02 column nscp 2010

SHEAR REINFORCEMNT I. MATERIAL PROPERTIES: Material Specifications: 275 MPa 28 MPa II. SECTION PROPERTIES: Base Width, b: 300 mm Height, h: 400 mm Concrete Cover: 40 mm Ø of Shear Reinforcement: 10 mm Number of Legs, n: 2 Effective Depth, d: 340 mm 355 to 300 1 Reduction Factor, φ: 0.75 Cross Section Area of Stirrup: 157.08 mm^2 II. APPLIED FORCES: 90 kN 700 kN II. CONCRETE SHEAR STRENGTH: X For members subjected to shear and flexure For members subjected to axial compression 91.755 kN Stirrups are necerrary 1 Vn= 120 kN Vs= 28.245 kN IV. SPACING OF STIRRUPS: s= 170.0 mm Yeild Strength of Steel (main bar), f Compressive Stress of Concrete, f'c: LWC Modification Factor, λ: Ultimate Shear Force, Vu: Factored Axial Load, Nu: Vc= III. SHEAR STRENGTH TO BE PROVIDED BY STIRRUP, Vs:

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It's about the computation of reinforcement for column section using NSCP 2010


SHEAR REINFORCEMNTI. MATERIAL PROPERTIES:Material Specifications:275 MPa28 MPaII. SECTION PROPERTIES:Base Width, b: 300 mmHeiht, h: !00 mm"oncrete "o#er: !0 mm$ of Shear %einforcement: &0 mm'(mber of )es, n: 2*ffecti#e +epth, d: 3!0 mm 355 to 300&%ed(ction ,actor, -: 0.75"ross Section /rea of Stirr(p: &57.08 mm02II. APPLIED FORCES:10 2'700 2'II. CONCRETE SHEAR STRENGTH:3 ,or members s(b4ected to shear and fle5(re,or members s(b4ected to a5ial compression1&.755 2'Stirr(ps are necerrar67n8 &20 2'7s8 28.2!5 2'IV. SPACING OF STIRRUPS:s8 &70.0 mm9eild Strenth of Steel :main bar;, f6:"ompressi#e Stress of "oncrete, f2 8.ma22 8 31vfy6>30.62N3f7c6-6 8.ma22 8 31vfy6>30.,#-6 8Shear *orce at Section @ocated at 0i.tance d, Mud:Since Mu 9 +Mc, .tirru!. are nece..ary64.#,02$ %No%ey///Num-er of @e(., n: 2 !c.1#".0$ mma2imum S!acin(:9 d>2 or 600 mm"1 mmuse 2 legs!! "#$!e%e& s'e$& &e#()*&+e!e(%, -.1//!!, 0.11/!!, &es% .21/!!Shear Stren(th to -e 4rovided, M. 8 Mu>+ ' McM.8M. 0.66=N3f7c6=-=d 3limitin( M.6Jotal Cro.. Section 1rea of Stirru!, 1v:mm2S!acin(, . 8 31vf7yd6>M. 85hen M. 0.,,=N3f7c6=-=d, .ma2 8.ma2 8see NSCP 2010 (Section 409.4.2.2)see NSCP 2010 (Section 410.4.6.2)2011see NSCP 2010 (Section 410.10.1)3from 4C1column .oft5are6see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)3:': mean. com!re..ion6le.. than 1000 !a,see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)mm263from 4C1column .oft5are6see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)le.. than 1000 !a,see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.4.1.2)%Nsee NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.5)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6.3)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6.3)%Ncsee NSCP 2010 (Section 411.2.1)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.7.9see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.7.2)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.5)DESIGN OF COLUMNName of Structure: TWO STOREY RESIDENSIALBUILDINGName of Beam: C-1I. PROPERTIESColumn Width, 2: 200 mmColumn Width, y: 400 mmConcrete Cover, cc: 40 mm16 mm10 mm21.0 !a2"# !aII. DESIGN FOR MAIN REINFORCEMENT2$4.00 %N&2.2# %N'm&0.2# %N'm0e!th of Neutral 12i., c: 2#0 mm 3from 4C1column .oft5are60.