062a - the buddha and the buddhists

The Buddha and the Buddhists Summary Introduction Page 1 1. The Conscience or Soul it is an eternal body as the Divine Spark, Spirit or Self " 1 2. The eternal life " 3 3. Conditions for a filial relationship with God " 3 4. The Buddhisms and the man " 5 5. Meanings of some terms of the Life " 7 6. The Buddhists honor the Buddha as it were a God and therefore they are idolatrous " 10 7. The survival of the man and the Nirvana " 11 8. The guides for those people who don't know the Lord Jesus and His doctrine " 12 9. Confirmations on the Christian Salvation and on the divine nature of Jesus Christ " 13 10. Who the Lord Jesus was, Son of Mary and of the Spirit of God " 14 11. Conditions for the divine filiation to the Not Christians " 17 12. The Salvation or the Liberation " 18 13. In the East many priests know the Lord Jesus Cristo " 19 14. An assignment for the Seven Buddhists " 20 15. The Buddha and the doctrine of the Four noble truths " 21 16. The Buddha and the theory of the Five factors of the man " 23 17. Recognition of the honesty of the Buddha " 24 18. The Hindus and the Buddhists are potential good Christians " 24 19. Presentation to the Buddhists of the being supreme God " 27 Introduction: the history of the Oral Traditions shows that the teachings of the Prophets, of the Teachers and even the divine Revelations of the antiquity have not been unchanged in the ancient time. The same is happened for Teacher Buddha's doctrine 1 ; Siddhartha was born next to the Himalaya 2500 years ago. The Buddhist Sects have altered the Message of the Buddha, but from the books that we have at ours disposal it results that all their teaching is attributed to the Buddha, therefore, unfortunately, also all the errors of the Buddhist Sects will be attributed here (and in others our documents) to the Buddha. This premised we expose: 1. The Conscience or Soul 2 or Body akasico 3 is an eternal body of the man as the Drop or Divine Spark or Spirit or Self 4 : L' man has two eternal bodies the individual Conscience that during his/her manifold 1 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 90-91, Edizioni Mediterranee 2 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario Cerchio, pages 28-29 (Anima), Mediterranee 3 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 205 (Corpo akasico uguale Coscienza), Mediterranee 4 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 207 (Goccia o Scintilla Divina – Spirito – Sé), Mediterranee 1

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Page 1: 062a - The Buddha and the Buddhists

The Buddha and the Buddhists


Introduction Page 1

1. The Conscience or Soul it is an eternal body as the Divine Spark, Spirit or Self " 1

2. The eternal life " 3

3. Conditions for a filial relationship with God " 3

4. The Buddhisms and the man " 5

5. Meanings of some terms of the Life " 7

6. The Buddhists honor the Buddha as it were a God and therefore they are idolatrous " 10

7. The survival of the man and the Nirvana " 11

8. The guides for those people who don't know the Lord Jesus and His doctrine " 12

9. Confirmations on the Christian Salvation and on the divine nature of Jesus Christ " 13

10. Who the Lord Jesus was, Son of Mary and of the Spirit of God " 14

11. Conditions for the divine filiation to the Not Christians " 17

12. The Salvation or the Liberation " 18

13. In the East many priests know the Lord Jesus Cristo " 19

14. An assignment for the Seven Buddhists " 20

15. The Buddha and the doctrine of the Four noble truths " 21

16. The Buddha and the theory of the Five factors of the man " 23

17. Recognition of the honesty of the Buddha " 24

18. The Hindus and the Buddhists are potential good Christians " 24

19. Presentation to the Buddhists of the being supreme God " 27

Introduction: the history of the Oral Traditions shows that the teachings of the Prophets, of the

Teachers and even the divine Revelations of the antiquity have not been unchanged in the ancient

time. The same is happened for Teacher Buddha's doctrine 1 ; Siddhartha was born next to the

Himalaya 2500 years ago. The Buddhist Sects have altered the Message of the Buddha, but from

the books that we have at ours disposal it results that all their teaching is attributed to the Buddha,

therefore, unfortunately, also all the errors of the Buddhist Sects will be attributed here (and in

others our documents) to the Buddha. This premised we expose:

1. The Conscience or Soul 2 or Body akasico 3 is an eternal body of the man as the Drop or

Divine Spark or Spirit or Self 4 :

L' man has two eternal bodies the individual Conscience that during his/her manifold

1 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 90-91, Edizioni Mediterranee2 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario Cerchio, pages 28-29 (Anima), Mediterranee3 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 205 (Corpo akasico uguale Coscienza), Mediterranee4 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 207 (Goccia o Scintilla Divina – Spirito – Sé), Mediterranee


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terrestrial incarnations is formed 5 also for his/her merit and the Divine Spark (or Spirit or Self). The

Divine Spark is a virtual gift of a cell of the Spirit of God 6 that with the Conscience it forms the Ego

of the man so defined: << Part more elevated of the individual subject to evolution. << It is has

called "Ego" the whole the Divine Spark and the "individual conscience." The ego is therefore what

remains of the individual when these he/she has finished the evolution as man 7 >>.

The Buddhists should reflect on how much we have reported (note of mine: you see

the other documents also that we have prepared in our Catechism published also in our site

Internet www. ordinegesuredentore.it for illustrating Buddha’s doctrine founded on the Four noble

truths ) to go out of the darkness in which they are gotten to, because the darkness they first

of all derive from the to ignore God.

Then, the man seeker of Truth - through the doctrines of the religions - he/she can be

informed of the existence of the God Absolute that is our Father and Mother at the same time and

of the Spirit that animates us 8 (note of mine :la Divine Spark - Spirit – Self ) - since all the religions

of the peoples that had a notable civilization know of such eternal Existence, as well as of the law

of the evolution 9 .

The Buddhists make exception for two fundamental errors of the Buddha: Gotama

Siddhartha, as a matter of fact, he didn't speak of the Absolute One and denied the existence of

the Self or Spirit or Divine Spark of the man with the theory of the Anatta 10 , that denies the

existence of the Self, which the man animates in all of his/her manifold incarnations instead in the

planet Earth 11 and in the other three worlds of the Cosmo (astral. Mental and Akasico and of the

Conscience) 12 .

Of it derives that the Buddhists consider the man the center of the life and the motor of

his/her own human evolution as it result from the formula of adhesion to the Buddhism: << I take to

my shelter the Buddha, I take to my shelter the Law, I take to my shelter the Community 13 (note of

mine: for the Law you intend the Karma law or law of cause and of effect. Joining to the Buddhismo

and pronouncing the wording of the adhesion the Buddhists become idolatrous 14 ). >>, in such

way they commit an error of cosmic dimension..

Consequently at least the Seekers of truth - of whatever religion, western or oriental - they

know that the man has eternal bodies, since there could not be otherwise renewal of the human

person with amplification of his/her Conscience 15 during the numerous incarnations of their Divine

5 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 184-186 (La reincarnazione), Armenia 6 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 122 (Frantumazione dell’Uno nei molti), Mediterranee 7 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Ego), Mediterranee8 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee9 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee10 Damien Keown, Buddhismo, pages 49-50, Einaudi Tascabili ; Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 50, Einaudi Tascabili11 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee12 Cerchio Firenze 77. Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee13 Alexandra David-Néel, Il Buddhismo di Buddha, page 236, Ecig, Genova, Italy14 Esodo 20, 2-615 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione) and page 208 (Individuo), Mediterranee


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Spark or Individuality 16 in different men in the planet Earth. Of it derives that the man, through the

religions, the Sacred Scriptures and the books, he/she can also know about the existence of the

Plan of Salvation of God to give us the joy of the eternal life in Him 17 as it taught the Christ,

Redeemer and Savior of all men to any people or religion they belong18 .

2. The eternal life

The Lord Jesus said of the eternal life: <<…Eternal life is this: to know you, the only true

God, and to know he who you have sent, Jesus Christ 19 >>.

Eternal life is perfection of life and therefore peace and joy. God has recently said of

Himself. " Everything in Me is joy ".

The Hindus know of the Divinity, however wrong in very many believers, because they

believe in the existence of more Gods 20 , instead that of a sole God, Absolute, of Which the Gods

they can be only Manifestations.

The Buddhists don't believe in God despite it doesn't result that the Buddha, that was a

Hindu, has openly denied the existence of the Absolute One because it didn't have proof of the Self

or Atman or of its the cosmic equivalent the Brahman 21 , but since Siddhartha taught to the monks

to believe only in what they personally experimented 22 it didn't face this essential theme leaving to

every disciple the responsibility to discover God by itself; this vagueness of his its showed itself an

error of cosmic dimension, since the Buddhists don't believe in God not knowing how to find Him in

their them same heart, because they meditate outside of them if in the planes astral and mental.

And they don't find Him since they don't not only recognize Him, but they look for Him in the wrong

place. As a matter of fact they look for Him in the mind, while God reveals Itself in the heart of the

man, where God waits for him/her 23 ; all those people whom meditate outside of themselves they

are subject to the deceptions of Satan, as it happened to the Buddha that meditated and taught to

16 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 214 (Reincarnazione ), Mediterranee17 Vangelo di Giovanni 17, 1-5 and 17, 20-21 18 Vangelo di Giovanni 10, 16 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (Il ritorno del Cristo), Mediterranee

19 Vangelo di Giovanni 17, 3

20 EMI Editrice Missionaria Italiana, Le grandi religioni, Induismo, Gianinismo, Sikkismo and Parsismo a cura di FlavioPoli, page 8, Bologna, Italy

21 Damien Keown, Buddhismo, pages 49-50, Einaudi Tascabili

22 Michael Carrithers, Buddha page 43, Einaudi Tascabili

23 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated January 23rd and 28th , March 28th , April 8th , May 29th , July 17th and 21st , November 30th , September 4th and November 24th , Amrita


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meditate 24 on an sole fact: the origin and the extinction of the suffering 25 ; this last one was a

wrong meditation because sufferings cannot extinguish because they are one of the motors of the

law of the evolution; the other two motors are the struggles and the temptations 26 .

