03 leviticus copy - mr ammerman's...

Detail from the Arch of Titus showing the sacking of Jerusalem. Note the Menorah being carried away. The monument is located on the Via Sacra just to the south-east of the Forum in Rome.

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Page 1: 03 leviticus copy - Mr Ammerman's Materialmrammerman.weebly.com/uploads/5/8/9/6/58967117/03_leviticus_-_… · Workbook On Leviticus David Padfield 2 Part One: The Laws of Acceptable

Detail from the Arch of Titus showing the sacking of Jerusalem. Note the Menorah being carried away. The monument is located on the Via Sacra just to the south-east of the Forum in Rome.

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Workbook On Leviticus David Padfield 2

Part One: The Laws of Acceptable Approach to God: Sacrifice (1:1–17:16)

I. The Laws of Acceptable Approach to God (1:1–7:38)

A. Laws of Approach to God When in Fellowship (1:1–3:17)

1. List the three types of burnt offerings found in chapter one.

2. What is the significance of placing the hands upon the animal (1:1–17)?

3. Describe the work of the priests when a sacrifice was made (1:1–17).

4. What is the purpose of a grain offering (2:1–16)?

5. Why was leaven prohibited from being mixed with a grain offering (2:11)?

6. What was the purpose of a peace offering (3:1–16)?

7. What special prohibition was given (3:17)?

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Workbook On Leviticus David Padfield 4

4. What special laws were given concerning trespass offerings (7:1–10)?

5. What special laws were given concerning peace offerings (7:11–21)?

6. What parts of an animal sacrifice could not be eaten (7:22–27)? Why?

7. What portion of the sacrifices were consecrated for Aaron and his sons (7:28–37)?

II. The Laws of the Priests (8:1–10:20)

A. The Consecration of the Priesthood (8:1–36)

1. Describe the consecration ceremony for the priests (8:1–36).

2. What was the purpose of the Urim and the Thummim (8:8)?

B. The Ministry of the Priesthood (9:1–24)

1. Describe the sacrifices that Aaron made as he began his ministry (9:1–21).

2. How did God signify His approval of the sacrifices (9:22–24)?

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Workbook On Leviticus David Padfield 5

C. Failure of the Priesthood (10:1–20)

1. What sin did Nadab and Abihu commit (10:1–3)? Be specific!

2. What is the significance of the priests not being allowed to uncover their heads or tear their clothing (10:4–7)?

3. What further instructions were given to the priests (10:8–20)?

III. The Laws of Israel Regarding Purity (11:1–15:33)

A. Laws Concerning Clean and Unclean Food (11:1–47)

1. How could the people of Israel determine which animals could be eaten (11:1–23)?

2. What does it mean to be “unclean” (11:24)?

3. What would the eating of an “unclean” animal have to do with holiness (12:24–47)?

B. Laws Concerning Childbirth (12:1–8)

1. What was to happen after a woman gave birth to a male child? What was to happen after a woman gave birth to a female child (12:1–5)

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The plains of Jericho

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Workbook On Numbers David Padfield 8

3. How did God react to the situation (12:4–16)?

II. The Climactic Failure of Israel at Kadesh (13:1–14:45)

A. Investigation of the Promised Land (13:1–33)

1. What was the purpose of sending spies into the land of Canaan (13:1–20)?

2. How long were the spies in the land? Where did they visit (13:21–25)?

3. What did the spies say about the land of Canaan (13:26–33)?

B. Israel Rebels Against God (14:1–10)

1. How did the people react to the report of the spies (14:1–5)?

2. What did Joshua and Caleb say about the promised land (14:6–10)?

C. Moses Intercedes (14:11–19)

1. What did God suggest that He might do to the people (14:11–12)?

2. What did Moses suggest to the Lord (14:13–19)?

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Workbook On Numbers David Padfield 11

IV. The Failure of Israel En Route to Moab (20:1–25:18)

A. Miriam Dies (20:1)

B. Moses and Aaron Fail (20:2–13)

1. How did God want Moses to provide water for the people (20:2–8)?

2. What sin did Moses commit? What was his punishment (20:9–13)?

C. Edom Refuses Passage (20:14–21)

1. What did the messengers of Moses request from the king of the Edomites (20:14–21)?

2. When and how did God punish the Edomites?

D. Aaron Dies (20:22–29)

1. How was Aaron “gathered to his people” (20:22–29)?

2. What was done with Aaron’s garments (20:22–29)?

E. Israel’s Victory over the Canaanites (21:1–3)

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The bronze serpent memorial on Mount Nebo in Jordan

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Workbook On Deuteronomy www.padfield.com 3

2. What were they told about the Moabites?

D. Conquest of East Jordan (2:24–3:22)

1. Who was Sihon? What happened to him? Why?

2. What did Israel take from the kingdom of Og?

3. What was given to the half tribe of Manasseh?

E. Transition of Leadership (3:23–29)

1. Why was Moses not allowed to enter the Promised Land?

2. Who was to take the place of Moses?

F. Summary of the Covenant (4:1–43)

1. How does Moses describe the day that God gave the Law?

2. What warning was given in Deuteronomy 4:15–24?

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Workbook On Deuteronomy www.padfield.com 4

3. What was the stated consequence of violating this law?

4. What cities on the east side of the Jordan were set aside? Why?




A. The Covenant of the Great King (5:1–33)

1. Where in the book of Exodus do we read of the giving of the Law?

2. What request did the people make when they heard the voice of God?

B. The Command to Teach the Law (6:1–25)

1. What was the “greatest” commandment? Why?

2. What warning is given here?