$#0212.# mm"#$.6, %N201.061&d7 8 #$.00 mmd 8 ,42.0 mm2 8 &4." mm220.$0 4a'6.4 4a'2,,.6 4a'460.$ 4a 9 fy, u.e '41# !a, 1,,.1$ %N2 '2.#" %N2 '&,.&4 %N, '2#0.,2 %N3:': mean. com!re..ion6&"2.2" %N2"#.60"& mm1,,.61 mm12&.&0 %N'm;ltimate Stren(th of Column:le.. than 1000 !a,the column i. 5ithin tran.ition re(ion0.6#c 8f., 83600=322c 8f.1 83600=3d7'c66>c 844 8 =1-=f.4 84, 8 =1-=f., 842 8 =1-=f.2 841 8 =1-=f.1 84n 8 442 8.ma22 8 31vfy6>30.62N3f7c6-6 8.ma22 8 31vfy6>30.,#-6 8Shear *orce at Section @ocated at 0i.tance d, Mud:Since Mu 9 +Mc, .tirru!. are nece..aryP)E*/ %NPPPNum-er of @e(., n: 2 !c.1#".0$P)E*/ mma2imum S!acin(:PPP PPPP)E*/ mmuse 2 legs!! "#$!e%e& s'e$& &e#()*&+e!e(%, -.1//!!, 0.11/!!, &es% .21/!!Shear Stren(th to -e 4rovided, M. 8 Mu>+ ' McM.8M. 0.66=N3f7c6=-=d 3limitin( M.6Jotal Cro.. Section 1rea of Stirru!, 1v:mm2S!acin(, . 8 31vf7yd6>M. 85hen M. 0.,,=N3f7c6=-=d, .ma2 8.ma2 83from 4C1column .oft5are6see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)3:': mean. com!re..ion6le.. than 1000 !a,see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)3from 4C1column .oft5are6see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)le.. than 1000 !a,see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.4.1.2)%Nsee NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.5)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6.3)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6.3)%Ncsee NSCP 2010 (Section 411.2.1)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.7.9see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.7.2)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.5)DESIGN OF COLUMNName of Structure: TWO STOREY RESIDENTIALHOUSEName of Beam: C-1I. PROPERTIESColumn Width, z: 2#0 mmColumn Width, y: 400 mmConcrete Cover, cc: 40 mm16 mm12 mm10 mm21.0 !a2"# !aII. DESIGN FOR MAIN REINFORCEMENT44$. %N66.#& %N'm4#.&" %N'm$. I(2es%#g$%#*( Al*(g 3 D#&e+%#*(40e!th of Neutral 12i., c: 2"$ mm 3from 4C1column .oft5are60.$#02,6., mm10#4.4& %N201.061&11,.0&",d7 8 #$.00 mmd 8 ,42.0 mm2 8 &4." mm1,$.1, 4a'66.1$"1 4a'2"0.# 4a'4"4.$ 4a 9 fy, u.e '2"# !a##.## %N'14.&" %N'61.1& %N'110.#$ %N3:': mean. com!re..ion611$#.6& %N2,6.#,42 mm&4.#, mm112.0& %N'm;ltimate Stren(th of Column:le.. than 1000 !a,the column i. 5ithin tran.ition re(ion0.6#31000'fy6+ 8 0.6#6$2.$" %N 1.#210,2 o%ey///4".11 %N'm 1.02# o%ey///V. DESIGN FOR SHEAR REINFORCEMENT$. S'e$& Re#()*&+e!e(% Al*(g 3 D#&e+%#*(4Width, z: 2#0 mm100000Effective 0e!th, d: ,42 mm)eduction *actor, +: 0."