3. Conditions for a filial relationship with God

The Father-Mother-God 27 , loving us, it is not able that to desire that we recognize Him as

such for make Him emerge with the purpose to take back the family relationship that He had with

the Demons at the beginning of the times, before the rebellion of Satan, of the other rebellious

Angels 28 and of the original sin 29 . But because this happens these conditions they are

necessary rendered explicit by the Lord God at Findhorn in the XX century:

- << Are you in harmony with the whole life?;

- Do you feel yourself all one and in peace with the souls that surround you…?;

- Your life must be an answer to the problems that earth torments and therefore he/she

must not make part of the chaos and the confusion that they reign in the world today;

- He/she must not hold the feet in two shoes;

- ….Your faith cannot be lukewarm and without conviction: it must be fully enthusiastic or


- God has need that the man is ardent, turned on of love for Him, completely devoted to

Him and His work, willing to do His will at any price;

- God asks for everything and only when the man will have given everything, he/she will

receive everything.

- ….Nothing will be denied you and you will discover that what I possesses it is yours 30


Considered that the Lord God in the XX century, at Findhorn, has given to Eileen Caddy so

many new and very clear teachings as that above reported; all religions should correct their Sacred

Scriptures for giving to their own believers the possibility to find God inside their heart 31 for being

subsequently freed by the chain of the births and the deaths by Jesus Christ 32 .

Therefore it is first of all necessary that the religions, Buddhist Sects included, let to all

men know that God exists and that we must look for Him in our heart where God waits us. The

Buddhist Sects let their believers know that we also have two eternal bodies: the Spirit or Self or

Divine Spark and the Conscience or Soul that allow the spiritual growth of the man through the law

24 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, pages 42-44 (Il valore dell’esperienza diretta), Einaudi Tascabili25 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, pages 43-44, Einaudi Tascabili26 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia27 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104, Mediterranee28 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 157-163 ( La natura di Satana e le conseguenze della sua caduta), Armenia29 Genesi 330 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 11th , Amrita31 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated January 23rd and 28th , March 28th , April 8th , May 29th , July 17th and21st August 30th , September 4th and November 24th , Amrita32 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita


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of the evolution, of the law of the reincarnation and the law of the karma for the amplification of

his/her Conscience.

The religions All together, in their whole they must do their best in to make to know that God

exists and that He is continually at the work to educate us to live according to the eternal values.

God, being love 33 loves us and loving us desires us that our Divine Spark doesn't remain for a long

time bound to the terrestrial school, since on the Earth, the men - that they are selfish - they must

suffer a lot before understanding the shine of the altruism that is brotherhood and that peace gives

and then the joy.

The overcoming of the egoism requires the asceticism and the consequent internal fight

against the own me human or small self to overcome it, choosing without constraints, among the

true ones and the false values of the life. In such way it is learned to dominate the me 34 and the

egoism. But the self or me can be dominated only with the help of God when the man will

have discovered with the self psycho analysis 35 his/her limits 36 (vices, defects and other

spiritual poverties).

The man, however, also has to recognize the existence of God in his/her internal world (in

the depth of his/her heart 37 ) and he/she must make Him emerge 38 with an evangelical life, that is

simple and altruist, but he/she must do it of own initiative, in how much it has been given him/her

the relative free will 39 and the relative liberty 40 .

Only then the Lord Jesus Christ, Redeemer and Savior of all men 41 He can intervene for

accelerating our spiritual evolution to give us the eternal life in the unity of the God of the love and

the life, that loves us and He attends the return of His love.

4. The Buddhisms and the man

Who doesn't believe in God and in the survival with the Self or Spirit (or Drop or Divine

Spark) he/she doesn't even believe in the Conscience or Soul 42 as second eternal body of the man

that is formed during his/her numerous terrestrial incarnations 43 . These two bodies ultra physical

33 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee34 Proverbi16, 3235 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 37 (Autopsicanalisi), Mediterranee36 Cerchio Firenze 77, La voce dell’ignoto, pages 45-50, Mediterranee37 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated January 23rd and 28th , March 28th, April 8th , May 29th , July 17th and 21st , August 30th , September 4th and November 24th , Amrita38 Eileen Caddy, Message dated May 29th , Amrita39 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 161-162 (Libero arbitrio e Libertà), Mediterranee40 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio. pages 161-162 (Libertà) ; Per un mondo migliore, page 210 (Libero arbitrio relativo) and Oltre il silenzio, page 234, Mediterranee41 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” del Cristo), Mediterranee42 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 28-29 (Anima), Mediterranee43 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 205 (Corpo akasico uguale Coscienza) and page 214 (Reincarnazione) ; Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee


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together form the Ego 44 destined to live for ever in God. The Buddha recognized the existence of

the Conscience as one of the five factors (vinnana), but not as an eternal body of the man 45 .

The Ego accompanies the man in all of his terrestrial incarnations and in the other planes of

existence of the Cosmos 46 between an incarnation and the other.

The man is a whole, formed by said two eternal bodies that at every terrestrial incarnation

they unite themselves with the new deadly bodies of the man (the physicist one, the astral one and

the mental one) for making him/her live with personality always renewed 47 new terrestrial

adventures in the planet Earth at every incarnation, a good school of the Spirit of God in which

Jesus Christ acts with so much patience, indulgence and forbearance 48 . Every terrestrial

existence allows the man to widen both its knowledges and its conscience because we also learn

from our mistakes and because nothing is casual or it happens in vain 49 in the life of the man

conceived and realized by the absolute God of the Perfection 50 .

The Conscience or Body akasico has been defined so by the disembodied Teachers of the

Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77): << What receives and it transcribes making it become

same nature of the individual the Realities that the same individual, existing, it discovers and it

acquires. It is never abandoned by the individual during the numerous incarnations, but it is

constituted little by little the individual evolves 51 >>.

The Buddhists, exceptions excepted, they don't believe in the survival of the Self eternal (or

Divine Spark) that they think impermanent, also because they don't distinguish the small self or me

human from the Self or Spirit or Spark or Divine Drop; not making such distinction they don't want

to believe that only the me or human self, or small self is impermanent (and it is born and remains

in the mental plan since at every incarnation the man receives a new mind on the basis of the law

of the evolution 52 as new bodies physical, astral and mental 53 ). Among the Buddhists the

exception of the to believe in the Self ( with the es capital letter) is in the non orthodox school

Pudgalavada of the Buddhismo Hynayana 54 ;

On the subject the disembodied Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77)


a. that the me or human self or inferior self ( written with the es small letter ) it consists in

the <<Selfish concept of itself created by the individual mind which, distorting the intimate sense

44 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Ego), Mediterranee45 Damien Keown, Buddhismo, page 49, Einaudi Tascabili46 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo) and pages 217-221 (Piani), Mediterranee47 Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, page 53, Mediterranee48 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 185, Armenia49 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated August 27th and 29th , Amrita50 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 296 (Tutto è perfetto), Mediterranee51 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 205 (Corpo akasico uguale Coscienza), Mediterranee52 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee53 Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, page 53 (Perché deve esistere la morte del corpo fisico, del corpo astrale e del corpo mentale), Mediterranee54 Valerio Zecchini, Buddhismo sentiero di luce, page 100, Demetra


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of individuality coming from the tallest nature of the individual, it makes to feel these separate and

distinguished by the Cosmos 55>>;

b. << The sense of separation is a wrong interpretation that the individual makes in its

intimate of the "sense of individuality", for which the individual feels him separate and distinguished

by all of this that surrounds him/her. The sense of separatività originates the self with all the

expansionistic processes 56 >>.

Instead the Self (or Spirit or Spark or Divine Drop) is the eternal Body of the man, the

individuality 57 that animates the man on the Earth and in the other three planes or worlds of the

Cosmos , the physicist with the Earth, the astral one, the mental one, and the akasico one or of the

Conscience 58 . The Divine Spark animates always the man 59 and together with the Conscience

accumulated up to the preceding incarnation they form the Ego that is what it remains of the

individual when this it has finished the evolution as man 60 . This also explains the fertility of the

numerous human incarnations in the planet Earth (done on the foundation of the laws of the

evolution 61 , of the karma 62 , and of the reincarnation 63 .

The theory buddhica of the Not Self or Anatta it is it deprives of foundation, while the thesis

of the Five factors 64 is very incomplete for the lack of the Self or Spirit or Divine Spark.

According to the philosophical, logical and convincing teaching of the disembodied

Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77), at every new incarnation the man - or

his/her Divine Spark that is the individuality that reincarnates itself - it changes the bodies physical,

astral and mental, to always live numerous evolutionary existences on the Earth with personalities

always renewed 65 , but perfectly proper at every different incarnation.

Of it derives that at the birth on the Earth every man is a new individual 66 animated by the

individuality or Divine Spark 67 - virtual cell of the Spirit of God - with bodies physical, astral and

mental new, perfectly fit to the purposes of the new incarnation. The Body akasico or Conscience

or Soul it is instead that of the last incarnation, that is that includes the amplifications of conscience

of all the human incarnations precedents the new one; the Conscience is an eternal body that with

the Spark Divine form the Ego.

55 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 208-209 (io), Mediterranee56 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 215 (Senso di separatività), Mediterranee57 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 208 (Individualità), Mediterranee58 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee59 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee60 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Ego), Mediterranee61 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione) ; Dizionario del Cerchio pages 106-112 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee62 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 209 (Karma) ; Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 153-156 (Karma), Mediterranee63 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 214 (Reincarnazione) ; Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee64 Damien Keown, Buddhismo, pages 49-51, Einaudi Tascabili65 Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, page 53 ; Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 188-189 (Morte), Mediterranee66 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 208 (Individuo), Mediterranee67 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee


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The Divine Spark, that is individuality, is the fulcrum of the man 68 or its true essence and is

not subject to evolution because eternal and not created. The individuality of which the

disembodied Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) speak, must not be confused

with the individuality of the theory buddhica of the Five factors that would have had more properly

called theory of the Five factors of the individual.

5. Meanings of some terms of the Life

To facilitate the understanding of the discourse, that we have just summarily treated, here

following we list the meanings of some terms explained by the Teachers disembodied of the

Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) that they help to understand the life of the man on the


1. EVOLUTION - << Process for which life, through forms more and more organized, it

always expresses great degrees of Mind and of Spirit 69 >>; (note of mine: for Spirit you intend the

conscience, as the Spirit, the Divine Spark, is eternal and not created; God is over the matter and

the Everything because of the transcendence 70 ) ;

2. GOD - Cause of the causes. First cause not created. Beginning and end of the

whole that it didn't have beginning neither it will have end. Origin and finality of every emanation.

