046a - inauspicious consequences of the arabic radical islam on the peace of the world (elaborate...

Elaborate 4bis Inauspicious consequences of the Arabic radical Islam on the peace of the world SUMMARY 1. Alteration of the true Arabic Religion Page 1 2. The Jihad is diabolic (it is the so-called holy war) " 4 3. The word Islam " 7 4. Synthesis of many malicious errors of interpretation of the Arabic radical Arabism " 9 5. The Evil, and therefore the Islam also, won't prevail because God does not wants it " 17 6. The role of the religions in the History of the Salvation " 21 7. New Revelations " 24 8. The composite Islamic world (the seven faces of the Islam) " 27 9. The personality, the intentions and the aims of whom gives the orders to defend oneself and therefore to fight " 33 10. Satan’s men and the role of the Demon " 35 11. The world after September 11th 2001 " 36 12. The reasons for the Islamic expansionism seem us six; but the Evil that do the Islamic Fundamentalist or Radicals will be corrected with pains equal or similar to those that they have caused to other men in the past " 37 13. A message of hope for the violent and wicked Islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals from a Christian their brother " 40 14. The Salvation for all (demons, human demons and men) instead that the eternity in the Hell or in the Gehenna " 42 15. Fierce coercion in the Islamic religion of the wicked Caliphs " 44 Alteration of the true Arabic Religion: Following some changes of the Koran and the astute and wicked errors of interpretation of some Themes of the Koran pointed out in the Elaborate n° 4 1 ( available among the Deepening this Catechism ) and of the violence of the Sharia, the same Koranic Revelation results distorted, so much to be able to consider the Arabic Religion a tree with many branches from which Satan makes to preach from man-demons the hate, the revenge and it incites to make genocides, revolutions and wars. The greatest part of the conflicts in the world since the death of the prophet Mohammed they are of Islamic and satanic matrix. Undoubtedly we are in presence of a lot of sects to the service of the 1 Elaborate 4 “Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed committed with astuteness an wickedness by Islamic Fundamentalists” 1

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Elaborate 4bis

Inauspicious consequences of the Arabic radical Islam on the peace of the world


1. Alteration of the true Arabic Religion Page 1

2. The Jihad is diabolic (it is the so-called holy war) " 4

3. The word Islam " 7

4. Synthesis of many malicious errors of interpretation of the Arabic radical Arabism " 9

5. The Evil, and therefore the Islam also, won't prevail because God does not wants it " 17

6. The role of the religions in the History of the Salvation " 21

7. New Revelations " 24

8. The composite Islamic world (the seven faces of the Islam) " 27

9. The personality, the intentions and the aims of whom gives the orders to defend

oneself and therefore to fight " 33

10. Satan’s men and the role of the Demon " 35

11. The world after September 11th 2001 " 36

12. The reasons for the Islamic expansionism seem us six; but the Evil that do the

Islamic Fundamentalist or Radicals will be corrected with pains equal or similar to those

that they have caused to other men in the past " 37

13. A message of hope for the violent and wicked Islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals

from a Christian their brother " 40

14. The Salvation for all (demons, human demons and men) instead that the eternity

in the Hell or in the Gehenna " 42

15. Fierce coercion in the Islamic religion of the wicked Caliphs " 44

Alteration of the true Arabic Religion: Following some changes of the Koran and the

astute and wicked errors of interpretation of some Themes of the Koran pointed out in the

Elaborate n° 4 1 ( available among the Deepening this Catechism ) and of the violence of the

Sharia, the same Koranic Revelation results distorted, so much to be able to consider the Arabic

Religion a tree with many branches from which Satan makes to preach from man-demons

the hate, the revenge and it incites to make genocides, revolutions and wars. The greatest

part of the conflicts in the world since the death of the prophet Mohammed they are of

Islamic and satanic matrix. Undoubtedly we are in presence of a lot of sects to the service of the

1 Elaborate 4 “Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed committed with astuteness an wickedness by Islamic Fundamentalists”


Demon whereas Arabic radicalism reigns; it has been said that the good trees can be recognized

by their fruits as the bad ones 2 .

Our Lady Mary from Medjugorje on September 25th 2001 told us: "Today also I invite you to

the prayer, particularly today, when Satan wants the war and the hate…3 ". Who preaches hate and

it incites to make the war it is therefore a satanic being, to whatever people or religion belong.

The violent and wicked Mohammedan Fundamentalists of today they are the idolaters, the

unbelievers and hypocrites of yesterday 4 and of tomorrow that they adore the money, the

terrestrial goods, the success and the power also at the cost to make slaughters of innocent ones;

the homicide is forbidden by the original Koran (sees you the Elaborate N°4 and the document

"Some Arabian additions and other modifications to verses of the Koran" available in this same

folder of the Religions (Islam).

The Lord Jesus Cristo said: " Nobody can serve two masters: because or he/she will love

the one and he/she will hate the other; or he/she will prefer the first one and he/she will despise

the second one. You cannot serve God and the money 5 .

With the wrong interpretations of the Koran - undoubtedly wanted - invective after invective,

dissension after dissension and demoniac war after demoniac war, after around fourteen

centuries, these satanic branches of the Islam where it dominates the Islamic radicalism - guided

always from the Caliphs of Saudi Arabia 6 - they have produced in these last decades the satanic

fruit of a strong and diffused adversity against the rich West: this diabolic fruit of so much hate

of the Arabic radicalism it is called terrorism; its iniquitous effects have appeared in New York

September 11th 2001 and more recently in Madrid, on March 11th 2004, in other places and more

recently in Iraq and Syria with the very cruel Islamic Caliphate.

Islam appears us as a composite and articulated world in which they have been spent freely

since the death of the Prophet onwards (but made exception for the Caliph Abu Bark, the trusted

companion of the first time of Mohammed) the demoniac exhalations of the unbridled greed of the

wealths so beloved by the inhabitants of La Mecca 7 . But there is not a good Islam and a bad

Islam; there is only the Islam guided by the Fundamentalists or Islamic Radicals - that apply

the cruel and violent Sharia 8 - and the Moderate Islamic ones that not dare to contradict the

Fundamentalists for fear.

It is difficult to establish for approximation also how much these astute and malignant

errors of interpretation of verses of the Koran and additions and other alterations done by the

2 Vangelo di Matteo 12, 33-373 Maria di Nazareth, Medjugorje, I Messaggi della Regina della pace, Message dated September 25th 2001, Shalom 4 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 15 (Beduini), sura IX 97-99, Xenia Tascabili 5 Vangelo di Matteo 6. 246 Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, pages 141-145, Oscar Mondadori ; Hamida Ghafour, Il paese di polvere e di vento, page 289, RCS ; Gayle Tzemach Lemmon, page 27, RCS7 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 126-139, Oscar Mondadori8 Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 277 (Pena capitale) and page 282 (Punizioni corporali), Einaudi Tascabili ; Jean-Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’Islam chiamati da Cristo, many pages, EMI


Arabs to quite a lot verses of the same Koran 9 have been able to negatively influence the respect

that the God-fearing ones and the Islamic Moderates would have had to have towards the

believers of the other religions, while it is being certain that the Arabic religion has been


For an instance, how much respect do they have the Sufis, the God-fearing ones and the

Islamic Moderates of the Christians (that Mohammed protected 10 ), after fourteen centuries during

which the Islamic Fundamentalists or better Mohammedans have accused us of hypocrisy and of

unbelieverness? Yet the Koran teaches that the unbelievers and the hypocrites are only those

people who don't believe in God and in the Day of the Judgment - and that is the polytheistic

Bedouins of the Arabic peninsula 11 - while it is being known that they believe in God both the

Hebrews and the Christians; therefore the infidels of whom the Koran speaks - and that the

prophet Mohammed had to fight for defending itself an his followers - they were only the

polytheistic Bedouins of the central Arabic peninsula and their allies, which fought against the

Prophet and his few friends (of the beginning of his preaching). The purpose of the Coreiscitis

was that to prevent the affirmation of the New Religion among the Arabs. The original Koran is the

Revelation of Allah, or of the Lord God, for the Arabs and for them only 12 . Of it derive that the

unbelievers and the hypocrites of whom the Koran speaks are the islamic Fundamentalists or

Radicals of yesterday, of today and of tomorrow that they don’t believe in God, on the contrary in

Satan, considering that they preach the violence, the revolutions, the hate and the war 13 .

Among the Islamic Moderates that constitute the majority of the Mohammedans, there is a

category of pious people, entirely special, that we find them, always in small number in all religions:

they are the God-fearing ones, those to which the Lord Allah has promised the Heaven (but it is to

be due also to the God-fearing ones of the other religions, for reasons of love and justice). We are

certain that the islamic God-fearing ones respect the Christians and consider them brothers.

If it is true as it is true that the Lord Allah has promised the Heaven 14 to the God-fearing

ones 15 it is also true that the Gehenna has promised, that is the Hell, to the unbelievers and the

hypocrites 16 , that they are a lot of among the Islamic radicals, if not everybody. The Lord Allah has

also promised a more severe punishment to the most insolent of the Unbelievers 17 . The promises

9 The Elaborate n°4 is seen and the document “Some Arabian falsifications of verses of the Koran” available in this same folder of the Islam10 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 268-269, Oscar Mondadori11 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 1512 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 13 (Araba language), sura XIII 37, Xenia Tascabili ; Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli13 Maria di Nazareth, Medjugorje, I Messaggi della Regina della Pace, September 25th 2001, Shalom14 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XIX 62-64, Ulrico Hoepli15 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 119 (Timore di Dio), sura III 198 and sura XLIX 13, Xenia Tascabili16 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 47 (Gehenna), sura IX 73, sura XVII 98, sura XX 74, sura XXXV 36-37 e sura XXXVIII 55-58, Xenia Tascabili17 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XIX 70


of the Lord Allah to the Bedouin ones are worth for all insolent men in the unbelieverness of the

other religions and this for justice.

We think opportune to do present that the Lord God scans in the hearts and in the minds

of His sons and appraises of them thoughts, intentions, actions and omissions. Don't be enough

some prayer in the morning and the evening and the Sunday participation to the Saint Mass for

earning itself the Kingdom of the Skies, if there is not in the heart a true fear of God, a true

repentance, a sincere commitment to make good deeds without waiting for nothing in change, not

even the Kingdom of the Skies. These “feelings 18 push the men with a conscience grown 19 to

obey to the Commandments of the Lord God. It is not enough, therefore, to be Moderate of

whatever religion to enjoy the eternal graces of the Kingdom of the Skies (that it is not a place but

a mental state of being 20 ; not even the Hell or Gehenna it is a place but a mental state of being ;

The Lord Jesus has told the XIX century: "Nobody goes to the hell or in sky, but each one brings

them both inside of itself 21 "; in the XX century the Lord God has said: " Realize that you attract

on you the whole best or the whole worse of the life: in it can reign peace, serenity and calm or

chaos and confusion, but since everything is born from the inside, from your state of conscience,

not to blame the surrounding environment. A snail brings with herself everything that that

possesses, even the house: also you bring with you every thing, and this reflects it to the outside 22

), it needs to be at least of the God-fearing ones 23 and it needs to live the divine Revelations with

faith and devotion to whatever people we belong not limiting himself/herself to the only prayers

because it also need the deeds 24 .

The Jihad is diabolic (it is the so-called holy war): The God-fearing ones and the

Moderates accept or proposes alliances to the other Religions in the interest of their peoples to

defend themselves from the overbearing persons that they dominate them denying them the men's

inalienable rights established by the international Conventions.

For the guardianship of such rights alliances are needed among the religions, but they must

obtain such rights without any violence. Them, "All together, in their whole ", they will defend the

peoples, but with pacific methods, as the Gospel of the Lord Jesus and the Indian Gandhi, the

great soul of India 25 and the South African Nelson Mandela teach.

In the Islamic universe they are also many the violent Fundamentalists that show

haughtiness towards the people of the other ethnic groups and religions, not to speak of the hate,

of the revenge and of the incitements to the diabolic war that they transude from their discourses

18 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 257-263 (Sentire), Mediterranee19 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 60-64 (Coscienza) ; Per un mondo migliore, page 205 (Corpo akasico uguale coscienza, page 206 (Evoluzione), and page 210 (Legge di evoluzione)20 Eileen Caddy, Message dated June 1st, Amrita21 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla,, page 176, Armenia22 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 14th , Amrita23 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XIX 64, Ulrico Hoepli24 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 31st , Amrita25 Mark Juergensmeyer, Come Gandhi, un metodo per risolvere I conflitti, Laterza


(because the wars done by men against other men they are never holy, made exception for

that fought in Arabia by the prophet Mohammed to defend himself and His followers from

the polytheistical Coreiscitis because its tribe wanted to kill the Prophet and His disciples; then

the Lord God - for giving the true religion to all the Arabic idolaters - helped Mohammed to fight and

to win such war to start from Badr 26 . And what to say of the slaughters of the Islamic Terrorists

considered that the original Koran forbids also the single homicide 27, saved the right to defend

itselves from who wants to kill yourself as the Coreiscitis against the prophet Mohammed? Don't

forget that in every mosque there is always a certain number of young people, someone of them

also desperate, that is easy to incite inventing enemies or dilating to excess their guilts

(contemporarily keeping silent the proper ones). Such or similar behaviours of whom drives the

prayer they are a demoniac work.

It is false to sustain that the Christians and the Hebrews are hypocritical, unbelievers or

unfaithful because they believe in the sole God - that the Arabs call Allah - and they are Him

devoted; very many Hebrews and Christians are "Subdued to God", many are God-fearing ones;

among Hebrews and Christians there are - even if very rare as in the other religions - those people

that "Have given itselves to God". From the false interpretations of the Koran and from the

additions and alterations árabe of verses of the same Koran that we have exposed in the Elaborate

4 and in the document “Some additions and other modifications árabe to verses of the Koran” they

derive – after 13 or 14 centuries of false indoctrinations - the Islamic persecutions against the

Christians; for instance, that of the Islamic ones of the South Sudan, that they are pitiless for

decades against the Christians so much that is reported every type of abuse o power and of

violences, such to shape a genocide 28 .

The prophet Mohammed, instead, wide to the Hebrews of Medina that followed him his

"new order": "No believer ever has to kill another believer for cause of an unbeliever, neither never

to lend help to an unbeliever against a believer. The protection of God is one alone and it also

extends it also the humblest. The believers owe, as clients the one of the others, reciprocally to

defend themselves against all men 29 ". The prophet protected the Christians “ …their religion,

their persons, their land, their possessions, their churches, their rites and their cult 30 “ ;

Mohammed, won the war, he promulgated a general amnesty, but he forbade the idols 31 . The

Caliphs, instead, after the death of Mohammed - drove out Hebrews and Christians (it was the

caliph Omar to do it 32 ) and then, later centuries after imposed the Koran in the definitive editing

approved by the Caliph Uthman 33 and they ordered of destroying all the other copies.

26 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pages 14-15 (Badr), sura III 13 and 123, Xenia Tascabili27 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 94 (Omicidio), sura 178.179 and sura XVII 33, Xenia Tascabili28 Associazione Onlus Cesar, Via Piemonte 16, 25062 Concesio (Brescia), tel. 030 -275171029 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, page 176, Oscar Mondadori30 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 268-269, Oscar Mondadori 31 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 244-245, Oscar Mondadori 32 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 73-74, Oscar Mondadori33 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 115-125, Oscar Mondadori ; Michael Cook, Il Corano, pages 125-148, Einaudi Tascabili ; Paolo Branca, Il Corano, pages 53-67, Il Mulino


Since then the Islam has become the religion of State of the Arabic Countries ; the wicked

Caliphs made wars for the conquest of new territories arriving up to in the heart of Europe ( In

Wien in the Middle Ages ).

