04 three fleischmanns section her she jotde» monday, jan...

Margaretville, N. Y., Friday, Januaiy 9, 1959 04 f»«KT¥>T. MODItrrAIN NEWS Page Three M A R 6A fi£T m L E ^ei,D 0U G L A Ss. D ON SSSSEBSS* D0U6USKEUY 1ST Fleischmanns Section Monday, Jan. 5, 1959 Mrs. Rose Greene, Editor FARM BQUIPM£NT NEW IDEA FARM EOUIPMENT-SMMMM o^^EOUIPMENT Ghaiisr No. 5924 Reserve District No. 2 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK OF MARGARETVnXE IN THE STATE OF NEW ¥ORK AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON DECEMBER 81, 1958 Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, imder Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes ASSETS Hiere will be no meeting for the Parent-Teadier’s Group for the month of January, llie next meeting will be held on Tuesday evening, Feb. 3, at the school. A work meeting of the WSCS of the Methodist church will be held on Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 14, at the hon\e of Mrs. Robert Todd. Members are requested to bring material and patterns. H«dd Open Meeting The Home Den|ionstration unit will hold an open meeting Thurs- day evening, Jan. 15, at the home of Mrs. James Pavlos. The sub- ject will be on “Learning to Knit” with Mrs. Murray Mayes as leader. Mr. and Mrs. John Lid^e eind children, Lorraine, Darlene and IJohn, of Yonkers spent the week- j end at the home of his brother- Iin-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. I Charles Bushnell. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Veen of Otego were sup- per guests at the Bushnell home Sunday evening. Mrs. Veen is a sister of Mrs. Bushnell and Mr. I Liddle. Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balance, o and cash items in process of collection____________ $ 436,374. 30 ' Mac Conwisar and daughter. United States Government obligations, direct and Donna, of Brooklyn were weekend guaranteed ______________________________________ 1,601,434.37 guests a t the home of Mr. and Obligations of States and political subdivisions--------------- 91,176.59 Mrs. Sam Slavin and family. Other bonds, notes, and debentures____________________ 132,012.00 j Corporate stocks (including $3,000.00 stock of Federal , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holcomb to* ow„od W73, furriture <„d $11,265 ll.m w S __________ Moore of Arkville visited Mrs. Other assets ------------------------- ---------------------- TOTAL ASSETS ______________________________$2,701,423.05, Newcomb’s daughter, Mrs. Grace _____ OUski, a patient at the Stamford T.TAWTf.I'I'llHa Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships and corpora- tions ____________________________________________ $1,139,305.43 .... ____ Time deposits of individuals, partnerships and conwrations 1,009,492.371 of^iSalrott Center hospital, on Tuesday. The Misses Jeme, Nancy and Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) -------------------------------------------------------------- Deposits of States and political subdivisions—^ -------------- Other deposits (certified and cashier’s checks, etc.) ----- ^ TOTAL DEPOSITS ____ .i--------------- $2,373,345.42 2 430 00 spent New Year’s with their sis- 215’61i !21 ter, Mrs. Harper Fairbaim, and 6!50e!41 i family. TOTAL LIABrLITIES ________________ CAPlTAIi ACCOUNTS Capital Stock: Common stock, total par $50,000.(X)--------- Surplus Paul Tick, student at North- —$2,373,345.42 eastern imiversity, Boston, Mass., accompanied by a classmate, spent New Year’s weekend with his par- ___ $ 50,000.00 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tick, ____________________________________ 50,000.00 and family on Highmount. Undivided profits ------------------------------------------------------ 214,690.181 Reserves (and retirement accoimt for preferred stock) __ 13,387.45! Miss Frances Silberstein and ------------------ Miss Renee CSrami returned Sat- TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS------------------------- - 328,077.63 urday after spending the week TOTAL LIABILITIES and CAPITAL ACCOUNTS_$2,701,423.05 ^ fS ^ t^r. S ^S ^B . S BfEMOKANDA Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for _______ _______ other purposes ----------------------------------------------------- $ 272,107.76 in Brooklyn. I, Ethel I. Edwitfds, C ^hier of the above-named bank, do solemnly ■wear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and ETHEL L EDWARDS, Cashier Correct—Attest: ORSON S. HAYNES LEROY SCOTT WILLIAM SPERLING Directors State of New York, (bounty of Delaware, sss Sworn to and subscribed before me tbiS 5th day of January, 1959, and I hereby certify that 1 am not an officer or director of this bank. WALTON F. HELEY JR., Notary Public My comraissian exjrires March 30, 19S9 melstein, in Flushing, L. I., and with her aunt. Mrs. Mary Rozen- REAL ESTATE W ANTED If your property is for sale and you want quick action list it with us because: 1. We have buyers right now for; Good Farms Suhmarginal or Abandoned Farms Vacsmt Tracts of 50 to 2,000 Acres Village Homes Business Properties 2. Our wide advertising coverage will expose your property to the attention of a new and fresh supply of buyers each week. J 3. Your property will be further exposed to buyers through our many out-of-town connections. 4. You will have the benefit of men with many years experience and success in the selling and handling of real estate. 