One equal Absolute. Being and Unique Existence that It includes every being and every existence

being these in Him. Present in every thing, even if transcending the totality of the things, it is of

these origin in the Cosmoses for His nature: inside = Love, and external = Life. It is " He who it is"71 ;

3. << BODY AKASICO - (Equal conscience). What it receives and it transcribes,

making it become same nature of the individual, the Realities that the same individual, existing, it

discovers and it acquires. It is never abandoned by the individual during the numerous

incarnations, but it is constituted little by little the individual evolves 72 >>;

4. << ASTRAL BODY - it is that vehicle that conventionally he distinguishes just with

this name, which serves to reveal, to give body, to concretize certain vibrations that the individual

perceives in the physical plane, and to transform these vibrations in "feelings", if the vibrations are

of light intensity, or in "emotions" if these vibrations are of superior intensity, or of great intensity.

Besides the astral body is center of the desires, in how much just originates those that the men

define "desires", that are listed and recognized by the mind 73 >>

68 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 208 (Individualità), Mediterranee69 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee70 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dai mondi invisibili, page 234 (Trascendenza e immanenza dell’Assoluto) e Dizionario del Cerchio, page 294 (Trascendenza), Mediterranee71 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 205-206 (Dio), Mediterranee72 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 205 (Corpo akasico uguale Coscienza), Mediterranee73 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 205 (Corpo astrale), Mediterranee


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5. << PHYSICAL BODY - Vehicle constituted of physical matter that manifests on the

physical plane an individual life. It is " physical vehicle" any organism, simple or complex, named

from the natural sciences, belonging to the flora or to the fauna of this or other planets 74 >>.

6. << MENTAL BODY - mental matter organized in vehicle of the individual

manifestation, able to give to the individual all the faculties proper of the mind 75 >>;

7. EGO - << Part more elevated of the individual subject to evolution. It has called

"Ego" the whole the Divine Spark and the "individual conscience." The Ego is therefore what

remains of the individual when these he/she has finished the evolution as man 76 >>. The man

contributes with his/her numerous terrestrial existences to expand his/her Conscience, also

through the errors that he/she commits and that they help him/her, then to understand the mistakes

that he/she committed in the past. The Conscience or Soul or Body akasico is the second

immortal body of the man;

8. << EVOLUTION OF THE SELF-CONSCIENCE - regarding the individuals or

microcosms 77 >>;

9. << EVOLUTION OF THE FORM - Regarding the bodies, the vehicles, of the

individual life (you see physical body, astral body, mental body and body akasico or of the

conscience) 78 >>;

10. << EVOLUTION OF THE MATTER - Regarding the matters of every plane of

existence 79 >> ;

11. << LAW OF EVOLUTION - Law for which every element of the Cosmos develops;

what is "in" it manifests; what is "in power" it is translated "in action"; what is in germ it is born,

passing from innumerable intermediary stadiums. The Cosmos evolves in the sense that it lives,

but not in the sense that it becomes perfect, in how much it is - as emanation of God - already

perfect. The cosmic evolution it can conventionally divide, according to the nature of the elements

that evolve themselves, in: evolution of the matter, evolution of the form, evolution of the self-

conscience (you see aforesaid voices) 80 >>;

12. DROP OR DIVINE SPARK - SPIRIT – SELF - Fulcrum of the individual existence

not to evolution subject. Divine emanation that determines the individuality and the life of the

individual or the microcosm 81 >>; the Divine Drop or Spark or Spirit or Self << … it is. if we could

define it. identical, in the nature, in the essence and in the substance, to the Absolute One; and it

is therefore identical to other Drop or Divine Spark. There is no difference. But, since to every Drop

or Divine Spark refers to the rest of that that you have gotten used to call "individuality", here that

74 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 205 (Corpo fisico), Mediterranee75 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 205 (Corpo mentale), Mediterranee76 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Ego), Mediterranee77 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione dell’autocoscienza), Mediterranee78 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione della forma), Mediterranee 79 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione della materia), Mediterranee80 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 210 (Legge di evoluzione), Mediterranee81 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 207 (Goccia o Scintilla Divina – Spirito – Sé), Mediterranee


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every Drop or Divine Spark it is virtually able still to be considered, in this whole, a world to itself. It

is a microcosm, considered with his "to feel " individual referring to it. It is as a sun, this sun is the

Absolute one including the virtual splitting up in so many, endless cells: the Drops, the divine

Sparks. It is as if from this sun they were departed in endless rays the individualities, that they

have just the maximum expression of the " to feel" in common, the Drops or divine Sparks; and

then the rays, distinguished instead the one by the others, that are the theories of the different to

feel individual. A sun with so many rays. In this sun so many Drops or divine Sparks; to every Drop

or divine Spark refers to ray, and every ray is a theory of individual "to feel" that goes from a "to

feel" said in power up to a "to feel" defined in action 82 >>.

13. INDIVIDUALITY - it is the first manifestation of God to originate the world of the

microcosms. It is the fulcrum of the individual. It is the "Drop", the "Self", the "Divine Spark",

mantled or not with the conscience 83 >>;

14. << INDIVIDUAL - He who is or it will be a "center of conscience and expression".

Who, undergoing to the law of evolution, he/she can express himself/herself in terms of

conscience. Individual, for extension of meaning, equal also to "microcosm" 84 >>;

15. << INTELLECT - Principle of the individual that gives the ability to think and to

reason, that is to coordinate the elements of the external, or inside world, according to a logical

succession and the more possible adherent to the Reality. It is, besides, what can abstract the

individual from the subjective image of the world that surrounds him/her and to make him/her feel

separate, creating the me or self >> 85 ;

16. << ME - Selfish concept of itselves created by the individual mind which, distorting

the intimate sense of individuality coming from the tallest nature of the individual, it makes to feel

this separate and distinguished by the Cosmos 86 >>;

17. << INSTINCT - it is what it determines unconscious actions in the individual, or to

this it makes to perform actions without the awareness of the intellect. It is really of the mechanism

of the actions, in how much it originates the so said "reflections 87 ">> ;

18. << INDIVIDUAL MIND - Vehicle of the individual manifestation that gives origin to

more activities of which the individual can be aware or unaware. Conventionally dividing it

according to the performed activities is said: instinctive mind - intellectual mind - mind supernormal88>>;

19. << INTELLECTUAL MIND - activity of the mind that originates the awareness of the

individual and all the intellectual manifestations (you see Intellect) 89 >>;

82 Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’illusione, page 209, Mediterranee83 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 208 (Individualità), Mediterranee84 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 208 (Individuo), Mediterranee85 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 208 (Intelletto), Mediterranee86 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209 (io), Mediterranee87 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 209 (Istinto), Mediterranee88 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 212 (Mente individuale), Mediterranee89 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 212 (Mente intellettiva), Mediterranee


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20. << INSTINCTIVE MIND - Principle of the individual that originates and it presides

all the individual instinctive manifestations (you see Instinct) 90 >>;

21. << SUPERNORMAL Mind - it is what it gives the individual uncontrolled and

exceptional ability to have logical and real solutions to insoluble problems in the mental aware

sphere, or of the intellect 91 >>.

The teaching of the disembodied Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77)

are contained in eight books, plus a Dictionary, and it is perfectly compatible with the Revelations

of the Lord God at Findhorn in Scotland and of the Lord Jesus to Jakob Lorber in Austria. We

share the appreciation that others have given to such teaching: "celestial." Said teaching it is

recommended by us to everybody, especially to the Buddhists and the Hindus that show to

appreciate the philosophical teaching since the antiquity 92 .

6. The Buddhists honor the Buddha as it were God and therefore they are idolatrous.

We said that the Buddhists don't believe in God, but they honor Gotama Siddhartha known

as Buddha as it were God and therefore they have done an idol of him; accordingly the Buddhists

are idolatrous 93 .But even them will fondly be judged also 94 , as if they were not guilty of idolatry,

because Jesus Christ has not come on the earth to condemn the world, but to save it 95 and

therefore He forgives our sins and judges us for our good deeds only 96 .

The Buddhists don't even believe in the eternity of the Self or the Divine Spark (with the

exception of the school Pudgalavada, heretical sect Hinayana 97 ). The other Buddhists, not

believing in the existence of the Divine Spark or Spirit or Self of the man, it seems that they don't

believe that the man eternally lives, but they believe in the reincarnation in the wrong way, since if

there was not a Subject (The Self or Divine Spark) that reincarnates itself there could not be even

reincarnation there; reincarnating the man it widens his/her mind and his/her Conscience. With the

theory Buddhica of the Anatta (Atman) 98 , that is without foundation, there would not be even

growth of the man and so it would come to miss one of the two columns of the evolution 99 or the

law of the reincarnation (the other column is the law of cause and of effect or karmic law).

7. The survival of the man and the Nirvana

90 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 212 (Mente istintiva), Mediterranee91 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 212-213 (Mente supernormale), Mediterranee92 Leonardo Vittorio Arena, La filosofia indiana, Tascabili Economici Newton93 Esodo 20, 1-694 Vangelo di Giovanni 5, 21-30 ; 8, 15-16 ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 181-184 ( IL giorno del giudizio e la resurrezione della carne), Armenia95 Vangelo di Giovanni 12, 47 96 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 181-184 ( Il giorno del giudizio e la resurrezione della carne), Armenia97 Valerio Zecchini, Buddhismo sentiero di luce, page 37, Demetra98 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, pages 44-51 (La conoscenza del Sé), Einaudi Tascabili ; Damien Keown, Buddhismo, page 50, Einaudi Tascabili 99 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evolution), Mediterranee


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The man lives for ever by means of numerous incarnations on the Heart and in the other

three worlds of the Cosmos (astral, mental and Akasico or of the Conscience 100 )at the end of

which the man becomes saint on the strength of the law of evolution and as saint he/she will live

for ever in the Kingdom of God or Kingdom of the Skies.

It can be said that substantially Buddhists don’t believe to the survival of the man because

they don’t believe in the existence of the Self or Divine Spark, the Subject that reincarnates itself

in other men. The Buddhists don’t believe substantially to the survival of the man because they

don’t distinguish adequately the small self – that it is written with the es small letter – or me from

the Self or Divine Spark. The small self or me is impermanent; the Eternal Self is written with the

es capital letter.

