01 6th day 100 questionaires with answers

1. The space between triglyphs with or without sculptures is known as a. Metope b. Dentil c. Architrave d. Guttae a. Metope 2. The widely used order during the Greek period is the a. Ionic b. Doric c. Corinthian d. Tuscan b. Doric 3. The Greek Council house w/c is covered meeting place for the democratically elected councils a. Leontarium b. Hypaethrum c. Farrarium d. Bouleuterion d. Bouleuterion 4.The Greek wrestling school is known as a. Palaestra b. Gymnasia c. Dipteral d. Spina a. Palaestra 5. Greek Temples stood on a foundation of three steps called a. Base b. Podium c. Crepidoma d. Stereobate c. Crepidoma 6. Amphitheaters are used in a. Horse Racing b. Gladiatorial contests c. Marathon d. Chariot Racing . b. Gladiatorial contests 7. Roman bridges are called a. Pons b. Gryse c. Facet d. Moat

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01 6th Day 100 Questionaires With Answers



    1. The space between triglyphs with or without sculptures is known as a. Metopeb. Dentilc. Architraved. Guttae a. Metope

    2. The widely used order during the Greek period is the a. Ionicb. Doricc. Corinthiand. Tuscan b. Doric3. The Greek Council house w/c is covered meeting place for the democratically elected councils a. Leontarium b. Hypaethrumc. Farrariumd. Bouleuterion d. Bouleuterion4.The Greek wrestling school is known as a. Palaestrab. Gymnasiac. Dipterald. Spina a. Palaestra5. Greek Temples stood on a foundation of three steps called a. Baseb. Podiumc. Crepidomad. Stereobate c. Crepidoma6. Amphitheaters are used in a. Horse Racingb. Gladiatorial contests c. Marathon d. Chariot Racing . b. Gladiatorial contests7. Roman bridges are calleda. Ponsb. Grysec. Facetd. Moat a. Pons

  • 8. That which corresponds to the Greek Agora is the Romana. Placeb. Forumc. Plazad. Market b. Forum9. The space between columns is called a. Interpositionb. Intercupolac. Intercapedod.Intercolumnation d.Intercolumnation10. The upright stone slab containing the name of the dead found in the mastaba is a. pilaster b. band c. scuncheon d. stele d. stele11. The architects of the Parthenon are a. Ictinus & Callicratesb. Pheidias & Mnesicles c. Anthemius & Ictinusd. Theron & Pheidias a. Ictinus & Callicrates12.The builder of the famous Pharaohs or Light House is a. Ptolemy ll b. Rameses ll c. Amenemhat 1d. Senusrets a. Ptolemy ll13.The favorite motifs of design of the Egyptians include the lotus , papyrus & a. scarab b. nipa c. palm d. cavetto c. palm14. The palace proper found in Assyrian palaces is called a. Seraglio b. Khan c. Thalamus d. Jawaba. Seraglio

  • 15. The male statue in kneeling position used in Greek Temples as columns & ornamental blocksa. Canephorae b. Quadrigas c. Telamonesd. Atlantes d. Atlantes16. The Epinaos is also calleda. Trachelionb. Opisthodomosc. Posticumd. Portico c. Posticum17. The Greek male statue used as columns is known asa. Canephorae b. Quadrigasc. Telamonesd. Osiris c. Telamones18. Another prehistoric burial mound term a. horus b. fillet c. tumulus d. barrows d. barrows19. Art Nouveau in Germany is known asa. Jugendstilb. Bauhausc. Empire Styled. Eclecticism a. Jugendstil20. This is a gateway to a Dravidian temple for hindu architecturea. hypathraelb. toriic. toranad. gopura d. gopura

  • 21. Pathenon is the largest Greek Temple which was the Crownig Glory of Temenos dedicated to ; a. god mnesicles b. goddess athenac. god parthenos d. goddess venus b. goddess athena22. Completing the world-famous Pisa group of cathl. & baptistery is the campanile known as a. Tower of London b. Leaning Tower c. Tower of Babel d. Tower of the Winds b. Leaning Tower23 . What Architecture did they reintroduced the Classical Orders ?a. Romanesqueb. Renaissancec.Gothicd. Age of the Revivals b. Renaissance

