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  • 8/12/2019 050731-luck-e


    www.Breaking News English.comReady-to-use ESL / EFL Lessons

    Irish woman in $135 million lotto win

    URL: http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/0507/050731-luck-e.html

    Todays contents

    The Article 2

    Warm-ups 3

    Before Reading / Listening 4

    While Reading / Listening 5

    After Reading 6

    iscussion !

    "pea#ing $

    Listening %ap &ill '

    (ome)or# *+

    Ans)ers **

    31 July, 2005

  • 8/12/2019 050731-luck-e


    Irish woman in $135 million lotto win 31 July, 2005

    THE ATI!"E

    Irish woman in $135 million lotto win

    #E% ,eople often tal# aout .the luc# of the rish01 )hich means

    people from reland are a little luc#ier than ordinar people This

    proed true on ul 3+1 )hen olores c7amara1 from Limeric#1 )on a

    record 8*35 million on the 9uropean Lotter s c7amara is still

    speechless and recoering from the shoc# of her sudden :ac#pot )in

    The lotter had not een )on since a and had een rolled oer nine

    times (opeful tic#et holders around 9urope had )aited an;iousl eer

    &rida to see if their luc# might change

    s c7amara had een en:oing a

  • 8/12/2019 050731-luck-e


    Irish woman in $135 million lotto win 31 July, 2005


    1 ")!-% Are ou a luc# or unluc# person@ Write do)n three pieces of good luc#

    and three pieces of ad luc# that ou hae had in the past )ee# n pairs / groups1 tal#aout )hat ou )rote Tell each other ho) good or ad ou thin# the luc# is Repeat thisactiit tal#ing aout ho) luc# ou hae een in our life

    2 .)I!- /E#ATE% "tudents A thin# eerone in life is orn )ith e

  • 8/12/2019 050731-luck-e


    Irish woman in $135 million lotto win 31 July, 2005

    #E4E EA/I 6 "I+TEI

    1 T)E 6 4A"+E% Loo# at the article>s headline and guess )hether thesesentences are true TC or false &C=

    a A lad from reland has scooped the :ac#pot in a lotter T / &

    rish people are famous for haing lots of luc# T / &

    c The lad could not tal# after she found out she had )on T / &

    d 7o one had )on the :ac#pot for nineteen successie )ee#s T / &

    e The )inner is also famous for her ailit to )in arguments T / &

    f The lad )ent to the police to as# them to protect the tic#et T / &

    g (er an# manager ran a)a )ith the tic#et T / &

    h The lad must )ait a month efore she can get her cash T / &

    2 +' 'AT!H%atch the follo)ing snonms from the article=a often normal

    ordinar surprise

    c recoering moments

    d shoc# directl

    e an;iousl fres little point nerousl

    g seconds ault

    h straight getting oer

    i safe hold: get her hands on t>s a )aste of time

    3 *HA+E 'AT!H%atch the follo)ing phrases from the article sometimesmore than one comination is possileC=

    a a little luc#ier than the shoc#

    )on a record 8*35 million een )on since a

    c recoering from argument

    d The lotter had not drin# in a ar

    e to see if their luc# might to the police

    f en:oing a s little point change

    h )in an on her millions

    i "he )ent straight on the 9uropean Lotter

    : get her hands in chec#ing the tic#et

    &ind this and similar lessons at http=//)))Brea#ing7e)s9nglishcom


  • 8/12/2019 050731-luck-e


  • 8/12/2019 050731-luck-e


    Irish woman in $135 million lotto win 31 July, 2005

    A4TE EA/I 6 "I+TEI

    1 &/ +EA!H% Loo# in our dictionaries / computer to find

    collocates1 other meanings1 information1 snonms G for the )ords78an9and 7sa:e

    "hare our findings )ith our partners


  • 8/12/2019 050731-luck-e


    Irish woman in $135 million lotto win 31 July, 2005


    "T?97T A>s H?9"TE7" o not sho) these to student BC

    a What did ou thin# )hen ou first read this headline@

    id the headline ma#e ou )ant to read the article@c What ad:ecties )ould ou use to descrie this stor@d o ou thin# some people are luc#ier than others@e (o) )ould ou react in the seconds or minutes after finding out

    ou had )on such a large amount of mone@f (ae ou eer )on an mone@g (ae ou eer )aited an;iousl for something to happen@h (o) amaIing do ou thin# haing 8*35 million )ould e@i (ae ou eer een left totall speechless@: Who>s the luc#iest person ou #no)@