The Bhavagad Gita teaches to write the impermanent self or me with the es small letter

and the Eternal Self with the es capital letter 101 , but at the time of Siddhattha la Bhavagad Gita it

was not published yet and therefore the Buddha cannot know it well.

Nevertheless the Buddhists have elaborated and created on the strength of wrong

thoughts the Buddhists' Heaven since the thought creates for a law of God 102 ; the Nirvana is

"adjoining" to the Paradises of the other religions 103 . The Buddhists have called it Nirvana in which

they keep on living, after their physical body is dead and they has overcome the purification of the

astral plane 104 .

The Nirvana, it is not certain the Kingdom of God. As a matter of fact, of the Nirvana

has been said by the Teachers disembodied of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77): <<The

whole life of the man is founded on the "me" (self), and not only of the man, also of the Saint.

Everything is done in the presupposition to increase itself, also when – apparently - it seems

wanted to annihilate himself/herself. The "me" permeates all the teachings, also the most valid.

The "Nirvana of the Oriental is the "me" that it perceives the Divinity: supreme illusion!... 105 >>.

To the Buddhisms and to the Buddhists miss God the Divine Spark or Spirit or Self and the

Lorde Jesus with His Doctrine explained in the Gospels; therefore the Buddhists if they won't elect

the Christ to them Teacher and Savior" … they will be always valued on the basis of their doctrine

and the consequent behaviour of life and they won't reach the divine filiation… 106 ". And this

means that they will remain in the Nirvana that they are created with their thoughts, since the

thought creates 107 ; therefore for a lot of time they won't enjoy of the joy of the proximity with God

100 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee101 Sri Aurobindo, Lo Yoga della Bhavagad Gita, Canto VI 4-10, Mediterranee102 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 140 (Come l’uomo pensa così crea; questa è la Mia legge), Mediterranee 103 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 175-180 (L’evoluzione dopo il trapasso), Mediterranee104 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 175-176 (la purificazione del piano astrale), Mediterranee105 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 193 (Nirvana), Mediterranee106 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 178, Armenia 107 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 139-141, Mediterranee


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that they ignore. But thanks to the love of God they won't stay forever in the Nirvana, since the

Father-Mother Celestial it will arouse in them the desire to be reincarnated 108 until their conscience

won't almost entirely be constituted and then they will elect the Lord Jesus to their Teacher and


The Buddhists don't know or they don’t remember the promises of the Lord Jesus that it

said after having founded the Eucharistic (the Lord's Supper):

<< I declare you a thing: if you not eat the body of the Son of the man and you don't drink

his blood, you won't have in you the life. Who eats my body and drinks my blood it has the

eternal life, and I will resuscitate him/her in the last day; because my body is true food and

my blood it is true drink. Who eats my flesh and he/she drinks my blood he/she is united to me

and me to him.. The Father is the life: I have been sent by him and I have the life thanks to him;

this way who eats me it will have the life thanks to me. This is the bread come by the sky. It is not

as the bread that your ancestors ate and they died equally; who eats this bread he/she will live

forever 109 >>. Note of mine: The lord Jesus makes reference to the Eucharistic that is to Lord

Supper, during which the bread and the are transformed in the Body and the blood of the Lord

(Vangelo di Matteo 26, 26-29 ).

8. The spiritual Guides for those people who don't know the Lord Jesus and his doctrine

For the reasons that we have pointed out the Buddhists they won't have access to the

Divine World until they won't become disciples of Jesus that it told in the XIX century to His

Austrian scribe Jakob Lorber: <<To those men that in this world they have never had the

opportunity to know My teaching, in the other world they are given some guides, that conduct them

to the bridge that is found between this world and that spiritual one. If they follow the guides, they

can overcome the bridge and to reach the true life. If however stubbornly they remain in their

convictions, they will be always valued on the basis of their doctrine and the consequent behaviour

of life, and they won't reach the divine filiation 110 >>.

I think that the Buddha had not listened the above-mentioned Guides because if he had

done it he does not would have necessity of the help of Jesus for blessing the Earth each year 111 .

Also the aforesaid Guides are a gift of the God of the love and of the Life.

Nevertheless those Buddhists - so as those believers of other religions and those Atheists

that have lived as righteous ones 112 also without knowing the Gospel for intimate knowledge- they

will feel attracted by the Conscience of the Christ as the iron to the magnet, as the Lord God

teaches at Findhorn 113 .

108 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 177-178 (I plastici del desiderio), Mediterranee109 Vangelo di Giovanni 6, 53-58 ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 104 (Eucarestia), Mediterranee110 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 178, Armenia111 Vangelo di Giovanni 14, 12-14 ; Giuditta Dembech, Conoscere il Wesak, pages 14-18, L’Ariete112 Observing the Decalogue even is they dont know it (For the Decalogue is seen the Book of the Deuteronomy 5, 6-22113 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 24th , Amrita


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In the East the Lord Jesus is well known by many religious of oriental religions; the Christ is

especially known from those people that participate in the annual Ceremony that takes place in

the valley of the Wesak in the chain of the Himalaya during which they receive the benediction of

the Buddha Gotama Siddhartha to the Earth; the Earth can receive the benediction of the

Buddha in how much it is strengthened by the Christ, the Messiah Son of God 114 .

9. Confirmations on the Christian Salvation and on the divine nature of the Lord Jesus

God told in the XX century Eileen Caddy of the Community of Findhorn: <<You rise and

know me. You become aware of Me in every moment. You leave that My joy flows through of you.

<< " …Hallelujah , all are risen!" it is exactly what it has happened. In My love and in My truth you

are become One. Expand you My sons. You learn to be flexible and freely move you as you are

directed. All is in My plan 115 >>.

It is exactly what it has already happened in the Eternal Present since everything is present

God in the same eternal instant; as a matter of fact God is also Eternal Present 116 and therefore in

Him, the to flow of the terrestrial time doesn't have any influence and therefore in Him we are

already risen all, because the Tall One is unchangeable. He has also said <<…I pour My

benedictions on each one of you. Felt surrounded by a circle of love and peace. Shout " Hallelujah

and glory be" since all are risen! All are One>>.

All religions - the Buddhists Sects also, they are considered or not religions - they should

cooperate to realize the Destiny of the Resurrection in God of all men in the person of Jesus Christ117 pledging themselves to put into practice this ancient dream-desire of the man: to know God;

the Buddha also had this desire as it is inferred from the following words that are reported: <<The

opinion is enough diffused that the Buddha has taught an atheistic doctrine. The impression is that

- rather to deny it - the Buddha didn't take care of him of the notion of God… : (note of mine: I

think, instead, that he was not able to define God because God is indefinable ). … he ignored it as

useless because each one must trust only himself; divinity or demons are not able neither to serve,

neither to harm (note of mine: it is not true! Divinities are useful and demons harm. it is another

mistake of cosmic dimension of the Buddha, deceived by Satan – Mara, since as it is true that God

help the man in everything and that He has done the laws of the life to start with the law of

evolution and of the karma, it is true also that Satan hinders and treats the man with the sin, which

means transgression to the God’s laws to start from the Decalogue and from the Commandments

of the love ) . … In the Buddha we find a refusal of the defective images with which the divinity was

explained then (note of mine And this is true even today in India and elsewhere ), …. but traces of

a superior reality remain. For an instance after the illumination he exclaims: It is " an evil to remain

without anybody to which to testify veneration and respect." And since its search of the Absolute

114 Giuditta Dembech, Conoscere il Wesak, page 9-18, L’Ariete115 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 31, Mediterranee116 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104 (Eterno Presente), Mediterranee117 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita


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One has not found answer, it decides to hang on to the Law that has discovered for honouring it,

to respect it and to serve it." The " Law (Dharma)…. (note of mine: It is the law of the karma or law

of cause and of effect, but it is not true that nobody has created it. It is a Divine creation and this is

another mistake of the Buddha Gotama Siddhattha ). … it replaces so the "divinity" and opposite

to it he feels, as every creature subdued: " I have not created the Dharma and nobody has created

it (note of mine: it is not true! No law may exist without a Legislator. The law of the Dharma

(Karma) it has been promulgated by God to correct men’s mistakes of behaviour; it is another

mistake of cosmic dimension of Siddhattha that Satan – Mara deceived; if it exists as it exists a

law, that is the law of cause and of effect or karmic law, it must exist, before a Legislator, God,

since from the Nothing, that it does not exists, it could come out a Nothing only 118 ">>

The words of the Buddha that we have reported are an example as the man has innate the

sense of God, but it needs to have the good sense to look for Him in our own heart and recognize

of Him the creativeness, the omnipotence and the omniscience, but also that God is a Father and

Mother very careful and prompt for every material and spiritual need of ours 119 . And therefore it

is more rightful to honour Him, to respect Him, to serve Him and to look for Him in the right

place: meditating in our heart 120 .

But apart what it happened to the Buddha 2500 years ago, it needs to recognize that he

didn't have to own disposition as the man of the XX century the Revelations of the Bible, of

the ancient Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Thomas) and modern,

the great Gospel of John of the XIX century revealed to the Austrian Jakob Lorber and the gospel

done to relive to Maria Valtorta, Italian, in the XX century, God's Revelation at Findhorn in

Scotland, of Or Lady Mary at Medjugorje in Croatia and the Revelation of the Teachers

disembodied of The Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle in Florence 77), that have put me able to write

the Catechism of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order); such Catechism has also

been published in the site web www.ordinegesuredentore.it, that it includes an illustration of the

doctrine of the Buddha done in some documents like this.

