03 camps 2017 - ironwood


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CAMPSAnd he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a

desert place, and rest a while. Mark 6:31

Camp program for adults

Camp program for youth

Custom camp options

Custom school camp options

Fall & spring options

Evveerryy y y y oococcucuuppapationononn hhhhasas speciiciallalaltytytyty ttooolslslsls,, oror “““tootot olo s

oofofff ttthheee ttraaaddedede.” CaCaCampmpp mmininisistry yy isisi aaan nn n effeffffffeectttc ivivvivi e ee

ssssppecececciaialtltlttyy ttotooolololl ffor ppppasasastototorsr , yooyoyoutttu hhh papapap ststttorroo s,s,s

tteeeaacchhhehersrsrs, ppapapareenntntnts, aandndndd aaanynynynyononoo ee dedeedesiss ririingngngn ttto o rererer acaccch hh

ooothhhehersrss ffffoorr CChrhrhrrisisist t aanananddd mamamakekek ddddisisii ciiiplplpp esesss.. CCCamammmpp p

blbllleennnddssss adddvdveenenntutuurreree,,, sososolililittutudeddede, thththtt e eee prprpp eesessennnntat ttitit ononn oooof

GGGGoddd’ssss trrrruutthhhh, aaaanndnddd oopppppppoorortutuniiinitititit essee fffooorr ddeececcisssioii nnn innn aaaa

wwaaay y tthhaaat iiis dddiiiff ff ff eerrreeeenttt frfromm eeeveveeeryydddaaayyy mmmminniiisttrryy inn

tthee hhhommmmeee,, ssccchhhooooolll, ooorr chchhhurccchch.

OOuuur sttaaffffffa hhahaavvveee ddddevvve elelee oppededdd aa wwwiiidddeee vvvaaririiiettyyy offf

eeeexcccititiingggnn pprrooogrgrrrammmmmaa s sss dedeed sisiss gngngg ededdd tttoo mmmmeeeetetett thhhee nnnneeeeddsss ooffff

innnndiid vviiv ddudud aalalls,s ffffammmaa ilililieieies,ssss aaandndnn cchhuhuhurrcrccchhheeesss.s. AAAsss s yoyooou bbbrbroowowsssese

ththt rroroouggghh thtt ee ee oppptititit onnsss avavavaiaiailalalablblblle,e, wwweee’e’veeee prorooovviiidddeedddd aa a

feeef ww w qququq icicck kk rererer ferereerencn e e sysysymbmbmbmbololololsss toto hhhelelelelp yoyoyoyouu fififi ndnddd juususst t

wwhwhww atatta yyoououo ’rreee lolookokoko ini g fofforrr.

OOOnnee ssiiizeee dddoooeesnnnn’’tt fifififi tt allllll,,, ssoo wwwwee’’vvvee gggooottt oopppttiooonns..


26 Christian Education Outdoors

28 College & Career Singles’ Retreat

30 Couples’ Retreat

32 Cowboy History Camp

34 Ezra Retreat

36 Family Camp

38 Father-Son Camp

40 Horsemanship Camp

44 Junior Camp

46 Leadership Live!

48 Men With A Mission

50 Mother-Daughter Retreat

52 Nehemiah Work Week

54 Paintball Camp

56 Senior Trip

58 Spiritual Emphasis Camp

60 Teen Camp

62 Women Counseling Women

64 Women’s Retreat

66 Youth Leaders’ Retreat

68 Youth Winter Rendezvous


What a blessing to have young people learn in such a beautiful

setting of God’s creation! They don’t even think of it being “class

work.” It’s just fun! Thank you, Ironwood staff , for delivering a

great program.—Gerry“

PPUUUUURRRRRRPPPPOOOOOSSSSEEEEETTThThThisis cccaammpppp aalloloowwwss sssttututudededents to usee ttthehehh iri aaacacc dedeeemiimm c c skkss illi lslslssl

inn aaartrt, lalalaanggguuuaggegege, maathththh, aanandd sciiencncceeee asasa thehehey yyy didiiscss ovovvverre aaaanddn

innnnvveessststigggaaateee nnew w w w aandd eexexexcicici ititing ttthiihihingngngngs s ababbbouooo t thththt emmmseeeelvll eesss, ,

tttheeee wooorlldd,d,d, andndndnd thehehee Crereeatatatooror. ThThTheyeyey wwwilill alallalsos hhhhava ee e fuuf nnn wwwiwithh

thhhhee mmmaannny ggggaammmeees aaanndnddd aaactctctivivivitititieieiesss gigigigigivivivingngngg ggrorooouppu ss ss annn ennjn oyoyyy-

aaabbleee ttimimmee e tooggggetthhhererr.


•• LLeLeearrrrnin nngngn mmmaaadddee fufufuun n thththhroror ugugugughhhh hahaannndds-s-s-ooonnn exexxxpeeerirr mmmemennttts s annnaa dd ininnvevevv ststigigatatttiioioionsns..

• EEaaE cchchc dddayaa wwwwillll brbb inining gggg thhtht e e stst dududdeeennnttt bababaacck ttttoo aaachhharraaacteeeerirr sttticicici ooff GoGoGoG d.dd EEEmpphhahaasisisiss wwiwiillllll bbeee mmaaadddde oonnGGoGG dd’d s s lololoveee, , wiw lllll, , popopop wer, mercycyy, , aaanandd omomommniippprpresessennccce..

•• EaaaE chchcc sstutut dedeedentnn recececceieieie veves a bookokkleleleletttt withthh aalll ttthhhee ccccllassssss

nnonooteet ssss..

BENEFITSS TTTTOOOOOO SSSSSSSCCCCCCHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLL//CCHURCH• A safefee eeeeennvnvviiririrrooononmememementntnt ffforr tthehhe actcttctivivivivee ee ststttuddududu ennnnent.tt.tt

• GrGrroooououuppspspsps bbbbriririringngng tttthheheheheiiririr ownwnwn cccououounsn ellelelorororo sss fofofor r adddadaa deededed dddddaaacacaccccocooouunnnntttaaabbbiililililitttyyyy aaaafftftftterererer ccccamamampp p annanandd d d aa shshshshararredddedee eeexxxppeeeerrieeennncccee tttto o bbububuuililililddddd ononononn..

•• CCCaammmmaaaraaaaddeeeeriieee aaamammmooonongg g g yyoyoyoururur ggggroooroupupppu aaasss ththhheyyyy lleeeaaae rnnn nneeewwww ssskiilllsss aaandddd aaccttiivvvvitttiieeess.

•• FFFuulllll-ssseerrrviviiiceeee pprrooor ggrgrg aaammmm mmmmeaeansnsnsns tteeeeaaccchhheeerersss caaaan eennnjooooyy bbebeeinnnng gg wwiwiwithhhh tthheheeh iririri sssstuutututt dedededentntntntsss iinininnststtteeeaeaeaddddd oofofff ruuuunnnnininnnggg aarroroouuunnnndd trtrtt yiyiyiyiy ngnggg tttooo gegegeg tttt ththhhtt ee e e neneeextttxtxt aaactctctiivivivititititityyy y rrereadadadady.y.y.y.

• EnEnnnnE ououuuo ghhhghgg cccclalaasssss ppppossso sisisisibibibib lilil tiities tto o o brbrbrbriinining g g g cccocooommmbbbbiinininnaatatatioiooonnn n cllaasssseseseess s.s



Great option for school groups


Christian Education Outdoors is available only as a custom camp.

Targeted for grades 4–6

Custom dates availableSee Custom Camp section or call the camp offi ce for details.


•• IIntrtrroodduuucuctiononnn ttto thhee MoMoMoMojjajajaveveve DDDese ertt

•• DDDeesssesert AAAAnimmamaall StStududddieieiess

• DDeDeDeseeerrt PPPlalalantnt SSStuuudddidiieees

• DDeessssertrttt WWeeaeathththhheeerr

•• Deeeeseerrrt GGGeeooollolooggyyy

• Thhhhe HHHeaavveeennnss

•• Orrriennnnteeeeeriiingnggg

•• Cannnon eeieiingg

• MMMaM rkkkksmms aaanshshhhipipi

••• ArrAA chchchc erryyyy

•• WiWiildll eerrrnenn ssss SSSurvivivavaavalll

• FiFiingngnn errprprp inintststst


Ironwood is a great camp experience. You can tell the Spirit of the

Lord is here and working. You can see that every aspect is bathed

in prayer and prepared for completely. —Jared“

PPUUUUURRRRRRPPPPOOOOOSSSSEEEEETToToToTo ppprroroovidededede aa qquiuickckckk,, cconcentrattededed tttimime ee to ccchaalllllll ennee gegegeeeg

sisingngnggllessss tto bbbee cocooommmmititttetetetedddd tto thheirir ccchuhuhuhurcr heeess s ana ddd a grgrgrrowwwo inini gg

rereeellatititiioonnssshipippp witittthhhh GoGoodd.d.d. AAA ttiimee ofofofof gggoood,dd,d, cleleeaana fffunnn anndndd

CCChhrrriristtiiaiann n fffellllllooowwshshshhiiipp..

BBBBEEENNNNEEEEFFFIIITTTTTSSSS TTTTTOOOO TTTTHHHHEEEE CCCCAAAAAAMMMMMPPPEEEERRRR•• TTThhreeeee sssserrvvviccceeess dddeesigigiggnned too ssspeeakkaa dddiiireeecctlllyy y toooo

ttthhe neeeeeddsss ooofff ssinnngglleeees.

• FFFridddayya –––Saatta uuurrrddayyy y scccheeh dududud lelelee allllllooowwwss ttimmmmeee aawwwwayyywwwitthhhoh uuutu iinnntteeerrrfefeririir ngggn wwwwitith h SuSuSuSunddaaayy ssseeerervvviicceeess.

••• A A vvav rririiettyy y y ofofff aactttcc ivvii iti yyy oppopoptitiononnnsss alllolooowwwwsws aaanniini dididid vidddud aalall too beebb vvvererery yy y acactitiveve ooorrr tototo rrreeest.t..

•• Looodgggd inini g g oopoo tititiiononoo ss alalla lololowww smsmalalallll ggrgroouuppspsps to o o ststss ayyy togogoggete heheheher.

• ChhhC ananaa ceees s totooo mmminglgllgleeee anana dd gegeg tt tototoo kkkknnow w oototothheeerrr CChChhrir stststtiaiai n sisisinggnglelelesss.

BENEEFFFFFFIIIIITTTTTTTTSSSSS TTTTTTTOOOOO CCCCCCHHHHHHUUUUURRRRRRCCCCCCHHHHH• SSiinnngngglleleeess hahahahaveveve tthehehehe ooppppppppoororttu iinitytyy ttttoooo meemm etetetet ooothhtt eererer ssinninini --

gggglglleesesss aannndnd eeenncncncououuurraagegegege eeacacchhhh ototototheheh r.r TTTThihihh ss isisisi eeespspppss eccee iaiaiai lllllly yyaa bbboboonnnnuusss ttototo cccchhhuuuurrrcchhehehes s s wwwiwiwiithththth ssmamamam llllllllll ssssinnininglglgllg eesee ’’’’ grrrgg oouuuoo pssssp ...TThThheee prrroogggraaaammm iiss dddddeeesesessigiggggnnnenedd d d tototo mmmixxixixi uuuuppppp ggrgrg ooouupppsps aaandnddn eeenccccouuurraaaggeeee nnnneewww fffrfriieeennddddsshhhhipipipips.s.s.s

•• OOOOurrr ggogoaaala iiss ttotoo hhheeelllpp p sisiss ngngnggleel ss gegegeetttt ininnnvvooolvlvlvvveeeedd attt thhheeiiir looool caaaac l l ccchhuuuru cchchch oooonn a aa rerererr guuugugg lalalalarr r bababaasisisisisss.s.




HIGHLLIIGGGGGGHHHHHHTTTTTTSSSSSSS• GrGreaeaeaaatttt fofooooododod aaallllllll wweeeekekekendndnd ccculululmimiminan titiitingngngng wwwitititi hhh alalallala l-l-ll yoyoy u-

ccacacaan n eeaeaatt trtrtrtriii-tititipppp bababaa brbrbrbeecue folllolloweweeweddd bybyby oourururu uuniinnn quuuuq ee eaannnddd d enenennteeerrttaiaiaiainningngngng skkikitt prprprp ogogoggraram!m!m!!

••• DDDiiffff ff ff ererreennnt ththththemememmee eeaeaaachchchhh yyyeaeaearrr.r.r

•• LLLaatetee nnnigggghhtt aacctcttivivvvviitittiieeess.s.

•• LLLLassseerrr taaaagg aavvvaaiiilllaabbblle aat no aaaadddddittiionnnaaall ccooosst..

•• SSSooldlddiieeer MMooooM unnnntataaat innii hhhhikikii e—111,,000000000-0-fofofoooootott ccclllilimmmmb wwwiitithhh a spppps eccce taaaat cuucc lalall rr viivv ewewewwwe !!!

•• UnUnUnnU iqqqqueeeu ggggamamama eseseses fforororr ggggroroupuppss llaargrgrgrgeeee annnndddd smsmmmalalllll————aacchhcc ananannceeeec tto o plpllpp ayayayay andnddnd llllauauauaughghghg wwwwitititithhhh ffrrieieieenndnddss.s.

• SoSouvuvvvvenenee iririr aaandndnddn bbbbooo kskskstototorerere, cococoffffff eee ssshohohohop,p, aaaannndnd ssssnnnanaacck shopp ooopepepeepennnn duduud riririringngngng fffree tititimes.s.


Custom dates availableSee Custom Camp section or call the camp offi ce for details.

All prices are subject to change.

Check-in Time: 4:00–6:00 p.m.

First Meal: Friday dinner

Last Meal: Saturday dinner

Facility: Rivertown

Age 18 and up2019 JANUARY 18–19

JANUARY 20–21SPEAKER: Rand HummelCOST: $89

JANUARY 19–20SPEAKER: Nathan CrockettCOST: $89



PPPPUUURRRPPPOOSSSSEEETTo ppproviviiddede a ttimimimme for cocoupuppleless toto renewww ttheir rrrelele attioioi n-

shhhiip, , rreretreaaattt t fromm hhheectic scheduduleleles,ss rejoioiicececc inn GGodd’d’s

gggooodddnesssss tthrououugghghout t ththe papap stst yyeaear,r, andndd rrrefle ectcttc on ddeed ci---

siiooonns neneeeeedededdd ffor tthhehee uupcomoming gg yeeararar—a—an ininndid sppeeene saablblbb e

ttimmme ooooff coommmmmuunnniicicatattioioion,n,, gggivivivinining,g,g, llovovovini g,g,g aandn tttimimee spss ennntt


BEEENNNEEFFFFIITTTSSS TTTOOOO TTHEE CCCCAAAMMMMPPPPPEEERRR• FFivvve sseessssiioonns dddeesigggngned to spsppeaee k k dddireecctctlylyly tttoo thhhee

rroooles oofff hhhuusbbabaanndd aand wwwwifififife.ee Eaaccch wwiwiill beee diid rreectteeed ttooowarrd ddeccisssioonsss thaaaattt willl ssstreennngtthhhenn ttthheiirr mmmmarrriiagggeee. GGoooddly ppareeeenting iis aa ssseccooonddaaaryyy gggooall.

• PPrrivvattta e coootttagagggese fffforo eeacacaca hhh cccoupppplle ccooommpppleeeteee wwittthh bbaaathhroooooommm, shs ooowwerrr, , , sis nk, and d OOOOld WWWesstt cchhhaaarmm.

• AcAccttit vivititiiesss ttthaat eeenncoc urragagageee ccommmmuuunicicaaatiiionnn aanddd intteeeractttc iooi nnn wiiww tht ooonenen aanothheer..

•• CCoC ststt iinccluluudeees alaa l l mem alls and wewesttteeerrnnn cocoottttagggeelolooodgginnni g.g

• Reettrtrt eatt isisi lonong gg ene ououughghgh ttoo o bebebe a gggeetetawawayyy, yyet ssshshorrtt t ene ououuughgg ttooo mam keke iitt popopossssibiblelee tttoo gegett timmmee off ff wwwork k k ananna d babaabybb siittttererers.s

BENEFITTSSSSS TTTTTTTOOOOOO TTTTTTTHHHHHHEEEEEE CCCCCCCCHHHHHHUUUUUURRRRRCCH• Stroroonngngngngg cccououououpplplplpleeseses ppprororovivividdedede ssttatatabibibilililitytyty fffforororor ttthehehehe cchuhuhuhuhuh rcrch.

ThThhhhiisisisiss rrreeetetrerereeaattt aaalllllloowowows s ththththeeee spspspspeaeaeaeakekeker totototo ddddeaeae llll wiwiiwww thhththt tttttopoppooo ici s tththththhaatatatt mmmmaayyy bbbbeeee totoooooo spspspspecececcifiifiifiificc ffforror aaa cccchuhuhuuh rcrcrcr hhhh seeess rvvvr icicici ee.e.e.