5. YOU CAN’T LOSE. We make no charges for listing or advertising. You reserve the right to make your own sale or to list it with other brokers. You pay us only if we procure a buyer who is ready, willing and able to meet ^our terms and price. For fast action zind results write or phone us collect. MUNRO & FREVERT Licensed Real Estate Brokers Roxbury, N. Y. Phone 379for 3061 Herbert Mathews of Manhattan, owner of Miller’s taxi, was in town on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Myers, son, Ralph Jr., and daughter, Carole, were Sunday afternoon and sup- per guests at the home of his unde and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jblian Fuller, and family in Trout C]reek. Miss Ann Fuller accomi>a- nied them to her home after spen(^g the week with her cous- in, Carole. Birth of Daoc^ter Mr. and Mrs. James Barber be- came the peu:ents of a daughter at Margaretville hospital on Wednes- day, Dec. 31. Brenda Lee tipped the scales at seven TOunds 12 ounces. Mrs. Harris Barber of Syracuse spent Friday and Sat- urday in town to see her new granddaughter. Birth of Son Rev. and Mrs. Richard Tait of Clovesville became the parents of a son, Timothy Brian, weighing seven pounds 13 ounces, Friday, Jan. 2, at Margaretville hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Irving. Abrams of Cornwall-on-the-Hudson were din- ner guests of her mother, Mrs. Henrietta Solomon, Sunday. They also visited at the home of her brother, David Solomon, and fam- ily. Their son. Jay, retimied with them after spending the we6k at the home of his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mariotti entertained 20 friends and rela- tives at a New Year’s eve party and at diimer on New Year’s day. Miss CHara Goslee of Jewett, former homemaking teacher at FHS, spent fr6m ’Thursday until Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Greene eind family. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Blish en- tertained at dinner on New Year’s day Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bouton and son, Dennis, of Halcott Cen- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wool- heater and son, Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. Maricm Blish and son, Richard, of Redkill. FN Richard Craft, stationed in Portsmouth, N. H., spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W alter CJraft Sr., and family. Miss Naomi Shaver has re- turned to her studies at Albany STC after spending the holiday vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Shaver. Mr. and Mjrs. Nat Mann and children and her mother, Mrs. Victoria Doueck of Brooklyn, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Alton Sunday. Mrs. Doueck and family are summer residents and owners of Lincoln house on Wagner avenue. Enjoyed Skiing Johann Anderson of New Jersey and Jack Striel' of (Chicago spent New 'i’ear’s and the weekend at I the Arthur Anderson home, “The ; Last Resort,” on Green hill. They were joined by a party of friends Friday. All enjoyed skiing at the Highmount ski center. Mr. and Mrs. George Gougoutris entertained his father, Thomas (Sougoutris of Manhattan, and his aimt, Mrs. Anna Baehm qf the Bronx, a few days during the week. Mr. and Mrs. James Fuller and children. Merry Lou, Cathy and Mel, and Mrs. Elwin Maxim and children, Pamela and Steven, spent Sunday at the home of their brother, (jharles Greene, Rifton. Dr. and Mrs. William (Ztohen and sons, Ian, Joshua and Eddie, visited friend and relatives in Brooklyn, Long Island and Con- necticut during the holiday week. Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Kelly and children, Charlene and Fred, spent the weekend with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Kelly, in Albany. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ballard of Vega visited at the home of his sister, Mrs. Harper Fairbaim, and family Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Maxim of Hyde Park were New Year’s eve guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Myers and all attended the New Year’s eve pfurty at Kass iim. Mrs. Jesse Finch of Vega visit- ed her aimt, Mrs. Jessie Kelly, Wednesday. Mrs. Fannie Bushnell returned to her home in Flushing, L. I., Saturday after spending the holi- dfiys at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Caiarles Bushnell. Miss Beverly Darling returned to her studies at Ithaca college aftei: spending the holiday vaca- tion with her larents, Mr, and Mrs. Sollie Darling. Mrs. James Fuller and children, Merry Lou, C^athy and Mel,' and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Fuller made a trip to Oneonta "Juesday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Combs, daughter, Ann >Iarie, and son, Alan, of Woodstock spent Friday with his mother, Mrs. Bessie Combs at Clovesville. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kj^alik and daughter, Patricia, of the Bronx, summer residents of High- mount, accompanied by her brother-in-law and sister of Long Island, spent Sunday on High- mount visiting their son, (3eorge Kralik, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tick. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Flnnerty and daughter, Constance,, spent New Year’s day at the home of his brother-in-law and sistisr, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Townsend. Hmne From Florida Miss Betty Ann Birdsall re- turned Saturday after enjoying a week’s vacation in Miami Beach, Fla. Miss Birdsall left Sunday to resume her studies at Syracuse imiversity. