013 paradigm

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  • 7/27/2019 013 Paradigm



    Im going to share a word with you. You may have heard the word before.Odds are pretty good that you may not really understand it and then again

    you may have never heard it. And if you dont understand it, dont feel bad

    because the person next door probably doesnt understand it either.

    The word is paradigm. Now you can go into psychological books, and books

    on psychology, and books on behavioral science. Thats what I did when I

    first heard it, and you know I quickly came to the realization I was never

    going to understand what a paradigm was because they had definitions for

    a paradigm that only other psychologists or behavioral scientists would

    understand. Here I am the lay person.

    Im just an ordinary guy out there wants to make it happen and make it

    happen a lot and fast and in a big way. And I seemed to have an innate

    awareness that paradigm was a very important part of that. A paradigm is a

    multitude of habits that are fixed in your subjective mind that are controlling

    your behavior. Why do obviously brilliant people do such dumb things? Why

    do people spend years in school, get possibly doctorates degrees in subjectsand end up doing dumb jobs, earning no money? Well Im going to tell you

    that puzzles a lot of people. It puzzled me for years.

    I was in England and I took my income to over a million dollars, and I only

    had 2 months high school and I had no business experience. I had a

    company that operated in 7 cities and 3 countries. I am shocked with the

    results Im getting and Im trying to understand how this happened.

    It took me 9 years to figure this out and I was looking for the answer. I was

    studying with some the most brilliant people in the world because if there

    was anyone anywhere teaching anything on the mind, I didnt care what it

    cost or how far I had to travel, I would learn it.

    I found that you and I are programmed. Were programmed genetically at

    the moment of conception. All of moms DNA is in that little particle of energy

    that she contributes. All of dads DNA is in that little part he contributes and

  • 7/27/2019 013 Paradigm


    they swim along and they get married. And that formed the nucleus of you.

    And then 280 days later after 280 days of attracting energy, you made your

    appearance on this planet. Your great debut on planet earth and you are

    sitting there with your subconscious mind wide open conscious has never

    developed, and you are taking in everything that goes on all around you.

    How do you account for a little child before they even go to school

    becoming fluent in 4 and 5 languages? Where I grew up, if a child learned

    one they were doing pretty good. How do you account for that? Its called

    a paradigm, its called programming. You are the product of your


    Now think ... the paradigm is formed by being programmed into our

    subconscious mind in our little life and then off we go to school. Now

    school has a curriculum. They have a program and they give you

    intellectual knowledge. They give you books and you study them and if you

    got the answers to the questions they ask, youll get a degree.

    They said nothing about the paradigm. They didnt talk about the

    programming and so you go out into the world well-equipped intellectually

    to do wonderful things. But you never do them. You see,a part of your mind

    that gathers all the information in school is not the part of the mind that

    controls the behavior. This could be the most valuable Six Minutes'

    lessonyouve ever watched.

    Now we dont have the time at our command here, to get into this, but we

    run seminars. If you ever get the opportunity, come to one of our

    seminars for three days or a week. If you have to borrow the money and

    walk out on a job to get theredo it. Because when you really start to

    understand what paradigms are, your life will change.

    You see, what I did over that 9 year period when I went from struggling to

    winning, to winning with easeI changed my paradigm. I changed all

    those habits, and I didnt know what I had done. It took me9 years to

    figure it out. Paradigm, write it down P A R A D I G M.

    Paradigm, study it. Its a multitude of habits that are programed into your

    subconscious mind that control your behavior. And if you try and override

    that paradigm you hit a terror barrier and you back away because it scares

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    the living daylights out of you. You stay where youre comfortable. The

    paradigm controls the vibration, even if you dont like it. Youre

    comfortable there. The paradigm is controlling you. Change the

    paradigm, you change your life and thats what the ProctorGallagher

    Institute is all about.

    Its about changing paradigms and then you get Results that Stick. This is

    Bob Proctor and thank you.