02. grammar content-exercises

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  • 8/8/2019 02. Grammar Content-Exercises




    1. The Present Tense(Timpul Prezent)

    A.The Present Simple Tense:I. NTREBUINARE:

    1. Pentru a descrie o aciune care se repet n mod regulat:Pupils go to school every day. = Elevii merg la coaln fiecare zi.Do you read every day? = Citeti zilnic?

    2. Pentru a exprima un obicei:Tom sleeps a lot. = Tom doarme mult.She doesn't smoke. = Ea nu fumeaz.

    3. Pentru a exprima un adevr general, de exemplu o lege a fizicii:Water freezes at 0 degrees. = Apa ngheala 0 grade.

    The Earth spins around the Sun. = Pmntul se nvrte n jurul soarelui.

    4. Pentru a reda o succesiune de evenimente scurte:He unlocks the door, comes in and takes off his shoes near the door. = El descuie ua, intri se descallngu.

    5. Pentru a exprima o aciune programat n viitor, n special atunci cnd se specific momentulproducerii ei:The plane leaves at four o'clock. = Avionul pleacla ora patru.We go to the cinema tonight. = Mergem la cinema disear.

    6. Cu anumite verbe:

    - verbecare exprim un sentiment (love, hate, prefer, like, dislike...); ex: I like dogs. = Imi plac cinii.- verbe care nu presupun noiunea de durat ( seem, want, belong, know, mean, wish)Ex: You know him. = Tu l cunoti pe el.

    - verbe care redau cuvintele cuiva ( say, tell, ask, answer); ex: What does she mean? = Ce vrea ea sspuna?


    1. Forma afirmativ: Subiect + VerbI write = Eu scriuYou write =Tu scriiWe write = Noi scriem

    They write = Voi scrieiHe writes = El scrieShe writes - (la persoana a III-a singular se adaugterminaias)

    Verbele terminate in -s, -ch, -sh, adauges: watch she watches ; Y (precedat de consoan) se transform in ie+s: study he studies

    2. Forma interogativ: Do / Does (pers. a III-a sg.) + Subiect + Verb ?Do I write? = Scriu eu?Do you write?

    Doeshe write? = Scrie el?

    Does she write? - (verbul nu mai are terminaias; Numai auxiliarul se conjug!)Do we write?Do you write?Do they write?

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    3. Forma negativ: Subiect + do not(don't) /does not(doesn't-pentru pers. a III-a sg) +Verb

    I do not (don't) write = Eu nu scriuYou don't writeHedoesn'twrite = El nu scrieShe does not (doesn't) write - (verbul nu mai are terminaias; Numai auxiliarul se conjug!)We don't write

    You don't writeThey don't write


    1. Write the he/she/it form of these verbs (terminaia persoanei a III-a singular):1 read - reads = citete 7 push - =2 repair - = 8 do - =3 watch - = 9 think - =

    4 listen - = 10 kiss - =5 carry - = 11 buy - =6 have - = 12 go - =

    2. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of these verbs and translate into Romanian.Verbs: boil-close-cost-cost-go-have-like-meet-open-smoke-speak-teach-wash

    1. Shes very clever. She speaks four foreign languages. = Ea este foarte inteligent. Ea vorbete 4 limbi strine.

    2. Steve _________ ten cigarettes a day. =

    3. We usually _______ dinner at 7 oclock. =

    4. I _________ films. I often _______ to the cinema. =

    5. Water ________ at 100 degrees Celsius. =

    6. In Britain the banks __________ at 9:30 in the morning. =

    7. The City Museum __________ at 5 oclock every evening. =

    8. Food is expensive. It __________ a lot of money. =

    9. Shoes are expensive. They _________ a lot of money. =

    10. Tina is a teacher. She __________ mathematics to young children. =11. Your job is very interesting. You ___________ a lot of people. =

    12. Peter _________ his hair twice a week. =

    3. Write the negative form and translate into Romanian:1. I play the piano very well. I dont play the piano very well. = Eu nu cnt foarte bine la pian.

    2. Jack plays the piano very well. Jack _______ play the piano very well. =

    3. You know the answer. You ............

    4. She works very hard. - ..

    5. They do the same thing every day. -

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    4. Write the opposite (positive or negative) and translate into Romanian:1. I understand. I dont understand. = Eu nu neleg.

    2. He doesnt smoke. He smokes. = El fumeaz.

    3. They know. They . =

    4. She loves him. - = .5. They speak English. -

    6. I dont want it. - .

    7. She doesnt want them. - ..

    8. He lives in Rome. -

    5. Complete the sentences. All of them are negative. Use: dont/doesnt + one of these verbs; translatethe sentences into Romanian.

    Verbs: cost-drive-go-know-play-see-sell-smoke-wash-wear

    1. Have a cigarette! No, thank you. I dont smoke. = Servete oigar! Nu mulumesc. Nu fumez.

    2. They _______________ newspapers in that shop. =

    3. She has a car, but she ___________________ very often. =

    4. I like films but I _____________ to the cinema very often. =

    5. He smells because he _________________ very often. =

    6. Its a cheap hotel. It _________________ much to stay here. =

    7. He likes football but he ____________________ very often. =8. I ________________ much about politics. =

    9. She is married but she __________________ a ring. =

    10. He lives near our house but we _________________ him very often. =

    6. You are asking somebody questions. Write questions with Do/Does? and translate into Romanian:1. I work hard. And you? Do you workhard? = Eu muncesc din greu. i tu? Tu munceti din greu?

    2. I play tennis. And your brother? Does he play tennis? = Eu joc tennis. i fratele tu? Joacel tennis?

    3. I play the violin. And Ana? _________________________? =

    4. I know the answer. And your friends? ________________________? =

    5. I like hot water. And you? ____________________________ =

    6. I smoke. And your father? __________________________________ =

    7. I do exercises every morning. And them? _________________________________ =

    8. I speak English. And your sister? _______________________________ =

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    7. These questions begin with Where/What/How? Translate into Romanian:1. I wash my hair twice a week (how often/you?)How oftendo you wash your hair?