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Greene and son, Barry, of Ellenville spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. CJrawford Greene. They also visited at the home of his brother, Donald Greene, and family. Miss Marilyn West spent New Year’s and Friday with her friend. Miss (Uarole Greenberg, in Big Indian. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rockwell of AUaben visited his mother, Mrs. Lelia Simonson, Simday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Goldstein, newlyweds, visited her grand- mother, Mrs. Joseph Lemer, Sun- day afternoon. Mrs. Gtoldstein is the former Candy Lemer, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Lerner of Oceanside, L. I. Congratulations! Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith, who will celebrate their fifth wedding an- niversary Jan. 16; to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Slavin on their 12th wedding anniversary Jan. 19; to Mr. and Mrs. George Alton on their seventh wedding aimiversary Jan. 20. Greetings! ^ Birthday greetings to Joanne Mariotti, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. BYank Mariotti, on her fourth birthday Jan. 8; to Dennis Balcom oh his ninth birthday Jan. 16, and to Mrs. Fannie Bush- nell Jan. 18. Mr. and Mrs. Constantine Mac- redy retumed to their home in New York city after si>ending the summer at their home in Town- send hollow. Mr. and Mrs. William Herron of Poughkeepsie spent the holi- days with her mother, Mrs. Helen Brannen. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Blish were New Y e^s guests at the hcmie of Mr. and Mrs, Harold W right in Clovesville. Mrs. Ned Kelly and Miss Mary Owens of Allaben were luncheon guests at the home of Mrs. John Alton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Searle and son, John, of Margaretville were dinner guests of her mother, Mrs. John Alton, New Year’s day. Mrs. Marion Blish attended the funeral of Mrs. Edith Jones in Margaretville- Monday afternoon.. Joe Kelly, scm of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kelly of Redkill, is con- fined at home with tonsilitis. James Davis has returned to his studies at Ithaca college after spending the holiday vacation with his family. James celebrated his 20th birthday Thursday, Jan. 8. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Kittle of Arkville were Saturday evenings guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Barton. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Denis of New York city and a friend were Sunday overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mayes. The Fleischmanns fire depart- ment was called out at 9:40 a. m. Tuesday for a chimney fire at the home of Marion Ballard. No dam- age was done. Halcott Center Broke Hip in Kitchen Fall Halcott Center, Jan. 6. — Mrs. Robert Van Valkenburgh suffered a fall in the kitchen of her home Saturday aftemoon. She sus- tained a broken hip. She was immediate^ taken by ambul£ince to Margaretville hospital, where she is under the care of Dr. Huggins. Due to her advtmced age, her condition is considered serious. Little Russell Bouton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carson Bouton, was a weekend patient at Margaret- ville hospital.' Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Streeter were guests at the home of Mr. Md Mrs. Virgil Streeter in Mar- garetville on New Year’s. i Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osterhoudt and family of Johnson City were weekend guests of her parents, Mr. an^'Mrs. John Van Valkai- burgh. Marcia Osterhoudt, who had spent the holidays with her grandpsirents, retumed with her parents. ' Mrs. M. K. Morse was,a patient at Margaretville hospital for a Sew days over the weekend. The WSCS will' hold an all-day meeting at the home of Mrs. Charles Ploutz on Wednesday, Jan. 14. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stone of Stamford visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stone, for a few days last we^k. Returned F.om Hoqiital Frank B^rs was a patient in Margaretville hospital for most of la&t week. He returned home Saturday. • Here for the Holiday Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Cole of Saugerties, Mr. and -Mrs. Fred - erick Bouton and family of Shokan and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bouton and family erf Kingston spent New Year’s day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bouton. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mestyanek and daughter of Kingston spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Mestyanek. Baby Under Surgery Mr. and Mrs. Julian E^ch took their baby son to Albany Monday where he will undergo surgery in Albany hospital. The Morty Blooms of New York city spent the holidays at their home in town. They en- joyed skiing on Belleayre. Mrs. Donald Ballard entered Margaretville hospital for treat- ment Simday. