06 – java script (2) informatics department parahyangan catholic university

Pemrograman Berbasis Web 06 – Java Script (2) Informatics Department Parahyangan Catholic University

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Pemrograman Berbasis Web06 – Java Script (2)

Informatics DepartmentParahyangan Catholic University

Page 2: 06 – Java Script (2) Informatics Department Parahyangan Catholic University


An Object is a collection of attributes (variables) and methods (functions) that deal with related values and tasks

Simplest way to create an object in JS:var rocket = new Object();This creates a new instance of an Object, a

blank object template, and assigned it to a variable

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Object - Attributes

Adding attributes :var rocket = new Object();rocket.engineCount = 2;rocket.thrust = 5000;rocket.astronautCount = 4;rocket.colour = "red";

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How do we make 2 rockets ?

var rocket = new Object();rocket.engineCount = 2;

var anotherRocket = new Object();anotherRocket.engineCount = 1;anotherRocket.wings = 2;

Both rocket objects are seemingly identical, however, if we outputted the number of wings on the second rocket, we’d be returned “2”, but if we did the same to the first rocket, we’d be returned “undefined”.

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Object Template

Similar concept as Java’s Class’ constructor

Creating objects from a template:

function Rocket(engineCount, thrust, wings){this.engineCount = engineCount;this.thrust = thrust;this.wings = wings;


var rocket = new Rocket(2, 5000, 4);var anotherRocket = new Rocket(1, 2000, 2);

var creates a local variablethis. creates an attribute for this instance of

the object

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Regular Function V.S. Object Template

x is assigned a foo object with name attribute equals “FOOOOO”

y is assigned a number value: 123

var x = new foo();var y = foo();

function foo(){ this.name = "FOOOOO"; return 123;}

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Object - Methods

Adding methods:

Usage example:

function Rocket(engineCount, thrust, wings) {this.engineCount = engineCount;this.enginesOn = false;this.thrust = thrust;this.wings = wings;

this.turnEnginesOn = function() {this.enginesOn = true;alert("Engines are now on");


var rocket = new Rocket(2, 5000, 4);rocket.turnEnginesOn();

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Object - Methods

An object method is basically a function assigned to an object attribute.

functions are objects so they’re a data type and can be assigned to a variable.

The name of the method will take the name of the attribute the method is assigned to

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Object – Prototype Keyword

Similar to Java’s static keyword prototype attributes / methods are

shared among all instances of the same objectfunction Rocket(engineCount, thrust, wings) {

this.engineCount = engineCount;this.enginesOn = false;this.thrust = thrust;this.wings = wings;Rocket.prototype.fuel = “Liquid hydrogen”;

Rocket.prototype.turnEnginesOn = function() {this.enginesOn = true;alert("Engines are now on");


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Associative Arrays

An associative array is one whose elements are referenced by name rather than by numeric offset.

balls = {"golf": "Golf balls, 6","tennis": "Tennis balls, 3","soccer": "Soccer ball, 1","ping": "Ping Pong balls, 1 doz“


for (b in balls)document.write(b + " = " + balls[b] + "<br />")

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Array’s Methods

Creating an empty Array

concat concatenates two arrays, or a series of values with an arrayfruit = ["Banana", "Grape"];veg = ["Carrot", "Cabbage"];all = fruit.concat(veg);document.write(all);

var A = Array();

pets = ["Cat", "Dog", "Fish"];more_pets = pets.concat("Rabbit", "Hamster");document.write(more_pets);



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Array’s Methods

pushinserts a new value into an array

popdeletes the last inserted value and returns it

sports = ["Football", "Tennis", "Baseball"];document.write("Start = " + sports + "<br />");sports.push("Hockey");document.write("After Push = " + sports + "<br />");removed = sports.pop();document.write("After Pop = " + sports + "<br />");document.write("Removed = " + removed + "<br />");

RESULT:Start = Football,Tennis,BaseballAfter Push = Football,Tennis,Baseball,HockeyAfter Pop = Football,Tennis,BaseballRemoved = Hockey

