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0it aolfafr Qbronitet. -. p SATURDAY, JAN. 10. 1908, LOCAL D)OTS: Our locals have to give place this C week to official business. Mr. Chas. Tumminello is the happy 3 father of a girl baby, born January 2,1901. s Mr. M. -1Ginsburg, Sr., is here, and F Informs us that he expects to make I Colfax his home for the future. S Dr. C. M. Harris and Mr. Dewitt y Duncan. of Welchton, came up on Tuesday and spent the day as guests I of Mr. J. W. Dluncan. F Little Pearl Jeter. aged seven. gave 9 a birthday party last Tuesday, Jan- uary 6th, to which she invited a large I number of her playmates. No equal on earth has Hunt's Light- Q ning Oil for rheumatism and neuralgia, c as well as sprains, cuts, burns, bruises, I and insect bites and stings. Guaranteed. Price 25 and 50 cents. You cannot afford to trifle with a I cough. It may result in some serious if not fatal malady. Take time by the fore- I lock and use Simmons' Cough Syrup. Guaranteed. Pnce 25 and 50 cents. Parents do not neglect your children's coughs, sore throats, colds, etc., they of- ten lead to fatal results. Try Simmons' cough syrup. Pleasant, safe and sure. Guaranteed. Price 25 and 50 cents. An enjoyable "spider web and swapping party" was given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Cam- eron last Thursday night. Chocolate and cake refreshments were served to about thirty guests. For a bad taste in the mouth take a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price 25 cents. War- ranted to cure. For sale by J. H. Me- Neely, Colfax; and Bush & RBandolph, t Fairmount. Cmear Conquered Britain Malaria was conquered by Simmons' Lives Purifier (tin box.) Protected from moisture, dust and insects. Clears the complexion, cures constipation, aids and corrects action of the liver. Prof. J. N. Warner and Miss Sallie Torry, of the Pollock high school, were married last week. Also Mr. O. H. Nugent and Mrs. Phenie Terral were united In marriage. We con- gratulate them and wish them suc- sees and happlneas. Messrs. A. A. Dean, C. W. Williams. lRchard Newton and - Walker, jury eomissioners, were in Colfax on the 8th, for the purpose of drawing a jury for the next term of court, but the day being a legal holiday they decided not to draw the jury. We failed to announce that at the drawing for the big doll put on the Christmas tree by Easterbrook & Co., the lucky number was held by Mr. J. P. Keleoe, who was duly presented with the handsome gift by Santa Clans, In the person of Capt. Teal. Miss Lina and Mirss Gertrude Good- wyn, after spending the holidays at home, will leave this evening for New Orleans, to finish their short-hand course at the Soule Commercial Col- lege. Having remunerative employ- ment for several months, they will go to night school and attend to busi- nees matters in the day time. Ticket No. 232 Gets the Doll. We have been requested by Mr. B. C. Woodruff, manager of the Crescent Drug Store, to announce that the tickets on the doll at their store have all been taken up, and that the one entitling the holder to the doll is No. 232. The lucky person will please present his or her ticket and claim the doll. One Hujdred Dollars a Box is the value B.A. 'tiedale, Summerton, 8.& 0., places on DeWitt's Witch Hauel Salve. He says: "I had the piles for 20 years. I tried many doctors and medi- lass, but all failed except DeWitt's WKch amnl Salve. It cured me." It is b sehmbination of the bealinag properties tof Wih Hasel with santiseptic and em- nliotM; relieves and permanently cures blind, blseding, itching and protruding piles, sores, cuts, bruises, ecsema, salt rheum and all skin diseases. J. A. Hyde. Uneonsnelous From Croup. Dortlngr a sudden and terrible attack el woep oar littla girl was unoonsclous frem stran.latso says A. L. Sta.brd. .C est, MiaD. nd a dose of One MIln. ate . Oure was administered and ratdten. It reduced the swelling dlnammatlon, out the muees and boetly the hekild was resting easy and Uy recovered. It cures counghs, ei griippe, and all throat oand lung trubles. One Minute Cough Cure ling- re in the throat and chest and enables the lungs to contribute pure. health-gir- ing oxygen to the blood. J. A. Hyde. U. 8. Specal Agent 8. S. Mathere was in Colfax last Monday and Teas- day, to Take testlmony in the home- stead eontest cases of E. 8. Murrell. F. P. Tillman and Miss Charlotte A. Long. The first named was dismie- ed. te bringingof the contest having bees utterly erroneous. Mr. Murrell has had a good deal of annovanuce in the matter, but we are glad to know be has come out all right Testimo- ny in the other eases was taken be- fot Clterk J.J. O'Quinn and forward- ed to the department authorities for mriew. Mr. H. P. Long and Miss Charlotte, his daughter, of Wlnnfleld, J. A. O'Shee, of Alexandria, E.S. Mur- eil, of Ada. W. P. G(uynes, of Pollock. and a large number of witnesses and persona Interested were present the two day. of the trials. The crowned beads of every nation, The rich men, poor men and misers All jdin in paying tribute to DeWitt's Little Early Risers. H. Williams, San Antonio, Tex., writes: Little Early Riser Pills are the best I ever used in my family. I unhesitate- lly recommaend them to everybody. ears constipation, billiousness, sLk headaehe, torpid liver, jaundice, malamtra ad all otherlivertrouble. J.A. DIlocated Her Shoulder. Mr. Johanna 8oderholm, of Fergus Falls, Mian.. fell and dislocated hear shd•lder. She had a surgeon get it back in. lanaces soon as poesible, but it was qte sor6o and pained her very mnucb. Hsr eon m eationed that he had sten amber~b an'. Pain Balm advertised for suts and soreness, and she ansaked him Sb•py her a bottle of it, which he did. It uehiy relieved her and enabled her toie• e which she had not dome for ver- sea , b se ai was swemush pleased Swishth, t b tlgavehism ether that he Treasurer's Report. The following Is the treasurer's re- port of the condition of the public U school fund Dec. 31, 1902, vie: U Wm. Lacrolx. parish treasurer, debt- ei or to Grant parish school fund for it quarter ending Iec. 81, 1902. 81 OENERAL AcOUNT. P On hand last report 7688 90 P Licenses received..... 4 75 Polls received.......... 690 80 30 per cent Tax Col. Sept. settlement... 35 51 Special tax diet. 9.... 2 24 Fines from tax col.. 194 40 State Treas. check... 328 52 Special tax diet. 9... 52 46 o Special tax diet. 13.. 8 79 81 Special tax diet. 14.. 9 98 Polls received.......... 897 10 Licenses received..... 7 13 tl Fines received......... 635 76 m 30 l Boyce ferry.... 131 25 , 30 0o Oct. set'ment.. 405 27 20 oI Nov. set'ment. 855 08 o Polls received.......... 141 55 o Licenses received..... 7 13 t Special tax diet. 9 .. 44 46 Special tax diet. 1.. 5 18 Special tax dist. 14.. 789 Draft to abolish In- stitute fund.......... 11 10-10485 25 4 CREDITS. ia Disbursement as per a vouchers.. ......... 2858 35 a Treas. commlession.. 