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Streeter visited their son, Winton, in Franklin Sunday. Gmdition Is Serious We are sorry to report that the condition of Oscar Streeter, who is ill at the home of his sister, Mrs. Sherman Thompkins, in Fleischmanns, remains serious. Allaben Allaben, Jan. 6 Mrs. Benjamin Gulnick Sr. and children, Betsy, Burton and George L., and grfmdchildren, Gertrude, Linda, CSeorge and Al- fred Leonardo,,of-Kingston visi- ted at the home of Miss Marjorie Gulnick on Sunday. Dr. Lewis Payne, Mrs. Payne and two sons of Femdale spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. Evangelme Keesler. Dr. Payne had charge of the Free Methodist church services on Sunday. He is district superintendent of the Free Methodist-conference in this section. Harold Quick leaves for the Navy this week. Mr. and Mrs. Pasqual Marco, with friends, Mr. and Mre. Leh- mann, of Ostoria, L. I., were call- ers recently. Mr. and Mrs. John Sweet and daughter, Sharon, of Roscoe visi- ted at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Berryann Satimiay. The members of the Allaben women’s Missionary sodiety of the Free Methodist church will meet at the home of Mrs. Willard Gul- nick on Friday evening. The Misses Sheiron Rotella and Tera Van Leuven are on the side list Friends of Rev. and Mrs. CSeorge L. Payne, formerly of Shandaken, have received o^ds from the Paynes, who have gone to CaUfomia to live. Phoenicia Phoenida, Jan. 5 Mr. and Mrs. CJlifford Segelken, daughter, Adele, and son, Carl, had dinner with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Baldwin, in Wappingers Falls on Sunday. Roger, who spent a week with his grandparents, the Baldwins, came h(xne with his parents. Mrs. Daniel F. Ennist is spend- ing a month with Mr, and Mrs. William Newton and-family at Litchfield, Cbnn. The Ladies Auxiliary of the M. F. Whitney Hose Co. had Its first meeting of the ,New Year at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Zatloukal on Monday evening.. Plans for the coming year were 'discussed. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith had dinner with Mr. ^ and Mrs. May- nar Haynes Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Lasher left for Miami, Fla., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Shultis Jr., William Jansen, his son, Billy, and Mrs. Thomas Jansen attend the wedding of Jade Thomas Man- chester and Miss LtStenA Douglass of Eastondale, Mass., oh Sunday, Dec. 28. Jack is a grandson of Mrs. Thomas Jansen. Big Indian Big Indian, Jan. 5 Mr. and Afc. Joe LaRocca and family spent seversd days in New York during the holidays. * Birth of Daughter Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Craig on the arrival of a daughter Christmas eve at the Margaretville hospital. Her name is Delphine Rae. She weighed eight pounds seven ounces. Mr. and Mrs. James Frasier and daughter, Debbie, are guests at the Craig home. Mrs. Eleanor Eignor, chairman of the annual polio drive in Big Indian and Mrs. Barbara Maxwell in Oliverea. Folders will be in the maUs soon. A basketball game and an ehtertainment will be held at the Onteora school for the bene- fit of the polio foundation. Mr. and Mrs. W alter Kroft spent Wednesday and Thursdiiy «f last week in New York. Their service station will be dosed on Wednesdays until further notice. Giary Miller was "a victim of the measles. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wranovics and family spent Christmas with his family in Dry Brook. Bride Asked Insurance B enefit Albany, Dec. 29. — Associated Industries of New York, repre- s^ting over 1,000 manufacturing employers of 500,000 persons, have joined litigants who claim that the state’s unemployment insur- ance tax, paid by employers, was never intended to provide benefits for a bride Who quit her job to get married and then applied for jobless pay. The bride is Mrs. Sheila Shaw, formerly of East Chatham, now residing in North Tonawanda. As Miss Sheila O’Connell she was enqdoyed Iv the General Mutual Insurance Co. of Albany. She quit the job tipon marrying. Her case has attracted wide^mad interest. Her daim foe Jotde» benefits was initially granted' last August without the six weeks waiting period required law of those who quit their jobs without good cause. Her employer ap- pealed. The referee sustained' the chum, and the State’s Unemploy- ment Insurance Appeals board iqk held it, too. The case then moved to the Appellate division of the SiQ>reme court' where it was affirined by a split decision of three to one. It now goes to the highest tribunal, the New York Court of j Appeals. Home is where the heat is... ...w ith dependable Cities Service Heatins Ofl -I The weather outside may be frightful. . . but the beat of ycgir home is delightful, thanks" to CUies S e n te Heating Oil. Free-flowing, clean bnming CStiee Service Heatinir Oil never lets yon down. . . gives wondeifol, even best regardless of outside temperatme. It’s the htatiag d l with 7 big extras: 1. ANTI-RUST PROTECnON. . . So impoitaat ia fighting harmful rust formation inside yonr ftad tank. 2. REDUCES SLUDGE. . . a tie s Service Heating Ofi contains an additive to prevent sludge that aoold dog burner. 8. FREE-FLOWING. . . even in sob-xer* weatiier. 4. QUICE.FIRING...bie^7 refined for quick, even heat. 5. LOCAL SUPPLIES...as- sore prompt, dependable deliv- ery. -9. EAST BUDGET TEBHS... make payment easier. T. FINEST DEGREE DAT SERVICE...Using fba degm day system, weV k e ^ trade of how mudi fa d yon use, and sefill automatically iriiaa aee- CJU.I TOOAYI Arkville Feed & Coal Co. Phone 2121 AikviDe,N.Y. Irving Campbell A ndes, N. Y. Phone 2821 “Truck man... we speak your language!’^ Lowcoat tiUermaHq^ *aix* mitkwi( ^ y mr 4 body, from the worm»mtMt Bvy your trucks fitmi people who know what yMi ta k aha^ Usable bonepo««v rim putt, t o r q u e - h » > gnage. IVs different from pesBengor car lanfaatsi And so are I nti * national Ih id s difiiiraai froa a^r in the way they’re built to take puitfrtwwnt Thly'stay s» d*Jeb longer, without conqdaini Our lii»MATioNAL8 t o att tmcL CgaM ^ tliaidi^ibaBM id • Istfs talk tracks... in your Bmguagal ' > IRVING CAMPBpii ^ A ndep, N. Y. j