    = Eu mspl pe cap de 2 ori pe sptmn. Ct de des te speli pe cap ?

    2. I live in London. (where/you?) ________________________________________ ?


    3. He watches TV every day (how often/he?) _____________________________________________ ?


    4. We have lunch at home. (where/you?) __________________________________________________ ?


    5. They get up at 7:30. (what time/you?) __________________________________________ ?


    6. She goes to the cinema a lot. (how often/she?) __________________________________________ ?


    7. He goes to work by bus. (how/he?) ____________________________________________ ?


    8. Use the verbs in the list to make questions. Use the words in brackets; translate into Romanian.Verbs: cost-do-do-go-have-like-play-rain-smoke-speak

    1. (he) Does he often play volleyball? Yes, hes a very good player.

    = El joacvolei deseori? Da, el este un foarte bun juctor.

    2. (you) Excuse me, _______________________ English ? Yes, a little.


    3. (you) What ___________________ ? Im a secretary.


    4. (your sister) What _____________________________ ? She works in a shop.


    5. (she) _____________________________ ? Yes, 20 cigarettes a day.


    6. (it) How often ______________________ in summer ? Not often. Its usually dry.


    7. (you) ______________________ dancing ? Yes, I love it.


    8. (they) What time ___________ usually _____ to bed ? 10 oclock.


    9. (you) What ____________ usually _______ for breakfast ? Toast and coffee.

    =10. (it) How much _____________________ to stay at this hotel ? 30 euros a night.


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    9. Write positive or negative short answers (Yes, he does / No, I dont etc.).1. Do you smoke? No I dont.2. Do you live in a big city? _________________3. Do you drink a lot of coffee? ___________________4. Does your mother speak English? ___________________5. Do you play a musical instrument? ________________________6. Does it rain a lot where you live? ____________________10.Translate the sentences into English and then turn them into the negative and interrogative forms:1. Noi ne scriem tema n fiecare zi. = We write our homework every day.interrogative: Do we write our homework every day?

    negative: We dont write our homework every day.

    2. De obicei, ea merge la coal la ora 8. =interrogative:


    3. Ei noat adesea n lacul acela. =interrogative:


    4. Tu ntotdeauna zmbeti. =interrogative:


    5. Helen se uit la film n fiecare sear. =interrogative:


    6. Copiii se joac cu mingea n fiecare diminea. =interrogative:


    7. Eu citesc de obicei dup-masa. =interrogative:


    8. Alex vorbete ntotdeauna cu mine. =interrogative:


    9. Chris lipsete des de la ore. =interrogative:


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    10.Noi avem o main mare i el are o biciclet nou. =interrogative:


    11. Elevul spune poezia i cnt un cntec frumos. =interrogative:


    12.Voi mncai de obicei la acest restaurant. =interrogative:


    13.Biatul deseneaz deseori pe caietul lui. =interrogative:


    14.Eu locuiesc n casa aceea. =interrogative:


    15.Tata conduce maina aceasta. =interrogative:


    16.Uneori, eu cltoresc cu avionul. =interrogative:


    17.Mama ede ntotdeauna pe acest fotoliu. =interrogative:


    18.Fetele acelea fac de obicei mult zgomot. =interrogative:


    19.Eu fac jogging n fiecare zi. =interrogative:


    20.De obicei el se trezete foarte devreme dimineaa. =interrogative:


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    B.The Present Continuous Tense:I. NTREBUINARE:

    1. Pentru a descrie o aciune in curs de desfurare n momentul vorbirii; n acest caz, este insoit adeseade o indicaie temporal, cum ar fi: now, at the moment.Look! He's washing his car. = Privete! El i spalmaina.What are you doing there? = Ce faci acolo?

    2. Pentru a descrie poziiile corpului:She's standing. = Ea stn picioare.He's leaning against a wall. = El stsprijinit de un perete.

    3. Cnd e vorba de o actiune viitoare, prevzut sau programat:They're buying a new house in May. = Ei i cumpro casnoun luna mai.What are you doing next Monday? = Ce faci lunea viitoare?

    4. Cnd e vorba de ceva care s-ar putea produce n orice moment:He looks funny when he's playing his trumpet. = Aratcomic atunci cnd cntla trompet.

    5. Impreun cu always, pentru a exprima iritarea sau dezaprobarea:She's always coming in when we talk something important. = ntotdeauna trebuie s intre n camer fix cnd vorbim noilucruri importante.


    1. Forma afirmativ: Subiect + aux. TO BE (la prezent) + VB-ingI'm running = Eu alerg

    You're runningHe's runningWe're runningThey're running

    2. La forma interogativ se inverseaz ordinea dintre subiect i aux. TO BE:Am I running? = alerg eu?Are you running?Is he running?Is she running?Are we running?

    Are you running?Are they running?

    3. La forma negativ cuvntul notprecedat de auxiliar apare de cele mai multe ori n forma sacontras (dar niciodata dupa am):I' m not running = Eu nu alergYou aren't runningHe isn't runningShe isn't runningWe aren't runningYou aren't running

    They aren't running

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    1. Punei verbele din paranteze la timpul Prezentul Continuu; Traducei n limba romn:

    Exemplu:Diana (play) with Tim now.- Diana is playing with Tim now. = Diana se joaccu Tim acum.

    1. Everybody (wear) blue T-shirts today.-

    2. I (listen) to classical music at this moment.


    3. What (do) mother in the kitchen?


    4. We (organize) a study trip this week.


    5. Our colleagues (plan) a surprise party for John's birthday these days.


    6. I (meet) with my best friend at the cinema tonight.


    7. My father (work) in the garage now.


    8. This week, you (go) to the theatre with your geography teacher.


    9. At this moment, in Bucharest, it (rain).


    10. My friends (travel) to Egypt this week.


    2. Corectai afirmaiile false ca n exemplul urmtor:

    Exemplu:Jim is playing basketball. (watch TV)- No, Jim is not playing basketball. Jim is watching TV.