All of this and much other, always of demoniac matrix, it is owed to the errors of

interpretation of the Koran listed in the aforesaid Elaborate n°4 (available in this same folder

of the Religions (Islam) and to the additions and alterations árabe of the Koran same for an

instance the verses 28 and 29 of the IV sura, the sura of the women for allowing Islamic ones to

marry how many women they want for making them to do many children (sees you also the

special document in this same folder of the Islam: "Some Arabian additions and alterations to

verses of the Koran", that have been creating for fourteen centuries strong tensions in the world

because of the wicked and violent Islamic Fundamentalists Radicals, which are certainly far from

being Muslimùn, that is men entirely devoted to God 34 , according to the meaning of the term

Muslim; they are instead man-demons.

And the truth is worth: as Muslim (Muslim plural Muslimùn) means person entirely devoted

to God it is not possible to define all Muslimùn the citizens of a people. For instance, may be

defined Muslim, that is a person entirely devoted to God a father-master that sells and he gives in

marriage a six year-old daughter against the payment of a price 35 , a violent husband, a father that

makes to procreate many children to his own wives without having the financial means and then he

forces his small children to work, to suffer and then sometimes he sells them? Certainly not! May

be defined Muslim a violent iman, an usual criminal, a wicked or an Islamic fighter (Mujaheddin)

that sells drug, steals, falsifies the documents, makes to prostitute the women, makes the

clandestine trade and so on (for an instance in Italy, Country that gave him reception 36 ? Certainly

not! But this is the Islam the Antireligion of Satan, the Antichrist 37 !

If we think that the Islamic ones are over a billion (of which only the 20 percent around they

are Arabic ones 38 ), the reader judges how much unfounded can be such conceitedness of the so-

called Islam to be all Muslimùn, that is saints in how much devoted entirely to God. It deals with a

real huge falsehood.

As for the so-called one "holy war", the Jihad: to explain the falsehood of the use of

the word, is enough to say that the only holy war that it exists is the "spiritual fight" of every person

against its own human self or me egoist and egotist or the individual effort for the faith or for the

moral action and mission 39 , to whatever religion it belong. It derives of it that, in truth, every

war declared by the Islamic radicalism to other people has been and it will be always

34 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 74 (Maometto), sura III 20 and page 91 (Muslim plural Muslimùn), sura XXII 78, Xenia Tascabili 35 Madonna di Monte Berico, Rivista mensile di attualità, Ottobre 2009, n° 8, pages 42.43, Viale X Giugno, 87 – 36100 Vicenza (Italy)36 Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, pages 25, 36, 68, 74 and others, Oscar Mondadori37 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee38 Paolo Branca, I Musulmani, page 79, Il Mulino39 Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo Dizionario dell’islam, page 136 (Gihad or Jihad), Einaudi Tascabili


demoniac, since not the Lord Allah, but Satan wants the hate and the war, as Our Lady Mary

informs us from Medjugorje since September 25th 2001 40 . And the same is said for any other war.

Of it we can deduce that the Sufis, God-fearing ones and the Islamic Moderates - in the

their same interest - they would join with the other true Religions in the Arabic Countries also to

pacifically get the inalienable rights of the citizens denied by the Islamic Caliphs. It is made

reference in first place to the rights of the children and of the women without neglecting the

inalienable rights recognized by the International Conventions that Islamic fundamentalists States

don't recognize.

The Jihad - as wanted by the Islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals - it is the war and the

islamic terrorism that ruin the peace of the world.

The word Islam: Also of the word Islam has been given a false interpretation, because to

make Islam means "To submit ourselves to God 41 " or "To give ourselves to God 42 ". The meaning

of the to make islam expresses, therefore, a propensity/predisposition of men, that it cannot be

exclusive of the Islamic ones or better of the Mohammedans of the Arabism. The "To make

islam", for love and justice, of the God Love-Life that He loves us all equally 43 , they are not an

exclusive of the Arabism, Islamism or better Mohammedism; God's awe, the Subjugation to God,

the to Give itselves to God it is possible for all men. It derives of it that in all the religions worthy of

this name, to start from the Judaism and from the Christianity there are people that make of the

Gift of itselves to God, of the Subjugation to God, of the of God’s awe or of the obedience to

God their religion, independently from the fact that they are Christian or Hebrews or of other

religions; these people know, for intimate to know, that in front of God we are all equal ones 44 ; it

said as a matter of fact the archangel Gabriel to Mohammed:

a. "Say: we believe in God and in what that has been revealed to us and in what has been

revealed to Abram, to Ishmael, to Isaac, to Jacobs to the twelve tribes, and in what it was given to

Mosè, to Jesus and the prophets from their Lord, without making some distinction among

them, and to him we entirely donate us. And whoever desires a different religion from the Islam it

won't be accepted by God and him in the other life it will be with those people whom have lost 45 ".

(note of mine: of it derives of it that according to the Koran for Islam we must intend the

three religions monotheistic: Judaism, Christianity and Islamism or Arabism or Mohammedism. The

three religions provide, even if with different words the same thing: Gift of itself to God,

Subjugation to God, God’s awe and Obedience to God; nevertheless, from how much it results us

40 Maria di Nazareth, Medjugorje, I Messaggi della Regina della Pace, Message dated September 25th 2001, Editrice Shalom41 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 62 (Islam), sura III 19, Xenia Tascabili42 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 74 (Maometto), sura III 20, Xenia Tascabili43 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated March 16th and May 16th , Amrita44 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated March 16th and May 16th , Amrita 45 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 63 (Islam), sura III 84-85, Xenia Tascabili


from the Koran, only the Torah and the Gospel give a right guide and the illumination 46 . If it is so

as to us it seems, because you don't reflect on it Mohammedans brothers? But what is said

for these three Religions it must also be worth for all the other religions and people that they

behave equally and to God only they pay cult and obedience).

b. "And who could choose never a religion better than that that wants that we entirely give

us to God and that we do some good to the other men and that the community of Abram we follow

with pure faith? Since Abram was chosen by God as friend 47 ";

c. Of such verse we transcribe another translation: "And who has a religion better than he

who it entirely refers to God, does the good and follows the religion of Abram as a hanif?, Since

God has taken Abram as a friend 48 (note of mine : the Muslimùn or the Hanif are the persons

entirely devoted to God and they result us synonymous 49 . As we have already said,

independently from the religion that it is professed, we think that when a man entirely devotes

himself to God, to whatever religion belong, this man or woman he/she becomes a Hanif or a

Muslim and he/she can become, liking to God, also one friend of Him. It seems impossible to the

man, but nothing is impossible to God, that is the energy love 50 ; we don't want to do nevertheless

some comparison between Abram and the common mortal ones).

The Torah, the Gospel and the Koran derive from a sole Celestial Book 51 , the alone not

created The Torah with the Decalogue and the Commandments of the love and the Gospels they

are valid for the Arabs also; the Gospels explain the Decalogue 52 . The demonstration that the

three aforesaid sacred Books derive from a solo Book, is inferred her/it also by the sura III 57 of

the Koran translated by L. Bonelli by Ulrico Hoepli Editore: " …Come to a word that makes all


This Word is Decalogue. The eternal law with the God’s Ten Commandments, written

on the Tables of stone given to Mosè by the Lord on the mountain of Sinai 53 , that it is valid

for all men, Islamic ones included.

Of the Decalogue the Lord Jesus told Palestine, around two thousand years ago, speaking

of the justice: <<As the justice it is practised? How is victory conquered? With honesty of words

and actions, with charity of neighbour. Recognizing that God is God and not putting the idols of the

46 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 120 (Torà), sura V 44 and page 123 (Vangelo), sura V 46, Xenia Tascabili47 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 63 (Islam). Sura IV 125 and page 74 (Maometto: I have given muself to God - Ho dato me stesso a Dio), sura III 20,Xenia Tascabili (note of ours: Abram is the first Patriarch and from Him they descend Hebrews and Christians also)48 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura IV 124, Ulrico Hoepli49 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 5 (Abramo), sura III 67 and page 91 (Muslim , plurale Muslimùn), sura XXII 78, Xenia Tascabili50 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 146 (Love is the greatest power of union of the universe), Mediterranee51 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XXII 65-69, Ulrico Hoepli52 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 7°, pages 123-124, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (Frosinone), Italy53 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 ; Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pages 117-118 (Tavole di Mosè), sura VII 145 and 154, Xenia Tascabili


creatures, of the money, of the power to the place of the God very holy. With to give to each one

the place that is up to him without trying to give more or to give less than what is rightful. He who,

because one are him friend or powerful relative, it honours him and it also serves in the not good

deeds, it is not correct. The one, to the opposite, that his/her neighbour damages because from it

he cannot hope profit of sort and he swears against him, or he makes him purchase with gifts to

depose against the innocent one or to judge with partisanship, not according to justice but

according to the calculation of what that unfair judgment can get him from who is more powerful

person among the contenders, is not correct, and vain they are his prayers, his offers, because

stained of injustice to the eyes of God. You see that what says it is still Decalogue. It is always

Decalogue the word of the Rabbi. Because the good, the justice, the glory is in to complete what

the Decalogue it teaches and it orders to do. There is no other doctrine. Then date among the

lightnings of the Sinai, dates now among the splendours of the Mercy, but the Doctrine is that. And

it doesn't change. And it cannot change. Many, to them excuse, will tell Israel, to justify not to be

also holy after the passage on the earth of the Savior: " I have not had the opportunity to follow

him and to listen to him". But their excuse doesn't have any value. Because the Savior has not

come to put a new Law, but to reinstate the first one, the only law, in its perfect simplicity. To

reinstate with love, and with promises of certain love of God, before what had been said with rigor

on one side and listened with fear by the other. To make you understand well what they are the

Ten Commandments and what importance has the follow them, I tell you this parable. A

father of family had two children, equally beloved and of which he wanted to be in equal measure

the benefactor. This father had, besides the abode where his children were, of the possessions

where great hidden treasures were. His children knew about these treasures but they didn't know

the way for them to go, because their father, for his motives proper he had not revealed the way to

his children to come there and this for many and many years….54 .

Synthesis of many malicious errors of interpretation of the Koran done by the radical


This premised, if we keep in mind that have noticed in a study not certainly long in the time

thirteen errors of interpretation or bad application of Koranic themes or even of additions and

alterations to verses of the Koran (in the place of the tenth error of interpretation) from the Arabic

Fundamentalists or Radicals, it can be understood therefore as the Islamic religion results

distorted of them, even if was not considered violence inherent in the Sharia 55 .

The Caliphs of the antiquity and their successors up to our days make to believe:

that is permissible to also fight other peoples even of theistic religion as Hebrews

and Christians, while the order to fight ceased with the taking in the La Mecca, when the prophet

54 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, volume 7th , pages 123-124, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri, Frosinone, Italy55 Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 277 (Pena capitale, page 282 (Punizioni corporali), Einaudi Tascabili ; Jean-Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’Islam chiamati da Cristo, many pages, EMI


Mohammed granted a general amnesty and liberty of cult also to the pagan Arabs 56 and, naturally

he was magnanimous with everybody 57 ;

what the Caliphs can assume the absolute power (religious, civilian and military) ,

while Allah not granted it even to Mohammed, that was a man entirely devoted to God (a Muslim,

that is a Mohammedan 58 ); the Prophet was extraordinary man entirely devoted to God to which

Allah makes to say <<Be of admonishment to everybody, because you are an admonitory and

don't have been named them sovereign 59 >>;

that the homicide to impose the religion of the Caliphs to the other peoples is

admitted by the Koran, that – instead – forbids it (note of mine: the twelfth error of interpretation of

the Arabian Caliphs is seen in ours Elaborate 4, available in this same folder of the Religions

( Islam). Nevertheless the Terrorists make slaughters of innocent ones in various Nations of the

world, while other Islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals exterminate whole populations as it

happens to the Christians of the South Sudan;

that all the Islamic ones be Muslimùn, that is person devoted entirely to God as

Abram 60 , which thing is foolish and impossible entirely keeping in mind of the capital sins that

practically makes all common men, which form at least the 99 percent of the believers of every

religion included the Islamic ones. But for an Islamic Moderate one or Mohammedan whose mind

is stamped to consider itself a Muslim and to considerer the other islamic ones of the Muslimùn, for

them also a terrorist is a Muslim, that is a Moslem, while in reality he is a Demon in human

dresses. Of it derives that such self definition it is lacking of sense of truth and of logic;

that the Jihad means holy war against another people that they individualize as

enemy making an inadmissible use of the word Jihad. As a matter of fact the Jihad is "the spiritual

fight" that the man must do for overcoming his/her human self egoist and egotist, the me.

According to the Islam the Jihad is individual effort for the faith and for the action or the moral

mission 61 . Any other interpretation is wrong both if it concerns the war to groups of people, to

peoples or religions. The holy war doesn't exist , but it has been invented by Satan and by man-

demons (the violent, fanatical and cruel Islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals that want to subjugate

other peoples to take possession of their territories and of their wealths, as well as to impose them

the violent and cruel Sharia 62 . Of the Islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals it has been said that "

their true religion is the power…. In the mosques they happen the worse things 63 ". As we have

already said for Jihad it must be intended only and exclusively the personal commitment for

56 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura II 257-259 and sura XVIII 28, Ulrico Hoepli57 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 242-245, Oscar Mondadori58 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pagina 74 (Maometto), sura III 20 and page 91 (Muslim, the person who devote himsel/herself to God ; plural Muslimùn), sura XXII 78), Xenia Tascabili59 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura LXXXVIII 21-22, Ulrico Hoepli60 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 5 (Abramo ), sura III 67, Xenia Tascabili 61 Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 136 (Gihad or Jihad), Einaudi Tascabili62 Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 277 (Pena capitale) and page 282 (Punizioni corporali), Einaudi Tascabili63 Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, page 96, Oscar Mondadori


the spiritual growth 64 ; other meanings are not legitimate since the Lord Allah also recognized

to the Coreiscitis the right not to believe in the new religion dictated by the archangel Gabriel to the

prophet Mohammed 65 .

that for Islam it must be intended only the Arabism or Mohammedism, while "to

make Islam" it means to “Submit itselves to God” or to “Give itselves to God 66 ”, which thing is

common to Hebrews, Christians and Arabs 67 , in how much the Torah, the Gospels and the Koran

come down from the same celestial Book 68 of the sole God the Father-Mother-God of all men 69 .