71 45- 2929 80 a Balance on hand......... 7555 45 a STATEMENT BY DITRICTS. Ward One, district 1. On hand last report .............. $1099 95 r Amount disbursed since......... 808 25 Balance on hand......... 296 70 d Rock Hill, district 2. On hand last report.......... 1107 89 Amount disbursed since......... 120 00 h Balance on hand............. 987 39i Prospect, district 3. d Balance on hand................. 227 11 a Flagon, district 4. e On hand last report.......... 456 80 f5 Amount disbursed since......... 88 50 Balance on hand.............. 368 30 Clear Creek, district 5. On hand last report......... 24 94 Amount disbursed since......... 118 00 Overdrawn ................... 93 06 Beulah, district 6. On hand last report.......... 413 21 Amount disbursed since......... 60 00 Balance on hand........... 853 21 Oak Grove, district 7. Balance on hand.................... 81 88 Big Creek, district 8 c On hand list report.......... 27 88 Amount disbursed snce......... 80 00 Overdrawn .................... 2 12 Pollock, district 9. On hand last report... 187 41 Amt. sp-clal tax ........ 90 16-286 57 Amount iisburned since......... 215 00 Balaice on hand........... 71 57 Friendship, distrlet 10. On hand last report........... 135 74 e Amount disbursed since......... 90 00 Balance on hand.............. 45 74 Salem. district 11. Balance on hand.................. 42 72 t Black Creek, district 12. On hand last report............ 194 14 Amount disbursed since......... 80 00 Balance on hand............ 114 14 14 Liberty Chapel, district 13. On hand last report... 84 54 Amt. special tax........ 18 7-- 48 51 Balance on hand........... 48 51 Fish Creek. district 14. On hand last report... 120 50 Amt. special tax ........ 17 87-138 87 Balance on hand........... 188 87 Little Creek. district 15. Balance on hand.................... 8371 46 Christian Hope, district 16. On hand last report ......... 423 74 Amount disbursed since......... 225 Balance on hand........ 198 74 Tison, district 17. Balance on hand.................... 668 49 St. Andre. distrIct 18. Balance on hand................. 580 94 Summerfield, district 19. On hand last report .............. 474 88 Amount disbursed since ......... 60 00 Balance on hand........... 414 33 Eureka, district 20. Balance on hand................. 188 77 I Montgomery, district 21. On hand last report............... 70 25 Amount disbursed since......... 340 00 SOverdrawn...................... 2609 75 SDunn, dlsttrct 22. SOn hand hlast report............... 189 48 Amount disebursed since......... 20 00 Balance on hand........... 169 48 Harglis, district 23. On hand lastreport........ . 67 58 Amount disbursed since........ 5 25 Balane on hand.............. 62 28 New Hope, district I4. m On hand last report........... 197 32 Amount disbursed since......... 600 00 Balance on hand.............. 187 82 1 Iatt, district 25. On hand last report............... 24 66 Amount disbursed since........ 5 00 Balance on hand.............. 259 66 SCreed, district 28. Balance on hand.................... 619 06 SShell Point, district 27. - Balance on hand................... 48 57 Nugent, district 28. On hand last report............... 62 Amount disbursed since......... 80 00 Balance on hand.............. 06 62 Harmony, district 29. Balance on hand.................... 75 80 Sless, district 80. SOn hand last report.............. 191 85 I Amount disbursed since......... 90 00 S Balance on hand........... 101 85 College Hill, distrlet 81. On hand last report.............. 72 00 SAmount disbursed since......... 210 00 r Overdrawn ...................... 138 00 Contingent Fund. SAmt received from pro ration 2715 85 Overdrawn last qr..... 1850 18 SDisbursement............. 15 85 Treas. com................. 71 45-2079 98 Balance on hand.............. 65 87 My friend, are you suffering from ansoy pifatnl and annoying skin disease, such as ringworm, tetter, ecsmna or anything similar? If so, Just try one box of Hunt's :Cure. Never fails. Guaranteed. Price I50 cents. few Century COomfort. Millions are daily fuding a world of comfort in Bucklen's Aroica Salve. It kills pain from b•r•s, salds, eats, brui- m; e',oquers ulcers and fever more; cures eruptions, smit rheum, boibs and felons; removes corns sod wart. Best pile cre on earth. Only 25e at Crescet Drug Store, Colfax; and Bush & Randolph, k Fairmount. A Smlenttflc I~tcovery. SKodol doss for the stomach that whkh r it is unable to do for itself, even whoe s but slightly disordeued or over.-lo6dd. I. Kodol supplies the natural jious of dl- r gestioo and does theworkofthestomeach - relaxing the nervous toneion, whi• the Sinflamed musolesk of that o are al- a lowed to rest ad heL. Koodi a - what you eat ad enabla tihe etm :; and digesti ergaes to dtrasier aS ed oeridc onm bood ~A. Ep,. Big Sheriff's Settlement. The settlement of Sheriff Swafford - his week, for taxes collected during be month of December, is the largest rer made in Grant parish. The m ems are as follows: lb tate taxes............. $ 7,320 99 1o 'arish taxes................ 12.201 65 'oll taxes................... 515 00 re ebhool tax, district 9......... 1,094 05 chool tax, district 18....... 111 25 p chool tax, district 14....... 199 85 i Total ........................... $21,442 79 of The above amounts have been paid - ver to the parish treasurer, less the herifs commission, and the school Inds are yet to be apportioned to aS he respective districts. By the state- lent of school funds In another col- N mn it will be seen that the amount a I cash on hand December 31st was t 7,556 45. Thissettlementpot sonie- ei hing over four thousand dollarse nore in the school fund. L The Secret of Long Life Consists in keeping all the main organs t the body in healthy, regular action, ad in quickly destroying deadly disease erms. Electric Bitters regulate stom- ch, liver and kidneys, purify the blood, nd give a splendid appetite. They work ronders in curing kidney troubles, fe- a nale complaints, nervous diseases, con- tipation, dyspepsis, and malaria. Vigo. ous health and strength always follow beir use. Only SOC, guaraniteed by Cres- a ent Drug Store, Colfax; Bush & Ban. lolph, Fairmount. t "The nicest and pleasantest medlicine I I iave used for indigestion and oonstipa- ion is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver c rablets," says Melard F. Craig, of Mid. llegrove, N. Y. "They work like a charm Ind do not gripe or have any unpleasant ( ffect." For sale by J. H. McNeely, Col- az; Bush & Randolph, Fairmount. Grist Mill for Sale. f A 26-inch Coleman Grist Mill. Will f nell very cheap or trade for lumber. Apply to JNO. RANDOLPH, jan10 Kateland Plantation. Notice to License Payers. I am now prepared to issue State and Parish Licenses to the trades and professionsfor the year 1903. All per- sons who have licenses to pay for the :urrent year will please settle at once and save costs and penalties. This January 9th, 1903. M. E. 8WAFFORD, Sheriff and Tax Collector. Notices of Final Proof. Land Oce at Natchitorbes La., Dec. 5, 190. Notieo is hereby given that thefollowing-nam. id settler has fe notice of hie intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that maid proof will be made before Clerk DI.