06 - proposal for 1mw solar project

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  • 8/18/2019 06 - Proposal for 1MW Solar Project




    L’Obel Solar Power System, VADODARA


    Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................... 1 

    Executive Summary ............................. .......................... .......................... .......................... ...................... 3 

    1.  Benefits of grid connected solar system: .............................. .......................... .......................... ........ 3 

    2.  Project Details at a glance .............. .......................... .......................... .............................. ................ 4 

    4. Introduction ........................... .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... . 6 

    5.  About L’Obel Solar Power System ........................... ........................... .......................... ..................... 6 

    5.1  Turnkey Photovoltaic Solution ................. .......................... .......................... ........................... 6 

    5.2  Roof Top Installations ..................................... ........................... .............................. ............... 8 

    6. Proposed Solar Power Plant .......................... .......................... .......................... ........................... .. 11 

    6.1 System Components ........................................... .......................... ........................... ................ 10 

    6.1.1  Ground-mounted System ........................... ........................... .......................... ................... 10 

    6.1.2  PV Solar Module ........................... .......................... .......................... .......................... ....... 11 

    6.1.3 Inverters (CONTROL TECHNIQUES) .............................. .......................... .......................... . 12 

    6.1.4 Inverter Features .............................. .......................... .......................... .......................... .. 12 

    6.1.5 Control and Automation ........................... ........................... .......................... ................... 13 

    6.1.6  Monitoring Systems .......................... .......................... .......................... ........................... .. 14 

    6.1.7 Substation................................................ .......................... .......................... ..................... 16 

    7.  Scope of maintenance contract ......................................... ........................... ............................ ...... 17 

    Performance monitoring  ............................................................................................................ 17 

    Remote diagnosis and failure response .................................................................................... 18 

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    Preventive maintenance ............................................................................................................. 18 

    Corrective maintenance .............................................................................................................. 18 

    Facility management  .................................................................................................................. 18 

    Module cleaning  ......................................................................................................................... 18 

    Security management ................................................................................................................. 19 

    8.  Project Implementation and Schedule .............................. .......................... .......................... .......... 19 

    9.1 Project Implementation Strategy ............................... .......................... .......................... .......... 20 

    9.  Project Management and Engineering ........................... .......................... ........................... .......... 21 

    9.1 Procurement of the System ............................... .......................... .......................... ................... 22 

    9.2 Typical System Integration ................................................ .......................... .......................... ... 22 

    10.  Bill of Material ............................ .......................... .......................... .......................... .................... 23 

    11. Typical Execution of installation under accomplishment of all national regulation & norms: .......... 25

    12. Budgetary Cost for 1 MWp Power Plant …………………………………………………………………………………….. 29

    13.  Retention clause ............................. .......................... .......................... .......................... ................ 29 

    14.  Transportation ............................................................................................................................. 29 

    15.  Insurance ..................................................................................................................................... 29 

    16.  Currency and taxes .............................. .......................... .......................... .......................... ........... 29 

    17.  General terms of payment ............................ .......................... .......................... .......................... .. 29 

    18.  Contractual conditions ............................ .......................... .......................... .......................... ....... 29 

    19.  Transparency and compliance ............................................... .......................... .......................... ... 29 

    20.  Bid validity.................................................................................................................................... 29

    21.  Warranties and Securities ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 28

    22.  Project Plan / Time of Erection ................................ ............................ .......................... .............. 30 

    23.  General Reservation ............................ .......................... .......................... .......................... ........... 30

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    Executive Summary

    Energy is a necessary driver of growth and its per capita consumption is growing

    all across the world. This is primarily associated with the growth and development.Any developmental activity in a nation fuels the energy demand. The world already

    realise the need to switch over Renewable Energy (RE) source to augment the energy

    needs. Clean sources of energy not only help our environment to recover from the

    mindless exploitation it has been subjected to in the last 150 years, but also provides

    power to millions of people especially in the developing nations. The renewable energy

    sector has emerged as the fastest growing industry in recent times and there are hopes

    of it getting only bigger in the coming years. Most nations have put plans in motion to

    promote this sector in a big way. Green growth is the way to future for the developed

    nations and a huge opportunity of energy security for the developing nations. There is

    one more advantage which is slowly being recognized as the most important aspect of

    this change- it’s potential to create employment for millions in the coming decade. In

    India, there is still a huge gap between the demand and supply of electricity. Its power

    sector is consistently plagued by shortages. India currently ranks fourth in the world for

    green house gas emissions. There is a need to balance the two- the growing huge energy

    needs with climate change issues. That is where the renewable energy sources come

    into play. The Indian government, Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE) has

    various policies and plans to advance solar and other renewable energy in the country.

    The support from Government is a prerequisite to push forth the emerging concept of

    generation-based incentive of solar power. The incentives announced by MNRE are a

    well timed policy measure, which is oriented towards a bigger role for solar power and

    is based on some gainful insights into the actual operation of megawatt sizes solar

    power plants.

    1.  Benefits of grid connected Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) System:

    Power from the sun is clean, silent, limitless and free

    Power production from Solar Photovoltaic process does notreleases gases like CO, CO2, SO2, NO2, which are normally

    associated with burning finite fossil fuel reserves and don’t

    contribute to global warming.

