    21 to 42 d 22.5 21.0, 19.0, 17.2, or 15.3% No effect of adding NEAA on growth Aletor et al., 2000,(M) + NEAA = Conventional CP performance Exp. 2

    21 to 43 d 17.6 13.5 73.73 0.560 68.09* 0.520* Payne, 2000(M) +soy isoflavones = Conventional

    22 to 42 d 20.6 18.2 81.0 0.490 78.8 0.500 Ferguson et al.,(M) 1998a

    22 to 43 d 21.5 16.5 90.6 0.479 86.4* 0.427* Ferguson et al.,(M) 1998b

    28 to 42 d (M) 19.0 17,15,& 13 As-is +Glu +EAA 75.1 0.433 73.6 0.431 Kerr and Kidd,42 to 52 d (M) 18.0 16,14,& 12 As-is +Glu +EAA 1999a

    28 to 45 d 19.4 18.2 +Thr 81.6 0.478 80.6 0.478 Kerr and Kidd,(M) 1999b, Exp. 1

    16.7 +EAA 80.2 0.470*

    42 to 52 d 17.2 15.9 +Thr 79.0 0.379 76.0 0.372 Kerr and Kidd,(M) 1999b, Exp. 2

    14.7 +EAA 73.3* 0.366*

    43 to 54 d 15.6 11.7 69.69 0.420 64.94* 0.440* Payne 2000(M) + soy isoflavones = Conventional


    Relative performance of low CP diets correlates to the low CP treatment in bold under the low CP diet section, and this performance level was the most promising result of all low CP treatmentswithin each dataset.Within each dataset, every attempt was made to include all treatments pertinent to the discussion of low CP diets.. G:F = gain:feed; M = male; F = female.*Low CP treatment means are significantly different from the Conventional CP diet, P < 0.10.

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    Volume 08/Number 01 March 2007 amino acids and more.

    9 Degussa Feed Additives

    accept that their respective species gen-

    erally have more animal to animal varia-

    tion, so these minor changes are not as

    troubling. Granted the data shown in

    Figure 1 are the best results reported by

    each group, and even then they are not

    as consistent as we would wish, but they

    are nonetheless impressive in their gen-

    eral suggestion that broilers fed low CP

    diets can grow similar to those fed a con-

    ventional high CP diet.

    The Role of Nonessential Amino Acids in Low

    CP Diets for Broilers

    In addition to the positive results report-

    ed above, there also have been some po-

    tential breakthroughs in our understand-

    ing of low CP diets, especially concerning

    the role that nonessential AA play. Fritts

    et al., (2004) reported no differences in 5

    to 21-d old broilers fed a low CP diet

    with supplemental nonessential AA (Gly,

    Leu, Asp, Glu, Ala, and Pro) compared

    with those fed a conventional diet. Addi-

    tionally, Fritts et al., (2004) tested a low

    CP diet with single additions of each

    nonessential AA, and regardless of AA

    added performance was always lowerthan with a conventional diet. But, it is

    interesting to note that of the single

    amino acid diets, those supplemented

    with Gly, Asp, or Leu outperformed the

    Glu, Ala, or Pro diets. Dean (2005) also

    investigated the effect of nonessential

    amino acids, and he reported that broil-

    ers fed the low CP supplemented with

    nonessential AA (Gly, Leu, Asp, Glu, Ala,

    and Pro) performed comparable with

    those fed a conventional CP diet, which

    agrees with the results of Fritts et al.,

    (2004). Dean (2005) confirmed these re-sults in a follow-up trial, and then he at-

    tempted to determine which nonessen-

    tial amino acid stimulated growth in a

    low CP diet similar to the conventional

    diet. Dean reported that broilers fed a

    diet with the single addition of Gly per-

    formed as well as those fed the conven-

    tional diet.

    Corzo et al., (2004) and Dean (2005)

    each conducted trials to determine the

    Gly needs of broilers fed low CP diets

    add up considering the number of broil-

    ers produced commercially today, but

    these results are very much in line with

    the magnitude of difference for both

    swine and turkeys. Perhaps some of the

    reasons for claiming that low CP diets do

    not work in broilers or that they do work

    in swine and turkeys is simply the signi-

    ficantly different growth phases for these

    species. That is, perhaps swine and

    turkey nutritionists can more willingly

    accept minor changes in gain or

    gain:feed because of the longer feeding

    period to reach processing weights. Or

    perhaps swine and turkey nutritionists

    Figure 1: Average daily gain (top) and gain:feed (bottom) performance of

    broilers fed Low CP diets (dots) compared with broilers fed con-

    ventional CP diets (bars) across all experiments in Table 4.


















