07 vol 5 feb 18, 2018 - amazon web services...the collierville courier vol. 5, no. 6february 18,...

The Collierville Courier Vol. 5, No. 6 February 18, 2018 Sunday: Wednesday: 9:30 AM - Bible Study 7:00 PM - Bible Study 10:30 AM - AM Worship 1:30 PM - PM Worship Collierville Church of Christ 575 Shelton Road Collierville, TN 38017 Email: [email protected] Website: www.colliervillecoc.org Phone: (901)-853-9827 Minister: Aaron Cozort Cell: (901)-484-8753 Email:[email protected] WELCOME! Sermon Guide AM: Aaron Cozort: Notes: PM: Aaron Cozort: Notes: "Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down." "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death." Revelation 12:1011

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The Collierville Courier

Vol. 5, No. 6 February 18, 2018

Sunday: Wednesday: 9:30 AM - Bible Study 7:00 PM - Bible Study 10:30 AM - AM Worship 1:30 PM - PM Worship

Collierville Church of Christ 575 Shelton Road Collierville, TN 38017

Email: [email protected] Website: www.colliervillecoc.org

Phone: (901)-853-9827

Minister: Aaron Cozort

Cell: (901)-484-8753 Email:[email protected]


Sermon Guide AM: Aaron Cozort: Notes: PM: Aaron Cozort: Notes:


"Now  salvation,  and  strength,  and  the  kingdom  of  our  God,  and  the  power  of  His  Christ  have  come,  for  the  accuser  of  our  brethren,  who  accused  them  before  our  God  day  and  night,  has  been  cast  down."    "And  they  overcame  him  by  the  blood  of  the  Lamb  and  by  the  word  of  their  testimony,  and  they  did  not  love  their  lives  to  the  death."           Revelation  12:10-­‐11  






WORSHIP LEADERS AM Worship PM Worship Wednesday Night Song Leader: Murry Springer Murry Springer Song Leader: Murry Springer Opening Prayer: Joe Cason Terry Sanderson Devo: Aaron Cozort Closing Prayer: J. C. Harrison Joe Cason Closing Prayer: Joe Cason

Homebound/Assisted Living

Anita Denman Deloris Jones James Luna

Adell Walker Celeste Moore

Richard Gonzales Hearthside Residents

Murry & Joan Springer

Brenda Bruce Don Robertson

Joe & Suzanne Cason Hollis Redden

Hubert Goodman Rudell & Dorothy Wilson

Pat Gonzales

Those Battling Cancer

Natalie Temple Wilford & Margaret Bonnell

Janell Grizzard Roger Davis

Dan Moslander Sean Kelley

Sandy Trammel

Paul Fisher Joey Burks Lila Clark

Alton Peak Ron Davis Leon Poor

Kathi Flanagan

Physical Problems



Summary  of  the  Book  of  Revelation  -­‐  Chapter  12  The  Dragon  Loses  to  the  Child  of  the  Woman  

A  Look  Back:  Chapter  11  concluded  the  second  Woe,  part  of  the  sixth  trumpet.      Now  the  third  woe  approaches.    Before  it  arrives,  we  receive  visions  that  reassure  the  faithful  of  God's  protection  and  deliverance  from  persecution.      

The  Woman  and  the  Dragon:    A  vision  of  a  woman  clothed  with  the  Sun  and  the  moon  under  her  feet.      She  is  pregnant,  travailing  in  birthing  pains,  and  wearing  a  crown  with  twelve  stars.      

The  dragon  appears  in  heaven  (where  the  woman  is)  and  is  magnificent  in  size  and  red.    He  has  seven  heads  each  with  a  crown  and  ten  horns.    The  tail  of  the  dragon  will  knock  one-­‐third  of  the  stars  of  heaven  to  earth  as  he  approaches  the  woman  to  devour  her  child  the  moment  it  is  born  (this  might  be  a  representation  of  Jesus  as  a  child).      