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Page 1: 04 Three Fleischmanns Section Her She Jotde» Monday, Jan ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031247/1959-01-09/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · Reserves (and retirement accoimt for preferred

M argaretville, N. Y., Friday, Januaiy 9, 1959 0 4 f»«KT¥>T. MODItrrAIN NEWS Page Three

M A R 6 A f i £ T m L E ^ e i , D 0 U G L A S s . D O N



1 S T

Fleischm anns SectionMonday, Jan. 5, 1959 Mrs. Rose Greene, Editor


G haiisr No. 5924 Reserve D istrict No. 2REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE



Published in response to call made by Com ptroller of the Currency, im der Section 5211, U. S. Revised S tatu tes


H iere w ill be no m eeting for the Paren t-T ead ier’s Group for the m onth of January, l l ie next m eeting will be held on Tuesday evening, Feb. 3, a t th e school.

A w ork m eeting of the WSCS of the M ethodist church will be held on W ednesday afternoon, Jan. 14, a t the hon\e of Mrs. Robert Todd. Members are requested to bring m aterial and patterns.

H«dd Open M eetingThe Home Den|ionstration unit

will hold an open m eeting T hurs­day evening, Jan . 15, a t the home of Mrs. Jam es Pavlos. The sub­ject will be on “Learning to K nit” w ith Mrs. M urray Mayes as leader.

Mr. and Mrs. John L id ^ e eind children, Lorraine, D arlene and

I John, of Yonkers spent the week- j end a t the home of his brother- I in-law and sister, M r. and Mrs. I Charles Bushnell. Mr. and Mrs. H arry Veen of Otego were sup­per guests a t the Bushnell home Sunday evening. Mrs. Veen is a sister of Mrs. Bushnell and Mr.

I Liddle.Cash, balances w ith o ther banks, including reserve balance, o

and cash item s in process of collection____________ $ 436,374.3 0 ' Mac Conwisar and daughter.United S tates Government obligations, d irect and Donna, of Brooklyn w ere weekend

guaranteed ______________________________________ 1,601,434.37 guests a t the home of Mr. andObligations of S tates and political subdivisions--------------- 91,176.59 Mrs. Sam Slavin and family.O ther bonds, notes, and debentures____________________ 132,012.00 jCorporate stocks (including $3,000.00 stock of Federal , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holcomb

t o * ow „od W73, fu r r i tu re <„d $11,265 l l . m w S

__________ Moore of Arkville visited Mrs.O ther a s s e t s ------------------------- ----------------------

TOTAL ASSETS ______________________________$2,701,423.05, Newcomb’s daughter, Mrs. Grace_____ OUski, a patien t a t th e Stam ford

T.TAWTf.I'I'llHaDemand deposits of individuals, partnerships and corpora­

tions ____________________________________________ $1,139,305.43 .... „ ____Time deposits of individuals, partnerships and conw rations 1,009,492.371 of^iS alro tt C enter

hospital, on Tuesday.

The Misses Jeme, N ancy and

Deposits of United S tates Government (including postalsavings) --------------------------------------------------------------

Deposits of S tates and political subdivisions—-̂-------------O ther deposits (certified and cashier’s checks, e tc .)----- ^

TOTAL DEPOSITS ____ .i---------------$2,373,345.42

2 430 00 spent New Year’s w ith th e ir sis- 215’61i !21 ter, Mrs. H arper F airbaim , and

6!50e!41 i family.


C apital Stock:Common stock, to ta l p ar $50,000.(X)---------

Surplus —

Paul Tick, student a t N orth- —$2,373,345.42 eastern imiversity, Boston, Mass.,

accompanied by a classmate, spent New Year’s weekend w ith his par-

___ $ 50,000.00 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tick,____________________________________ 50,000.00 and fam ily on Highmount.

Undivided profits ------------------------------------------------------ 214,690.181Reserves (and retirem ent accoimt for preferred stock) __ 13,387.45! Miss Frances Silberstein and

------------------ Miss Renee CSrami returned Sat-TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS------------------------- - 328,077.63 urday a fte r spending the week

TOTAL LIABILITIES and CAPITAL ACCOUNTS_$2,701,423.05 ^ f S ^ t ^ r . S ^ S ^ B . SBfEMOKANDA

Assets pledged o r assigned to secure liabilities and fo r _______ _______other p u rp o se s ----------------------------------------------------- $ 272,107.76 in Brooklyn.I, E thel I . Edwitfds, C ^ h ie r of the above-named bank, do solemnly

■w ear th a t the above sta tem ent is tru e to the best of my knowledge and ETHEL L EDWARDS, Cashier


DirectorsS ta te of New York, (bounty of Delaware, sss

Sworn to and subscribed before me tbiS 5th day of January, 1959, and I hereby certify th a t 1 am no t an officer o r director of th is bank.