The Lord Allah made to tell from the archangel Gabriel to the prophet Mohammed: << Remember

of Mary, which preserved her virginity and we breathed in her our Spirit, and we did, of her and of

her son, a sign of the power of God, for the creatures. Truly this your religion is an unique religion (

identical with that of the ancient prophets) and I am your Lord, serve then me 70 >>. ;

that the Koran be superior to the Torah and the Gospel and that, therefore, the

Arabic religion is superior to the Judaism and the Christianity; in the Koran, instead, really other

truths are found, as are also pointed out in the quoted Elaborate 4 of the Deepening of this

Catechism, among which:

- " In truth we have revealed the Torah that contains a straight guide and the

illumination 71 ;

- << On the footprints of the prophets we let to walk, Jesus Mary's child, to

confirmation of the Pentateuch, revealed before him and we gave him the Gospel,

in which it is guide and light, that it is a confirmation of the Pentateuch, previously

revealed, and it is a direction and a warning for the God-fearing ones 72 >> ;

- << …We gave to him (note of mine: that is to the Lord Jesus) the Gospel, and we

set in the hearts of those that followed him meekness and mercy….73 );

that the Koran it be not created, that is eternal, or created it belongs to the Arabic

theological controversies 74 while the Koran in the reality has been printed from men about six

centuries after the death of the prophet Mohammed; then it is not a book come down from the sky

or created by God, but it contains a Revelation that Allah, that is God, made to the prophet

Mohammed through the archangel Gabriel; it is said that the Koran that has reached us (IX

century), It has been written on the base of the ancient compilation of Zayd son of Tabit by order of64 Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 136 (Gihad or Jihad), Einaudi Tascabili65 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura II 257-259 and sura XVIII 28, Ulrico Hoepli ; Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 242-246, Oscar Mondadori66 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 62 (Islam), sura III 19 and pagina 74 (Maometto), sura III 20, Xenia Tascabili67 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 63 (Islam), sura III 84-85, Xenia Tascabili68 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XXII 69, Ulrico Hoepli69 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pages 7-10 (Allah, in arabo Dio), many suras), Xenia Tascabili ; EileenCaddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104, Mediterranee70 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XXI 91-92, Ulrico Hoepli71 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 120 (Torà), sura V 44, Xenia Tascabili72 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 50, Ulrico Hoepli73 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura LVII 27, Ulrico Hoepli74 Michael Cook, Il Corano, pages 116-118, Einaudi Tascabili


the third Caliph, Uthman; the different versions from the definitive and official editing were made to

destroy by the aforesaid Caliph 75 . There is no sacred Book that has been created by God on the

Earth, but: <<God cancels what he wants or (and) it confirms it, and nearby him it is the mother

(the prototype of the Book 76 )>>;

they let the Islamic ones or better the Mohammedans to believe that other peoples

are enemies to hate and to fight for imposing the religion of the Arabs to everybody, included

Hebrews and Christians, while the Koran teaches:

- that the Lord Allah doesn't want a sole religion in the world, but he wants the

religions to compete only in doing good deeds 77 ;

- After the victory of the prophet Mohammed on pagan Bedouins the Lord God

granted liberty of cult to everybody as it is already said 78 ;

they make to believe that the Lord Jesus of Nazareth, son of Mary it be a prophet as

the others (see the already quoted Elaborate n°4 of our Catechism in the folder of the Religion

(Islam, the ninth error). It can be shown that this is not true also with the same Koran at the hand

in which it is written:

- that a Jesus, son of Mary is the Word of God and the Messiah 79 ;

- that Jesus, likewise to Adam it is child of the will of God since He said “be and he was”

and you (note of mine: Mohammed) not to be of those that they doubt 80 “ ;

- that Jesus son of Mary it is the Verb of truth 81 ;

- that Jesus has been strengthened with the spirit of Holiness 82 , that is with the Spirit

Saint ;

- the Lord Jesus explained His being God in the sole God for one of the unthinkable

possibilities of the Spirit of the sole God 83 that He is in every thing and in each one 84

and therefore God is also in the Father, in the Son Jesus and in the Great Mother

Spirit Saint that is in the three divine Beings that He manifested to become visible and

comprehensible to the men 85 ;

The Lord God confirmed at Findhorn in the XX century that Jesus is His son with

these words: "It is for the time to come when they will become reality these words:

<<The son of God will appear in all of his glory for all to see him >>. Be ready

75 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 118-121, Oscar Mondadori ; Paolo Branca, Il Corano, pages 59-60, Il Mulino ; Michael Cook, Il Corano, pages 125-143, Einaudi Tascabili76 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XIII 39, Ulrico Hoepli 77 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 53, Ulrico Hoepli78 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura II 257-259 and sura XVIII 28, Ulrico Hoepli ; Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 244-245, Oscar Mondadori 79 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40, Ulrico Hoepli80 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli81 Il Corano, trad, L. Bonelli, sura XIX 35, Ulrico Hoepli82 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura II 254, Ulrico Hoepli83 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-44 (Dio: unità o trinità), Armenia84 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 17th , Amrita85 Jakob Lorber, il Signore parla, page 40, Armenia


because nobody knows the day and the time. Be ready in every moment to see Him. I

tell you not to be surprised of nothing 86 ";

- The sole God also said: << I AM always with you. You become aware of Me in every

moment. We are One, One in the heart, in the mind and in the Spirit. You are perfectly

aware of the Divine Presence, the Christ in you 87 >>.

With such words the Lord God also confirmed:

a. the existence in the Spirit of the Mystical Body of the Lord Jesus, in which all men

and all things are recapitulated 88 and that at the same time that the Christ is the Redeemer and

Savior 89 and therefore that all men – to any people or religion belong - cannot be saved without

Him 90 ;

b. what the Lord Jesus is a Divine Manifestation as the Father and the Great Mother

Spirit Saint; They, form together the Holy Trinity Father, Son and Mather Spirit Saint 91 in the sole


Considered that the Lord God told at Findhorn in Scotland in the 20th century

- <<. The souls that are aware of the conscience of Christ they feel them now attracted

reciprocally as the iron toward the magnet….It is this conscience that draws together more

and more souls, so that all of you can become aware of the Christ within and can eternally

give thanks for this awareness 92 >>;

- << Day after day, you become more and more infilled and infused with Christ

consciousness. You are able to walk in the light and become one with the light, until there is

no darkness in you and as this process takes place you bring more light in the world ….93


We can logically deduce from it that all men are redeemed and saved by the Christ, to any race,

religion or ethnic group the belong, Islamic ones included; the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio

Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) have also confirmed it in the 20th century 94 .

Of it derives that the Lord Jesus cannot have been a prophet as the others (included

Mohammed). As a matter of fact Jesus Christ told His Austrian scribe Jakob Lorber in the

nineteenth century: <<The Father, Me as Son and the Spirit Saint we are inseparably an sole

thing since the whole eternity 95 >>;

86 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 109, Mediterranee87 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee88 Vangelo di Giovanni, capitoli 1, 14, 15 and 17 and chapter 1789 Vangelo di Luca 2, 8-20 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita : Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” del Cristo), Mediterranee90 Vangelo di Giovanni 14, 6-31 ; 15, 1-17 and chapter 1791 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-44 (Dio: unità o trinità), Armenia92 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 24th , Amrita93 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 25th , Amrita94 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” di Cristo), Mediterranee95 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 43, Armenia


The Angel of the Peace at Fatima in the 1917 confirmed that Jesus is one of the

three Divine Beings of the Holy Trinity Father, Son and Great Mother Spirit Saint 96 manifested to

become visible and comprehensible to men 97 ;

The Caliphs and the other Fundamentalists or Islamic Radicals make to

believe, that it be permissible to have a lot of wives (after having altered the Koran: the tenth error

of interpretation of the same Koran is seen in ours Elaborate 4 in this same folder of the Religions (

Islam) and many children, also from who doesn't have enough financial means to maintain them

well; who doesn't have the financial means to maintain well wives and children and then he will

make the hunger suffer longly to the whole family, especially to his children. And who makes to

suffer longly he is more guilty and cruel of whom kills 98 . The Koran warns the Islamic ones

from the temptations to have a lot of wives (and therefore many children), while it is commanding

the chastity , it forbids the fornication and it forbids the lovers 99 but the Islamic Fundamentalists

they ask the other Islamic to make to procreate to their wives at least five children each. The Koran

warns the Islamic ones explaining also that wives and children they are an enemy for men and it

advice them to beware from them 100 , but the Islamic ones don't obey to the Lord Allah. The

Koran teaches not to make itselves to distract from the memory of God from wealths and children,

because who will behave so it will lose 101 , but the Islamic ones don't listen to the Lord Allah;

The Islamic Fundamentalists don't make to know that the Koran compares the life

to a game, to an amusement, to an ornament, to a motive for vainglory among you because the to

multiply wives and children cheers the unbelievers, but there will be later in the future life for them

a violent punishment 102 , that is a karmic correction/teaching 103 in a future equal or similar to the

violences and/or wickedness made to neighbour by the unbelievers same in the past 104 ;

The Islamic Fundamentalists don't make to know that the Koran teaches that their

children are only a temptation as the substances, while near God there is a great reward 105 ;

The Islamic Fundamentalists make to believe that it is permissible to issue

sentences of death with a fatwa (that it should be a legal opinion, but not in penal subject and least

of all a penal sentence 106 ). In such way these illegal sentences of death are issued without any

juridical guarantee for the convict. In practice who issues a fatwa of death it authorizes a homicide,

that is forbidden by the Koran; this is a big guilt to the eyes of Allah;

96 Lucia racconta Fatima, page 48, Editrice Queriniana97 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 40, Armenia98 Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’illusione page 95, Mediterranee99 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 7, Ulrico Hoepli100 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura LXIV 14, Ulrico Hoepli101 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 16 (Beni terreni), sura LXIII 9, Xenia Tascabili102 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura LVII 19, Ulrico Hoepli103 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 75-77 (Dolore), page 83 (Educazione) and pages 153-156 (Karma), Mediterranee104 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del karma), Mediterranee105 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura LXIV 15, Ulrico Hoepli106 Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam,, page 118 (Fatwa, plural Fatawa), Einaudi Tascabili


The Islamic Fundamentalists invoke Satan with the holy name of God, but God

doesn't direct those people who are iniquitous 107 .

At a first examination - for the Fear of God also that I had studying the Koran objectively

verse by verse - the sura of the women (IV sura) and other verses concerning the women same

(for an instance for the adultery, the woman, the wife and other verses ); such verses were by me

interpreted as if they were errors of interpretations committed with astuteness and wickedness by

the Arabic Caliphs. But to an examination more deepened that I have done after I have

understood that it concerned not errors (for an instance the jail for life for the wife that has

committed indecent actions without specifying the type of actions), but of real additions and other

alterations to verses of the Koran concerning the women, their behaviours and the relationships

with them (for an instance, the sura II 223, <<Your women be for you as a field go therefore to the

field as more you like it…>> ), while the Lord Allah orders the continence and forbids the sexual

liberty. You see on the subject the Elaborate 4 (tenth error) and the document "Some Arabian

additions and other modifications to verses of the Koran" that you will find in this same folder of the

Religions (Islam).

For such Arabian errors of interpretation and for the modifications of some verses of

the Koran the peace of the world has been compromised.

Above mentioned errors and other ones on fundamental themes of the Koran they

have distorted the Arabic religion and they are such to be distorted the substantial meanings of

the whole Revelation to the prophet Mohammed and therefore of the Islamic religion that is derived

from them in such way that, they come for an instance they arrived to smuggle the" individual

effort for the faith and for the moral action and the mission 108 " of every person as an order to do

"holy wars", that - instead - they are diabolic - against other peoples or religions, while the Lord

Allah authorized the prophet Mohammed to defend itself only from the Arabic polytheists (the

Coreiscitis) and from their allies that wanted to kill him together with his followers. The Arabs'

religions it had to not be imposed with the violence to other peoples, as it happens, instead,

since centuries because God wants the plurality of the peoples and of the religions 109 . Also

from this only falsehood it is possible to understand who is the true head of an undetermined

number of Mosques where there are violent iman that preaches the hate, the revenge and the war

am: it is the Demon; then the true head of the Islamic Fundamentalism is the father of the

hate, that is Satan that wants the war 110 .

The Devil then, through man-demons his slaves, he makes so that in a lot of mosques they

be really them the appointees to drive the prayer. These last turn them then to the Lord Allah

asking the punishment of their enemies or the help in to fight them or similar applications, without

considering that they cannot be granted since they are incompatible with the divine Love and the

107 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 80, Ulrico Hoepli108 Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 136 (Gihad or Jihad), Einaudi Tascabili109 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 53, Ulrico Hoepli110 Maria di Nazareth, Medjugorje, I Messaggi della Regina della Pace, Message dated September 25th 2001, Shalom


Justice. The Lord Allah, that is God doesn't listen them since they are iniquitous 111 and therefore

they are not in harmony with His fond nature and His commands.

This means that such Islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals don't have the palest idea of the

nature of God (that love is 112 ) and therefore when they preach the violence, the hate and the war

they in reality turn to Satan the prince of the matter .

Of it derives that the God-fearing ones and the Mohammedan Moderates would make their

spiritual interest if they went away from the mosques where is preached, the hate, the revenge and

the war, while the Koran teaches to forgive and to do the good and to go away from the people that

the faith they ignore 113 . Satan is the prince of these Islamic Fundamentalists which for god they

have their passions 114 for the wealths, the power, the game and the senses.

The angel of the Peace, at Fatima, it confirmed to the three little shepherds (Lucy, Francis

and Jacinta) that in the sole God it also exists the Holy Trinity Father, Son and Spirit Saint. The

angel appearing to the children <<… it had in his left hand a chalice, above which it was

suspended a Host, from which some drops of blood fell in the chalice. The angel leaves

suspended the chalice in the air, he kneels down next to us and he makes us repeat three times:

"Very Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Spirit Saint, I offer You the very precious body, blood, soul and

divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the earth, in reparation of all the outrages,

sacrileges and indifferences, with which Him same it is offended. And for the endless worths of His

very holy Heart and of the immaculate Heart of Mary, I am asking you the conversion of the poor

sinners 115>>.

It is enough to read only a canonical Gospel with objectivity to discover that the divine man

Jesus renewed deeply the Sacred Writings of all peoples, Koran included, with the preaching of

the brotherhood in God, of the love and of the pardon.

The Christ had God with itself 116 , otherwise He would not have been able to make the

miracles that it did, as the Koran also reports: as a matter of fact Jesus also raise the dead ones

(among which Himself 117 ) and recovered the sick ones, even the blind ones since the birth and

the leprouses 118 .

The teachings of the Gospel are certainly superior to those that it could receive a primitive

society that teached to kill the enemies 119 which was that Bedouin one, but today - in the Islamic

Countries also - there are many men and women whose conscience feels itself attracted by the

111 Il Corano, trad. L Bonelli, sura III 80, Ulrico Hoepli112 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee113 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 95 (Opere buone), sura VII 199, Xenia Tascabili114 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 97 (Passioni), sura XLV 23, Xenia Tascabili115 Lucia racconta Fatima, page 48, Editrice Queriniana116 Vangelo di Giovanni 3, 1-2117 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 10th , pages 171-175 (La resurrezione), CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (Frosinone), Italy118 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 43 and sura V 110, Ulrico Hoepli119 Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, page 101, Mediterranee


conscience of the within Christ, the Redeemer 120 and Savior 121 of all men 122 . And there will be

always Islamic that they will feel themselves attracted by the Christ within, as it happens also

among all the other Peoples of the Earth (is seen the already quoted the Elaborate n°1 of this

Catechism). It is for these motives that the Islamic Countries should give the liberty to be able to

study the Gospels to their citizens, with the purpose to allow to compare the incitements of the

Fundamentalists to hate, to take revenge and to kill with the divine and fond teaching of the

Messiah, child of Mary and the Spirit Saint, in how much similar to Adam, been born that is by Mary

and by the will / power of God 123 .

Because of the very serious errors of interpretation of the Koran of which we have made

mention in the interpretation we cannot be surprised that then it explodes inside the radical

Islam an unbelievable satanic ferocity of which an idea can be had thinking about the slaughters

in New York and Madrid, but above all to the last Terrorists, those of the Islamic Caliphate of Iraq

and Syria. But to that that we hear to say, unfortunately, it can happen, of worse with the weapons

of destruction of mass (an atomic bomb for instance) because it seems that there not it be a limit to

the demoniac ferocity of this generation of Islamic terrorists.

It derives of it, from what that we hears to say, that any people Christian is more on the safe

side since when the Terrorists of Al Qaeda have declared war to West. But also in the East they

are not able calm with what it is happening to Indonesia 124 where the signs of a next bloody

revolution are clear not to speak of the multi ten-yearly war between India and Pakistan (among

Hindus and Islamic ones) and of the genocide of the Christians in the South Sudan.

The Evil an therefore the Islam won't prevail because God doesn't want it; the love

will prevail on the hate and on the Evil with the Good 125 because everything is in the hands

of God 126 : The Islamic Terrorism is the greatest Evil of this epoch (end of the second Millennium

and beginning of the third), but who makes the evil will be educated by God 127 with the lesson of

the pain 128 on the basis of the law of cause and of effect or karmic law 129 during successive

terrestrial incarnations 130 of whom has made the evil when, for God’s mercy, they will be mature or

ready to understand the evil that they did 131 .

