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  • 8/11/2019 01 Lecture KM



    Chem istry : Atoms First

    Julia Burdge & Jason Overby

    Copyright (c) The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.

    Chapter 1

    Chemistry :

    The Science of Change

    Kent L. McCorkle

    Cosumnes River College

    Sacramento, CA

  • 8/11/2019 01 Lecture KM


    Chemis try: The Science of Change1

    1.1 The Study of ChemistryChemistry You May Already Know

    The Scientific Method

    1.2 Classif ication of Matter

    States of Matter Triple Point


    1.3 The Properties of Matter

    Physical Properties

    Chemical Properties

    Extensive and Intensive Properties

    1.4 Scienti f ic Measurement

    SI Base UnitsAnimationMass

    TemperatureCritical Thinking

    Derived Units: Volume and Density

    1.5 Uncertainty in MeasurementSignificant FiguresHandout

    Calculations with Measured Numbers

    Accuracy and Precision

    1.6 Using Uni ts and Solving Problems

    Conversion Factors

    Dimensional Analysis

    Tracking Units

    Gasoli ne Project

    Sample Spreadsheet

  • 8/11/2019 01 Lecture KM


    The Study of Chem istry

    Chemistryis the study of matter and the changes that matter undergoes.

    Matteris anything that has mass and occupies space.


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    The Study of Chemistry

    Scientists follow a set of guidelines known as the scienti f ic method:

    gather data via observations and experiments

    identify patterns or trends in the collected data

    summarize their findings with a law

    formulate a hypothesis

    with time a hypothesis may evolve into a theory

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    Class i f icat ion of Matter

    Chemists classify matter as either asubstanceor a mixtureof substances.

    A substanceis a form of matter that has definite composition and distinct properties. Examples: salt (sodium chloride), iron, water, mercury, carbon dioxide, and


    Substances differ from one another in composition and may be identified by

    appearance, smell, taste, and other properties.


    A mixtureis a physical combination of two or more substances.

    A homogeneousmixtureis uniform throughout. Also called a solution.

    Examples: seawater, apple juice

    Aheterogeneous mixtur eis notuniform throughout.

    Examples: trail mix, chicken noodle soup

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    Class i f icat ion o f Matter

    All substances can, in principle,exist as a solid, liquid or gas.

    We can convert a substance from

    one state to another without

    changing the identity of the


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    Class i f icat ion o f Matter

    Solid particles are held

    closely together in an

    ordered fashion.

    Liquid particles are close

    together but are not held

    rigidly in position.

    Gas particles have

    significant separation

    from each other and

    move freely.

    Solids do not conform

    to the shape of their


    Liquids do conform to

    the shape of their


    Gases assume both the

    shape and volume of

    their container.

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    Class if ication of Matter

    A mixture can be separated by physical means into its components

    without changing the identities of the components.

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    The Properties of Matter

    There are two general types of properties of matter:

    1)Quanti tative properties are measured and expressed with a


    2) Qualitative properties do not require measurement and are

    usually based on observation.


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    The Properties o f Matter

    A physical propertyis one that can be observed and measuredwithout changing the identity of the substance.

    Examples: color, melting point, boiling point

    A physical changeis one in which the state of matter changes, but

    the identity of the matter does not change.

    Examples: changes of state (melting, freezing, condensation)

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    The Properties o f Matter

    A chemical propertyis one a substance exhibits as it interacts withanother substance.

    Examples: flammability, corrosiveness

    A chemical changeis one that results in a change of composition;

    the original substances no longer exist.

    Examples: digestion, combustion, oxidation

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    The Properties o f Matter

    An extensive propertydepends on the amount of matter.Examples: mass, volume

    An intensive propertydoes notdepend on the amount of matter.Examples: temperature, density

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    Scient i f ic Measurement1.4

    Properties that can be measured

    are called quantitative


    A measured quantity must

    always include a unit.TheEnglish systemhas units

    such as the foot, gallon, pound,


    The metric systemincludesunits such as the meter, liter,

    kilogram, etc.

  • 8/11/2019 01 Lecture KM


    SI Base Units

    The revised metric system is called the I nternational System of

    Units(abbreviated SI Uni ts) and was designed for universal use byscientists.

    There are seven SI base units

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    SI Base Units

    The magnitude of a unit may be tailored to a particular application

    using prefixes.

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    Massis a measure of the amount of matter in an object or sample.