    1. Mother is cooking at this moment. (iron)-

    2. My brother is learning English now. (study French)


    3. All my colleagues are working hard for their final exams these days. (plan their holiday)


    4. The cat is climbing the tree now. (eat a mouse)


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    5. I am taking some photos for my album. (read a book)


    6. You are drinking Coke Cola now. (drink a coffee)


    7. Joanna is swimming in the pool. (play volleyball on the beach)


    8. I am making an apple-pie now. (do my homework)


    9. It is raining today. (snow)


    10. We are riding by bicycle to school. (go by bus)


    3. Scriei forma interogativ a urmtoarelor propoziii:

    Exemplu:I am having lunch at this moment.- Am I having lunch at this moment?

    1. We are playing cards.


    2. Mother is washing dishes.

    -3. My brother is reading a newspaper.


    4. We are serving breakfast.


    5. They are decorating the Christmas tree.


    6. My family is planning a trip to Maldive Islands these days.


    7. Father is sleeping in the bedroom.


    8. You are watching a horror movie.


    9. Your sister is doing her homework.


    10. I am sending a postcard in France now.


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    4. Alegei verbul corect; folosii Prezentul Continuu:

    1. We ........................................... basketball in the schoolyard. a) play; b) prepare; c) ski

    2. They ......................................... a movie in the dining-room. a) watch; b) play; c) eat

    3. My friends and I ........................................... some flowers in the garden. a) read; b) water; c) travel

    4. I ............................................. my homework at math. a) do; b) make; c) give

    5. You ......................................... a novel to your little brother. a) read; b) create; c) put

    6. The poet .................................. a poem about love at this moment. a) create; b) give; c) look

    7. I ............................................... after my lost cat. a) look; b) search; c) spend

    8. ........ we ............... to the cinema tonight? a) go; b) watch; c) eat

    9. The sun ..................................... brightly. a) show; b) shine; c) rain

    10. My friends .................................. on a picnic without me. a) go; b) play; c) read

    5. Corectai forma greit a verbului; Traducei n limba romn:

    Exemplu:I am makeing an apple-pie.Correct: I am making an apple-pie. = Pregtesc o plcintcu mere.

    1. Mary is comeing from Italy today.Correct:

    2. We are siting in the living-room.


    3. He is geting off the bus at the first station.


    4. My brother isn't writeing poems.


    5. You aren't plaing with kids.


    6. They are leaveing Bucharest tomorrow evening.


    7. He is comeing tonight to see me.


    8. She is haveing lunch at this moment.


    9. Are you flyng to New York next week?


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    6. Translate the sentences into English and then turn them into the negative and interrogative forms:

    Exemplu :

    Tu te uii la acoperiul casei. = You are looking at the roof of the house.

    interrogative: Are you looking at the roof of the house?

    negative: You arent looking at the roof of the house.

    1. Elevul deseneaz pe coperta crii. =



    2. Noi citim aceast carte. =



    3. Ea prsete oraul Sibiu. =



    4. Tom conduce o main mare i alb. =



    5. Voi cumprai 13 prjituri. =



    6. Bieii ed la masi fetele beau lapte. =



    7. Elevul spune o poezie. =


    negative:8. Biatul ia penarul de pe pat. =



    9. Avionul aterizeaz n acest moment. =



    10. Mama mea pltete pentru pantofii acetia. =interrogative:


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    11. Ei se uit la tine. =



    12. Tu citeti ziarul i copiii se joac n grdin. =



    13. Profesorul scrie 12 cuvinte pe tabl. =



    14. Eu ncerc s vorbesc cu unchiul meu la telefon. =



    15. Fetele noat n piscin. =



    16. Bunicii mei pescuiesc. =



    17. Soul ei lucreaz acum. =



    18. Fiicele noastre nva pentru examen. =



    19. Oaspeii notri servesc cina n acest moment. =



    20. Soldaii se pregtesc pentru parada militar. =interrogative:


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    2. The Past Tense(Timpul Trecut)

    A.Past Tense Simple:I. NTREBUINARE:

    1. Pentru a descrie activiti terminate care s-au petrecut n trecut:She was in France 2 years ago. = Ea a fost n Frana acum 2 ani.We bought a new washing machine 2 weeks ago. = Noi am cumprat o mainde splat acum 2 sptmni.

    2. Pentru a exprima aciuni ncheiate care s-au petrecut la un moment determinat n trecut :They were in England in 1981. = Ei au fost n Anglia n 1981.I left Bucharest in April 1994. = Am plecat din Bucureti in aprilie 1994.

    II. EXPRESII cu care se folosete adesea Trecutul Simplu:yesterday, at this time yesterday, 2 days ago, 2 months ago,last year, last week, the day before yesterday

    Diana went in Belgium 3 years ago. = Diana a mers n Belgia acum 3 ani.I was having lunch at this time yesterday. = Ieri pe vreme asta luam prnzul.They played football 2 hours ago. = Ei s-au jucat fotbal acum 2 ore.

    Paul taught English and French 3 months ago. =Paul a predat engleza i franceza acum 3 luni.She left town the day before yesterday. = Ea a prsit oraul alaltieri.

    III. FORMARE1. Forma afirmativ: Subiect + Vb.formaII (sau terminatia "-ed" pentru verbele regulate)I wrote a book last year. = Am scris o carte anul trecut.He went to a football game last week. = El a mers la un meci de fotbal sptmna trecut.We played in the park yesterday. = Noi ne-am jucat n parc ieri.

    2. Forma interogativ : Did + Subiect + Vb.forma I ?Did you write a book last year? = Ai scris o carte anul trecut?

    Did he go to a football game last week? = A mers el la un meci de fotbal sptmna trecut?Did you play in the park yesterday? = V-ai jucat n parc ieri ?

    3. Forma negativ: Subiect + didn't + Vb.forma I .I didn't write a book last year. = Eu n-am scris o carte anul trecut.He didn't go to a football game last week. = El n-a mers la un meci de fotbal sptmna trecut.We didn't play in the park yesterday. = Noi nu ne-am jucat n parc ieri.


