01 introduction object oriented programming

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  • 7/31/2019 01 Introduction Object Oriented Programming


    COP-3330: Object Oriented


    Course Introduction

    May 14, 2012

    Eng. Hector M Lugo-Cordero, MS

  • 7/31/2019 01 Introduction Object Oriented Programming



    Link to syllabus

    As of now my webpage will have all material

    for the course

    http://www.eecs.ucf.edu/~hlugo I will try to get a WebCT session

  • 7/31/2019 01 Introduction Object Oriented Programming


    The Programming World

    Couple of programming paradigms exists


    Structural: C, FORTRAN

    Functional: Scheme, Nodejs

    Object Oriented: Objective-C, C++, C#, Java

  • 7/31/2019 01 Introduction Object Oriented Programming


    What is this course about? Developing programs using the object oriented paradigm

    Allows abstraction of low level details giving more powerful tools toconcentrate on the higher level tasks

    Sentences are composed of Subject, Verb, Predicate or Object

    Mary eats the apple Subject: Mary

    Verb (action): eats Object: the apple

    Object oriented programming is composed of sentences


    Subject (an object): var

    Action (method): addTo Object (another object): temp

  • 7/31/2019 01 Introduction Object Oriented Programming


    Problem Solving

    1. Understand the problem

    2. Dissect the problem into manageable pieces.

    3. Design a solution.

    4. Consider alternatives to the solution to refineit.

    5. Implement the solution.

    6. Test the solution and fix any problems thatexist.

  • 7/31/2019 01 Introduction Object Oriented Programming


    History of Java Java was developed in 1995 be James Gosling who works

    at Sun Microsystems. Java's ability to execute programs onthe WWW caused an initial buzz.

    However, the language has continued to gain in popularitybecause of its object-oriented design. This design is verywell-suited for very large programming projects.

    Many academics even feel that Java is an excellent firstprogramming language to learn. Java teaches the conceptof objects very well. Other languages, such as C++, do notreinforce the concept quite as well. Although C++ is good

    for learning memory management. Recently Sun was bought by Oracle.

  • 7/31/2019 01 Introduction Object Oriented Programming


    A Java Program1. // Knights.java

    2. // Arup Guha

    3. // 1/9/074. // A very simple Java program that prints to the screen.

    5. public class Knights {

    6. /*

    7. This is the main function of the program

    8. */

    9. public static void main(String[] args) {

    10. System.out.println("GO KNIGHTS!!!!!!!");11. }

    12. }

  • 7/31/2019 01 Introduction Object Oriented Programming


    Understanding the code (comments)

    Single line comments are written as shown on

    lines 1 4, that is //with some text It is good practice to keep your code clean and

    commented such that you may go back to

    understand it after some time Lines 1 4 contain the author and some info

    about the code, e.g. logs, known bugs, etc.

    Multi line comments follow the C conventionof /* anything between this is a comment */,as shown on lines 6 8

  • 7/31/2019 01 Introduction Object Oriented Programming


    Class Definition

    Line 5 presents the definition of a class

    All java code resides within classes, and each

    class must have a name.

    In main class the name should be the same filename

    We shall go more into classes as the course moves


  • 7/31/2019 01 Introduction Object Oriented Programming


    The Main Function

    Line 9 presents the main function of a Java


    It is not necessary to have a main function in

    order to have a complete Java Class

    For now all classes shall have one

    As in C, this is the first function that is called

  • 7/31/2019 01 Introduction Object Oriented Programming


    Understanding Main

    There are several keywords on the definition

    of main 1) public: access from everywhere

    2) static: the method is the same for all instances

    of the class 3) void: return type, in this case none

    4) String[] args: parameters to main. Equivalent

    to Cs int argc, char** argv We shall go more into detail on this

  • 7/31/2019 01 Introduction Object Oriented Programming



    On line 10 we our first line to write something to

    the stdout or console in this case

    System.out.println works as printf in C, however

    it is much simpler to use since it does not require

    format specifiers (i.e. %c, %s, %d, %f, etc.)

    System.out.printf does exits as well and it is used

    just liked in C

    Other standard streams include System.in and


  • 7/31/2019 01 Introduction Object Oriented Programming


    Primitive Data TypesData Type Wrapper Class

    byte Byte

    short Short

    int Integer

    long Long

    float Float

    double Double

    boolean Boolean

    char Character

    void Void

  • 7/31/2019 01 Introduction Object Oriented Programming


    Variable Names

    Are case sensitive

    Can contain letters, underscores, and numbers

    Should not start with numbers

    Should be descriptive of the task, they canhave any number of characters

  • 7/31/2019 01 Introduction Object Oriented Programming


    Compilers and Interpreters

    Compilers translate code into machine code to

    generate a binary file (e.g. .exe)

    Interpreters run the code as it reads it

    Java is an interpreted language, the JavaVirtual Machine (JVM) runs a .class code

  • 7/31/2019 01 Introduction Object Oriented Programming


    Creating .class files

    The command javac may be used as gcc with C to

    compile or create .class files which can be runby the JVM

    Consider the code Knights.java, to compile it

    javac Knights.java The above creates a .class file which may be run


    java Knights Notice no .class is used (why?)