    Because gravity varies from location to location, the weight of an

    object varies depending on where it is measured. But mass doesnt


    The SI base unit of mass is the kilogram (kg), but in chemistry the

    smaller gram (g) is often used.

    1 kg = 1000 g = 1103g

    Atomic mass unit (amu)is used to express the masses of atoms andother similar sized objects.

    1 amu = 1.660537810-24g

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    There are two temperature scales used in chemistry:

    The Celsius scale (C)

    Freezing point (pure water): 0C

    Boiling point (pure water): 100C

    The Kelvin scale (K)

    The absolute scale

    Lowest possible temperature: 0 K (absolute zero)

    K = C + 273.15

  • 8/11/2019 01 Lecture KM


    Normal human body temperature can range over the course of a day from about

    36C in the early morning to about 37C in the afternoon. Express these two

    temperatures and the range that they span using the Kelvin scale.

    Worked Example 1.1

    Strategy Use K = C + 273.15 to convert temperatures from Celsius to Kelvin.

    Solution 36C + 273 = 309 K

    37C + 273 = 310 K

    What range do they span?

    310 K - 309 K = 1 K

    Depending on the precision

    required, the conversion from

    C to K is often simply done by

    adding 273, rather than 273.15.

    Think About It Remember that converting a temperature from C to K is

    different from converting a range or differencein temperature from C to K.

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    The Fahrenheit scale is common in the United States.

    Freezing point (pure water): 32C

    Boiling point (pure water): 212C

    There are 180 degrees between freezing and boiling in Fahrenheit

    (212F-32F) but only 100 degrees in Celsius (100C-0C). The size of a degree on the Fahrenheit scale is only of a

    degree on the Celsius scale.


    Temp in F = ( temp in C ) + 32F





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    A body temperature above 39C constitutes a high fever. Convert this temperature

    to the Fahrenheit scale.

    Worked Example 1.2

    Solution Temp in F = ( 39C ) + 32F

    Temp inF = 102


    Think About It Knowing that normal body temperature on the Fahrenheitscale is approximately 98.6F, 102F seems like a reasonable answer.

    Temp in F = ( temp in C ) + 32F5




    Strategy We are given a temperature and asked to convert it to degrees

    Fahrenheit. We will use the equation below:

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    Derived Units: Volume and Dens ity

    There are many units (such as

    volume) that require units not

    included in the base SI units.

    The derived SI unit for volume is

    the meter cubed (m3).

    A more practical unit for volume is

    the liter(L).

    1 dm3= 1 L

    1 cm3= 1 mL

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    d = density

    m = mass

    V= volume

    SI-derived unit: kilogram per cubic meter (kg/m3)

    Other common units: g/cm3 (solids)

    g/mL (liquids)g/L (gases)

    Derived Units: Volume and Dens ity

    The densityof a substance is the ratio of mass to volume.

    md =


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    Ice cubes float in a glass of water because solid water is less dense than liquid

    water. (a) Calculate the density of ice given that, at 0C, a cube that is 2.0 cm oneach side has a mass of 7.36 g, and (b) determine the volume occupied by 23 g of

    ice at 0C.

    Solution (a) A cube has three equal sides so the volume is (2.0 cm)3, or 8.0 cm3


    (b) Rearranging d = m/Vto solve for volume gives V = m/d


    Think About It For a sample with a density lessthan 1 g/cm3, the number

    of cubic centimeters should begreaterthan the number of grams. In this

    case, 25 cm3> 23 g.

    7.36 g

    8.0 cm3

    23 g

    0.92 g/cm3

    = 0.92 g/cm3

    = 25 cm3

    Worked Example 1.3

    Strategy (a) Determine density by dividing mass by volume, and (b) use the

    calculated density to determine the volume occupied by the given mass.

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    Uncertainty in Measurement

    There are two types of numbers used in chemistry:


    a) are those that have defined values

    1 kg = 1000 g

    1 dozen = 12 objects

    b) are those determined by counting

    28 students in a class

    2)Inexactnumbers:a) measured by any method other than counting

    length, mass, volume, time, speed, etc.


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    Uncertainty in Measu rement

    An inexact number must be reported so as to indicate its uncertainty.

    Signi f icant figuresare the

    meaningful digitsin a reported


    The last digit in a measured numberis referred to as the uncertain digit.

    When using the top ruler to measure

    the memory card, we could estimate

    2.5 cm. We are certain about the 2,

    but we are notcertain about the 5.