    24. The palatial public bath generally raised on high platform within an enclosing wall is the a. Thermae b. Gymnasiumc. Laconicumd. Triclinium a. Thermae 25. The biggest religious temple in the world known to be the temple mountain ; a. Borobudor Temple b. Ziggurat at Ur c. Angkor Wat Templed. Stupa at Sanchi c. Angkor Wat Temple26. Founder of Buddhism;a. Lao Tzeb. Suryavarman IIc. Gautamad.Brahman II c. Gautama27. The European style of arch developed in the 17th to 18th Century characterized by oval spaces ,curved surfaces & conspicious use of decor , scupture & color;a. Rococo Archb. Neo Classical Archc. Baroque Archd. Antiquarian Archc. Baroque Arch

  • 28. It began in Paris, it is a style of arch , primarily French in origin w/c represesnts the final phase of the baroque around the mid of 18th Century using rockworks,pebbles,coquilles& fantastic scrolls ; a. Rococo Arch b. Neo Classical Arch c. Baroque Arch d. Antiquarian Arch a. Rococo Arch29. Most prominent Art Nouveau architect whose works includes the Guell Palace in Spain is a. Antonio Gaudib. El Cidc. Henri Labrousted. J.V. Louisa. Antonio Gaudi30. The dry sweating room in the thermae is the a. Unctoriab. Sudatoriumc. Palaestrad. apodyteria b. Sudatorium31. The dressing room in the thermae is called a. Frigidariumb. Hypocaustc. Apodyteriad. laconicum c. Apodyteria32. The private house of the Roman is the a. Megaronb. Villac. Domusd. insula c. Domus33. The Pantheon, Rome is known today as the a. Sta Maria, Rotundab. Sta Maria Maggiore, Rome c. Sta Maria della Strada d. Sta. Maria Cancellaria, Rome a. Sta Maria, Rotunda34. The small private bath, very usual in Roman palaces and houses were called a. Balneumb. Hypogeumc. Bathtubd. Sensorium a. Balneum

  • 35. The bedroom in the domus is called a. Dormitoriob. Cubiculac. Thalamus d. alcoba b. Cubicula36. A single line of column surrounding the naos wall is an arrangement called a. Peripteralb. Octasylec. Monotriglyphd. Araeostyle a. Peripteral37. The naos, epinaos and the _________ are the 3 chambers of the Greek temple a. Cellab. Posticumc. Peristyled. Pronaosd. Pronaos38. From Buddhist structure Stupa , the crowning umbrella is called a. chattri b. torana c. dagobad. gopuram a. chattri 39. The Amygdaloidal trap formation of living rocks in Buddhist architecture is called ; a. watb. rathc. lathd. stambha b. rath40. The monastery designed w/ courts or shrines w/ a central square space surrounded by priests chambers. a. watb. chaityac. viharad. stambhac. vihara41. Art Nouveau in France is known asa. Beaux Artsb. Le Modern Stylec. Stile Libertyd. Modernismo b. Le Modern Style42. It is the considered as the worlds largest religious structure in the worlda. St. Peters Basilica b. Istana Nurul Aman c. Borubudor d. Angkor Watd. Angkor Wat

  • 43. The Ibaloy house for the well-to-do families is called a. sirokb. Kalapawc. Tarakipd. Dema d. Dema44. It is the pd. in French w/c is characterized by pointed arches & geometric traceried wdos .a. Decoratedb.Manneristc.Baroqued. Lancet d. Lancet45. The pattern produced by the lierne is calleda. Sexpartite vaultb. Quadripartite vaultc. Pendant vaultd. stellar vault d. stellar vault46. It is the lavishly ornamented Spanish Baroque style of the early 18th centurycharacterized by a reaction from the correct and frigid formalisma. Modernismob. Moorishc. Arrab sque d. Churrigueresque d. Churrigueresque47. The part of a the Elizabethan mansion which is located in a central position & connecting the various parts of the mansion is thea. Long Galleryb. Great Hallc. Great Corriddor d. Grand Staicaseb. Great HallThat part of the Elizabethan mansion w/c forms a dignified approach to the rooms above is a. vestibuleb. Grand Landingc. Grand Staircase d. Grand Entry c. Grand Staircase49. The Revival and Eclectic Architecture in 19th century Great Britain which is also used for its American counterparta. Victorian Arch b. Carolingian Arch c. Tudor Arch d. Elizabethan Architecture a. Victorian Arch