120 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 24th , Amrita121 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 25th, Amrita122 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” del Cristo, Mediterranee123 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40 and 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli124 Mondo e Missione, December 2003, Pime edit Onlus, via Mosè Bianchi, 94, 20149 Milano125 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 13th , Amrita 126 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 3rd , Amrita127 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 83 (Educazione), Mediterranee128 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 75-77 (Dolore), Mediterranee129 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157-159 (Legge di causa e di effetto o legge karmica), Mediterranee130 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee131 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 46 (n°6 and 7) and page 158, Mediterranee


We don't know what it will reserve us the future, but it is certain that the Evil won't prevail in

the history of the man, that is the History of the Salvation, even if the Humanity will still have to

suffer a lot for its sins or of its misdoings to the light of the Decalogue and the Commandments of

the love 132 .

The Evil won't prevail and who makes the Evil as the Islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals,

Islamic Kamikaze or Terrorists for a law of God it does it even to itself; in the Koranic verse it

misses however the conjunction "also"; it is written there as a matter of fact only "Whoever

commits some Evil doing so a blame to himself and then asks for forgiveness the Lord, it will find

Him indulgent and available to forgive. Whoever commits a guilt it always does it against himself 133

"; it seems to me that in this verse, for a forgetfulness, it misses the conjunction "also" as t is

already said; therefore in my opinion the last sentence of the aforesaid original verse recited this

way: "Whoever commits a guilt it does it always against himself also" according to the meaning of

another spiritual law of Allah-God, the law of cause and effect: " Fundamental cosmic law for which

to every movement (note of mine: that is cause) an effect happens; to every action it corresponds

a reaction 134 ". Then the cause is the Evil done by the aforesaid Islamic ones, while the effect is

the following correction of the law karmica (or law of cause and effect) when in the future - also

centuries or millennia later - who made the Evil it will be able to understand the same correction

karmica, not before because God is merciful. The mantra of the karma says besides: " It always

remembers that what you will do to you it will be done 135 " (note of mine: of Good or of Evil so that

the man can understand that the Evil to the living beings - and therefore to men, to other creatures

and to the Ambient - it is never had to do). But how it will make Allah-God to teach to the violent

and wicked Islamic ones to behave them as brothers with all the other men? When, millennia later

- considered that the man before becoming a superman or a saint lives on the Earth over fifty

thousands years 136 - when I said – on the strength of the enlargements of conscience achieved

during the numerous incarnations lived on the Earth and in the three worlds of the Life after Death

(astral, mental and akasico 137 ) - such violent and wicked Islamic ones they will have become

ready or mature 138 for evolution of conscience reached 139 for understanding the karmic

corrections/teachings on the strength of the merciful law of the evolution. Such law is the “ Process

for which the life through forms more and more organized, expresses-creates degrees always

greater of Mind and Spirit 140 “ ( note of mine: for Spirit you understand Conscience ). After which

132 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22, Levitico 19, 17-18 and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 ; Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40133 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 73 (Male), sura IV 110-111, Xenia Tascabili134 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157-159 (Legge di causa e di effetto or karmic law), Mediterranee135 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 49 (Mantra del karma), Mediterranee136 Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’illusione, page 185, Mediterranee137 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), 138 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 46 (n°6 and 7) and page 158, Mediterranee139 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione) and Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 106-112 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee 140 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione) and page 210 (Legge di evoluzione), Mediterranee


what it will happen then to such wicked and violent Islamic ones in one or more

incarnations? They will suffer the same type of violences and of wickedness that they did to other

living creatures as corrections / teachings; for an instance centuries or millennia after the Kamikaze

will be torn to pieces by an attack of another Kamikaze and the Terrorists they will suffer in their

turn actions of terrorism. And what will it happen to the heads of the violent and wicked Islamic

Fundamentalists or Radicals? They will receive corrections / teachings equal to the evil that they

have caused on the Earth 141 and the same we have to say it, for an instance, for the Chiefs of the

Kamikaze and of the Terrorists of Al Qaeda. These men - since the Heaven, the Hell (or Gehenna)

they are not places but states of being or mental as it is already said – they will live infernal

existences both on the Earth and in the Life after Death 142 till when their conscience will be so

much widened to enable them to love their neighbour as itselves.

The Evil won't prevail on the Earth because any Fundamentalism can prevail in the life of

the good, but almighty God, that the Lord Jesus described to the Hebrews about 2000 years ago.

Jesus described God as a father to teach to men that a despotic God doesn't exist, neither a

vengeful and irascible father-master. It exists, instead, a Celestial Father that loves His

children and that He desires His love was returned when they will understand the meaning and

the purpose of their life on the Earth (to widen their conscience for being able "to enter" in the

Kingdom of the Skies, that is not a place but a state of being or a mental state 143 ). In such way

we will be able to return to God of ours free will, like so many prodigal sons 144 , spendthrifts not

of money, but of that precious good that is the time of our life, that we waste running behind

the pleasures of the world and the flesh.

The Evil won't prevail in the History of the Salvation of man because "the love is the greatest

power of union of the universe 145 " and it is for this power that the Lord God is invincible; the

certainty doesn't give to us only this beautiful Nature that surrounds us, daughter of the invincible

power that has created the earth, the sky, the sea, the rivers, but also all the marvellous living

beings: the mineral organisms, the plants, the animals; "on this life it is founded the manifestation

of the individual conscience 146 “.

The Lord God to Eileen Caddy of the Findhorn Community in the 20 th century confirmed

that the Christ Messiah is His Son 147 .

The Tall One also confirmed that the Lord Jesus is the Emmanuel, that is "the God with us"

- of which Isaia prophesied 148 - and His divine nature with these words:

141 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del karma), Mediterranee142 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 176, Armenia ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 14th , Amrita143 Eileen Caddy, le porte interiori, Message dated June 1st , Amrita144 Vangelo di Luca, 15, 11-32145 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 146, Mediterranee146 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 28-29 (Anima), Mediterranee ; R. Nicholson, Sufismo e mistica islamica, page 164, Fratelli Melita Editori147 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 109, Mediterranee148 Isaia 7, 14-16 and note 7, 14 of page 1566 della Bibbia di Gerusalemme, Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna


<< ….You are perfectly aware of the Divine Presence, the Christ in you 149 >>.

In such way the Supreme being confirmed, as it was already told in precedence:

a. the existence of the Mystical Body of the Lord Jesus, in which all men and all things are

recapitulated 150 and at the same time that no man can save itself without the help of the Christ 151 .

b. what the Lord Jesus is a divine Being that is a part of the Holy Trinity Father, Son and

Spirit Saint, three Manifestations of the sole God, the Whole-One-Absolute one 152 , to become

visible and comprehensible to men 153 .

The Lord God also told with regard to Jesus Redeemer and Savior:

a. << …Le souls that are aware of the conscience of Christ they feel them now attracted

reciprocally as the iron toward the magnet: it can happen that is not them of it aware at the

moment, but they will be it in the days to come. It is this conscience which is drawing more and

more souls together, so that you all may become aware of the Christ within and give eternal thanks

for this awareness 154 >>; (note of mine: since fifty years around the spring it has arrived, the New

Era 155, that of the redemption of an ever-increasing number of souls living in Earth that they

become aware of the conscience of the Christ within and that therefore they feel them reciprocally


b. << … Day by day, you fill yourself and you imbue yourself of the conscience of the Christ

more and more. You are able to walk in the light and to become everything one with it, as long as

in you there won't be more darkness; and when such process will be established you will succeed

in bringing more light in the world. You must realize that everything this has beginning in you. It

starts with to put order in your house, have faith and trust in your abilities and then do it … 156 >>

(note of mine: salvation is a work of God and of His Christ; the man limits himself/herself to do,

very slowly, his/her part, life after life 157 ).

The Lord Jesus finally, confirmed also that for all men of whatever epoch there is a sole

Shepherd and that they form only a flock to whatever race, people or religion belongs 158.

The spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) they teach: <<…. It is

feared to lose proselytes, when value is given to the organization, and value is given to the

organization to practice an authority that, anyway you call it, it is always of temporal nature,

149 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee150 Vangelo di Giovanni, chapters 1, 14, 15 and 17151 Vangelo di Giovanni 14, 6 ; 15, 1-17 ; 16, 33 and chapter 17 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th, Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 “Il ritorno” di Cristo, Mediterranee 152 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 296-297 (Tutto ; Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto-Uno-Assoluto), Mediterranee153 Jakob Lorber , Il Signore parla, page 40, Armenia ; Lucia Racconta Fatima. Page 48, Editrice Queriniana154 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 24th , Amrita155 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 21st , Amrita156 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 25th , Amrita157 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated November 11th, Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione) and Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee158 Vangelo di Giovanni 10, 14.16 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” di Cristo), Mediterranee


because that spiritual is not conferred certain with an investiture neither it is subordinate to the

affiliation to an any religion. Christ will rise in the intimate of every man, belongs to the one or to

the other religion to the one or to the other political faith. The man calls Christian when he/she

loves his/her neighbour. To believe to change the man bathing him or circumcising him is equal to

believe to be able to change him changing him the suit. But the work of the Christ is not failed.

Christ - the Charity, the brotherly love - it will rise in the intimate of every man and not for

the recognition of any religious organization that it was named after his name or not….. 159

>> .

The Evil won't prevail despite the Islamic radical Islam or better Mohammedan because God

doesn't want a sole people in the world; if He had wanted it He would have done it, but He wants

peoples to compete in to make good deeds 160 .

The role of the religions in the History of the Salvation of the man: Gods religions play a

very important role in the History of the Salvation; all Gods religions, not only this or that, as we tell

the Elaborate N° 1 that you will find among the Deepenings of this Catechism with the exception of

the Antireligion of Satan, the Antichrist 161 among the which there is the Islam. But God’s religions

( the true religions), could do much more if they allied " All together in their whole " for the care of

the Souls and for the safeguard of the inalienable rights of the man recognized by the International

Conventions as us of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) propose.( the

Elaborate 3 it is also seen available among the Deepenings of this Catechism). As it regards the

religions it needs to understand that the primitive societies of the antiquity as those primitive actual,

they had all, inclusive that Arab (seven centuries after Christ), of the proper Revelations for their

mentalities, uses and customs; but such Revelations had to also have improved for the errors done

by men in to transcribe the Word of God and for the deceptions and the interventions of Satan.

It is also for this reason that the Lord God embodied Himself in the man Jesus of Nazareth 162 .

As a matter of fact it said the Messiah: <<… Lucifer kept on in this second error and he got lost in

the extremes of the polar qualities deceiving itself in the idea of having to preserve the matter. He

wanted to reign making himself prince of the matter, that he considered his ownership, and it

darkened therefore more and more the human beings that went forming themselves, since the

struggle with God seemed him great, magnificent and conservative of the life. This also explains

the mystery of My incarnation, that had to break the matter, that otherwise, Lucifer losing more and

more himself in the asperities of the opposite pole, he would become as harder. My incarnation

meant therefore a standstill and it showed as it could free us from the idolatry and from the

adoration of the polar qualities; it also had to show (and this was the first aim) as the death that

159 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” di Cristo), Mediterranee160 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 53, Ulrico Hoepli161 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee162 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message dated April 25th 1988, MIR


ties the men to the matter and to its pleasures can be overcome and defeated, and also that life

doesn't develop itself in the matter, but in the spirit and that that is only a jail of this… 163 ".

The primitive man of the antiquity - as those of the modern times (there are many million of

them in the lost zones of the Earth at the beginning of the 21st century also), they don’t succeed - if

not with a lot of work - to free himself/herself from the teaching of the hate, of the revenge and to

kill his own adversaries or presumed such, as he/she doesn't succeed in freeing from the greeds

for the wealths, the material success and the power. Therefore two thousand years ago - the Lord

God when He realized that something lore it was necessary to free the men from the slavery of the

Matter and therefore also of Satan - He embodied Himself in the man Jesus with His Word, with

the Spirit of Holiness and with the Spirit of Truth as the Koran confirms 164 .

After the Torah the Hebrews had the Gospel of Jesus that corrected the errors of the Jewish

Oral Tradition 165 to show the perfection of the Laws of God (the Decalogue and the

Commandments of the love); therefore God's Word embodied in the man Jesus also has corrective

value for all the other Sacred Writings precedents and followings, included Koran because it was

the Revelation for a primitive people, that of the Bedouin ones 166 ; the Advent is a Grace time since

the Gospel "…it is guide and light, that it is a confirmation of the Pentateuch previously revealed,

and it is a direction and a warning for the God-fearing ones 167 ".

The Koran also says that the Decalogue is a merciful guide for the God-fearing ones 168 .

After the Hebrews also the Arabs, another primitive society, seven centuries from the Advent of

the Lord Jesus, the Christ, perfectly had another proper Revelation for their mentality, uses and

customs, the Koran, but they have altered it. But also such Writing must be completes to the light

of the Gospel whose teaching is eternal, that is without time; in the Koran of the Gospel it is written

that "… it is full of correct indications and of the illumination 169 ". The Koran also reports some

miracles of the Lord Christ: in the verse 43 of the sura III and in the verse 110 of the sura V (the

translation of L . Bonelli is seen, Ulrico Hoepli Editore.

It is good to add that the divine Revelations have eternal value for the motives that we point

out in the Elaborate 1 of this Catechism, that here are synthetically reassumed: because three

always different races of Souls embody themselves in every epoch on the Earth 170 , for which they

are not always the same men of the first terrestrial incarnation that they embody themselves in

every Country.

163 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 161-162, Armenia164 Il Corano. Trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40, sura II 254 and sura XIX 35, Ulrico Hoepli165 Vangelo di Matteo, chapters 5, 6, 7, 15, 19, 21 and 23166 Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, page 101, Mediterranee ; Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura VI 152, Ulrico Hoepli 167 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 50 (Vangelo), Ulrico Hoepli168 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura VII 153, Ulrico Hoepli169 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 123 (Vangelo), sura V 46, Xenia Tascabili170 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 162-163 (La Terra, scuola di “razze” in evoluzione, Mediterranee


It is for these motives that the Sacred Writings of the antiquity of all religions - provided that

they are correctly written and interpreted - they are always perfectly proper and valid today for

men at the first terrestrial incarnations on the Earth in this epoch (beginnings of the third

Millennium), but it needs to correct all the errors done by the Oral Traditions, because any religion

is immune of it, not even the Koran that it has been compiled in way not systematic centuries after

the death of the prophet Mohammed 171 ; as the assignment of the true religions is that to educate

the men they should undertake to correct such errors; as it is much difficult that everyone does it

by itself, the religions they should reunite and to help each other to discover such errors that the

evolution of its own believers delay.

For the divine law of Evolution 172 in every epoch men widen their conscience in spite of their

sins that God in the Christ’s person forgives 173 . To accelerate the spiritual walk of men the Lord

God donated us Jesus’ Gospel that explains the Decalogue 174 , so that the Souls could have

recourse to it. Of it derives that is essential that nearby every people, for the reasons that we have

already said, the Gospel be available also. It is for such reasons that in every Country of the world

it should be us religious liberty, also because men. also belonging to another religion - can

compare their way to behave them, to desire and to think with the teachings of the Lord Jesus the

Redeemer and Savior 175 of all men (it is known that they are many the Islamic ones that are

comers in Europe to find religious liberty 176 ).

From the death of the prophet Mohammed they are spent other 1300 years around and over

two thousand years from the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus; The original Koran is always actual

for the people with a small conscience, while those with a greater conscience to grow need the

teachings of the Lord Jesus the Good Shepherd 177 that preached on the Earth the love, the

brotherhood and the pardon.