• TThThhhee ppaaaststttoorrrr aanndndndd hhhhiiisisiss wwwwififififee hahaveveveve tttttheheheehh oooppppppp oorroo ttutut nnin ttytyty ttttoobbbebe wwiiithhhh oototthheheerr ccococooouupppplleleles s s wiwiwiwithhththt ououuut t thththhheee dididiid sttts rar cctcc iioi nnnn ooooff cccchiildddreeeen aannnndd///ooorrr aa bbuuuusyyyy schchchheeddduuulee...

•• CCCChuuuru cchhhhc esssse hhaavvva ee e aaaaa grgrrg eaaaee tttt opopopopppopopoortrtrtrtuunnnititittyyyy tototoo sssspoooonnsnsoooor aaannununnnu sasaaaveveedddd orororr sstrtrtt uguggugglglglglglgg inininingg gg cocoupuppplelelele. . . TTThThThhee llelelennngnggtththh ooof f f ttthhhiiiss ccaacc mmmppppm aallllllowowowws ss cooccc upupupuplelelessss tototo bbbbbuiuiuiuildldldld rrrelelelelaatttioioioionsnsnsshhihihipspspss wwwwiiitthhhhototottto heheeehh rsrsrr iiiinnnn ththhthe ee chhhchcc ururururchhchchch. ThThThiisis iiis s anananan eeexcxcxcceeelelllelelentntntt wwwaaayayy tttttoooo gget neeww www cococc upupupupleleelessss inininvoovovolvllvlvedededed aaandndndnd ccccoonononnnenenectctctedededed tttoo o o ttththeeee rrerest of the chchhurururrurchchhchcc ggggrorororoupuppup.


Age 18 and up

Fall and Spring options

Custom dates availableSee Custom Camp section or call the camp offi ce for details.


FEBRUARY 23–25SPEAKER: Sam & Beth Horn


NOVEMBER 9–11SPEAKER: Dennis & Marilyn St. Lawrence


HHHHIIIIIGGGGGHHHHHLLLLIIIGGGGHHHHTTTSSS•• LLaLantntntteern-n--llilit bababaannqnquet featuring baababarbrbececcueu dddd trtt i-i-tititip pp

hohohoot offoffoff ththhheee grgrililllllll wwiwith skits ffolollollolololowiww nggg tttheeeh mmeeaeaal.

•• OpOpOpeennn schchhheeddulululleee onn FFriririddadayyyy evevenninnining g alalallloll wwswss timimimee aaaloononne oooor ffeelelelloowwswswshhiiippp wiwiwiththth ooothhhtt ererer ccouuuplpp esesess.

•• TThThhe CCCoouuuppleleeess’ CCChhhahallllenenengegegeg eeenccn ouuuo raraar gegegeess aaa coooupuu leell ttto wwworrrrk tttoooggeeethhheeer r anananndd enennjojojoj y y y a nonoon n-n-sskkks illll l cooomppppm ettiitti iooon wwitttth oooothheeerrr cccoouuupplesesess.

• Thhee ccoouuppplleees’’ aaacctiivvittyyyy follllooowwiiingggg FFriiidddaayy luuuncccch iissddeessis ggnnneeddd tttooo eennnccouuruu aggee eaassysysy ccooonnvvveeersssaatiiioonn...

• TTTrT avvvvell ttto aanana dddd frfrff ommmo ccama p p alallllololowwsss uuuninininnteeeerruuuuptteeeed titimmeem fforrr ccoonnnveeev rsrssatataa ioion and d titimmmeee ttooogogetettthheerrr.r.

• OOOlddd WeeeW stsss pphohohh totos ss mamam kek aa gggrerereatat mmmeeememoororry fofofoor eeeacchhh coouuppu lelelel andndndnd thehee eeentn ire hchurrchchch gggrroupupupup.

•• Evvveenee innng gg wwawaagogog n iiriridedededesss s ununundededederrr tththe ststtaaararss.

•• SeSeeS ssssss ioonsnsnsn aree rrrecee ordededdd anandd aree avavavailaabblblble oonnnllinneee afaffaa teterr cacacc mppm iiiisss s dod ne.


COST: $335/

COST: $325/

FEBRUARY 22–24SPEAKER: Jeff & Colleen McQueary

NOVEMBER 1–3SPEAKER: Keith Gephart

NOVEMBER 8–10SPEAKER: Torrey & Jalene Jaspers

All prices are subject to change.

Check-in Time: 4:00–6:00 p.m.

First Meal: Thursday dinner

Last Meal: Saturday brunch

Facility: Rivertown2019 FEBRUARY 21–23



PPUUUURRPPPPOOOOSSSEEETToTo ggggiivive sststuddenenents ann adadadadvveventntururououuouss,s,s extennndededd d fi fi fielddd trt ippp

thhhaaat wwwill l ccchalleleeennnge mimidddddlelele-e-elelementnttararara y y ststtududu enennts ttto

lleleearnnn mmomoore aaaabbboutut cccooowboysys,, hoh rsess, anana d ththhthe e hihiiststs orrry yy oofoff

ttheee lalaattte 111188800s0s0ss. ThThisiss ppprrogramm eeempmpm haaasisiss zez sss chaaarracca tett r

grgrrowwwwttth aaannd bbbbiiiblilicacaall ChChChriistststiaiaiannn lililiviiiv ngngng.

BBEEENNNNEEFFFIITTTTSSS TTTTOOOO TTTTHHEEE CCCCAAMMMMMPPPEERRRR•• HHHHorsrsseebbaaackkk rrriddinnngng ffoooror everyy ccccammaa ppepep rr iinnccllc uuddu eededd innn


•• PPPreeaaachhiinggg seessssiionnnns bbbyy y Ironnnwwoooood ssstaaff ffff.

•• LLLLearrnin ngnggn mmmmmaadeee fuf nnnn throrougugh hhahahandnddds-oonnn exxxppeerrriiennnncesss oooff roooppinngg,g ccooowwbbobooy y clclclototoo hihingngngng,, annddd ““ccowowwwwbboooyy ccrraftttss.”

• Clllaasa sseees mmamam kkeeek hhisi tototoryryry ccomomee alalaliiivee! NNNooo bbboorinnngng claassssroooooo mm lelel ctctctururureses, , but ffun anand d d iiinnnttteeerrraacttiivivve leleleessooonns s wwwithhhh lottssss off ssstotot riririessee !!!

• EaEaaarlrr y mmmmornnininingg hihikekekesss ana d acactititivivivittitiees iinnn tthee bbbeauauuuttifufuul, nnan ttuuurar l dededed sertrtt sssete ting.

• Eaachcc sstututudentntntt rrrece eiveess aa bobo koklet wiwiwiwitthth alllll ttthhee ccclassssss nnonon tees.s.s

BENEEFFFFFIIIIIITTTTTTSSSSSSSS TTTTTTOOOOOOO SSSSSCCCCHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLL• A A sssasasaafefeeee eennvnvnviirrrooonnnmmemementntt fffforororor tttthehehehe aaaacttc iviviveeee stststs udddduu eennee t.t.tt

• GGGGrGrooououpppps bbbriririinnngggg tttthheheheeiiririr ooownwnwnwn cccouououounssnsn elelelelorrooo ssss fooof r rrr adadaddededed d dddaaccccccoooounnntatataabibibiillliitytytytyy aaaanndndndnddd aaaa sshhahareredddd exexexexexpepepeepp riririieennnee ceeecc ...

•• CCCCammmmaaarraaadedeeeririiiee aaammmmmoonnnngg g g yyyoyourr ggggroorr uuuppp aaasss thhhht eyyyy lleeeaaae rnnnn nnneewww skkkkillllls aaannddd aaacctttiivviitieeees.



Great option for school groups

CCCCCLLLAAAAASSSSSSSSEEEESSSS PPPOOOSSSSSSSIIIBBBLLLLEEE• Innttrtrrooducucuctiononnn tttoo Cowbboyoyyy HHisistory—C—C—Catata tlt ee DrD ivivveese

•• IIntrtrroodduuucuctiononnn ttto Coowbwbwbboyoyoy HHHHisisisi totot ryry—C—C—CCowoo bobooy y yy GeGeGearr

•• IInIntrtrroooducucccttiononn ttto CoCoowbwbwboyoy SSSkikikilllllls——s Arrchchchc eryyyy

• InInnntrodododducccttitionn ttto CCoCooowwbwbboyoy SSkiik lllllls———s—s—CaCaaC nonon eieieinngn

• IIntrtrrroodduuuctitiooonnn tttooo CCooowwwbwboy SSkikillllll s——s—s MaMaMaaM rkkkrr ssmms aaannshhhhipi

•• Inntttrooddducctttiooonnn tto o CCowwwbwboy Skikilllllll s——s RooRR pppinngggn

• Innttrooddduuccctioon tooo Deeeeseerrrt Histttot ryyyy——MMMinninnnggg

•• Innttrt ooddducccttit ooonnn ttoo o LiL veveveestockk Sttuudududieesss——BBBrrraannndsss

•• Inttrrrodduucu tiit onnnoo ttto o Liiiveevv sts ock Sttuudddiieess—————CCCaaattttleee

• InnnI troodododuccctitt ononn tto oo LiLiLiL vevv ststocockk StStududdiieieeesss———HHorrsrsse MMMMarkkkiingggs

••• InI trrrt odoo uucucctiononnn to LiLiL veveveststock StStudududiieies———HHHoHorssseees

• Intrtrtrododduucu tionononn to WeWeWestststererernn HiHiHistststoororyy—MoMoMoMojjavevee TTraaaiil


Cowboy History Camp is available only as a custom camp.

Targeted for grades 3–4

Custom dates availableSee Custom Camp section or call the camp offi ce for details.


PPUUUURPPPOOOOSSSSEEEETToTo ppprrrepapaarrere teeennsnss’’’ hearts iinn ththe areass ofofoo life aauua thhooro ity,y,

lifefee mmootototivattioioioons, anannddd d lililifefe princippiplelelesss ini ordrddrdere tooo beb ttttter

leleeadd bbby seeerrvrving g g ininin theeirir ffaamililiiess, cchurccheeheh s,s andndndn schhhoooo lslss.

BBBBEENNNNEFFFFIIITTSSSS TTTTTOOO TTTTHHHEEE CCCCCAAAMMMMPPEEERRR••• TTTThe e EEEzraa JJJouuurnnnall iis a tototoololol fforo camma peeepp rsr tttoo evvvaaluaaaatet ,

tthinnnnkk, lleeaearnrnn,, aannd wwwrititee htheieirr owwwo n bib bbllb iici aalal ppriinncn ippplel s..

• Chhhaaalleennngggeesss ccammmppersss tttoo thhththininink k ababooout t wwwhhhattt ttheeyyy ybeeeelieevvvee aaannndd hohoooww tototoo make prracacca ticcaaal aappplllpp iccatta ioonn n inn thhheirr lllivvvess.

• PPeeersoonaaal evvaaluuatttion ttime gggiivesss caammmpperrsss a ggooooddsttaarttinnnggg pppooinntt forrr areeaasa theeeey nneeeedd ttto wwwooorkkk oon..

• CCaamppeere sss wwiiw ll bbbee chchchhala lenged ttttooo dedeeeeppennn tthheheeir reellaatiioonno sshshhippii wwittiti h h GoGoodddd anandd d wwworkk ooon tthhheeieir leaaddderrshshhippp ssskikills ss frfrf omo a bibliliccaaalll pepersrsspppecctctiivee.e.

••• TTTiT memeee awwaaayyy frfrf oomom ddistrtracacactititioonons ofof lififfe tttoo ssppennndd gegegeettininngg g too kkknooow ww GoGG d’d’ss WoWordrd aandndnd ppplaannn ffor r eeeachhh inddidid vidduuual.

•• FrFF ienndndn shhipppips s strerengnggthththeneneded aandndnd ggrorouppp uuunnityyyy bbbuiltltt.

BBEEEEENNNNNNEEEEFFFFIIIITTTSSSS TTTTOOO CCCHHHUUURRRCCCHHHH////SSSSCCCCHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOLL••• OOnOnn thehehee lasssttt nighghghghtt,t, ttteeens get ttogoggettete heher tototo talalllk k k abbbooout t

hhooowwww thhheeeyy cccaanan betettteteteterrr seserve e ininin tttthehehh ir hhhomommo e, ssschhhooooo l,l, aaanand ccchhuururrcch. MMaMaManynyy tttimimimmeseses ttthihihihisss rerer sus ltlttssss ini ooovevevv r anaa hhhhouuo rrroff sshahaaarringnggg andndd bbbraaininstststoror imimingngng aabobooututuu hhowowowo ttoo oo beee bbebetttttteer sssseervvavaanttss wwhwhenenen ttthheheyyy yy rereretuut rnnrnr hhomomomme.

••• Exxxxcccellllllleenntttt sttrereetctctchhhihihingng timimeee fof r r yoooyounununuu g gg ppep ooopopleleee whhohoh wwwawantnttt too o ddooo rrigigiggghhhtt. ItItt iiiiss easyy ttoo cococonncccenenenee ttrtrratta eeee onnnn thhhee ooooneeess wwwwhhoo hhaaavvvee ooobbviiiooouous neeededede s aaana d d ovovovo eeerrloooookk tteeeennsss wwwhoooo aarrre nnnoott caauuussinnngg pprprpr boboblelelel mmsss. TThThT iis rrretttrreaaatt wwwwill ccchaaallleennnggeee bbboootth tthoooosee wwho aareeee onnn thheee “ffrrinnnggee””” annnd tthhoossse wwwhhooo aaarrree aalallrer aadada y cocommmmmiiitteteeed tooo ddoooinnngg rriiighhtt.

•• YYoYoounnnng ppepep ooppplelelee aaareer cccchah llllengegedd ttoto kkknnnooowww whwhhhatt ttheeeyybebeeelievevvve aanana dd whwhhww ererere e iti iiisss fofofouuundd ininnn tttthhheee BBibbbllele.

• TTTheee Ezrararar RRetetete reeatatata wwworororkksksk ww lelelellll l wiwiwiththth hhhiiggghhhh scchhhhoolololl sttuuddu enenene tss oooor yoyoooutuu hh grrgrouououppp.



HIGHLIGGHHHHHHTTTTTTSSSSSSS• Cammpmppppfififififi firereee oooonn n FrFrFrFrididididayayay nnnigigigghththt iiisss aaa spppececececiaaiai lll l tititt memememeem oof

shshhhaaaarriinnnnggg g wwhwhwhatatat GGGGodododod hhhasasasas ttttauauauaughhhghghg ttt ththththroooror uggugughhh h ththhht eee rereeeer trtrtt eat.

• EEzEzzzrrara iiiis nnnonooottt aananan aaaactctcttivivvvitititityyy-yy iiininintetetetetenssnsnsivvvive eee reeeer trttt eeaeaattt bububuut t raarr thththht eer aaa ttiimmmeee ttttoo aaaalllolololoww w w cacacaaammmmpmpmppererersss totototo rrrreflefleflflflefle eeeectttc oonnnn thththhee e ppapaasststst yyyyeeaaar aannnddd mmmmakakkkeee gggoooaalalllss s s fffofor ththththee neeeenn xxxtttxx yyeeeearrr.r

•• SSSSoouuvvveennnirrrr aanddddn bbbbboooooo kssssk totott rere, , ccococoff ff ffffeeeeee ssshhhhooopp,, annnnddd ssnnnaacckkk sshshhooopop ooopppeep nnnn ddduud riririr ngngngggg ffffrererer eeee titititimmmee.

• TTeTeeTT aamammm-bb-b-- uiiuiu ldldldldinnngggg acaccctititit viviviv tiitieses cchhahahaalllllllleennnnggggee ccccaamamamppppeerrsrsrs ttttoooooleeeleaararraa nnn tootott mmmmakkakake e riririr ghghhhghghg tttt chchchchoioioioicecececesss.

Great option for school groups


Ezra Retreat is available only as a custom camp.

Targeted for grades 7–12

Custom dates availableSee Custom Camp section or call the camp offi ce for details.

The material covered and sessions taught at Ezra were life-

changing—not just for our kids, but for me as well. I’m so glad our

young people can be challenged with God’s Word and its place in

their lives NOW.—Sponsor


Custom dates availableSee Custom Camp section or call the camp offi ce for details.

Check-in Time: 4:00–6:00 p.m.

First Meal: Thursday dinner

Last Meal: Saturday lunch

Facility: Rivertown

Activities for children

Activities for adults

All prices are subject to change.

PPUUURRPPPPOOOSEEEETTTo gggivivve theee eentiree ffamammiilily a memomorarar blble,e enjjoyoyyo ablee ttimime e

tooggegethererr. Famimillylyy CCampp isis aaimimede at gegeetttt ini g ththhhe e enntitit rre

ffaaammilyyy iiinvollvveveedd.

TTo ggggiive mmoththeerers ananandd faaththers bibb bllicicicalal pphiihh lol sooophpp y,

praaaccticaaalll iddeaaas, aaandndd resouources tttoo stss reeenggn thheenne thhheheir


BBBEENNNEEEFFFIIITTTTSSS TTTOOOO TTHE CCAAAAMMPPPEEERRR• GGeneeeraaal sseessiiioons aaanndnd workskshhohop ooppptioonnss prrpp oovvo iddee

ressooourrrceees s annndd wiiissdsdom ffror m seseeeasa oonnnedd gggooddlylyy leaaddderrss..

