08.ospf planning and design process

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  • 7/28/2019 08.OSPF Planning and Design Process


    Cisco CCNP ROUTE TrainingInstructor: Joe Rinehart, CCIE #14256

    OSPF Planning andDesign Process

    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    In This Lesson:

    Unique Characteristics of OSPF

    When OSPF is the Best Design Choice

    OSPF Planning Methodology

    Verification Plan for Implementation

    Implementation Steps

    Transitioning to OSPF from Another Protocol

    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    Unique Characteristics of OSPF

    1. Brief History of OSPF

    2. Link-State Protocol Characteristics

    3. Unique OSPF Features

  • 7/28/2019 08.OSPF Planning and Design Process


    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    Brief History of OSPFNeed for More Robust IGP

    IETF Formed OSPF Working Group in1988 to Replace RIP:

    Network size limitations

    Inability to choose higher bandwidthinterfaces/links

    Derived from Several Sources

    Bolt, Beranek, and Newman's (BBN)SPF algorithm for ARPANET (1978)

    Radia Perlmans research on faulttolerant broadcast of routing data(1988)

    BBNs Area Routing Work (1986)

    Early Version of OSI IS-IS ProtocolJohn Moy, OSPF:Anatomy of an Internet Routing Protocol(Reading Mass: Addison-Wesley, 1998)







    OSPF Working

    Group Formed

    OSPF V1PublishedFirst OSPF



    OSPF Demo at

    Interop 91

    OSPF V2





    OSPF V2

    UpdatedInternet Adopts



    OSPF V2


    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    Link-State Protocol Characteristics

    Formal Neighbor Relationships

    Hello packets sent for neighbor discoveryand maintenance

    Database synchronization and exchange

    Active tracking of neighbor state

    Link State (Topology) Database

    Constructed of information about activepaths (links) in the network

    All routers contain copies of the database

    Update Process

    Once database is built only changes sent When there is a change it is flooded

    Dijkstra algorithm used for calculation

    Network 1 Network 2

    Network 3 Network 4







    R3 LSA

    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    Link-State Protocol Characteristics

    Rapid Convergence

    Link-state database and path calculationprocess is rapid and very efficient

    Loop avoidance inherent in the protocol

    Higher CPU and memory utilization


    Greater amount of effort required inplanning and design process

    Configuration requires more work

    Vastly greater depth in routing logic andcomputation process

    Network 1 Network 2

    Network 3 Network 4







    R3 LSA

  • 7/28/2019 08.OSPF Planning and Design Process


    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    Unique OSPF Features

    Formal Hierarchy

    Ability to segment the network intomultiple section called areas

    Area 0 (Backbone) is required and allother areas must directly connect to it

    Flooding and route calculation is

    restricted within each area

    Route Summarization

    Support for aggregation/supernetting

    Configurable on a per-area basis

    Industry Standard Protocol

    Open designates OSPF as standard

    Implemented by every equipment vendor

    Network 1 Network 2

    Network 3 Network 4







    R3 LSA

    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    Unique OSPF Features

    Cost as Basis for Route Selection

    Bandwidth of interface assigned a cost

    Lowest cumulative cost to destinationnetwork makes for best route

    Different Network Types Supported

    Broadcast (e.g., Ethernet LAN)



    Point to Multipoint (Non)Broadcast

    Neighbor Types

    Designated Router (DR): Single peer onbroadcast network

    Backup DR: Secondary peer

    Network 1 Network 2

    Network 3 Network 4







    R3 LSA

    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    When OSPF is the Best Design Choice

    1. In Multi-Vendor Routing Environment

    2. For Scalability in Large Networks

    3. Design Principles for OSPF

  • 7/28/2019 08.OSPF Planning and Design Process


    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    When OSPF is the Best Design Choice

    In Multi-Vendor Routing Environment

    Routing and/or Layer 3 Switches Can Befrom ANY Equipment Manufacturer

    OSPF V2 (IPV4) and V3 (IPV6)assumed

    Open standard

    Vendor Support List (Partial)







    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    When OSPF is the Best Design Choice

    For Scalability in Large Networks

    OSPF can experience stuck-in-activeconditions in very large topologies

    Link State Database synchronization and

    flooding behavior limited to areas

    Address summarization in areas

    Fewer SPF calculations using areas

    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    When OSPF is the Best Design Choice

    Design Principles for OSPF

    Multi-Access Network Peering

    Routers establish one peeringrelationship (DR/BDR)

    Select and configure DR/BDR usingthe priority command

    Serial Interface Bandwidth

    OSPF also assumes 1.544 Mbps forany serial interface

    Use the bandwidth command to setthe actual value

    Remember that frame-relay isinherently a non-broadcast medium

  • 7/28/2019 08.OSPF Planning and Design Process


    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    When OSPF is the Best Design Choice

    Design Principles for OSPF

    Limit Number of Routers per Area

    Older documentation recommends 50

    Depends on a variety of factors:

    Type of area (stub, NSSA, etc.)