#,2&.41 %N@WC odification *actor, L: 1.00$2.2$ %N,$.2#a minimum area of .hear reinforcement i. reBuiredNum-er of @e(., n: 2 !c.1#".0$a2imum S!acin( of Stirru!.:1"1 mm60$ mm4&4 mmEBuivalent 0e!th *actor, F1:a 8 F1c 8Cc 8 0.$#=f7c=a=- 81-1 8mm21-2 8mm2f.2 83600=3d'c66>c 8f.1 83600=3d7'c66>c 842 8 =1-=f.2 841 8 =1-=f.1 84n 8 4231000'fy6+ 8 0.6##42.#6 %N 1.""4462 o%ey///66.21 %N'm 1.0,# o%ey///ain )einforcement 0iameter, d-1:ain )einforcement 0iameter, d-2:Shear )einforcement 0iameter dt:Com!re..ive Stren(th of Concrete, f7c:?eild Stren(th of Steel, fy:0e.i(ned 12ial @oad, 4u:0e.i(ned oment a-out z, z: 0e.i(ned oment a-out y, y: EBuivalent 0e!th *actor, F1:a 8 F1c 8Cc 8 0.$#=f7c=a=- 81-1 8mm21-2 8mm2f.4 83600=3d'c66>c 8f., 83600=322c 8f.1 83600=3d7'c66>c 844 8 =1-=f.4 84, 8 =1-=f., 842 8 =1-=f.2 841 8 =1-=f.1 84n 8 4431000'fy6+ 8 0.6##21.#0 %N 1."0##$4 o%ey///,0.12 %N'm 1.0,# o%ey///V. DESIGN FOR SHEAR REINFORCEMENT$. S'e$& Re#()*&+e!e(% Al*(g 3 D#&e+%#*(4Width, z: 200 mm$0000Effective 0e!th, d: ,42 mm)eduction *actor, +: 0."#2##.621 %N@WC odification *actor, L: 1.006#.4# %N44.0#a minimum area of .hear reinforcement i. reBuiredNum-er of @e(., n: 2 !c.1#".0$a2imum S!acin( of Stirru!.:1"1 mm"60 mm61" mmEBuivalent 0e!th *actor, F1:a 8 F1c 8Cc 8 0.$#=f7c=a=- 81-1 8mm21-2 8mm2f.2 83600=3d'c66>c 8f.1 83600=3d7'c66>c 842 8 =1-=f.2 841 8 =1-=f.1 84n 8 42c 8f.1 83600=3d7'c66>c 84, 8 =1-=f., 842 8 =1-=f.2 841 8 =1-=f.1 84n 8 4,M. 85hen M. 0.,,=N3f7c6=-=d, .ma2 8.ma2 85. S'e$& Re#()*&+e!e(% Al*(g 6 D#&e+%#*(4Width, z: 400 mm$0000Effective 0e!th, d: 142 mm)eduction *actor, +: 0."#1",.41 %N@WC odification *actor, L: 1.00#1.10 %N22.4"a minimum area of .hear reinforcement i. reBuiredNum-er of @e(., n: 2 !c.1#".0$a2imum S!acin( of Stirru!.:"1 mm,$0 mm,0& mmuse 2 legs 1/ !! "#$!e%e& s'e$& &e#()*&+e!e(%, s7$+#(g4 1/ . 1//!!,&es% . 18/ !! O.C.Aro.. 1rea, 1(:mm212ial @oad 4v:Concrete Shear Stren(th, Mc 8 0.1"=313141(66=L=N3f7c6=z=dMc 8Shear *orce at Section @ocated at 0i.tance d, Mud:Since Mud O +Mc, -ut 9 0.#0+Mc,Jotal Cro.. Section 1rea of Stirru!, 1v: mm2.ma21 8 d>2 8.ma22 8 31vfy6>30.62N3f7c6z6 8.ma22 8 31vfy6>30.,#z6 83from 4C1column .oft5are6see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)3:': mean. com!re..ion6more than 1000 !a,see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)3from 4C1column .oft5are6see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)le.. than 1000 !a,see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.4.1.2)%Nsee NSCP 2010 (Section 411.2.1)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.7.9see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.7.2)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.5)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.4.1.2)%Nsee NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.5)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6.3)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6.3)DESIGN OF COLUMNName of Structure: TWO STOREY RESIDENTIALHOUSEName of Beam: C-9I. PROPERTIESColumn Width, z: ,00 mmColumn Width, y: ,00 mmConcrete Cover, cc: 40 mm16 mm10 mm21.0 !a2"# !aII. DESIGN FOR MAIN REINFORCEMENT11".,& %N4&.