    "T?97T B>s H?9"TE7" o not sho) these to student AC

    a id ou li#e reading this article@ What did ou thin# aout )hat ou read@c o ou u lotter tic#ets@d Are ou a gamler@e o ou eer feel that life is a lotter@f Are ou good at )inning arguments@g What )ould ou do if ou got our hands on 8*35 million@h What do ou thin# of lotteries@

    i Will ou go and u a lotter tic#et after this lesson@: id ou li#e this discussion@

    A4TE /I+!)++I%oin another partner / group and tell them )hatou tal#ed aout

    a What

  • 8/12/2019 050731-luck-e


    Irish woman in $135 million lotto win 31 July, 2005


    A'#"I%Tal# to our partnersC aout the follo)ing forms of gamling Whichdo ou thin# are dangerous@ What are the dangers@ Which hae ou tried@ What )as

    the attraction@After ou hae finished1 ran# the forms of gamling ,ut the most dangerous at the top

    &ER" A7%9R" ATTRATE7"

    Lotter tic#ets

    (orse racing



    &ruit / "lot



    ,o#er / ards

    )ith friends

    Russian Roulette

    hange partners and e;plain )hat ou discussed )ith our preious partnersC

    &ind this and similar lessons at http=//)))Brea#ing7e)s9nglishcom


  • 8/12/2019 050731-luck-e


  • 8/12/2019 050731-luck-e


    Irish woman in $135 million lotto win 31 July, 2005


    1 ;!A#)"A E>TE+I%hoose seeral of the )ords from

    the te;t ?se a dictionar or %oogle>s search field or another searchengineC to uild up more associations / collocations of each )ord

    2 ITEET%"earch the nternet and find more information on the9uropean Lotter "hare our findings )ith our class in the ne;t lesson

    3 "TTE *JE!T% Write a plan for a lotter pro:ect D a causethat ou feel should enefit from the lotter millions Jou hae 8*+million to spend (o) do ou spend it@ escrie our pro:ect to our

    classmates in our ne;t lesson id ou all )rite aout similar things@

    /IA 6 J)A"%magine ou hae )on 8*35 million Writethe entr in our :ournal / diar aout the da after our )in Read ourentr to our classmates in the ne;t lesson id ou all )rite aoutsimilar things@

    &ind this and similar lessons at http=//)))Brea#ing7e)s9nglishcom


  • 8/12/2019 050731-luck-e


    Irish woman in $135 million lotto win 31 July, 2005


    T)E 6 4A"+E%

    a T T c T d & e & f T g & h &

    +' 'AT!H%

    a often fres little point t>s a )aste of time

    g seconds moments

    h straight directl

    i safe ault

    : get her hands on hold

    *HA+E 'AT!H%

    a a little luc#ier than ordinar people

    )on a record 8*35 million on the 9uropean Lotter

    c recoering from the shoc#

    d The lotter had not een )on since a

    e to see if their luc# might change

    f en:oing a s little point in chec#ing the tic#et

    h )in an argument

    i "he )ent straight to the police

    : get her hands on her millions

    A* 4I""%

    Irish woman in $135 million lotto win

    #E% ,eople often tal# aout .the luc# of the rish01 )hich meanspeople from relandare a little luc#ier than ordinary people This proed trueon ul 3+1 )hen oloresc7amara1 from Limeric#1 )on a record 8*35 million on the 9uropean Lotter sc7amara is still speechless and recoering from the shoc9of her sudden :ac#pot )inThe lotter had not een )on sincea and had een rolled oer nine times (opefultic#et holdersaround 9urope had )aited an;iousl eer &rida to see if their luc#

    might chan?e

    s c7amara had een en:oing a @uietdrin# in a ar )hen she chec#ed her tic#et"he had told her friend= .There>s little ointin chec#ing the tic#et can>t een winanargument0 (o)eer1 Lad Luc# smiledon her seconds later "he )ent strai?htto thepolice1 )orried that she might losethe )inning lotter tic#et A policeman phoned heran# manager1 )ho put the tic#et in a an# sa:euntil the an#s opened ?nfortunatel1onda is a national holida in reland olores must )ait until Tuesda efore she canget her handson her millions

    &ind this and similar lessons at http=//)))Brea#ing7e)s9nglishcom

