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  • 7/28/2019 07-Air Pollutants And



    Air Pollutants andGlobal Climate

    Hsin ChuProfessorDept. of Environmental Engineering

    National Cheng Kung University

  • 7/28/2019 07-Air Pollutants And



    In this chapter we consider three air pollution

    problems in which humans may be making

    large-scale changes in our planet.

    Air pollution laws in the U.S. and most other

    countries are based on the assumption that

    air pollution is a local matter.

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    Local solutions are not available for global

    problems or for problems of pollutants like

    acid rain that cross international boundaries.

    In addition, some parts of the global climate


    They continue to change in the direction they

    are changing even after the cause of thechange has been reduced or withdrawn.

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    1. Global Warming

    Humans are putting gaseous materials into

    the atmosphere that may cause the earths

    average temperature to rise.

    This is called global warming, or the

    greenhouse effect.

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    Example 1

    Estimate the average temperature that the earth would have ifit had no atmosphere.

    Solution:The total radiant energy flux from the sun, just outside theearths atmosphere, is 1.353 kW/m2.

    The diameter of the earth is 12.75106 m so that, if all theincoming solar energy were absorbed by the earth, the totalheat flow in from the sun would be

    2 6 2



    (12.75 10 ) 1.3534 4

    1.73 10

    kWD flux m



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    The total heat radiated to outer space would

    be this amount plus the amount produced on

    earth by nuclear decay and tidal friction with

    the moon, which together are less than 0.1%

    of the solar energy inflow and can be safely


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    The outward radiation (assuming a zero temperature

    for outer space and blackbody radiation), using the

    surface area of the earth rather than the projected

    area, is

    where = the stefan-Boltzmann constant =




    ). Setting these equal and solving for T, we find 278 K

    = 5oC. #

    2 4 6 2 11 4

    2 4(12.75 10 ) 5.672 10

    kWD T m T

    m K

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    This is approximately 10oC below the

    observed average surface temperature of the

    earth, which is about 15oC.

    Thus, the net effect of having an atmosphere

    is to raise the average temperature of the

    earth about 10oC above the value it would

    have with no atmosphere, if the earthabsorbed all incoming sunlight.

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    The earth actually reflects roughly 30% of all

    the incoming solar radiation back to outer

    space from the tops of clouds, ice surfaces,

    oceans, etc. (Technically, the earths albedo

    is about 0.3.)

    The moon, which has no atmosphere and

    hence no clouds, surface water, or ice sheets,reflects about 12% of its incoming solar


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    If the atmosphere let the same amount of

    sunlight in as it actually does but did not

    prevent the outward flow of radiant heat, then

    we should multiply the incoming solar

    radiation in Example 1 by 0.7, finding an

    average surface temperature of 254 K =


    C, and a frozen world.

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    Example 2

    What fraction of the outgoing radiation fromthe earth is blocked by the atmosphere?

    Solution:As just discussed, we assume that 30% ofthe incoming solar radiation is reflected away,

    and use an average surface temperatureover the whole planet of approximately 15oC= 288.15 K.

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    Setting incoming approximately equal to outgoing and solving

    for the fraction emitted, we have

    We see that for the earths surface temperature to averageabout 15 oC, the atmospheric outward transmission of radiant

    energy must be (0.606/0.7), or 86% of the inward transmission

    of solar energy. #

    2 4

    2 4


    6 2 11 4

    0.7(total solar input)fraction emitted

    0.7(1.73 10 )

    (12.75 10 ) 5.672 10 (288.15 )



    m K

    D T


    m K

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    Clouds block radiation, both inbound and


    Cloudy days are cool and cloudy nights are

    warm relative to clear days and nights at the

    same season.

    They are more or less equal in their

    resistance to incoming and outgoing radiation.

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    The same is not true for clear air, which

    contains CO2, H2O, CH4, and some other

    gases that can absorb radiant energy.

    If the wavelengths of the incoming and

    outgoing radiant energies were the same,

    then these gases would block equal amounts

    in both directions. But the wavelengths are quite different.

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    Fig. 14.1 (next slide) shows the absorptive

    properties of the clear atmosphere (without

    clouds, dust, birds, insects) and some

    properties of the incoming solar radiation and

    the outgoing thermal radiation from the earth.

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    The interaction of a photon with a gas

    molecule is quite different from that with a

    cloud droplet or with a fine particle.