- rot Court, at Colfax, La., on January 17, 1903, ris: H. E. No. mTP. RANDOLPH J. CHELETTE, for the west half of the northeast quarter and the north half of the southeast quarter mectioc 6 township 8 north, range 4 west, La. mer. e names the following witanases to prove his nontinaoea residence pon and cultivation of paid land, vis: Onora Duboise, Oscar Duboise, R B. Chelette, J. M. Sharbino all of Redemp. ion, La. J. ERNESTf BRIEDA, deal Register. Lead Omer at New Orleans. La., January a 1903. Notice is hereby given that the following-nam. ed settler haskled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim. and that said proof will be made before Clerk District Court. at Colfax, La.. on Feb 12. I903, via: - PERROLL JOHNNETTE, for the fractonal northwest quarter of section 38. township 8 north, range west. e names the followin witnesses to prove his continuous residene upon and cultivation of maid land, viz: J.'. Thomrn , J. .Thomp- son. Plaecide La•meone, and Wlliam Bllio, all of Viles poetofee ila. Jan10 WALTER L COHEN. aisleter. Land Oee at New Orlease, La..l January 7. 1906. Notice s hereby given that tbefollowi•g-named settler has sled otiee of his lntentlon to make Sasl proof na eappnrt of his claim, and that said proeof 1i be made before E.8. Murrell. U. a.Com- mimitoner. at Ada. La.. on Feb. 17, 1908, vis: CALVIN N. BOYrTT. H. E. 5,0es. for the aorthwest quarter of south- west quarter. section 4, townashlp 7 north, range I west. La. Mer. land, via: James rr, . F. Brliter. Henry John- eon. Thom u as Wlllett. a of Black Creek. La. lanle WALTER L. COHEN, Rgiter. Centet Notloe. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. U. 8. Land Offe, New Orlans. La., January 2.1606. iA ueieut eoatest affdsvit having been fled in this office by Chas. Gillette, oonatotant. eainst John 8. Snders. entry No. 19,0N, made April 11, 15, for the north haf of the orthwest qearte., ection .4, townmehip aort. range 2 wes La. r., b John 8. 8anders, contetee. in which it is alleed that mad John 8. Sander has totally abmndoned mid entry and chanaed hi. ridence theretrom, has not raeided upon and cltivated said entry as reqaired by law. Said parties are hereby nottlel to appear retpond _ad ofer evidence touching maid allegation at 10 o~'elock a. m. on Februarr II. 1950. hefore Ja. J. O'Qinn, clerk of court. at Colfa. Ira.. and that inal hearing will be held at 10 o'elock a. m. on Pebrmuary I. 9ISS. before the Regiter and Re- eiver at the United State Land Olejn New Orlese. La. The mid montetant haviag, in a proper ada- vit filed December S 105, set forth ftact which ahow that after due diligence peruoal servia of tbhis notiee can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed ,bhat such notio be given by due and proper publiation. CHARLEB P. JOHNSTON. J•anl0 Receiver. SHERIFF BALE. Thirteenth Judicial District Court, Par- ish of Grant, La. No. 1~.21. A. E. Hotard vs. Geo. and Mary Andre. By virtue of a writ of seisure and sale irsued out of the honorable 13th Judicial district court in the above numbered and entitled suit, and to me directed, I have seized and will ofer for sale between the usual hours for judicial msales, at the principal front door of the court house in Coltax, La.. on SATURDAY, JAN. 31, 1908, the following described property, seised as the property of defendants, viz: 100 acres of land, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the ban! of Red river at the mouth of the Bayou Nan- tachie, run north until it strikes the sec- tion line, thence running a sufficient dis- tance to contain one hundred and sixt!y acresof land, thence south until it strikes the bayou Nantachie, thence along said bayou to the point of beginning, being in ece. 8, tp 7 n, range 4 weat, Grant parish. La Being known as the George Andre place, situated about 12 miles above the town of Colfax, and besin the same tract of land heretofore purehasedl from V. G. Cunningham by Mary Andre, and sold by George and Mary Andre to A. E. Ho- tard, and by Hotard to these defendants. Terms of sale--Cah with benefit of sp- praisement. M. E. SWAFFORD, 8heriff of Grant parish, Ia, SDec. 26, 1903. R8 Reward. St-raed from my place on Boggy Bayou, 1 mile above Colfax, about Dec. 1st, one black homrse, about 13 hands high, branded on rlght bip, but don't remember blind, knot on back caused from set fast, white hind feet. Also one light sorrel mare, about 18 hands high, no brand, blase faceor- el manesaa d tal, tal cut smooth and very short Will pay p reward for return to me or ltuormatios leading to their sovery. WV.*Y WILIJAMB. 434mgss* Coelh, La. Notle's of Final Proof. Land Ofee at Natobitoehes. La., December 5 190!L Notoe is hrebry iven that thefolbowng-nam- ed settler has fled notiee of his intention to make final proof in support of his elaim and that sidproof will be made before Clerk of the DistrietCourt, at Colfax, La, on January 17, 1918, vis: H. S. 84,7 LUTHER 0. O'NEAL, for the northeast quarter of the southeast quar- tr, sec. 30, township 0 north range 4 west, La. meridian He names the foowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and eolt• ration of said land, via: Andrew Lemoine. Wil. liam II. Dyson, Leo Sellers, Dock W. O'Neal, all of Montgomery La., dec15 j. ERNEST BRIEDA, Resister. Land Ofce at ew Orlean L., December S, IOOL Notice is hereby gives that the following-nam. ed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Clerk Distriet Court, at Colfax, Ia., on January 17, 1906, via: H. E. No. 6101. JOSEPH BALLIO, for the ouothwest quarter of the northwest quar. ter of section . township 7 north, range 4 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous reesidece upon and caltivation o said land, via: James W. Sasfield, Peter San. son, C. W. William, F. S. DukBois. all of Vila, a.3 J. ELRNEST BRIEDA, •eel$ "?aeT~t Laundr y! FOR HAND WORK. I have opened up a first-class Laundry in Colfax, and will appreciate he patronage of the public. My work Is done by hand, and your clothes nill not be ruined or lost. Satisfaction guaranteed. SHIRTS, 10e LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS OX)LLARS, 2 for 5e LADIE8' DRESSES TUFF8, per palr, ac HANDKERCHIEFS, 2%ce JNDERSHIRTS, 5c LINEN SUITS. 65c )RAWERS. 