• Accttiiviitieess deessignnned ttto allowwww theee enntiiree faaammmilllyy too paarrtticccipppatte..

• Timmmee wwwiiithh mmmoom aaannd dadaadddd wwithoououut TTVVV, pphooonnne,, wworrrkk, llauunndrrry,,yy or r chchhooresss.. MeM moriesess mmaddeee ddurrrinnng tthhis tttimmee wiili l ll sttickk k wwith aaa ffamamilillyy y ffor tthhhe reressst ooof tthheirrr liliivev s!!s

•• SSeeessioionnsn pppacacckeked wiwiwiththt ii fnformmamationon ooon hhhoowww to bbbbuuilddd yoouuur ffaammmily.y.y.

• Lineennsn pproor vivv dedeed fofofor r adults. KiKiKiddds uuunddeeer tthee aaagge oooff 11181 shhoooulu dd brbrrb inini g thththeiee r sleepipip ngngng bagaggss.

BENNNEEEEEEEFFFFFFFIIIIITTTTTTSSSSS TTTTTTOOOOO CCCCCCHHHHHHUUUUUURRRRRRCCCCCHHHHHH• CCCCoCoonnncnceeenentrtrtratattteeedddd ttttiiimmmmeeee ofofof lleaearnrninining gg g abababba ouuuooo t tt t fafafaf mmimimilylyyy aannndnddd

wwhwhwhhaatatt ttthhheheee BBBiibibibblelelele sssaayayayayyysss s s abababbououououttt t ititititit.

•• HHHHeelllpp innnn trrrraiinnniinnnggggg ttthhehehee nnnnexexexextttt geegegeg neneneen rararaar titiitt oonnno ooof ff yyyoouurru cccchuurrcchhhh.

•• EEEsEsppppecciic aaallylylyy hhhheelllpfpfpfffpp uullluu fffforrro tttthehehehe yyyyoououounngngnggg fffaammmmilllyyy. MMMMaannnnyy yttiiimmeeeem s aa yyyoooy uunnnuu g g g g fafafafamimimimimim lylylylyyy iiss ststrurururuggggggggggllililinngnggg wwwwiititith h h aalalll ttththeeee aadddaa jujuujustststtmmemeentntntn s s annaaa dddd neenn wwww rorororolelelelesss. TTTTakakakakiininnngggg titiimmmmemee oooouuuttt oooff f f aaabubuuuub sysyyys ssschchchhededde ulullluu eeee annna dddd enenene cocourururagagagagininining g g yyoyoyoununung g g g fffafaammmmimillililiieeeess wiillllll bbbbbbenennne efififiefiee tttt tttthehehh mmm fofof rr yeyeyey arararss ttotoo cccooommee.e.e.





HIGGHHHHHLLLLLLIIIIIGGGGGHHHHHTTTTSSSSS• FFFrFrrididdaayayay FFaamamamily y y HoHoHoededowowowownn—nn OuOuO r r stststaffaffaff teteeammamaa pppproor viviviviv deeddd s s

ffooooododd aaaannddd fffununnn ttthhahat boboboothththth tttthehehehe kkidi s anannand d adadadulullltststt wwwwilli l l llolovveveve.

• UUUUnnccclleeee WWaWaWaallly’y’yy sss BoBoBooookokkkstststororororeee e hahahas ss mamamm nynyyy heelelelpfffp uuluu bbbooooooksksss annnd d mmaaaattteerriririalalss s ffofofooorrr sasallee..

•• HHHoorrseeeebaaacckk rriiidddidinngggg fforororr aage eeeeigigighththth aanndddn uuupp wiiiw tht ssigggn---uuupp att noooo aaddddddiiitiiooonnaaall cocooost. KiKKK dddddiieee rriidddeeess ffooor yyyouuunngeerr ccchhiiildrrrennnn aallslsoooo aavvvaailalalaablbllle.e.e.e

•• MMMaaiinn ssssesse ssis oonnnsss aarra ee alalalalll rerecocordrdrddeeedd aaannnddd aarreree aaavvvaaiiillababbleeee onnno liinnnen tttto oo liliil sttss enenene tttooooo orororo ddowownlnllloaoaoaaaddd..

•• OlOlOlldd WWeWeeW ststs ppphohhh toooto pppacckakkagegess fofor r fafafaammilililiieees aaaavvaaaiiilabababbleee aaatt nnonon aaaaddddd itititioiooonanan l l cocococoststs .

• CrCrCCC eaaae tititt viviitytytyty comomompeepep tiititititititionononon f—f—ffamamamililiieeesss wwoorkrkrkk togogogogeetethheheheeerr onnnno aaaa ttheheheh mememm ddd prprprprojoject t hwhwhililile hhavivingngngng fffununn tttoogoggetetetethhheheerr.


I appreciate Ironwood

because I came here

as a kid to horseman-

ship camp. I love that

now my kids can be a

part of Ironwood, too.



$20 discount for the fi rst eight families that sign up (call registration offi ce for


2019 MARCH 14–16

MARCH 15–17SPEAKER: Neil & Charity BerkeyCOST: $130 per personAges 4 and under come free

MARCH 16–18SPEAKER: Kit JohnsonCOST: $125 per personAges 4 and under come free


All prices are subject to change.

PURPPOOOOOOSSSSSSEEEEETo gggivivvveeee fafaaatthththererrssss ann ooopppppporortutuninityty tttooo spspspenennndddd ququuualalaa ittti y y yyy titime

wiwitththhh ttheheheeiirr sssonnnsss. FFFaatatathhherss aaandndndd sssonono s wiwiwiwilllll ppplalal y,y lleaeaaarnnrr ,, anannaaa dd

ggrgrgrroowowww ttogogoggettthhheerrr r ttthrororoouugghh ththththiisisis rrrettetetrererereatata .

BBBBEEEENNNNNEEEEEFFFIIIITTTTTSSSS TTTTTTOOOOOOO TTTTHHHHHHEEEEE CCCCCCAAAAAAAMMMMMMPPPPEEEERRRR•• Fooouurrr seeeervvvivicceeesss aaannddd aa ssspspllit seeesssss ioooi nn dededeedd ssisis ggngnneededd tttoo

spppeecccififififi caallyyy hhheeellppp ffaatttheeeers aanndd soooons..

•• Saaafeeee ennnvvn iirri oonnnmmmmmeentntntt forororor fatheheeerrrss ttttooo leleleeettt ttththeeeieir sssoonnns eexxe pllpp oooree,e,e, ppplall y,y,yy aaandnddn llleaaeaearnrn..

• AAcAcActiiiviivv tititit esss ddeesessiggnenenen ddd tototototo hhhelelelppp p p ffafafatthththeers s s aanndddd sosooonsnss ccrc eeaeaeateee ttogogogo etetettheehh r.rr.

•• HaaaH vivv ngngngg fffununu ttttogogogo etettheheheherr.r.r.

• AAdAdAddvevev ntntntn urru eeee offoo aaa cccamma piipingng ttt iriripp wiwithththoouut t t aalalall thththheeehahassssss leleleless ofofoffo aaaa ccamammmpipipipingngngg trip.p

BENEFITTTSSSSSS TTTTTTTOOOOOOO CCCCCCCHHHHHHUUUUUURRRRRRRCCCCCCCCHHHHHH• Heelplplpppsssss fffafaathththheererrsss s sseett t asasasididididee ititimeme iiinnn thththeieiieirrrr bubuubb sysyysys ssschchhchcc ede ules

totooo bbbbbee e wwwiwiithththth tttheheheeiriririr fffammmmililililyyyy.

• AAAA A gggrgrououuuppp oofofff fffatatatthhhheeeerrsrsrs aandndndnd sssonononssss isisi aaa ggggreeeer ataaa ttttimmmimi e offooo uunnnnitttyyy aaannnddd fefefefellllllooowwwwsshshshhhiipipipipp fffforor tthehe wwwwwhohohohh leelel ggggroroooupppp.

•• GGGGivvvvesss tththheee e ddaaaddsdss iiiinnnn yyyoyouururur chuhurcrcrcrchhhh thhhhtt eeeee ooopppppoop rrtr uuuniti yyyy tttoo bbeee tthhheee seeeervvvvaaannntt (((lleeeaadddeder) ttttoo thheeiirrr sooonnss.


Custom dates availableSee Custom Camp section or call the camp offi ce for details.

All ages welcomeAccompanied by a parent

Sessions specifi c to dads

I love coming to Ironwood because the speakers are always excellent, the food

is fantastic, and the activities are quite entertaining. —Aaron“




HHIIIGGGHHHHLLLIGGHHHHTTTTSS•• AAAnAnnualall UUU-Buildld CCCoomomppe itititionon—ff—f— atatheh rs aandndnn sonnss

tteammm uup too ccrrereate the bebestst entry fffororo ccompepeeetit tionnn.

• Exxxcccelleenntt t foodod incncncluluding the fffamama ouous trri-i-i titip bbbabarbeecccuue FFriiddaday nininighghghtt.

• Faththhheer-SSoonon CCChhhalllllleengege—e—evevents s ththt atatat areree aa coommmbininaatatiooon ooof lluuck and skill. SScooc rerer ss s frrooomm bbootto h ththhee faaththhererrs aanndd sooonnns ggivivee aa wiwiwinnn eer iiinnn sssevveverar l aagga e cccaateegogooriieesss. Itt is s ttthhee trophy thahat eeve ereryoyoonnne wwwaanttstss!

•• SSSkitt pprooogggraam fffoollowwwiwinng dininneeen r onn FFFriddaaay yy nin gghhg t.

• Shhooootitiinng rannngge iisss openennn—e—e— veryryyytht innggg frfrooommm BBBB guunns to dddeeeer rifl eees shhooow uuupp. Thisss is aa grg eeaaat titimmmeee tooo tteaaacch yoouur yyyooounng’’uuns tto shhhoot.

• Soouuvveeeniir annndd boooookstotooorer , ccocooff eeee shoopp, aannndd snnnaackk shooppp oooppeenn ddudurir nggg ffree itimes..

•• SSSoldldieiei rr MMMounu tatat ini hikikike—ee 11,1,,0000000-fofooooot ccliimmmbmbb wwwiith aaaspspps ecctataacuuulalaar viv ewww!!

• HHooorseebbaaca kk k ririididd ngng avavaailililababablelele wwith h ssigggn---uppp atat noooaddddidid tioonaala ccosoo ttt fof r r agage eighg t t aanddd uppp. KiKiiddddie rriidesss ara e aalala so aavavaailababablee fffororo those uuunndndererer aggege eeighhthtt.

•• GGiGiiana t SlSllS idi e isis oopepep n dud iririnng swimm ttitimme!


JUNE 8–10SPEAKER: Randall ShanksCOST: $165 for fathers $110 for sons (5–17)*

JUNE 14–16SPEAKER: Rob WatkinsCOST: $165 for fathers $110 for sons (5–17)*

Check-in Time: 4:00–6:00 p.m.

First Meal: Thursday dinner

Last Meal: Saturday lunch

2019 JUNE 13–15

*children age four and under come free


PUUURRPPPPOOOSEEETTTo rreeaaacch yyoououunng peoeoplplee e anandd sttreenggngthhtht enen familillilieiei s thhroroor ugu hh h

thheee ccampmpppiining miminininisstry by y ususiningg horsess aaas ss aa tooololl to bubuuilild

cchhhaaracctteteer anndddd tteacchh lifefee lllesessosonssns..

BEEEENNEEEEFFFITTTSSS TTTOOOOO TTTHHHEEE CCCCAAAMMMMMPPPPEERRRR• A lleeeveelleeddd pprprogogograamm that allows tht e ee caaampppeer tooo prp ogoggg-

reeesss aat t hhisss oowownn spppeeeeed.d.

••• EEnntrry y leevvveeellss havavve e written and rir ddid ngg tteessse tst ,, ggiviinngng ttthee ccaammmppperr a wwwweell-rororoounundeded ddd weww ekekk oof exxxe pepeeririieenceee aandd kknnnowwwlledddggee.

• Onneee-ooon--ooneee tteaccchchingg g g bby aaann exxppperiieeencceddd wwwrrrangglleer whhooo wwwooorkks wwwwelll wwithhhh horseesss annddd, mmoooree immmpooortat nnntt-ly, pppeoooppplee.

• Hoorrsse scccieencccee clllaasa ses s s thththatatatt teaaccchch hhooorseemmmaaanssshhip sskiilllss sssuccchh asss rroppinnii g,g buckingg bbbarrrreeel, aannnd cooonnforrr--mmmatiit oonno ..

••• FFiiF vee eevveeeniiin nggn sererervivices and fourur mmmorrniinnggg cchhhaapeeell titimmmess tththatatat ccchaah llennngegege eeacachh caammmperer ttooo ttatakekee ttheee nnexxttt t sttepeppe inn hhih s sppss irii ittuau l growtth.

• Horrsse e obobjejeects ss lessssssons—manynyy ssspipiririrituuaaal llesssosoons ccccaan bbbeb leaeaarnr eded fffroror m thththe events ooff f tththe ddadayy.

• Smmmmala l nnuumbm ererss ofofof ccampers mmeeaean aa cammmpper isss nneveeer r justtt aaa nummbebeb r. Thehe iindividuaall aattentnttiioioonn byy tttthhhe stataaff ff mmam kees ss tht is ccammma p p p a premium caammpmpp..


HHIIIGGGGGHHHHLLLLIIIIGGGGHHHHTTTTSSSS•• ThThThhee ShShShhoodeoeoeo aaftftteererer bbbreakfastt oonnn SaSaSaS tut rdrdrdaya iiis sss aa grgrrreaaee t tt

ttimmmeme fooror ccaamammpersrss ttttoooo hshshowow ooffffffff tttthehh skikikillllll s s thththeyy hhhhavveeeleleleearnnnedd.d.. PParrreeenents aandndndd ffffriririenenendsdsdsds aaarer iinvnvnvviti ededd tto sess eeettheee ShShhhoddeeeoeo——c—ccoommplplp eetetteee wiiwiwiththth ggrandndndn entntnttryr , gagagg mmmess,s, ccoconncccesssssisionnnsss, aanndndnd ccclololowwwnwns.s.

••• MMeeechhhhaanniicicicalall bbbuuullllll aanddd rroroo iipipingnggng ccomommmpepepepp tititititioonnns.

• GGGGreaaat cccocouunnnssseeeloorsrsrss wwwhhhoho lovee ththtt eeiiir rr ccaaammmpppeerssss.

• TTTheee smmmmallll, fffaaammiilyy-lliikeeee atmoooosppppheerree mmmmmakkesss HHHorrrssemmmaannnsshhhippi CCCCammmma pp fufufufunnnn tto ccccommmme bbbaaacckkk toooaagggaiiinn aaanndd aaggga aaain n totoot seeeeeee ooldldldd fffriieenennddsss.

••• Exxxcicc tiiinngn cccammmp pp acccaa tiitt vivitiies aree aavvavavaiilillaabbblele dddduuriininng g ttththeeetititimmeees ccacaampmppperre s s araa eee nooonn ttt ririridididinngngng hhhorororsesess ooor llleeeearnrnnniinnggg abbbouuo t tt thheememe .

•• ReReReewaaw rdrdr ss anana d rereerecococ gng ititioionn aas cammmpppepers cccooommpppletettteeeeaeaee chchhh levvvelee aandndndn a graddudu tatatiioioionn cereemmomoonnyyy fffor ttthhhhosseee whwhhhw ooo fi finininin shs tthehehe pprorogrgrgramamama .

Ages 10–18

Check-in Time: 10:00 a.m.–noon

First Meal: Monday lunch

Last Meal: Saturday breakfast

Facility: Ike’s Roost



HORSE 2 JULY 9–14SPEAKER Bodie Brock



HORSEMANNSSSHHHHHIIIIIIPPPPPP LLLLLEEEEEVVVVVEEEEEELLLLLLSSSSSHorsemanshshhipipipipp CCCCCaammmppp p iisis aa lllevevevevelelelel ppprororogrgrgrgramamamam tthahatttt tatatakekes ss yoyooyoyoy unu g people

ages tenen tttthhhrhrroouuuggghgh eeeeigigigighhtteeeeeennn ffrfromom bbasasiicic rrridididinini g g sksksks illlslssls ttthrrh oououuo ghghg more

advanncccceeededd rrridididdiinnngggg innnsststruruuucctctctiiion,n,n, hhhhororororsesesese ttttrarararainini ing gg sksksks illli lslsls, ,, anannnddd teteeteacaca hhihiih ngngn op-

portrttuuuunnnitittieieiees... RRRidddeererrsss s prprroogogogreessssssss aaattt hthth ieieirr owwowownn n sppppeeeee d dd annaa ddd ararrre e rererer wwawaaarddr ed

a mmmemeerritt t coooonnccchhhooo ffororrr eeaacacachhh ccococommpmpmppleleleteteteddd leelelel veveevel.l. LLLLevevee elelele s 1111 ththhrooougguu hhh 555 aarre

mmmaaaannddaaatooorory y y anannndd mmmmuuussstt bbbbe e e cococoommpmpmpleleleteteteddd beebefooofoforeeerr cchhohooososssinngggg sssubbbsbseeqqquueeeenntt

hhoooorrseeemmaaanssshhiiip aaaandddd sskkkikilllllll---bbuiuiuildlderererer cclllalassssssss ooptptptp ioiooonsnsnsnn .. A A ttotot ttaaal ooofof sssevvvvennnnteeeeeenn

ccoooonncchhooss aaree reeqqquuiiireeddd too gggrradddduaaaatte fffrrrorommmm tthhhee ppprroooggrraaammm.