#2 %N'm##.00 %N'm$. I(2es%#g$%#*( Al*(g 3 D#&e+%#*(40e!th of Neutral 12i., c: 1&" mm 3from 4C1column .oft5are60.$#016".4# mm$&6.6& %N201.061&d7 8 #$.00 mmd 8 242.0 mm2 8 &2.0 mm1,".06 4a'14,.1 4a'42,.4 4a 9 fy, u.e '2"# !a$2.6" %N'#".#6 %N'16#.$$ %N3:': mean. com!re..ion610,".46 %N1"1.,2, mm"&.,2 mm$2.2& %N'm;ltimate Stren(th of Column:le.. than 1000 !a,the column i. 5ithin tran.ition re(ion0.6#c 8f.2 83600=32c 84, 8 =1-=f., 842 8 =1-=f.2 841 8 =1-=f.1 84n 8 4,2 8.ma22 8 31vfy6>30.62N3f7c6z6 8.ma22 8 31vfy6>30.,#z6 85. S'e$& Re#()*&+e!e(% Al*(g 6 D#&e+%#*(4Width, z: ,00 mm&0000Effective 0e!th, d: 242 mm)eduction *actor, +: 0."#11".1"# %N@WC odification *actor, L: 1.0061.$2 %N,&.20a minimum area of .hear reinforcement i. reBuiredNum-er of @e(., n: 2 !c.1#".0$a2imum S!acin( of Stirru!.:121 mm#0" mm411 mmuse 2 legs 1/ !! "#$!e%e& s'e$& &e#()*&+e!e(%, s7$+#(g4 1/ . 1//!!,&es% . 11/ !! O.C.Aro.. 1rea, 1(:mm212ial @oad 4v:Concrete Shear Stren(th, Mc 8 0.1"=313141(66=L=N3f7c6=z=dMc 8Shear *orce at Section @ocated at 0i.tance d, Mud:Since Mud O +Mc, -ut 9 0.#0+Mc,Jotal Cro.. Section 1rea of Stirru!, 1v: mm2.ma21 8 d>2 8.ma22 8 31vfy6>30.62N3f7c6z6 8.ma22 8 31vfy6>30.,#z6 83from 4C1column .oft5are6see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)3:': mean. com!re..ion6le.. than 1000 !a,see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)3from 4C1column .oft5are6see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)le.. than 1000 !a,see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.4.1.2)%Nsee NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.5)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6.3)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6.3)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.4.1.2)%Nsee NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.5)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6.3)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6.3)DESIGN OF COLUMNName of Structure: TWO STOREY RESIDENTIALHOUSEName of Beam: C-1I. PROPERTIESColumn Width, z: 200 mmColumn Width, y: ,00 mmConcrete Cover, cc: 40 mm16 mm10 mm21.0 !a2"# !aII. DESIGN FOR MAIN REINFORCEMENT16#.0, %N4&.64 %N'm1&.,$ %N'm$. I(2es%#g$%#*( Al*(g 3 D#&e+%#*(40e!th of Neutral 12i., c: &1 mm 3from 4C1column .oft5are60.$#0"".,# mm2"6.14 %N201.061&d7 8 #$.00 mmd 8 242.0 mm2 8 1$4.0 mm&.60 4a 9fy, u.e 2"# !a'21".6 4a16#.$$ %N'1,1.24 %N3:': mean. com!re..ion6241.#1 %N,,2.4"# mm240.4" mm#$.0$ %N'm;ltimate Stren(th of Column:le.. than 1000 !a,the column i. 5ithin tran.ition re(ion0.6#c 8f.1 83600=3d7'c66>c 842 8 =1-=f.2 841 8 =1-=f.1 84n 8 4,2 or 600 mm121 mmEBuivalent 0e!th *actor, F1:a 8 F1c 8Cc 8 0.