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  • 7/24/2019 01 READING Streams Energy Resources


    C H A P TE R 3



    Int rod uct ion

    In st re am ( Autoc h thonous) Energy S ource s

    Te rrestrial (A llochthonous) En er gy S our ces

    D is so lv ed O rga nic Matte r

    A Prel ude to Food W ebs

    Recom mended Rea di ng

    I N T R O U T I O N

    Chapters 1 and 2 set the stage for our understanding of the biological corn-

    munities found in r ivers and streams. The various physical and chemical

    factors in a river act as limiting or controlling factors to biological activity

    beca use they influence which species can survive, and thr ive, in a particular

    location. The amount and diversity of energy supplies are another important

    factor that determines which and how many organisms will be found in a

    particular stream. In this chapter, and elsewhere in this book, we will explore

    the various sources of energy for aquatic food webs-how it is produced, and

    the different ways it becomes available to consumer organisms.

    An important first distinction is that between

    autot roph s,


    produce their own energy from inorganic matter, and

    heterotroph s,


    derive their energy from autotrophs. With a very few exceptons, such as

    certain deep-sea bacteria that use a process of

    chemos ynth es is

    to derive

    energy from hydrogen sulphide, autotrophs are plants. Organic carbon

    3. En ergy Resour ces


    compounds are formed out of carbon dioxide and other inorganic matter,

    capturing the energy of sunlight via the process of

    photosy nthes is.

    We call


    primar y

    prod uction beca use it creates new organic matter from inor-

    ganic precursors. Al organisms unable to synthesize energy from inorganic

    matter, obtain energy by consuming the organic matter formed by primary

    producers. These are heterotrophs or consurners, and this includes

    animals, bacteria, fungi, and protozoans. When consumer organisms grow

    and reproduce, adding biomass to their populations, we cal this seconda ry

    pr od uction .

    Virtual y al life on earth derives its energy from the sun, via

    primary production. Autotrophs and heterotrophs use that energy to do

    metabolic work, and in 'the process convert the energy contained in

    organic carbon compounds back into inorganic matter.

    In riverine food webs, al energy originates from primary production,

    but not necessarily from aquatic plants. In many instances, organic matter

    from terrestrial primary production enters the stream, is utilized first by

    mcrobes, and then, as a microbe-rich amalgamation, is consumed by

    other heterotrophs. The flow of energy through the food webs of stream

    communities is complex. In many types of rivers and streams, aquatic

    plants are important energy sources; in others, terrestrial plant production

    is very important and can be the dominant energy supply to running

    waters. The important categories of aquatic plants are the algae, the mosses,

    and the true vascular plants usually referred to as

    mac roph ytes

    beca use of

    their large size. Important t errestrial sources of energy include leaves,

    fruits, or other terrestrial plant materials which fall into or are blown into

    the stream. This nonliving organic matter is referred to as

    detritu s,


    pa r-

    ticul ate organ ic matter

    (POM). This same material also decomposes on the

    forest floor, enters the soil water, and eventual y enters the stream as dis-

    solved organic matter (DOM). Because aquatic plants also break down into

    POM and release DOM, it can be quite difficult to ascertain where this

    matter originated. We would like to know, however, whether the energy

    base of the riverine food web carne primarily from aquatic primary pro-

    duction within the stream itself, or whether it was heavily subsidized by

    energy inputs from outside. Stream ecologists refer to energy produced

    within the stream channel as


    production. Organic matter

    produced outside the stream which falls, blows or leaches into the stream

    channel is known as

    alloc ht honous


    To better understand the complexities of aquatic food webs, we also

    need to define how energy moves from one food web level to another, or

    in other words how the organisms feed. Principal feeding or

    troph ic



    herb ivo ry

    (plant feeders),

    carnivo ry

    (organisms which feed on other

    anmals), and

    detritivo ry

    (detritus feeders).


    refers to animals

    feeding on more than one leve. A close study of Fig. 3.1 will help readers

    understand these terms and their relationships to each other.