In these last five centuries the man has become in the Sciences and in the Technique more

cultured. During the last thirteen or twenty many centuries many among us have widened their

conscience for the spiritual experiences that we have done also during precedents terrestrial

existences 178 during which, living, we have committed a lot of errors, but from which we have

171 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, page 115-125, Oscar Mondadori ; Paolo Branca, Il Corano, pages 53-67, Il Mulino ; Michael Cook, Il Corano, pages 125-148, Einaudi Tascabili172 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione) and page 210 (Legge di evoluzione), Mediterranee173 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 181-184 (Il giorno del giudizio e la resurrezione della carne), Armenia174 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 7°, pages 123-124, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (Frosinone), Italy175 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno di Cristo), Mediterranee 176 Jean-Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’Islam chiamati da Cristo, EMI177 Vangelo di Giovanni, chapter 10178 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated November 11th , Amrita ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 181-186, Armenia ; J. Abelson, Kabbala e mistica ebraica, page 156, Fratelli Melita Editori ; R. Nicholson, Sufismo e mistica islamica, page 164, Fratelli Melita editori


learned because nothing is casual 179 and nothing happens in vain 180 ; therefore it has become

larger our conscience (or more altruists we have become according to the Plan of Salvation of God

in strength of the law of the evolution: "Process for which life, through forms more and more

organized, it always expresses great degrees of Mind and of Spirit 181. (note of mine: for Spirit you

intend Conscience).

All men expand their conscience, that is they grow spiritually during each terrestrial existence

because God in the person of Christ forgives our sins while He increases the value of our good

deeds 182. The time has now come that men of the whole world, included Islamics or better

Mohammedans, discover more and more also the evangelical teaching, since many, are ready all

over the world to acknowledge it, as the Lord God tells us from Findhorn in Scotland 183 . It derives

of it that the command of the Lord Jesus to His disciples to teach all the nations becomes more

and more current 184 and essential for the amplification of the conscience of so many people that in

this epoch ( beginning of the third Millennium) they have become of the conscience of Christ aware185 .

This premised, needs to consider that also in the Christianity they have been committed some

errors; this we don't tell it us but the Lord Jesus 186 ; besides the Gospels had excessively been

transcribed in a synthetic way, however very effective. And of it is regal proof the Gospel revealed

to Maria Valtorta in the 20th century, whose reading satisfies the heart, the mind and the taste of the

beautiful one and it makes to understand how much vast has been the Doctrine of the Christ

Redeemer that had in Itself the God’s Word 187 .

New Revelations: For such motives and to announce other truths to the world, also of

scientific type, the Messiah dictated in the nineteenth century, to His Austrian scribe Jakob Lorber,

a voluminous work in over thirty volumes, among which the Great Gospel of John 188 . In the 20th

century the same Lord Jesus made to relive part of His private life with His Mother, Mary of

Nazareth and San Joseph, the putative father, as well as all His public life to an Italian, Maria

Valtorta; this last one transcribed by hand the Gospel that it was done to live again to her; the work

has been transcribed then in ten volumes of around four hundred pages each 189 .

179 Eileen Caddy, le porte interiori, Message dated August 27th , Amrita180 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 29th , Amrita181 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterraee182 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 95 (Opere buone), sura IV 40, Xenia Tascabili183 Eileen Caddy, le porte interiori, Message dated December 24th , Amrita184 Vangelo di Matteo 28, 16-20185 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 24th , Amrita186 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 181-184 (Il giorno del giudizio e la resurrezione della carne), Armenia187 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40, Ulrico Hoepli188 You can buy the John’s Great Gospel from the Association Jakob Lorber, Via Vetrego, 148 – 30035 Mirano (Venice ),Italy, tel-fax 041-43.61.54189 You can buy the Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato (to Maria Valtorta) from CEV srl, Viale Piscitelli 89-91, 03036 Isola del Liri, Frosinone, Italy


The two grand Revelations above mentioned are been transcribed by hand daily by the two

scribes . Such Revelations must be added to other four great Revelations of this last twentieth


a. the Revelation of the Lord God to Eileen Caddy, of the Community of Findhorn in Scotland

(books published by Edizioni Amrita and Mediterranee);

b. the Revelation of the Angels to Dorothy Maclean, of the aforesaid Community of Findhorn

(book published by Edizioni Mediterranee):

c. the Revelation of Mary of Nazareth at Medjugorje, in Croatia, that it is still in progress since

1981 to 2015 (books published by MIR and Shalom ;

d. the ethical - esoteric - philosophical Revelation of the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio

Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) (books published by Edizioni Mediterranee).

e. In more since the 20th century we also have the Gospel of Thomas apostle, the Fifth

(Quinto); such Gospel " … was hidden in a earthenware pitcher deeply buried. Of this

ancient writing, surely authentic, remained for almost two thousand years completely

inaccessible, the figure of Jesus it appears, as it saw it his apostle that was him so near to

be called by Him "Didimo", that is twin spiritual. A human Jesus, besides divine, very sweet,

witty, lover of the joy 190 ". (note of mine: Jesus is alive, as it likes to me, Veniero, layman

of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order), to introduce Him. Let’s us think all

Jesus alive, because such He is, and He is listening of all those people that turns him to

Him with faith, to whatever religion belong or doesn't belong. He is always ready to

maintain for every man all the engagements that He undertook among which << Ask and it

will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you:

because whoever asks it receives, and who searches he/she finds and to who knock it

will be opened 191 >>.

But don't ask material things because to them it already provides the Tall One 192

according to His spiritual laws, among which prominent they are the law of the Evolution 193 (that it

provides the reincarnation 194 ) and the law of cause and of effect or karmica law 195 that

compensates the Good done with peace and calm and corrects / punishes the Evil done with

punishments and distress 196 ; besides the Messiah said, concluding the discourse on the

Providence: " Look for the Kingdom of God and His justice before, and all these things will be

190 Tommaso apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, fourth of cover, Macroedizioni191 Vangelo di Matteo 7, 7-8192 Vangelo di Matteo 6, 25-34193 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione) and page 210 (Legge di evoluzione), Mediterranee194 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee195 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157-159 (Legge di causa e di effetto e legge karmica), Mediterranee196 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del karma), Mediterranee


given additionally you. Don’t worry for tomorrow then fot the tomorrow, because the tomorrow will

already have its restlessness. To every day its punishment is enough 197 . To try for believing.

The cultured man of this epoch (beginning of the third Millennium) will find in each of quoted

above Revelations the satisfaction of his/her spiritual curiosities; to the simple man is suitable him

the Revelation of Our Lady Mary at Medjugorje, to the most curious and cultured man the

Revelation of the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) is suitable him.

All are been suitable the Revelations of the Lord God to Eileen Caddy, of the Lord Jesus to Jakob

Lorber and Maria Valtorta and that of the Angels to Dorothy Maclean.

We make to notice that among the societies primitive Revelations of the antiquity 198

(included the Koran, because done to a primitive people as that Bedouin) and the modern

Revelations must be there some differences since the culture of very many men is very widened in

these last centuries of the second millennium. The ampler conscience of many men (in comparison

to that that they had during the terrestrial incarnations at the time of the Advent of the Lord Jesus in

Palestine) it has made possible ampler and more precise Revelations as those that we have

above mentioned.

The canonical Gospels already contain so many correct indications and they donate the

illumination, as the Koran affirms 199 , despite they are synthesis - however very valuable - of all of

this that told the Messiah in Palestine, as it results from the Gospel of John 200 .

The New Revelations don't cancel at all the validity of the Gospels, but the Great Gospel of

John corrects the interpretation of the Gospel in three important points, one of which it is the

reincarnation 201 , of which the correct teaching of the Messiah is found, while the others two points

concern the Final Judgement that Jesus has never pronounced and therefore this is a true and

proper false (Matthew Gospels 25, 31-46) that Jesus same defines “highly tyrannical” and

therefore is false the Judgment of the Angels also 202 . The Day of the Judgment and the

Resurrection of the flesh 203 they are the teachings of Jesus regarding the judgement on us each

time that we arrive in the Life after Death; the Lord God in the person of Jesus forgives our sins

and values positively all the good deeds that we have done on the Earth; this is the Jesus’s

Judgment for each deceased on the Earth but living in the Life after Death is the true resurrection

of the flesh 204 .

The Gospels - also in their synthesisness (that under other points of view it is a very notable

merit) - they clearly expose the religion of the love, of the brotherhood and of the pardon that many

men, in these times, they are mature for acknowledge in all Countries of the Earth.

197 Vangelo di Matteo 6, 25-34198 Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, page 101, Mediterranee199 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 123 (Vangelo), sura V 46, Xenia Tascabili200 Vangelo di Giovanni 21, 24-25201 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 184-186 (La reincarnazione), Armenia202 Vangelo di Matteo 13, 49-50203 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 181-184 (Il giorno del giudizio e la resurrezione della carne), Armenia204 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 181-184 (Il giorno del giudizio e la resurrezione della carne), Armenia


It is for this motive that is important that also in all the Islamic Countries they allow the entry to

the Christian religions and the other true Religions, hoping that they are acknowledged by law the

International Conventions for the safeguard of the inalienable rights of the man.

Who wants to know the whole public life of Jesus and part of His private life read that

extraordinary work that is the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta in ten volumes and the already

quoted great Gospel of John transcribed by Jakob Lorber in eleven volumes. Nevertheless it is

essential to also have the four canonical Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), for the most

rapid consultations, considered the bright synthesis of the evangelical Message that they contain; it

is recommend to also purchase the quoted Gospel of the apostle Thomas. It can be said, as a

matter of fact, that to the new Christians they result less demanding the synthetic Gospels (and of

these it also makes part that of the evangelist Thomas, found only around seventy years ago about

(!945) along the Nile, in Egypt); the Gospel made to relive again to Maria Valtorta is very more

complete of the five Gospels above quoted, but they must be read around four thousands pages

(instead that around 300 for the four canonical and synthetic Gospels). It is very interesting also

the Great Gospel of John in which Jesus reveals the whys of the life of the man on the Earth, the

meaning of the pain; the Lord speaks also of the life after the death on the Earth, of the Day of the

Judgement, of the resurrection of the flesh, of the reincarnation and of something still. These last

two Gospels satisfy the most curious and interested readers, but the substantial message of the

Gospel also appears clear from the four canonical Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) and

from that of Thomas, on the basis of which the Lord Allah, that is Allah-God, expressed the opinion

that we have already remembered: The Gospel is " full of correct indications and of the illumination205 ".

Of the Great Gospel of John a valuable synthesis exists with the title " Il Signore parla -The

Lord speaks ", edited by Josef Mahlberg, Armenia Editore.

The composite Islamic world (the seven faces of the Islam): returning to the theme of

the composite Islamic world, but only to have an idea of it we will divide it in some groups because

there are not only good Islam and bad Islam but a sole Islam the wicked one that it wants to

conquest the world. The greatest group of the Islam is that of the Moderates that it could be

composed from around 900.000 people, that we, conventionally point out as forming an sole group,

for simplicity of exposure, also knowing that it is not this way.

In the Islam of the Moderates we include two small groups: that of the God-fearing ones

(that they are a few as in other religions) and that of the Sufis, the Mystical ones of the Sufism (that

they are more); in everything very few people, some hundreds, but they could be more because we

don't know how many the Sufis are; for us these two small groups belong to the great group of the

Islamic Moderates or better of the Mohammeddans Moderates.

205 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 123 (Vangelo), sura V 46, Xenia Tascabili


With the God-fearing ones and the Sufis we can easily hold talks, while it is being less easy

to hold talks with the moderate Mohammedans while it is almost impossible to hold talks with the

Islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals violent and wicked; we don’t know how many they might be ,

bur we think that they are very many. The last ones are not worthy of to make part of the

Islam that is inspired to the original Koran of the Lord Allah.

We think that the majority of the Fundamentalists or Islamic Radicals might be violent and

wicked, but we that they might be some not violent neither wicked; with these last ones perhaps it

is possible to hold talks.

There are then the Kamikaze (people become of proper will deprived) and the Terrorists

which are human demons whose violence it doesn't have limits.

In this superficial subdivision of the Islam can be distinguished seven groups of people,

from the God-fearing ones to the Terrorists; it needs to also distinguish the Chiefs of kamikaze and

of Terrorists for their immense responsibility towards the humanity and the Chiefs of the Islamic

States that finance and they guide the Jihad and the terrorism in various parts of the world. Of

these last ones make part Al Qaeda and other Chiefs of terrorists, who supports them and who

directs them. Among these last ones there is or there was the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia 206 ).

It needs to also distinguish the many violent and wicked imen that preach hate and Jihad

the very many Islamic fighters (Mujaheddin). The Kamikaze, however, they seems us victims than

human demons, in how much the Kamikaze because they don't think with their own head, as the

Koran teaches 207 , and not being able of to stay away from the aforesaid violent and wicked

Islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals, but that they are ignorant in the faith 208 ; the Kamikaze I said

they end up becoming incapable to intend and to want, also for desperation or resignation to their

conditions very miserable.

Among the Islamic Fundamentalists and Radicals they are distinguished for cruelty the many

extremists, for an instance the famous Talebans of the Afghanistan 209 and the Nigerian group of

Boko Haram persecutor of the Christians ones and the Caliphate of Iraq and Syria, whose cruelty

is extreme. For an instance, on April 15th 2014 the Boko Haram have abducted in Nigeria in the

city of Chibok 276 girls of a high school because they define "sinful the ambition of the girls to

attend the school and to make themselves an education " . As always the islamic Fundamentalists

or Radicals transform everything; in this case the women right to the education they have made to

become the sinful ambition to improve their education. The president of USA Barak Obama has

defined the group Boko Haram "one of the worse terrorist organizations in Nigeria" and he has

activated himself for helping the Nigerian government to free the girls before the kidnappers sell

them as slaves as they have threatened to do 210 .206 Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, pages 141-143, Oscar Mondadori ; Hamida Ghafour, Il paese di polvere e di vento, page289, RCS ; Gayle Tzemach Lemmon, La piccola sarta di Kabul, page 27, RCS207 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura VII 204, Ulrico Hoepli208 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura VII 198, Ulrico Hoepli209 Gayle Tzemach Lemmon, La piccola sarta di Kabul, page 27, RCS210 Newspaper “Il Tirreno” dated May 8th 2014, Leghorn, Italy


This premised, in the Islamic religion, seven faces can be glimpse firm staying that Islam is

only one, that that kicks to the world 211 and that it is represented by the aforesaid violent and

wicked Islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals:

- the first face is very beautiful: it is that of the Islamic God-fearing ones 212 . The God-fearing

ones , are also the pacific ones and those people who forgive the blames of the others; they

don't hate and they don't take revenge, neither they accept to make the Jihad against other

peoples or religion, that is the demoniac war of the Imen fundamentalists or radicals, neither

the God-fearing ones are indifferent to other people's pain. They don't listen to the violent Iman

and if they forced to do it they suffer into listening to them. This group of people is also small in

the Islam also; their number is proportionally similar, more or less, to that of the God-fearing

ones of the other religions; they will be, therefore, about thousands people on over a million of

Islamic, but their exact number, as in the other faces, God knows it only that reads the hearts of

His children. The islamic God-fearing ones know for intimate to know whether to behave well

them with people, peoples and religions

To the islamic God-fearing ones they miss the Gospels of the Lord Jesus son of Mary and the

Will / Spirit of God 213 . The Lord Jesus is the Messiah that embodied on the Earth the Verb of

God 214 with the Spirit of Truth 215 and the Spirit of Holiness 216 according to the Koran also; the

God-fearing ones are very valid people so much so that the Lord Allah, in the Koran, He has

promised them the Heaven 217 . Among them a small number of human beings can be found,

inferior to five (as in the other religions), “Devoted entirely to God”. - and therefore these last

ones, less than five people they are the sole Muslimùn of the Islam - according to the true

meaning of the term 218 . The human beings “Devoted entirely to God” they are men or women

saints or almost saints that love God and men and that they look for to do the will of God and to

Him “They are entirely donated” 219 ;

- the second face is beautiful: it is that of the Sufis, the mystical Mohammedans ; this face can

become more beautiful, if they forgive their adversaries and they also seek the peace with

them. The Sufis should be a small number and they will proportionately be, more or less, so

many how many the mystical ones are of the other great religions, that is thousands of

individuals. The Sufis also know for intimate to know how to behave well them with people,

peoples and religions. It is not easy that among the Sufis there can be saints or Muslimùn, that

211 Genesi 16, 11-12212 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XIX 62-64 and sura III 197, Ulrico Hoepli213 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40 and 52-53 Ulrico Hoepli214 Il Corano trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40, Ulrico Hoepli215 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XIX 35, Ulrico Hoepli216 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura II 254, Ulrico Hoepli217 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 197 and XIX 62-64, Ulrico Hoepli218 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 91 (Muslim plural Muslimùn), Xenia Tascabili219 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 74 (Maometto; I have given myself to God = I have made Islam), sura III 20, Xenia Tascabili


is “Men that have donated itselves to God 220 ”;

- the third face is a common face: it is the face of the Mohammedans or Islamic Moderates, that

form the great majority of the believers of the Islam, as in the other religions; they are very

different from the God-fearing ones and from the Sufis still more from the “ Devoted people

entirely to God “, that is some true Muslimùn. As it had been said it is already the group of the

Mohammedans Moderates it is composed by a notable number of people, around 900.000

individuals. Among them they abound, as in the other religions, the egoist ones, the

opportunists and the indifferent ones to the sufferings and the needs other people's according

to the scarce ethics of this epoch (beginning of the third Millennium). But we don’t known how

many they can be, as it is not known the number of the Moderates of the other religions.