LLEEEEVVEEEEL OONNNO EEEECCaammmmpmpeeere ss lel aaarnn nn hooooh rsrr eee seess nsnsnsn eee anananaa ddd sasafefetytytyy rrrululululleeesss. WWWrWrriitititteeeenn mmmamatteteririiiaall cccoovvveeeerrsspaartrtttss ss ofofffo tthehehee ssadddaa dlddd ee anaaa dddd brbrbb ididdidlelelele (((((wewewestststerererrnnn tataackckckck))), tttthhhehe ffffooouuurr nnanaatuuuurraal l aaaiaidds andd thththhheieie rr uusu eeseses, ananandddd papapp rtrttrtssss offo ttthehehehe hhhhororororsesesese. RRRiRiddidingngngng reqeqeqquuiirreremmemementntttss iinnnnccclclluude propeerr llllleeaaee dididiinggngn , moommm unununtitiitingngngng,,, anddd didididismsmouounttininingg;g;g; ddemememonononnsssttrararaatttitinngngngngg ppprroper equitatitionnnno aaaatt thhththee wawawawalklk aaandndnd ttrorott,, iincncllululudididinngngg ccciriririrclclclininnggg g anannddddd cchchanging direction wiwiththhhht ououuouoo tt chchchhc ananana giigig ngngg ggggaiaiaiaittt,t, aaaandndndnd tttthhehehe hhhalaltt.t.t.



COST: $495

COST: $495

HORSE 2 JULY 3–8SPEAKER Stephen Martens


CCaaaaammmmmppppeerererrsss s ssststttaaaayayyyiinininininnnggggg g fofofoforrrr twwwwtwtwtwtwo oooo wweweweeeww eekekekee sss s mmmmaaaaam yy sststtttaayyyy tthhheeee wwwwwweeeeeeeeekkkkekekeennndndndd bbbbbbetettetetwwwweeeeeeenenne cccaaammmmmmpppsss fffooooorr aaannnn aaadddddddiiitiiioonnnaaaal l l l fefefeef eee e ofofofof $$$$1131313355555...

((c(ccccoonnnntttiinnnuuuuedddd ooonnnn ttthheeee nnnneeeextxtxtxt ppppaaagggga ee)))

MULTIPLE WEEK DISCOUNTCampers attending more than one week receive a$100 discount for each additional week.

All prices are subject to change.



LLEEVVEL TWTWOOCaCaamperrs leeaarn moorerere parts of the hohoorsrse, tacck,k,k andnd typeeses aaand papartss of a llleeeveraggee bibibittt dudud rir ng wriririttt en wwwork.k Ridd-iing skskillslss incluluudde tacacckking up, mouuntntn ing, aaand exexex cuution of thhe ccorreeccct poososting diagog nal and babab ckininng.g CCamama ppers begginn lopiinnng eexxxerciseses.

LLEVVEVEL TTTHRRREECCammmpererrs’ wwwrittten matterereriiaiall coocovevev rs fourr arttitifi ciciial aaidi ss anndd thheeir uusess, twennttyty parts of the e hohh rse, hheaddd annnd foooto mmmarkiiingsgss, coommononn horrsse colorss ana d ththt eir ddesccrir ptttionnss. RRRidinnng ssskillls inclclluudee knowing the imimpooortancce ooof bbebeinggg oon aaa cooorreect leeaead aand how to determminenee whihichh leaaad aa hhorrsrse iis oon, cooorreect the wwroroongngng lead or ccroosss -firringgg, pposo t tto bbototth ddiaggooonaals, anddd ddemonsttrarar te proopeeer eqquitttatiioon at a wwwallkk anndd aa trot wwwitthhout stirrrruppps.

LEEVVVELL FOOOURRCCaammmpeers leleeaarn fi vvvee diff erent leveragageee bitss, tttheirr prresss-ssuureee ppoinntts,, anddd wwhat mamaakekekess themm mmmoree ooor leess see-vvverree; tthe coonforrrmmationn ooof thhee e lol werr lleleg; ttheee paartsss off tttheee hooof; thhirty pparts ooff f the horrsrsse,e andd howw tooo ideentttifyyy tttheee foootfaaallls of wwalkinnggg, trottingg,, and llooopingg gggaitss. RRid---iinggg skkillss inncludddee chaannnging posttiing diiaagonaalsss, coorreeecttt llleaad ddeppaarttureess, proppper equitatiiioon whiile ccirccclingg aanddd ccchaaangginggg ddireccctiion ((aaall gaits), aaand mmmaaintaainnningg gggaittt rrrhyyythmm anndd speeeeed.

LLLEVVVEL FIIVVECCCammmpeers rreviv eww aall partsts of f the hoorrrse, pparrts oof ttheee saaaddddlee, bassicc gaittss oof the horse, partts oof thehe hhhooff, ppaarttts offf thhhe bbriddlle,, and ffaace and leg maarkkkiings.. RiRiidingg sskkilllls innccluuude e abiiilitty y to hhhalaltet r, lead, ggrooooom, aanddd tacck uup p a hooorseee, saafelyy y tiie e a hoorsrsr e wiw th aa quiuiick-relleaasse knnottt, annd perrfr orrrm aa riddiingg patternrnn wwhilee ssshhowingg pprropeer eqqquiitta-ttionnn annnd eexecuuutioon of cues.

AAAt thhhe cccommo plp etioioon ofof Level 5, campmperrsss willl be e awwwardd--ededd a sssett oof sspurs iiin reecocogng itioonn of tthhhe harrd wwworkrkk anndd effffffort eexhhhibittede in cococ mpleting thehehe fi rst fifi vee levvvel aaas-ssigngnnmeentn s.s. Cammpers theheenn n chchooooosse two cconchchho oooptiooonss too wwwork ono fffor eeaca h additional week k of cccaamppp. WWrrann-gleerss wiw lll ggiveee direectc ion and counnssel baasssed oon ccaammp-er’ss abbib litieeses, dedeesis res, aandnd aavavaililability y oof ccllalasseess (ee.g., foalss aavvailabblb e fofoor r halter breakinngg)g). CaCaampererrss mmust coc mpplel tetee a mininnimumm ooof f f twelveve aaddditioonnnal coonnchoho op--ttiiono s too graraadud ate e frfrfrom the program.

SSSnSnafflafflafflaffl eee TTrTraiainininiingngng 111 ((((reererequququq irriredee ))

SSSnSnafflafflafflffl eeee TTraiaiaiininininingng 22 (((rereereququququiredededed))

CCCoolltltlt BBrrerereakakkiinining g (r(reqequiirereed)d)dd

TTTTraiaiaiil CCClClaassssss

HHaaaltttteerr BBBBrrerereeaakkkiininingg


TTTTeaaaamm SSSooortttiinggg

DDDDeevvvvootttiooononnns s // BiBiBiBiblb e StStStStududddyy

GyGyyymmmkmkhahahaah nananann

GGGrG ooouounndndnd WWWWorororo kkkkk

RooooRR unnuu d ddd PePeeennnn iningg

TeeTT aacca hihihih nggn RRRRididi ing SkSkillslss

RooooR pipipp ngngg


Conncncccchhhhohooossss arararree aaawwwwaaarrdededededdd fofofoforrr ccocompmppleleletitititinggngngn sssskikk lllllll-bbb-buiiuu ldldldldininnng ggg clclcllc asasa s-ess tttthhhahaattt t ararrree dddeeeesssigggngnededededd ttttoooo bbbrbrbrrroooaoaoadddededennnnn caacacacc mpmpmpmperererers’s’’’ eeexpxpxppeeerieieeenncccee aaananna d kknnnooowowwwlleeedddggge e oooffff hhoooorrsseseseeesss,s,s, aas s s wwwewellll aassss dedeeedd veveveevv lololol pp p p ththhheieiirr cchhhc aarra aaacctteteeerr.OOOppppppoooorttttunnniitttieeess tttoo mmmmminnnnisssstteeerr tototoo ooooththhht erree sss tthhhhhroooor ugggghhh thhheiiie r eeexxe pppeerrrii--eennnncceeess wwwwilll bbbeee taaaauuggghhhttt aaanndddd eencncncncooouourrararaggegegedddd. TTThhrrreeeeee coooonnnchhhhoosss aarrreepprrreeeerreeeqquuuuisssitteees s foooof r rr fi fi fifinniniiishshhhss innining g gg thhththeee prprprprooogogggrrrararammmm ((S(S(Snnnnaffl ffl ffl ffleee TTTTrraaiiinniinnnngg 1,, SSSSSnnaaafflffl fflfflfflffleeee TTTraraaainnni inniii g ggg 2,2,2 aaaaandndnddndnd CCCCololololttt t BBrBrBrBrBreeaeaeaaakkikikingngngng)).. TTTThehehee ooothththheererr nnnniiinnne reqquuuuirrii edededde fffforrroo ggggrararar dudududuatattta ioioioion nn cacann bbbebe ccchohohohoseseeennnn frfrfrroomomom tttthheheee llisisissstt t ofnineeteteeet eneneee ooooptptpttp iooioi nsnssns.



GGGrrraaaanndd d d EnEnnntrtrtryyy

FFFoFoorrrmrmm ttttooooo FFFuFunctitiononnn


TTaaaccckkk BBBuuuiildldddinnnng

GGGeeoooccccaaccca hhiiinggggn

SccccS riipptttp uuurure e e MeM momooorrryy WWWWWWoooorkkkk

SShShShooowowwmmamaaam nssnsnshihipp pp // / / GGGrGrGrroooooommmmiinnnnggg



Bring someone who has never attending Horsemanship

Camp with you and receive $50 off —no limit!


PUUURRPPPPOOOSEEETTTo tteeaeaacch andndndd encououraraggege jjuniior caacamppmpm ere s to ssseere ve ooothht erss s

anndd d brinnnggg gloorryy y to Godod iinn their hohohommes, cccchuh rchheeh s,

ccooommuuunnitieess,s,, aand wworrldldd.

BEEEENNEEEEFFFITTTSSS TTTOOOOO TTTHHHEEE CCCCAAAMMMMMPPPPEERRRR• Mooorrninngg g chhhaapppeel sservices includude aa a ststtorry y y aba oouuut t a

mmimiissioioonnnarryry fffroom ththhee ththememe cococontininenennt.t..

••• EEvvenniinng g g seseervvicceeess cchallengeg thehe cccammpepeersrss ttooo tat kkekee ttthee nnnexxxt ssppiritttuuaal ssteteteep.p.

• PPerrssonnnaall ddevvvootioonnn time encouurarr geesss thheeemmm tooo maam kke thiiss a ddaaailly hhhaabittt..

• A ccooounnnssselorrr gguidddes cccamperrrss thhrrrougghh aalll thhhee variiouuus acctiiviiv tieeess—aaaat t juniooorr caammmp eevveryyyonnee ggettssto ddo o eeevvverryttthhinggg.

•• EEacchhh cooouuunssellloor haaass seven or r eeeighht chiildddrreeenn inn hhiiss cccabbinnn. TTThihiis rattitioo allooowssww ttheheee ccounnssseeeloor tttoo o giivvee eeaaach ccacaampmpeere iiindnddivvidduuaau l l attention.

• ThThhhe e eemmmphhhp asssa isi oon papapartrticippatattioioion memeaanansss thhhaatt thheee funnn is bbeececauuuseee yyouou’re doing sosomeeetthhhiiingg g anand nnonot beb ccaausu ee yoyoou’’rerere wwwataa chhiing iit.

•• MMMMom ddodoesn’’n tt waw ntntt yyyouo to tataakekeke hererr caamererraa?a? Nooo o prroobo lem!m!m!m Higgh h ququualality picturree e CCDCDDss are e aavvailaabbbble fooor r a smmmmala l prricicci e e withth ppictures frfromom thee eeenntire e wwweekk!!!


BBBEEEEENNNNNEEEEEFFFFIITTTTTSSSS TTTOOOO TTTHHHEEE CCCHHHHUUUURRRRCCCCHHHHH••• FFFoFoururrr uuniiqqquee ththththeeemes ggive younunngg g pepep opopoplee vvvvara ieeeietyytyt ..

•• AAA A simmmpppllelele salalllvvvavationon mmmmesesessaasasagegegeg as wwewewell aaas sss prrrp acaa titiiicacc l ll Biibbblleee llesssssssoonnsss alalalllooww ththheee chchururchchh tttto o brbrrrininii g g kikikk dsdsds wwwhoohh aaareee fffammmimiliiaararar wwitittthhh thththeee BiBiBiblblbleee annnaa dddd tht oososse wwwhw oo o arra eene ’t’tt’ .

••• CCaCaammpmppererrrss leleeeaarrrnnnn skskiilllslsls ttthahahattt wiiww llll eeennncooouuraaaageeg ttheeeemmmtttoo ssseervvveve iinnn ttthhhee lolooccal chchchurururchh. EaaEE chchhc yyyeeeaar r cconnnnceeenn-tttrattttess onnn aa a dddiiff ffffeeereenennt skskili l———— e.g.ggg., pppuuuppppep ttsst aaandd mmuuuusicccall iiinnssttrruummeeenntssss.

• PPrP aaacctiicccal leeesssssonnns s ooonn pattriototttiismmmm, ccooommmmmmmuuunnitttyty sseses rvvvvicceee,e aanndddn cccaarininning g foforrr otototheerrsrsrs aareree tttaaauughghghht iininn ffuuun,, hhaaandddds-oonono wwwwayyys.s.s.

• EEaE rlrllr y yy ararrrrivavaaall (o(onnn SuSuS ndndndayayay, 101010:0:000000 pp..mmm.m.——m—m—midddnniggght)t)t)) is aaavavaaailii abbbblelel ffororro tthohosese ttraravevelilingngngg ooovveerr r r ssix x hhhohouuurs s fffofor r aaanan aaddddd ititti ioii naaalll l fef e.

Grades 4–7

Custom dates availableSee Custom Camp section or call the camp offi ce for details.


2017 HIGHLIIGGGHHHHHHTTTTTTSSSSS• A trtraiaiilll l rriridedee oooonn hhooorsrsrsrsebebeback anandd d aaa cacac mpp TT-ss-shihihih rtr aarereere iincncluluuludeededd dd in

tthheee e e ccacammpmpmp feeeeeee.

• SSSSaatutuurdrdayayayay mmooorniniinngng brerereeakakakakffafast is servvedededed oon ththhtheee BlBlBluffffffuu ssss aat t thththt ee eenenne d d

oofoff aa hhhaayyriririddedee.. TThhee e e fififi nanaalll l mmmesssagagee byy ttthehehehe sspeeeeakaaa errr iiss oooutdtdddoooorrsr

aaafafteeeerr sosoommemee yyyuuumummmymymy, cocooowbwbwbboyoyoyy flflflaaapjpjpjaccaa ksksks..

• Caaaampppfi firrere eeeevvveerryryry nniigigiggghththttt!!! CCCaCampmpmppfififi rerere cccanan bbbeeeee fufuuff nnnn yy,y,y, inntntterreeese ttitingggg,,

tataaasttyyy, ooor sseseeriiooouusss.s.

• WWWWeddnneesddddayy fuunnn nnniiigghhtt stttaartstsss aftftteeere ddddini nnnerr aannddd evvvverryyyonnne jjjoiinnns iin

ttthhe hiilllariiitty aaannddd ppplllaay.y

•• EEvEvverrryoooy neen gggeettts s tooot eeexxpxppererrieieii ncceee hthththee EdEdddgggee. OOOuOuOurrr hhiggggh rrrroopppeees ccoouuursseee

haaaas s sseevveeeraall l l evvveenne tstsst ttthahahahh t ttt yoyounununggg ppepeopopppllelele eeenjnjnjjooyyy.. TTThheeee teeeaacchhhabbbble e

mmooom mmeem nttnn ssss frf oomomom eeeacaa hhh exexexpepepepp iiriririenenenencececece mmmaakakakkeee ththisisss aa ssstttataff ffff aandndd ccaaaammpppeer

fafaavvoov riririr tet .

• ThhTTT e e eieiee ghghghhg t-t acccreer llllakakaka e hahahassss aaaa wiw de vvararrieieieiettytyty of acacacctitivivivittitiesesss iiinccclululuddiinnnngngg

ththhht e eee slslididddeee annndddd thhheee ror peepe sssswiwiwingngng..

