09d transform & conquer spring2015

Transform & Conquer

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Post on 11-Aug-2015




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Page 1: 09d transform & conquer spring2015

Transform & Conquer

Page 2: 09d transform & conquer spring2015

Algorithms based on the idea of transformation

Transformation stage

Problem instance is modified to be more amenable to solution

Conquering stage

Transformed problem is solved

Major variations are for the transform to perform:

Instance simplification

Different representation

Problem reduction

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Instance Simplification

Reducing the Problem to a Simpler One



Gaussian Elimination

Search Trees

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Pre Sorting

Presorting is an old idea, you sort the data

and that allows you to more easily compute some answer

Some simple presorting examples

Element Uniqueness

Computing the mode of n numbers

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Element Uniqueness

Given a list A of n orderable elements, determine if there are any duplicates of anyelement

Brute Force: for each x є A for each y є {A – x} if x = y return not unique return unique

Presorting: Sort A for i ¬ 1 to n-1 if A[i] = A[i+1] return not unique return unique


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Computing a mode

A mode is a value that occurs most often in a list of numbers

e.g. the mode of [5, 1, 5, 7, 6, 5, 7] is 5 If several different values occur most often any of them can


max = max(A)

freq[1..max] = 0

for each x in A

freq[x] +=1

mode =freq[1]

for i = 2 to max

if freq[i] > freq[mode] mode =i

return mode

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Presort Computing Mode

Sort A

i = 0

modefrequency= 0

while i <= n-1

runlength = 1; runvalue = A[i]

while i+runlength <= n-1 and A[i+runlength] = runvalue

runlength += 1

if runlength > modefrequency


modevalue = runvalue

i+= runlength

return modevalue

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Representation Change

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Horner’s Rule For Polynomial Evaluation

Given a polynomial of degree n

p(x) = anxn + an-1xn-1 + … + a1x + a0

and a specific value of x, find the value of p at that point.

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Example: p(x) = 2x4 - x3 + 3x2 + x - 5 =

= x(2x3 - x2 + 3x + 1) - 5 =

= x(x(2x2 - x + 3) + 1) - 5 =

= x(x(x(2x - 1) + 3) + 1) - 5

Substitution into the last formula leads to a faster algorithm Same sequence of computations are obtained by simply arranging the coefficient in a table and proceeding as follows

coefficients 2 -1 3 1 -5

x=3 2*3 6-1 15+3 54+1 165-5

6 5*3 18*3 55*3

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Efficiency of Horner’s Rule: # multiplications = # additions = n

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Domain Change

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Finding LCM