    Number of external LSAs

    How well other areas are/can besummarized

    CPU and memory available on thedevices

    Media type (LAN/Frame-Relay,


    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    When OSPF is the Best Design Choice

    Design Principles for OSPF

    Limit Number of Area Border Routers

    ABRs keep separate databases foreach area connected

    Also depends on a variety of factors

    Can be avoided by allocatingconnectivity to additional devices

    Goal is not to overload the ABR

    Summarize Addressing When Possible

    Design and use IP addressing that

    can be summarizedDeploy address summarization

    whenever practical and possible

    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    When OSPF is the Best Design Choice

    Design Principles for OSPF

    Carefully Choose Area Designs

    Avoid placing devices in area 0 unlesscritical to overall network operations

    Use redundant links betweenbackbone routers whenever possible

    Maintain consistency in designation oflabeling for areas

    Create a template for areas

    Avoid the use of virtual-links

    Try to anticipate growth in the designprocess

  • 7/28/2019 08.OSPF Planning and Design Process


    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    OSPF Planning Methodology

    1. General Network Design Principles

    2. High Level Design

    3. Pilot/Proof of Concept Testing

    4. Review and Verification Process

    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    OSPF Planning Methodology

    General Network Design Principles

    Start with REQUIREMENTS

    Know what the expectations are

    Be able to clearly explain theexpected outcomes

    Gather all of the facts

    Perform a physical site inspection

    Account for power, cabling, anddevice placement

    Know the availability and timeline of

    WAN circuitsAccount for any existing devices that

    require support

    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    OSPF Planning Methodology

    General Network Design Principles

    Document allASSUMPTIONS

    Financial (capital budget/operationalcosts)

    Who is responsible for what

    Expected time for design,implementation and testing

    Other people/organizations involved

    Ask questions for confirmation

    Get everything in writing and signedas confirmation

    Develop contingency plans

    Develop and stick to a project plan

  • 7/28/2019 08.OSPF Planning and Design Process


    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    OSPF Planning Methodology

    High Level Design

    Create High-Level Diagram(s)

    Site Locations

    Proposed equipment

    VLAN/LAN IP Addressing

    Wide Area Connection Links

    Routing protocol domains

    Develop a Bill of Materials (BOM)

    Equipment (type and quantity)

    Lead time/delivery dates

    SMARTnet Maintenance

    Staging logistics

    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    OSPF Planning Methodology

    High Level Design

    System-Wide IP Addressing Allocation

    Subnet, mask(s), equipment IPs

    Consistency in addressing

    Database of addresses and locations

    Reserved and unused rangesdocumented

    Ability to summarize contiguousranges of addresses

    Track usage/decommissioning of

    addresses within the pool(s) Turn the high-level plan into detailed

    plans after approvals

    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    OSPF Planning Methodology

    Pilot/Proof of Concept Testing

    When Implementing New Technologies, aPilot or Proof of Concept Trial is Advisable

    Technology: Wireless, Unified

    Communications, etc.

    Devices: New models/types of LANswitches, routers, etc.

    Acquisition: Business merger,telecommuter program, etc.

    Protocol: Change of routingprotocol, etc.

    Process: Changes the way thecompany is doing business (e.g.,replacing card payment systems)

  • 7/28/2019 08.OSPF Planning and Design Process


    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    OSPF Planning Methodology

    Pilot/Proof of Concept Testing

    Map Out a Testing Environment thatRepresents the Larger Project

    Scope: Subset of the number andtype(s) of sites

    Devices: Same type(s) of devices to

    be used in larger implementation

    Staging: Create a lab-centricminiature version of the network

    Testing Plan: Create a plan that willtest the limits and outcomes

    Reporting: Codify results andconclusions for use in the largerimplementation (lessons learned)

    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    OSPF Planning Methodology

    Review and Verification Process

    Involve as many competent people in theprocess of reviewing your designs anddocumentation

