08 maths science worksheets demo


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Class- VIII (Science)

1.  Chapter 1 Crop Production and Management 001

2.  Chapter 2 Microorganisms : Friend And Foe 016

3.  Chapter 3 Snthetic Fi!res and P"astics 02#

$.  Chapter $ Materia"s : Meta"s and %on&Meta"s 0$3

'.  Chapter ' Coa" and Petro"eum 0''

6.  Chapter 6 Com!ustion and F"ame 0(3

(.  Chapter ( Conser)ation o* P"ants and Anima"s 0##

#.  Chapter # Ce"" + Structure and Functions 103

,.  Chapter , -eproduction in Anima"s 11#

10.  Chapter 10 -eaching the Age o* Ado"escence 133

11.  Chapter 11 Force and Pressure 1$#

12.  Chapter 12 Friction 163

13.  Chapter 13 Sound 1(#

1$.  Chapter 1$ Chemica" **ects o* "ectric Current 1,3

1'.  Chapter 1' Some %atura" Phenomena 20#

16.  Chapter 16 /ight 22$

1(.  Chapter 1( Stars and the So"ar Sstem 236

1#.  Chapter 1# Po""ution o* Air and ater 2$6

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Class- VIII (Mathematics)

1.  Chapter 1 -ationa" %um!ers 001

2.  Chapter 2 /inear uations in ne aria!"e 011

3.  Chapter 3 4nderstanding 5uadri"atera"s 021

$.  Chapter $ Practica" eometr 036

'.  Chapter ' 7ata 8and"ing 0$1

6.  Chapter 6 Suares and Suare -oots 0'3

(.  Chapter ( Cu!es and Cu!e -oots 063

#.  Chapter # Comparing 5uantities 036

,.  Chapter , A"ge!raic xpressions and Identities 0#3

10.  Chapter 10 isua"ising So"id Shapes 0,3

11.  Chapter 11 Mensuration 103

12.  Chapter 12 xponents and Po9ers 11'

13.  Chapter 13 7irect and In)erse Proportions 12'

1$.  Chapter 1$ Factorisation 13'

1'.  Chapter 1' Introduction to raphs 1$'

16.  Chapter 16 P"aing 9ith %um!ers 160

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CBSE Worksheet-01

Class–VIII Science (Crop Production and Manageent!

1. Sunflower seeds provide us mainly with :-

a. fats

b. carbohydrates

c. proteins

d. vitamins

2. Most commonly grown cereal crop is/are :-

a. rice

b. maize

c. wheat

d. all the above

. !rops sown during winters are :-

a. rabi crops

b. "harif crops

c. mi#ed crops

d. cereal crops

$. %he method of scattering seeds in the field by hand is :-

a. hand pic"ing

b. transplantation

c. broadcasting

d. leveling

&. Match the column :-

a. horticultural crop i' potato

b. "harif crop ii' crotons

c. rabi crop iii' agricultural waste

d. compost manure iv' groundnut

e. green manure v' dry leaves

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(. )ill in the blan"s :-

a. ****** is large scale cultivation of vegetable+ fruits , flower plants.

b. ****** is the process of loosening and turning up of the soil.

c. ****** is the process of supplying water to crops at different intervals.

d. ****** is result of too much water given to the soil.

e. ****** is the science dealing with growth of plants and animals for human use.

. hy is it good to wash foodgrains before use

0. hy are manures better than fertilizers

. ic" the wrong word out of the following:


15. rite the correct words by putting letters in correct se6uence-

i' wwiinnngo

ii' shhtegrin

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 "ns#er $e%

1. a

2. d

. a

$. c

&. a. ii+ b. i+ c. iv+ d. v+ e. iii.

(. horticulture+ tilling+ irrigation+ waterlogging+ agriculture.

. may contain weedicides that are to#ic to us.

0. no to#ic effect and low in cost.

. horticide

15. i' winnowing

ii' threshing


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CBSE Worksheet-02

Class–VIII Science (Crop Production and Manageent!

1. The disadvantage of broadcasting is :-

a. seeds are evenly distributed

b. seeds get damaged

c. seeds are unevenly distributed

d. seeds get infected

2. Seeds being used for sowing must be :-

a. inferior quality

b. disease free

c. hollow and light

d. all the above

3. Seed drill sows the seeds at :-

a. equal distances

b. proper depth

c. both a b are correctd. unequal distances

!. Two or more crops grown together in the same field is called :-

a. crop rotation

b. mi"ed farming

c. field fallow

d. mi"ed cropping

#. $atch the column :-

a. sowing i% sprin&lers

b. irrigation ii% trowel

c. weeding iii% sic&le

d. harvesting iv% seed drills

e. manuring v% manually

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'. (ill in the blan&s :-

a. )))))) were the first crop &nown to be cultivated.

b. )))))) provide the staple food for people in every part of world.

c. *rains are rich in )))))).

d. +f there is a shortfall in production, grains are made available from )))))) stoc& .

e. )))))) is the most important cereal in the world.