For learning to know God he/she we have to convert himself / herself 121 and to live as he

asks ans teaches him/her the Lord Jesus in the Gospels. Such conversion and new style of life it

corresponds to make our part in how much nobody is able and he/she wants to do it for us 122 . The

teacher Buddha didn't have our same possibilities: to have at his disposal above mentioned

Divine Revelations on books that they can be consulted at will so having a big advantage; the

Buddha was a great thinker, even if it committed too much great errors 123 ; nevertheless - it is

118 Italia Missionaria, Le grandi religioni del mondo, Buddhismo, care of Carlo Ghislandi and Angelo Campagnoli, page26. E.M.I., Bologna, Italy119 Vangelo di Matteo 6, 25-34 ; Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61 (Le risposte interiori) and Le porte interiori, Message dated July 21st , Amrita120 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 4th , Amrita121 Vangelo di Matteo 4, 17122 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 29th and August 29th , Amrita 123 You see also the documents on the Buddha in our Catechism available in our site Internet also www.ordinegesuredentore. it


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repeated - it must be recognized him the attenuating one to have lived on the Earth 2500 years


God said << … You must think with your head, you must live and to find alone the

solutions to your problems. You must walk with your legs and to never wait you that someone does

it to your place. You turn the look inside of you, and it looks for the answers there and you

will find them, even if this can ask some time. It may be that you must learn to be patient and

to serve Me, but when your faith will sufficiently be firm, you will find all of this that looks for… 124

.>>. (note of mine: the Buddha, erroneously, looked for outside of him).

The true religions should do their best with all of their strengths to find a common

operational agreement on the fundamental themes that interest the life of the man on the Earth in

brief times since the sufferings of the miserable ones and the poor men of the South of the world

are so many and so great! And these sufferings derive from the bad actions of the men and the

indispensable corrections of the law of the Karma 125 to teach them to behave correctly; turning to

God at the right moment we can grow and consequently to limit for reached understanding and

divine mercy the hardness of the law karmica.

10. Who the Lord Jesus was son of Mary of Nazareth and of the Spirit Saint 126 ?

Jesus was and is a Divine Manifestation 127 ; therefore all of this that said the Lord Jesus is

divine Truth, not human, because in him He spoke the Supreme being God because Jesus had in

itself the Word of God 128 ; the Christ also said that it was the Way, the Truth and the Life; therefore

all men elect Him as their Teacher and Lord for adopting the Decalogue 129 and the

Commandments of the love 130 , that the ancient and modern Gospels explain us 131 with the

purpose to spread and to realize in the world the Christian ideals, the tallest ones that there are

and that is God's knowledge, the love, the charity, the brotherhood, the solidarity, the harmony and

the pardon!

The Messiah of all peoples 132 could say only Truth, because He was the Verb of Truth

come in the world to renew deeply every man and every religion, included the doctrines of the

Buddhist Sects.

And that God was with Jesus it doesn't tell only it the Gospel, but also the Koran in which is

confirmed :

what a the Lord Jesus, the Messiah, was son of Mary of Nazareth and of the Spirit-

124 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 30th , Amrita 125 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del Karma), Mediterranee126 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 52, Ulrico Hoepli127 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-45 ( Dio: unità o trinità), Armenia128 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40, Ulrico Hoepli129 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22130 Levitico 19, 17-18 ; Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 131 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 7th , pages 123-124, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (Frosinone), Italiy132 Vangelo di Matteo 28, 18-20 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita


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will of God; therefore, the mother of Jesus was a woman, but his Father was God, in

how much Jesus as Adam was procreated for fatherly part 133 . The prophet

Mohammed was expressly requested of not doubting of such divine paternity 134 ;

what Jesus was the Verb of Truth; as a matter of fact to the prophet Mohammed

was said: " This is Jesus son of Mary; it is the verb of truth of which they doubt 135 ";

what a the Lord Allah, through the archangel Gabriel said the Lord Jesus': "... we

gave to Jesus, Mary's son, the evident proofs and we have strengthened him with

the Spirit of Holiness 136 “.

Of the Messiah Redeemer and Savior of all peoples the Lord God - in the Revelation to the

English Eileen Caddy, happened in the twentieth century at Findhorn in Scotland - He confirmed

with these words that Jesus Christ, that lived in Palestine around two thousand years ago, it was

His Son :

"It is for the time to come when they will become reality these words: <<The son of God will

appear in all of his glory because all can see him >>. Be ready because nobody knows the day

and the time. Be ready in every moment to see Him. I tell you not to surprise you of nothing 137 ".

But there is even more!: the Lord God expressly confirmed the divine role of the

Messiah Jesus Christ with these words:

<<… I AM always with you. You become aware of Me in every moment. We are One, One

in the heart, in the mind and in the Spirit. You are perfectly aware of the Divine Presence, the

Christ in you…138 >>.

The Lord God Father and Mother 139 it told (to Eileen Caddy of the Community of

Findhorn in Scotland) concerning the Salvation of the human kind that at the opportune moment

the Christ, Redeemer and Savior, will rise in the conscience of every man to whatever race, people

or religion belongs (note of mine: for divine Grace and suitable evangelical behaviour of the man)

and therefore without need of the intervention of some religion or doctrine ):

a. << … The souls that are aware of the conscience of Christ they feel them now attracted

reciprocally as the iron toward the magnet: it can happen that they are not aware of them at the

moment, but they will be it in the days to come. It is this conscience that does yes that more and

more souls are reciprocally attracted, so that all of you can become of the internal Christ aware

and can eternally make thanks for this awareness 140 >>; (our note: from fifty years around it has

arrived the spring, the New Era or the golden Age 141 , that. that is - of the redemption of an always

133 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 52, Ulrico Hoepli134 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 53, Ulrico Hoepli135 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XIX 35, Ulrico Hoepli136 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura II 254, Ulrico Hoepli137 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 109, Mediterranee138 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee139 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 103-104, Mediterranee140 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 24th , Amrita141 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 21st , Amrita


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great number of living Souls in Earth, which - becoming aware of the conscience of the internal

Christ - they feel him and they will feel him more and more reciprocally attracted ).

b. << Day after day, you fill yourself and you imbue yourself more and more of the

conscience of the Christ. You are able to walk in the light and to become everything one with it, as

long as in you there won't be more darkness; and when such process l will be established you will

succeed in bringing more light in the world. You have to realize that everything this has beginning

in you. It starts with to put order in your house, have faith and trust in your abilities and then do it

… 142 (note of mine: the salvation of the man, well then, is a combined work of God and of a single

man that has committed himself/herself in the Evangelical asceticism; the man has to do his/her

part well then life after life. The families, the religions, the good schools, and the good people they

help the single individuals – but in the final part of their life, to their spiritual growth provides

personally the Christ Redeemer and Saviour, the Divine Presence in the man (You see Eileen

Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee.>>

It is in such way the Lord God it implicitly confirmed:

- that any man can be redeemed and saved without the Lord Jesus, as the Messiah himself

told in Palestine two thousand years ago 143 ;

- that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Messiah Renovator of all men and all religions of the


And so the Lord God also confirmed that for all men of whatever epoch there is only a

Shepherd and a flock to whatever race, people or religion the sheep belongs, that is the

individuals 144 .

The Lord Jesus confirmed to Jakob Lorber that him same will return on the Earth as the

Good Shepherd 145 , as He told in Palestine two thousand years ago and that to every sheep, that

is to every person, He will give the eternal life to whatever epoch, race, people or religion or

doctrine belongs. He also said that He will return, but not more in a body of woman, on the contrary

in the intimate of every man, but at two conditions that it is opportune to underline:

a. that the man recognizes the unique God that is also inside of himself/herself and makes

Him emerge 146 ;

b. that he/she lives evangelically that is that he/she obeys to His commandments, that is to

those that same Jesus Christ gave to the Apostles and to the disciples two thousand years ago in

Palestine and that they are reported in the ancient and modern Gospels.

142 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 25th , Amrita143 Vangelo di Giovanni 10, 1-21 ; 12, 29-36 ; 14, 6 and 15, 1-17144 Vangelo di Giovanni 10, 1-21 ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” del Cristo), Mediterranee145 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 192-194, Armenia ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 161-162 (“il ritorno del Signore), Mediterranee146 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th , Amrita


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This new Advent will happen for all the men that will evangelically live to whatever religion

belongs, provided that makes to emerge God in their heart 147 .

In the Koran it is said of the Gospel of Jesus son of Mary " (.) and we gave him the Gospel

in which it is guide and light, that it is a confirmation of the Pentateuch, previously revealed and a

direction and a warning for the God-fearing 148 ". (note of mine: brothers Buddhists, this direction /

warning is in the Gospels that are valid for all men and therefore also for you).

For how much need is not of it - after what has told the Lord God at Findhorn in the XX

century we also refer what the Teachers disembodied of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 7

they have told Florence always in the XX century: << … It is feared to lose proselytes, when value

is given to the organization, and value is given to the organization to practice an authority that,

however you call, it is always of temporal nature, because that spiritual is not conferred certain

with an investiture neither it is subordinate to the affiliation to a religion. Christ will rise in the

intimate of every man, belongs to the one or to the other religion to the one or to the other political

faith. The man calls Christian when they love the neighbour . To believe to change the man

bathing him or circumcising him it is equal to believe to be able to change him/ changing him the

suit. But the work of the Christ is not bankrupt. Christ. the Charity, the brotherly love. it will

rise in the intimate of every man and not for recognition of an any religious organization

that was named or not after his name (.) 149 .>> .

11. Conditions for the divine filiation of the Not Christians and therefore also of the


a. << (.) To those men that in this world /they have never had the opportunity to know My

teaching, in the other world they are given some guides, that conduct them to the bridge that is

found between this world and that spiritual. If they follow the guides, they can overcome the bridge

and to reach the true life. If however stubbornly they remain in their convictions, they will be always

valued in base to their doctrine and the consequent behaviour of life, and they won't reach the

divine filiation. But really for these souls that are condemned by itselves, I have said twice

comforting things: that is when I narrated you the parable of the lost son 150 and when I told you

that in the house of My Father there are a lot of abodes 151 . or to clearly say it even more clear - a

lot of places of teaching and correction, in which even the more lost human demons can be

instructed and improved 152 >>.

b. And so with My doctrines that I give to the men I am a true bread of life that comes from

the Skies, and the to act on the basis of them is a true drink of life, an excellent and strong wine,

that through the spirit the whole man animates and illuminates him/her with the flames of the love147 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th , Amrita148 IL Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 50, Ulrico Hoepli149 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 ("The return" of the Christ), Mediterranee150 Vangelo di Luca 15, 11-32151 Vangelo di Giovanni 14, 2152 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 178, Armenia


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more and more. Who eats this bread and he/she drinks this wine, he/she won't see the death

anymore for the whole eternity. Now that you have understood these things, you act on the basis

of them and My words and they will become for you the fuller and living truth… 153 >>.