    The uncertainty is generally

    considered to be + 1 in the last digit.

    2.5 + 0.1 cm

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    Uncertainty in Measu rement

    When using the bottom ruler to

    measure the memory card, we might

    record 2.45 cm.

    Again, we estimate one more digitthan we are certain of.

    2.45 + 0.01 cm

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    Signif icant Figures

    The number of significant figures can be determined using the

    following guidelines:

    1) Any nonzero digit is significant.

    2) Zeros between nonzero digits are significant.

    3) Zeros to the left of the first nonzero digit are not significant.

    112.1 4 significant figures

    305 3 significant figures

    0.0023 2 significant figure

    50.08 4 significant figures

    0.000001 1 significant figure

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    Signif icant Figures

    The number of significant figures can be determined using the

    following guidelines:

    4) Zeros to the right of the last nonzero digit are significant if a

    decimal is present.

    5) Zeros to the right of the last nonzero digit in a number that does

    not contain a decimal point may or may not be significant.

    1.200 4 significant figures

    100 1, 2, or 3ambiguous

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    Determine the number of significant figures in the following measurements: (a)

    443 cm, (b) 15.03 g, (c) 0.0356 kg, (d) 3.00010-7L, (e) 50 mL, (f) 0.9550 m.

    Worked Example 1.4

    Solution (a) 443 cm (b)

    15.03 g

    (c) 0.0356 kg (d)

    3.000 x 10-7L

    (e) 50 mL (f)

    0.9550 m

    Strategy Zeros are significant between nonzero digits or after a nonzero digit

    with a decimal. Zeros may or may not be significant if they appear to the right of

    a nonzero digit without a decimal.

    3 S.F. 4 S.F.

    3 S.F. 4 S.F.

    1 or 2, ambiguous 4 S.F.

    Think About It Be sure that you have identified zeros correctly as either

    significant or not significant. They are significant in (b) and (d); they are not

    significant in (c); it is not possible to tell in (e); and the number in (f)

    contains one zero that is significant, and one that is not.

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    In addition and subtraction, the answer cannot have more digits to

    the right of the decimal point than any of the original numbers.


    + 0.231102.731


    - 20.1


    round to two digits after the decimal point, 102.73

    round to one digit after the decimal point, 123.2

    two digits after the decimal point

    three digits after the decimal point

    two digits after the decimal point

    one digit after the decimal point

    Calculations with Measured Numbers

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    In multiplication and division, the number of significant figures in

    the final product or quotient is determined by the original numberthat has the smallest number of significant figures.

    1.48.011 = 11.2154

    11.57/305.88 = 0.0378252

    2 S.F.

    fewest significant figures is 2, so

    round to 114 S.F.

    fewest significant figures is 4, so

    round to 0.037834 S.F. 5 S.F.

    Calculations with Measured Numbers

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    Exact numbers can be considered to have an infinite number of

    significant figures and do not limit the number of significant figures

    in a result.

    Example: Three pennies each have a mass of 2.5 g. What is the

    total mass?32.5 = 7.5 g

    Calculations with Measured Numbers


    (counting number)



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    In calculations with multiple steps, round at the end of the

    calculation to reduce any rounding errors.

    Do not round after each step.

    Compare the following:

    Calculations with Measured Numbers

    1) 3.668.45 = 30.9

    2) 30.92.11 = 65.2

    1) 3.668.45 = 30.93

    2) 30.932.11 = 65.3

    Rounding after each step Rounding at end

    In general, keep at least one extra digit until the end of a multistep


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    Perform the following arithmetic operations and report the result to the proper

    number of significant figures: (a) 317.5 mL + 0.675 mL, (b) 47.80 L2.075 L,

    (c) 13.5 g45.18 L, (d) 6.25 cm x 1.175 cm, (e) 5.46x102g4.991x103g

    Worked Example 1.5

    Solution (a) 317.5 mL+ 0.675 mL

    318.175 mL

    (b) 47.80 L

    - 2.075 L45.725 L

    Strategy Apply the rules for significant figures in calculations, and round each

    answer to the appropriate number of digits.

    round to 318.2 mL

    round to 45.73 L

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    Perform the following arithmetic operations and report the result to the proper

    number of significant figures: (a) 317.5 mL + 0.675 mL, (b) 47.80 L2.075 L,

    (c) 13.5 g45.18 L, (d) 6.25 cm x 1.175 cm, (e) 5.46x102g4.991x103g

    Worked Example 1.5 (cont .)