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    Solar Photovoltaic are now a proven technology which is inherently safe as

    opposed to other fossil fuel based electricity generating technologies.

    Reduces or avoids the necessity to build new transmission/distribution lines or

    upgrade existing ones.

    Solar power shall augment the needs of peak power needs.

    Increases the grid reliability i.e., voltage and frequency.

    Reduce the transmission line losses.

    Provides a potential revenue source in a diverse energy portfolio

    Assists in meeting renewable portfolio standard goals.

    2.  Project Details at a glance

    This proposal highlights the implementation of 1 MWp power generation project.

    As an initiative towards green energy generation, L’Obel Solar Power System isinterested in setting up a 1 MWp Grid Connected project.

    The system configuration of the Power plant will be as follows:

    a) Proposed Solar PV Power Plant Capacity of 1 MWp.

    b) The generated power is going to be fed to state Electricity Grid.

    This report highlights the details of the proposed power generation scheme, site

    facilities, features of the main plant and equipment including the Solar PV array,

    electrical systems, evacuation of generated power, environmental and safety aspects,distribution mechanism and the financial analysis.

    Sr. No Components Details

    1 Location Kutch, Gujarat

    2 Proposed capacity 1 MWp

    3 Type of system Grid Connected

    4 Type of Module Poly- Crystalline

    5 Proposed module area 5.5-6 Vigha = 1.25 lac sq feet

    6 Capacity range of each module proposed 240 Wp7 Inverter capacity 1060 KW

    8 Expected life of power plant years

    9 Project Developer L’Obel Solar Power System

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    4. Introduction

    Climate change and fossil fuel depletion are threatening our very existence onthis planet. This is primarily due to our dependence on fossil fuels for an upkeep ofmodern day life styles. Nearly 75% of energy usage takes place in urban and semi-urban areas accommodating large chunks of population. The rapid urbanization withan accompanying economic development is responsible for a sudden rise in energydemand. Essential public services like electricity services for homes, transport, industry,commerce, and other infrastructure run by virtue of fossil fuels. To secure the energysupply for all this and to mitigate the risks of climate change, RE source of energy formthe most obvious solution. With its abundant solar energy, India can exploit thisresource easily.

    Most of today’s electrical energy is generated by fossil fuel based plant with alow production cost and high reliability. However, concerns about the longer termsustainability of fossil fuel-based generation, are driving the energy industry toward

    sustainable, low carbon emitting, renewable energy sources. Indian government -MNRE has demonstrated its commitment to the cause of promoting RE powergeneration and solar in specific by its current policies.

    India is a tropical country, where sunshine is available for longer hours per dayand in great intensity. It is home to one of the most abundant solar resources in theworld, with 2.97 million square kilometres of tropical and subtropical land and anaverage of 300 clear sunny days a year. As such, solar power offers significant potentialto meet a large share of the country's energy needs.

    Solar energy, therefore, has a tremendous potential as a future energy source. Ithas the advantage of permitting decentralized distribution of energy, large, centralizedpower generation plants, smaller distributed heat and power plants; or scaled down, atthe individual consumer level. Thus it has the leverage of empowering people at grassroot level.

    It is not only technically and economically feasible for India to make the shift torenewable energy sources (if this rollout is combined with energy-efficiency measures),but also prudent to begin this transition now. The Government has recently approvedan ambitious new plan to increase solar power capacity to 20 Giga watts by 2020, under

    the National Solar Mission. The Mission is to provide lighting for 20 million homes andeliminate 42 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually.

    There are several reasons for this urgency. First, India's power-generationinfrastructure is undergoing rapid expansion to meet national development objectives,with the country still facing unmet power demands that equate to as much as 80 percentof current installed capacity. Second, they point to rising energy security concerns as

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    energy prices go up and supplies shrink, making it a ripe time to shift to a new model ofenergy production.

    As on March, 2009, India’s power system had an installed generating capacityaround 1,48,700.00 MW and thermal power plants powered by coal, gas, naphtha or oil

    accounted for approximately 64.70 % of total power generation capacity. Hydropowerpicks up a share of 24.80%. Renewable sources of energy account for around 8% of thepower generated, with wind power having a share of around 5.5%. In the same year acapacity addition of nearly 51,300 MW has been planned by the ministry of powerduring the eleventh five year plan period (2009-2012).Thus there is a need for large scalepower generation from both Non-renewable and renewable sources of energy to sustaina targeted GDP growth of 8%to 10% per year.

    Of late, solar power investments in the country are registering a fast increase. Infact, India is a home to many national and international PV manufacturers setting up

    large scale PV manufacturing facilities. There is a growing optimism on the fact thatsolar power may well attain the much needed grid parity within the next few years.

    India is a developing nation and cannot halt its developmental goals. While wehave a need to cut down the GHG emissions, it also has to ensure that its infrastructuralgrowth is not hindered in any way. Solar energy in India is a potential huge source ofenergy. If we are able to harness the high amount of sunlight received by India, then wecan meet its energy demand like no other fuel.


    L’Obel Solar Power System is a vertically integrated, end-to-end renewable

    energy services provider. Our goal is to provide clean, renewable solar energy at

    affordable prices. As a solar energy services company, we:

      Manufacture high quality solar devices  Provide turnkey solar energy solutions  Provide solar energy consulting and service.