• Refrfresessshmmhmhh enenne tststst aat t ththththee e e ChC uckk BBox and sosoouuvuvuveenirirssss aaanndd gigigigiffftfts s at the

Tradin’’ PoPooP ststststs aarere aavavavaililili abablele d iaillyy.

Check-in Time: 3:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.

First Meal: Monday dinner

Last Meal: Saturday breakfast

Facility: Broken I Ranch

SPEAKER: Bodie Brock





COST: $310 (before April 1)

$340 (after April 1)

SPEAKER: George Binoka





COST: $300 (before April 1)

$330 (after April 1)

All prices are subject to change.




PUUURRRRRRPPPPPOOOOOOOSSSSSSEEEEEEToTo pppproroooviviiidddeee lllleeeaaaaddddeeeerrrsshhihihipp p p pp tttrtrtrraiaiaiai iininingnggng ffffforrroroo tttteeeeeeee nsnsss,, aaagaggeesse ssixixxi teeeet enene

ttooo eeeiiigghhhhteeeeeenn, wwwwhhohooo wwwwiissshhhh totototo iiiinccnn rerereer asasasssa eeee ththhheieiiir leeel addddeerrrsshhhhiipp

ppooootteeenntttiiall annnndd///oorrr wwiiisshhh tttoto sssseerrrvveee ooonnn tthhhee Irrronnnwwwwoooooodd

vvoooooluunnnteeeeeee r sssuummmmmmmm eeerrre ttteaaaae m.mmm TTThihiss s s ppprprrrooogogggrrraaammmm iiisis dddeeessiigignnnneeddd ffofooorr

yoyoouuuttu hhhh wwwwhhooo arrraa ee ee ininini teteetererereeer ststststedededed iiinnn fffufuuurtrtrttthhheheheeerr CCChChhhrrriristststtiiaaan n grgrrrooowwwwwtthh

anndddd aaa ssusuummmmmmmererrre ooffff seeees rvrvrvr icicice-e-e-e orororiiieieientntntntedededd lllleeeaeaadedededersrsrsshhihihipp

BENEFIITTTSSSSSS TTTTTTOOOOOOOO TTTTTTTHHHHHHEEEEEE CCCCCCCHHHHHHUUUUUUURRRRRCCH• Leeadaddddeeeerersshshshhiipipippp ttttrrararaiininnininingg g g ttatakkekess llleleadadaderere ss inininin yyyyououuouo r rr yoyoyooyoyoy utu h

ggrgrrroooououpp p p aanannndddd stststtrerereettctctchheheheessss ththththememem bbbbyyyy puuupupp ttttttttinnnini g g g ththththememmmee wwwwwitittitii hh a ggggrgroououupp p p ofoff ooootthththerererer lleaeaeaeaddedededersrsrs..

• OOOuOurrr r ggogooaaaal iiisss ttototo tttteeeaeaeaaacchchch ttthehehehemmmm thhththt atattat “““a aa leeel addddaa errree sseeervvvveesss—————nnnnoo exxxcceeeppppttioooonnsss...””””

•• PPPrP ooooviiiddeeess frririieennndddsdssshihihiih pppp opopopoppopopp rtrtrtrtununnnittieieieeesss wwwwiwithhhh ppppeeeeerrsss fffrroommmmm aaccca roooossss ttttheeeehh ccooouuo nntntttn ryryryryry wwhihihihillelele lllleeeaearrnrnrnnniinininnngggg totototo ddddoo mmmiminniniiststttrryyy.. ThThhhTT ee ee frfrfrf ieeendndndndshshshhipppipssss mamamaam dedededede iiinnn thththththeeee sssusuummmmmmmmmeeeer ccccaananan hhhhelelllppp p imimmmmmememeem nsnsnsselelely y y asasasa oooldldldlderere tttteeeeeeeensnsnsns pppprreeepapapapareee ffffoororor llififffeee cchchchhooioioioiicceces.

BBBEENNNEEEFITTTSSSS TTO THE CAAMMMMPPPERRR• LLLearniniinnng andd ppprararactcticing the fifi veveve cccomo poneneen nts oofof


1. DDDiDiscipplilinenee

2.. Wisdsddoomom

333.3. Innitittiiatitiivvve

44. VViVisiooonn

5.. Huuumimimilityty

•• SSStuddyyyingngng aaandnd ppprrractcticing counnseees lil ngg ssskiik llll s————eacchhc ccammpppererr rrreecceivvveess thee ssasameeme ccounnseele inng toooolllss ana dddtraainnninnnggg thhat t oour ssusuummmer coouuunseelooors reeeceeeivvvee.

• Deevvvellloppiinggg teeammmwmwork k skskskili ls.

• Essttaabbblisshhinngg peerssonnaaal biblliicci al ccoono vviictc ionnnsss.

• Joouuurnnnallinng————a vvvaaluaaable tooooll to hhhelpp cammmpeerss exxpppreeessss wwhhatta thhheey arrrre ee thinnnkkinggg andd heelppp tttheeemm coommme tooo aa popooiint ofofoo decciisisiioion inn vvvarriiooouss aareeeasss oof lliiffe.

• Seervvvinnng g assa prrrayey r paapp rtner fofoorr r a coouuunsselllorrr———thhiss ggivvesss thhheeemm a gggrooup oofff cacacammmpers s tooo geet tttooo knnnoow aannd ppprayy ffforr spppecic fi ficcacalllly.y

•• HHaHaavinnggg theheheirirr owwn cououounsnselelelororor ffor tthheee dduuuraatatioon ooofof thheeieir titimmeme aaatt cacacampp.. This allowows fofoor aaa reellalattionnnssshipp thaatt ggroowswssw beyeyeyonnnddd the usual l ooone-e-e-weeeeekk spapaann of ssus mmmmmmere ccammma p.p

•• LeLeeeara niingggn a vararieetytyty oof skills aandndd ddevevelopoppining aa wwworkk ethhihiicc thatat hhhono orss GoG d

• FrF iendndddshss ips wiwiw ththth ggodly peers tthahahatt t wwill ccoononntinueeelool ngn beyeyyonono d the susummmm erer.


Ages 16–18

Check-in Time: 4:00–6:00 p.m.

First Meal: Monday dinner

Last Meal: Saturday lunch

This camp requires acceptance by application. E-mail istaff @ironwood.org for a link to apply online.



COST: $295



COST: $295

All prices are subject to change.


Leadership Live! veterans pay only the $50 registration fee.




PPPUUURRRPPPOOSSEEEETTo hhheelp gogogooddly memen n n bbebecome thohoroorouggughlh y ououutfitt tteddd fof r

loovviving sseeerervicee ttoo o GGod anandd otothehersrs and cchaahah lll engegeee menn tto o

kekeeep ggggrrowiinngngg towwaardd spspspiriritituall mamamatut rirityty in n thhtt eir liliivvev s.

BBBEEENNNEEEFFIITTTSSS TTTOOOO TTHHEE CCAAAMMMMMPPPEEEERRMen will be instructed, encouraged, and challenged to

• KNOW God and His Son Jesus Christ.

• DECIDE to trust the Word of God in their hearts.

• STUDY the Scriptures, listen to its reproof, obey its correction, and begin the practice of instruction or discipline in right living.

• DEVELOP a mission to accomplish the overall purpose of glorifying God in their lives.

• MAKE active choices of biblical application that will result in a manner of life that is growing in godliness.

• COMMUNICATE love through self-sacrifi ce evidenced by putting others fi rst.

• IDENTIFY God’s purpose in life for them personally.


• DO the work of ministry within their local church.

• MENTOR others to follow their example.


This weekend has been a great

opportunity to take inventory of my

life and refocus my eff orts to honor

God in all things. —Scott“


HHIIIGGGGGHHHHLLLLLIIIIGGGGGHHHHTTTTSSSS••• FoFooouur mmmmaainn ssesessssioioioonsnsns bbby a kek ynynottotote eee spspeaeaeaker r didd reectctc eeddd

ssppeeececifificccaalllylylyy tttowararrdsdsdsds ttthhehe nneeeeedsdsdsds oof mememeen.n

••• SSSSixx wwowoorrkrkshhhhooop ooopptptptiioionss fforor mmenn ttto ooo chhc ooooooo see tttopppo ici s sthhhatt bbbesssttt t memeeeeeet tthheheheiirir nnneeeeeedsdsds.

•• TTrrii-i--tippp p baaaarrbbeececcueueueee aaandnd sskikikitststs onn FrFrFrF idddii ayyyaa nnigiggghtth ..

•• SSShhoooootinnngg rrraannngggees—s———brrrinininingg yoooyouruu oooownwnww gggguunnn oorrr usssse ooouurrsrs.

• BBBruunnchhh oonnn SSSaaattuurddaaayy————don’t’t’ mmmmisss thheee cciinnnnaammmonn rroolllsss!

•• MMMMainnnn seeesssisiooonnns ss aare e e rerecooorddrdrdededed aanndndnd aarrreee aaavvaiilillaabbblle onnnnlinneee aaftftff ererr ccaaammmp.p.p

• SoSoouuvvvenniririi aandndndn bbooooooo ksksksk tototorerere,,, cococoffffff eeeee sshhoooppp,p, annndnd sssnnnaccck shs ooop oooopeep nnnn duuriririringngn ffrereee tititimemess.

•• ThhhT eeee Edddgeegg ——a—a— hhigiggighhhh roropep s courrsesesee ttthhat t teteteeaacchhehess ffafafaitthhh,h, pepepeersseveveve erananancee,, ananandd communicatattioioioon.n.

• JeJeJJ epepp tttououo rss ooooff f the bebebeauauautititifufufulll MoMoMojjavee DDDDeeeserertt.t.t.


Age 16 and up

Custom dates availableSee Custom Camp section or call the camp offi ce for details.


SEPTEMBER 28–30SPEAKER: Dave DoranCOST: $165

All prices are subject to change.

Check-in Time: 4:00–6:00 p.m.

First Meal: Thursday dinner

Last Meal: Saturday brunch

Facility: Rivertown

2019 SEPTEMBER 26–28




Check-in Time: 4:00–6:00 p.m.

First Meal: Thursday dinner

Last Meal: Saturday lunch

Facility: Broken I Ranch

PURPPOOOOOOSSSSSSEEEEETo gggiivivvveeee mmomomootththerererersss annn oooppppporortutuninitytyy tttooo spspspenennnddd ququuualalaa itittti y y yyy titit me

wiwiitthththh ttheheheeiirr ddddauuugghghghteteteerrsrs. MoMoothththherererersss ana d d dadadadauggugu hthth ererrrssss wwiwiwillll ppppplalall yy,

leleeeeaararnn,n,, annndnd gggrooowww totoooggggeththerererer tttthhrhrhrouououghghghgh tthihihiissss rer trtrrtreaaae t.tt

BBBBEEEENNNNNNEEEEEEFFFIIIITTTTTSSSS TTTTTTOOOOOOO TTTTHHHHHEEEEE CCCCCCAAAAAAAAMMMMMMPPPPPEEEERRRR•• Fooouurrr seeeessssiioonnnsss dddedesssisigngngnneded to spspsps eececcifiififificccaalllyyl hheeeelp

mmmootttheeeerss anndd dddaauuugghhhhteeerrs.

•• Saaafefeee ennnvvn iirroonnnmmmmmeentntntt fforororor motthhehehersrsss ttoo o o leleleettt t thhhheiirrr ddaad ugggguu httteeree ss s exexxxplplplpp oororro e,e pppplalal yy,y aandndndnd lleeaeaarrrnnn.

• SpSpSppliiit tt sseeessssioii nnsnsns aalllllll owwwoo sssspepepepp akakakkeererersss tototoo ssppepepeakkkk tooo tthhhee nneen eedee ss s ofofoff botototothh chchchchilili drdrenen aa dndnd adududuulltltlts..

•• HaaaH vivv ngngngg fffununu ttttogogogo etettheheheherr.r.r.

• AAdAdAddvevev ntntntn urru eeee offoo aaa cccamma piipingng ttt iriripp p wiwiithththoouutt t aalall l ththththee hhahahahaasssslle!

BENEFITTSSSSS TTTTTTOOOOOOO CCCCCCCHHHHHHUUUUUUURRRRRRCCCCCCCHHHHHH• Helplppppsssss mmmoooththththerererrssss sseeettt asasasididideee tititimememe ttoo cocococoncncccennee trtrtrtrt atatataa ee on

ththheeeee rreeelalalalatititiiooonnnshshshhipipipip wwiititthhhh ththththeieieieirrr r dadd ugugugghththththh erere s.s

• PPPPoPoossssssibibbbilllititittyy y y fffoooorrrr mumumumultltlttii-i-gegegegenenenenerararar titiit ononononalalalla ggggetetett-ttt- oggggoo ettee heehhh r rrrtthhhhaatttt alllllooowowwssss ththhhee oolollldededededeerrr lllaladidiidiesesses ttttto oo hahahh vvevev aaaan n immmi papapaacctctt ooonn nnttthheeee ggigirrllls wwwwhhhhoo aaararrrreee e bbebebeecococoomimimiminggngng llladaddda ieieieeei ss.ss


Custom dates availableSee Custom Camp section or call the camp offi ce for details.

All ages welcome

Sessions specifi c to moms

I appreciate Ironwood because

the focus is increasing personal

godliness. —Gigi“


HHHIGGGGHHLIIGGGGHHTSS• Annunuuuaal motothheheerr-daughter eventntt (((e.ee g.g , teaaa pap rty,y,y


• EEExExceelllleeent fofoododd tthat boboboththth aadultltsss anna dd kidsdssd willl ll enjojooyyy.

• HHooorsebebbaaack k k rridididingg aavailablele wwitthh h sisiigngg -u-u- pp attt nno aadadddittiooonaalal cccosstt for thththosososeee agages 88 aandddnn upp.p. KKidddidid e rrirideess avvvaaiillalabble fofofor agages 33–7–7.

• Friiddaayyy nniiigghht mmmeeal innnclclcludududesese enttererrtaini mmeeem ntntt!

• Craaaft tiimme wwwitith ooopoptions thatt wwwill l aaallooww w mmmootthherrssaanndd dddaaaugghttteers tttoo enjnjjjoyoyoy ccccrer attinnng ttooogeethhheeer.

• SSoouvvveeniir aaannd bbboookksksstore, cccooff eeeee shhooop,, aanddd sssnnackk sshhooppp oooppennn ddurrrinng ffffrer e timmmees.

• OOlldd d WWWeeestst ppphhotoooss—pupuuttt t oonon theee cloothhhess ooof f yeesssteeeryyyeara aaannd gggetet a pictureree oof yyoooursseeelvvvesss aat nnnoo addddiditiionnno alal cooosst.t

• MMainnni seeesssis onons aarare e rer cordedd anndnd aarre avvvailillabableee ooonlineeen fooollololowiwing tttheheh retreeatatat.

• EvEvveene inng g g haayryy ididide unundeder ththee stararrss.

• Funn cacac mppfi fifirerer timimmee wiithth sillylyy sssoongsgsgs aannd sssttoory ttitit me.


MARCH 22–24SPEAKER: Merri Ellen WrightCOST: $165 for mothers $110 for daughters (ages 5–17)*

MARCH 23–25SPEAKER: Beneth PerryCOST: $165 for mothers $110 for daughters (ages 5–17)*

All prices are subject to change.

2019 MARCH 21–23

*children age four and under come free




PURPOSSEEETo givee ppepepepeoopoppplelelele wwwwitititithhhh teempmpmporororalala skikikikillllllllss s s ththhtheee opoppppo poopopp rtunity

to uusseeee ttthhohohoosseeee skikikilllllllss s ttototo hhhave ann eeeetetett rnrnrnalallaa iiiimpmpppm acaccca t.t.ttt EEach

cammmpmpmpppeerrr bbeeececomomommeeeses aaaa mmmemememmbebebeberrr ofofofof ttttheeheh IIIIrororor nwnwnwwoooooodddd teeet ammmmmaa aaandn

ululttititiimmamaaatteeeellyyy aa ccco-o---lllalaabboboboorerereerrr wiwiwithththth GGGGododododod.


•• GGGeGet t tt yoyooy uururur wwwwhohoooleleel fffffamamammma ililililyy yy ininvovovoollvlvlvvvedededdd iiinnn tththhheeee wwwowoorrrkk—————a a a fafafaf mmmimilylyly mmmmissi sisisis ononnn tttriirip!p!p!p!

• FlFlFlllF exxeee ibibbibleeel aaarrrrrivvivi alalalal aaandndndd ddddepepepeparararartutututurrere ttimimimmeesess.

• An eeeteteteteternrnr alalalal pppererererspspspspececctititiveveve iiisss emememphphphasasasasiizizizedededd wwwhhihihihiilllelelee workinng gg onononono aaa ttttememmempopopoporaralll prprp jojojjecececctt.t.t.