$#=f7c=a=- 81-1 8mm2f., 83600=3d'c66>c 8f.2 83600=32c 84, 8 =1-=f., 842 8 =1-=f.2 841 8 =1-=f.1 84n 8 4,M. 85hen M. 0.,,=N3f7c6=-=d, .ma2 8.ma2 85. S'e$& Re#()*&+e!e(% Al*(g 6 D#&e+%#*(4Width, z: ,00 mm60000Effective 0e!th, d: 142 mm)eduction *actor, +: 0."#16#.0,1 %N@WC odification *actor, L: 1.00,&."1 %N16.24a minimum area of .hear reinforcement i. reBuiredNum-er of @e(., n: 2 !c.1#".0$a2imum S!acin( of Stirru!.:"1 mm#0" mm411 mmuse 2 legs 1/ !! "#$!e%e& s'e$& &e#()*&+e!e(%, s7$+#(g4 1/ . 1//!!,&es% . 11/ !! O.C.Aro.. 1rea, 1(:mm212ial @oad 4v:Concrete Shear Stren(th, Mc 8 0.1"=313141(66=L=N3f7c6=z=dMc 8Shear *orce at Section @ocated at 0i.tance d, Mud:Since Mud O +Mc, -ut 9 0.#0+Mc,Jotal Cro.. Section 1rea of Stirru!, 1v: mm2.ma21 8 d>2 8.ma22 8 31vfy6>30.62N3f7c6z6 8.ma22 8 31vfy6>30.,#z6 83from 4C1column .oft5are6see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)3:': mean. com!re..ion6le.. than 1000 !a,see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)3from 4C1column .oft5are6see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)le.. than 1000 !a,see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.4.1.2)%Nsee NSCP 2010 (Section 411.2.1)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.7.9see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.7.2)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.5)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.4.1.2)%Nsee NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.5)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6.3)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6.3)DESIGN OF COLUMNName of Structure: TWO STOREY RESIDENTIALHOUSEName of Beam: C-:I. PROPERTIESColumn Width, z: 200 mmColumn Width, y: 2#0 mmConcrete Cover, cc: 40 mm16 mm12 mm10 mm21.0 !a2"# !aII. DESIGN FOR MAIN REINFORCEMENT#". %N24.2$ %N'm1".4& %N'm$. I(2es%#g$%#*( Al*(g 3 D#&e+%#*(40e!th of Neutral 12i., c: 1#6 mm 3from 4C1column .oft5are60.$#01,2.6 mm4",.,$ %N201.061&11,.0&",d7 8 #$.00 mmd 8 1&2.0 mm2 8 6".0 mm1,$.46 4a'11&.2 4a',"6.& 4a 9 fy, u.e '2"# !a##.6$ %N'26.&" %N'110.#$ %N3:': mean. com!re..ion6###.26 %N1,".106# mm"0.11 mm,$.&, %N'm;ltimate Stren(th of Column:le.. than 1000 !a,the column i. 5ithin tran.ition re(ion0.6#2 8.ma22 8 31vfy6>30.62N3f7c6z6 8.ma22 8 31vfy6>30.,#z6 85. S'e$& Re#()*&+e!e(% Al*(g 6 D#&e+%#*(4Width, z: 2#0 mm#0000Effective 0e!th, d: 142 mm)eduction *actor, +: 0."#46.2$6 %N@WC odification *actor, L: 1.002&.4$ %N11.&0a minimum area of .hear reinforcement i. reBuiredNum-er of @e(., n: 2 !c.1#".0$a2imum S!acin( of Stirru!.:"1 mm60$ mm4&4 mmuse 2 legs 1/ !! "#$!e%e& s'e$& &e#()*&+e!e(%, s7$+#(g4 1/ . 1//!!,&es% . 11/ !! O.C.Aro.. 1rea, 1(:mm212ial @oad 4v:Concrete Shear Stren(th, Mc 8 0.1"=313141(66=L=N3f7c6=z=dMc 8Shear *orce at Section @ocated at 0i.tance d, Mud:Since Mud O +Mc, -ut 9 0.