  • 50. A style of decoration in architecture and applied art developed principally in Belgium and France toward the end of 19thcent. characterized by organic & dynamic forms, w/o traces of historical stylesa. Art Nouveau b. Beaux Artsc. Intl .Architecture d. Colonial Arch a. Art Nouveau 51. Romanesque Revival in the USA was introduced bya. Louis Sullivan b. Henry H. Richardsonc. Frank Lloyd Wright d. Richard Upjohn b. Henry H. Richardson52. The master sculptor of the Parthenon is a. Scopasb. Mnesiclesc. Pheidiasd. Theron c. Pheidias53. The architect of the Erectheion is a. Callicratesb. Mnesiclesc. Therond. Ictinus b. Mnesicles54. The windows of the bahay na bato is the made up ofa. caladob. Ventanillac. capizd. rakuh c. capiz55. Found in the ground floor of the bahay na bato, it is where the carriages and saints floats or andas are usually kepta. patiob. Entresueloc. Garahed. zaguan d. zaguan56. The central open spaced use as sleeping area for overnight guests in the Tboli housea. comunb. Lowac. Bilikd. hanglad b. Lowa57. The bedroom in the domus is called a. Dormitoriob. Cubiculac. Thalamusd. alcoba b. Cubicula

  • 58. The bedroom in the megaron is called a. Thalamusb. Cuartoc. Cubiculad. harem a. Thalamus59. A memorial monument to persons buried elsewhere is called a. Podium b. Nymphaeumc. Cenotaphsd. rostral column c. Cenotaphs60. The central aisle of the church is calleda. Choir loft b. Navec. Bemad. ambo b. Nave61. The prayer tower from the saracenic architecture ;a. Ambo b. minaret c. Baldachino d. carpet b. minaret 62. A projecting block or spur of stone carved with foliage to decorate the rakinglines formed by angles of spires and canopies is thea. Boss b. Crocketc. Pendantd. pinnacle b. Crocket63. The upper portion of a pinnacle, bench-end, or other architectural feature is thea. Crocket b. Pinnaclec. Finiald. turret c. Finial64. The church which is half- Renaissance and known at present S. Maria del Fiore isa. Pantheon, Romeb. Florence Cathc. S. Andrea, Mantua d. Superga, Turin b. Florence Cath65. Renaissance means a. Architecture of the curve line b. Classic Re-birth c. Departure from the classic lines d. Roman like art b. Classic Re-birth

  • 66. The principal floor of the Italian palazzoa. Entresolb. Piano nobilec. Oeil-de-boeufd. sgrafitto b. Piano nobile67. The internal court, surrounded by an arcade, in an Italian palacea. Cortileb. Patioc. Atriumd. hypaethral courta. Cortile68. Art Nouveau in Austria is known asa. Federal Styleb. Sezessionec. Utilitarianismd. monumentalismb. Sezessione69.In a Muslim mosque, it is the large open courta. sahnb. dikkac. mihrabd. Muezzin a. sahn70. Characteristic wall ornament of the Egyptians a. hieroglyphics b. beads and reels c. polychrome brickwork d. papyrus leaves a. hieroglyphics71. This is a Chinese gateway made of stone and wooda. kalasab. vimanac. pai-loud. mandap c. pai-lou72. This is a Japanese gateway usually with three openingsa. toriib. bogyoc. toranad. gopuram a. torii73. This is the gateway to a stupaa. cha-sit-sub. shojic. toranad. kibleh c. torana

  • 74. The early Japanese system of construction is calleda. toriib. cha-sit-suc. gusshod. kimono c. gussho75. The Chinese pagoda is calleda. yuanb. obic. pai-loud. taisd. tais76. The Japanese pyramidal roof is calleda. hogyob. shichuc. kirizumad. myojina. hogyo77. The Japanese teahouse is calleda. cha-sit-sub. irimoyac. yosemuned. moshi a. cha-sit-su78. The emperor who built the Great Walls of China isa. Yamashitab. Mitsubishic. Chao Ju Kuad. Shi Huang Ti d. Shi Huang Ti79. The cistern in the bahay na bato is known asa. azoteab. aljibec. dormitoriod. caida b. aljibe80. The overhanging 2nd floor of the bahay na bato is thea. alcobab. balconc. azotead. volada d. volada 81. A detached structure from the bahay kubo where palay is kept is thea. finaryonb. kamaligc. faligd. dema b. Kamalig