. ist main advantages of preparation of soil/

0. hat are silos/

. hat does the following picture represent/

1. 4orrect the following sequence of steps in crop production:

a. seed selection sowing

b. preparation of soil

c. protection from pests

d. manuring

e. weeding

f. irrigation

g. storage

h. harvesting

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 "ns#er $e%

1. c

2. b

3. c

!. d

#. a. iv, b. i, c. ii, d. iii, e. v.

'. 4ereals, *rains, Starch, 5uffer, heat.

. 6llows loosening and turning of soil which traps air for easy root breathing, helps

earthworms to grow, brings nutrient rich soil to the top and provides better mi"ing of


0. 6lso &nown as granaries, they are places for storage of grains on large scale .7ac&ing is

done within bags, bins and then stored.

. 8rip irrigation method in a crop field.

1. b, a, d, f, e, c, h, g.


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CBSE Worksheet-03

Class–VIII Science (Crop Production and Manageent!

1. A bacterial disease of plants is:-

a. rust

b. wilt

c. blight

d. smut

2. Which of the following is used as a biofuel:-

a. Ethanol

b. Gammaxene

c. Manure

d. Amaranthus

. !earing of hone"bees for products li#e hone" and wax is called:-

a. $ericulture

b. A%uaculture

c. &isciculture

d. Apiculture

'. Which of the following is a milch animal:-

a. (amel

b. $heep

c. )one"bee

d. $il#worm

*. Match the column :-

a. legume crop i+ ,ute

b. root crop ii+ coffee

c. cereal crop iii+ sweet potato

d. plantation crop i+ groundnut

e. fibre crop + wheat

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. /ill in the blan#s :-

a. 0etter arieties of crops can be deeloped b" plant .

b. means producing offsprings under controlled conditions.

c. is a techni%ue used for deeloping new crop arieties b" cross breeding.

d. n the breeding experiments anthers of plants are remoed b" process called .

e. farming techni%ue of crop cultiation emplo"s biological methods.

3. )ow does transplantation of onion seedlings increases its production4

5. 6efine nitrogen fixation and its importance4

7. n the gien diagram label the un#nown represented b" arrow:

18. Write the correct words b" putting letters in correct se%uence-

i+ ouhgpl

ii+ itarotlcu

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 "ns#er $e%

1. b

2. a

. d

'. a

*. a. i9 b. iii9 c. 9 d. ii9 e. i.

. breeding9 breeding9 h"bridiation9 emasculation9 organic.

3. f onion is planted in nurseries and then their small plantlets called seedlings are

transplanted in the field9it will help farmers to select onl" health" seedlings that

increases crop production.

5. ;itrogen fixation is the process of conerting free nitrogen gas of the atmosphere into

nitrogen compounds. 0iological nitrogen fixation is er" important for crop

production. Generall" bacteria li#e !hiobium fix atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates.

7. beam.

18. i+ plough

ii+ cultiator


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CBSE Worksheet-04

Class–VIII Science (Crop Production and Manageent!

1. Cod liver oil from fish is found to be rich in :-

a. Vitamin A

b. Vitamin D

c. Vitamin C

d. Vitamin B

2. Conversion of ammonia into nitrates is called:-

a. nitrification

b. denitrification

c. ammonification

d. deammonification

3. Which of the followin are harmful for cro! !lants:-

a. too little water

b. too much of water

c. both a " b

d. too much liht

#. $he irriation method in which water enters the field throuh channels made between

two rows of cro! !lants is:-

a. %!rin&ler irriation method

b. Basin irriation method

c. 'urrow irriation method

d. Dri! irriation method

(. )atch the column :-

a. Com!ost i* fertili+er

b. ,odents ii* insecticide

c. BC iii* !est

d. /0 iv* weedicide

e. )etachlor v* manure

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CBSE Worksheet-01

CLASS – VIII Mathematics (Rational Nm!ers"

Choose correct o#tion in $estions 1 to %&

1. Find the reciprocal of -2.



−  b. 2

c. -2 d. none of these

2. Write the rational number that is equal to its negative.

a. 0 b. 1

c. -1 d. 2

3. Write the additive inverse of 2



3  b. 1

c. 2

3−   d. 0

4. Find the multiplicative inverse of -13.

a. -13 b. 13

c. 12 d. 1



5. ame the propert! under multiplication used in 1 1( 5) 5 1

5 5

− −× − = − × = .

a. "eciprocal b. #ommutative propert!

c. $ssociative propert! d. none of thes %ultiplicative identit! e

'ill in the !lanks

&. $ number 'hich can be 'ritten in the form p

q( 'here p and q are integers and q ) 0 is

called a *********.

+. ,um of t'o rational numbers is a *******.

. For an! three rational numbers a( b and c( a /b c **********.

. ******* 1 a a for an! rational number a.