WALTON F . HELEY JR ., N otary Public My comraissian exjrires M arch 30, 19S9

melstein, in Flushing, L. I., and w ith her aunt. Mrs. M ary Rozen-


W A N T E DIf your property is for sale and you want quick

action list it with us because:

1. We have buyers right now for;

Good Farms Suhmarginal or Abandoned Farms Vacsmt Tracts of 50 to 2,000 Acres

Village Homes Business Properties

2. Our wide advertising coverage will expose your

property to the attention of a new and fresh

supply of buyers each week.J

3. Your property will be further exposed to buyers

through our many out-of-town connections.

4. You will have the benefit of men with many

years experience and success in the selling and

handling of real estate.

5. Y O U CAN’T LOSE. We make no charges for

listing or advertising. You reserve the right to

make your own sale or to list it with other

brokers. You pay us only if we procure a buyer

who is ready, willing and able to meet ^our terms

and price.

For fast action zind results write or phone us collect.

MUNRO & FREVERTLicensed Real Estate Brokers

Roxbury, N . Y. Phone 3 7 9 fo r 3061

H erbert Mathews of M anhattan, owner of Miller’s taxi, was in town on Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Myers, son, Ralph Jr., and daughter, Carole, were Sunday afternoon and sup­per guests a t the home of his u n d e and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jb lian Fuller, and family in T rout C]reek. Miss Ann Fuller accomi>a- nied them to her home after sp e n (^ g the week w ith her cous­in, Carole.

B irth of D aoc^terMr. and Mrs. Jam es Barber be­

came the peu:ents of a daughter a t M argaretville hospital on Wednes­day, Dec. 31. Brenda Lee tipped the scales a t seven TOunds 12 ounces. Mrs. H arris B arber of Syracuse spent Friday and S at­urday in town to see her new granddaughter.

B irth of SonRev. and Mrs. Richard T ait of

Clovesville became the parents of a son, Timothy Brian, weighing seven pounds 13 ounces, Friday, Jan. 2, a t M argaretville hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Irving. Abram s of Cornwall-on-the-Hudson were din­n er guests of her m other, Mrs. H enrietta Solomon, Sunday. They also visited a t the home of her brother, David Solomon, and fam ­ily. Their son. Jay, retim ied w ith them a fter spending the we6k a t the home of his uncle and aunt.

Mr. and Mrs. F rank M ariotti entertained 20 friends and rela­tives a t a New Year’s eve party and a t diimer on New Year’s day.

Miss CHara Goslee of Jew ett, form er homemaking teacher a t FHS, spent fr6m ’Thursday until Tuesday a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Greene eind family.

Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Blish en­tertained a t dinner on New Year’s day Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bouton and son, Dennis, of H alcott Cen­ter, Mr. and Mrs. W ilbur Wool- heater and son, Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. Maricm Blish and son, Richard, of Redkill.

FN Richard Craft, stationed in Portsm outh, N. H., spent the weekend w ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W alter CJraft Sr., and family.

Miss Naomi Shaver has re ­turned to her studies a t Albany STC after spending the holiday vacation w ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Shaver.

Mr. and Mjrs. N at Mann and children and her m other, Mrs. Victoria Doueck of Brooklyn, visited a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Alton Sunday. Mrs. Doueck and family are summer residents and owners of Lincoln house on W agner avenue.

Enjoyed SkiingJohann Anderson of New Jersey

and Jack S triel' of (Chicago spent New 'i ’ear’s and the weekend a t

I the A rthur Anderson home, “The ; L ast Resort,” on Green hill. They were joined by a party of friends Friday. All enjoyed skiing a t the Highmount ski center.

Mr. and Mrs. George Gougoutris entertained his father, Thomas (Sougoutris of M anhattan, and his aimt, Mrs. Anna Baehm qf the Bronx, a few days during the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Fuller and children. M erry Lou, Cathy and Mel, and Mrs. Elwin Maxim and children, Pam ela and Steven, spent Sunday a t the home of their brother, (jharles Greene, Rifton.

Dr. and Mrs. W illiam (Ztohen and sons, Ian, Joshua and Eddie, visited fr ie n d and relatives in Brooklyn, Long Island and Con­necticut during the holiday week.

Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Kelly and children, Charlene and Fred, spent the weekend w ith his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Kelly, in Albany.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward B allard of Vega visited a t the home of his sister, Mrs. H arper Fairbaim , and family Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Maxim of Hyde P ark w ere New Year’s eve guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Myers and a ll attended the New Year’s eve pfurty a t Kass iim.

Mrs. Jesse Finch of Vega visit­ed her aimt, Mrs. Jessie Kelly, Wednesday.

Mrs. Fannie Bushnell returned to her home in Flushing, L. I., Saturday a fte r spending the holi- dfiys a t the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Caiarles Bushnell.

Miss Beverly Darling returned to her studies a t Ithaca college aftei: spending the holiday vaca­tion w ith her la ren ts , Mr, and Mrs. Sollie Darling.

Mrs. Jam es Fuller and children, M erry Lou, C^athy and Mel,' and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Fuller made a trip to Oneonta "Juesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Milton Combs, daughter, Ann >Iarie, and son, Alan, of Woodstock spent Friday w ith his m other, Mrs. Bessie Combs a t Clovesville.