    Low CP,%

    Conventional CP, %









































































    Low CP


















    Low CP,%

    Conventional CP, %








































































    Low CP

    0.50 0.50

  • 7/27/2019 1 07 SD Payne Eng


    Volume 08/Number 01 March 2007amino acids and more.

    10Degussa Feed Additives

    from 7 to 20 and 1 to 17 d, respectively.

    Each reported that growth performance

    was improved as Gly level was increased.

    Corzo et al., (2004) estimated that the

    Gly level necessary to support growth

    was 1.00 % Gly (1.78 % Gly+Ser).

    Dean (2005), however, suggested that

    the Gly level needed for broilers fed low

    CP diets to grow similar to those fed a

    conventional diet was 1.57 % Gly

    (2.14 % Gly+Ser). It is unlikely that the

    Gly requirement of broilers changes as

    much as suggested by these authors over

    the first 21 d of life, so perhaps some of

    these differences could be due to the de-

    gree by which CP was reduced (18.0 vs.

    16.2 %). Another potential reason is that

    the trial by Corzo et al. (2004) was de-

    signed to determine the Gly require-

    ment, whereas Dean (2005) trial was

    designed to determine what level of Gly

    (or Gly+Ser) would maintain growth

    similar to that in a conventional diet.

    Corzo et al. (2004) did not use a positive

    control conventional diet in their trial.

    These are not the first indications of a

    larger role for Gly in broiler nutrition. As

    early as 1944, Almquist and Grau sug-

    gested that Gly could limit the growth ofbroilers, which was supported by Parr

    and Summers (1991), especially when

    CP is reduced. Heger and Pack (1996)

    estimated that the Gly+Ser requirement

    ranged from 1.50 to 1.80 % in 5 to 22-d

    old broilers depending on CP level

    (Gly+Ser needs increase as CP increases).

    Schutte et al., (1997) estimated that the

    Gly+Ser requirement for 1 to 21-d old

    broilers ranged from 1.80 to 1.90 %.

    Their results also supported those of Parr

    and Summers (1991), as the supplemen-

    tation of Gly into a low CP (19.0 %) dietallowed broilers to grow at levels equal

    to a conventional CP diet (22.3 %).

    These data combined with the findings of

    Corzo et al. (2004) and Dean (2005) defi-

    nitely indicate that the Gly+Ser require-

    ment for broilers is higher than 1.25 %

    as suggested by the NRC (1994). It is

    known that Gly is essential for a number

    of metabolic functions including synthe-

    sis of proteins, purines, glutathione, and

    creatine (Corzo et al., 2004). Perhaps the

    most important role of Gly in broiler nu-

    trition is that of synthesizing uric acid in

    order to excrete excess nitrogen. Regard-

    less of its exact role, it is clear that Gly is

    more than just a non-specific nitrogen

    source in low CP diets. Nutritionists are

    encouraged to be mindful of the Gly or

    Gly+Ser levels in their diets, regardless of

    CP level, if they wish to achieve optimal

    growth performance.


    The overall results of this review suggest

    that we have made great progress in un-

    derstanding how to utilize low CP diets

    in broiler production. It seems that the

    CP levels in broilers diets can be reduced

    by 3 to 4 % percentage points without

    sacrificing performance provided that

    free AA are supplemented in the diet to

    equal the AA nutrient levels in a con-

    ventional diet. Furthermore, the results

    of Fritts et al. (2004), Corzo et al. (2004),

    and Dean (2005) highlight the important

    role that nonessential AA play in broiler

    nutrition. Their results emphasize the

    importance of Gly in broiler nutrition,

    particularly when low CP diets are used.

    Although more research needs to beconducted to fully understand the role of

    Gly, it seems that Gly is at least a semi-

    essential AA. The advancement of our

    understanding of low CP diets will allow

    nutritionists to formulate diets that are

    less expensive and more environmental-

    ly friendly without sacrificing growth



    In trials recently conducted in coopera-tion with Degussa Feed Additives the po-

    tential of low protein diets in poultry

    diets has been further evaluated. The

    technical results as well as some eco-

    nomic considerations will be presented

    in part 2 of this article in a future


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    Dr. Robert L. Payne




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