    A gas molecule will absorb a light photon if

    the gas molecule can make an internal

    rearrangement that requires the same

    amount of energy as that carried by thephoton.

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    For wavelengths shorter than about 0.28, the

    internal transitions involve shifts of electrons in their

    orbitals around the nuclei of one or more of the

    atoms that make up the molecule, but not anychange in the relation of one atom to another within

    the molecule.

    For the wavelengths longer than about 1, the

    changes are not within the individual atoms but arethose associated with the vibrations of the various

    atoms in the molecule, relative to each other.

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    In the 0.28 to 1 window, the photons have

    too little energy to cause shifts of electron

    orbitals, and too much energy to be in tune

    with intermolecular vibrations.

    The H2O absorption peaks shown on Fig.

    14.1 are caused by the various intermolecular

    vibration modes of the water molecule.

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    The lower part of Fig. 14.1 shows the

    distribution of energy in sunlight and in the

    infrared radiation from the earth.

    These are idealized values for blackbody

    radiators at 6000 and 288 K, which

    correspond roughly to the average surface

    temperatures of sun and earth.

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    The quantity plotted is the fraction of the total

    emitted energy per micron of wavelength,

    which has a higher maximum (14% per

    micron) for the sun than for the earth (7% permicron) because the suns spectrum is

    narrower. (Observe the logarithmic scale for


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    Weins law for blackbody radiatin is

    which shows that for the temperature of the suns

    surface, about 6000 K, the peak intensity is at 0.50,

    corresponding to visible light.

    For the earths surface temperature of about 288 Kthe peak intensity is 10.3, which is in the infrared




    wavelength of 2.987 10

    maximum emission

    m K


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    Comparing the lower and upper parts of Fig. 14.1,

    we see that sunlight comes to the surface practically

    unimpeded except for cloudy areas, whereas the

    peak radiation from the earth is close to the 8- to 12- window, which is not as wide nor as completely

    open as the window for solar energy.

    This is the main reason that the atmosphere is less

    transparent for outgoing infrared energy than it is forincoming solar energy.

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    Fig. 14.1 shows that CO2, CH4, N2O, and

    H2O all have some absorption in the 8- to 12-


    The same is also true for chlorofluorocarbons,

    or CFCs.

    They are collectively called greenhouse


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    Human activities are increasing theconcentrations of greenhouse gases in theatmosphere.

    Of these gases, the strongest contributor toreducing the transparency of the 8- to 12- window is water vapor.

    However, humans do not directly influence itsconcentration in the atmosphere, and it is notnormally a part of the discussion of thegreenhouse effect.

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    Fig. 14.2 (next slide) shows a very simplified

    view of the interactions and feedback loops

    involved in the global temperature.

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    Increasing the global temperature by adding

    greenhouse gases will have positive and

    negative effects on the albedo by increasing

    cloudiness and reducing snow and ice over,and will further close the IR window by

    increasing the average water vapor content

    of the atmosphere and the averagecloudiness.

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    Fig. 14.3 (next slide) shows the calculated

    relative contributions of the various green-

    house gases to the reduction of transparency

    of the atmosphere in the 8- to 12- windowfor the period 1980 to 1990.

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    If rising temperatures were to melt the ice cap

    in Antarctica, the world sea level would rise

    several hundred feet, flooding most of the

    coastal cities and agricultural areas of theworld.

    Temperature increases much smaller than

    those needed to melt the ice caps wouldcause the deserts and the temperature zones

    to extent farther from the equator.

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    Agricultural area that are currently highlyproductive would become dryer and hotter,while sub-Arctic regions would become

    warmer and wetter. The best current estimates are that, for a

    business as usual projection of futureemissions of all greenhouse gases, the global

    mean temperature will increase by 0.2 to0.5oC (best estimate 0.3oC) per decade forthis century.

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    The corresponding projection of world sea

    level is for a rise of 3 to 10 cm/decade (best

    estimate 6 cm/decade) over the same period.

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    1.1 Carbon Dioxide

    CO2 is a colorless, tasteless gas that

    provides the carbonation in soft drinks and

    sparkling wines.

    It has been part of the earths atmosphere as

    long as the earth has had an atmosphere.

    The current carbon dioxide concentration in

    the world atmosphere is approximately 380ppm (year of 2006).

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    Geologic records show that the CO2 content

    of the world atmosphere before about A.D.

    1750 was 280 10 ppm and did not move out

    of that range for hundreds or thousands ofyears.

