
Automation and Drives SIMATIC PCS 7 1 Introduction Asset Management Profibus PA redundancy 1 GB Ethernet Wireless LAN Web - Technology MES A&D AS SM MP PCS7_Overview_V6- 1_E200502.ppt trends in distributed control systems Dr. G.U. Spohr Siemens A&D ST2 Automation & Drives April 2005

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Automation and DrivesSIMATIC PCS 71IntroductionAsset ManagementProfibus PA redundancy1 GB EthernetWireless LAWeb ! "echnologyME#A$D A# #M MP P%#&'(vervie)'*+!1'E,--.-,/00ttrends in distributed control systemsDr/ G/1/ #0ohr#iemens A$D #",Automation & DrivesA0ril ,--.Automation and DrivesSIMATIC PCS 7,IntroductionAsset ManagementProfibus PA redundancy1 GB EthernetWireless LAWeb ! "echnologyME#A$D A# #M MP P%#&'(vervie)'*+!1'E,--.-,/00tIntroduction#ome ma2or technological trends )hich )ill influence the design of current and future decentrali3ed control systems 4 Intelligent 5ield!Devices and Asset Management %ommunication "echnology6edundant Profibus PA 5ieldbusGigabit EthernetWireless LA Web 7 "echnology Management E8ecution #ystemsME#Automation and DrivesSIMATIC PCS 79IntroductionAsset ManagementProfibus PA redundancy1 GB EthernetWireless LAWeb ! "echnologyME#A$D A# #M MP P%#&'(vervie)'*+!1'E,--.-,/00tIntelligent sensor- and actor-systemsintelligent sensor- and actor-systems often provide additional information acoustic pump monitoring valve diagnostics internal self diagnosis t!ese informations are transferred to t!e control system using "A#T or a fieldbus communication but $!ere do I evaluate t!ese informations %Asset ManagementAutomation and DrivesSIMATIC PCS 7:IntroductionAsset ManagementProfibus PA redundancy1 GB EthernetWireless LAWeb ! "echnologyME#A$D A# #M MP P%#&'(vervie)'*+!1'E,--.-,/00tIntegrated Plant Asset ManagementPlant Asset Management Systems integrated in SIMATIC PCS 7provides online& real time functions 'Monitoring of t!e componentsMessage at status c!angeDisplay of diagnostic informationCreation of maintenance re(uestTrac)ing of t!e maintenance activitiesMain benefits of t!e implementation '"omogenous integration into t!e SIMATIC PCS 7 environmentMaintenance Station integrated into *S or as a dedicated stationCommon visuali+ation ,symbols& faceplates- of all assets ,unified assets-Automatic generation of all Asset Management diagnostic picturesConse(uent implementation of .AM/# recommendations .A 01 & .2 34MonitoringSIMATIC PCS 7Plant Asset ManagementDiagnosticsMaintenance#e(uestMaintenanceAsset ManagementAutomation and DrivesSIMATIC PCS 7.IntroductionAsset ManagementProfibus PA redundancy1 GB EthernetWireless LAWeb ! "echnologyME#A$D A# #M MP P%#&'(vervie)'*+!1'E,--.-,/00tAsset Management 5 *perating & MonitoringMaintenance Stationintegrated in*perator Station*S Clients $it! accessto maintenance area ;0ictures< messages< face0lates=Maintenance Station !asadditionally direct onlineaccess to PDM and!ard$are engineering

AS 4 AS 6 AS nAS 4 AS 6 AS nS n*SMSA# 7Automation #ystem% 7%lientM# 7Maintenance #tation(# 7(0erator #tation# 7#erverAsset Management*S MSC 4 C n

*SMaintenance PicturesS 4Common and unified symbols for representing t!e status of all assetsGood#imulation5unctioncontrol> local6e?uest for maintenance;medium=Announcement of re?uest for maintenance ;lo)=Maintenance alert ;high=6e?uest for maintenance un@no)n>not activated6e?uest for maintenance activated6e?uest for maintenancein 0rocessAll SIMATIC PCS 7 components $it! diagnostic functions included