That the Moderates of all religions of the world they be a lot of -and therefore billions of

people - it is deduced it from as the world it goes in every Country of the Earth: very bad!

The Mohammedans Moderates constitute the silent majority of the Islamic ones; they

cannot be judged with infamy, but not even with praise, as in the other religions. Their face, is a

common face, similar to that of so many believers of the other religions, normally selfish;

however among the Islamic Moderates there are very worse individuals because the Jihads

finance, that is the wars wanted by the Demon 221 against other peoples or religions; they exist

other Moderates that finance Al Qaeda and therefore the terrorism; therefore these very bad

Islamic, disguised by Moderates, they must be considered violent and wicked Islamic

Fundamentalists ( Sixth face of the Islam). The greatest part of the Moderates don't frequent

the Mosques, unless they are forced by the fear of the violent and wicked Islamic

Fundamentalists or Radicals . It is barely the case to add that among them they cannot be

Muslimùn, that is human beings "Devoted entirely to God." Unfortunately however the Islamic

Moderates - a few for fear, a few for convenience, a few for sloth and a few for wrong solidarity

- they tolerate the tyranny, the error and the injustice and that in the mosques is cursed and the

believers are incited to hate and to make the war to other peoples or religions. There is more:

the Islam - exceptions excepted as Morocco - it is dominated by violent and wicked Islamic the

Fundamentalists or Radicals; therefore the Islamic religion with the cruel Sharia it is not the

religion of Allah but it is the Antireligion of the Antichrist, that is of Lucifer-Satan made to

write materially by the wicked Caliphs ;

- the fourth face is the distorted face of the Islamic desperate and miserable among which the

violent and wicked Islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals recruit Kamikaze and Terrorists: this

group of Islamic or better of Mohammedans it is composed by men without hope, disheartened

by the poverty and by the lack of perspectives that they become succubus of the demoniac

220 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 74 (Maometto), sura III 20, Xenia Tascabili221 Maria di Nazareth, Medjugorje, I Messaggi della Regina della Pace, Message dated September 25th 2001, Shalom


doctrine of the aforesaid Islamic Fundamentalists or Radical that hates to death the Hebrews

and the Westerners, particularly the Americans. We don't know how many Kamikaze and

Terrorists there are among them, but we think that they are numerous to judge from the attacks

that they do in the world. These desperate Islamic ones have lost the taste of the life and every

hope in a best future. They don't judge with their head anymore and don't have relationships

with the Lord Allah as the Koran teaches 222 . A portion of this part of desperate and

miserable Islamic ones it is formed by those people that - instead of trying to understand the

reason for their conditions reading the Koran and reflecting on the Koranic verses - they feed

themselves of the hate of the violent and wicked Islamic Fundamentalists - and some in

the end they finish with to accept to become Kamikaze or Terrorists. In such way, they become

also them possessed by the Demon. There is not any martyr of the Lord Allah among the

Kamikaze but victims of human demons that make them become similar to Zombie, and least

of all there are martyrs of Allah among the Terrorists;

- the fifth face is ugly, but it can become very ugly: it is the face of the Fundamentalists not

violent neither wicked, that think to be only them the best interpreters of the original Koran

altered by the wicked Caliphs. These are the less intransigents among the Fundamentalists

and perhaps with these we can hold talks. They don't recognize that in the Gospels there is the

high ethic taught to the man, even if the Koran teaches to do the good. Also the

Fundamentalists neither violent nor wicked preaches the permanent and rigorous

application of the violent and cruel Sharia 223 ; besides, among them there are people that

don't consider that the order to fight it had term with the victory of the prophet Mohammed on

the Coreiscitis, as they show the occurrences of the last times of the life of the Prophet himself,

which allowed liberty of cult to the defeated ones of his tribe of origin by Him subdued 224 ,

because the archangel Gabriel told the prophet Mohammed:

a. "There is no coercion some for the religion; the straight way it is distinguished well from the

error; who won't believe in Taghut and he/she will believe in God instead, he/she will have

grabbed the firm handle, not susceptible of breakup; and God hears and knows everything.

God is the patron of those that they believe and that he will make to go out of the darkness to

the light. As for those that don't believe, their patrons will be the Taghuts 225 , that will make

them go out of the light to the darkness; they will be the companions of the fire in which they

will eternally remain 226 " ;

b. " Say: truth comes from your Lord, and who wants believes, and who wants, doesn't

believes. Us certain we have prepared for the iniquitous ones a fire, whose whirlwind of smoke222 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura VII 204, Ulrico Hoepli223 Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 277 (Pena capitale) and page 282 (Punizioni corporali), Einaudi Tascabili ; Jean-Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’Islam chiamati da Cristo, many pages, EMI224 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 244-245, Oscar Mondadori225 The idols of the pagan Arabs, note of L. Bonelli at page 39 of the Koran published by Ulrico Hoepli226 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura II 257-259, Ulrico Hoepli


will wrap up them from every part; and, if they will implore help, they will be assisted with water

as fused copper, that, when they will drink it, it will roast them the faces; what horrible drink and

what sad pallet 227 .

c. "On you we have made to go down the Book (the Koran), according to truth, at

confirmation of the Book previously revealed and to its safeguard; you judge therefore among

them (among Jews and Christians), according to what God has made to go down, and not to

follow their desires, to move away yourself from the truth that it has reached you; to each one

of you we have assigned a rule an open way. If God had wanted, he would have done of

you all one sole people; but this he didn't do for testing you with what he has given you. You

compete therefore in to do good deeds; all you will return to God and these it will make then

you know this around which you are discordant now 228 .

The Islamic Fundamentalists neither violent nor wicked they might be some thousands of

people, that respect the other religions.

- The sixth face is very ugly: It is the face of the violent and wicked Islamic Fundamentalists,

particularly of the iman that they don't recognize liberty of cult to the Islamic ones /or better

Mohammedans ones that listen to them and they instigate / order to the same Islamic ones or

better Mohammedans that listen to them to hate and to fight the other peoples or religions to

subjugate them. Their diabolic sermons they do them in every place and with every mean, not

only in the Mosques and through the mass media, but also in the schools, in the Koranic

universities and in other communities.

Probably the really violent and wicked Fundamentalist Imen are a minority among the Imen,

but they are enough to create serious problems to the peace of peoples and religions.

Among the violent and wicked Imen there are true and proper human demons 229 (and in such

case their face is horrendous that is equal to that of the terrorists) if they write fatawa with

sentences of death. They profit of the existence of the admixture of "races" of souls that

cohabit in every epoch on the Earth 230 , to influence the Islamic or Mohammedan ones least

evolved in conscience, that is the ones at the first incarnations on the Earth that have a violent

egoism 231 .

In general the violent islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals are the wicked propagandists of

the Jihad, Iman or less; they diabolically interpret - for selfish and perverse purposes - also a

certain number of verses or themes of the Koran, among which those of the to fight, but they

also recruit fighting Islamic (Mujaheddin), Kamikaze and Terrorists. Yet they would owe well to

know that the order to defend themselves from the Coreiscitis it was given by the Lord Allah –227 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XVIII 28, Ulrico Hoepli228 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli229 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura VII 178, Ulrico Hoepli ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 178, Armenia230 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 162-163 (La Terra, scuola di “razze” in evoluzione), Mediterranee231 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 228 (Prime incarnazioni umane), Mediterranee


God to the prophet Mohammed for the spiritual good of his Arabic children also, the Bedouin

ones, to the sole purpose to make them spiritually grow through the new religion, as the Lord

God had done previously for the Hebrews with the Torah.

The violent and wicked Islamic Fundamentalists are very many in the world:

a. among them there also the father-masters of their children brides daughters 232 and of

their sons, the bad teachers and interpreters of the Koran, the Mujaheddin or fighting

Islamic and other ugly people. They are in many Countries in Asia (for an instance in

Afghanistan, in Pakistan, in Middle East, in Iran, in Indonesia), in Africa (for an

instance in the in Egypt, in the South Sudan, in Somalia and in Nigeria, in the

Countries of the ex Soviet Union, in Europe and also in America;

b. among them there are the extremist ones among which the great group of the

Talebans and the group very cruel of the Boko Haram in Nigeria and the very cruel

Islamic Caliphate of Iraq and Syria.

The violent and wicked Islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals are the bad ones of the Islam

and among them they are also there the Terrorists, that is human demons, while the Moderates

are at a large extent good people; naturally among the good ones they are also there the God-

fearing ones and the Sufis.

The violent and wicked Islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals are therefore a great army at

the orders of Lucifer - Satan of around 250.000-300.000 people that also destabilize the peace

of the world inside the families for the violence of the father-masters;

- the seventh face is horrendous: it is that of the Chiefs of the Terrorists and the Chiefs of States

Islamic, that they finance the Jihad and promote the terrorism; among them there is the Saudi

Royal Family; it is the Saudi Arabia the Nation that directs and finances the diabolic Jihad and the

Terrorism 233 . These persons are personifications of Satan more than human demons and they

should be a hundred people. Also the Terrorists are human demons; their number should be of

many dozen people, but we don't know how many they might be, both because they live in the

darkness of the clandestinely, both because there is a lot of hate and desperation in the Islam for

the motives that we have already said treating of wives, children and of the very scarce resources

of the territories where they live, made exception for oil Countries.

The God of the love and the life saw in the Islam one of the Evil of the world and its guilts since

the antiquity: the Lord God saw the Evil in the future baby child of Agar and Abram, Ishmael 234

and in his descendants and he compared him to a donkey of the desert that would have kicked all

and from all he would have been kicked.

232 La Madonna di Monte Berico, Rivista mensile di attualità, n°8, pages 42-43, Viale X Giugno 87, 36100 Vicenza, Italy233 Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, pages 141-143, Oscar Mondadori ; Hamida Ghafour, Il paese di polvere e di vento, page289, RCS ; Gayle Tzemach Lemmon, La piccola sarta di kabul, page 27, RCS234 Genesi 16, 11-12


The subdivision of the Islamic ones that we have done in the seven faces of the Islam

above listed can induce in error, because it doesn't exist a good Islam and a bad one but an

sole Islam; also in the Islamic people, they coexist good ones and bad ones, but it is only

the Islam that the war does to the world and is predominantly represented by the violent

and wicked Islamic Fundamentalists; Satan lords in the Islam since the first times after the

death of the prophet Mohammed and of Abu Bakr.

The Koran says that the Paradise is for the believers that make good deeds 235 and for the

God-fearing ones 236 , instead the Gehenna attends the unbeliever ones, the iniquitous ones, the

human demons and all the others violent and wicked Islamic ones. But thanking to God the

Gehenna is not eternal because the Lord Allah and His Christ they love us; therefore when the

Islamic ones that they “were gone” in the Gehenna they will have been educated with the karma237 on the strength of the law of the pain that gives understanding or law of cause and of effect they

will go also, one by one, in the Paradise after the redemption of Jesus Cristo 238 .

The personality, the intentions and the purposes of whom gives the orders to defend

itselves and therefore to fight: there is a deep difference among the purpose that the Lord God

had - when He gave to the prophet Mohammed the order to defend oneself and therefore to fight,

for defending himself and his followers from the attacks of the Coreiscitis - and the purposes that

have the violent and wicked Islamic Fundamentalists. As a matter of fact while God gave to

Mohammed the order to defend oneself and therefore to fight for love of His Arabic sons for

expanding their Conscience with the new religion, the Islamic Fundamentalists give the order to

fight the other peoples for egoism having the purpose to dominate them and to take possession of

their wealths.

Returning to the substantial differences among the two types of orders to fight of which was

said before they consist in or in the intentions of the person that it gives the order to fight, that is of

the purpose that he/she set oneself a purpose:

God's order of defend oneself / fight was given to the Prophet Mohammed to save

him together with his followers from the weapons of the Coreiscitis (at Badr 239 ), but also for the

good of the Bedouin polytheists to give them a divine religion for the purpose to make them

spiritually grow, that is for expanding their conscience. If someone objected that God cannot even

order to kill for love, we would tell him that the Tall One is the Lord of the life and that therefore no

man dies never; as a matter of fact when the physical body dies on the Earth the man same goes

to live immediately in the astral world of the Life after death; but there is more: then God if the man

needs of expanding even more his/her conscience God makes him/her reborn again on the Earth

235 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura XIX 61, Ulrico Hoepli236 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XIX 64, Ulrico Hoepli237 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 153-156 (Karma), Mediterranee238 Vangelo di Giovanni 14, 6 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 24th and 25th, Amrita239 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 14 (Vittoria di Badr), sura III 13, Xenia Tascabili ; Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 194-200, Oscar Mondadori


(Reincarnation 240 ).

The man must not take initiatives of death.

To whom had objected we would also tell him/her that true life is that of the Spirit

and that therefore, in the Absolute Reality nobody is born and nobody dies, because the Spirit of

the man is eternal being a virtual cell of the Spirit of God 241 . As a matter of fact, the Conscience

and the Divine Spark of the human beings are eternal; when the men pass away in the Life after

Death (astral, mental and akasico or of the Conscience worlds 242 ) their physical body it dies on

the Earth, but they keep on living in the Life after Death without interruption some with the astral

body, the mental body, the Conscience or Body akasico and naturally with the Divine Spark, the

Spirit that animates them in each world 243 . The Lord God is the Lord of the life and knows very

well that that He does and He does it very well always and for our true good and since He is He

who loves He cannot want never our evil ; He is fond for nature 244 and therefore He always

thinks about us and He arrange things to allow us to stay better of how we stay for our guilt that is

for our excessive attachment to the pleasures of the world and the flesh, as well as to the material

goods and for the Evil that we make to the others.

The intimate nature of the Caliphs and the other violent and wicked Islamic

Fundamentalists or Radicals is diametrically opposed to that of God that is love 245 : they are

violently selfish being egocentric and with a rich endowment of vices capitals (haughtiness,

avarice, lust, anger, greediness, envy and sloth); therefore said Fundamentalists they hate their

adversaries or presumed such that are not willing to favour their longing. They are ready to hurt

whoever to the aim to achieve wealth and power 246 . They are not the gentlemen of the life, but as

followers of Satan they are the gentlemen of the death and all of this that do they do it for violent

egoism that manifests itself in violent forms 247 . They don't probably believe even in the eternal life,

neither a Day of the Judgment 248 . They are hostile of everybody and they are also fought among

them; their true religion is the power 249 that they pursue hating, avenging and killing. The way to

negotiate the controversies with the other peoples is a threat: " or you convert yourself or I make

you the war 250 ” They have also studied a strategy for the conquest of Christian Europe 251 .

