1 03-60-569 project global book retailer titas mutsuddy quazi rahman

1 03-60-569 Project Global Book retailer Titas Mutsuddy Quazi Rahman

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Page 1: 1 03-60-569 Project Global Book retailer Titas Mutsuddy Quazi Rahman


03-60-569 Project

Global Book retailer

Titas Mutsuddy

Quazi Rahman

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Introduction. Service integration. Screen shots of project. Difficulties faced. Conclusion.

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Project Description:

Integration of Amazon web service, eBay web service to find out cheap books and convert price to other currencies.

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Web services

Amazon Web Service. eBay Web service. Currency Converter (XMathods).

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Tools used

Axis 1.4 (switched from Axis2). WSDL2Java JAX-RPC

Tomcat 5.5 J2sdk1.5

Jsp Servlet Java Bean

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Class Diagram

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Screen Shots

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Screen Shots

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Screen Shots

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Screen Shots

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Screen Shots

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Screen Shots

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Screen Shots

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Screen Shots

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Screen shots

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Screen Shots

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Screen Shots

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Difficulties faced

Installation of Axis(2.0/1.4). Class path setup. Set up jar files in to lib.

Amazon web service call. Set up keys for service call. Soap message call.

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Difficulties faced

eBay web service call:Soap API .eBay Java SDK (XML based RPC).

System development:SandBox development environment.Production development environment.

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Difficulties faced

Difficulties with eBay:- eBay active auction is so volatile that most of the time auction

ended before debugging of codes. eBay API manual is not friendly for new developers. eBay uses their own “ItemID” for each item in active auction. I Failed Item Specific search in eBay. Succeeded on category

search. Parsed whole category response xml to pick up item by “Title”. Most of the time Amazon and eBay book title are not same. Tried to find out possible pattern to split the titles to extract the


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Difficulties faced

eBay web service:- Authentication failure:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<eBay><EBayTime>2007-03-10 15:46:37</EBayTime><Errors><Error><Code>16112</Code>





<ShortMessage><![CDATA[Invalid authentication method.]]></ShortMessage><LongMessage><![CDATA[The authentication method you are using is invalid. Please use the eBay Authentication & Authorization method.]]></LongMessage></Error></Errors></eBay>

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Difficulties faced

eBay web service

“The velocity (rate of change) of eBay is notoriously fast. As anyone who has used eBay knows, things constantly change, and there is a fundamental release every 2 weeks. There are supporters and non-supporters of this, but it's something we all have to live with at this time, both eBay users and eBay employees…..”

Best Regards,Amish PateleBay Developer Support

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Difficulties faced

GetItemRequest fails

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<GetItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents"> <DetailLevel>ItemReturnAttributes</DetailLevel> <RequesterCredentials>

<eBayAuthToken>MY TOKEN </eBayAuthToken> </RequesterCredentials>



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Difficulties faced

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<GetItemResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">

<Timestamp>2007-03-12T1 7:17:47.171Z</Timestamp>



<ShortMessage>Item not found.</ShortMessage>

<LongMessage>Item &quot;517203014&quot; is invalid, not activated,or no longer in our database, or an Live Auction item.</LongMessage>



<ErrorParameters ParamID="0">







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Difficulties faced

[email protected]

Posts: 938 Member Since: 10/20/05

Re: GetItemRequest fails Posted: Mar 14, 2007 4:40 PM  Reply

Hi titasmutsuddy,

You need to specify an eBay ItemID but ISBN # in your GetItem API request. You can get the item number in either your item's View Item or the seller's My eBay Selling page.

Best Regards,Zhuowei YangeBay Developer Support

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Difficulties faced

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><GetItemResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">

<Timestamp>2007-03-14T0 3:22:17.302Z</Timestamp><Ack>Failure</Ack><Errors>

<ShortMessage>Item not found.</ShortMessage> <LongMessage>Item &quot;130094932808&quot; is invalid, not

activated, or no longer in our database, or an Live Auction item.</LongMessage> <ErrorCode>17</ErrorCode>

<SeverityCode>Error</SeverityCode> <ErrorParameters ParamID="0"> <Value>130094932808</Value> </ErrorParameters> <ErrorClassification>RequestError</ErrorClassification> </Errors> <Version>503</Version> <Build>e503_core_Bundled_4329350_R1</Build></GetItemResponse>