    Peers: Those in your department

    Experts: Individuals whose skills andexperience are greater than your own

    Critics: Carefully chosen peoplewhose evaluation is likely to beaccurate

    Superiors: Direct supervisor or

    department heads

    Others: Additional reviewers asneeded

    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    Implementation Steps

    1. Detailed Project Plan

    2. Device-Specific Configurations

    3. Verification Steps

  • 7/28/2019 08.OSPF Planning and Design Process


    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    Implementation Steps

    Detailed Project Plan

    Basic Document Format

    Identification of stakeholders

    Identification of roles andresponsibilities

    Timelines and milestones

    Communication plan

    Account for power, cabling, anddevice placement

    Implementation plan(s)

    Expected outcomes

    Criteria for completion

    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    Implementation Steps

    Device-Specific Configurations

    Routers/Layer 3 Devices

    Hostnames (adhering to standards)

    Interface configurations

    Security configurations

    EIGRP Routing configuration elements


    Network Time Protocol


    WAN configurations

    Device access

    Advanced configurations

    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    Implementation Steps

    Device-Specific Configurations

    Layer 2/3 Switches

    Hostnames (adhering to standards)

    SVI Interface configurations

    Security configurations


    Network Time Protocol


    VLAN configurations

    Device access

    Advanced configurations

  • 7/28/2019 08.OSPF Planning and Design Process


    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    Verification Steps

    Commands Verifying Configuration(s)

    General Connectivity/Functionality

    show ip interface brief

    show cdp neighbors

    show environment all

    show diag

    show inventory

    OSPF Routing

    show ip protocols

    show ip ospf interfaces

    show ip ospf neighbor

    show ip ospf database

    show ip route ospf

    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    Verification Steps

    Commands Verifying Configuration(s)

    General Connectivity/Functionality

    debug ip packet

    debug interface

    OSPF Routing

    debug ip ospf adjacency

    debug ip ospf events

    debug ip ospf hello

    debug ip ospf spf

    debug ip ospf lsa-generation

    debug ip ospf packet

    debug ip ospf flood

    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    Transitioning to OSPF from Another Protocol

    1. In a New (Greenfield) Environment

    2. In an Existing Network

  • 7/28/2019 08.OSPF Planning and Design Process


    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    Transitioning to OSPF from Another Protocol

    In a New (Greenfield) Environment


    Not necessarily a first-time networkinstallation

    May involve new equipment and/ornew telecommunications circuits

    Probably maintaining identical LANaddressing

    Other routing protocols in use in all orpart of the existing network

    Static routing



    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    Transitioning to OSPF from Another Protocol

    In a New (Greenfield) Environment

    Transition Process

    Stage new equipment with OSPF

    Connect only a small test network foranalysis purposes

    Have full configuration available forday of transition

    Have full testing plan codified

    Schedule outage window after hours

    Migrate area 0 First

    Disconnect old devices and swap withnew OSPF devices

    Execute test plan and certify network

    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    Transitioning to OSPF from Another Protocol

    In an Existing Network


    Existing equipment will host OSPF

    No new circuits or IP addressing

    Involves a hot cut to implement

    Requires several key elements:

    Transition plan

    Testing plan

    Roll-back plan in the event ofissues

  • 7/28/2019 08.OSPF Planning and Design Process


    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    Transitioning to OSPF from Another Protocol

    In a New (Greenfield) Environment

    Transition Process

    Configure OSPF with a higheradministrative distance (suggesteddistance of224)

    Ability to establish OSPF neighbor

    relationships and peering

    May stage dummy IP addresses toserve as testing points

    Schedule an outage window afterhours

    At transition time set administrativedistance back to 110

    Execute test plan and certify network

    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    Key Terms You Should Know

    Link-State Class of Interior Gateway Protocol that relies on alldevices having an identical understanding of the network (links)

    DR/BDR Designated Router/Backup Designated Router, theprimary/secondary devices that all devices on a multi-access

    establish a neighbor relationship with

    Area In OSPF, a partitioned section of the network in which allrouters maintain an identical copy of the link state database

    Area 0Also referred to as the backbone area, the OSPF arearequired area through which all traffic must transit

    Roll-Back Plan Contingency plan for restoring the network toits original state following an unsuccessful transition attempt

    Greenfield Term used to describe installation of a brand-newnetwork infrastructure in a given location

    Cisco CCNP ROUTE Training

    OSPF Planning and Design Process

    What We Covered

    Unique Characteristics of OSPF

    When OSPF is the Best Design Choice

    OSPF Planning Methodology

    Verification Plan for Implementation

    Implementation Steps

    Transitioning to OSPF from Another Protocol