    About 1750 humans began to burn increasing

    amounts of fossil fuels, and the CO2 contentof the global atmosphere has risen.

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    Fig. 14.4 (next slide) shows CO2

    concentrations from 1960s to 1990s.

    During that period, the annual increase in

    CO2 concentration was 1.5 ppm/yr.

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    Fig. 14.5 (next slide) shows the estimated

    reservoirs and flows for carbon on earth (To

    convert from carbon to CO2 multiply by


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    The global annual fuel combustion CO2 emissions


    The first term, the global population, is growing at

    about 1.4% per year (population doubles every 50years), and that growth rate shows little sign of




    Global fuel

    CO emissions perglobal per capitacombustion (1)population fuel use unit of fuel use

    CO emissions

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    The second term is highly variable from

    country to country.

    To compare energy uses, we need a proper

    standard energy unit.

    The most intuitive unit is the minimal energy

    intake, as food, that a normal human needs,

    about 2750 kcal/day (4 million BTU/yr). Using it, we can make Table 14.1 (next slide).

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    In the U.S., they use a total of about 79 times

    as much fuel as the minimum needed to feed


    If we had made a similar table for the

    average person in the U.S. is 1850, or the

    average person in the Third World today, we

    would have seen that they used or useperhaps three to five times the energy they

    needed as food.

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    Americans use probably 15 to 30 times as

    much fuel per person as they do and live a

    much more physically comfortable life.

    If the people in the Third world are to live as

    Americans do, then world fuel consumption

    will grow dramatically.

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    The third term in Eq. (1) depends on the

    hydrogen/carbon ratio of the fuel burned.

    For equal amounts of energy released, the

    relative CO2 release rates are approximately

    coal, 1.0; oil, 0.8; and natural gas, 0.6.

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    It is possible to capture CO2 from combustion

    exhaust gas and prevent its release, but only by

    using chemicals like CaO, whose production leads

    to the release of more CO2. the only methods we now know to slow or stop the

    buildup of CO2 in the atmosphere are to reduce the

    use of fossil fuels and to stop the deforestation of

    the tropical rain forests. Solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, and nuclear

    energy release much less CO2.

    1 2 Oth G h G

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    1.2 Other Greenhouse Gases,


    CFCs are apparently next in greenhouse effect after

    CO2 and will be discussed in next section.

    Next in importance is methane, the principal

    component of natural gas, which is formed in manyanaerobic biological processes.

    It is the principal component ofswamp gas, which

    is produced by bacterial decay of woody matter, and

    is a major component of the waste gases producedby landfills and sewage treatment plants.

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    It is also emitted by almost all animals; our

    domestic dairy and meat cattle and pigs are a

    significant worldwide source.

    In preindustrial times the world atmosphere

    contained ~ 0.7 ppm of methane.

    Over the past century that has increased to

    ~1.7 ppm, and it is increasing by about 0.01ppm/yr.

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    A methane molecule is roughly 20 times as

    strong an infrared absorber as a CO2

    molecule, so that even at this low

    concentration methane can play a significantrole.

    The remaining important greenhouse gas is

    nitrous oxide, N2O, which formerly was oftenused as a dental anesthetic (laughing gas).

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    N2O is not believed to have any harmful

    effects as an air pollutant except in its role as

    a greenhouse gas.

    One N2O molecule is roughly 200 times as

    effective as one CO2 molecule in reducing

    the transmission in the 8- to 12- window.

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    The sources and sinks for N2O are not as

    well known as those for the other greenhouse


    There is some concern that the NOX control

    technologies that reduce NO with NH3 and its

    near chemical relatives may produce

    significant amounts of N2O. Table 14.2 (next slide) summarizes current

    information on greenhouse gases.

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    The earths average temperature can also be

    altered by an increase in the content of fine particles

    of the atmosphere.

    For atmospheric particles to have effects lastingmore than a few days, they must be injected into the

    stratosphere (above about 36,000 ft) because there

    is little mixing between the stratosphere and the

    troposphere, so that particles in the stratospherehave life times measured in years.

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    Few human activities place many particles in

    the stratosphere.

    However, such particles can be injected into

    the stratosphere in large quantities by major

    volcanic eruptions.

    There they cause a lowering of the global

    temperature, generally for only a year or twoafter the eruption.