    5.1 Turnkey Photovoltaic Solution

    L’Obel Solar Power System’s engineers help design solar power for commercial,industrial and residential clients in the India and have 20 years experience ofmanufacturing and executing Solar Projects. Our 20 years relationships in renewableenergy field enable us to source top-quality components at competitive prices fromaround the world. As a system integrator, we provide complete PV services including:

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      Consultation  Site assessment and solar analysis  System design and installation  Integration (EPC) services  Service and maintenance

    L’Obel Solar Power System has manufacturing facility located in Vadodara,

    Gujarat. L’Obel Solar Power System is geared up to provide environment friendly solar

    energy on a large scale. Our projects office is also located in Vadodara where we have

    one of the finest engineering and execution teams.

    L’Obel Solar Power System has an unmatched ability to provide a

    comprehensive, integrated, state-of-the-art, turnkey solution through a well-structured

    consortium. The company is experienced in working, in diverse climates and ground

    conditions. L’Obel Solar Power System utilize local contractor base for maximum

    efficiency and economy, hence provides with seamless project execution from project

    development to plant commissioning.

    L’Obel Solar Power System capitalizes on its broad experience in significant solar

    projects and thereby relies on its professional and technically sound project

    management team. This results in professional installations on given schedules. Such

    high standards make L’Obel Solar Power System to be your preferred partner for PV

    large – scale projects.

    L’Obel Solar Power System is committed for providing the most efficient solarpower plants with special regard to the long life efficiency. Therefore L’Obel Solar

    Power System works in a vertically integrated end-to-end engineering process which

    results in plant layouts with their possible yield / investment ratio. As L’Obel Solar

    Power System also provides with the modules, the plant reaches highest efficiency in a

    very cost effective way. L’Obel Solar Power System believes in procurement of the most

    efficient components from different vendor companies to provide our customers with

    most advanced and reliable systems.

    Our technological alliances allow us to guarantee a comprehensive performance

    ratio (PR) to secure your investment and your cash-flow. As a turnkey provider L’Obel

    Solar Power System is a right partner to handle whatever is necessary for the efficient

    erection and operation of solar power PV- plants.

    Experience shows that the profitability of a PV plant relies on both the

    performance of its single parts but also proper matching and compatibility between the

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    components. Being a well recognized player in the international market, L’Obel Solar

    Power System enjoys well proven relations with its suppliers. Our partners and

    suppliers have been assessed not only for fulfilling the L’Obel Solar Power System

    quality standards but also for their capability to professionally realize large – scale

    projects on time.

    5.2  Roof Top Installations

    1.  Solar PV Power Plants

    2.  Industrial roof top PV Power Plants

    3.  Solar PV Powered Railway Signals (LED) At Rajkot & Bhavnagar Division of



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    4.  Solar PV 4. Powered Street Lights & Home Lights

    6.  Proposed Solar Power Plant

    L’Obel Solar Power System will install a grid-tied solar power generation system

    using state-of-the art ground-mounted structure. Figure shows the schematic diagram

    of a typical grid-tied solar system.

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    Sunlight captured by solar panels is converted into DC electricity. This DC

    electricity is collected from all the solar panels and is passed through an inverter, which

    converts it into usable AC electricity. This AC electricity is fed into the electricity grid.

    6.1 System Components

    6.1.1 Ground-mounted System

    L’Obel Solar Power System will install a fixed mounting structure made up of

    high strength high performance galvanized steel. Panels are pushed in for faster

    assembly no nuts and bolts are required. The structure is designed for 200 Km/hr wind

    load. The installation and anchorage technology is drawn from experienced highway

    crash barrier technology. It can be installed solid

    ground conditions including solid rock. This

    mounting system comes with a 25-year


    L’Obel Solar Power System is looking

    forward to a new technology which is

    Innovative and can be installed without any

    concrete. This technology is known as screw-pile

    technology. This technology allows erecting the

    mounting structure in a very less span of time

    and has a superior holding capacity with distinct advantage in unstable soils. As withthis technology the foundation can be erected in few hrs as there is very less concrete

    work and the mounting is done by the machines, implementation is swift with several

    hundred foundation points being completed in a day.




















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    A PV Array is made up of PV modules, which are environmentally sealed

    collections PV cells-the devices that convert sunlight to electricity. This allows some

    assembly and wirings functions to be done on the ground if called for by the installation

    instructions. The panels will be mounted in rows and electrically connected with cables.

    The cable will need to be made safe and tamper proof. The electrical output from the PVpanels will be fed via cables to a bank of inverters.

    6.1.2  PV Solar Module

    Top quality, high efficiency, and high wattage (240 Wp) solar panels will be used

    in the system.