10. Find 3 6 8 5

7 11 21 22

+ − + − +


11. Find an! ten rational numbers bet'een 5 5.

6 8and 


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 Ans)er ke*

1. a

2. b

3. c

4. d

5. a

&. rational number

+. rational number

. /a b c 

. a 1





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CBSE Worksheet-02

CLASS – VIII Mathematics (Rational Nm!ers"

Choose correct o#tion in $estions % to &'

1. Find the reciprocal of1



a. -5 b. 5



−  d. none of these

2. ¼ × 1 = ____

a. 1 b. ¼

c. 0 d. 4

3. Write the additive inverse of4



5  b. 1


5−   d. 0

4. Find the !ltiplicative inverse of1


a. -4 b.1




4−   d. 4

5. "ae the propert# !nder !ltiplication !sed in1 1 1

1 15 5 5

− − −× = × = .

a. $!ltiplicative identit# b. %o!tative propert#

c. &ssociative propert# d. none of these

ill in the !lanks)

'. & n!ber (hich can be (ritten in the for p


) (here p and q are _______ and q * 0 is

called a rational n!ber.

+. _______ are closed !nder addition.

,. ________ is not associative for rational n!bers.

. 1 is the __________ for rational n!bers.

10. Find

11. Find a rational n!ber bet(een ¼ and /.

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 Ans*er ke+)

1. a

2. b

3. c

4. d

5. a

'. inteers

+. ational n!bers

,. !btraction or ivision

. !ltiplicative identit#

10. /

11. 3,

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CBSE Worksheet-03

CLASS – VIII Mathematics (Rational Nm!ers"

Choose correct o#tion in $estions % to &'

1. Name the property under multiplication used in1 1 1 1

5 2 2 5

− −× = × .

a. Commutative property b. Multiplicative identity

c. Associative property d. none of these

2. ½ × 1 = _______

a. 1 b. ½

c. d. 2

!. "rite the additive inverse of


7 .


7  b. 1


7−   d.

#. $ind the multiplicative inverse of2



9−   b.



2−   d.


%. &tate true or $alse' 1 is the only rational number that is e(ual to its reciprocal.

ill in the !lanks)

). A number *hich can be *ritten in the form p

q+ *here p and q are inte,ers and _____ is

called a rational number.

-. _________ are closed under subtraction.

. /he product of t*o rational numbers is al*ays a _______.

0. ero has ________ reciprocal.

1. $ind'

11. $ind three rational numbers bet*een and ½.

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 Ans*er ke+)

1. a

2. b

!. c

#. d

%. $alse

). q 3

-. 4ational numbers

. rational number

0. no

1. 5 ½


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CBSE Worksheet-04

CLASS – VIII Mathematics (Rational Nm!ers"

Choose correct o#tion in $estions % to &'

1. Write the rational number that does not have a reciprocal.

a. 0 b. 1

c. -1 d. 2

2. 0 × ¼ = _______

a. 1 b. 0

c. ¼ d. 4

3. Write the additive inverse of9


a. 9

8  b. 1


8−   d. 0

4. ind the multiplicative inverse of9

13− .


13  b.




9  d.



!. "ame the propert# under multiplication used in 3 7 7 3

5 2 2 5× = × .

a. $ommutative propert# b. %ultiplicative identit#

c. &ssociative propert# d. none of these

ill in the !lanks)

'. & number (hich can be (ritten in the form _____) (here p and q are inte*ers and q + 0

is called a rational number.

,. or an# t(o rational numbers a and b, a + b = _________.

. or an# three rational numbers a) b and c) a × b × c/ = _________.

. eciprocal of 1


) (here x + 0 is ________.

10. ell (hat propert# allo(s #ou to compute

11. ind five rational numbers bet(een

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 Ans*er ke+)

1. a

2. b

3. c

4. d

!. a

'. p

,. b + a 

. a × b/ × c 

.  x  

10. &ssociative propert# of multiplication


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CBSE Worksheet-05

CLASS – VIII Mathematics (Rational Nm!ers"

Choose correct o#tion in $estions % to 5&

1. Write the rational numbers that are equal to their reciprocals.

a. 1, -1 b. 0

c. 2, -2 d. none of these

2. 0 × ½ = ____

a. ½ b. 0

c. 1 d. 2

3. Write the additie inerse of 12



11  b. 1


11−   d. 0

!. "ind the multiplicatie inerse of 2#.

a. -2# b. 2#

c. 2! d.



#. $ame the propert% under multiplication used in1 1 1 1 1 1

5 2 3 5 2 3

− − × × = × ×


a. &ssociatie propert% b. 'ultiplicatie identit%

c. (ommutatie propert% d. none of these

'ill in the !lanks

). & number *hich can be *ritten in the form p

q, *here p and q are inte+ers and q 0 is

called a _________.

. n +eneral, a × b = _______ for an% t*o rational numbers a and b.

/. __________ is called the identit% for the addition of rational numbers.

. he numbers ________ and ________ are their o*n reciprocals

10. Write an% 3 rational numbers bet*een 2 and 0.

11. Write fie rational numbers +reater than 2.

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P l f CBSE N T P S l P Ti d T i k

 Ans)er ke*

1. a

2. b

3. c

!. d

#. a

). rational number

. b × a 

/. ero

. 1, -1