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    They lower global temperature because they

    are generally close in size to the wavelength

    of light (0.4 to 0.7 ) and hence effective in

    scattering light and reducing the amount ofincoming sunlight.

    However, these particles are much smaller

    than the wavelength of outgoing infraredradiation, and hence less effect in scattering


    2 St t h i O D l ti

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    2. Stratospheric Ozone Depletion

    and Chlorofluorocarbons

    The second global problem concerns the

    possible destruction of the stratospheric

    ozone layer.

    At ground level, O3 is a strong eye and

    respiratory irritant and a major component of

    photochemical smog.

    It may also act as a greenhouse gas.

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    In the stratosphere, 10 to 20 km above the

    earths surface, is a layer of low-density air

    containing 300 to 500 ppb of ozone.

    Ozone is the only component of the

    atmosphere that absorbs significantly at the

    wavelength below 0.28 (far ultraviolet).

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    If that ozone layer were removed, we would

    expect large amounts of ultraviolet light to

    reach the surface of the earth.

    The high-energy photons are expected to

    cause increased rates of skin cancer in

    animals and harmful effects on plants.

    Thus ozone is a harmful pollutant at groundlevel, but a beneficial ultraviolet shield in the


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    Destruction of the ozone layer is mostly caused byelemental chlorine atoms; the mechanismapparently involves two reactions:

    Cl + O3 ClO + O2 (2)

    ClO + O3 Cl + 2 O2 (3) Other reactions are going on in the stratosphere that

    modify and complete with these two, but if we ignoreother reactions, add these two reactions, and cancel

    like terms, we see that the overall reaction is:2 O3 3 O2

    with no net consumption of Cl atoms.

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    Thus one Cl atom can convert many ozone

    molecules to ordinary oxygen molecules.

    One sees estimates from 104 to 106 O3

    molecules destroyed by one Cl atom.

    This mechanism is often referred to as

    catalytic destruction of ozone, because the

    chlorine atom acts as a nonconsumedcatalyst for the reaction.

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    Most of the chlorine in the world is in the form

    of chemically stable NaCl either dissolved in

    the oceans or in underground salt deposits

    formed by the evaporation of ancient oceans.

    Elemental chlorine, a very reactive chemical,

    has a short lifetime in the lower atmosphere

    and has few natural ways to get from thelower atmosphere up to the ozone layer.

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    The only naturally occurring chemical thatcan transport much chlorine high enough intothe atmosphere to damage the ozone layer is

    methyl chloride, CH3Cl, which is produced inlarge quantities by biological processes in theshallow oceans.

    Most of it is destroyed in the troposphere, but

    an estimated 3% of worldwide methylchloride emissions reaches the stratosphericozone layer.

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    Chemically active ultraviolet light in the 0.2- to 0.28-

    range, which enters the ozone layer but does not

    penetrate below It, is strong enough to split up

    methyl chloride and the other chlorine compounds,releasing Cl atoms, which initiate Eq. (2).

    Before we had synthetic halogen compounds,

    methyl chloride was probably the principal natural

    destroyer of the ozone layer; its destruction of theozone was in balance with natural production

    mechanisms, leading to a steady-state ozone layer.

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    Starting about 1900, humans began releasing

    into the atmosphere synthetic chlorine-

    containing compounds in significant amounts.

    Those like methyl chloride that havehydrogen atoms can be attacked in the

    atmosphere by the OH radical; for this reason

    most of them do not survive to reach thestratosphere.

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    Carbon tetrachloride, CCl4, has no hydrogen;

    most of it is believed to reach the

    stratosphere and to participate in the

    destruction of the ozone layer. CFCs (compounds containing chlorine,

    fluorine, and carbon, commonly called Freons)

    were first developed by General Motors foruse in household refrigerators.

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    One of their virtues is their chemical inertness;they are nontoxic, nonflammable, invisible,tasteless, odorless, non-almost everything

    else. They replaced toxic sulfur dioxide and

    ammonia in household refrigerators.

    Later, their inertness led to the widespread

    use of CFCs as propellants in spray cans anda blowing agent in the production of plasticfoams.

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    Then in the 1950s we began to use air conditioners

    in autos.

    The CFCs used as refrigerants in these are much

    more likely to leak to the atmosphere than the CFCsin refrigerators and home air conditioners because

    the shaft-sealing problem on belt-driven auto air

    conditioners is more difficult than that on electric-

    driven refrigerators and home air conditioners. Auto air conditioners became a major source of CFC


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    There are many different CFCs; the two most

    widely used are CFC12, CF2Cl2, and CFC11,

    CFCl3 (the first digit in the number of carbon

    atoms, the second is the number of F atoms). CFCs have no H, so they cannot be attacked

    by atmospheric OH.