      PV panels use high efficiency polycrystalline cells and are

    assembled with top-quality raw materials sourced globally

      Panels are tested in accordance with IEC 61215, IEC 61730,

    TUV and UL 1703 certified.  Approx. size: 1644mm X982 mm

      Best-in-class performance ratings proven by field


      25 year power warranty

      Higher strength with wind and snow loads guaranteed up

    to 80 lbs/ft2

    Mechanical Data of 240 Wp Solar PV Module Sr. No.  Parameter Value

    1  Cell 156mm2 high power Polycrystalline solar cells

    2  Connection 60 cells in series

    3  Dimensions 1644.6 x 982.2 x 40 mm (1.62 sqm)

    4  Weight 18.60 Kg

    5  Connection type Cable with plug connector (compatible withMC-4 connectors)

    6  Bypass Diode 3 (Three) 15A bypass diodes

    Electrical Data of 240 Wp Solar PV Module 

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    Sr. No.  Parameter Value

    1  Maximum Power 240 Wp

    2  Open Circuit Voltage 37.26 V

    3  Short Circuit Current 8.39 A

    4  Voltage at point of maximum power 30.85 V

    5  Current at point of maximum power 7.80 A

    6  Max System Voltage 600/1000 V (UL/IEC)

    7  Tolerance at Pmax 0% to 3%

    8  Temperature Coefficient - Power -0.45%/°C

    6.1.3 Inverters (CONTROL TECHNIQUES)

    The grid tie inverter in a solar

    PV power plant converts the DC power

    generated by the PV module in to

    suitable AC power for feeding to the

    grid. This inverter automates the start up

    and shut down functions. By

    incorporating advanced maximum

    power point tracking technology, it

    maximizes the energy harvested for PVmodules. To minimize the power losses

    during the conversion process, the inverter switching technology uses insulated gate

    bipolar transistors. Multiple inverters are paralleled for large power installations. High

    efficiency of conversion under partial load conditions is essential for economic viability

    of the entire solar power station the inverters with their own weatherproof enclosure

    installed in close proximity to PV modules are considered for this project.

    6.1.4 Inverter Features

      Enhanced conversion efficiency 98% peak  Enhanced availability

      Greater Yield at low irradiance

      High accuracy MPPT algorithm over a wide voltage range

      Compact and easy to maintain

      Anti Islanding and supply dlp ride-through

      Communications and PC tools for local or remote configuration and monitoring.

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    Electrical Data of Inverter 

    Sr. No. Parameter Value

    1  AC Current 1800 A

    2  DC Current 2100 A

    3  Inverter Power @ 50°C 1060KWp

    4  Max. THD 2.28%

    5  Euro. efficiency 98%

    6  MPPT voltage Range 400V – 800V

    7  Maximum no. Of internal DC landings points 18

    6.1.5 Control and Automation

    In order to have a smooth functioning of inverter, control and automation forms

    an integral part of PV system. Different types of controllers are available. A typical

    controller will have following control and automated functions.

      Inverter start up, shut off and disconnection sequence

      Over/under voltage & frequency protection

      Anti islanding protection  Power tracking to match inverter to the arrays

      Adjustment of delay periods to customize system shutdown sequence

      Graphical user interface for real time communications, monitoring and control

      Optional remote monitoring via internet modem

      Faults notification via modem

      Data acquisition and logging

      DC monitoring 

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    6.1.6 Monitoring Systems

    Electrical protection equipment will be required to be specified in conjunction

    with PEA, for the connection of the PV plant to the electrical network. 


      Remotely monitor, diagnose, manage and control systems, without costly "truckrolls"

      Receive alerts that serve as early warnings to equipment and system issues  Perform remote diagnostics, updates and resets to optimize performance

    Weid Muller monitoring or equivalent will be used to monitor the performance of the

    solar power plant.

    Features and Benefits: 

      Control system based on modular concept easy to adapt to any solarapplication. 

      Integrated strings fuse protection.

      No need of local key-pad programming since all parameters can be set in an

    easier and quicker manner using Eos-Array Soft software, Eos software.

      Simplified installation since there is no need of auxiliary bus wiring.


    The system is an innovative monitoring and analysis system

    for large PV plants. It is upgradeable with CAN bus

    compatible components. The system also enables diagnostic

    and monitoring functions for these components. 

    Monitoring central


    Monitoring of central inverters and junction boxes to string

    level. Transmits the data required for monitoring, such as

    yields and the system efficiency to the Internet portal. Here

    the data is converted into straight forward diagrams and

    stored. A constant target/actual analysis enable malfunctions

    to be detected in their initial stages. In such cases, a definable

    group of persons is notified immediately

    String monitoring

     junction boxes: 

    Remote-controlled connection/disconnection reduces service

    outlay on site. The long-life electronic safety feature; Real

    protect optimizes system availability.

    Communication: Data modem (analogue/Ethernet) can open interface for

    connecting the connecting the system components, RS232.

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      RS485 for easy and quick data transmission to remote acquisition system.

      Local RGB LED on board of the VMU units for easy colour code diagnostics. 

      Antitheft control, fuse blow detection, wrong PV panel connection for plant

    control and maintenance.

      Protection trip and breaker status detection by means of two digital inputs.

    Alarm notification and automatic PV panel cleaning by means of two relay


      String control for immediate string failure detection and localisation.

      String for energy production and pay-back efficiency pay control.

      DC/AC efficiency calculation for inverter working control.

      Data and event logging for plant control.

    6.1.7 Substation

      Building for housing the electronic (sub-station)

    The substation building will house all the electronic equipments like MCB(main DC combiner boxes), central inverters, low voltage panels, transformer,high voltage panels, etc. below shown are the few reference snapshots of thesame.