5c Prices quoted on application for SOCKS, 1 pair, 5c LACE CURTAINS and FAMILY IOCKS, 3 pairs, 10c WASHING. LEE SING, IN THE OLD UNION STORE, Front Street, - - - - Colfax, La. Ordand 61aarlng Sale. We will sell for the next twenty days One Lot Ladies Ready to Wear Trimmed 25 HATS, worth $1 25, for.......................... One Lot Indies Ready to Wear Trimmed 75c HATS, worth $2 25, for.......................... One Lot Ladies Ready to Wear Trimmed $1.50 HATS, worth $3 75, for ....................... . One Lot Ladies Ready to Wear Trimmed 2 $ 50 HATS, worth $5 00 everywhere, for...... * One Lot Ladies Ready to Wear Trimmed Q$ HATS, excellent value, worth $7 00, for.. 3 60 One Lot Ladies Ready to Wear Trimmed HATS, beautiful indeed, our own produc- tion,the very latest and the most artistic 7 .60 known to fashion, from $t 00 to............ Y We have'every imaginable shape from which you may make selections, and we will trim to your entire satisfaction at the ABOVE CUT PRICES, or refund your money. We are also offering for the next twenty days I lot Shirt Waists, 35c to 60c. I lot " " 50c to 75c. I lot "' " 75c to 81.50. 1 1 lot Silk Shirt Waists, 81.50 to $4.50. 1 lot Skirts, 75c, and $1.50 to $6.00. Every article above mentioned is worth more at wholesale in any market in the world. If you should ask us how and why we are mnaking these prices, we'll tell you that we want to sell them, and we will do it or wreck the government. In fact we are going to need room for our Spring Stock, a part of which is already bought. Well tell you more about it after a while. Allow us thank you for your patronage since our establish- mient here. We are, yours to please, THE FURLOVVW MILLINERY CO., Miss Annie E. Hadnot, Manager. kRadi t10 thl NOW Ycar. Your wants for the New Year will continue to come to the front just as they have in the past, and you always want to know where yon can get the most goods for your money. Now Don't Walt'! until the weather is bad. and tLeLn have to hustle around and get what you need. It it is Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes, Notions or Groceries, you can get what you want at rock bottom figures from A. W. LEWIS, CoDlfax, La. FRE lALk Sr IMEL E ' A Seeds i Y C , ;icO' Notices of Fnad Proof. land oBe at New Oreans, La.. D rebeer IT, slU. Notice is heb j aa that the followl-g-nam- ed settler has led notisu of his intention to make inal proof in support of his claim and that sid proof will be made before E. S. Mar. roll. U. S. Commissioner, at Ad., La., on Feb. 13, 190, via: JOHN W. PLEDGER, H. E. No. 19,99 . for Lots 6 and 7. and east half of southwest quarter, section 6, township 8 north range I west, La. Mr. He names the following witneesre to prove his c.'tinaoea residence upon and cultivation of said land. vin: . J. NagLnt, J. D. Johns, M. C. Nugent, and O. . ( •ynes, all of Iatt peetaolo. La. Jana WALTER L COHEN, Register. Lend Odse at New Orleans. La..I December 11, l02. , Notice is hereby given bhat the followinga•am- ed settler has lied nnotice of his intention to make fnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before James J. O'Quinn Clerk of Distriot Co. t, at Colfax, La, on February 14, 1901, via: JASPER R BLACKSHEAR, H. . No. S,054, for the south half of south half of section 18. township 9 north, range I west. He names the following witaesees to prove his contianuos residence apon and orltivation of said land, vis. John W. Ullmer. Green B. Trary, Eli Townsenod and J. A. Blackhear of Zion, La. JanI WALTER L COHEiR. Register. SMoney Saved is Money Made And the way to save money is to continue dealing at the COLFAX BARGAIN STORE. Our motto is qnuik sales and smalji profits. We are gettin in freh ds daily and handle nothing but the BEST QUALITIE, and have a " strong line to offer to the public. We carry a good line of Stoves, Orockery. Glass Ware, Tin Ware, Cutlery, Feed Stuff and SEED OT'1S. A choice line of Family Grocer- Die, Dry Goods and Notions. Ladies' and Genta' Furnish- ingsl a specialty. Also handle the Celebrated BOND, S LONE JACK and DIXIE GIRL lines of shors--every pair guaranteed. Our prices and qualities ta'k for them- selves. All toods bought from the Colfax Bargain Store DELIVERED any whore in town or to the ferry landing " FREE OF CHARGE. We thank the public for their hberal patronage, and .epecially invite them to examine " our stock before making winter purchases. J. W. DUNCAN. Proprietor. The Standard " Excellence O 1 Keep what is wanted, B ell at reasonable ratehs. Believing that most customers prefer to patroniae the Store which is known to be SHeadquart6rs tort EruthbnO O0We keep on hand a Fall Stock along all lines, and sell all our Goods at a reasonable margin of profit-rememberinr that a customer fairly treated will come again. Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Notions, Clothing, Underwear for Ladies and Gentlemen. Boys and Girls, Groceries, Hardware, Cut- lery, Crockery, Glass and Tinware. harness, Bridles and Sad- dies, Furniture. Farming Implements. Etc. J. H. MONEELY, At the Big Brick Store, Colfax, La. for Sale , There Valuable town I oto ,. buy Near the Railroad Depot. Parties wishing to buy Business Lots in the town of Colfax, near the Depot of the Red - River Valley Railroad, can do so by calling at the office of G. H. MeKnight & Co., Real Es- tate Agents, Colfax, La., who will take pleas- ure in showing Map and Plat of Survey made by R. E. McKnight for he undersigned. J. H. M ICN ELY. San going to tqe 6"4fondike"' •arber tYhop. R. t. `Watt., ,wro rto,. WHEN YOU WANT. A .Yaar Cut, Sha•poo, JhAe, or Seartd Vriamred, Go to the "Klondike" Barber Shop. Qentrally Located. Shop In HOTEL LeSAGE. J. H. AlcNEELY. President. J. H. WILLIAMS. 1st Vice-Prt. EAIIL ROBERTK. Cashier. J. W. BOLTON, 2d Vice-Prest., J.C. MCKNIIHT. Aeast. Cushler. IBank of Colfax, S- Colfax, La. Capital, $15,000. Deposits, $75,000. lassue Bank Exchange avaIlatble anywhere In the Untted State., Cheaper thn Mwoney Orders. (Collection facilities aunaur- passed. Fire prol vault, Hcrew door safe with Tripple Tlime Lock for the protec . tion of deposttora. Board of Dlrectors. J. 1. McNeely, . H. Teal. J'. W. Bolton. H. H. Youree. T. C. Bush, .. ray,G. H. MeKnight,, J. H. Wllhamn, Earl .. obots. l.. Old W•he p....e, The BELLE OF LOUISI- or Me.domel end G...*l, ANA is our Own Orig- P"R'" inal Brand, and is PROPOSITION We will send you Four Full Quars guaranteed absolutely of VIRGINIA MOUNTAIN RYE WEISKEY Pure and Six Years Old. for S.20 Expess Prepid. This is the finest Six We ship in plain padcages,nomar)ks Year Old Rye ever drank to Indicate contents. and cannot be duplicated When you receive and test it, if not for less than b4e uc. entirely satisfactory return it at our for less than $.oo. expense and we win return your money. Remember Four Full Such whiskey cannot be bought else- Uarts, Express Prepaid where for less than $5.0. 2.7 . - EFERl•dM s Cemmeselal M~s asl or a Seem eams I aM se a p a t ie STIEN WULMSMa sa SIa T TO TIE te MUER KAUFMlAN & iYER, - UIEVEPORT, LA. 1'e Old Standard Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic has stood the test, 5 years. Average annual sles over Oan and a Half Million bottles. Does this reord of mmit appeal to you ? No Ca, NTo Pay. seW sI y . evIa llyely a ITecan CIA Pahpl"r covo C it 1 1940