12. The Salvation or the Liberation

In the East and in the world you should not teach anymore that the Liberation (the

Salvation) can also be gotten with the yoga one or with the doctrine of the Buddha Gotama

Siddhartha because the Teachers disembodied of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77)

have said: <<You must study yourselves, to know yourselves, as it well clearly says and has

always said Claudio, and to ascertain "up to that point the "me" it pushes you to act. This

continuous to reflect, this continuous to recognize the "me", your limits, will bring to a liberation, but

entirely to be aware of yourselves, 32c, (you See Fatalism) 68c. "The liberation can also happen in

this moment" provided that you want it, provided that you have sincerity with yourselves, to be able

to realize that constant awareness that is liberation 69c. Who believed to be able to find in the

world the happiness (you see) and it heard him say, coming from us here, "this happiness will

never be reached in the world", or "this happiness is unattainable because the cause of the

unhappiness is in you"; and from these words of ours it stayed disappointed he he/she should not

give the guilt of his/her disappointment to our teaching; because it is very more next to the

liberation he/she who he/she knows, rather of he/she who he doesn't know, 149d. The liberation

taught from various schools to start from the yoga (you see) one, is looked out upon in

selfish sense, that is it is said that reaching such liberation frees him of the suffering, the

signs of the negative karmas they extinguish them, and so on. And this is not that a variation

of the heaven (you see) pointed out by the Catholic religion. This is deeply wrong. He who try to

reach the liberation with this goal, it will never reach /it. The purpose for which the man must

improve him/her is that to establish in his/her world, and from this to the world of the others, the

order, the justice and the rectitude: this and enough. He/she must not expect him/her for any form

of reward, neither spiritual, neither material. And he/she who with will seek the liberation to this

goal, he/she is certainly helped, 243g. The to want him/her to change must have the sole and only

purpose - I repeat it once more - to improve the world through the improvement of itself, without

expecting some reward. When the man meditating on himself/herself, it discovers in itself a series

of defects, he/she must not try to do violence him/her not to have defects anymore, but he/she

must take note of his/her limitations, and, through the mechanism of the to set attention and to

understand, to come to overcome, 244g 154 >>.

13. In the East many priests know the Lord Jesus Christ

In the East many priests of the different oriental religions know the Lord Jesus Christ and

153 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 143, Armenia 154 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 160-161 (Liberazione), Mediterranee


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His divine power..

To remember the ceremony of the Wesak is useful above all for the doubtful ones of various

kinds, because it is another demonstration that testifies the Divine nature of the Lord Jesus; the

Ceremony of the Wesak develops itself every year in a valley of the Himalaya during which the

Lord Jesus strengthens the benediction of the Buddha to the Earth:

" The pilgrims of the Himalaya

To the draw near of the scheduled date, thousand of pilgrims start toward this valley. For

some the trip will last a lot of weeks, they come from Ceylon, from Tibet, from Nepal from lost

places, attracted by the sacred call. Who they are? They are spiritual guides, they are disciples

and Teachers of every order and degree belonging to the most varied religious, philosophical or

esoteric current. They are lama, guru, sadhu, holy men that, with their word they contribute to the

spiritual growth of million of men. Reached the place, they take one’s place in the position that is

consistent to their degree; every one exactly knows what it is his place, without abuse of power,

neither discussions. Also belonging to radically different ethnic groups, to different religions, all the

participants are well aware of the importance of the unifying function of the ceremony, since the

root of the knowledge is unique, as sole it is the Divinity. Here barriers don't exist, neither

prejudices of any type, all work devoting the life to a common objective: the spiritual evolution of

the Human Kind. When the moment of the full moon draws near, on the altar of stone a great cup

of crystal flood of water is set. The pilgrims sing and they pray in attends him of the great Event

that is about to verify itself.

The Teachers' arrival

When everything is ready, the Great Initiates of the Hierarchy arrive. They witness to the

ceremony in their Body of Light, they are also them Perfect Teachers as the Buddha, they are the

Great Beings that in to turn of the centuries they have accompanied the growth of the human

beings and now concluded the cycle of incarnations on the Earth, they drive the humanity from the

Superior planes of the existence. They take place around the altar of stone, in the space that it

has been reserved to them and they tune up ritual songs, accompanied by the crowd of the

presents. While the moment draws near, the crowd tunes up the song of the <<OM>>, the primitive

sound through which the Creation happened, the ineffable name of God.

Close to the altar, to the center of the group of the Teachers, it materializes him in his

Body of Light the Christ, come to welcome His Great Brother. It will receive the benediction

of the Buddha and, strengthening it, it will pour it on the Earth.

The apparition of the Buddha - To the agreed upon moment, on the presents a great quiet

goes down, all look toward the north - east. In the sky a bright point manifests him that slowly

draws near purchasing neatness of contours. Gradually, to his inside it makes him visible the

Buddha, resplendent of light, sat in the position of the lotus, wound in the dress colour saffron.

With the hand right raising in sign of benediction, stops him hovered on the sacred rock. The

Teachers tune up a powerful mantra, used for the occasion a sole time a year. All the presents are


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in knee, the intensity of the moment produces a palpable energy. This vibration establishes a great

current of thought to which makes answer one as many mighty energy of benediction. From the

crowd they are raised powerful prayers that culminate with the great invocation. The smiling

Buddha listens; his blessing presence is bearer of a mighty energy. During his apparition, along

the valley it races as a quiver that makes to bud the iris violet, flowers of peace and recovery,

symbols of the Wesak. The Buddha is apparent in his body of light for eight minutes, then slowly

as he has come, he disappears. The participants remain still in deep concentration and meditation,

slowly they draw near then to the rock-altar. Here they will receive from the hands of the Teachers

a sip of water drawn by the cup of crystal. The water, that is so clear and pure to those quotas,

represents the continuity of the union among Teachers, disciples and human beings. Strongly

magnetized by the event, it will infuse new energy and determination to every one… 155."

14. An assignment for the Seven Buddhists

The Seven Buddhists will want to study:

a. the Revelation of the Lord God to Eileen Caddy of the Community of Findhorn, in


b. the verses of the Koran that we have above quoted;

c. the ancient Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Thomas) and those modern (that is

the Great Gospel of John dictated in the century 19th to Jakob Lorber and that done to relive in the

century 20th to Maria Valtorta);

d. Our Lady Mary’s Revelation at Medjugorje in Croatia;

e. the Revelation of the Angels to Dorothy Maclean of the Community of Findhorn in


f. the ethical and philosophical Revelation of the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Fireze 77

(Circle Florence 77);

The Buddhist Sects will also want to reflect on the Ceremony of the Wesak in the Himalaya;

It is confides that any Buddhist Sect, neither single Buddhists want anymore to doubt the

Divine nature of the Lord Jesus and on His being the God with us, the Emmanuel prophesied by

Isaiah 156 , that is He who redeem and it save all men that obey to His commandments. It is also

confided that nobody wants more to doubt that the Word of the Lord Jesus is the Word that it

renews all the Sacred Scriptures of the world.

While it can be understood and accepted that the single men can be lazy for them nature or

too much materials or with little will, the religions cannot be so for them nature and finality;

therefore it is confided that every Buddhist Sect it makes diligent part to renew its Scriptures,

doctrines, dogmas and rites on the basis of the ancient and modern Gospels, to contribute more

155 Giuditta Dembech, Conoscere il Wesak, pages 14 - 18, L’Ariete156 Isaia 7, 14 and note 7, 14


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and better in improving the world in the equality of the Word of God 157 . The Lord Jesus - in to

evangelize - it always had present during everyone of and three the years of His teaching in

Palestine be the eternal Law of the Sinai 158 , and that is the Decalogue 159 and the Commandments

of the love 160 (what valid are for all men and for all religions).

It is important that the Buddhist Sect and the single Buddhists appraise the observations

that here following we will do to the doctrine of the Four noble truths and the theory of the Five

factors of the man attributed to the Buddha. On said reliefs, barely mentioned here, we are stop

briefly in the documents written for the analysis that we have made of doctrine of the Buddha and

implicitly of those of the Buddhisms. The recognition of such errors will facilitate the election of the

Lord Jesus to your Teacher and Redeemer.

15. The Buddha and the doctrine of the Four noble truths

These are our synthetic observations to the doctrine of the Four noble truths:

First noble truth: The truth of the suffering is a partial truth because in the life they are there loves,

friendship, joys, pleasures, satisfactions, games and similar also ;

Second noble truth: this is not a truth because the origin of the suffering is the rebellion of Satan

and the other Demons to God; the Lord could annihilate them, but being love decided to save

them; to such aim it conceived and it realized the life creating the Cosmos with all of its creatures

included the man. The life that we know. exposed " to struggles, temptations and pains 161 " - it

revealed itself to the omniscience of God the only way to make to grow in knowledge and

conscience the man with the laws of the Evolution: << Process with which life, through forms more

and more organized, it always expresses great degrees of Mind and of Spirit >>, of the karma or

law of cause and of effect and of the reincarnation.

It is true however that the eagerness (tanha) to exaggeratedly enjoy the pleasures of the world

and the flesh forces the man to continually being reincarnated. This is a discovery of the Buddha

which taught to his disciples to make to cease their own passions and pleasures to start from every

sexual pleasure.

Third noble truth: the truth of the cessation of the suffering (nirodha) it is not a truth but an error

of the Buddha that it exchanged the karmic reduction or suspension of his sufferings for the

cessation of the sufferings, so much true that the Buddha, in his old age, suffered atrocious pains

because it was tormented from the illnesses 162 . In my books nothing has been said of the

reduction or suspension or renovation of the sufferings of Siddhartha from the forty to seventy

157 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40, Ulrico Hoepli158 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 7th , pages 123-124, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (Frosinone), Italy159 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22160 Levitico 19, 17-18 and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 ; Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40161 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia 162 Leonardo Vittorio Arena, Buddha, pages 74-76 (La malattia del Buddha), Tascabili Economici Newton ; Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 106, Einaudi Tascabili ; Damien Keown, Buddhismo, pages 28-30 (La morte), Einaudi Tascabili


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It is true however that for getting the reduction or the suspension of the sufferings, the peace and

the serenity must be abdicated forever to the pleasures of the world and the flesh and to bad

behaviours, under penalty of the resumption of the pain and the loss of the peace and the serenity;

in other terms we must succeed in becoming righteous, merciful and pure 163 and then we must

maintain us so for the whole life (note of mine: which things are very difficult to make as I have

personally experimented; the Buddha was unfair toward God ).