      Description of power evacuation system and interfacing with grid

    It is important that the power plant is designed to operate satisfactorily in

    parallel with grid, under the voltage and frequency fluctuation condition, so asto export the maximum possible unit to the grid. It is also extremely important tosafeguard the system during major disturbances like tripping, pulling andsudden over loading during the fluctuation of the grid loads on the generatingunit in the island mode, under fault/feeder tripping conditions.

      Grid Synchronization Scheme

    Utilities/license owns and operates a high voltage transmission anddistribution network in the project area. It is envisaged that the solar generationplant will be connected to the high voltage network. It will be necessary to

    negotiate a network connection and access agreement and undertake furtheractivities, such as:

    a)  System studies.b)  Investigation of connection issues including assessment of the need to upgrade

    or modify equipment due to an increase in fault levels.c)  Protection modifications as compatible for system frequency and grid stability.

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      Network Connection

    The solar PV project size is proposed to be 1 MWp. The higher rating is

    used for grid connection designs. The proposed plant will be connected to the

    high voltage transmission system through a 0.415/11/33KV substation. This

    involves an appropriate power transformer, underground cables and overheadlines at appropriate voltage level. The network connection is designed to carry

    rated power on a 24-hour basis. For connection to the state transmission grid, it is

    necessary to adhere to grid code. This requires a series of studies and designs,


      Load flow studies.

      Fault level analysis.

      Dynamic stability assessment.

      Connection substation concept design.

      Protection measures for connection substation and power transmission line.

    7  Scope of maintenance contract

    L’Obel Solar Power System offers an initial 5 year full service maintenance

    contract which enables the operator to implement a reliable and effective operation

    making use of the well established L’Obel Solar Power System service competence.

    The Operations and Maintenance package offered by L’Obel Solar Power System

    include the following services

    a)  Performance monitoringb)  Remote diagnosis and failure responsec)  Preventive maintenanced)  Corrective maintenance

    (The prices are subjected to escalation starting from two years)

    Performance monitoring

    A plant monitoring system is installed which enables permanent system

    monitoring and performance evaluation. We collect the data on site via our PV

    monitoring system. This data are available for remote diagnosis and a useful subset ofthe gathered performance data is made available online to the customer so that he can

    track and control the system performance himself.

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    Remote diagnosis and failure response

    Automatic alarm functions issue messages in case of unexpected system

    behavior that will trigger the first level support to log onto the system and investigate

    and initiate remedial action if required. Second and third level expert support will be

    involved as required. Field service engineer are dispatched as needed in order to clarifythe fault situation.

    Preventive maintenance

    Preventive maintenance is carried out by qualified technical personnel on a

    regular inspection and maintenance cycle basis, typically once or twice per year,

    depending on local site conditions. The various systems are subjected to visual checks,

    cleaning, measurement and replacement as the case may be the findings and the overall

    state of the plant is documented.

    Corrective maintenanceCorrective maintenance is performed in order to restore the desired state of

    repair. To keep the restore time as short as possible spare part availability is a crucial

    element. L’Obel Solar Power System always aims to increase the plant performance in

    order to achieve the contractually agreed performance ratio.

    Analysis and failure repair will be realized on various levels. Data input from the

    electronic operation log in combination with the local inspection and measurements are

    used to drive the effective measures. Failure repair due to system failures will be under

    the service contract and no further cost for the service and the spare part will becharged to the customer.

    Facility management (by Customer)

    This service compromises the care taking of the facility. Like visual inspection of

    all outdoor plant installations from inside the plant fences as well as cleaning and minor

    maintenance of building and fixed installations, e.g. maintenance of signage, oiling of

    locks, exchange of light bulbs. As well the green management is contained like grass

    and plant cutting to minimize shadows.

    Module cleaning (by Customer)Modules are exposed to the environment and depending on the local conditions

    a dirt layer settles on the modules, which reduces the plant yield. Cleaning is executed

    by a qualified service provider with a suitable cleaning method including man hours,

    material and cleaning tools.

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    Security management (by Customer)

    The substantial investment shall be safeguarded by e.g. 24/7 hrs monitoring of

    motion – activated CCTV cameras and / of daily patrols as well as security field forces

    in case of theft alarms or suspicious observations via CCTV.

    Based on the information available to L’Obel Solar Power System and what we

    understood from our conversation and analyses, we offer only those services and

    supplies that match all your needs and still maintain a low investment. Should you be

    interested in additional service and supplies, please approach us and we will be happy

    to present you an updated proposal.

    8  Project Implementation and Schedule

    For a 1 MWp power plant, approximately 5 acres of area is required. This will includeinstallation of all the panels, equipment, and construction of supporting and auxiliarybuildings, access network.

    Various activities under the project development and implementation are listedbelow (in no particular order):

      Site survey

      Detailed engineering design

      Civil works and preliminary engineering construction (clearing, fencing, soil

    exploration, ground improvement, foundations, surfacing, grading, etc.)