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0it aolfafr Qbronitet.-. p

SATURDAY, JAN. 10. 1908,


Our locals have to give place this Cweek to official business.

Mr. Chas. Tumminello is the happy 3father of a girl baby, born January2,1901. s

Mr. M. -1Ginsburg, Sr., is here, and FInforms us that he expects to make IColfax his home for the future. S

Dr. C. M. Harris and Mr. Dewitt yDuncan. of Welchton, came up onTuesday and spent the day as guests Iof Mr. J. W. Dluncan. F

Little Pearl Jeter. aged seven. gave 9a birthday party last Tuesday, Jan-uary 6th, to which she invited a large Inumber of her playmates.

No equal on earth has Hunt's Light- Qning Oil for rheumatism and neuralgia, cas well as sprains, cuts, burns, bruises, Iand insect bites and stings. Guaranteed.Price 25 and 50 cents.

You cannot afford to trifle with a Icough. It may result in some serious ifnot fatal malady. Take time by the fore- Ilock and use Simmons' Cough Syrup.Guaranteed. Pnce 25 and 50 cents.

Parents do not neglect your children'scoughs, sore throats, colds, etc., they of-ten lead to fatal results. Try Simmons'cough syrup. Pleasant, safe and sure.Guaranteed. Price 25 and 50 cents.

An enjoyable "spider web andswapping party" was given at theresidence of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Cam-eron last Thursday night. Chocolateand cake refreshments were served toabout thirty guests.

For a bad taste in the mouth take afew doses of Chamberlain's Stomach andLiver Tablets. Price 25 cents. War-ranted to cure. For sale by J. H. Me-Neely, Colfax; and Bush & RBandolph, tFairmount.

Cmear Conquered BritainMalaria was conquered by Simmons'

Lives Purifier (tin box.) Protected frommoisture, dust and insects. Clears thecomplexion, cures constipation, aids andcorrects action of the liver.

Prof. J. N. Warner and Miss SallieTorry, of the Pollock high school,were married last week. Also Mr.O. H. Nugent and Mrs. Phenie Terralwere united In marriage. We con-gratulate them and wish them suc-

sees and happlneas.

Messrs. A. A. Dean, C. W. Williams.lRchard Newton and - Walker, jury

eomissioners, were in Colfax on the8th, for the purpose of drawing ajury for the next term of court, butthe day being a legal holiday theydecided not to draw the jury.

We failed to announce that at thedrawing for the big doll put on theChristmas tree by Easterbrook & Co.,the lucky number was held by Mr. J.P. Keleoe, who was duly presentedwith the handsome gift by SantaClans, In the person of Capt. Teal.

Miss Lina and Mirss Gertrude Good-wyn, after spending the holidays athome, will leave this evening for NewOrleans, to finish their short-handcourse at the Soule Commercial Col-lege. Having remunerative employ-ment for several months, they will goto night school and attend to busi-nees matters in the day time.

Ticket No. 232 Gets the Doll.We have been requested by Mr. B. C.

Woodruff, manager of the CrescentDrug Store, to announce that thetickets on the doll at their store haveall been taken up, and that the oneentitling the holder to the doll is No.232. The lucky person will pleasepresent his or her ticket and claimthe doll.

One Hujdred Dollars a Boxis the value B.A. 'tiedale, Summerton,8.& 0., places on DeWitt's Witch HauelSalve. He says: "I had the piles for 20years. I tried many doctors and medi-lass, but all failed except DeWitt's

WKch amnl Salve. It cured me." It isb sehmbination of the bealinag properties

tof Wih Hasel with santiseptic and em-nliotM; relieves and permanently curesblind, blseding, itching and protrudingpiles, sores, cuts, bruises, ecsema, saltrheum and all skin diseases. J. A. Hyde.

Uneonsnelous From Croup.Dortlngr a sudden and terrible attack

el woep oar littla girl was unoonsclousfrem stran.latso says A. L. Sta.brd.

.C est, MiaD. nd a dose of One MIln.ate . Oure was administered and

ratdten. It reduced the swellingdlnammatlon, out the muees and

boetly the hekild was resting easy andUy recovered. It cures counghs,

ei griippe, and all throat oand lungtrubles. One Minute Cough Cure ling-re in the throat and chest and enables

the lungs to contribute pure. health-gir-ing oxygen to the blood. J. A. Hyde.

U. 8. Specal Agent 8. S. Matherewas in Colfax last Monday and Teas-day, to Take testlmony in the home-stead eontest cases of E. 8. Murrell.F. P. Tillman and Miss Charlotte A.Long. The first named was dismie-ed. te bringingof the contest havingbees utterly erroneous. Mr. Murrellhas had a good deal of annovanuce inthe matter, but we are glad to knowbe has come out all right Testimo-ny in the other eases was taken be-fot Clterk J.J. O'Quinn and forward-ed to the department authorities formriew. Mr. H. P. Long and MissCharlotte, his daughter, of Wlnnfleld,J. A. O'Shee, of Alexandria, E.S. Mur-eil, of Ada. W. P. G(uynes, of Pollock.

and a large number of witnesses andpersona Interested were present thetwo day. of the trials.

The crowned beads of every nation,The rich men, poor men and misersAll jdin in paying tribute toDeWitt's Little Early Risers.H. Williams, San Antonio, Tex., writes:

Little Early Riser Pills are the best Iever used in my family. I unhesitate-lly recommaend them to everybody.

ears constipation, billiousness,sLk headaehe, torpid liver, jaundice,malamtra ad all otherlivertrouble. J.A.

DIlocated Her Shoulder.Mr. Johanna 8oderholm, of Fergus

Falls, Mian.. fell and dislocated hearshd•lder. She had a surgeon get it backin. lanaces soon as poesible, but it wasqte sor6o and pained her very mnucb.Hsr eon m eationed that he had sten

amber~b an'. Pain Balm advertised forsuts and soreness, and she ansaked him

Sb•py her a bottle of it, which he did.It uehiy relieved her and enabled hertoie• e which she had not dome for ver-sea , b se ai was swemush pleased

Swishth, t b tlgavehism ether that he

Treasurer's Report.The following Is the treasurer's re-

port of the condition of the public U

school fund Dec. 31, 1902, vie: UWm. Lacrolx. parish treasurer, debt- ei

or to Grant parish school fund for itquarter ending Iec. 81, 1902. 81

OENERAL AcOUNT. POn hand last report 7688 90 PLicenses received..... 4 75Polls received.......... 690 8030 per cent Tax Col.

Sept. settlement... 35 51Special tax diet. 9.... 2 24Fines from tax col.. 194 40State Treas. check... 328 52Special tax diet. 9... 52 46 oSpecial tax diet. 13.. 8 79 81Special tax diet. 14.. 9 98Polls received.......... 897 10Licenses received..... 7 13 tlFines received......... 635 76 m30 l Boyce ferry.... 131 25 ,30 0o Oct. set'ment.. 405 2720 oI Nov. set'ment. 855 08 o

Polls received.......... 141 55 oLicenses received..... 7 13 tSpecial tax diet. 9 .. 44 46Special tax diet. 1.. 5 18Special tax dist. 14.. 789Draft to abolish In-

stitute fund.......... 11 10-10485 25 4CREDITS. ia

Disbursement as per avouchers.. ......... 2858 35 a

Treas. commlession.. 71 45- 2929 80 aBalance on hand......... 7555 45 a

STATEMENT BY DITRICTS.Ward One, district 1.