  • 82. The low table found in the bulwagan is calleda. dulangb. Aljibec. Walayd. Bilika. dulang83. The cooking area in the bahay kubo is thea. dapoganb. Gilirc. Cocinad. tapayan b. Gilir84. In the bahay kubo, the private sleeping room is calleda. cuartob. Bangahanc. Silidd. Tampipi c. Silid85. The kitchen or cooking area called paglutuan in the dialect is also known asa. Gilirb. Dapoganc. Banggerad. batalana. Gilir86. Architect of Chrysler Building a. Erich Mendelsohnb. Le Corbusierc. Van Alend. Mies van der Rohe c. Van Alen87. Architect of Taipei 101 a. SOMb. Cesar Pelli c. C.Y. Leed. Robert Ong c. C.Y. Lee88. Architect of Brasilian Congressa. Le Corbusierb. Oscar Niemeyerc. Mies Van Der Rohe d. Alvar Aaltob. Oscar Niemeyer89. Architect of RCBC Bank or Yuchengco Bldg., Makatia. Recio Casas & Partnersb. W.Cosculuela & Ass. c. G. Formoso d. Philip Recto b. W.Cosculuela & Ass.

  • 90. Architect of Metropolitan Center , Manilaa. Juan Nakpilb. Juan Arellano c. Pablo Antonio d. Fernando Ocampo b. Juan Arellano 91. Architect of Mall of Asia :a. Del Rosario & Partnersb. Robert Ongc. Rogelio Villarozad. SOM b. Robert Ong92. Architect of Jai Alai , Manila a. Juan Nakpil b. Juan Arellano c. Pablo Antonio d. Fernando Ocampo a. Juan Nakpil93. Architect of Philippine Heart Center ,Q.C. a. Juan Arellano b. Jorge Ramos c. Pablo Antonio d. Fernando Ocampo b. Jorge Ramos94. Architect of Rizal Park , or Luneta Park :a. Ildefonso Santosb. Pablo Antonioc. Juan Andres de Lunad. Juan Nakpil a. Ildefonso Santos95. Architect of PBCOM , Makati SOM with Filipino counterparta. G. Formoso & Partners b. W. Cosculuella & Asso. c. R. Villarozad.. Recio +Casas a. G. Formoso & Partners

  • 96. Architect of Central Bank of the Philippines;a. G. Formoso & Partnersb. W. Cosculuella & Asso. c.R. Villarozad.. Recio +Casas a. G. Formoso & Partners97. Architect of Manila City Hall ;a. Juan Nakpilb. Antonio Toledo c. Pablo Antonio d. Fernando Ocampo b. Antonio Toledo 98. Architect of Meralco Center Ortigas;a. J. M. Zaragosa Araneta b. Antonio Toledo c. Pablo Antonio d. Fernando Ocampo a. Jose Maria Zaragosa Araneta99. Architect of NBI Natl. Bureau of Investigation , Taft Ave.a. Otillo Arellano b. Antonio Toledo c. Pablo Antonio d. Fernando Ocampoa. Otillo Arellano100.Architect of Post Office Bldg.a. Otillo Arellanob. Antonio Toledo c. Pablo Antonio d. Juan de Guzman Arellano d. Juan de Guzman Arellano PRAYER IS THE POWER THAT PULLS EVERYTHING TOGETHER SUCCESSFULLY!! God Bless !!

  • Destiny is not a matter of chance ;Its a matter of choice ;Its not a thing to be waited for ;Its a thing to be achieved !

  • Im , a great believer in luck ,And I find the harder I workThe more I have of it !!Thomas Jefferson

  • Whenever I hear, It cant be done I know Im very close to success . Arkijam 2010

  • Ability is what youre capable of doing Motivation determines what you do Attitude determines how well you do it !!

    Arkijam 2010

  • Congratulations !!!!God Bless you all !