240 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 184-186 (La reincarnazione), Armenia241 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267 ; Per un mondo migliore, page 207 (Goccia o Scintilla Divina – Spirito – Sé), Mediterranee242 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee243 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 78-79 (Dopomorte), pages 216-221 (Piano akasico – Piano astrale e Piano Mentale), pagina 294 (Trapasso), Mediterranee244 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee245 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 17th, Amrita : La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee246 Magdi Alla, Jihad in Italia, pages 73-96, Oscar Mondadori247 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 228 (Prime incarnazioni umane), Mediterranee248 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 53 (Giorno del Giudizio), sura XXIV 64, sura LXXXI 1-14, Xenia Tascabili249 Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, page 96, Oscar Mondadori250 Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, page 192, Oscar Mondadori251 Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, pages 198-200, Oscar Mondadori


The Caliphs successors of the Prophet Mohammed they were attributed themselves powers of

absolute monarch and defender of the faith 252, despite that the Lord Allah had made to tell the

prophet Mohammed by the archangel Gabriel: “Be of admonishment to everybody because you ".

are an admonitory and don't have been named them sovereign 253 “

The war against other peoples or religions started when the caliph Omar, that succeeded to

Abu Bark, gave the order to expel the Hebrews and the Christians from Arabia 254 for longing of

wealth and dominion. Since then the Caliphs they abuse of their power the other peoples e/o

religions, but since the Lord Allah doesn't guide the iniquitous ones 255 it is evident that who

guides them it is Satan.

The Caliphs, the Iman and other violent and wicked Islamic Fundamentalists - that they twisted

the interpretation of many verses or themes of the Koran and they altered also some verses (sees

you the Elaborate 4 and the document "Some Arabian additions and other alterations to verses of

the Koran" in this same folder of the Religions (Islam); they have transformed so a religion that

would have had to inspire itself to the original Revelation of Allah-God, in a satanic Antireligion 256

also because the Sharia is soaked with cruelty and violence 257 .

The men of Satan and the role of the Demon: Contrarily of “the men devoted entirely to God

“, to whatever people and religion they belong, which preaches the love, the fraternity and the

pardon, the men of Satan preach the hate, the revenge and the war for true or presumed offenses

or invented or preconstituted; they are distinguished well from the other men for their fruits 258 .

Satan is the spirit of the Evil , the enemy of God and of the man.

Our Lady Mary has confirmed the role of Satan in this epoch September 25th 2001 at

Medjugorje telling us:

"Dear children,

Today also I invite you to the prayer, particularly today when Satan wants the war and the hate.

I invite again you sons: pray and fast so that God give you the peace!

Testify the peace to every heart and be carriers of peace in this world without peace.

I am with you and I intercede nearby God for each of you.

And you don’t be afraid because who prays it is not afraid of the evil and it doesn't have the hate in

the heart.

Thank you for having answered to my call 259 ". (note of mine: of it derives of it that who prays

252 L’Enciclopedia universale, vol. 2th page 131, Zanichelli253 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 80 (Maometto), sura LXXXVIII 21-22, Xenia Tascabili254 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 73-74, Oscar Mondadori255 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 80, Ulrico Hoepli256 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario de3l Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee257 Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 277 (Pena capitale) and page 282 (Punizioni corporali), Einaudi Tascabili; Jean-Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’Islam chiamati da Cristo, many pages, EMI258 Vangelo di Matteo 12, 33-37259 Maria di Nazareth, Medjugorje, I Messaggi della Regina della Pace, Mensaje del 25 de Septiembre de 2001, Shalom – 60020 Camerata Picena (Ancona), Italy


he/she draws near to God, while who curses, hates, takes revenge and who makes the Jihad to

the brothers of other peoples or religions he becomes slave of Satan and of the Evil. Then, the

violent Iman and all those people that instigate their followers to the hate the enemies, to take

revenge and to make the war they are distant from God and very near to Satan or, in the best of

the hypotheses, they are his unaware allies. The violent Fundamentalists have formed to the

Mujaheddin (fighting Islamic ones), to the Kamikaze and to the Terrorists a mentality devoted to the

Evil and they use them as tools of subversion and of wickedness in the Nations also governed by

other Islamic ones, for an instance in the Algeria 260 and in Iraq after the dictatorship of Saddam

Hussein) .

The world after September 11 th 2001: The new situation that the Terrorists have created in

the world it is provoking the reactions of the USA that the means of communication of mass

illustrate, especially after the attack in the twin towers in New York of September 11 2001.

The Western ones now distrust all the Arabs and in general of all the Islamic or better of the

Mohammedans. Once again the Righteous pay for the sinners and once again the God-fearing

ones and the moderates Islamic ones they are damaged by their violent Fundamentalists in the

foreign countries also.

It seems that the number of sheikhs, ayatollah, iman, mullah and of other violent men, as

well as that of the Kamikaze, the Terrorists and of the Mujaheddin (fighting Islamic ones) in these

years it be on the increase all over the world.

The reasons for the Islamic expansionism it seems us six, but the Evil that do the

Islamic Fundamentalists and Radicals will be corrected with pains 261 equal or similar to the

pain that they caused to other men in the past times :

a. The Arabs are the descendants of Ishmael son of Abram and of Agar 262 with all of this that

follows from it about their nature: they are enemies of everybody and everybody they will

be against them 263 .

b. the contemporary Islamic expansionism founds itself as always upon the violent egoism of

the Islamic Fundamentalists and is also accompanied to the decadence of the poor

Countries of the Islam. The Caliphs of the poor Countries of the Islam don't want to

explain to their peoples – for not attributing themselves a big part of the guilt - that a

remarkable component of the same decadence is due to the excessive procreation, that

produces poverty and desperation. As a matter of fact, the Koran orders the chastity, the

continence and financial means appropriate for marrying and forbids the fornication and the

260 Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, page 143, Oscar Mondadori261 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura LVII 19, Ulrico Hoepli ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del karma) and Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 75-77 (Dolore), Mediterranee262 Genesi chapters 16 and 21263 Genesi 16, 11-12


lovers 264 and as for their children the Koran recommends attention because they are

ephemeral ornaments of the terrestrial life as the wealths 265 . According to the Koran to

have both more wives and more children it is necessary to have the financial means

to maintain them well 266 , firm the invitation staying to the continence with their wives;

therefore for the Koran also who procreates children without suitable financial means it is

an inconsiderate egoist that will make to suffer his creatures and it will be responsible then,

in front of the Lord Allah, of his cruelty for the sufferings that he has inflicted them in the

years of their childhood and youth 267 . Poverty and the lack of liberty they produce the

emigration of the Mohammedans in the Countries of the West;

c. The poverty of the Islamic poor derives as it is already said from the too many

mouths to be appeased in comparison to the few resources of the inhabited

territories and therefore, from the very poor economic-financial conditions of every

Islamic Country, with the exception for the oil Countries. It derives of it that in the poor

Mohammedan Countries, practically all - except that those where the oil there is as we

have already said - the too mouths to be appeased cause different poverties: of food, of

water, of medicines, of education and of sanitary services. And other poverties among

which: the cruel practice of the juvenile job and the consequent lack of education, that it is

concomitant cause of the preservation of the status of poverty of the peoples. Finally I

remember the ignoble and cruel practice to sell the own children daughters since the age

of six years to adult well-off men because the Islamic religion allows that the children girls

can be made to get married since the six years old, even if the consequential physical

relationships from the marriage are suspended waiting for the biological maturity, except

that the children marry a paedophile. The daughters children' sale-marriages brings each

one from " four thousand to ten times of thousands of dollars "; only in Africa the bride-

children are fifteen million a year 268 . This infamous and tragic commerce is permitted

from the Islamic religion. These and other guilts of the Islamic world have demoniac

matrix. The wicked Caliphs don't reduce or they eliminate such iniquitous aberrations from

their system of government because the poverty is instrumental to their expansionism

against other peoples; their expansionisms, in this epoch (end of the second Millennium

and beginning of the third one), they started with the emigration of the moderate

Mohammedans that fled the poor Countries of the Islam for looking for liberty and job in the

USA and in Europe, but their Fundamentalists make them follow by violent and wicked

Iman; when the Islamic ones will be become much numerous owing to their excessive

264 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura V 7, Ulrico Hoepli265 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 15 (Beni terreni), sura XVIII 46, Xenia Tascabili266 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 16 (Beni Terreni), sura LXV 7, Xenia Tascabili267 Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’illusione, page 95, Mediterranee ; For wives and children the Elaborate 4 is seen of this Catechism in this same folder of the Islam268 La Madonna di Monte Berico, Rivista mensile di attualità, Ottobre 2009, n°8, Viale X Giugno, 87 – 36100 Vicenza, Italia


procreation they will make the revolution; it is their diabolic expansionist strategy fo the

territories of the Islam 269 .

For the wicked Caliphs it is very more convenient to attribute the guilt of all of their

troubles to the West or to the Hebrews, as they make all the dictators: they points out an

external enemy to the people to cover their responsibilities and they increase them

making war to other peoples. Islamic Fundamentalists, emirs, caliphs and other

Mohammedan Chiefs will never admit that the poverty of their peoples is the effect

caused by their diabolic errors of interpretation of the Koran and to the additions and

other alterations to verses of the Koran of which it was said before [You see our

Elaborate n°4 and our document “ Some Arabian additions and other alterations to some

verses of Koran” available in this same folder of the Religions ( Islam)]; they will never

admit also that the poverties of their peoples are caused by the malevolent behaviours of

whom commits errors of interpretations and falsifications of the Koran them, since the

antiquity till today. Yet Islam knows:

the existence of the law of retaliation 270 that it is in force for all crimes not only for the

homicide (the amplest meaning of the law of cause and of effect is also seen or law

karmica 271 );

the existence of the divine correction (Punishment, according to the Koran of the

Arabs) for the one whom behaves badly 272 ;

the existence of the law of evolution (that it foresees the reincarnation or the

transmigration of the Souls 273 );

d. The support that States e/o Arabic institutions give to the Islamic Fundamentalism for

expansionistic purposes; for an instance the Saudi Royal Family has very close ties and

connivance with Al Qaeda 274 as well as with violent and wicked Islamic Fundamentalists,

for an instance the Mohammedans Brothers 275;

e. the nomination of violent and wicked iman as guides of the prayer in the Mosques from the

Arabic institutions entrusted of their nomination (as far as I know such iman originate from

the Islamic university than of Al Azhar of the Cairo, in Egypt, considered a sort of Vatican

Sunnite 276 ); of it both it tries the number of the violent iman that they have arrived in

269 Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, pages 198-200, Oscar Mondadori270 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 69 (Legge del taglione), sura II 178.179, Xenia Tascabili271 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 209 (Legge di causa e di effetto) ; Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-49 (La dinamica del karma), Mediterranee272 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 19 (Castigo), sura III 21-22, sura XXIX 53-55, sura LII 7-16, sura LII 47 e sura LXXXVIII 23-26, Xenia Tascabili273 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XXII 65 and sura LXXXVI 8-11, Ulrico Hoepli ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee ; R. Nicholson, Sufismo e mistica islamica, page 164, Fratelli Melita Editori274 Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, pages 141-145, Oscar Mondadori ; Hamida Ghafour, Il paese di polvere e di vento, page289, RCS ; Tzemach Lemmon, La piccola sarta di Kabul, page 27, RCS275 Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, pages 143, Oscar Mondadori276 Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, page 92, Oscar Mondadori


Europe since 1950 to 2014 . I would not be surprised at all that the Saudi Real Family

financed the above-mentioned university Egyptian also;

f. Above this complex of terrestrial reasons there is the most important: the Fundamentalists

or Islamic Radicals are of the unbelievers and they ignore the faith; even they are felt

separated by God as innumerable other men of all the other religions.

The Kingdom of the Skies, the Gehenna or the Hell, they are not places but states of being

or mental states 277 during which they will be given for karma 278 the karmic corrections / teachings

that will expand our conscience 279 on the strength of the law of the Evolution 280 and of the law of

cause and of effect or karmic law 281 . Such states of being will be lived only not by the Islamic

Moderates, but also by all the Moderates of the other religions. To judge from as the world goes a

huge percentage of all men that live on the Earth in this epoch ( beginning of the third Millennium)

it will taste in itself 282 the torments of the Hell or the Gehenna, while a few will be the people who

will enjoy the states of beings of the Paradise.

Fortunately for us the God-love 283 has invented the laws of the Evolution with the

reincarnation and the law of cause and of effect or law karmica 284 , and then the remorse and the

repentance; therefore the Hell or the Gehenna are not eternal for nobody of us because the Lord

God is good and - loving us of a fatherly and maternal love 285 - He/She helps us to widen our

Conscience during every terrestrial existence any have been our bad behaviours, because in the

person of Christ judges us on the basis of our good deeds and forgives our sins 286 . Bur later when

the Islamic ones violent and wicked will be able of understanding the Evil that they did centuries or

millennia before they will be given the painful 287 the karmic 288 corrections / teachings necessary to

expand their Conscience; that happens naturally to all men of other religions that they are in the

same position for reasons of justice and of necessity to make them spiritually grow also.

A message of hope for all the violent and wicked Islamic Fundamentalists from a

277 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated June 1st and December 14th , Amrita ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 176, Armenia278 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura LVII 19, Ulrico Hoepli ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 153-156 (Karma), Mediterranee279 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 60-63 (Coscienza) and page 83 (Educazione), Mediterranee280 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione) and page 210 (Legge di evoluzione); Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 106-112 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee281 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157-159 (Legge di causa e di effetto o Legge karmica), Mediterranee282 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 176, Armenia ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 14th , Amrita283 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 17th , Amrita ; La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee284 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157-159 (Legge di causa e di effetto, legge di Evoluzione, e legge karmica ; pages 238-240 (legge di reincarnazione), Mediterranee ; Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione) and page 210 (Legge di evoluzione), Mediterranee285 Isaia 49, 15 and 66, 13 ; Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104, Mediterranee286 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 181-184 (Il giorno del giudizio e la resurrezione della carne), Armenia287 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 75-77 (Dolore), Mediterranee288 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 153-156 (Karma), Mediterranee


Christian their brother

I don't have the pretension to be believed and it is for this reason that I do so many notes

in my writings, almost all founded upon divine Revelations. I now want to tell you some things

that you perhaps know, but that you don't believe: the Lord Allah, that is God, is not away from us

in some sky of the universe because, instead, He is in each one of us 289 : God loves us because

He/She is love 290 . God is always ready to help us, to answer to our questions on the life, and to

help to resolve the problems and to guide us 291 .

In the 20th century the Lord God-Allah has told to Eileen Caddy of the community of

Findhorn in Scotland these very important things that are worth for each one of us:

a. Message of July 17 th : << Pay attention that what you do it be dedicated to Me and it be

of benefit for the everything. When you live for the all, your self or me it is sacrificed to the

service of your companions human beings; serving them you serve Me. It is everything so

tightly intertwined that you cannot separate the one from the other, Me in you and you in

Me. I AM in every thing and in each one; therefore I AM in your neighbours, in your friend

and also in your enemy. Whereas I AM there is love, for I am love. Fill your heart and mind

with love, because everything and everyone responds to love, as love draws the very best

out of all. Where love is there My Spirit is, and where My Spirit is there is the source of your

spiritual life. Seek always that which is deep within you and waste no more time seeking for

the answer to life from without >>;

b. Message of July 21 st : <<Why to look for guidance through somebody else? Why not

come directly to Me? Don't you know that I am inside of you? Do you not know that I AM

here to answer all questions, to help solve all problems and to guide and direct your every

step if you will only let Me? (note of mine: all is true and simple: you do as me and you

will find the peace and life truths within yourselves also).