Fourth noble truth: the truth of the way (magga) that conducts to the cessation of the suffering is

an error of the Buddha. The noble ethical path of the Buddha with the meditation and the wisdom164 can make to acquire only the benefits provided by the karmic law, not more. This because

the pain or the sufferings are insuppressibly in how much foreseen by the life conceived and

realized by the Lord God because the struggles, the temptations and the sufferings are revealed

to the omniscience of God the only way to make to grow the man in knowledge and Conscience

with the mitigation of the karmic law for the one who behaves well for all of his/her terrestrial life,.

under penalty of the resumption of the pain as it happened to the Buddha in his old age. On

the theme the Oriental Brother, one of the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle

Florence 77) teaches with the mantra of the Karma: <<(.) Be day by day righteous, merciful and

pure and the pain it won't follow you more… 165. Pain struck the Buddha instead, at least in the old

age, because he stopped having at least one of these three qualities (he was unfair toward God).

I think that the Teachers of the Karma didn't recognize the Buddha righteous when they realize

that he continued to ignore God - and therefore they realized his arrogance - because he had not

been able to find a proof of the existence of God in how much Siddhattha looked for Him outside of

himself in the mind, instead that in his heart 166 . After having also ascertained the evil that the

Buddha did to his disciples not speaking to them of God the Lords or Teachers of the Karma 167

they decided the resumption of the pain to against the Buddha, that at least - in his old age - it was

" tormented by the illnesses 168 " because pain doesn't stop unless the man remain day by day

righteous, merciful and pure.

It is probable that with his missionary life for his brothers men and with the atrocious

sufferings of his old age the Buddha has expiated the last negative karmas postponed of his and

had therefore can get the conscience that it still missed him.

163 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dagli uomini, page 49 (Mantra del karma), Mediterranee164 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 78, Einaudi Tascabili165 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra of the Karma), Mediterranee166 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated January 23rd and 28th , March 28th , April 8th , May 29th , July 17th and 21st , August 30th , September 4th and November 24th , Amrita ; La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61 Le risposte interiori – answers within), Mediterranee167 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 266 (I Signori del Karma), Mediterranee168 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 106, Einaudi Tascabili ; Leonardo Vittorio Arena, Buddha, pages 74-76 Malattia del Buddha, Tascabili Economici Newton ; Damien Keown, Buddhismo, pages 28-30 (La morte), Einaudi Tascabili


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Siddhattha. when it realized that it would be dead - he said that he would have entered the

Nirvana after the last man, but he didn't have the power to keep such promise because

everything is in the hands of God 169 .

If the Buddha had not entered the Nirvana it would be him missed the teaching of the

doctrine of Christ from the spiritual Guides of the Life after Death 170 and he would not even have

received the evolution after the passing 171 .

The Buddha with the Four noble truths inserted himself in a blind alley from which he didn't

succeed in going out anymore, above all because he didn't consider the negative karmas

postponed before his incarnation and of his disciples, neither that sufferings are necessary to the

evolution of the men - as the rebirths they are also necessary; therefore the Buddha deceive

himself to be able to give the Conscience that it missed them to the Buddhists and to himself

because the ethical and wise behaviour of the'' Octopath can avoid new negative karma postponed

only for the life as Buddhists which, however, they would have had to be subdued to the negative

karmas postponed before the incarnation as Buddhists in one or more existences on the Earth.

The doctrine of the Buddha, the same Buddha and any other man or human doctrine

nothing can do against the laws of the Almighty and omniscient God that there is Father

and Mother of ours 172 .

Buddha’s doctrine includes other teachings described in other documents on the Buddha

among which those fundamentals of the Brahmanism as for example the evolution, the

reincarnation, the law of cause and of effect or karmic law as the compassion.

To these Four truths that I have shortly commented above it misses God and the

recognition of the Divine Spark, Self or Spirit of the man; therefore the Buddhic doctrine - for these

and other motives of which we have spoken into other documents of ours on the Buddha in this

same folder - it cannot conduct to the liberation because it is pursued by the Buddhists with selfish

purposes 173 .

To the Buddha and to the Buddhists - as to all the other men that have not known the

Doctrine of the Lord Jesus - they will be given some Guides in the Life after Death that they will

instruct them; if the Buddha and the Buddhists or other men won't listen to their advices 174 - on the

Earth must be reincarnated 175 for being redeemed by the Lord Jesus Christ 176, because the

Nirvana is only one stop of their evolution or walk toward God.

169 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated November 14th and December 14th , Amrita170 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 178, Armenia171 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 175-180 (L’evoluzione dopo il trapasso), Mediterranee172 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104, Mediterranee173 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 160-161 (Liberazione), Mediterranee174 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 178, Armenia175 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 238-240 (Reincarnazione) ; Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 175-180 (L’evoluzione dopo il trapasso), Mediterranee176 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” del Cristo), Mediterranee


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16. The Buddha and his/her theory of the Five factors of the man 177

These five factors they are: The physical body (rupa), the sensations (vedana), the

knowledges (sanna), the lines and the inclinations of the character (sankhara) and the conscience


The theory of the Five factors of the individuality is wrong for at least two motives:

- the first one is because it misses of the Self or Divine Spark or Spirit , the Subject (Individuality)

of the reincarnation in other men to achieve amplifications of their Mind and their Conscience ;

- the second one is that the man is not an individuality but an individual; the individuality in the man

is the Divine Spark 178 .

With the theory of the Five factors of the man the Buddha has not demonstrated that the

man has not an eternal Self, but he has simply exposed a wrong opinion; equally with the

theory of the Four noble truths the Buddha has not demonstrated that his doctrine makes to stop

the pain except that for new karma that the Buddhists don't create for future incarnations, if they

observe the Octopath, but they remain to them the negative karmas postponed before the

incarnation as Buddhists that they will widen their mind and their Conscience; also in this case

the Buddha has exposed a wrong personal opinion for the motives also0 that we have also

pointed out treating of the Four Noble truths in other documents of this Catechism.

Nevertheless the Buddha stays a teacher that had the great merit to have discovered the

rules of the Divine law of the karma, one of the fundamental laws of the life conceived land realized

by the Lord God for the salvation of the Demons - through the life in the Cosmos 179 and of men -

together with the other laws: including those of the evolution and of the reincarnation.

It is not opportune to analyze the Five factors of the man according to the Buddha because

in 2500 years the men have discovered a lot of details of the human being, while what said the

Buddha of the man, at the epoch, it was an important teaching, but it had the great defect - of

cosmic dimension - to ignore the Self or the Divine Spark of the man.

At this point we think opportune to list the bodies of the man according to the Teachers

disembodied of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77); they are: the physical body, the body

ethereal that it is " …the counterpart more thin… .formed always from physical matter, but that for

density it is below the atom. The body ethereal serves what intermediary between the dense

physical body and the astral body… 180 "., the astral body, the mental body, the psyche (the psyche

is composed by the astral body and by the mental body 181 ), the body akasico or conscience and,

finally, the Drop or Divine Spark, or Self or Spirit, the man's fulcrum not to evolution subject 182 .

177 Damien Keown, Buddhismo, pages 49-50, Einaudi Tascabili178 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 208 Individualità and individuo), Mediterranee179 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee180 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 59 (Body ethereal or eterico), Mediterranee: 181 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 230 (Psiche), Mediterranee182 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 58-60 (Corpi), page 230 (Psiche) Mediterranee ; Per un mondo migliore, page 207 (Goccia o Scintilla Divina – Spirito – Sé), Mediterranee


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The Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) have not added the character and the

in how much they hold it part of the psyche (but this is one deduction of mine)

17. Recognition of the honesty of the Buddha

I think that already during the life, at least when he was a mature man, the Buddha has

realized that the cessation of the suffering was an utopia, that is an unattainable thing, a desire and

a day-dream at the same time.

It can certainly be said that the Buddha has realized in his old age, suffering, that the

cessation of the suffering was impossible; therefore as good teacher I think that has corrected

the second, the third and the fourth noble truths. If this is true because it doesn't result from the

texts? Because the Buddhist Sects have interest to promise more than they could for acquiring


18. The Hindus and the Buddhists are potential good Christians

The Hindus and the Buddhists are among the most qualified men of the world to become

good Christians when, men or women, they will turn to God and/or His Christ .

Advices to the Buddhist brothers to choose Jesus Christ as their Teacher and Lord:

a. As for your meditations: you should drastically reduce them 183 both as number that as

duration: each one of your meditation doesn't last more than fifteen minutes to be very

vigilant and to prevent to Satan or to one of his Devils to deceive you. The meditations

are useful however if done on God or on the terrestrial life of the Christ; therefore you

should make Christian meditations (for an instance on the Mysteries of the life or on the

Mysteries of the Rosary 184 ) . Above all that your meditations be inside yourselves,

in your heart, because in the XX century the Lord God has told to Eileen Caddy of

the Community of Findhorn in Scotland:

<< The answers within. When they are looked for the answers they are found inside of

itself. It is something that must be underlined very often and with a lot of strength. You

wastes a lot of time investigating out the mysteries of the life outside of itself. When

they are, instead, inside his/her own being. When you will fully realize that I AM inside

of you and that I AM all the knowledge, the whole wisdom, the whole understanding,

you will stop wasting time.

Think of yourself as having a perennial source of foamy water that climbs inside of you.

The whole knowledge, the whole wisdom, the whole understanding, the whole love is

right there at the source of this spring, waiting to come out, waiting for to be revealed,

when you recognize it and you accept it.

183 AA. VV. Pregate, Pregate, Pregate, page 248, MIR ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 253-254 (Scuole d’iniziazione), Mediterranee184 Several Authors = AA.VV; Pregate, Pregate, Pregate, pages 185-209, MIR


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You need no teacher, no gurus. All you need is an expansion of conscience so that you

can accepts these truths. They are there for all to accept, when you are ready to do so185 ;

b. As for your prayers, dharani and mantra: The prayers, the dharanis and the mantras

don't have much value because they are not addressed to God, to the Celestial Father,

to the Great Mother Spirit Saint, to Jesus Christ and to Our Lady Mary perhaps they

would be useless if it not existed the divine law of the thought: “As the man thinks, so it

will be; this is My law 186 ”.