On hand last report ..............$1099 95 rAmount disbursed since......... 808 25

Balance on hand......... 296 70 dRock Hill, district 2.

On hand last report.......... 1107 89Amount disbursed since......... 120 00 h

Balance on hand............. 987 39iProspect, district 3. d

Balance on hand................. 227 11 aFlagon, district 4. e

On hand last report.......... 456 80 f5Amount disbursed since......... 88 50

Balance on hand.............. 368 30Clear Creek, district 5.

On hand last report......... 24 94Amount disbursed since......... 118 00

Overdrawn ................... 93 06Beulah, district 6.

On hand last report.......... 413 21Amount disbursed since......... 60 00

Balance on hand........... 853 21Oak Grove, district 7.

Balance on hand.................... 81 88Big Creek, district 8 c

On hand list report.......... 27 88Amount disbursed snce......... 80 00

Overdrawn .................... 2 12Pollock, district 9.

On hand last report... 187 41Amt. sp-clal tax ........ 90 16-286 57Amount iisburned since......... 215 00

Balaice on hand........... 71 57Friendship, distrlet 10.

On hand last report........... 135 74 eAmount disbursed since......... 90 00

Balance on hand.............. 45 74Salem. district 11.

Balance on hand.................. 42 72 tBlack Creek, district 12.

On hand last report............ 194 14Amount disbursed since......... 80 00

Balance on hand............ 114 14 14Liberty Chapel, district 13.

On hand last report... 84 54Amt. special tax........ 18 7-- 48 51

Balance on hand........... 48 51Fish Creek. district 14.

On hand last report... 120 50Amt. special tax ........ 17 87-138 87

Balance on hand........... 188 87Little Creek. district 15.

Balance on hand.................... 8371 46Christian Hope, district 16.

On hand last report ......... 423 74Amount disbursed since......... 225

Balance on hand........ 198 74Tison, district 17.

Balance on hand.................... 668 49St. Andre. distrIct 18.

Balance on hand................. 580 94Summerfield, district 19.

On hand last report .............. 474 88Amount disbursed since ......... 60 00

Balance on hand........... 414 33Eureka, district 20.

Balance on hand................. 188 77I Montgomery, district 21.

On hand last report............... 70 25Amount disbursed since......... 340 00

SOverdrawn...................... 2609 75SDunn, dlsttrct 22.

SOn hand hlast report............... 189 48Amount disebursed since......... 20 00

Balance on hand........... 169 48Harglis, district 23.

On hand lastreport........ . 67 58Amount disbursed since........ 5 25

Balane on hand.............. 62 28New Hope, district I4.

m On hand last report........... 197 32

Amount disbursed since......... 600 00Balance on hand.............. 187 82

1 Iatt, district 25.

On hand last report............... 24 66Amount disbursed since........ 5 00

Balance on hand.............. 259 66SCreed, district 28.

Balance on hand.................... 619 06SShell Point, district 27.

- Balance on hand................... 48 57Nugent, district 28.

On hand last report............... 62Amount disbursed since......... 80 00

Balance on hand.............. 06 62Harmony, district 29.

Balance on hand.................... 75 80Sless, district 80.

SOn hand last report.............. 191 85I Amount disbursed since......... 90 00

S Balance on hand........... 101 85College Hill, distrlet 81.

On hand last report.............. 72 00SAmount disbursed since......... 210 00

r Overdrawn ...................... 138 00

Contingent Fund.SAmt received from pro ration 2715 85Overdrawn last qr..... 1850 18SDisbursement............. 15 85Treas. com................. 71 45-2079 98

Balance on hand.............. 65 87

My friend, are you suffering from ansoypifatnl and annoying skin disease, suchas ringworm, tetter, ecsmna or anythingsimilar? If so, Just try one box of Hunt's:Cure. Never fails. Guaranteed. Price

I50 cents.

few Century COomfort.Millions are daily fuding a world of

comfort in Bucklen's Aroica Salve. Itkills pain from b•r•s, salds, eats, brui-m; e',oquers ulcers and fever more; cureseruptions, smit rheum, boibs and felons;removes corns sod wart. Best pile creon earth. Only 25e at Crescet Drug

Store, Colfax; and Bush & Randolph,k Fairmount.

A Smlenttflc I~tcovery.SKodol doss for the stomach that whkh

r it is unable to do for itself, even whoes but slightly disordeued or over.-lo6dd.I. Kodol supplies the natural jious of dl-

r gestioo and does theworkofthestomeach- relaxing the nervous toneion, whi• theSinflamed musolesk of that o are al-a lowed to rest ad heL. Koodi a- what you eat ad enabla tihe etm

:; and digesti ergaes to dtrasier aSed oe ridc onm bood ~A. Ep,.

Big Sheriff's Settlement.The settlement of Sheriff Swafford -

his week, for taxes collected duringbe month of December, is the largestrer made in Grant parish. The mems are as follows: lb

tate taxes............. $ 7,320 99 1o'arish taxes................ 12.201 65'oll taxes................... 515 00 reebhool tax, district 9......... 1,094 05chool tax, district 18....... 111 25 pchool tax, district 14....... 199 85 i

Total ........................... $21,442 79 ofThe above amounts have been paid -

ver to the parish treasurer, less theherifs commission, and the schoolInds are yet to be apportioned to aShe respective districts. By the state-lent of school funds In another col- N

mn it will be seen that the amount aI cash on hand December 31st was t7,556 45. Thissettlementpot sonie- eihing over four thousand dollarsenore in the school fund. L

The Secret of Long LifeConsists in keeping all the main organst the body in healthy, regular action,

ad in quickly destroying deadly diseaseerms. Electric Bitters regulate stom-ch, liver and kidneys, purify the blood,nd give a splendid appetite. They workronders in curing kidney troubles, fe- anale complaints, nervous diseases, con-tipation, dyspepsis, and malaria. Vigo.

ous health and strength always followbeir use. Only SOC, guaraniteed by Cres- aent Drug Store, Colfax; Bush & Ban.lolph, Fairmount. t

"The nicest and pleasantest medlicine I Iiave used for indigestion and oonstipa-

ion is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver crablets," says Melard F. Craig, of Mid.llegrove, N. Y. "They work like a charmInd do not gripe or have any unpleasant (

ffect." For sale by J. H. McNeely, Col-az; Bush & Randolph, Fairmount.

Grist Mill for Sale. f

A 26-inch Coleman Grist Mill. Will fnell very cheap or trade for lumber.


jan10 Kateland Plantation.

Notice to License Payers.I am now prepared to issue Stateand Parish Licenses to the trades and

professionsfor the year 1903. All per-sons who have licenses to pay for the:urrent year will please settle at onceand save costs and penalties.

This January 9th, 1903.M. E. 8WAFFORD,

Sheriff and Tax Collector.

Notices of Final Proof.

Land Oce at Natchitorbes La.,Dec. 5, 190.

Notieo is hereby given that thefollowing-nam.id settler has fe notice of hie intention tomake final proof in support of his claim, andthat maid proof will be made before Clerk DI.-rot Court, at Colfax, La., on January 17, 1903,ris: H. E. No. mTP.