The  woman  gives  birth  to  a  boy,  one  who  was  to  rule  all  nations  with  a  rod  of  iron.    God  will  deliver  the  child  out  of  the  reach  of  the  dragon.  The  woman  will  flee  into  the  wilderness  to  a  place  prepared  by  God.    God  will  care  for  her  for  1,260  days.      

A  war  breaks  out  in  heaven.    Michael  and  the  angels  fight  against  the  Dragon  and  his  angels.    They  will  lose  their  place  and  be  cast  down  into  the  earth.    The  text  is  clear:  the  dragon  is  Satan,  the  Devil,  the  serpent.    He  is  the  deceiver  of  the  whole  world.    

John  hears  a  voice  from  heaven.    Salvation  is  declared,  and  so  has  the  Kingdom  and  power  of  Christ.    The  accuser  of  Christians  has  been  cast  down.    The  victory  was  by  the  blood  of  the  Lamb  and  by  the  word  of  the  Christians  who  did  not  love  their  lives  to  the  death  (i.e.,  martyrs).    

There  is  rejoicing  in  the  heavens,  but  woe  to  the  earth  at  the  presence  of  Satan.    He  has  been  cast  down,  and  his  wrath  is  great  for  he  knows  his  time  is  short.    

When  the  dragon  is  cast  down,  he  persecutes  the  woman,  but  the  woman  flies  to  the  wilderness  once  again  on  the  wings  of  an  eagle.    She  receives  nourishment  for  a  time  and  times  and  half  a  time  (3  and  1/2  years).  

The  woman  is  attacked  one  last  time  by  the  dragon,  but  the  earth  swallows  up  the  attack.    In  a  fury  at  this,  the  dragon  begins  to  make  war  against  the  rest  of  her  children  -­‐-­‐  those  who  keep  the  commandments  of  God  and  have  the  testimony  of  Jesus  Christ  (the  Christians).      

Next  week:  The  Sea  Beast  and  the  Land  Beast  rise  to  power  

Please  join  us  today  for  lunch  at  11:30.      Remember  to  keep  Louis  &  Martha  Rushmore  in  your  prayers.    They  are  on  a  missionary  trip  to  Guyana,  South  America  until  March  8th.  Work  Program:  Collierville  Cares  meets  every  Monday  at  7:00  pm.  Potter  Children’s  Home:  The  pantry  item  for  February  is  shampoo.  PCH  will  be  here  Tuesday  to  pick  up  our  commodities.    Ladies  Weekly  Bible  Study:  The  Ladies  bible  class  meets  Thursday  at  10:00  am.  Evangelism:  Remember  all  those  on  our  evangelism  list.  Pick  up  an  updated  list  in  the  Office.    We  will  meet  Wednesday  after  service.  MSOP  LECTURESHIP  –  March  25  –  29,  “Faith  Under  Fire”  the  study  of  1  &  2  Peter.  SYMPATHY  TO:  The  Cooper  family  in  the  loss  of  James.  

OUR  SICK:    Pat  Gonzales  -­‐  compression  fracture        Joe  Cason-­‐  Bronchitis      Alton  Peak-­‐  Edy’s  grandfather  is  now  in  a  care  center.  Dorothy  Wilson  -­‐  shortness  of  breath  and  Rudell  -­‐  lots  of  stomach  pain.    Leon  Poor  is  recovering  at  home  with  Sandy  McCall  at  this  time.  Frances’  brother,  Hollis  Redden  is  at  home  recovering  from  pneumonia.  Kathi  Flanagan  -­‐  lots  of  back  pain  and  leg  issues    Sylvia  Pass  –  Bursitis  Leah  VanCleave  –  hospital  with  Kidney  bacteria  and  high  blood  pressure  Ron Davis- life support  

MISSIONARIES: Louis & Martha Rushmore - [email protected]/Charlie & Mary Dipalma- [email protected] Guyana, South America- Returning March 8th Melbourne, Australia

Those Travelling

Edy and Micah Cozort