    The terms autotrophic and heterotrophic are also used by stream ecol-

    ogists to describe the energy base of a s tream as a whole. Ecologists use the

    production of oxygen by photosynthesis within a stream reach as an indi-

    cator of the amount of organic matter produced and the loss of oxygen by

    respiration as an indicator of the consumption of primary production by

    anrnals and microbes. Thus, if a given stream reach produces more oxygen

  • 7/24/2019 01 READING Streams Energy Resources



    PART1. The Ecology 01 Rivers and Streams

    Secondary consumers

    . . . .


    . coagulation

    , and

    ...~ precipitation

    . . . . .








    primary pr oduction


    primary production


    F I G U R E

    3.1 The sources o f energy in streams (autochthonous and allochthonous primary

    production; DOM), energy pathways (dashed arrow


    autotrophic; solid arrow



    erotrophic; dash-dot arrow = chemotrophic), and feeding processes (herbvory,

    carnivory, detritivory, omnivory) within stream food webs. Coagulation and p recipitation

    are the processes by which DOM is converted to POM, and decay is the mechanism by

    which aquatic plant material is converted to POM after death.

    than it consumes by respiration, it is autotrophic-it produces more energy

    than it uses. Conversely, a heterotrophic section of river consumes more

    oxygen than is produced within it and must depend on an allochthonous

    source of energy to provide adequate energy for the stream community.

    Obviously, food webs in strearns, or the pathways that energy follows as it

    is produced, utilized, and degraded to basic elements, can be simple or

    quite cornplex, with the latter being the more common.


    Now let's look in more detail at each of these energy sources. Plants living

    in rivers include the microscopic algae (although large colonies can be seen

    with the naked eye) and cyanobacteria (photosynthetic bacteria formerly

    known as blue-green algae; see Chapter 12) and larger plants or macro-

    phytes. The latter includes the mosses and liverworts, and the true vascu-

    lar plants, or angiosperms. The algae and cyanobacteria are the most

    3. Energy Resources

    important direct source of energy to heterotrophs, as most macrophytes

    are unpalatable, although they do contribute to instream production of

    DOM and POMo

    In streams and rivers with sufficient nutrients (see Chapter 2), a suitable

    stable substrate, and adequate sunlight, algae will proliferate. They occur as

    single cells, colonies, or as long filaments. Three groups are particularly

    important and are described in more detail in Chapter 12. Green algae are

    common, generally palatable, and often conspicuous as long, green strands

    usually attached to solid objects, such as rocks, and trailing in the water

    current (Fig. 3.2). These are commonly, but mistakenly, called



    many people. The filaments are usually bright green and can grow to several

    meters in length under favorable conditions. They usually take on a brown-

    ish color as the filaments mature, either from senescence, or from being

    covered with unicel lular algae called diatoms. Diatoms are truly the grasses

    of the water, numerous in both numbers and variety and the most impor-

    tant autochthonous energy source to s tream food webs. They are unicellu-

    lar, bu t may occur singly or in fi laments or groups (Fig. 3.3). When you pick

    up a stone or other object from the streambed, it usually has a brownish,

    slippery coating on the sides exposed to sunl ight. This coa ting i s composed

    of billions of diatom cells and, incidentally, is what you usually slip on

    when you lose your foot ing whi le wading. Cyanobacteri a can be unicellu-

    lar or colonial, often secrete a mucilaginous coat, and have the ability to


    atmospheric nitrogen into other forms of nitrogen that can be utilized

    by other autotrophs. They probably are a less importan t energy source to

    stream food webs than are green algae and diatoms.