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kj^alik and daughter, Patricia, of the Bronx, summer residents of High­mount, accompanied by her brother-in-law and sister of Long Island, spent Sunday on High­m ount visiting their son, (3eorge Kralik, a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert T ick .

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent F lnnerty and daughter, Constance,, spent New Year’s day a t the home of his brother-in-law and sistisr, Mr. and Mrs. H arold Townsend.

Hmne From FloridaMiss B etty Ann Birdsall re­

turned Saturday a fte r enjoying a week’s vacation in Miami Beach, Fla. Miss B irdsall le ft Sunday to resume her studies a t Syracuse imiversity.

Mr. and Mrs. H arold Greene and son, Barry, of Ellenville spent Sunday w ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. CJrawford Greene. They also visited a t the home of his brother, Donald Greene, and family.

Miss Marilyn W est spent New Year’s and Friday w ith her friend. Miss (Uarole Greenberg, in Big Indian.

Mr. an d Mrs. Louis Rockwell of AUaben visited his m other, Mrs. Lelia Simonson, Simday.

Mr. and Mrs. Je rry Goldstein, newlyweds, visited her grand­mother, Mrs. Joseph Lem er, Sun­day afternoon. Mrs. Gtoldstein is the form er Candy Lem er, daugh­te r of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Lerner of Oceanside, L. I.

Congratulations!Congratulations to Mr. and

Mrs. Thomas Smith, who will celebrate their fifth wedding an­niversary Jan. 16; to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Slavin on their 12th wedding anniversary Jan. 19; to Mr. and Mrs. George Alton on their seventh wedding aimiversary Jan. 20.

Greetings! ^B irthday greetings to Joanne

M ariotti, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. BYank M ariotti, on her fourth birthday Jan. 8; to Dennis Balcom oh his ninth birthday Jan. 16, and to Mrs. Fannie Bush­nell Jan. 18.

Mr. and Mrs. Constantine Mac- redy retum ed to their home in New York city a fte r si>ending the summer a t their home in Town­send hollow.

Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Herron of Poughkeepsie spent the holi­days w ith her m other, Mrs. Helen Brannen.

Mr. and Mrs. H erbert Blish were New Y e ^ s guests a t the hcmie of Mr. and Mrs, Harold W right in Clovesville.

Mrs. Ned Kelly and Miss M ary Owens of Allaben were luncheon guests a t the home of Mrs. John Alton Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Searle and son, John, of M argaretville were dinner guests of her m other, Mrs. John Alton, New Year’s day.

Mrs. Marion Blish attended th e funeral of Mrs. Edith Jones in Margaretville- Monday afternoon..

Joe Kelly, scm of Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Kelly of Redkill, is con­fined a t home w ith tonsilitis.

Jam es Davis has returned to his studies a t Ithaca college a fte r spending the holiday vacation w ith his family. Jam es celebrated his 20th birthday Thursday, Jan. 8.

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent K ittle of A rkville w ere Saturday evenings guests a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Barton.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Denis of New York city and a friend were Sunday overnight guests a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mayes.

The Fleischmanns fire depart­m ent was called out a t 9:40 a. m. Tuesday for a chimney fire a t the home of Marion Ballard. No dam­age was done.

H a l c o t t C e n t e r

Broke Hip in Kitchen Fall

H alcott Center, Jan. 6. — Mrs. Robert Van Valkenburgh suffered a fall in the kitchen of her home Saturday aftem oon. She sus­tained a broken hip. She was im m ediate^ taken by ambul£ince to M argaretville hospital, where she is under the care of Dr. Huggins. Due to her advtmced age, her condition is considered serious.

L ittle Russell Bouton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carson Bouton, was a weekend patient a t M argaret­ville hospital.'

Mr. and Mrs. K enneth S treeter were guests a t the home of Mr. M d Mrs. Virgil S treeter in M ar­garetville on New Year’s.

iMr. and Mrs. Lee Osterhoudt

and family of Johnson City were weekend guests of her parents, Mr. an^ 'M rs. John Van V alkai- burgh. M arcia Osterhoudt, who had spent the holidays w ith her grandpsirents, retum ed w ith her parents. '

Mrs. M. K. Morse w as,a patient a t M argaretville hospital for a Sew days over the weekend.

The WSCS will' hold an all-day m eeting a t the home of Mrs. Charles Ploutz on Wednesday, Jan. 14.

Mr. and Mrs. R ichard Stone of Stam ford visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E verett Stone, for a few days la s t we^k.

R eturned F .om H oqiitalF rank B ^ rs was a patien t in

M argaretville hospital for m ost of la&t week. H e returned home Saturday. •

H ere for the HolidayMr. and Mrs. Clayton Cole of

Saugerties, Mr. and -Mrs. F red­erick Bouton and family of Shokan and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bouton and family erf Kingston spent New Year’s day w ith their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bouton.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo M estyanek and daughter of Kingston spent th e weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Mestyanek.

Baby Under SurgeryMr. and Mrs. Julian E ^ch took

their baby son to Albany Monday w here he will undergo surgery in Albany hospital.