Automation and DrivesSIMATIC PCS 7+IntroductionAsset ManagementProfibus PA redundancy1 GB EthernetWireless LAWeb ! "echnologyME#A$D A# #M MP P%#&'(vervie)'*+!1'E,--.-,/00tIntegrated 7Plant Asset Management8"ierarc!ical StructureAsset Management#IMA"I% #&!:-- and P6(5IB1# et)or@E" ,--M #tationP6(5IB1# Assets5ace0latesfor intelligent devicestatus and selection of underlying !ierarc!ydiagnosis symbolof t!ecomponentClear !ierarc!ical structure Plant overvie) (vervie) all controllers %ontroller ;)ith sub!hierarchy= P6(5IB1# Assets DP station ;e/g/ E" ,--M= Intelligent field device9ast and easy-to-use operator guidance t!roug! complete !ierarc!yby unified symbolsAutomation and DrivesSIMATIC PCS 7&IntroductionAsset ManagementProfibus PA redundancy1 GB EthernetWireless LAWeb ! "echnologyME#A$D A# #M MP P%#&'(vervie)'*+!1'E,--.-,/00tIntegrated 7Plant Asset Management8Automatic generation of !ierarc!ical diagnostic picturesAutomatic generation of diagnostic area(0erating and monitoring hierarchical 0icturesasset symbols )ith face0latesalarm lin@ingEngineeringC9C c!arts $it! diagnostic bloc)sAsset ManagementAS 4 AS 6 AS nS n*S MSC 4 C n

*SS 4

AS - StationCP4 - 9ield busCP6 - 9ield bus#emote I:*DP:PA - ;in);in) PictureC9CDiagnosisDiagnosis/nit 6/nit 4>0=-R8Access -ointSCALA.CEW5>>0=-R8IE IEAutoated $uided#e"icle systes)obile dia$nosis and ser#iceWireless -LCSe*arate radio networkCo*onents for IWLA. for obile data access+Bireless ;A.Automation and DrivesSIMATIC PCS 71AIntroductionAsset ManagementProfibus PA redundancy1 GB EthernetWireless LAWeb ! "echnologyME#A$D A# #M MP P%#&'(vervie)'*+!1'E,--.-,/00t Monitoring and Control via t!e Internet : IntranetWeb %lient as thin client%om0lete 0lant overvie)6emote diagnostics and asset management Advanced security is ensured by1ser!s0ecific 0ass)ord 5ire)all technologyIndividual a00lication conce0ts Minimal installation at t!e Beb Client F(%CG file via net do)nload or %D Direct conversion of process screens for t!e $eb Superior performance by %om0ressed 0rocess0ictures for the Web6e0ort by e8ce0tion basedruntime communication Web!#erver )ithin a#IMA"I% P%# & %lient#IMA"I% P%# &Web!%lientMonitoring and Controlvia SIMATIC PCS 7 Beb ClientBeb - Tec!nology;A. Intranet"erminal BusPlant Bus#IMA"I% P%# &Web!%lientModemInternetE80lorer;A. IntranetBorld$ide and safe access to t!e plant based on state-of-t!e-art$eb tec!nology =Automation and DrivesSIMATIC PCS 71BIntroductionAsset ManagementProfibus PA redundancy1 GB EthernetWireless LAWeb ! "echnologyME#A$D A# #M MP P%#&'(vervie)'*+!1'E,--.-,/00tMonitoring and Control via t!e Inter- : IntranetBeb Client as T!in ClientManager node#emote diagnostics and asset managementAdvanced security is ensured byuser-specific pass$ord 9ire$all tec!nologyIndividual applications concepts Minimal installation at t!e client ,*CA via net-Direct conversion of process screens for t!e $ebSuperior performance by Compressed PCS 7 screens#eport by e>ception based runtime communicationPCS 7 *S Beb ClientBeb - Tec!nologyAutomation and DrivesSIMATIC PCS 7,-IntroductionAsset ManagementProfibus PA redundancy1 GB EthernetWireless LAWeb ! "echnologyME#A$D A# #M MP P%#&'(vervie)'*+!1'E,--.-,/00tIntegration & sync!roni+ation of all business processes$it! t!e SIMATIC IT tec!nology platformM2S-interface to t!e IT $orld $it! SIMATIC IT%onnects the control level )ith the MI#>ME# level%om0rehensive basic 0ac@ages available Integration of vendor!neutral I" 0roducts "o the I#A #B. standardH integrationof heterogeneous ;as )ell as host= a00lications #hort res0onse times< more trans0arency