    Infinitiv Trecut Participiu trecut Traducereto awake awoke awoke a se trezi

    to be was, were been a fi

    to bear bore born a se nate

    to beat beat beaten a bate

    to become became become a deveni

    to begin began begun a ncepe

    to bet bet bet a paria

    to bid bade bidden a oferi, a licitato bleed bled bled a sngera

    to blow blew blown a sufla

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    to break broke broken a sparge

    to bring brought brought a aduce

    to burn burnt (burned) burnt (burned) a arde

    to buy bought bought a cumpra

    to can could been able to a putea, a fi posibil

    to catch caught caught a prinde

    to choose chose chosen a alege

    to come came come a veni

    to cost cost cost a costa

    to cut cut cut a tia

    to deal dealt dealt a se ocupa, a trata afaceri

    to do did done a face

    to dream dreamt (dreamed) dreamt (dreamed) a visa

    to drink drank drunk a bea

    to drive drove driven a conduce maina

    to eat ate eaten a mncato fall fell fallen a cadea

    to feed fed fed a hrni

    to feel felt felt a simi

    to fight fought fought a lupta

    to find found found a gsi

    to fly flew flown a zbura

    to forbid forbade forbidden a interzice

    to forget forgot forgotten a uita

    to forgive forgave forgiven a ierta

    to get got got a primi

    to give gave given a da

    to go went gone a merge

    to grow grew grown a crete

    to have had had a avea

    to hear heard heard a auzi

    to hide hid hidden a ascunde

    to hit hit hit a lovi

    to hold held held a ine

    to hurt hurt hurt a rni

    to keep kept kept a pstra

    to know knew known a ti, a cunoate

    to lay laid laid a aeza

    to lead led led a conduce

    to learn learnt (learned) learnt (learned) a nva

    to leave left left a lsa, a prsi

    to lend lent lent a mprumuta (cuiva)to let let let a permite

    to lie lay lain a fi culcat

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    to lose lost lost a pierde

    to make made made a face

    to mean meant meant a nsemna

    to meet met met a ntlni

    to pay paid paid a plti

    to put put put a pune

    to read read read a citi

    to ring rang rung a suna

    to rise rose risen a se ridica

    to run ran run a alerga

    to say said said a spune

    to see saw seen a vedea

    to seek sought sought a cuta

    to sell sold sold a vinde

    to send sent sent a trimite

    to set set set a fixa, a reglato shake shook shaken a scutura, a cltina

    to shave shaved shaven a se brbieri

    to show showed shown a arta

    to shut shut shut a nchide

    to sing sang sung a cnta

    to sit sat sat a sta (pe scaun)

    to sleep slept slept a dormi

    to smell smelt (smelled) smelt (smelled) a mirosi

    to speak spoke spoken a vorbi

    to spend spent spent a petrece, a cheltui

    to stand stood stood a sta n picioare

    to steal stole stolen a fura

    to swim swam swum a nota

    to take took taken a lua

    to teach taught taught a nva, a preda

    to tell told told a spune

    to think thought thought a gndi, a crede

    to throw threw thrown a arunca

    to understand understood understood a nelege

    to wake woke woken a se trezi

    to wear wore worn a purta

    to win won won a ctiga

    to write wrote written a scrie

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    1. Scriei forma corect a verbului din parantez la Trecutul Simplu ; Traducei n limba romn:

    1. I (watch) a horror movie yesterday evening.

    - I watched a horror movie yesterday evening. = M-am uitat la un film de groazieri sear.

    2. Mary (play) in the garden with her dog yesterday morning.


    3. Two days ago, John (go) with his mother at the doctor.


    4. Mary (talk) a lot during the French lesson.


    5. My mother (wash) many clothes yesterday evening.


    6. I (do not enjoy) the movie last night.-

    7. I (solve) the Math problem very quickly.


    8. I (prepare) my luggage yesterday.


    9. I (be) at school when you called me.

    -10. When you were young, you (live) in the countryside.


    2. Folosii cuvintele din paranteze pentru a realiza propoziii negative precum n exemplu:

    Exemplu:Mary liked the apple pie. (the soup)- Mary liked the apple pie, but she didn't like the soup.

    1. I played in the schoolyard. (in the garden)


    2. My friend went to the mountain. (to the seaside)


    3. I travelled abroad 2 days ago. (1 month ago)


    4. Yesterday I visited Mr. Peterson. (Mrs. Smith)


    5. During lunch, I listened to a football game on the radio. (music)


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    6. You called me at 10 o'clock a.m. (12 o'clock)


    7. I arrived at home early in the morning. (in the afternoon)


    8. You received a computer on your birthday. (a car)


    9. It rained 2 days ago. (last week)

    -10. Mike repaired his car. (bicycle)-

    3. Trecei la Trecutul Simplu verbele neregulate de mai jos, precum n exemplu;


    I leave school at 2 o'clock yesterday.- I left school at 2 o'clock yesterday.

    1. I eat a delicious soup at the restaurant 2 days ago.


    2. My family buy a new car 3 months ago.


    3. I read a very interesting novel yesterday evening.


    4. Mary speak with her English teacher last week, about her exams.


    5. Last Monday, John write to his mother a letter.


    6. Last winter, I make a beautiful snowman in front of the house.


    7. You give your sister a necklace for her birthday.


    8. Last year, Tim become a doctor.


    9. Mrs. Thompson teach Spanish and English every Monday and Wednesday.


    10. Father come from the office late at noon.


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    4. Trecei urmtoarele verbe la Trecutul Simplu:

    Exemplu:I see - I sawI watch - I watched

    1. I sleep - 6. He doesn't feel -2. He plays - 7. I meet -

    3. He run - 8. He catches -4. You speak - 9. You wake up -5. They don't read - 10. They leave -

    5. Raspundei la urmtoarele ntrebri conform precizrilor din paranteze (vezi exemplu)Traducei n limba romn:


    When did she leave Bucharest? (2 years ago)

    - She left Bucharest 2 years ago. = Ea a plecat din Bucureti acum 2 ani.