The M orty Blooms of New York city spent th e holidays a t their home in town. They en­joyed skiing on Belleayre.

Mrs. Donald Ballard entered M argaretville hospital for tre a t­m ent Simday.

Mr. and Mrs. S. B. S treeter visited their son, W inton, in F ranklin Sunday.

Gm dition Is SeriousWe are sorry to report th a t the

condition of Oscar S treeter, who is ill a t th e home of his sister, Mrs. Sherm an Thompkins, in Fleischmanns, rem ains serious.

AllabenAllaben, Jan. 6

Mrs. Benjamin Gulnick Sr. and children, Betsy, Burton and George L., and grfmdchildren, Gertrude, Linda, CSeorge and Al­fred Leonardo,, of-K ingston visi­ted a t the home of Miss M arjorie Gulnick on Sunday.

Dr. Lewis Payne, Mrs. Payne and two sons of Fem dale spent the weekend a t the home of Mrs. Evangelme Keesler. Dr. Payne had charge of the F ree M ethodist church services on Sunday. He is district superintendent of the Free M ethodist-conference in this section.

Harold Quick leaves for the Navy this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Pasqual Marco, w ith friends, Mr. and Mre. Leh­mann, of Ostoria, L. I., were call­ers recently.

Mr. and Mrs. John Sweet and daughter, Sharon, of Roscoe visi­ted a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Berryann Satim iay.

The members of the Allaben women’s Missionary sodiety of the F ree M ethodist church will m eet a t the home of Mrs. W illard Gul­nick on Friday evening.

The Misses Sheiron Rotella and T era Van Leuven are on the side l i s t

Friends of Rev. and Mrs. CSeorge L. Payne, form erly of Shandaken, have received o ^ d s from the Paynes, who have gone to CaUfomia to live.

PhoeniciaPhoenida, Jan. 5

Mr. and Mrs. CJlifford Segelken, daughter, Adele, and son, Carl, had dinner w ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W infield Baldwin, in W appingers Falls on Sunday. Roger, who spent a week w ith his grandparents, the Baldwins, came h(xne w ith his parents.

Mrs. Daniel F . Ennist is spend­ing a m onth w ith Mr, and Mrs. W illiam Newton an d -fam ily a t Litchfield, Cbnn.

The Ladies Auxiliary of the M. F. W hitney Hose Co. had Its firs t m eeting of the , New Year a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Zatloukal on Monday evening.. Plans for th e coming year were


Mr. and Mrs. W alter Sm ith had dinner w ith Mr. ̂ and Mrs. May- nar Haynes Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. W ellington Lasher left for Miami, Fla., Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. H erbert Shultis Jr., W illiam Jansen, his son, Billy, and Mrs. Thomas Jansen attend the wedding of Jade Thomas Man­chester and Miss LtStenA Douglass of Eastondale, Mass., oh Sunday, Dec. 28. Jack is a grandson of Mrs. Thomas Jansen.

Big IndianBig Indian, Jan. 5

Mr. and A fc. Joe LaRocca and family spent seversd days in New York during the holidays.

* B irth of D aughterCongratulations to Mr. and Mrs.

Stanley Craig on the arrival of a daughter Christm as eve a t the M argaretville hospital. H er name is Delphine Rae. She weighed eight pounds seven ounces. Mr. and Mrs. Jam es F rasier and daughter, Debbie, are guests a t the Craig home.

Mrs. E leanor Eignor, chairm an of the annual polio drive in Big Indian and Mrs. B arbara Maxwell in Oliverea. Folders will be in the maUs soon. A basketball game and an ehtertainm ent will be held a t the Onteora school for the bene­f it of the polio foundation.

Mr. and Mrs. W alter K roft spent Wednesday and Thursdiiy «f last week in New York. Their service station will be dosed on Wednesdays until fu rther notice.

Giary M iller was "a victim of the measles.

Mr. and Mrs. F rank Wranovics and fam ily spent Christm as w ith his family in D ry Brook.

B r i d e A s k e d

I n s u r a n c e B e n e f i t

Albany, Dec. 29. — Associated Industries of New York, repre- s ^ t in g over 1,000 m anufacturing employers of 500,000 persons, have joined litigants who claim th a t the s ta te ’s unemployment insur­ance tax, paid by employers, was never intended to provide benefits for a bride Who quit her job to get m arried and then applied for jobless pay.

The bride is Mrs. Sheila Shaw, form erly of E ast Chatham, now residing in N orth Tonawanda. As Miss Sheila O’Connell she was

enqdoyed Iv the General MutualInsurance Co. of Albany. She quit the job tipon m arrying. Her case has a ttrac ted wide^mad in terest. H er d a im foe Jotde» benefits was initially g ra n te d ' la s t August w ithout the six weeks waiting period required law of those who quit their jobs without good cause. H er employer ap­pealed. The referee sustained' the chum, and the S tate’s Unemploy­m ent Insurance Appeals board iqk held it, too. The case then moved to the Appellate division of the SiQ>reme court' where it was affirined by a split decision of three to one. I t now goes to th e highest tribunal, the New York Court of j Appeals.

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