      Ground-mounted PV support structure design, drawings, documentation

      Safety signage

      Installation, interconnection and commissioning of solar photovoltaic panels

      Connection of PV array junction (combiner) box & main junction boxes

      Installation and commissioning of grid-connected inverter

      All DC cabling (conduits, fasteners etc.) up to inverters

      AC cabling, switchgear, fuse boxes etc from inverters to local PCC

      Installation and commissioning of power evacuation system includingtransmission of power from generation side to the point of connection

      Installation of proper metering equipment in conformance with local

    electricity codes

      Remote Monitoring (installation of modem, PC and data cable for real-time


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      Installation of data display system (kWh, CO2  cumulative and kW


      AC switchboard/interface and protection

      All regulatory approvals for project and to connect to AC mains grid

      Staff and client training

      Operational & maintenance services

    8.1 Project Implementation Strategy 

    Overall project implementation will have the following stages of activities. These

    stages are not mutually exclusive; to implement the project on fast track basis, some

    degree of overlapping is anticipated. 

    Stage I - Project Development

    Stage II - Finalization of the Equipment and Contracts

    Stage III - Procurement and Construction (phased approach)

    Stage IV - Plant Commission (phased approach)

    Stage 1 – Project Development

    Project development will begin with one or more visits to the region with the

    objective of understanding regional ground conditions including socio-economic

    conditions, transportation and infrastructure facilities available in the region. The key

    step in this stage will be the negotiation and establishment of a power purchaseagreement (PPA) with the utility company. Following specific activities/tasks will be

    completed during this stage:

      Land acquisition

      Preparation and submission of Detailed Project Report (DPR)

      Power purchase agreement (PPA)

      Expedite Central Regulatory Authority clearance

    During this phase, a project team consisting of engineers, logistics experts and

    project managers will be formed for the execution of the project. This project team willwork together from the earliest stages of the project, according to member’s specific

    expertise, and will be responsible for:

      Planning project execution including development of GANTT charts

      Inspection of fabrication items and other equipment

      Supervise construction and commissioning of the plant

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      Controlling and managing contractor payments

      Monitoring and managing project progress

      Maintaining project budget and schedule

    Stage II – Finalization of Equipment and Contracts

    In this stage, procurement packages are developed to send to suppliers for

    detailed and final costs for all services and products. It is expected that detailed

    engineering design will overlap with this stage and specifications for major equipment

    will be developed in parallel with information from vendor catalogs and specification

    sheets. For a solar installation, typically, solar panels and combiner boxes are the

    longest lead items and project planning must provide adequate time period for the

    acquisition and installation of these equipment.

    This stage calls for close and constant communication between the projectengineers, equipment suppliers and vendors, and procurement specialists to ensure that

    all documentation is made in strict accordance with project specifications and schedule. 

    Stage III – Procurement and Construction

    Following contract award and issuance of purchase order, the project team will

    follow up regularly to ensure smooth and timely execution of the contract. The

    procurement activity includes review of drawings, stage and final pre delivery

    inspection, and supervision of installation and construction. During construction, the

    erection and commissioning phase of multiple contracts will proceed simultaneously.

    Stage IV – Erection and Commissioning Phase

    It is the commissioning phase where design, manufacturing, erection and quality

    assurance expertise are put to test. The commissioning team will consist of key

    equipment manufacturers of the equipment, L’Obel Solar Power System engineers, and

    other specialized experts, where necessary. First step during commissioning is to use a

    designed check list to ensure that the plant has been properly installed with appropriate

    safety measures. The commissioning team will follow the internal operating

    instructions. The plant shall be subjected to a performance test before synchronizations.

    The plant shall be subjected to a performance test before synchronization under the

    supervision of professional engineers/consultants.

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    The design of the centralised configuration will start with the DC side of the powerplant and then based on the DC section the AC section of the power plant is designed.

    9  Project Management and Engineering 

    The project is being planned, implemented, monitored and controlled through

    the L’Obel Solar Power System. Project planning and monitoring is done on the

    following activities of engineering, contracts, manufacturing, erection and


      Engineering and Design  Contract and Procurement of Project Components

      Erection and Commissioning  Operation and Maintenance of the project

    L’Obel Solar Power System will provide a global expertise in designing, setting

    up and maintaining large scale grid connected solar farms.

    L’Obel Solar Power System shall provide the Engineering service including

    undertaking a engineering study to review the basic design and where possible to

    suggest optimized design solutions, detailed designs, preparation of tender documents

    and detailed specifications of the components and preparation of documentations in

    this regard. L’Obel Solar Power System will also look after civil & mechanical works,equipment supply and other contracts. Construction design and construction

    supervision will be done by L’Obel Solar Power System during the execution of the

    project including supervising the construction, equipment installation and

    commissioning, undertaking quality assurance at site and oversee the contractors`

    quality systems.

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    There are two types of power generation schemes. The project engineering

    changes according to this generation scheme. A brief introduction on the different

    power generation scheme is given below.

    9.1 Procurement of the System

    Being a well recognized player in the international market, L’Obel Solar Power

    System enjoys well proven relations with its suppliers. Our partners and suppliers have

    been assessed not only for fulfilling the L’Obel Solar Power System quality standards

    but also for their capability to professionally realize large – scale projects on time. Hence

    L’Obel Solar Power System will procure project components directly from its vendors.