    1. Where did you sleep last night? (at Cathy's)


    2. When did you read this book? (3 weeks ago)


    3. When did you find out about Susan's problems? (last Monday)


    4. Where did you meet your friends? (in the park)


    5. When did she study French (2 years ago)


    6. Where did he work last year (in a bank)


    7. When did they divorce? (4 years ago)


    8. How did she die? (in a train accident)


    9. Who was Mihai Eminescu? (a great Romanian poet)


    10. When was he born? (in 1973)


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    6. Translate the sentences into English and then turn them into the negative and interrogative forms:

    Exemplu :

    El a devenit un bun doctor. = He became a good doctor.

    interrogative: Did he become a good doctor?

    negative: He didntbecome a good doctor.

    1. Tu ai nceput sa scrii. =



    2. Eu am adus aici o cutie cu fructe ieri. =



    3. Ea a cumprat prea mult mncare. =



    4. Noi am prins civa peti. =



    5. Voi ai ales maina aceea. =


    6. Ele au venit acas trziu. =



    7. Ei au tiat hrtia. =


    negative:8. Eu am fcut cteva exerciii. =



    9. Tu ai desenat flori. =



    10. Televizorul a costat foarte mult. =



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    11. Cinele a but toat apa. =



    12. Am visat c eram toi la munte. =



    13. Voi ai condus pn la Bucureti. =



    14. Fiicele mele au mncat ieri numai dulciuri. =



    15. Nepoii mei au czut peste gard. =



    16. Noi am hrnit animalele n fiecare zi. =



    17. Laura i-a gsit n sfrit geanta. =



    18. Avionul a zburat 10 ore. =



    19. Noi am uitat c trebuia s venim la ora 7. =



    20. Doctorul a ncercat s salveze pacientul. =interrogative:


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    B. Past Tense Continuous:

    I. NTREBUINARE:1. Pentru a exprima o aciune n desfurare ce a avut loc n trecut :She was playing in her room at this time yesterday. = Ea se juca n camera ei pe vremea aceasta ieri.They were listening music at this time last Saturday. = Ei ascultau muzicsmbtla ora aceasta.

    2. Pentru a exprima o aciune repetat de-a lungul unei perioade de timp :

    Did she ask any questions? = A pus multe ntrebri?Oh, she was asking questions all the time. = Oh, ea punea ntrebri tot timpul.Did he buy any sweets? = A cumprat dulciuri?Oh, he was buying sweets all the time. = Oh, el cumpra dulciuri tot timpul.

    II.EXPRESII cu care se folosete adesea Trecutul Continuu:at this time yesterday, from ... to ..., all day.

    Tom was typing some letters at this time yesterday. = Tom scria nite scrisori pe vremea aceasta ieri.She was playing guitar from 6 to 8 o'clock. = Ea cnta la chitarde la ora 6 la 8.They were laughing all day. = Ei rdeau toatziua.

    III. FORMARE:1. Forma afirmativ: Subiect + was (pers. I/III sg.) / were + Vb-ingI was learning a poem at this time yesterday. = nvam o poezie pe vremea aceasta ieri.You were watering the flowers at this time yesterday. = Tu udai florile pe vremea aceasta ieri.They were mending the radio at this time yesterday. = Ei reparau radio-ul pe vremea aceasta ieri.

    2. Forma interogativ: Was (pers. I/III sg.) / were + Subiect + Vb-ing ?Was I learning a poem at this time yesterday? = nvaam eu poezie pe vremea aceasta ieri?Were you watering the flowers at this time yesterday? = Udai tu florile pe vremea aceasta ieri?Were they mending the radio at this time yesterday? = Reparau ei radio-ul pe vremea aceasta ieri?

    3. Forma negativ: Subiect + wasnt (pers. I/III sg.) / werent + Vb-ingI wasn't learning a poem at this time yesterday. = Eu nu nvam o poezie pe vremea aceasta ieri.You weren't watering the flowers at this time yesterday. = Tu nu udai florile pe vremea aceasta ieri.They weren't mending the radio at this time yesterday. = Ei nu reparau radio-ul pe vremea aceasta ieri.

    EXERCISES:1. Spune ce fcea fiecare pe vremea aceasta, marea trecuta:

    Exemplu: Father was in the living-room. (watch) - Fatherwas watching TV.

    1. My mother was in the kitchen. (cook) -2. Daniel was in the garden. (water flowers) -

    3. Grandma was in the bedroom. (sleep) -

    4. Their friends were at the disco. (dance) -

    5. Aunt Mary and uncle John were in the garage. (repair car) -

    2. Ieri diminea, toi elevii din clasa a asea erau n clas i se pregteau pentru testul de lamatematic. Spune ce fcea fiecare cnd a intrat profesorul. Traducei n limba romn:

    Exemplu: Ana and Mary / clean the blackboard.- Ana and Mary were cleaning the blackboard. = Ana i Maria tergeau tabla.

    1. Christian / talk to his desk mate. -

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    2. Victor / repeat some geometry formulas.


    3. Diana and Helen / look at some exercises.


    4. George / read the math lesson.


    5. Andreea / write her homework.


    3. Trecei verbele la Trecutul Continuu:Exemplu: We are reading Shakespeare now. - We were reading Shakespeare at this time yesterday, too.

    1. Father is fixing the car in the garage. -

    2. Timothy is painting the wall now. -

    3. Grandpa and Grandma are watching a movie now. -

    4. Students are learning new Spanish words now. -

    5. The boys are trying to fix a bicycle now. -

    4. Trecei verbele din paranteze la Trecutul Continuu. Traducei n limba romn:Exemplu: She (sing) for 2 hours yesterday.- She was singing for 2 hours yesterday. = Ea cnta timp de 2 ore ieri.