BENNEEEEEEFFFFFFIIIIIITTTTTTSSSSSSS TTTTTOOOOOO CCCCCHHHHUUUUUURRRRRRCCCCCCHHHHHH• EEaEaEaaassysysyy mmmmiiisisssisisionononons trtrtrtriipipippp tttoooo ororororgagagaganiinin zezezee, ,, paaappp y yy y fofofor,r aaandndnddn dddddo.o.o

• BBuuuuiilllddddsss uuunnnitytytytyy oooofff ppupupuurprprprprpooosososeee.

•• FFFoFollllksss ggggettt t innnnvvooolvlvlvvvededdd bbbyyy y gigigigiviiviviv ngnggg ttheheheeehh irrii ttttimmmmi e.e..

•• WWWoooorkksss wwwwelll wwwwiiittthh jjujj ssst oooneeee ppppeerrrssoooonnn oorr seeeeveeeerraall...

•• YYYoYouuuur cchhhuuh rrrcr hhhh wwwwiiillllllll “pepepeep rsrsononalalalallylylylyyy iiinnnnvvveesssttt” iinn n yyoyoyouuuur ccaaampmpmppm fffacacccillllitititi y.y.yy


HHIIIGGGGHHHLLLIGGGGHHHHTTTS••• 55:5:355 MMMeetiinngngngss—at the end of eaeaachchc dayyy, ,, wew

shhaararre thheeee progogrereessssss ooff eaachchch ppproror jeject ttteaeaee m aanannd dsshhharee wwwwhatt sssppirituualal oobjbjecectsts lessososoonsn hhavavava e bbebeeenne lllearrnnnned ffrfrroomm tthehee pprojej ct.

• ReReeeffreessshhmmenennt wwwaaaggogon—eaeachhh dddayayy eevveev ryr wwwworkkekek r gggegetss aa wwoooooddedeennn ninickelel ttthahah t hehe mmmayyyaa ttuurru n n ininnn fororrr a fffreeeeee drrinnnkkk.

• Oppppttioonnnalll eeevvennniinngg aaaactctiivittieeiess.s

• PyPyyygmmmyy CCCrreewwws——hhhhalff--d-d-dayy pppproojejeej cttsss foorrr ttthee kiddds (iifff thheee kkkidddss aaare sssmmallll, mommmm wwiiill neeeddd ttto jooinnn theee crreeww))..

• Sooouuvveenne iirr aaannd bboookskskk tot re, , ccoooffff eeeee shhoooppp, aaannd sssnaaccck shooopo ooppeeep n n duduririingngn evee inining ffrreeeeee titimmmeees..

• WWWWorrkkking g wiiiww thhhtt andnd bbuiuiuildldldinining frrieieennndddsshhiiipps wwwiwithh ototttheh rr ffaf mmiililil esss andndnd IIroronwnwooodd d sstttaaaffff iiinn beeehhinndddd-thheee-sceeenness ppplacecees.s.s

• A AAA sns eaeaaak k peeakakaka at fufututure ffacacililititiess aaanndd prprrrooograammmevveenents!!



JANUARY 11–13COST: FREE for adults (ages 13+)

$40/per child, per day (ages 5–12) FREE for ages 0-4 when accompanied by parent

JANUARY 9–14COST: FREE for adults (ages 16+)

*$30/per child, per day (age 5–15) FREE for ages 0-4 when accompanied by parent

All prices are subject to change.

Check-in Time: 10:00 a.m.–noon

First Meal: Thursday breakfast

Last Meal: Saturday lunch

Flexible schedule! Just let us know when you plan to arrive and depart.

Those under age 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

All ages welcome

Youth (ages 5–12) work for half of the day on age appropriate projects—and play the other half of the day!

2019 JANUARY 10–12




PPPPUUURRRRPOOOSSSEEEToToToo pprroroviiddedee paininnnttbtbtball recreation wwwwiti h aaa ChhC ririr stiaiaann n

aatmomoospphehehere iiinn n whicichhh rererellala ititionnonshhshshipipipss are e ststss rengnggththenennedd, ,

spppiiirittuuaual ouuuutttreaachchhh hhapppepensns, teteamam connceecec ptp s aarra e leeearra neeed,

aaandd GGGod d iiisis ggloloooririfi eded..

BBBBEENNNNEEFFFFITTTTSSS TTTTTOOOO TTHHEE CCCCAAAAAMMMMPPPPEEERRRR•• AAAA wweeeekkeenenddd oooff aadvdvvenenture, skkirirmmim shsheeses, annndd cocooonfrroroon-

ttattiioonn tthhaaat wwiwilll cchhalllleeenngege yyyyouoo tto ooo woorrrkk toogoggetthheh r aaas a tteeeammm tooo mmmmarkrkk youououur oppop neennnts innni aan aaadrrreenaaallin--pooouunnddinnnggg ccommmpeeetttititioononn.

• Twwwwo sseeervvviicee tttimmeeess wwiiill challllennggge ccammpppeeersss ffrooommGoood’d ss WWWoWorrdd tooo beee sspiiriririr tutut alalalallly pppprrreppaaareeddd ffforrr ttheee baatttttleess s thhheeeyy faaacce evevevvere y day.y.

••• CChrririist--hhhonnnoooriing gg fufun annddd ccompmpetetetittiioonn...

•• MMMMeeettt neewww fffrirr eeendsd , stststrerer ngggththheenen ooldldd fffriririenennddshhihipps,, aandddennnnjoj y y a aa gegetatat wwaway yy weweeke end atat IIroroonnwnwwooooodd.

• QuQ aalala ityy titit mee wwwiti hhh GoGG ddd iinin a ssetetettttingngng iinn whwhhhiich GGGGodd iiss tththe fofofoocuc s s ofofo allll tthahahatt t wew do.

• GrGreaeae t opoppppopp rttununnu ititi y y for ffa hthers anannddd d ssonss ooor daaauugugh-h--tetet rss tttooo spenenenndd someme qqquaualililittytyy tttiimime togegegegetthther. .

• Equiuiu pmmeenent rentnttalalalal aaavavailablele ffforororr ttthhose wwwhhoho ddooo noott t oowowo n eqeqequiipmpmmmenene t or supplies.

BENEFIITTTTSSSSSS TTTTTTOOOOOOO CCCCCCHHHHHUUUUURRRRRRCCCCCCHHHHHHH• Prroovovvviididididdeesss ppprraaactctctctiicicicall BBBibibiblelele kkknononowllww ededdedgegegege ffforororo cchuhuhuuhuh rccrcr hh

mmmememeemmbmbmbbeerrrsss s offf hhhowowww tttoo bbbe pprepaaareerereddd tototo wwwitititithshsh tatatat ndnddddn tttheh wwwiwiileleleess oooff ttthhheheee dddevevevvilililil.

• PPPrProovovovidddeesss cchhhuhurcrcrcchhhh mmememembmbmbererersss wiiwiwiww thththt aaammmmmmmm unnnu ititi ioioionnn toooo ddeeeeffeeeatattt Saaatataanann iinnn eeevevveerer dydydydayayayy llllififi e e babababb tttttttleeel ss.ss

•• GGGGivvvessss chhhhuurrrchchhh mmmmmeemmmmbbebebeerrs theheehe oppppppp ooorrro tutuuuniniiityyyt tooo bbbrinnnngg uuunsssaavvveddd fffrieeennndddss tto aa mmmmoreeee rreeelaaaaxxeeeddd sssettttinnngg ffooor tttheeepppuurrrpoooseeee oofoff ppppreeeeesesess ntntnn inininng g gg thhee e e gggogoossspppeeelell tttoo ttttheeeemmm..

••• A A ffuff nnn aaaca titititiviviv tytytyt aaaandndndddn aaaa sshhahah rereredddd eexexexppepepeeerriririenennnceeee thhhahattt aapappppepepeaalals s tott aaaa wwwwiddidi ee agagagge eee rararangngngngngee e ththththatattt ccrereeeaatteeeses aaandndndd ststtrereer ngngnggthhhenennne sss reeeelalalal titiiononnonshshshs ipipippsss,s, aaaandnd tttthahahahat t cccacannn bebeee aa tttoooooolll l ofofofofo uunininin tyyyty wwwititithihihh nnn thththt e e chhhchurur hhchch bbbodddyy.y.y.

• Evvannnna gegeegegg lililil ststststicic ooopppppppporo ttutunininitytyty fffoor visissititititooors s oororor ffriririiinnnngnggeemembmbererre ssss s assasa ttthehhehe pppplalann fofof ssalalvavaatitititiononon iiiss iinininnclclclclududed during serviviceece tttttimimimimimee.e.e


Custom dates availableSee Custom Camp section or call the camp offi ce for details.

Age 12 and upunder 18 must be accompanied by an adult

Guys and girls welcome



• Playayyy on ththrereee of oouur four diffff ererene t cocooururu ses wwwiw th thhhrreree didiffff ff erenntt teteerrrr iains.

TTThe BBlBlBluffffss———cliff ff ff ss annnddd nenenevevever-r ennndidd nggg ggulu lieesess thaatt ttwilllll pproovveee a hhhugggeee chalallelengngee to eeeveeev nnn ththhe diee--hah rddd paaaiinintbbalallll enenenththhussiaiast.

TThThhe RRiRiivveeer BBBootttommm——a wide vavariririetee y y offf sttrt aatteegy ygggammeees tththaaat willllll tetest yyyououourrr aba ilittieei ss s too wwwoorrk k toot geeththt err aas aa ttteaaammm. BBruuushsh, cocoonncealmmenenne t, aandnddn smaaam lllll sshhoootttinni g lanneees wwwiiill prroovve tttooo be the chaallllllengeeeg oof tthhht isi ccoourrrsse.

Tirreee TTrraaackks————Larrrgge ttiiririres, a bbibb g ttrrrenchhh, aannnd plllayyinnngg in thhee dddarrk mmmakkeee tammmming thiiiss coouuurse a wwhhiittee--knnuuckkkleee aadvvveentuuurre.

Paiinnnteeed d AcAcreeess—aaa cclose coursseee off uuurbaannn wwwaarffareee.SShootttss fffrooomm wwwinni doowwwss,, doorrss,,, aandd ssskkyylliggghhhtts addd ttthe eeelemmmeennnt t ooffo surrrprprp ise. JJJusususttt dddon’t t ggget ccooornnnerrreedd innn tthhhe RVVVR !

• Snnaaca k k shshhoppp avvvaililaba le ffor refreshshmmementntnts tththhrrouugugghhouuutt thee ggag mmeess.s


Equipment Rental—$30Equipment must be reserved in advance

Paintballs—$3/per 100

MARCH 9–10SPEAKER: Ironwood Staff COST: $79

MARCH 10–11SPEAKER: Tim McPhillipsCOST: $75

All prices are subject to change.

Check-in Time: 4:00–6:00 p.m.

First Meal: Friday dinner

Last Meal: Saturday lunch

Facility: Broken I Ranch

2019 MARCH 8–9




PPPUUURRRPPOOOOSSEToToo givivvee e highghh ssscchool l sseeniniiorororsss ananan aadvdvd ene turee ooof a liliifeeff tit mmeme

ttthatat ccombbibiinnes uunniqiqique activities withthh aann inteeentntnn ionaaal l ef--

foortrtt to rereeememmbmbbeer timmess pppasasasttt ananandd crreae te nnnewewe mmeememe orieieei s.s

DDuDuuringnggg thiss sshshorrtt titimmme of f bebebeinining g g the ololo deded st iin nn sschooooloo anndndd

llolookkiininng fofooorrwaard d d tto bbbeeingngng ttthehehe yyyououo ngggesee t t innii ttheee nnextt t sts eppp

of lliiiffe, wwwwee shhaarare ttrtrutututhhhs ffrorom ScScririptp ururure rerr vovoolvlvinngg g aroouuund

prriiidde, hhhummillliity,y,y, aannndd oour nnneeeeeeddd fofofor Good’’d sss WWWordrdr ..

BBBBEENNNEEEFFFIIITTTTSS TTTOO TTTHHHEEE CCAAAAMMMMPPPEEERRR•• OOOncceee-innn---a--liffefeettimmemee, unforgetttaaablee tttripp!

••• CCCussttoommmiiizeed aadvveeentuuurrre—aassss muucchc oorr as llittttlleeaas yyooouu wwwaantt.

••• SSSessssioi nsssn ddesssiggneeeed toooo speaakakk too ttthee nnneeedddss offf aa sssenniooor annndd thhhis s spppece ifificc ttimime oofoff liffeee.

••• TTiTiT meesss totoo cccoonsisisidder ththhthee neextxt ssstttepsps ooof llifefefe..

• AA ccelleebrb aaattiioi nn ofoff aaccc omplishmmenennt——thhhirrrteeeeenn yyyeeearss off sschhooool arraa eee aalmoooststs fifinnisishheed!d!d! Timme e e isss taakkeen tttooremmmeemmbbeere tttheeeh jjouourney.

•• OOnOO -ssititte ananddd offffff -sisiitetete activitieeess.s.

• Frrreeee timmmime e too ffelelellol wsshihihippp wiwiwiththth frienennddsds.

• Senininiioroo s ararreee morere aadudultltlt ttthhahann chchilildd—wwwee treaatatt ththt em llllikiki e adadulululu tstst with their cabin,n,n, ssschchedululullee, andndd acacctitit vitiesesss..

BENEEFFFFFIIIIIITTTTTTSSSSSSS TTTTTOOOOOOO SSSSSSCCCCCHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLL• PiPiicckckckckk yyyyyoooouuurrr r aaccctititiviviviititititiees aaandndndnd sssschchchcheddde ululululee ee ananand dd weeewww ccccanannnna

hhhhahaandndnddlelelee ttthhheeee rrresessstttt ffofooorrrr yyoyoyou.u.

• AAlAlAllll-iiinin--o-oonnnnee ppppririririccicinngngngngggg ttttthhhahahahatt igigigg veeevesss yoooyoyoyy uuuu mmmmaaxxixx mmmmuuummm“““eexxxxpeeerrriiiennnncceee oofofofff aaa llifififfetetttimimimime”eee ccoomommmo bibibibb nneneen dd dd wwwwittthh ““““heeelpppfffuul trruuutthhh fffoorrr llivvvvinnnng.””””

•• GGGGreeeeattt eeene vvviv rroroonnmnmmmmn enennnee t ttt fofofoof rrrr yoyoyoyouuurr tttteeeeeeennnsss ttoooo eeeenjjojooyyy thhhht eieiiie r r lalaal stststs bbbbiggggi fififieeeeldldldddll ttttririrr p.p.pp


Great option for school groups


HHHHHIIGGGGHHHHLLLIIIIGGGGHHHTTTSSS• Jeeeeepep advdvdvennttutuurre to Afftotonn CaCanyyon oorr r ototo heheer r r breaeaae thh-

tttatakinngng ddeesesert t lololoocccations

• HHoHorsrsseeebacaccckkk rididiiinngng

•• WWeWeednnneeesdadaaayy brbrreeaeakfkfkfaaasttt ininin bbbededede !!!

• BBBannqnqqueeeett aannndd ssskkkiiitt sshooow—w—w—fififi nenn ddinnni innni g ggg wwiw ththhh a ffffouo rrr--couuuurseseee mmeeeaalll ssseervvveeedd by yy lalanterernnn liighhhg ttt

•• Teeesstiimmmoonnnyy y cccaammmppfi rrree timmmmeeee

• OOlld WWWWeesstt ppphhoottoos wwwwithhhh optiiooonssss off innddivvviddduaaall, frriiennddds,, ooorrr wwwhhooollee cccllasa ss prprproovididddedd att nnnooo eeexxtrrraa coooost

•• Teaaaam bbbuiuilldldiininng gg accca tiitt viv ties tthat t chchchalalleleennngggeee bobooothh ttheee mmminnndd aanndn ttthheeeh aaabiibb lilityy tttooo wowoworkrkrk ttoogggeeettthhheeerr tooowwwarrrdrds aaaccooommmmmonnn gggoaoaalll


Senior trips are available only as a custom camp.

Targeted for grades 11–12

Custom dates availableSee Custom Camp section or call the camp offi ce for details.


PPPUUURRRPPOOOOSSEToToo pprroovvvide aaa ttime sesett t asasasididideee tototo eeenjnjoyo felelllololol wshihiip pp wiiththt

eeacchhh otheererr andd ggggetetet groupps of studeentntnts ss gog inng g gg the riirr ghg t tt

wwaayyy. Teaeaaamm bubuilillddingg,, cchhalallelelengngnginining g g heheara ts, annaa d immmmpap cttinnii g g

lliivvves wwwiwill bbee e tthee gogooaalal of ththheee prprpreae chhinining g ana dd acaca tiviviititt es. A AA

ssspirititttuual eeememphphasasasiis rrreeetreeeatatat hhhasasas tttheh ppposo sisisibibib lityyy oof chhhhana g---

ing g ttthe ccocourrseee of f f yoyoouur sschchooll fofor r thhheee enenntiirerer yyeaaar.r.

BBBBENNNNEEFFFITTTTSSS TTOOOO TTHHEE CCCCAAAMMMPPPPPEEEERRRR•• TTTiimee ttooo ccoconnsidddeer thehehee ppathh ststts uduu enenttst aareee ccchohoooosiinnng.