#0+Mc,Jotal Cro.. Section 1rea of Stirru!, 1v: mm2.ma21 8 d>2 8.ma22 8 31vfy6>30.62N3f7c6z6 8.ma22 8 31vfy6>30.,#z6 83from 4C1column .oft5are6see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)3:': mean. com!re..ion6le.. than 1000 !a,see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)3from 4C1column .oft5are6see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)le.. than 1000 !a,see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.4.1.2)%Nsee NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.5)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6.3)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6.3)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.4.1.2)%Nsee NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.5)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6.3)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6.3)DESIGN OF COLUMNName of Structure: TWO STOREY RESIDENTIALHOUSEName of Beam: C-8I. PROPERTIESColumn Width, z: 1#0 mmColumn Width, y: 2#0 mmConcrete Cover, cc: 40 mm16 mm10 mm21.0 !a2"# !aII. DESIGN FOR MAIN REINFORCEMENT,".&& %N1&.&& %N'm,.&, %N'm$. I(2es%#g$%#*( Al*(g 3 D#&e+%#*(40e!th of Neutral 12i., c: 1#6 mm 3from 4C1column .oft5are60.$#01,2.6 mm,##.04 %N201.061&d7 8 #$.00 mmd 8 1&2.0 mm2 8 1,4.0 mm1,$.46 4a',"6.& 4a 9 fy, u.e '2"# !a110.#$ %N'110.#$ %N3:': mean. com!re..ion6,##.04 %N16".4,", mm100.44 mm,#.66 %N'm;ltimate Stren(th of Column:le.. than 1000 !a,the column i. 5ithin tran.ition re(ion0.6#2 8.ma22 8 31vfy6>30.62N3f7c6z6 8.ma22 8 31vfy6>30.,#z6 85. S'e$& Re#()*&+e!e(% Al*(g 6 D#&e+%#*(4Width, z: 2#0 mm,"#00Effective 0e!th, d: &2 mm)eduction *actor, +: 0."#1".$1 %N@WC odification *actor, L: 1.001$.#, %N$.$0a minimum area of .hear reinforcement i. reBuiredNum-er of @e(., n: 2 !c.1#".0$a2imum S!acin( of Stirru!.:46 mm60$ mm4&4 mmuse 2 legs 1/ !! "#$!e%e& s'e$& &e#()*&+e!e(%, s7$+#(g4 1/ . 1//!!,&es% . 11/ !! O.C.Aro.. 1rea, 1(:mm212ial @oad 4v:Concrete Shear Stren(th, Mc 8 0.1"=313141(66=L=N3f7c6=z=dMc 8Shear *orce at Section @ocated at 0i.tance d, Mud:Since Mud O +Mc, -ut 9 0.#0+Mc,Jotal Cro.. Section 1rea of Stirru!, 1v: mm2.ma21 8 d>2 8.ma22 8 31vfy6>30.62N3f7c6z6 8.ma22 8 31vfy6>30.,#z6 83from 4C1column .oft5are6see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)3:': mean. com!re..ion6le.. than 1000 !a,see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)3from 4C1column .oft5are6see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)le.. than 1000 !a,see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.4.1.2)%Nsee NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.5)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6.3)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6.3)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.4.1.2)%Nsee NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.5)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6.3)see NSCP 2010 (Section 411.6.6.3)