    1. Tom (practice) in the language lab from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. yesterday.


    2. Mother (cook) all day yesterday.


    3. My friends (watch) TV for 6 hours yesterday.


    4. Pupils (study) Spanish from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.


    5. From 3 to 5 I (play) tennis yesterday afternoon.


    5. Trecei verbele din paranteze la Trecutul Continuu. Aceste verbe exprim o aciune trecutcare a avut loc o perioad mai lunga de timp.Exemplu: I (work) in a restaurant in the centre of the city.- I was working in a restaurant in the centre of the city.

    1. I (live) in an old building. -

    2. Mother (visit) me twice a week. -

    3. I (share) my room with 2 girls.

    4. I (work) on Saturdays twice a month. -

    5. I had a very good friend, Tom, and he (work) in the same restaurant with me.-

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    6. Translate the sentences into English and then turn them into the negative and interrogative forms:

    Exemplu :

    Tu citeai mult cnd erai adolescent. = You were reading a lot when you were a teenager.

    interrogative: Were you reading a lot when you were a teenager?

    negative: You werent reading a lot when you were a teenager.

    1. Noi ntotdeauna mergeam la culcare la ora 9. =



    2. Mama cra multe bagaje ieri cand am ntlnit-o. =



    3. Copilul era singuri plngea. =



    4. Colegii mei pescuiau n fiecare vacan de var. =



    5. Ei munceau n fiecare zi n timp ce ea muncea mai rar. =



    6. Muncitorii ii curau ntotdeauna uneltele dup ce le foloseau. =



    7. Cnd eram tnr, petreceam mult timp cu prietenii mei. =



    8. Bunicul venea n fiecare luni i aducea jucrii lui Timmy. =



    9. Cnd l-am vazut ultima oar, el pleca din ora. =



    10. Artitii repetau nainte ca spectacolul s nceap. =


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    3. The Future Simple Tense(Timpul Viitor)

    I. NTREBUINARE:1. Viitorul Simplu l folosim n legtura cu ateptri, predicii, opinii sau presupuneri care se vordesfura n viitor.Don't worry. She'll come back. = Nu te ngrijora. Se va ntoarce.My son will be ten next month. = Fiul meu va mplini zece ani luna viitoare.

    2. Viitorul Simplu se folosete pentru a descrie aciuni obinuite ce vor avea loc n viitor.Drivers will always have to pay their speed tickets. = oferii ntotdeauna vor trebui s-i achite amenzile pentru depireavitezei.Babies will be born and old people will die, as usual. = Copii tot se vor nate, i btrnii se vor stinge, ca de obicei.

    3. Viitorul Simplu se folosete n cadrul propoziiilor condiionale de tip 1, precum i n propoziiitemporale.We will punish him if he does it again. = l vom pedepsi dacva mai face acel lucru din nou.He will come home when he finishes his work. = El va veni acasdupa ce ii va termina treaba.

    4. Viitorul Simplu se folosete pentru a descrie aciuni ce exprim intenia (mai ales cele luate n

    momentul deciziei).I will have some Pepsi, please. = A dori un Pepsi, vrog.I like this car. I will buy it. = mi place aceastmain. O voi cumpra.

    II. FORMARE:1. Forma afirmativ: Subiect + will+ VerbI will come We will comeYou will come You will comeHe will come They will come

    2. Forma interogativ: Will+ Subiect + Verb ?

    Will I come ? Will we come ?Will you come ? Will you come ?Will he come ? Will they come ?

    3. Forma negativ: Subiect + will not (wont) + VerbI will not come We will not comeYou will not come You will not comeHe will not come They will not come


    1. Punei verbele din paranteze la Viitorul Simplu i traducei n limba romn:Exemplu:I (know) the results in three days time.- I will know the results in three days time. = Voi afla rezultatele in 3 zile.

    You (be) in London tomorrow.-

    You (recognize) him when you see him?

    -I (remember) this day all my life.


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    I am sure you (like) this book.


    He (be) pleased if you invite him.


    I am sure I (succeed).


    You (remember) to post my letter?


    I hope I (pass) the exam.


    You (not find) a solution if you dont know the whole truth.


    2. Where will you be ? Scriei propozi

    ii despre dvs. folosind: Ill be / Ill probably be / I dont know

    where Ill beExemplu:(Tomorrow at 10 oclock) Ill probably be on the beach. / Ill be at work / I dont know where Ill be

    (An hour from now) ______________________________________________.

    (At midnight) ______________________________________________.

    (At 3 oclock tomorrow afternoon) ______________________________________________.

    (Two years from now) ______________________________________________.

    3. Scriei forma negativ:Exemplu:Youll sleep. You wont sleep.

    Ill forget. __________________.

    It will happen. __________________.

    Youll find out. __________________.

    Shell come back. __________________.

    4. Scriei propoziii la viitor care s nceap cu I think:Exemplu:(Diana/pass the exam) I think Diana will pass the exam.

    (Jack/win the game) ______________________________________________.

    (Sue/like her present) ______________________________________________.

    (The weather/nice tomorrow) ______________________________________________.

    (My friends/visit me next week) ______________________________________________.

    (I/go on a trip next summer) ______________________________________________.

    (We/wake up early tomorrow morning) ______________________________________________.

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    Redarea n limba englez a ntrebrii Nu-i asa?se face n mod diferit, n funcie de anumitecaracteristici ale propoziiei stimul ( propoziia dup care este aezat) i anume:

    1. Dac n propoziia stimul se afl un verb auxiliar sau modal, acesta se repet n ntrebarea disjunctiv, la

    semn invers.

    +Positive statement,

    -negative tag?

    Snow is white, isn't it?

    -Negative statement,

    +positive tag?

    You don't like me, do you

    Exemple:Mary has finished her work, hasnt she? = Maryi-a terminat treaba, nu-i aa?You havent met her before, have you? = Tu n-ai mai ntlnit-o, nu-i aa?

    John can manage alone, cant he? = John se descurcsingur, nu-i aa?She couldnt come, could she? = Ea nu a putut veni, nu-i aa?