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Difficulties faced


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>\r\n"+<GetSearchResultsRequest xmlns=\"urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents\">

<ExternalProductID> <Value>0876295340</Value>

<Type>ISBN</Type> </ExternalProductID> <Pagination> <EntriesPerPage>2</EntriesPerPage> <PageNumber>1</PageNumber> </Pagination> <RequesterCredentials> <eBayAuthToken>token</eBayAuthToken> </RequesterCredentials>


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Difficulties faced


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><GetSearchResultsResponse


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Difficulties faced

Error:- Content not allowed in prolog

[Fatal Error] request.xml:1:41: Content is not allowed in prolog.

Error Sending Request: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in


org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in prolog.

at org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser.parse(Unknown Source)

at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderImpl.parse(Unknown Source)

at javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder.parse(DocumentBuilder.java:172)

at GetSearchResults.SendRequest(GetSearchResults.java:220)

at GetSearchResults.main(GetSearchResults.java:91)

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Difficulties faced

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Difficulties faced


Posts: 4 Member Since: 3/13/07

PKIX path building failed Posted: Mar 14, 2007 9:38 PM   Reply Hi,

I am getting a strange error. I didn't get it 4-hours ago. It is like the following:-

SendRequest IO Error:javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException:PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Alerts.getSSLException(Alerts.java:150)at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.fatal(SSLSocketImpl.java:1518)at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Handshaker.fatalSE(Handshaker.java:174)at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Handshaker.fatalSE(Handshaker.java:168)and so on------

Note that I am using the jre1.5.0_11 and checked for latest version and there is none.

I will be pleased if you give any suggestions.

Regards,Titas Mutsuddy

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Difficulties faced


javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException:PKIX path validation failed: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: timestamp check failed

I think Sun changed the default TrustManagerFactory from SunX509 to SunPKIX sometime during the 1.5.0 update cycle. grep ManagerFactory $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/java.security You should be able to override these with system properties.

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Difficulties faced




OverWritten in the following properties file:- D:\Sun\AppServer\jdk\jre\lib\security\java.security(properties file):-



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Difficulties faced


Posts: 1 Member Since: 3/10/06

Re: PKIX path building failed Posted: Mar 14, 2007 11:48 PM   Reply Your JDK is probably missing one of the CA-certs in the path for https://api.sandbox.ebay.com

It seems sandbox may have updated the SSL certificate within the last 24 hours. Hopefully there will be an official update soon.

Meanwhile.... you might try this (assuming windows platform):

1. In IE, connect to https://api.sandbox.ebay.com2. Go to Tools > Internet Options > Content > Certificates > Intermediate Certification Authorities [or "Trusted Root Certification Authorities"]3. Choose "VeriSign Class 3 Secure Server CA" (I assume this is the certificate that is missing... you can confirm by comparing thumbprints to what is in your keystore)4. Click "Export...", then "Next>"5. Select "DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER)"6. Name the file c:\temp\verisignsecureserver.cer7. Select "Finish"8. \j2sdk1.4.2_08\bin\keytool -keystore \j2sdk1.4.2_08\jre\lib\security\cacerts -import -alias verisignsecureserver -file c:\temp\verisignsecureserver.cer -trustcacerts9. del c:\temp\verisignsecureserver.cer

Note that you must have a full JDK installed (not just the JRE) to have access. The default password for the JDK keystore is well-known: changeit

Please post feedback if this worked for you or not.

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Difficulties faced

GetSearchResultRequest (Category search succeeded):-

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> < GetSearchResultRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents"> <RequesterCredentials>

<eBayAuthToken>token </eBayAuthToken></RequesterCredentials>



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Rate of change of eBay is notoriously fast. Failed “Item specific” search in eBay web service. eBay XML based Java API is difficult to handle. eBay introduced SOAP based API in mid-2004 and still eBay platform is

undergoing significant transition to SOAP.

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Future extension

Item wise search for eBay. Integrate other available book retailers web service. Try to create the Shopping Cart (Most difficult part of the project).

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Questions ?