09 festival guidelines

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  • 8/14/2019 09 Festival Guidelines




    Young people are bombarded constantly with media messageson television, radio, movies,billboards, magazines, even clothingall telling them how they should look, what they should wear,who they should hang out with and what they should think. This is a chance to tell everyone what

    YOU think.

    Judging: A select panel of judges will consider all submissions (See judging criteria)Content and the ability to convey the chosen topic will be considered more importantthan the technical aspects of the video.

    Recognition: Student producers will receive a certificate of recognition.The top 8 productions will receive a cash prize.

    All winning entries will be featured on the festival website andlinked to the Action for Media Education website.

    Special Recognition: $150 will be presented to the school/organizationwith the most entries selected for screening at the festival.

    Deadline: Entries must be postmarked by April 17, 2009.Work must have been completed between March 2008 and April 2009.

    Topics: Advertising Alcohol, tobacco and other drugs Body Image

    Cultural Identity Education EnvironmentGlobal /Social Issues Health HeroesLove/Relationships Media PoliticsRacism Stereotyping ViolenceOther?

    Length: Your program may be up to 5 minutes long, including credits.

    Soundtrack: Students who use original soundtracks will receive extra consideration fromjudges.

    Appropriate: Our intended audience is students and their families. Videos depicting and promotinggratuitous violence, sex, drug and alcohol use, questionable language, dangerous orillegal activities will not be included in the festival.By "gratuitous" the festival uses the dictionary definition of the word meaning"unwarranted, unnecessary, not needed by the circumstances or not needed toaccomplish an end."

    Images of Youth 2009 Sponsored by:Video Festival Guidelines & Criteria 1

  • 8/14/2019 09 Festival Guidelines



    Copyright: While it is ok to use copyrighted materials in your video, you MUST sign thePermission/Release form that states that you have permission to use thematerial.

    Under copyright laws, all entries must get permission to use any copyrighted music,including popular tunes available on the Internet or audio recordings, or copyrighted

    images, from the copyright holder.

    ____ Are copyrighted music, sound recordings or images used in this video?

    ____ Who is the copyright holder?

    ____ Have you obtained permission from the copyright holder(s) to use copyrightedmaterial(s)?

    The following Web sites may be helpful in understanding and obtaining permission to usecopyrighted material:





    Format: Entries may be created in any video format but MUST be submitted on a standardplayable R format DVD. Playable DVD means it will play in a home DVD player.Many older DVD players will only play -R format DVDs. For additional technicalassistance, contact Cheryll Hidalgo at [email protected].

    One entry/ DVD-R: Entries must be submitted to one category only, one entry per disc, on aplayable -R format DVD.

    DVD-R discs must be labeled with video title, student producer's name and contactphone number. Write this information in Sharpie on the topside of the disc itself.

    Entry Form: A COMPLETED Entry Form MUST accompany your entry.

    Statement: Include, on the back of the Entry Form, up to a 100-word statement about the video.Describe your video and why you made it.

    Permission/ All student producers need to submit signed Permission/Release formswithRelease Form: each entry.

    Images of Youth 2009 Sponsored by:Video Festival Guidelines & Criteria 2

    http://www.copyrightkids.org/http://www.youthmediareporter.org/2007/11/using_media_fair_use_and_copyr.htmlhttp://www.centerforsocialmedia.org/resources/publications/code_for_media_literacy_educationhttp://www.centerforsocialmedia.org/resources/publications/code_for_media_literacy_educationhttp://www.halldavidson.net/chartshort.htmlmailto:[email protected]://www.copyrightkids.org/http://www.youthmediareporter.org/2007/11/using_media_fair_use_and_copyr.htmlhttp://www.centerforsocialmedia.org/resources/publications/code_for_media_literacy_educationhttp://www.centerforsocialmedia.org/resources/publications/code_for_media_literacy_educationhttp://www.halldavidson.net/chartshort.htmlmailto:[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 09 Festival Guidelines


  • 8/14/2019 09 Festival Guidelines




    Below are examples of different ways you can present your topic on video.You can also combine any of these examples e.g. create an animated documentary.

    Animation: Animation created on computer using CGI Tools such as Flash, Maya, etc. orhanddrawn or cell animation, cut-out animation, Claymation, or other 2d or 3d animationcreated using traditional stop motion techniques.

    Music Video: A film intended to interpret a piece of music. The music is used in its entirety, and theimages are edited to the music. Festival entries must include either original music ormust be accompanied by written permission to use copyrighted music. You can find

    royalty free music at several sites online including Royalty-free.tv.

    Art Film: Like music video, this category is open ended, using many different shooting andediting techniques, special effects and sound to express its context. Unlike musicvideo, its intention is not to interpret a piece of music. Rather, when music is used, itis used as one element among many to create a unified whole. Art films can exploreand expand the current limits of film language. Many techniques commonly used bymainstream filmmakers began as experiments by artists. Written copyrightpermission guidelines apply.

    Documentary: A production using techniques such as interviews, voice-over narration, and footage

    of actual events to explain or explore a real person, organization, program, event, orincident.

    News Feature: Not an entire news program, but an individual story on a specific event

    Commercial: A short commercial advertisement as on television or increasingly in movie theatres

    Anti-Ad: Funny or serious, anti-ads explicitly or implicitly question or comment on the contentand /or structure of commercial advertising.

    PSA: Like an advertisement a Public Service Announcement has a message, but it is non-commercial.

    Dramatic Narrative: Tells a dramatic, fictional story

    Comedic Narrative: Tells a comedic, fictional story

    Images of Youth 2009 Sponsored by:Video Festival Guidelines & Criteria 4