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    Trichloroethane, CH3CCl3, is not a CFC because ithas hydrogens and thus can be attacked byatmospheric OH.

    But that attack is relatively slow, so that an

    estimated 9% of this material that is emitted to theatmosphere makes its way to the stratosphere andparticipates in ozone destruction.

    Table 14.3 (next slide) shows the concentrations,

    lifetimes, and expected contribution to delivery ofelemental chlorine to the stratosphere for thesechemicals.

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    Some other gases can attack the ozone layer, e.g.,

    NO from stratospheric air-planes and relatively inert

    N2O, if we release much of it at ground level.

    NO, released by high-flying aircraft, can contributeto ozone depletion by the reaction:

    NO + O3 NO2 + O2

    which is swift and practically irreversible.

    But it is not a catalytic reaction like the chlorinereaction; one NO molecule only destroys one O3


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    The only method we know to protect the

    ozone layer is to limit the emission of those

    materials that can harm it.

    Many of the proposed substitutes for CFCsare chlorohydrofluorocarbons, HCFCs, which

    contain at least one H atom, and hence are

    susceptible to OH attack in the atmosphere.

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    3. Acid Rain

    The average acidity of rainfall in Scandinavia,

    the northeastern United States and Canada,

    and parts of Europe has increased over the

    past 40 years. There seems no question that this change is

    primarily due to the increased emissions of

    sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides that haveaccompanied the greatly increased economic

    activity in or upwind of these regions.

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    The common name for acid precipitation is

    acid rain, but the complete description

    includes acidic rain, acidic snow or hail, acids

    adsorbed on falling dust particles, etc. The normal technical measure of acidity is pH.

    Table 14.4 (next slide) shows pH of various


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    Rain falling through a perfectly unpolluted

    atmosphere will arrive at the earth with a pH of about

    5.6 because of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere,

    which reacts with rainwater by these reactions:

    H2CO3 is a weak acid, with the acid concentration in

    the rain depending on the concentration of carbondioxide in the air.

    2 2 2 3 3CO H O H CO H HCO

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    Generally, any rain with a pH less than the

    5.6 is considered acidic, but damage to

    plants and animals does not begin to become

    apparent until a pH of about 4.5 or less isreached.

    The transport distances between emission

    and precipitation are generally hundreds ofmiles, so that local control seems imossible.

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    Example 3 Table 1.1 shows that the total annual U.S.

    emissions of SO2 in 1997 were 20.4 million tons.

    If we assume that 25% of that was in the Midwest-Ohio Valley area, and that 50% of that came toground as acid precipitation in a 1000 km by 1000km area in the northeastern U.S. and southeasternCanada, and that the average precipitation over that

    area is 1 m/yr, by how much would this sulfurdioxide (if all converted to H2SO4) change the pH ofthe rainwater?

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    An estimated 25% 50% = 12.5% falls on the

    affected area.

    6 12 11


    Annual U.S.20.4 10 18.5 10 2.9 10

    SO emissions 64

    1 ton = 2000 lbs

    molton g mol


    6 6 12 3 15Annual area depth 10 10 1 10 10precipitation

    m m m m L

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    Each mol of SO2 produces two mols of H+, so the

    increase of H+ above the naturally occuring value is

    The original rainfall is assumed to have a pH of 5.6,

    or a H+ concentration of:

    Adding these two values, we find an H+ = 7.48 10-

    5 mol/L, or pH = -log (H+) = -log (7.48 10-5) = 4.13



    + 5


    2 12.5% 2.9 10increase in H = 7.23 10 /

    10 L

    molmol L

    5.6 610 10 2.51 10 /pHH mol L

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    How harmful acid precipitation is to a given

    area is strongly dependent on the buffering

    capacity of the soil.

    If the local soil contains significant amountsof limestone, CaCO3, the acid will react by

    CaCO3 + H+ Ca2+ + HCO3


    thus removing the H+


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    It is believed that in some areas the

    increased rainfall acidity has speeded the

    dissolution of metals from the soil, e.g.,

    aluminum, thus raising the content of thosemetals in the water.

    These dissolved metals may be the true

    agents of destruction for fish or plants.