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Array’s Methods


joinconvert all the values in an array to strings and then join them together into one large string, placing an optional separator between them.

sports = ["Football", "Tennis", "Baseball", "Hockey"];sports.reverse();document.write(sports);

pets = ["Cat", "Dog", "Rabbit", "Hamster"];document.write(pets.join() + "<br />");document.write(pets.join(' : ') + "<br />");


RESULT:Cat,Dog,Rabbit,HamsterCat : Dog : Rabbit : Hamster

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Array’s Methods

sort// Alphabetical sortsports = ["Football", "Tennis", "Baseball", "Hockey"];sports.sort();document.write(sports + "<br />");// Reverse alphabetical sortsports = ["Football", "Tennis", "Baseball", "Hockey"];sports.sort().reverse();document.write(sports + "<br />");// Ascending numerical sortnumbers = [7, 23, 6, 74];numbers.sort(function(a,b){return a - b});document.write(numbers + "<br />");// Descending numerical sortnumbers = [7, 23, 6, 74];numbers.sort(function(a,b){return b - a});document.write(numbers + "<br />");

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timers are methods that allow us to run blocks of code once after a certain amount of time has passed, or many times after a repeating interval

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Setting one-off timers

Unsetting one-off timers

function onTimeout() {alert("Ding dong!");

};var timer = setTimeout(onTimeout, 3000);


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Setting repeating timers

Unsetting repeating timers

function onInterval() {alert("Ding dong!");

};var interval = setInterval(onInterval, 3000);


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jQuery is a JavaScript library

Why are we using it? Most of the core features are apparent in

all the major browsers However, a lot of browsers implement

other features in slightly different ways. One example is detecting when a HTML

document has finished loading (more on this later)

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To use JQuery, we need to link the JQuery file into our HTML document (need to go to the jQuery website, download the library, and add it into the same folder as your HTML page.)

Second option is to use Google-Hosted version

<script type="text/javascript“ src="jquery.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js"></script>

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Running JS After the page has loaded

Why can’t we just run JavaScript at any time?

Three ways: The wrong way (window.onload) The long way (The DOM) The easy way (JQuery)

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Running JS After the page has loaded

The wrong way (window.onload)

window.onload is too patient. It doesn’t run until absolutely every piece of content has finished loading.

window.onload = function() {alert("Hello, World!");


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Running JS After the page has loaded

The long way (The DOM)the DOM represents the raw structure of our content, which means it has to be created before the content is displayed on the screen. If we can find out when the DOM has finished loading, we’ll know when the content is accessible, regardless of whether it’s visible on the screen.

Unfortunately, detecting when the DOM has loaded is a troublesome task. There’s just no consistent method across all the major browsers.

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Running JS After the page has loaded

// Dean Edwards/Matthias Miller/John Resigfunction init() {

// quit if this function has already been calledif (arguments.callee.done) return;// flag this function so we don't do the same thing twicearguments.callee.done = true;// kill the timerif (_timer) clearInterval(_timer);// do stuff

};/* for Mozilla/Opera9 */if (document.addEventListener) {

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", init, false);}/* for Internet Explorer *//*@cc_on @*//*@if (@_win32)document.write("<script id=__ie_onload defersrc=javascript:void(0)><\/script>");var script = document.getElementById("__ie_onload");script.onreadystatechange = function() {

if (this.readyState == "complete") {init(); // call the onload


};/*@end @*/

/* for Safari */if (/WebKit/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { // sniffvar _timer = setInterval(function() {

if (/loaded|complete/.test(document.readyState)) {init(); // call the onload handler}

}, 10);}/* for other browsers */window.onload = init;

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Running JS After the page has loaded

The easy way (JQuery)$(document).ready(function() {

alert("Hello, World!");});

JQuery selector

a method that does the same thing as Dean Edwards’ method

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Accessing the DOM using JQueryUSING PURE JAVA SCRIPT getElementById(“blog”) getElementsByTagName(“p

”) innerHTML


$(“#blog”) $(“p”) .html()

var secondaryHeadings = $("h2");alert(secondaryHeadings.html());secondaryHeadings.html("Now we've changed the content");