RANDOLPH J. CHELETTE,for the west half of the northeast quarter andthe north half of the southeast quarter mectioc6 township 8 north, range 4 west, La. mer.

e names the following witanases to prove hisnontinaoea residence pon and cultivation ofpaid land, vis: Onora Duboise, Oscar Duboise,

R B. Chelette, J. M. Sharbino all of Redemp.ion, La. J. ERNESTf BRIEDA,

deal Register.

Lead Omer at New Orleans. La.,January a 1903.

Notice is hereby given that the following-nam.ed settler haskled notice of his intention to makefinal proof in support of his claim. and that saidproof will be made before Clerk District Court.at Colfax, La.. on Feb 12. I903, via: -

PERROLL JOHNNETTE,for the fractonal northwest quarter of section38. township 8 north, range west.

e names the followin witnesses to prove hiscontinuous residene upon and cultivation ofmaid land, viz: J.'. Thomrn , J. .Thomp-son. Plaecide La•meone, and Wlliam Bllio, all

of Viles poetofee ila.Jan10 WALTER L COHEN. aisleter.

Land Oee at New Orlease, La..lJanuary 7. 1906.

Notice s hereby given that tbefollowi•g-namedsettler has sled otiee of his lntentlon to makeSasl proof na eappnrt of his claim, and that saidproeof 1i be made before E. 8. Murrell. U. a.Com-mimitoner. at Ada. La.. on Feb. 17, 1908, vis:

CALVIN N. BOYrTT.H. E. 5,0es. for the aorthwest quarter of south-

west quarter. section 4, townashlp 7 north, rangeI west. La. Mer.

land, via: James rr, . F. Brliter. Henry John-eon. Thom

uas Wlllett. a of Black Creek. La.

lanle WALTER L. COHEN, Rgiter.


U. 8. Land Offe, New Orlans. La.,January 2.1606.

iA ueieut eoatest affdsvit having been fledin this office by Chas. Gillette, oonatotant.eainst John 8. Snders. entry No. 19,0N, madeApril 11, 15, for the north haf of the orthwestqearte., ection .4, townmehip aort. range 2wes La. r., b John 8. 8anders, contetee. inwhich it is alleed that mad John 8. Sander hastotally abmndoned mid entry and chanaed hi.ridence theretrom, has not raeided upon andcltivated said entry as reqaired by law. Saidparties are hereby nottlel to appear retpond_ad ofer evidence touching maid allegation at 10

o~'elock a. m. on Februarr II. 1950. hefore Ja. J.O'Qinn, clerk of court. at Colfa. Ira.. and thatinal hearing will be held at 10 o'elock a. m. on

Pebrmuary I. 9ISS. before the Regiter and Re-eiver at the United State Land Olejn New

Orlese. La.The mid montetant haviag, in a proper ada-

vit filed December S 105, set forth ftact whichahow that after due diligence peruoal servia of

tbhis notiee can not be made, it is hereby orderedand directed ,bhat such notio be given by dueand proper publiation.

CHARLEB P. JOHNSTON.J•anl0 Receiver.

SHERIFF BALE.Thirteenth Judicial District Court, Par-

ish of Grant, La. No. 1~.21.A. E. Hotard vs. Geo. and Mary Andre.

By virtue of a writ of seisure and saleirsued out of the honorable 13th Judicialdistrict court in the above numbered andentitled suit, and to me directed, I haveseized and will ofer for sale between the

usual hours for judicial msales, at theprincipal front door of the court housein Coltax, La.. on

SATURDAY, JAN. 31, 1908,the following described property, seisedas the property of defendants, viz:100 acres of land, described as follows:

Beginning at a point on the ban! of Redriver at the mouth of the Bayou Nan-tachie, run north until it strikes the sec-tion line, thence running a sufficient dis-tance to contain one hundred and sixt!y

acresof land, thence south until it strikesthe bayou Nantachie, thence along saidbayou to the point of beginning, being inece. 8, tp 7 n, range 4 weat, Grant parish.La Being known as the George Andreplace, situated about 12 miles above thetown of Colfax, and besin the same tractof land heretofore purehasedl from V. G.Cunningham by Mary Andre, and soldby George and Mary Andre to A. E. Ho-tard, and by Hotard to these defendants.

Terms of sale--Cah with benefit of sp-praisement. M. E. SWAFFORD,

8heriff of Grant parish, Ia,SDec. 26, 1903.

R8 Reward.St-raed from my place on Boggy

Bayou, 1 mile above Colfax, aboutDec. 1st, one black homrse, about 13hands high, branded on rlght bip, butdon't remember blind, knot on backcaused from set fast, white hind feet.Also one light sorrel mare, about 18hands high, no brand, blase faceor-

el manesaa d tal, tal cut smooth andvery short

Will pay p reward for return tome or ltuormatios leading to theirsovery. WV.*Y WILIJAMB.

434mgss* Coelh, La.

Notle's of Final Proof.

Land Ofee at Natobitoehes. La.,December 5 190!L

Notoe is hrebry iven that thefolbowng-nam-ed settler has fled notiee of his intention tomake final proof in support of his elaim andthat sidproof will be made before Clerk of theDistrietCourt, at Colfax, La, on January 17,1918, vis: H. S. 84,7

LUTHER 0. O'NEAL,for the northeast quarter of the southeast quar-tr, sec. 30, township 0 north range 4 west, La.meridian He names the foowing witnesses toprove his continuous residence upon and eolt•ration of said land, via: Andrew Lemoine. Wil.liam II. Dyson, Leo Sellers, Dock W. O'Neal, allof Montgomery La.,

dec15 j. ERNEST BRIEDA, Resister.

Land Ofce at ew Orlean L.,December S, IOOL

Notice is hereby gives that the following-nam.ed settler has filed notice of his intention to makefinal proof in support of his claim and that saidproof will be made before Clerk Distriet Court,at Colfax, Ia., on January 17, 1906, via: H. E.No. 6101.

JOSEPH BALLIO,for the ouothwest quarter of the northwest quar.ter of section . township 7 north, range 4 west.

He names the following witnesses to prove hiscontinuous reesidece upon and caltivation osaid land, via: James W. Sasfield, Peter San.son, C. W. William, F. S. DukBois. all of Vila,a.3 J. ELRNEST BRIEDA,•eel$ "?aeT~t


I have opened up a first-class Laundry in Colfax, and will appreciatehe patronage of the public. My work Is done by hand, and your clothesnill not be ruined or lost. Satisfaction guaranteed.


TUFF8, per palr, ac HANDKERCHIEFS, 2%ceJNDERSHIRTS, 5c LINEN SUITS. 65c)RAWERS. 5c Prices quoted on application forSOCKS, 1 pair, 5c LACE CURTAINS and FAMILY

IOCKS, 3 pairs, 10c WASHING.


Front Street, - - - - Colfax, La.

Ordand 61aarlng Sale.We will sell for the next twenty days

One Lot Ladies Ready to Wear Trimmed 25HATS, worth $1 25, for..........................

One Lot Indies Ready to Wear Trimmed 75cHATS, worth $2 25, for..........................