    Procurement process includes the following broad activities:

      Procurement of modules

     Procurement of balance of system (BOS)

      Procurement of transmission system accessories and

      Procurement of other project components

    L’Obel Solar Power System will procure the project components from various

    sources under the onshore contracts and offshore contracts. This will be done with the

    suitable entities at the time of procurement of the project components.

    Some of the general information about the equipments that will be utilized in the

    power plant is given below for the reference of the customer.

    9.2 Typical System Integration 

    The panels will be ground mounted. The ground mounting will require a flat

    level surface and will be set into concrete. The panels will require an area which is not

    shaded. Any vegetation underneath the panels will need to be kept to a level below that

    of the panels in order to avoid shading. All the panels will be at least 0.8 m from the

    ground. It is assumed that this is adequate to keep the panels above the flood height of

    the site.

    The panels will be mounted in rows and electrically connected with cables. The

    cable will need to be made safe and tamper proof. The electrical output from the PV

    panels will be fed via cables to a bank of inverters.

    The inverters will be housed in a structure to protect them from the weather and

    from tampering. A design decision based on cost will need to be made whether the

    inverters are all located in one area or are interspersed around the site.

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    The power plant will have a SCADA system to monitor the output of the rows of

    panels. In this way, any system faults can be detected to a particular array and rectified.

    Electrical protection equipment with be required, to be specified in conjunction with

    PEA, for the connection of the PV plant to the electrical network.

    10  Bill of Material


    NoItems Scope of Work

    1 Solar PanelSupply, Transportation, Insurance and


    2 Solar Mounting StructureDesign, Supply, Transportation, PanelMounting.

    3 Power Conditioning UnitSupply, Transportation, Insurance, Testing,

    Installation Weather station.

    4 Wire & CableDesign, Supply, Transportation, Cable tray,Cable tie, Conduit, Ferrules, Electrical

    Lugs, Communication Cable and HT cable

    5Junction Box with Monitoring system&Central Scada System

    Supply, Transportation, Insurance,

    Monitoring system, Central Scada System,Auxiliary Supply for communication port.

    6 Civil Work

    Control Room, Metering room, Landlevelling, Land clearing, Pathways,

    Drainage, Water system for modulecleaning. 

    7 Lights, Lightning Arrester and EarthingStreet Lights, Lightning Arrester, Earthing pits, Transformer soak pit, Earthing for DC

    side and AC side.

    8 Power Evacuation

    Isolation T/F, LT panel, Step up

    transformer with OLTC, HT panel,Metering cubical

    9 Project Management

    Design & Engineering, Project monitoring,

    Time management, Site Survey,Construction Management.

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    11  Typical Execution of installation under accomplishment of all

    national regulation & norms:


    1 Construction Management

    1.1Construction management and planning for all materials and works delivered orexecuted by Subcontractor

    1.2 Provide project management and supervision.

    2 Modules

    2.1Receiving and unloading of Modules (delivered by customer) with appropriate vehicle(e.g. forklift truck, 4x4 forklift, etc.)

    2.2Check and comparison of modules delivered with delivery note and visual inspection o

    delivered modules

    2.3Storage of modules (temporary) with appropriate protection against weather impacts,damage and theft (e.g. lockable containers or lockable tents). In customer’s scope; not inGB scope.

    2.4Transport from (temporary) storage to site/point of installation with appropriatevehicles (e.g. fork lift truck)


    Passing of risk (from Customer to GB) starts with delivery of modules to site/temporarystorage and from the time the modules are taken by GB from the storage till the pointthey are installed and commissioned. However, after the commissioning, the risk of the

    performance of the modules will be entirely and severally of the customer.

    3 Structures for modules with the general conditions:


    Evaluation of soil/ground: The ground/soil must be prepared to endure transport of allcomponents (modules, structure, connection boxes, etc.) to the installation point on site.The ground/soil must withstand the loads of wind and the weight of structures (incl.modules and other components).

    3.2Preparation of the soil/ground on site with all necessary works like earthmoving,digging holes for the foundations/pilings and levelling.

    3.3Surveying of structures for the modules and calibration and pitching for thefoundations/pilings of the structures.

    3.4Delivery and/or manufacturing of foundations/pilings for the structures on siteincluding all necessary material and works. The foundations/pilings must full fill allnecessary regulations and norms and be according to calculations by static expert.

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    7.3Installation of main junction boxes in the service station including all necessary materialand works.

    7.4Delivery, installation and connection in the connection boxes of Cables (or similar) forthe module strings. Including all necessary material and works.

    7.5 Delivery, installation and connection in between the connection boxes with Cables NYY(or similar) including all necessary material and works. (The specification of the cableswill be defined Green Brilliance Energy Pvt Ltd)


    Delivery, installation and connection between the connection boxes and main junctionboxes and the inverters of Cables NYY (or similar) including all necessary material andworks. (The specification of the cables have to be defined by Subcontractor and GreenBrilliance Energy Pvt Ltd)

    7.7Delivery and installation of Cable Conduits/Cable Channel with cover at metal structurincluding all necessary material and works.

    8 Earthing/Grounding of solar generator

    8.1Delivery, installation and connection for the earthing/grounding of solar inverte(modules, structures, cable channels and connection boxes) including all necessarmaterial and works.