SSSesssiiionnnsss too fi fi fit theee sspecifi c neeeeeds ooof f eeaccchhh ggrroouppp.

••• DDecciisiooonnns s mmmade in thhhheee presesessencceee of f frf iennnddds aannd aaduulllts wwwhho cccaan hhhelpp with accccouuuntaabbbiliityyy.

•• TTThee ccaammmp seeetttingggg alllooowo s thhhhe gegeeneraaatioonnn gggapp to bbe bbbriddgggeddd wwwithhh aactivivvi itiess anand fuunnn whhiiichh gggivvvesss ttheee ccaammppperrrs thht e ooopppoorttrr unu ity too ggget ttooo knnoowowww addduultsssffrrroomm tttheeeirrr ggrouuupp.


• CCCChChhaaalalleleleengngnggeeseses tttoooo llilivveveve fffforororor GGGGodododod aaandnddndn lllovovvvo eeee otototo hehehersrsrss iinnnssn teteteteeaad oofofff tthhhhee nnaaatuuuuralalalal tteenenennndededededeennncncyy yy toto bbbbbbe eeee seseseess lfilfififil sssh h hh annnnd ddd prprrrououuudd..

•• IIrrooonnwwwooooodddd ssstttaaffffff ffff sssppepeeeaakkkkeerers ararrare ee aaavva aaaiiilalaaabblllb ee attaa nnoooaaaaddddittiooonnaaall cooosstt.


Great option for school groups


HIIGGGGGGHHHHHHHLLLLLLLIIIIGGGGGGHHHHHHTTTTTTTSSSSSS• CCuCuuusttttoommmm ssschchhhededdduulullleee tthththhhatatatt aallllllllowowwowow yyyyyouououuoo tttoooo ddododo aaaas s mmuuum cchchh oooorr

aaass lllliittttleeee aasss yyyyoououuu’’ddddd llliikkkeee.e.

•• CCCCaann bbeeeeb aass sssshooorrrttt aassss aaa dayayayay oooor aaaass llloonnngg g aassss aa wwweeeeekk...

• CCCuusststtoomommmizii eeedde aaactcttc ivivivvi ittitityy yy opopoptitititiononons s ffofofooorrr yyyoyoouuuur ggggrorooouupup..

• SSoSooSS uuvuvveeneneniririr aaandddnnn bbbbooooooo ksksksk totot rere, cocooffffff ff eeeeeee ssshhohohopp,p,p, aaannndddd ssnnnanaacckckckkk sshhhhopoppooo oooopepeeep nn duudud riririringngngg ffffreerereeeee titititimemememesss.


Spiritual Emphasis Camp is available only as a custom camp.

Targeted for grades 7–12

Custom dates availableSee Custom Camp section or call the camp offi ce for details.



PPUUUUUUURRRRRPPPPPOOOOOSSSSEEEETToooo reeeeacccchh yyyyouuuunnggg ppppeeeeoeooplplplpleee ffofofor ththththee LoLooordddrr JJJeessse usssu CCChhrrrisssstt,, ttttoo

ddeeeevveeelooop ccaammmmaarraadddeeeeerrieee aaaammmmongggg eeeaaccchh ccchhuuuurcccch gggroooupppp, tttoo

cchhhhaaalllleennngngeee yyyooy uunnnu ggg peeeeepp opopppoo lelell ttttoooo tatatatakkkekeee tthheheheee nnneexexxt t sttteeppp iiinn ttthheeeeieirr

spppiirirri itittuuuaau l lll grgrgroowowwthththt , aannaa dddd tooototo hhhhavavaa ee aa a a wwweweweekekekk ooooffff fufufufun!n!n!!

BBBBEEEENNNNEEEEFFIITTTSSS TTTOOOO TTTTHHHHEEEE CCCHHHHUUURRRCCCCHHHH•• SSSponononsoorsrss are eeenncncncoouourageddd toototo cccomo e ananna d d spsppennd ddd

tiimmmee wwwith ththththeir cacampmpmpperers.s. SSSpopop nsorororrs s s havvevee theheheir oowwwnnn caabbibibin whwhhhicicichh gigivevess ththem mmmaxaxa immuumuu flflfleexiibibb l--itittyyy too bbbe wwhwhwherree thththeey needdd tototo bbe.e

••• CCoommmmmmuuuniciccaatatioioon n n thththatat aallllowows ss thhhtt e ee spspspponno sosos r tttot knnnnowww wwhhaaat dddeeecicisionononsss arareee bebb ining g g mmmaaadeded bbbbyy ththhheir rrgggrgrouuupp.

•• FFFolllloowww---uuupp p lelettttteersss tthatat ggggivee thtt ee chhuuurrrchhh a ssssummmm-mmaarrry ooof tthhhee wwwweeeekk.

•• RRReuuuniiooon TTThhurrrssdaaayy aalllllll owowowwss yoyoooutthhh ggrrooouupppss ttooo gegeeet tttooggeeethheeer nnnoo mmmaatteeerr how sspppreaeaaddd oouuuttt ththheyyy aareeee aaammoonnng g tththeee caacc bibiinsnsnn .

•• Eaarrlr y aarara riivavaav l l (ooo(o(onnn SuSundayy, 1010:000000 0 ppp..mmm.m.———mmiddddnnigghghht)) isisi avvvav illaababa lee ffforoo ttthohohh sesese tttrararavvevelililinnnggg ooovverr sssisix hhhohourrrss fofooor annnn addddddititi ioonaan lll fefef e.

••• SSeSepapaaarar teee tttrar ckckk ffffororor JJununioiorr HiHiHigghgh agegegee ccammmppepersrss wiiththt aa sssepe arratatata e e morning chapapappeelelel, mooorrnrninnnggg ggagagameee, , , annddd d evee ents (((ee.gg., LiLiLiving PPaararrabableee anddd Deestststs inatattioioi n BoBoununund)d)d)..

Grades 7–13

Custom dates availableSee Custom Camp section or call the camp offi ce for details.

BBEEEEEENNNNNEEEEFFFFIIITTTSSSS TTTTOOO TTTHHHEEE CCCAAAMMMMPPPPEEERRRR••• FiFiFivve ddddaays aawawayayyy ffffrororomm all the diidistststraarar ctctioonsnsn attt hohh mmemee.

•• Niiinnne ssseeerviviicceces ththhaatatat will challengnggeee e tet ennnsss wiwiiw ththt ttheheheh WWWWordrdrd oooff f Gooodd.d.d.

• Frrreeeedddommmm too cccchhhooosossee e ffafavooritet aaacttctc ivivittieieeiess wiwiwiwitht oououut ttot o ommmuuuccch ffffrreeee tttimmemee ttooo bbebebeccome bbborrroo eddede .

••• EEaaachh ccababbbiinn iiiss dddiiivvviiddeeeddd bbbyby aagegeeges s s soso ttthahahat tt ssevvveventnttth gggrgradddderrsss s arreee nnnooot t innn tthheee ssssamamamameee caabbibib nn aaasss ttwwwew lflffl thh gggradddderrrsss.

• GGGammmmesss annnd aaacctivvvitiiiees ttthat yyyyouu doonn’t t nnorrmmaaallyyy plaay aaat hhhommmmo e.

• AAA A traaaaineeeed, cccararrinining g cocooc unu sesesellololorr inn eeeaacch h h cccaabbbibinn wwhhhoo looooookkks fofoorwwr aaara dd ttot wwwworororkikikingng wwwitititithhh eaeaeachchch ccamamammmpppepeer r innndddivviviiduuuaaallylyy. WeWeeeWW spepeeenddd ttwowooo wwwweeeeeee ksksks ooff inintteteensnsnssivivivee tttrraainnniningggg at thhhe bbbegigigiinnnn innning gg ofoff tttheheh ssumumummmmer r tototoo mmakakakkee susuuure oooouurr tet aamam iiiis s s reeadadada y totooto bbbe saafefe, hahave ffunununn, annndd—d—d—mmmomoststt imimmmpooortrr anannntltt y———cocococ unseselll cocorrrrecectltly.y

•• OpOpOO popopoortununniti ieies sss bybyb desiign n toto meet t nneneeww frfrfriieiendndddsss ananndddcaac tctctct h h upupupp wittthhh olo dd ononeseses.



2017 TEEN 1 JUNE 12–17SPEAKER: Matt Teis

TEEN 2 JUNE 19–24SPEAKER: Todd Sivnksty

TEEN 3 JULY 10–15SPEAKER: Nathan Crockett

TEEN 4 JULY 17–22SPEAKER: Aaron Coff ey

COST: $330 (before April 1)

$360 (after April 1)

TEEN 1 JUNE 18–23SPEAKER: Nathan Mestler

TEEN 2 JUNE 25–30SPEAKER: Rob Watkins

TEEN 3 JULY 16–21SPEAKER: Jeremy Frazor

TEEN 4 JULY 30–AUG 4SPEAKER: Dave Marriott

COST: $340 (before April 1)

$370 (after April 1)

All prices are subject to change.


•• Skkkiitits oonnn TThursrssdddaday nighghtt.

•• TTThee BBBiblee QQQQuiz oonn FFrFridayy nigightht is the cuuculmlml inatttioioioi n offf ttheh

wweeeeek-llooonong cocoommmpettititioioon.n.n.

•• SSlSlide e ooverr 111655 ffeeeeeet looonngng, shhototgugg nsnss, , .2. 22 caacc lil beer rr rir fl eesess, Doooc’c’c s

WWonnndnderr WWWheeelell (gygygyrooossscopope)e), lalandnd troroollll eyeyey, huhuh mam nnn fof osssbab lll,,

anndddd lasseeer tataggg.

•• TeTeeeamm cccommpppettititititionns.

•• SSSSpecciiaial pprprrivvviileeeggess ffoor juununnioiors andddnd senniooorss..

••• JJJed’’sss Quueesttt———aa loooww roooppes cocococoururururses teeaeaachhinnng leeessssonnss innn ttrussst,

cccommmmuunnicaatttioon, aandd lleadddedershippp..

•• BBoookkks, sooouveeev nnirsss, snaaacckss,, and drdrrrinkksss alll aaavaailllabbleee at UUUncllee

WWWallllyy’y s,, aaanddd ssppeccciaaltyyy ccoffffeeeee ddrdrinksksss at tthhhe Pooonnny EEssprrreessoooo.

•• SSSoolddieieer MMMoouuunttat ini hhhikike———1,11 00000-0-ffofofoot cclliiimmbb wwwittth aa

sppppecttaaacuulaaarr vvvieeweww!!

• Crraaafa ts aaavav ililaabableee aaat tt nono addddditititioioionananalll costst.

• CaC mmpmpp piictctctc uree CDCDC iiis s s avavvaiaia lablble.

• ThThhT e EdEdddgegg ——a—aa higgh h rororopep s cococoururursesese ttteeachhhinining g llesssssoonons ininnn faiththh,,

peersrsr eveererrana cee, , anana d cocommmm unununicicicatatatiioion.. AAvaillabababblele witittthhh siggngnn--uppp

aata nno o o ada diitititit ono all ccososstt to campers.

•• Onnne-e hohooururu , guididddedede trail ridideses oorr hohorsebacckk k gggame tttiimme ininn theee

ara ennaaa aree avavavailablle e wiwiwiw ththt ssiggn-upup aatt t nnonono additioioonnanall cooosst.

Check-in Time: 3:00–5:00 p.m.

First Meal: Monday dinner

Last Meal: Saturday breakfast

Facility: Rivertown


Adults only camp

PPPUUUURRPPPOOSSSSEEETo help prepare Christian ladies in their God-given task of teaching and counseling younger women.

• Women Counseling Women Basics—to teach the basics of biblical counseling, the seminar remains the same from year to year ( a pre-requisite to attending Specifi cs).

• Women Counseling Women Specifi cs—to teach how to apply the basic biblical principles to specifi c problem areas; four-year course rotation complete with notebooks and resources.

BBBBENNNEEEFFFITTTTSS TTOOOO TTTTHEEE CCAAAAMMMMPPEEEERRR• LLeeearnn tooo rrreccogggnnizeee ccauses ofof ppproobbblemmmss aannndd thhheen tttoo

cooonnneeccct thhhtt e biibllbb ici alll sssololo ututtiioioion wiwiththth tthheee ppprooobbleemmm.

• Unndddersrsttatannnddd tthhe sssuffiffiuu cic encycy oof f f SSScririptptptuuuree aandd tthe nnen eeddd too hheh lplplp ooothhere s apapapplplplyyy ththe trtrutututhhshss ooofff GGoddd’’s WWWoWordd ttotoo unnrrrava eell tttheee bbbonono dadagege ooff ppersrssoonnnaaal ppproroblleeemems..

• Att BBasiccci s—s GuGuuG ididinnggg PrP inciplplp eseses ffforr ttthhee Bibbbllilical l Coununnnseloor,r,r a couounsnsseleling g resosouururcee bby y DDeDeebbi PPPrrrydee..

• AtAtAtA Speecicicc fi css—h—h—h— ele pfull counseling g g rereessourrccecece mamaatetet riallsss aba outt thththee spspspececifiifiificcc ttopopiics cooovvveveredd wwwiwithh aa bbib bllicci alaa appplilililicacac tion section for eeacacacchhh topiicc.c.

BBEEENNNNNEEEEFFFFIIIITTTTSSSS TTTTOOOO CCCHHUUURRRRCCCCHHHHH•• LLaaadddidiesess aaree eeeqquuipipipppepepeddd iwiwi hthth ccououounsnsnsn elle inining g g hehelplplplps

ttththatatatt areee bbasasssededed onnn ththththeee cocompmpmpleleleletetet suffiuffiuffiffi cic enenencyy ooof fScScSccriptptptururreee annnddd d ththatat ddddooo nononottt fofofofollllllowo tttheheheh mmmododoo eerern tttrenenend d ooof ccccooommpprprproommisissiininnggg bibibibiblblblb icicalla tttruurur thhht wwwwitthhhh seees cuuc lalalal r ppspsyyccchhoollolologygyyy.

• LLaadddieesss reeececeieiivvveee iiiinnnssttrucucuctititiononon iiin wooow rkrkrkininning g uununu ddededer tththt eeeir ppaaasttoooor’s’sss aauuututhhhoooriritytytyy aanddd dddiririrecee tiitioonno aaannndd wwililll l thhhhusss bbeeeaann aaiid iin cccarrrrrryyinnngg ttthhhehe lloaoaoad ofofofo hheeelppiiinnnggg wwoooomeeeen iinntthhhe cchuuurcchhh..

•• LLaaadiiieess aarreee eeennnccououuuraaagegegg ddd ttoto pprrerereppaaaree fffooorrr ccooouunsssselliinnggg bbyyy coooonttitiinuuuinnnii g g ggg toto lllleaeae rnnn aaandndnd aappppppplylyy GGGGGododdd’’s WWWoooord iiin thht eeeir ooowwo nnn lilivvevess.s


I appreciate Ironwood because it was

a relaxing, peaceful, and pure time. I

enjoyed being challenged to take a

new step in my faith. —Jennifer“


HIGHHHLLLLLLIIIIIGGGGGGHHHHHTTTTTSSSS• CCaCaCaasesee ssssttutudydydydy gggrororouupupps s anandd didiscscussssisisionoo s.ss.

• CCoCoCooununnnseeelililingngngng rolollleee e lplplayayyining.g.g

•• OOpOpOppppoorrtrtrtunnnniiitity y y y ttotoo ffffelelelllolooowswswshihihihip p p wiwiwiw thhhth oooothhht eeree lllaadddaa ieii ssss wwhwhwhoo hhhhaavvveee a bbbbururrrdddeeennn tototooo hhhhelelp pp woomemeem nnnn aanannddd giggg rlrlrr s ooffoo aallllll agggeesss.

•• UUUnncccleee WWWWalllllyyy’sss BBBoooookkststttore e haaaas mmmaannnyyn aaddddiittiooonnaaal bbooooooksss s annndd mmmaaam tteeerriaalalals s foffoforr saaaalllee.

• MPPPM 333 CDDDD aavvvaav ililili abababbba lelelele oofff lalalalllll ggegeneneeerrraraall l sssesesssssioooonsss aatt t nnooo aadadadddidititiiioonno alaaa cccossoo t.tt.

•• CCoCoC ff ff ff ffeeeee aandndndn hhhotototot dddriiri knknknkssss avavavav iaiaiailllalabblblleee e aat nnnnoo ccocostststt innn tthheeee e mmeeem etee ininning gg rororoomommmo .

• JeJeepepeppep ttouuuo rsrsr ooffff ouououo r r beb au ititifffull dedeesesesese trtrt aavvavavaiiililaababbbllelelee duriringggng aaaaftftftf erernononoononono bbrereak ttimimee.e.




*COST: $240 + $25 for NOTEBOOK



*COST: $235 + $25 for NOTEBOOK

*Prices based on double occupancy

All prices are subject to change.

Check-in Time: 4:00–6:00 p.m.