    (c) 13.5 g

    45.18 L

    (d) 6.25 cm1.175 cm

    Strategy Apply the rules for significant figures in calculations, and round each

    answer to the appropriate number of digits.

    round to 0.299 g/L= 0.298804781 g/L

    3 S.F.

    4 S.F.

    round to 7.34 cm2= 7.34375 cm2

    3 S.F. 4 S.F.

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    Perform the following arithmetic operations and report the result to the proper

    number of significant figures: (a) 317.5 mL + 0.675 mL, (b) 47.80 L2.075 L,

    (c) 13.5 g45.18 L, (d) 6.25 cm x 1.175 cm, (e) 5.46x102g4.991x103g

    Worked Example 1.5 (cont .)

    Solution (e) 5.46 x 102g

    + 49.91 x 102g

    55.37 x 102g

    Strategy Apply the rules for significant figures in calculations, and round each

    answer to the appropriate number of digits.

    = 5.537 x 103g

    Think About It Changing the answer to correct scientific notation doesntchange the number of significant figures, but in this case it changes the number of

    places past the decimal place.

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    An empty container with a volume of 9.850 x 102 cm3is weighed and found to

    have a mass of 124.6 g. The container is filled with a gas and reweighed. Themass of the container and the gas is 126.5 g. Determine the density of the gas to

    the appropriate number of significant figures.

    Worked Example 1.6

    Solution 126.5 g

    124.6 g

    mass of gas = 1.9 g

    density =

    Strategy This problem requires two steps: subtraction to determine the mass of

    the gas, and division to determine its density. Apply the corresponding rule

    regarding significant figures to each step.

    one place past the decimal point (two sig figs)

    1.9 g

    9.850 x 102cm3 round to 0.0019 g/cm3= 0.00193 g/cm3

    Think About It In this case, although each of the three numbers we started

    with hasfoursignificant figures, the solution only has twosignificant figures.

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    Accuracy and Precis ion

    Accuracytells us how close a

    measurement is to the truevalue.

    Precisiontells us how close a series of

    replicate measurements are to one another.

    Good accuracy and good precision

    Poor accuracy but good precision

    Poor accuracy and poor precision

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    Accuracy and Precis ion

    Three students were asked to find the mass of an aspirin tablet. The

    true mass of the tablet is 0.370 g.

    Student A: Results are precise but not accurate

    Student B: Results are neither precise nor accurate

    Student C: Results are both precise and accurate

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    Using Uni ts and Solv ing Prob lems

    A conversion factor is a fraction in which the same quantity is

    expressed one way in the numerator and another way in the


    For example, 1 in = 2.54 cm, may be written:


    1 in

    2.54 cm

    2.54 cm

    1 in


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    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that dietary sodium

    intake be no more than 2400 mg per day.

    Worked Example 1.7


    2400 mg

    Strategy The necessary conversion factors are derived from the equalities

    1 g = 1000 mg and 1 lb = 453.6 g.

    1 lb

    453.6 g

    453.6 g

    1 lbor

    1 g

    1000 mgor

    1000 mg

    1 g

    1 g

    1000 mg1 lb

    453.6 g = 0.005291 lb

    Think About It Make sure that the magnitude of the result is reasonable and

    that the units have canceled properly. If we had mistakenly multiplied by 1000

    and 453.6 instead of dividing by them, the result

    (2400 mg1000 mg/g453.6 g/lb = 1.089109mg2/lb) would be

    unreasonably large and the units would not have canceled properly.

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    An average adult has 5.2 L of blood. What is the volume of blood in cubic


    Worked Example 1.8


    5.2 L

    Strategy 1 L = 1000 cm3and 1 cm = 1x10-2m. When a unit is raised to a

    power, the corresponding conversion factor must also be raised to that power in

    order for the units to cancel appropriately.

    1000 cm3

    1 L

    1 x 10-2m

    1 cm = 5.2 x 10-3m3


    Think About It Based on the preceding conversion factors, 1 L = 110-3m3.

    Therefore, 5 L of blood would be equal to 510-3m3, which is close to the

    calculated answer.

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    Chapter Summary: Key Points1

    The Scientific MethodStates of Matter



    Physical Properties

    Chemical PropertiesExtensive and Intensive Properties

    SI Base Units


    TemperatureVolume and Density

    Significant Figures