    That slippery film on the surface of rocks and other hard substrates is

    referred to as a biofitm, and while algae are an important component, we

    F I G U R E

    3.2 Filamentous green algae,SanJuan River,New Mexico. (Photo by C. E.Cushing.)

  • 7/24/2019 01 READING Streams Energy Resources



    P AR T 1. The Ecology


    Rive rs and Streams

    D ~ ~ ',

    Me d O~


    x500 Achnanthes x500


    Nitzschia x700

    ~~ E iJM

    -; .: ~ ~

    Melosira x500



    c: :

    = = = = = = = = = = = : : : : : = : = : = = = ~ : : : : : : ~


    Synedra x250

    Navicula x500

    F I G U R E

    3.3 Common diatoms found in streams. (From Hynes, 1970, with permission.)

    now know these biofilms are very complex microenvironments, Some

    algae, often those in the lower layers, die and their cell contents leak into

    the surrounding matrix, from which compounds diffuse away very slowly.

    This provides an environment in which heterotrophic bacteria can obtain

    energy from the breakdown of dead cells. In addition, actively photosyn-

    thesizing cells produce exudates of organic compounds that also nourish

    bacterial growth. The bacteria, in turn, convert these organic compounds

    back into inorganic compounds, which are needed by algae for continued

    photosynthesis. As Fig. 3.4 illustrates, both autotrophs and heterotrophs

    benefit from their close association within the biofilm. Any external source

    of DOM, perhaps from groundwater upwelling from the substrate, is

    potentially available to the heterotrophic bacteria, and so the biofilm can

    be seen to be an incredibly important region of energy production.

    Autotrophy often dominates within biofilms, but they will form under

    very low light or even in the dark. With the addition of microconsumers,

    including protozoans, nematodes, and tiny crustaceans, the biofilm

    becomes an entire ecosystem within itself.

    Stream ecologists in North America traditionally have used the term

    periph yton



    around, phyton


    plants) to describe this complex

    system, emphasizing the role of plants. In Europe, the German word

    Aufwuchs refers to the same entity. It is a vital community in the ecology of

    rivers and streams and an important food source for stream invertebrates.

    In larger rivers, backwaters, and embayments, algae may be found sus-

    pended in the water column. These suspended algae are termed

    ph yto-

    pLankton ( phyto

    = plant, plankton = free floating), a term usually

    associated with the algae found in lakes and oceans. There do not appear

    to be any phytoplankton that are unque to rive rs, and they are sparse or

    absent from fast-flowing streams, where the only likely source is cells dis-

    lodged from the stream bottom. Substantial amounts of suspended algae

    3. En ergy Resources





    J j j I I j j

    \: ~ \: \: \ (Algae)

    - .. o .:- .. .:- ....t .:..o .:- ....... :-.

    * , . . : - . .

    ,. J . : - J . . .

    l... :-.


    lr~ 9:-~',li.~.'.', ..., .':~', ....-'... t .. . ': :- . ' .....O:-~ .... ~.. ... 0-.

    . ~ 5 .

    , ~ ~

    - ; o- i .~ i -r :. . . . . . , , .

    l lo < : > ' . .t.... o ~i . . lo lo .-.: o .@lo-t>:J.t ~ ~.

    ~~ : . ~ ; i ~ . b : . : :

    J ~ : . : . : . : :

    ~ .: < : > : :

    . , '@ :

    :: .0 . :: ~ ~ .: :: .: .: : : ~ ,~ ~ . : : ~ : . , ; . _ ~

    . : - : a : . : ; ; ._:

    : :~.:.: .-....-; . .. .: .. ...: ... :.: o


    Polysaccharide , . :.:

    ; ~ : , ; ~ : : :~~ ~ . :. : ~ ; : \ ~ ( : : :1 : : - : . ~ : ( ; ~ ~ . :\ - ;} { ;

    ~ : : - ) ( : : \ : \ ; i ; :~:~~tf::.,::~}


    q.. ~ ...... ~


    ' . ,. , l

    < > . ~ ~ . , .. . ~ . _ . . ~ . . . ~

    ,.... ')'.'.- -@ .

    J ' -. ,~

    .'';:'. ,.- ',' a } ~ _

    J . - .

    . * . - . . )._

    b .. . , :. :, ~ . ?: ..:... : .. -. . . E:t . . o .. .. . .: . . . . . . . .. .. '. o . : .