    2. Dac n propoziia stimul se afl un verb obinuit, n ntrebarea disjunctiv se folosete verbul auxiliar

    do la acelai timp i la aceeai persoan.Exemple:Your mother baked these cakes, didnt she? = Mama ta a fcut prjiturile acestea, nu-i aa?Alice speaks English well, doesnt she? = Alice vorbete bine engleza, nu-i aa?They dont know each other, do they? = Ei nu se cunosc, nu-i aa?You didnt come home late, did you? = Tu n-ai venit trziu, nu-i aa?

    3. Forma negativ a verbului auxiliar sau modal din ntrebarea disjunctiv este ntotdeauna contras ( isnt,didnt, cant, etc.) Forma negativ pentru persoana I sg. a verbului to be la prezent este fie am I not?fie, invorbirea curent, familiar, aint I? [eint ai].

    Exemplu:I am a good dancer, am I not? (aint I?) = Eu sunt un bun dansator, nu-i aa?

    4. Subiectul ntrebrii disjunctive este ntotdeauna pronumele corespunztor subiectului propoziiei stimul;5. ntrebarea disjunctiv este desparit de propoziia stimul prin virgul;6. Intonaia ntrebrii disjunctive urc atunci cnd se ateapt un rspuns i coboar atunci cnd aceasta esteo simpl constatare;7. n cazul n care ntrebarea disjunctiv este doar o exclamaie (chiar aa?, adevrat?) exprimndsurprindere, nemulumire, bucurie etc., verbul auxiliar sau modal este folosit la acelai timp cu predicatul

    propoziiei stimul.

    Exemple:You will tell me, will you? (ameninare) = mi vei spune, bine?Oh, I am here at last, am I? ( bucurie) = Oh, n sfrit am ajuns aici, sau nu?

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    8. Cnd propoziia stimul este la modul imperativ, ntrebarea disjunctiv este will you?saushall we?Exemple:Let me have a look, will you? = Las-msmuit, bine?Have another cake, will you? = Mai servete o prjitur, te rog?Lets go, shall we? = Haidei smergem, bine?

    9. Dac propoziia stimul conine cuvinte ca: neither, no, none, no one, nobody, nothing, scarcely, barely,hardly ever, seldom, ntrebarea disjunctiv este la afirmativ.

    Exemplu:Nothing was added, was it? = Nu s-a adugat nimic, nu-i aa?

    10. Cnd subiectul propoziiei stimul este: anyone, anybody, no one, nobody, none, neither, everyone,somebody, someone, subiectul ntrebrii disjunctive este they.

    Exemplu:Nobody will go there, will they? = Nimeni nu se va duce acolo, nu-i aa?


    1. Adugai ntrebarea disjunctiv potrivit:

    1. Teresa is an accountant, __________?2. I am a good worker, _____________?3. Pierre is a grandfather, ___________?4. Kate is a doctor, ____________?5. Jack and Alicia are students, _____________?6. Mario is at work right now, ______________?7. I'm here, _____________?8. You and I are busy right now, ______________?9. It's windy today, ____________?

    10. I am ready for the next exercise, ___________?11. Sabine was an actress, ___________?12. I was very tired, ___________?13. Alexander was a factory owner, ___________?14. Monika was here, ___________?15. Hanna and Alicia were students, ___________?16. Mario was at work yesterday, ___________?17. I was late, ___________?18. You and I were busy last week, ___________?19. It was windy today, ___________?20. Hector was your neighbour, ___________?21. Luciano Pavarotti was a great opera singer, ___________?22. It isn't very cold today, ___________?23. The children won't want to go to bed early, ___________?

    2. Alegei ntrebarea disjunctiv potrivit:

    1. You wanted that, ___________?

    a) would you

    b) didn't youc) wouldn't you

    d) do you

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    2. He saw that, ___________?

    a) is he

    b) won't he

    c) didn't he

    d) doesn't he

    3. You know that's right, ___________?

    a) would you

    b) wouldn't you

    c) don't you

    d) didn't you

    4. He will be coming, ___________?a) is he

    b) did he

    c) doesn't he

    d) won't he

    5. After all this time you'd think he'd have forgotten, ___________?

    a) didn't you

    b) wouldn't youc) don't you

    d) do you

    6. The patient is suffering from severe fever he needs to see a doctor, ___________?

    a) doesn't he

    b) did he

    c) won't hed) is he

    7. You may think you know the answer but you don't, ___________?

    a) don't you

    b) would you

    c) wouldn't you

    d) do you

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    8. After working so hard he didn't deserve to fail the exam, ___________?

    a) doesn't he

    b) did he

    c) won't he

    d) is he

    9. You wouldn't report me, ___________?

    a) don't you

    b) would you

    c) wouldn't you

    d) do you

    10. He isn't going to like this, ___________?a) didn't he

    b) did he

    c) won't he

    d) is he

    3. Traducei urmtoarele propoziii n limba englez:

    1. Eu mi scriu tema n fiecare zi, nu-i aa? =2. Tu ai fcut exerciii n fiecare sptmn, nu-i aa? =

    3. El se trezete de obicei la ora 8, nu-i aa? =

    4. Ana nu va citi o carte n fiecare lun, nu-i aa? =

    5. Noi nu vorbim englez, nu-i aa? =

    6. Voi nu dormii mai mult dect ei, nu-i aa? =

    7. Ei mncau aici de fiecare dat, nu-i aa? =

    8. Ea noat n piscin acum, nu-i aa? =

    9. Noi nu vorbim n acest moment, nu-i aa? =

    10. El cnt foarte bine la pian, nu-i aa? =

    11. Dar el nu poate s cnte la vioar, nu-i aa? =

    12. Tu trebuie s bei mult lapte, nu-i aa? =

    13. Ea are mai multe cri dect tine, nu-i aa? =

    14. Voi putei nota foarte repede, nu-i aa? =

    15. Ei au rezolvat cel mai dificil exerciiu, nu-i aa? =

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    Diateza pasiv se formeaz conjugnd verbul to be la timpul cerut de sens, la care se adaugformaIII (participiul trecut) a verbului de conjugat.