    9 Installation of inverters and AC-cables from inverters to transformer

    9.1Receiving and unloading of inverters (delivered by GB) with appropriate vehicle (e.gfork lift truck)

    9.2Check of inverters delivered with delivery note and visual inspection of delivereinverters

    9.3Transport to service station with appropriate vehicles (e.g. fork lift truck) and installatioin service station.

    9.4Delivery, installation and connection between the inverters and transformers of CableNYY (or similar) including all necessary material and works.

    9.5Delivery, installation and connection of remote monitoring system including anecessary material and works.

    10 Transformers, metering and safety system and switch board medium Voltage


    Delivery, installation and connection of transformers for medium voltage, metering ansafety system as well as switch board for medium voltage level including all necessarmaterial and works. The components have to accomplish all national regulations annorms.

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    Delivery, installation and connection of a low voltage connection point, metering ansafety system for auxiliary power (e.g. for the inverters, lights, sockets, etc.) including anecessary material and works. The components have to accomplish all nationaregulations and norms.

    11 Lightning protection for service station

    11.1 Delivery, installation and connection of lightning arresters for the service stations.

    12 Site facilities

    12.1Delivery, installation and operation of office for project management/site managemenwith all installation like electricity, light, telephone/fax, etc. including all necessarmaterial and works

    12.2Delivery, installation and operation of containers for the construction team including anecessary material and works


    Delivery, installation and operation of storage facilities for all components, material an

    tools, etc. including all necessary material and works

    12.4Delivery, installation and operation of containers with bathroom/lavatory facilitieincluding all necessary material and works

    12.5Delivery, installation and operation of temporary power generator for electricity on sitincluding all necessary material and works

    12.6Delivery, installation and operation of containers for the collection of waste. including anecessary material and works

    13 Documentation

    13.1 Provide and deliver a complete documentation with all drawings ,plans, datasheetstatics, calculations, measurements etc.

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    12  Budgetary cost for 1 MWp power plant

    Turnkey Supply of PV plant including Modules (Full EPC)

    Price for1MWp INR 7.5 Cr (Approx)

    Price in words Rs Seven Cr & fifty lac

    13  Retention clause

    L’Obel Solar Power System obligation to fulfill this agreement is subject to

    the provision that the fulfillment is not prevented by any impediments arising

    out of national and international foreign trade and customs requirements or any

    embargos or other sanctions.

    14  TransportationWe have included estimation of transportation prices for all components.

    Our prices include delivery to suitable nearby port and consecutive trucking to

    the site, assuming that the roads allow for unhindered traffic of heavy loaded


    15  Insurance

    Following insurances are included in our scope of supplies

    Transportation insuranceConstruction all risk insurance

    16  Currency and taxes

    The prices are stated in rupees.Tolerance accepted will be ± 2% of the Exchange rate taken into consideration.The price is exclusive of all applicable taxes and duties.

    17  Contractual conditions

    The budgetary offer is based on:

    The terms and conditions as stated in this budgetary offer

    L’Obel Solar Power System EPC contract for 1 MWp Photovoltaic (PV) power


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    18  Transparency and compliance

    L’Obel Solar Power System has set itself the target of being one of the

    world’s best companies in terms of transparency and compliance. By

    strengthening our compliance program and internal controls we have taken an

    important step towards this target. However, we also need your assistance. Wehave a zero tolerance policy for any illegal or unethical behavior and our appeal to

    you is: should you detect any misconduct on the part of our employees, please

    inform us to this effect immediately.

    19  Bid validity

    This offer is valid until 10.6.2012.

    21. Warranties and Securities

    Our PV power plant with central inverter systems are designed for a technical

    life of more than 25 years with highest efficiency and availability. The parts of the

    offered plant and the used materials for installations are selected for their durability:

      Support structures from durable aluminum and galvanized steel with

    stainless steel fixing materials, with special attention to the design process for

    the fixing method of the modules.

      Engineering and installation of cabling, connections and coupling cabinets

    suitable for long life operation by applying amongst other things; multi-

    contact connectors, special cables, etc.

      All warranties have to reflect site and project specific terms and conditions

      The warranty period will be 5 years.

      The warranties are conditioned by L’Obel Solar Power System carrying out

    service and maintenance under a service and maintenance contract for the

    duration of warranty period.

    22. Project Plan / Time of Erection

    The delivery time of the plant is dependent on several factors still to be clarified

      Grid access to the public high voltage net

      Presentation of all approvals (e.g. operation and net connecting approvals)

      Delivery times of the components

      Exact topographical details on the finalization of the PV field layouts

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      Condition of thee ground: effort for possible excavation/screwing foundation

      Utility demands and grid access conditions

      Module availability

    23.  General Reservation

    L’Obel Solar Power System the right to modify, at any time and at our

    discretion, technical terms and conditions stated in the offer.

    We hope our offer has sparked your interest, and look forward to hearing

    from you at your earliest convenience.

     Note: The above pricing is based on standard ideal site condition.

    Any further need at site or any change order will be changed extra.


    Lobel Solar Power System 

    Er. Chintan Gandhi 


    Gujarat, India-09327007852ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company

    Promise for continuous power

    URL: www.lobelpower.com | www.lobelpower.in 

    M ID: [email protected] | [email protected] 

    Contact me: lobelpower lobel.solar