One Lot Ladies Ready to Wear Trimmed $1.50HATS, worth $3 75, for ....................... .

One Lot Ladies Ready to Wear Trimmed 2 $ 50HATS, worth $5 00 everywhere, for...... *

One Lot Ladies Ready to Wear Trimmed Q$HATS, excellent value, worth $7 00, for.. 3 60One Lot Ladies Ready to Wear TrimmedHATS, beautiful indeed, our own produc-tion,the very latest and the most artistic 7 .60known to fashion, from $t 00 to............ Y

We have'every imaginable shape from which you may makeselections, and we will trim to your entire satisfaction at theABOVE CUT PRICES, or refund your money.

We are also offering for the next twenty days

I lot Shirt Waists, 35c to 60c.I lot " " 50c to 75c.I lot "' " 75c to 81.50. 11 lot Silk Shirt Waists, 81.50 to $4.50.1 lot Skirts, 75c, and $1.50 to $6.00.

Every article above mentioned is worth more at wholesalein any market in the world.

If you should ask us how and why we are mnaking these prices,we'll tell you that we want to sell them, and we will do it orwreck the government. In fact we are going to need roomfor our Spring Stock, a part of which is already bought.

Well tell you more about it after a while.Allow us thank you for your patronage since our establish-mient here. We are, yours to please,

THE FURLOVVW MILLINERY CO.,Miss Annie E. Hadnot, Manager.

kRadi t10 thl NOW Ycar.Your wants for the New Year will continue to cometo the front just as they have in the past, and youalways want to know where yon can get the mostgoods for your money.

Now Don't Walt'!until the weather is bad. and tLeLn have to hustlearound and get what you need. It it is Clothing,Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes, Notions or Groceries, youcan get what you want at rock bottom figures from

A. W. LEWIS, CoDlfax, La.



i Y C , ;icO'

Notices of Fnad Proof.

land oBe at New Oreans, La..D rebeer IT, slU.

Notice is heb j aa that the followl-g-nam-ed settler has led notisu of his intention tomake inal proof in support of his claim andthat sid proof will be made before E. S. Mar.roll. U. S. Commissioner, at Ad., La., on Feb.13, 190, via:

JOHN W. PLEDGER,H. E. No. 19,99 . for Lots 6 and 7. and east halfof southwest quarter, section 6, township 8 northrange I west, La. Mr. He names the followingwitneesre to prove his c.'tinaoea residence uponand cultivation of said land. vin: . J. NagLnt,J. D. Johns, M. C. Nugent, and O. . ( •ynes,all of Iatt peetaolo. La.

Jana WALTER L COHEN, Register.

Lend Odse at New Orleans. La..IDecember 11, l02. ,

Notice is hereby given bhat the followinga•am-ed settler has lied nnotice of his intention tomake fnal proof in support of his claim, andthat said proof will be made before James J.O'Quinn Clerk of Distriot Co. t, at Colfax, La,on February 14, 1901, via:

JASPER R BLACKSHEAR,H. . No. S,054, for the south half of south halfof section 18. township 9 north, range I west.

He names the following witaesees to prove hiscontianuos residence apon and orltivation ofsaid land, vis. John W. Ullmer. Green B. Trary,Eli Townsenod and J. A. Blackhear of Zion, La.

JanI WALTER L COHEiR. Register.

SMoney Saved is Money MadeAnd the way to save money is to continue dealing at theCOLFAX BARGAIN STORE. Our motto is qnuik salesand smalji profits. We are gettin in freh ds daily andhandle nothing but the BEST QUALITIE, and have a

" strong line to offer to the public. We carry a good line ofStoves, Orockery. Glass Ware, Tin Ware, Cutlery, FeedStuff and SEED OT'1S. A choice line of Family Grocer-Die, Dry Goods and Notions. Ladies' and Genta' Furnish-

ingsl a specialty. Also handle the Celebrated BOND,S LONE JACK and DIXIE GIRL lines of shors--everypair guaranteed. Our prices and qualities ta'k for them-selves. All toods bought from the Colfax Bargain StoreDELIVERED any whore in town or to the ferry landing

" FREE OF CHARGE. We thank the public for theirhberal patronage, and .epecially invite them to examine "our stock before making winter purchases.

J. W. DUNCAN. Proprietor.

The Standard

" ExcellenceO 1 Keep what is wanted,

B ell at reasonable ratehs.

Believing that most customers prefer to patroniae the Storewhich is known to be

SHeadquart6rs tort EruthbnOO0We keep on hand a Fall Stock along all lines, and sell all ourGoods at a reasonable margin of profit-rememberinr that acustomer fairly treated will come again. Dry Goods, Bootsand Shoes, Hats, Notions, Clothing, Underwear for Ladiesand Gentlemen. Boys and Girls, Groceries, Hardware, Cut-lery, Crockery, Glass and Tinware. harness, Bridles and Sad-dies, Furniture. Farming Implements. Etc.

J. H. MONEELY,At the Big Brick Store, Colfax, La.

for Sale , There

Valuable town I oto ,. buy

Near the Railroad Depot.Parties wishing to buy Business Lots in the

town of Colfax, near the Depot of the Red -

River Valley Railroad, can do so by calling atthe office of G. H. MeKnight & Co., Real Es-tate Agents, Colfax, La., who will take pleas-ure in showing Map and Plat of Survey madeby R. E. McKnight for he undersigned.


San going to tqe

6"4fondike"' •arber tYhop.R. t. `Watt., ,wro rto,.


.Yaar Cut, Sha•poo, JhAe,or Seartd Vriamred,

Go to the "Klondike" Barber Shop. Qentrally Located.


J. H. AlcNEELY. President.J. H. WILLIAMS. 1st Vice-Prt. EAIIL ROBERTK. Cashier.J. W. BOLTON, 2d Vice-Prest., J.C. MCKNIIHT. Aeast. Cushler.

IBank of Colfax,S- Colfax, La.

Capital, $15,000. Deposits, $75,000.lassue Bank Exchange avaIlatble anywhere In the Untted State.,

Cheaper thn Mwoney Orders. (Collection facilities aunaur-passed. Fire prol vault, Hcrew door safe with

Tripple Tlime Lock for the protec .tion of deposttora.

Board of Dlrectors.J. 1. McNeely,

. H. Teal. J'. W. Bolton. H. H. Youree. T. C. Bush,.. ray,G. H. MeKnight,, J. H. Wllhamn, Earl .. obots.

l.. Old W•he p....e, The BELLE OF LOUISI-or Me.domel end G...*l, ANA is our Own Orig-

P"R'" inal Brand, and isPROPOSITION

We will send you Four Full Quars guaranteed absolutelyof VIRGINIA MOUNTAIN RYE WEISKEY Pure and Six Years Old.for S.20 Expess Prepid. This is the finest Six

We ship in plain padcages,nomar)ks Year Old Rye ever drankto Indicate contents. and cannot be duplicated

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Such whiskey cannot be bought else- Uarts, Express Prepaidwhere for less than $5.0. 2.7 .

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Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonichas stood the test, 5 years. Average annual slesover Oan and a Half Million bottles. Does this reordof mmit appeal to you ? No Ca, NTo Pay.

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