    Exemple:I am asked. = Eu sunt ntrebat

    I have been asked. = Eu am fost ntrebatI was asked. = Eu eram ntrebatI had been asked. = Eu fusesem ntrebatI will be asked. = Eu voi fi ntrebat

    n limba romn, trecerea de la diateza activ la diateza pasiv se face prin transformareacomplementului direct n subiect.Exemplu:Activ: Directorul m-a chemat pe mine. Pasiv: Eu am fost chemat de director.

    n limba englez, exist 3 tipuri de complemente care pot deveni subiect in transformarea de la activla pasiv: complementul direct, complementul indirecti, n unele cazuri, complementul prepoziional.

    Exemplu: Activ: I gave him a book. = I-am dat o carte.

    (unde complementul direct este a book, iar complementul indirect este him ; ambele complemente pot devenisubiecte in cazul trecerii la pasiv; desigur, subiectul va fi trecut la cazul nominativ.)Exemple:Complement direct Subiect : A book was given to him. (by me) = O carte i s-a dat lui (de ctre mine).

    Complement indirect Subiect: He was given a book. (by me) =I s-a dat o carte (de ctre mine)

    n propoziia: In this office they insist on punctuality = n acest birou ei insitprivind punctualitatea.punctuality este un complement prepoziional, care, de asemenea, poate deveni subiect n cazul

    folosirii diatezei pasive:In this office punctuality is insisted on (by them). = n acest birou se insitpe punctualitate (de ctre ei)

    Un alt exemplu de complement prepoziional care poate deveni subiect.Exemplu:Active: She looked after the child. = Ea a ingrijit copilul

    Passive: The child was looked after (by her). = Copilul a fost ngrijit (de ctre ea)

    n multe cazuri, pasivul se folosete atunci cnd nu este important cine face aciunea. n acestesituaii, se omite formularea by, de la sfritul propoziiei.

    Exemplu: In this office punctuality is insisted on.

    Nota: Se poate folosi aspectul continuu al diatezei pasive numai la Present Tense si Past Tense.Exemple:While I am in hospital, my flat is being painted.= n timp ce sunt n spital, apartamentul meu este zugrvit.While I was in hospital, my flat was being painted.= n timp ce eram n spital, apartamentul meu era zugrvit.

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    I.Trecei urmtoarele propoziii la diateza pasivi traducei n limba romn:1. They will finish the work today.- The work will be finished today. = Treaba va fi terminatastzi.

    2. He has found your bag.


    3. I will invite my friend to a party.


    4. Someone has found the missing child.


    5. A specialist will repair my TV set.


    6. His co-workers must do something for him.


    7. People play football all over the world.


    8. The noise frightened me.


    9. They are building a new house round the corner.


    10. They were building a new supermarket in that district last month, when I passed by.


    II. Trecei urmtoarele propoziii la diateza pasiv n dou feluri, transformnd attcomplementul direct ct i cel indirect n subiecte:

    1. The doctor prescribed some pills to the patient.- Some pills were prescribed to the patient (by the doctor).- The patient was prescribed some pills (by the doctor).

    2. They have given me a nice present.



    3. The policeman will show us the way.



    4. I teach them English.



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    5. I have lent John two of my books.



    6. The jury awarded the Romanian film director the Great Prize.



    7. The guide showed the museum to the tourists.



    8. They will give me a reward.



    9. My friend doesnt always tell me the truth.



    10. The teacher asked me a difficult question.



    III. Trecei la diateza pasiv urmtoarele propoziii care cuprind combinaii verb+prepoziie:

    1. They didnt look after the children properly.- The child wasnt looked after properly (by them)

    2. We called for the doctor.


    3. We couldnt account for his odd behaviour.


    4. Burglars broke into the house.


    5. Dont speak until someone speaks to you.


    6. He hasnt slept in his bed.


    7. We laughed at John.


    8. We objected to his proposal.


    9. They set fire to the shed.-

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    IV. Trecei urmtoarele propoziii la diateza pasivi traducei n limba romn:1. Has someone repaired the TV set?- Has the TV set been repaired? = A fost reparat televizorul?

    2. Will you write the letter in ink?


    3. Havent they told you to be here at 6 oclock?


    4. Did the tornado frighten you?


    5. Will someone tell him the details?


    6. Have you fed the dog?


    7. Did the sight of the accident shock him?-

    8. Did they tell you about the meeting?


    9. Do you think they will turn down your request?


    10. Would you have finished your work sooner if your colleagues hadnt interrupted you?


    V.Trecei urmtoarele propoziii la diateza pasivi la diateza activ. Gasii subiecte acolo unde estenecesar:

    1. This book will soon be forgotten. They will soon forget this book.

    2. These books mustnt be taken away.


    3. English is spoken all over the world.


    4. This painting is admired by all the visitors of the museum.


    5. This house has been built out of stone and cement.


    6. A reception was held in his honour.


    7. The pupils will be told where to sit.


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    8. I was recommended a very good doctor.


    9. The climber was finally discovered by the rescue party.


    10. He hates being made fun of.


    VI. Traducei n limba englez:1. n acest hotel se vorbesc limbi straine. = In this hotel foreign languages are spoken.

    2. Ni s-a cerut s artm paapoartele.


    3. Ni s-au spus lucruri foarte interesante la conferin.


    4. Evenimentul a fost comentat de toate ziarele.=

    5. Scrisoarea va fi pus la pot ct mai curnd posibil.


    6. Nu s-a auzit nimic despre el de cnd a plecat la Constana.


    7. Aceast informaie trebuie tratat confidenial.

    =8. Sensurile cuvintelor noi trebuie cutate n dicionar.


    9. Cnd a ajuns acasi-a dat seama c i se furase portofelul.


    10. Cursul profesorului a fost ascultat de toi studenii.


    11. Ni se vor da instruciuni detaliate n privina referatului.


    12. Se construiesc multe blocuri noi in cartierul nostru.


    13. Muzeul a fost nchis pentru reparaii.


    14. Acest timbru nu a fost bine lipit pe plic.


    15. America a fost descoperit la sfritul secolului al XV-lea.