    ~ Fungalhypha

    :~. Matrix

    o~o Bacteria


    * Enzymes

    F I G U R E 3.4 The biofilm found as a surface slirne on s tones and other submerged objects

    in streams. A polysaccharide matrix produced by the microbial community binds together

    bacteria, algae, and fung i, and is inhabited by protozoans and micrometazoans, which

    consume this material. Within the matrix, extracellular release and cell death result in

    enzymes and other molecular products that are retained due to reduced diffusion rates.

    (From Allan, 1995, with permission.)

    @@ @ Cyanobacteria

    may be found immediately downstream from reservoirs or lakes; however,

    they will not proliferate under these conditions and are usually lost to the

    stream within fairly short distances. They have been found to provide a

    rich source of energy to filter-feeding organisms (see Chapter 4), resulting

    in large concentrations of these animals for short distances below lakes or


    Whenever current washes algal populations downriver more rapidly

    than they can reproduce, growth of phytoplankton populations is pre-

    cluded. Hence slow currents and long river sections favor the greatest

    abundance of phytoplankton. Embayments and floodplain lakes, which

    can serve as reservoirs for phytoplankton, also can be important. Light and

    nutrients also can be limiting to river phytoplankton. In tu rbid, well-

    mixed rive rs, adequate Iight for photosynthesis might penetra te much less

    than l m, yet f the river is lO-m deep, turbulence will ensure that the algal

    cell spends much of its time at light levels too low for photosynthesis. In

    general, the more lakelike the river, the more phytoplankton will develop,

    whch is why impounded rivers often have the grea test algal blooms,

    Sometimes reaching nuisance levels.

  • 7/24/2019 01 READING Streams Energy Resources



    PA RT 1 . Th e E c ol og y 01 R i ve rs a nd S tr ea m s

    F I G U R E

    3.5 Moss in an Oregon stream. (Photo by


    M. Lyford.)

    Macrophytes, primarily true mosses and angiosperms, comprise

    ano~her autochthonous energy source. Mosses (Fig. 3.5) are attached plants

    havmg leaves, usually found in the colder, well-shaded areas of streams-

    essentialIy the headwaters-although they have the adaptive characteris-

    tics to grow in a variety of stream environments. These characteristics

    inc~ude the ability to grow in low light and low temperature conditons, a

    rapid rate o.f nutrier:t uptake, and a high resist ance to being dis lodged by

    spates-agam, conditions found in headwater reaches of streams.

    Common genera are




    They grow attached to the

    rocks on the streambed (see Fig. 13.1) and also forrn thick coatings on

    rocks and logs along the stream banks. For some unknown reason, mosses

    are perhaps the least studied of the majar constituents of stream ecosys-

    tems-at least from an ecological contexto Mosses photosynthesize and

    prod.uce organic matter and, in fact, may have higher rates of primary pro-

    ducton that algae. However, because of their l imited distribution within a

    given stream or river, they are of minor importance as an overall energy

    source throughout the entire continuum of the river.

    As a stream increases in size and the current, at least in places, tends

    to decrease, silt will settle out and provide a suitable substrate for the

    rooting and growth of large water plants. Here you will find common

    genera of flowering plants, or angiosperms (Fig. 3.6), including

    Potamogeton, E/odea, Ranunculus, Nuphar,

    and others; in smaller springs and

    brooks watercress, Nasturtium, is common. Plants may be sparsely distrib-

    ute? or can form dense mats which clog watercourses, and they play

    vanous roles in the ecology of streams: an energy source (both before and

    after death), substrate for attachment of other organisms, cover from

    3. E ne rg y Resources


    F I G U R E 3.6 Macrophytes growing in slow-flowing reach of the Madison Rver, Wyoming.

    (Photo by C. E. Cushing.)

    predators, etc. Their role as an energy source in streams is probably more

    important after they die and decay, when their remains break down and


    fine particu/ate organic matter