First Meal: Monday dinner

Last Meal: Wednesday lunch (Specifi cs)

Thursday lunch (Basics)

Facility: Broken I Ranch

SPEAKER: Debi Pryde





PPPPUUUUURRRRPPPPOOOOSSSSEEEETToTo rrreenenewewww indddiivividduuauauallsls and churches byybyby bbriingngnging g gg woow mmmeen n

toooggethththher iiin aaa sssenssee e e oofof camaraderrieieieie aandd uuunin tytyy.. WWeWeWe wwilili l

cchchalalallllenngngee eeeachchhh lladdyy y y tototo llearn mmorrororee e abbboououo t heheeh r chcc uururrchh, ,

buuuuiildd reeellalatiooononshhhiipipips wiwiwiththth fff lelelllolowww chchc uru chchhch mmeeeme bbebeersss, , , annnnd

ggggrowww iinnn heeeerr pepeeerrsoonnnaall rrreeelellatatatioioionsnsnshiihihip pppp wiwiiww thhtht GGoododo .


of rest.

• Provide a time to think and contemplate about life and needed adjustments.

• Distractions of the world are minimized so women can concentrate on the Word of God.

• Optional, unique activities.

• Schedule that allows women to fellowship with each other.

• Five to six sessions directed to the specifi c audience of women.


• The pastor’s wife has an opportunity to interact her ladies in a non-church atmosphere.

• The trip to and from home allows women the chance to talk about what’s important in their lives and what they’ve learned, providing accountability for each other.

• Church “reunion” after Friday evening’s service for church groups to gather and share what God has been doing in their hearts.


Ages 16 and up

Custom dates availableSee Custom Camp section or call the camp offi ce for details.

Check-in Time: 4:00–6:00 p.m.

First Meal: Thursday dinner

Last Meal: Saturday brunch

Facility: Rivertown

Fall and Spring options


I appreciate Ironwood

because it gives me a

chance to refocus and

provides the tools to

take home and apply

to my life to live more

like Christ. —Lana

HHHIIIIGGGHHHLLLIGGGHHHTTS•• TrTrTri-tiippp bbbarbecccuuueue and skits on Friday nniggigighth .

• Eaattt eachh mmmeal atatt aaa ttaable designateteeddd fofor youururr ggroupupp.

•• CCChurrcchchch Chahaalllllleengege—g—ggrororoupup ccommompepep tete in fufuunn eve ennntst agaiaiinnst oototthher cchhuururch gggrororoupupupsss.

•• TwTwwwo wwooorkshshhooopss tttimmemes wiwithth aa cchoicicice e ofoo tthhrh eee ooor rr fouurrr ppppraccttiiiccal l tooopiicccs ttto chchoose ffrom.

• Horrsssebbacacck rridddinng aaavvvaaililable witthh sisisigngg --uppp aatat nnno o adddddid tiooonnal coosstt.

• Sooolldieerr MMMooounntaaainn hiikikke—1,,000-fofooooto ccllilimmb wwwwiti hhh aasppeecttaacuuulaaar vieeeww!

• SSeeessiioonsss aaaree reeeccorrddded aana d avaaaailabblle oonnnlinneee aaaftteer thhhee caaammpp.

• Soouuveennnir annddn boooookstototoorer , coff eee ssshoopp,p,, anndd ssnnaacckk shhhoop oppeeen dduuurinnngg g frfreeee ttimi esss.

• CrC afaffttts ttabbba leess s fofofor r indididivivv dudualalss toto ssseeell aandd d bbubuyyy hohommmeemaaddde ititti emmss..

•• Afffttetet rnoooooo n ccrafafaft titiimemm wwwititi hh a vovovouucucheeerr prprrooovviidededd tto ddodoo a chooioiicec oof ff crc afft(t(s)s)s) aat nooo aaadddddditititioioionnal cocoosstt..

••• OOlOlO d WeWeWeests phoohototot pictuturere ppackkagege iis avaiaiailalaabble aatatt no adaddddid tionnalalaa cost t fofof rrr inindividuals annddd chchhuurch ggggrroroups.s..

•• JeJeJeepp ttououo rs—r—rridididi e e into a creation settininngg g with fffririeendsdss or aa touurur of f ououuo rr properertytyty wwwitithh ststororieieesss ofofof GGod’s ppprroovvisiiooon.


APRIL 19–21SPEAKER: Claudia BarbaCOST: $169

OCTOBER 18–20SPEAKER: Reba BowmanCOST: $169

APRIL 20–22SPEAKER: Joy WagnerCOST: $165

OCTOBER 19–21SPEAKER: Faith TaylorCOST: $165

All prices are subject to change.

2018 APRIL 18–20OCTOBER 17–19




PPPUUUUUURRRRPPPPOOOOOOSSSSSSEEEEEEETToooo aasssssiiisst t cchhhuuurcchheeeesss aaaanndndd ppppasasasstotototorssrr iiinn tthhheee WWWeWeessstt bbbbyy trrrraiinniinnnngg

aannnnndd ssssupppppp oorrrtiinngggg bbiibbbi lliil caaaac l yoyoyoyoututtuthhhh leleleleaadddeerrrsss tttotoo iimmmmppaaaaccctt tttooddddaayyyy’’ss

ggeeenneeen rarar tttitioononn fffororrr eeeteett rrnrnnnitititii y.y.y.y

BENEFFIITTTTTSSSSSSS TTTTTTTOOOOOOOO CCCCCCHHHHHUUUUUUURRRRRRRRCCCCCCHHHHHH• Ree-e-eeeenneneeerrgrgrggiizzzzeeee yoyoyoutututthhhh wowowoworkrkrkrkererererss s fofofoforrr mimimiimm nininin ststtstryyryryr ———m—m—mm— ana y

gggrgrgrrooouuupppsss bbbbriririnnngngngg aaallllll ooooffff hththth iieieir r dadadadulululultt t t vovooluulull ntntn eeeeeeeersrsss tto o oooeeeennncccooouuurrraaaggggeee aanananddd uuunnifififfyyyy yy thththth ieieieirrrr tetet amamamm.

• TTThheeee dddrriivivveeee babaaackckkk hhhhhooomommmeee e isisisis aaaa ggggreeereatatattaa ttttimmmmi e ee tooot dddebbbbe ririiefeffee aaaalll l thhheee iddddeeaaass aaaannndd fififi fi nnnene ttttununuu e eee wwwhwhhicicccci hhh onnno eeeses wwwwiiill beeeeb ssttt hhheeelppp tthhheeeirr ggrroooouuupp...

•• PPPhPhiilili oososooopophhyyyhh -bbb-- aaasssa ededededee ttteaeaeaeachchchchininininggg—g———tththhhhiisiss rretetettreeeeatatt iisss nnnnoott t t jujuuuj ssttss aaaabboboouutuu whwhhhwww attaaa ttttooo o dodddodod iiiiinnnn yoyoyoyoyoututututhhh wwwwooorrkrkrk bbbbututut wwwwhhhhyyyy iiittt t t shshshshhs ouououuo ldldldd bbbe ee dododod nenenee...

• Iddeaeaaaae ssss fofofoof rr r wowowoworkrkrkinining gg g wiwiwiwithththth cccchihihihildldldldrrereennn ttthhhrrororougugugugghhhh ccocococoollllege and cacaarereerereereree sssininininglglllglgg eseseses.


I appreciate Ironwood because of the sensitivity to God working in us and not being so concerned with keeping the schedule. —BJ

BBBEENNNEEEFITTTSSSS TTO THE CAAMMMMPPPERRR• HHHugee ddddiiscoununttstss ggiviven for yourr prprp ovoven iddedeeasa suubb--

mittttteeed befefoororee arrivaval!l!

•• LoLoootts andnddd llots s oof iidededeas provenn totot bbee usefeffe ulu by y oototheerr yyyoutthh leleleadererrss.s.

• Onneee or ttwowoo splplpliit ssseeessions for r memm nnn annddd wwommmeen.

• Itt iiss faasttt——mmmososost yoyouth leaderss ara eee nooot fufuullll-timmmmeesstttaaffff.. TTThhiss s rereetrreeat isiss dddesiggneneeddd to ppaccck k asaa mmmuchhhininnfoormmmatattiooon iin aaass shshort a timeme aaas poposssssibbbleee..

• TThee ssesssssiiionns aaarere tauuugghghg t bybybyy yyyouthht woorkkkerrsr aaannd paastttorrrs wwhwho arre cucucuurrrently wowooorkr inng g g wiithhh yyyouuutth.

• Thheee YoYoouuuthh LLeeaadeererr’’s Braraaaiininin onoo linneee—aalllll thheee reesse oouurcceees shhaaareeed byy yyyoouthhh leadaddders arrree inncccluddeeed. Tooopppiccss areee diivvideeddd iintoo sevvvveralll lobes wwwwhicchh inncccludeee———

Youth Work Philosophy




Organizing Events


Small Group Games & Activities

Large Group Games & Activities

Children’s Ministries

Skits, Stunts, and Themes


HIGHLLIIGGGGGGHHHHHHTTTTTTTTSSSSSS• Trri-i--ttitititipp p babababarbrbrbbeeeccueueue ooonnnn FFrFrFrididididayayay nnnnigigigighthtthth .

• RRRRoRoouuunundddd TaTaTablblbllee DiDiDiDiscscccuususus isisionons—s—aa titititimeeemmm ttttoo feefeff ataa uurururee yoyoooyy uurruu ididddeeaaaass, rreesesesouououurcrccceeesess,,, aaananannnddddd exexexexpepepeperiririririennnenenee cececec s.s.s.

•• SSSShaaareee uuupppcccooommmiiinnngggg cccaaaammmmppp pllplpp anannns ss fofofoof rrr ttthhhee nneeen xttx ssuuummmmmmmmeerr aaaat IIrooonnwwoooooodd——————tthheeesseee tiidbdd itititts rrreeaaalllylylyyy hhhelllp yyooou ppprproooommmoottte fooff rr r tththheee e ssuuummmmmmmm erererer.

• GGeeeeG neeeen raaar l l seseses sssssssioooi nssnsnn ttttoooo chhhchchc llalalallllelelennngngngngeee e hheheheeaarrrttststs ffffrrrooommm GGGoGooodd’ssssWWWWoWoordrddrd ssspeeeppp cicicc fififi fi c cc tototoo ttthohohosesesese iiiinnnn mimimimininiststststrrryryyy. .

• Haandnddddn s-s--ss ononnno ppparararartititt ciicipapapatitititionono aass s yoyoyouuu tteteeacacacachhhh,h, lllleeeeaarrnrnnnn,, plplay, and feellllllowowowwowshhhshs ippipipip..


APRIL 26–28SPEAKER: Youth LeadersCOST: $69

APRIL 27–29SPEAKER: Youth LeadersCOST: $69

All prices are subject to change.

Check-in Time: 4:00–6:00 p.m.

First Meal: Thursday dinner

Last Meal: Saturday lunch

Facility: Ike’s Roost

Adult retreat (age 18+)

Submit a proven idea for a $10 discount! Must fi t into one of the ten categories mentioned on previous page (e.g., Philosophy, Skits, Parents)

All materials submitted must be properly credited (e.g., my original idea, from this website, this author/book)

Up to fi ve ideas may be submitted for a maximum $50 discount.

2019 APRIL 25–27




All prices are subject to change.

PURPOSSEETo advanannccecececee cccamamamamararrradadadadeeriiee aaamomomongngg yyyouououour r grgrgrgrououuoo p pppp p anana d give

eachh cccaaaamammmpppeper r r aaaa spspspiirirrititittuuauaualll bbboostt offofof eeeencccnn ououo rararaageeeggg memeemm ntnttnnn . This

cammmpmppp iis s s ddeeeessigggngneededed ttttoooo cocoompmpmpmpllelelemememementntnn aaandndndn rrreaeaee ffi ffi ffi rrmmmm ssusuus mmmmmmmmm er

caammmmmpmppp dddeeececisissioiooonssss. ThThThhememmmededededed aaaassss s wewewew “““rererer ndnddndezzzze vooovv usssuu ” ininii aaa nnneewwee

pplplllaaacceeee oooor tttiimmmmee eevvvveerrryyy yy yyyeyeyeeaarrr!!!

BBBBBEEEENNNNEEEFFFFIITTTTTSSSS TTTTTOOOOO TTTTHHHHHEEEEEEE CCCCCCAAAAAAMMMMMMPPPPEEEERRRR• CChChhC riririisttts -cc- eennee teteett rererereddd prprrprprp eaeaeaeaeachchchchinininingggg gg thththththaaatatat ddddeeaeaealslsss wwwiiitithhh sspspspeecececiifififificc

neneeenn eedddee s s ss ofofoff yyyyouuuoo nggngngng ppppeooeoeoe llplplp eee.

• UnUnnnnU iqqiqiquueuee tttthehehh mmemee ooooptptptp ioi nsnsns gggiivivivee caaammpmpmppeererersss aaaa wwwiwiidddedee rrrraaaannge of uuninininin quququqq eeee gaagagg mememem s anananddd acacac itititivivivitititieeses.

• Opporttunnunititititityyy y y tototo mmmmeeeeeeeetttt nenenenewww w frfrfrfrieieieiendndndndss aanananannddddd cacatch up with old ones.s

BENEFFIITTTTTSSSSSSS TTTTTTTOOOOOOOO CCCCCCHHHHHUUUUUUURRRRRRRRCCCCCCHHHHHH• Yoouutututtthhhhh lleleleeaadadddeererers s seseserrvrvee e e asasasas tttthehehehe ccabababa ininin ccccouuouoo nsnssnsn elelelelle ororrooo s.s For

tththhhhiiisisis sssshhhohooorrttt wwwweeeeeeekkkekeeendndndnd, iititit bbbeccecomomomomessee aaaa gggggrerereatatatat wwwwayayyyyaa tttoobbbbrbrridididdgggege ttthhehehee ggggeeeennneerereratattioioioionnn gagagagg pp.p.p.

• MMMMaannnyyy aaaccctttiivivivvititittieeeesssss aaarararree e dedededesisisisigngngngnededded tttooo bebebeeb ddddonnnnee e aasss aaaa yyyyooouuttthh///chhhhuurrrcchhh gggrrooouupppp, whwhwhwhiciccchhhh bbbuub iiillldddssd ccccammmmaaaaraaadddeerrrieei aaanndd mmmeemmmmooooriieeessss,,, aasss wwwwelelelelll l asasasas aaaadddddss tttooo thhhhee fuuunn.

•• NNNoNoo ssnnnooow!w!!!ww TThheeehh wwwwweaaeae ththhtht erererer aaandndndnd aaaacctctctctiiivivvviitttiiieiesss s cacacaannn ccooompmpmppm lelelemmmeem nttntnn ttttheheehh ssspiiipipipipi iiriririttutututu llalalal ggggggooaoaoallslsss ooof f f f ttthhheee cccaaammmpmppp rararaar thhhht errree ttthahahannnn didiidd ststststraarar ctctctct ffffrorororommmm ththththeemmmm.


HIGHHLLLIIIIIGGGGGGHHHHHHTTTTTSSSSS• CChChhhuuuurrcchhh gggrooouuupups stststayayay iiin cabiibinsnss tttogogogetettheheheher.

•• CChhhuurchchchch gggrroroouupupup chahaaalllllllleenengeg —uuninininiquququque evevvevennne tstt tttthaahh t ttt yoyooyy uururuu gggrgroououup p p dddooooeees ttttooooggetetetthheheher inin ccomompepepeetititt tiit onononon wwwititii h hh ottto heehhh r rrcchhhhurrrccchhh ggroroooupupppsss.

• SSSoollddiieier r MMoMooouunnnttatataainininn hhhikikikikee—opptititit onnoo alllaa mmmmorrro nin nnngn hhhikkke wwiiithhhh a 11,000000000-f-f-fffooooooottt cllliimimimbb wiwiw thththt aaa sppepeeep cctttaccca ullu aaar vvvvieeewww!!

• Sooouuvvvennnirr annndddn bbbboooooksssstoot rererere,, , ccccoffff ff ff eeeee sshhhooopppp, aaandddd snnnaacckk sshhoppppo opppeep nnn dduduuririirr ngngggn ffffrer eee titititimmmess...

• FuFuFuun phphhhp ottto oooo papapaackckkkagagggagessseses fffororor iiiindndndivivivivvidididdduuuaualslss aandndndnd ggggrrooouuppppsssaavva aiaiaa laaablblllb eee atattt nnoo addadada diidititititiononononalalalal cccosost.t.

• OpOpppO popopp rtrtrtrtunnnu itititieieesss s bybyby ddddesesesesigigigignnnn totototo mmmeet t t nnnenewww fffrieieeenddddsss aannnnddddcacaaaatcctt hhhh upupuu wwwwititi h hh olololddd ononeseses..

Check-in Time: 4:00–6:00 p.m.

First Meal: Thursday dinner

Last Meal: Saturday lunch

Facility: Rivertown

Targeted for grades 7–13

JANUARY 26–27SPEAKER: Nathan CrockettCOST: $65

JANUARY 27–28SPEAKER: Rand HummelCOST: $59

2019 JANUARY 25–26