I never impose Myself on anybody. You must choose to look for and to find Me, and when

you do it I AM here waiting to take the reins, waiting to pour love in and through you,

ready to show you the way. Once you have made your choice and you have allowed Me to

hold the helm, you can relax and simply to follow footstep to footstep My instructions: you

will see My wonders and glories come about in your life and see a miracle after the other

take place in your life. You will discover that when something is right and it has My full

blessings, nothing and nobody can stand in the way, since everything will happen at the

right moment in an authentic perfection >>.

I, Veniero, don't even pretend to be in the right one when I write and it is also for this that I

make all these notes at the bottom of the pages that I write for giving you the possibility to check

what I write.

289 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 17th , Amrita290 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee and Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message datedJuly 17th , Amrita291 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 21st , Amrita


This premised, if you have some doubts on how much I have written in the Elaborate 4 and

in this Elaborate 4bis ask to God because the Lord will be happy to answer you and then make me


To be able to check all the notes that I have done in the Catechism of the Ordine >Gesù

Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) it is necessary that you do a small investment, the more

important of your life, not to buy all the books that I have quoted even if this would be better, but to

buy only those fundamental - that I think they have been translated in all the most important

languages of the world - to also do for yourselves a better religious culture. The books to be bought

are these:

a. the Christian Bible with the Torah and the Gospels;

b. the Fifth Gospel ( Il Quinto Vangelo ), of the apostle Thomas, trad. Mario Pincherle,


c. The Koran, if you don’t have It already and the Dictionary of the Koran of Alexander

Nangeroni, Edizioni Xenia Tascabili;

d. The book of Josef Mahlberg, The Lord speaks (Il Signore parla) of Jakob Lorber

(Selection of the work the Great Gospel of John, revealed in the 19 th century by the Lord

Jesus), Edizioni Armenia;

e. Two books of Eileen Caddy of the Community of Findhorn in Scotland containing the

Revelation of God of the 20th century: The internal doors (Le porte interiori), Amrita and

God's voice at Findhorn (La voce di Dio a Findhorn), Edizioni Mediterranee;

f. The book of Dorothy Maclean of the Community of Findhorn in Scotland: To hear the

Angels sing ( Spiriti di Natura, Edizioni Mediterranee;

g. The book of the Revelation of Our Lady Mary, Messages from Medjugorje, editions MIR

or Shalom;

h. The eight books more a dictionary of the Revelation of the spiritual Teachers of the

Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77), Edizioni Mediterranee;

In all they are seventeen precious books.

God loves us all because it is love, but it is also almighty for which the whole life is in His

hands 292 . Besides the love is the greatest power of union of the universe 293 and is the strength

that unifies everything and all in God.

We can cooperate also to realize the Salvation not opposing ourselves to the Evil, but

triumphing on the Evil through the Good 294 . The love will triumph on the world and will gather the

whole humanity; therefore the biblical Salvation is not a vain promise, but a reality for all of us

because with His spiritual laws (Law of evolution, law of cause and effect or law karmica and law of

reincarnation, God educates us all 295 during manifold incarnations until we will become all saints

292 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 20th, Amrita293 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 146, Mediterranee294 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 13th , Amrita295 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 83 (Educazione), Mediterranee


with the help of Jesus Christ 296 , you also violent and wicked Islamic brothers.

The Salvation for everybody 297 (demons, human demons 298 and men instead that

the eternity to the Hell or in the Gehenna:

By means of the law of evolution with the reincarnation, the law of the karma or law of

cause and of effect with the pain 299 and with our daily living God teach us - existence after

existence on the Earth - to behave us well with God and our neighbour and slowly from the Hell we

will be "admitted" to the Kingdom of the Skies that is not a place but a state of being or mental as

the Hell or Gehenna and the Paradise 300 . Then the Lord God, for love, He/ won't leave us with the

Hells inside of us in the Earth and in the Life after Death more than that so much necessary for

learning to love God and the others as others ourselves 301 . We will be saved all, brothers of

every religion, since God loves us and He wants that we all of us return to Him like many prodigal

sons 302 ; but we must return to God of our will and for ours free choice 303 after we will be

educated to love, because was given to us by God the free will 304 any have been our wickedness

of the past 305 .

The evolutionary walk of the man is long, very much long for which it needs to him/her

many incarnations on the Earth and in the Worlds of the Life after Death (Astral, Mental and

Akasico or of the Conscience 306 ) to widen its conscience 307 . The Teachers of the Cerchio

Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) teach us that to the Souls or Consciences over fifty thousands

years are needed of incarnations in men and women and in different continents to reach the

threshold of the stadium of the superman 308 or saint . Nevertheless the Salvation will arrive for all

the human beings. to whatever people or religion belong - only after we will have learned the

lessons of the life with the conclusive help of the Lord Jesus, the Redeemer / Savior of all men 309 ,

assisted by His Mother, Mary of Nazareth, the Co Redeemer woman that said: << I am the

eternal Bearer of Jesus. He is in my breast, as you have seen him last year as Host in the

ostensory. Who comes to me, he finds. Who to me he leans, he touches. Who to me turns,

296 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th, Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” di Cristo), Mediterranee297 Isaia 46, 9-13 ; 51, 4 and chapter 56 ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 157-163 (Satana), Armenia298 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 178 (Demoni umani), Armenia 299 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 75-77 (Dolore) and page 83 (Educazione), Mediterranee300 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated June 1st and December 14th, Amrita ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 176, Armenia301 Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40302 Vangelo di Luca 15, 11-32303 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 30th and August 29th, Amrita304 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 161 (Libero arbitrio, two items), Mediterranee305 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 178, Armenia306 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 216-221 (Piani di esistenza), Mediterranee307 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 184-186 (La reincarnazione), Armenia ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee308 Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’illusione, page 185, Mediterranee309 Vangelo di Giovanni 14, 6 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” di Cristo), Mediterranee


with Him he/she speaks. I am his dress. He is my soul. More, still more united, now, than he

were not in the nine months that he grew me in the breast. My Son is united to his Mother.

And it drowses every pain, and every hope blooms, and every grace flows to whom comes

to me and he/she places its head on the breast. I pray for you. Remember it to you. The

beatitude to be in the Sky, living in the ray of God, don’t make me forget of my children that suffers

on the earth. And I pray. The whole Sky prays. Since the Sky loves. The Sky is charity that lives.

And charity has pity of you. But if there were not that me, it there would be already enough prayer

for the needs of whom hopes in God. Since I don't stop praying for all of you, saints and wicked

ones, to give the joy to the saints, to give to the wicked ones the repentance that saves. Come,

come, oh sons of my pain. I wait for you at the feet of the Cross to give you grace 310 >>. (note of

mine: this message is for all men, to whatever religion belong. Try for believing! ).

The man's walk on the Earth is long, but the man will be saved for the love of God, that His

Son has sent in the world to save it 311 .

The Lord Jesus made many miracles in Palestine two thousand years ago 312 ; but the Lord

keeps on doing them also after His Resurrection and ascent to the Sky redeeming and saving from

the Life after Death the sinners of all religions, one by one 313 ; the Redemption and the Salvation

of every man it is a miracle because the Lord helps us to transform our egoism into altruism and

then the altruism in love with our participation.

But what is it prophet Mohammed’s role in the Life after Death? After having played the role

of pagan Arab’s prophet on the Earth, the prophet intercedes with God because he is a saint.

Fierce coercion in the Islamic religion of the wicked Caliphs: in the religions it must be

there liberty because liberty is the first principle of the life 314 ; the Koran teaches it also:

a. “ There is no coercion some in the religion…315 ." ;

b. " Say: truth comes from your Lord, and who wants believes and who wants does not

believe…316 ".

In spite of this, for the one who abjures the Islam it is contemplated by the Sharia the death

penalty, even with the crucifixion 317 . Also this sentence of death have diabolic matrix. The

apostates can also being disowned, beaten, private of the name, of the goods and of the job; the

apostates are forced to emigrate from the Islamic Countries if they want to become Christian

310 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 1st , page 119, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (Frosinone, Italy311 Vangelo di Giovanni 3, 17 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th, Amrita ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” di Cristo), Mediterranee 312 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 43 and sura V 110, Ulrico Hoepli313 Vangelo di Giovanni 14, 6 ; Eileen Caddy, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” di Cristo), Mediterranee314 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia315 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura II 257, Ulrico Hoepli316 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XVIII 28, Ulrico Hoepli317 Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 277 (Pena capitale), Einaudi Tascabili


without suffering serious violences of satanic imprint 318 including the death penalty.

In Europe they are numerous the cases in which the Islamic fathers do violence on their

daughters, up to arrive to kill them , when, for an instance, the daughters themselves they want to

live as Europeans girls or they don’t want to marry the man that the father-master imposes them.

In the Countries of the North of the world there is religious liberty and therefore apostasy is

easy, contrarily of the Countries where a religion of State there is as in those Islamic.

For the motives exposed in this document it should be clear for all the objective people that

in the Islam lords, Satan, the Antichrist 319 also because of the errors / horrors contained in the

Sharia 320 .

The world won't have peace until there will be the radical Islam of Arabic matrix fruit

of the wickedness of the Caliphs successors of Abu Bark, the faithful companion of the


But the Evil is instrumental to the Good 321 , that is to the Salvation and therefore all

men at the end of the times will be saved because the energy-love of God is stronger than

the violent egoism of Lucifer - Satan.

The wicked Caliphs successors of Abu Bark assumed absolute powers (religious, civilian

and military ) thing that was not even granted from the Lord Allah to Mohammed, to which the Lord

made to say from the archangel Gabriel: << Be of admonishment to everybody because you are

an Admonitory and you don't have been named them sovereign 322 >>.

The wicked Caliphs were the fathers of the Islamic religion; the Caliph Uthman checked the

text of the Koran while it was being written 323 when “the Koran’s carriers” have been dead since

centuries; with their powers and their greeds the wicked Caliphs did what they wanted of

every Koranic question 324 , as with the Sunna and the Sharia, soaked with violence. For such

reasons the Islamic religion is become a satanic Antireligion 325 : therefore the Sunna and the

Sharia, but the Koran also must be corrected at the light of the Goodness, Justice and

Mercy of the Lord Allah, of His Christ and of the principle of liberty of the life 326 , also because

the Conscience or Soul of the human beings it grows a few in the fear.

The Koran is a Revelation of God made Mohammed to the prophet through the archangel

Gabriel, but in various verses has been modified by the Arabs 327 , particularly by the caliph

318 Jean-Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’Islam chiamati da Cristo, many pages, EMI319 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee320 Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 277 (Pena capitale) and page 282 (Punizioni corporali), Einaudi Tascabili ; Jean-Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’Islam chiamati da Cristo, many pages, EMI321 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 172-173 (Male), Mediterranee322 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 80 (Maometto), sura LXXXVIII 21-22, Xenia Tascabili323 Michael Cook, Il Corano, pages 117-118 and 125-148, Einaudi Tascabili ; Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 115-125, Oscar Mondadori ; Paolo Branca, Il Corano, pages 53-67, Il Mulino324 Michael Cook, Il Corano, pages 115-118, Einaudi Tascabili325 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee326 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia327 You see the tenth error of interpretation of the Koran in the Elaborate n°4 in which they are pointed out, instead, some additions and other alteration to verses of the Koran regarding wives made by the Arabs; you will find such Elaborate in this Catechism in the folder of religions (Islam); you see also our document “Some additions and other


Uthman 328 ; for an instance, on the tracks of the Decalogue 329 the Lord Allah forbade to the

Bedouin ones to kill, but in my opinion, to freely kill the Arabs added to the verse of the prohibition

to kill these words: " … without right motive…. " and then "… and for that that it concerns who has

unjustly been killed we give to the administrator of his affairs the power to avenge him/her even if

he must not exceed in the revenge because God will think to helping him 330 “. And so was

eliminated by the Arabs the divine prohibition to kill!.

The Islamic religion of the wicked Caliphs is not the religion of the original Koran soaked as

it is of violence 331 and of lack of liberty; such religion is the Antireligion of the Antichrist 332 , that is

of Lucifer-Satan, whereas the rules are inspired to the wickedness of the Devil as in the case, for

an instance, of their daughters - brides - children, of the apostasy and of other actions 333 of

which it has already spoken previously.

Having said that how an Islamic must be behaved for liking to the Lord Allah? He/she must

live making only reference to the Koran and particularly to the following verses:

a. sura III: “Submission to God “(sura III 19) or better “Gives yourselves to God” (sura III

20 334 ) .

b. sura III 195: to make good deeds;

c. sura IV 36: to do some good to everybody, relatives, friends, cognizant, strangers and


d. sura IV 40: to know that God doubles and also more the value of the good works;

e. sura VII 199: to know how to forgive and to invite the others to do the good. Go away

from the people that they ignore the faith (and that is from the violent ones, from the

wicked ones, from the unbelievers and from the hypocrites because them do the evil);

f. sura XVI 90: " Truly God orders the justice, the beneficence, the love and He forbids the

dissoluteness and the evil and the overbearance; He admonishes so that you can

meditate "; to this verse after the word love the Arabs added "to their relatives" that I

have removed from the verse because all people love their relatives.

The Islamic ones or better the Mohammedans must have an sole wife to be able to obey to

the suggestion of the Lord Allah to observe the Chastity and the Continence and to procreate one

child only if they don't have the financial means to maintain well the wife and two or more sons.

You know that to be Muslimùn you must do what it is said above and above all you must

alterations to verses of the Koran” in the same folder of the Religions (Islam)328 Michael Cook, Il Corano, pages 117-118 ; 125-132 and 144-148, Einaudi Tascabili329 Deuteronomio 5, 17330 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 94 (Omicidio), sura XVII 33, Xenia Tascabili331 Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 277 (Pena capitale) and page 282 (Punizioni corporali), Einaudi Tascabili ; Jean-Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’Islam chiamati da Cristo, many pages, EMI332 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee333 Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 277 (Pena capitale) and page 282 (Punizioni corporali), Einaudi Tascabili ; Jean-Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’Islam chiamati da Cristo, many pages, EMY334 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 62 (Islam), sura III 19 and page 74 (Maometto), sura III 20, Xenia Tascabili


“Give yourselves to God”. If you do what it is said above, but you won't “Give yourselves to God”

you won't be Muslimùn (the Koran says that the prophets only are Muslimùn 335 ).

According to the Koran Islam is composed by Judaism, Christianity and Arabism 336 ;

therefore it is not true that the sole Mohammedism of the wicked Caliphs of the antiquity, but also

of those recent up to our days: the Islam of the Mohammedans only is another diabolic


The time has come to correct the errors of the interpretations of the Koran and of

taking away the additions and other alterations to verses of the Koran itself done by the

wicked Arab Caliphs that we have listed you in the Elaborate n°4 and in the other document of

ours “Some Arabian additions and other alterations to verses of the Koran” , documents that you

will find in the folder of the Religions (Islam). You correct the errors of interpretation – and you

eliminate the additions and the other alterations to the Koran - at the light of God’s love

expressed in the ancient and modern Gospels of the Lord Jesus that they are founded on the

Decalogue 337 and on the Commandments of the love 338 : “ You must love God with all your heart

and the neighbour as yourself “.

Jesus Christ in the Earth was the Messiah and the Word of God according to the Koran 339

also; the Islamic ones also must make recourse to the Christ to be redeemed and saved 340 .

335 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 91 (Muslim, plural Muslimùn), Xenia Tascabili336 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 57 and 78-79 and sura XLII 11, Ulrico Hoepli337 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22338 Levitico 19, 17-18 ; Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 ; Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40339 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40, Ulrico Hoepli340 Vangelo di Giovanni 14, 6 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” di Cristo), Mediterranee