Your prayers, dharanis and mantra have the value that provides above mentioned

God’s law of the thought only.

It doesn't exist others gods – except God, because He is Absolute 187 ; the Christ, the

Divinity in the man 188 is a God’s Manifestation, therefore he is not another God ad they

say 189 .

The Lord God has said to Eileen Caddy of the prayer:

- << … Learn to love the life, because, so doing, your same existence becomes a

constant prayer and you pray indeed without interruption. The prayer is your internal

communion with Me, when we walk and we speak together as we did to the

beginning; the prayer is the food of the Spirit, the nourishment of the soul, is a

depth internal need of every soul. Feel this inner need and satisfy it 190 >>;

- << … The prayer is necessary but it is not enough. You must learn to live a true life for

all those people who observe you. It is not enough to speaking of faith. You must live in

such way that all the souls that surround you can see what it means to live through the

faith, that means to put one’s faith and trust absolute in Me, the Lord your God, the

Divinity that is inside of you 191 >>.

c, As for God's Word: in the documents that we have written for our Catechism they are

listed the Divine Revelations from which we have drawn many passages; you will find

examples of them in the documents that we have written on the Buddha Gotama

Siddhartha and therefore also in this document. We recommend particularly you to

study the ancient Gospels that you will find in the Catholic Bible(Matthew, Mark, Luke

and John), because they are synthetic; to such ancient Gospel the Gospel of Thomas

must be added 192 not recognized from the Christian Churches, at least by that Catholic.

We recommend you not to consider the final Judgment contained in the Gospel of

185 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61 (Le risposte interiori), Mediterranee186 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 139-141, Mediterranee187 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 205-206 (Dio) ; Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 33-34 (Assoluto), Mediterranee188 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee189 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-45 (Dio: unita o trinità), Armenia190 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 28th , Amrita191 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 31st , Amrita192 Tommaso apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, Macroedizioni


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Matthew (25, 31 - 46) because Jesus consider it "highly tyrannical"; the Lord same

Jesus to His Austrian scribe Jakob Lorber told him in the 19th century 193 . You study,

instead, always on indication of the Lord Jesus, the Divine Judgment in the Gospel

of John: chapter 5, 21-30; chapter 8, 15-18 and chapter 12, 46 -50. Don't consider

also the judgment of the Angels (the Gospel of Matthew is seen 13, 47 -50).

d. Each day you are able to study the Messages (they are 365) that the Lord God has

dictated to Eileen Caddy of the Community of Findhorn in Scotland. In Italy you can

find them from the Edizioni Amrita with the title "Le porte interiori = the inner doors “.

For the one who knows English he/she can find such Messages in original in the book

"Opening doors within” published by Findhorn Press, The Park, Findhorn, Forres IV36

0TZ, Moray, Scotland. To Eileen Caddy the Lord God has dictated other teachings that

have been picked in the book of Eileen Caddy, “La voce di Dio a Findhorn” = “God

spoke to me”, Edizioni Mediterranee. There a third book of Eileen Caddy that can be

very useful to you: Il Sentiero Interiore = Footprints on the path”, Findhorn Press as


e. As for your doubts on the life and to your questions: for explanations on your doubts or

for the answers to your questions or for guide you should look for only in your heart,

where you will find God 194 ;

f. As for the Resurrection of the flesh: the Lord Jesus has told Jakob Lorber: <<With the

word flesh they are to intend the works (note of mine: good deeds) that the soul (note

of mine: the man) he/she has done in life (note of mine: on the Earth)>>. In the peace

of Christ it has beginning the Judgment on every soul (man or woman that it be) for

his/her resurrection to the eternal life. On these good works that we have done living

on the Earth we will be judged by the Christ; it is not true therefore that we will be

judged on our sins (transgressions to the divine laws of the Decalogue and of the

Commandments of the love. And also this is a proof of the love that God feels for


g. As for the man's presence on the Earth: The Christian Churches, made exception for

us of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order), they teach that the man

lives on Earth once only. This is not true! The Lord Jesus has told Jakob Lorber:

<<Nobody will want to affirm to be able to reach the perfection during this brief life 195

>> (note of mine: terrestrial ).

19. Presentation of the Supreme being God

Brothers Buddhists I present you God that has said of Himself:

193 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 182-184 (Il giorno del giudizio e la resurrezione della carne), Armenia194 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated January 23rd and 28th , March 28th , April 8th , May 29th , July 17th and 21st , August 30th , September 4th and November 24th , Amrita195 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 184-186 (La reincarnazione), Armenia


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a. << I AM Spirit, I AM everywhere; there is no place where I AM not. When you

entirely understand this fact and you can accept it you will know that the

Kingdom of the Skies is inside of you and you can stop your search and turn

inside of you. Then you will find inside of you all you looking for. How few souls

nowadays do it! They are far to busy searching everywhere the answers except

that inside of itselves. When you will accept the fact that I AM within you won't

feel yourself alone and you won't have anymore to look for the answer to your

problems at the outside. But when anything arises which need answering you will

seek that peace and stillness within, lay your question and problems before Me

I will furnish you the answers. It is therefore necessary that you learn to obey and

to exactly follow what I internally reveal you: You must learn to live according to

My word and not just hear it 196 >>;

b. << Love one another. Such simple words, and yet do you really love one

another? Do you love one another enough to lay down your lives for each other?

To put yourselves out for each other? To do something which costs you time and

patience? Or do you just tolerate each other, drifting along doing the bare

necessities for each other, unwilling to put yourselves out or go that extra mile

which might take you out of your routine? Take time to think on this. Be frank with

yourself And you will know just how much love you have within you. There is no

use talk about loving Me if you do not love all humanity. When you will love all

humanity, then you can talk about your love for Me. Your relationship with your

fellows is intertwined and integrated with your relationship with Me. You are

wondering which should came first. They come together in the most wonderful

way. I AM love. As you first seek the kingdom of heaven, raise your

consciousness and become aware of Me, of My love, of My presence, you will

find your heart expanding and you will quite naturally love your fellow humans. All

are made in My image and likeness, This truth, not vain words. Make this truth

reality by your constant awareness 197 >>;

c. << See that everything you do is dedicated to Me and is of benefit to the whole.

When you live for the whole, the self is forgotten in service to your fellow human

beings, and when you are serving them you are serving Me. All is so closely

intertwined that you cannot separate one from the other I in you and you in

Me. I AM in everything and everyone; Therefore I AM in your neighbour in

your friend and in your enemy alike. Wherever I AM there is love for I AM

love. Fill your heart and mind with love, for everything and everyone responds to

love as love draws the very best out of all. Where love is there My Spirit is, and

196 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 28th , Amrita197 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee


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where My Spirit is there is the source of your spiritual life. Seek always that

which is deep within you, and waste no more time seeking for the answer to life

from without 198 >>.

The Lord is the supreme Being, our Father-Mother-God 199 and He is super intelligent,

super creative, super wise man, super benevolent (because He is love), super comprehensive,

omniscient, almighty, present in every thing and in each one. The Lord God has conceived and

realized the life with all the living beings, mineral, vegetable - with the medicinal plants - animal

subhuman and human beings; think to all the creatures of the sea of the earth and of the air that

they are innumerable.

Brothers Buddhists reflect on the intelligence of all animals, en included, to the visual

system, to the digestive system and all the other functions of the human body, for an instance that

of the walking . All has been conceived, realized and coordinated for a last aim: to widen the mind

and the conscience of the man through numerous terrestrial existences; reflect on the Spirit that

animates us 200 and to the life that we have, to our qualities, to the vices and the defects that we

have - which they derive from our malevolent behaviours of the past (Karma)- but since we

also learn from our mistakes because nothing happens in vain and nothing is casual because there

is a pattern and a plan for the life of each one of us 201. The life in the Cosmos 202 distinguishes

itself in macrocosmic Life 203, that is the life of all matters of the Cosmos and microcosmic Life, that

is the (to Unwind of a fit cycle to manifest and to evolve a microcosm or individual 204 ).

God is also the Legislator, that is He who have emanated the numerous laws that

discipline the life of the matters and the life of the individuals in the Cosmos among which the law

of the Evolution and that of cause and of effect or karmica law (Fundamental cosmic law for which

at every cause moved it happens an effect; to every action it corresponds a reaction 205 ). This

karmic law corrects in successive terrestrial existences the malevolent behaviours of the man with

a reaction equal to the cause moved by us and it rewards his/her good behaviours 206 because

everything in the life is perfect 207 in how much it has been disciplined by the God Creator,

omniscient and almighty.

God's definition served as the Teachers disembodied of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle

Florence 77): "God. Cause of the causes. First cause not created. Beginning and end of the

whole that it didn't have beginning and it won't have end. Origin and finality of every emanation.

198 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 17th , Amrita199 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104, Mediterranee200 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee 201 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 27th and 29th , Amrita202 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee203 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 217 (Vita macrocosmica), Mediterranee204 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 217 (Vita microcosmica), Mediterranee205 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 209 (Legge di causa e di effetto) ; Dizionario del Cerchio, pages Legge di causa e di effetto o legge karmica), Mediterranee206 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del Karma), Mediterranee207 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 266 (Tutto è perfetto), Mediterranee


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One equal Absolute. Being and unique existence that It includes every being and every existence

being these within Him. Present in every thing, also transcending the totality of the things, it is of

these origin in the Cosmoses for His nature: internal equal Love, and external equal Life. << He is

Who He is 208 >> ".

Of it derives that nobody is outside of God because He is the Whole that everything

includes; there is no separation among each one of us and God and all and we are One in Him 209 ,

Christians, Buddhists, Atheists and all the others; God is infinite and loves us all equally because

He is love and He waits that every man recognizes Him and learn to love Him/ of his/her free will

because He has donated us the free will and therefore He never push Himself on anyone 210 .

To the Buddhist brothers our most friendly wishes of good readings, of good prayers and of

good Christian meditations.

208 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 203-204 (Dio), Mediterranee209 Eileen Caddy, La voce d Dio a Findhorn, pages 26-27 (Accetta la meraviglia di questa verità), Mediterranee210 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 21st , Amrita